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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  July 31, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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sanya, where are you now? in the diamond, this was still missing, what is it? fire alarm, current, can tell you what, it takes a long time to explain, just get out of there, go outside, you hear, i’m already on my way, san, i’m already on my way, where are you going, pasha, i don’t hear, here it’s just a fool still yelling.
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what are you doing, idiot, it looks like this is pashkin’s brother, he’s from the cops, let’s go, quickly!
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sanya, sanya, sanya, sanya. ay, don’t yell in my ear, i’m without you, now, come on, now yell, now, now, sanya, now, now, soon we’ll be in the hospital, now, sanya, sanya, sanya, hold on, i’ll take you in my hand, just hold on, now we’ll fix you, now we ’ll fix you, sanya. ask me, sasha, ask me,
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it’s me, i’m in everything, we’re people, i’m just confused, sasha, i, i’m lost, olegky worked for german, then he started blackmailing me so that i, no matter, i’ll owe you everything at once to say, simply, i just didn’t want you to see once again how crap your little brother is, and i’m sanya, i’m just a cosmic idiot, well, if you want, arrest me, sanya, if you want, arrest me, but i’ll arrest you please, sasha, don’t die, sasha, how many were there, i will find them, i said, i will find them. i understand, listen, i’m
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tanyush, but i hope you understand everything, uh, come on, get ready. we’ll think about the reporting documentation, what your next topic of work will be, just please, let’s do something, well, traditional, yeah, just don’t reassure me, i’m a big girl, i arranged all this myself, it’s up to me to sort it out. i
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think you only made one mistake. yes, i went to clinical psychiatry. my mother told me: “go become an economist.” yes, well, stop it. you know perfectly well that i don’t... this is what this guy of yours is talking about, well, you shouldn’t have allowed him into the test group, he himself is unstable, and he has nothing to do with it, it’s only me who is to blame, i was chasing a beautiful fantasy, i’m ivan arnoldovich i warned you, you said, everything is so, only if you listened to us, then you would be worthless as a clinical psychologist. “do you know what to say, when? well, let’s assume that i’m blushing now, oh, look, i ran away from school again, just don’t scold him now, but i don’t have the strength for that anymore, bosha, bosha,
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bosha, bosha, god, there’s a big game on the air, i don’t know where to start, in tahran, apparently israel, but israel hasn’t admitted it yet, they killed the leader of hamas, and what’s more.
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responsible comrades propose to use armed forces, which could consist of residents of civilian countries , send them to ukraine, in this case we are talking about the czech republic, and one of the leaders of another country, poland, foreign minister sekorski, a convinced democrat and humanist, proposes to catch them. ..
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who deals with, gives recommendations on strategic planning, here is one of the leaders of this commission, eric edelman, he was the first deputy secretary of defense in the bush administration, he is such an honest, straightforward person, one might say, a convinced neoconservative, if he were not a jew, one could say a real orc, he simply modestly said that he was not satisfied with it. the current american strategy and the current state of the american armed forces, we must also admit that there are enemies around, most importantly china and russia, and we need to reconsider the american military strategy, which
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previously assumed that the united states was capable of fighting one big war, and the rest would be dealt with by an ally, no, now says. states that could simultaneously deal with china, with russia, and with anyone who decided to join them, but this in practice means that he wants to have a military force that will give the united states decisive military superiority over the rest of the world, well that's what i want. ask senator andrei klimov, so i gave some a scattered summary of events, and maybe it is not so typical and representative, and if it is representative, then in general we have
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difficult months ahead, and maybe years, the situation is really getting confused, in some regions it is very seriously confused, there are a lot of players . there are even more adventurers, including among these players, which is terrible, in this regard, this is the line that our country has chosen.
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this is the socio-political movement for the freedom of the nation about which i am already talking to you here told us, which we established in february in moscow, it is now becoming the subject of consideration by very serious, these thought factories in great britain and the united states of america, they are already beginning to take this seriously, so people who, apparently, do not know the situation in the world very well, they are so delusional.
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says this with her co-chair, former congresswoman
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jane herman, she headed for many years, you probably know, the wilson center, the wilson international center, that's when they start talking about this, well, i'm not afraid to say, a serious revision of american strategy, this also presupposes a further, probably large, increase in military spending, i mean that. i have to take it seriously, i don’t know about you, dmitry drozdenko, an outstanding military expert, so you look at the situation in ukraine, for sure, we have a lot of good news in terms of the advancement of russian troops in terms of squeezing out the ukrainian armed forces. now, let's listen to what romanenko, a famous ukrainian military leader, a former military leader, says. actually the task in a strategic defense operation, the first thing is to stop the enemy’s advance,
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which he has been carrying out since the end of last year, at the moment we are not succeeding, if we look at it cumulatively since the end of last year, then at a minimum this is already a loss at the operational level, if it continues like this , then they can reach strategic positions, but i want to be happy. but on the other hand , i understand that american and other nato supplies of weapons continue ; these famous f-16s should arrive to ukraine, like the united states agreed to arm them with modern american weapons, missiles and so on. what is your assessment of the situation at the front in ukraine? well, let's go from the opposite, weapons.
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air defense, that is, which, in principle, will fight them. yes, this weapon is serious, but we are not playing beryulki either. as for the situation on the front line, you see, it is possible, well, in general the war, which shows, it can be bombed. everything is in the trash, but then the ruins start shooting, so only mother infantry. in this situation, what is happening on the front line, our infantry, our motorized infantry, paratroopers, marines, everyone who is on the front line, they now already have a fairly high level of training, that is, those mobilized who
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came there after partial mobilization, they have already become professional soldiers who have already gone on leave and... come back, that is, this is a highly professional, trained, motivated army, but the same cannot be said about the enemy, especially taking into account this forced mobilization and the complete lack of training, because what is a soldier, a soldier is not a person plus a machine gun plus deception, a soldier is hard work, as it was under suvorov, that is, you have to study, you have to be able to fight, not everyone has this , true, but most of the units that are located... in certain ukrainian directions are no longer there, that is, that is why we are moving forward, plus to this i would also add an interesting point, our efficiency has greatly increased the work of our rarefaction-strike circuit, that is, reconnaissance works well, drones work well, we are already clearly and quickly, most importantly, quickly hitting identified
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targets, so the enemy suffers losses in personnel, equipment, foreign instructors, and suffers quite a lot greater depth, and this makes it difficult for him to operate his troops, supply them, obtain information, that is, roughly speaking, they simply fight worse. today is an interesting anniversary, which in russia is somehow not celebrated, much less celebrated. 60 years - from the moment like the incident in tankin bay, remember between.
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a few hours later he addressed the american nation and said that america was under threat, that it was possible to lose all positions in southeast asia and because of the domino theory even more widely, they urgently needed to do something, then it turned out that there were
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supposedly two attacks, the first was a small one from north vietnam, three torpedo boats. only the american terrorist was in the territorial waters of vietnam and we can only say, of course, that he did not provoke anyone, but he only supported sabotage groups of south vietnam that landed on the territory of north vietnam, this may of course not be a provocation, because their cause was just, but predictable, it was in hanoi.
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worried the united states while they were killing large numbers of vietnamese, in this case the south vietnamese, 25,000 of them .
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escalation in conditions of low sensitivity of the west to the signals sent to it. attempts to convey the seriousness of the situation are either brushed aside or interpreted as a manifestation of russian aggressiveness. in the face of such indoctrination there is a danger of slipping into a similar exaltation, trying to force the enemy to abandon his adventurous line with even more risky demonstrations of determination. you are familiar with these words, it is from your article. and as it were. it seemed that the conclusion was obvious, but if you don’t turn the other cheek, it is required, but at least not to succumb to provocations and not get into trouble, but then your article
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says something else, let’s listen, the thesis continues to be heard that nato and its member states do not want direct military clashes, these assurances do not eliminate two types of dangers: firstly, counting on the reliability of nuclear deterrence, the west may play too much, commit... such a provocation that will put moscow in front of the need to defend its vital interests by all available means. secondly, the established trend of increasing adventurism paves the way for a further shift in the boundaries of what is acceptable to the united states and its allies. the logic of confrontation works to increasingly raise the stakes. here's what to do, igor, on the one hand, on the other hand on the other hand, both those and other considerations that you brought.
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moved, its geography did not expand, it is important for us that the armed conflict is not
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important for us, that as little as possible, of course, the west provides support to kiev, but in general we see that the dynamics are positive, another thing is that it really is... . russian advance, as the west fails to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, there is a tendency to increase rates, we see this in the context of deliveries, the f-16s have already been mentioned. various other weapons are mentioned, which are increasingly being supplied, but military activity is also growing, nato itself is expanding on the russian borders, and such things are appearing. a statement, as you said at the beginning, that the united states must prepare to defeat any adversary in any composition.
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in general, a demonstration of the readiness and potential of russian nuclear forces. another, another element of this deterrence is expressed, it does not necessarily and not only have to be nuclear in nature, but it consists in demonstrating the fact that, along with russia, a number of other states are also ready to participate in containing the west, containing them.
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some direct military actions that could convincingly attract the attention of nato countries, because the teaching, you know, is better than me, you talked about this in your article, warnings, reaction in the collective
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west to this.
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when you don’t really want to inflict, are not ready for a serious battle, then such attempts to scare only lead to the bitterness of the opposite side, so we need to proceed from the fact that the confrontation with the west is systemic and long-term; we need endurance within the framework of this confrontation. sergey lavrov in his wonderful interview. big game,
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some time ago he answered me like this: dmitry, my hands are itching, but he clearly made it clear that when my hands are itching at the state level, well, somehow you need to be able to control yourself. what do you think, senator? and you know, i would like to start from the date that you reminded us of recently, 1964, indeed, 60 years ago, a provocation. then escalation, then first coffins to the united states of america, here the then soviet leadership presented a peace program to the next congress of the cpsu. well, the peace program, if you carefully read and compare it with how it was implemented, i can tell you that it was even overfulfilled, because the helsinki agreements were eventually concluded, the americans actually surrendered during the vietnam
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war. why did this happen? the soviet union did not expand, so to speak, the theater of military operations in southeast asia, this did not happen, but the soviet union started such a struggle for peace, and you remember well how it all happened. this is a struggle for peace, national liberation movements that suddenly became more active all over the world, which means that we also carried out certain events there in 1973, a worldwide trace of peace supporters in moscow, so to speak, a lot of things were done, as a result of this very subtle diplomacy , which was organized, among other things , by the international department of the ccps, it turned out that the united states of america will not join, it hurts everywhere, then, in general, there was an agreement:
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what they want from us, if we are talking about nuclear escalation, then yes, there are dangerous moments here, in principle, even the use of tactical nuclear weapons, it generally does not make sense as such, it makes sense to use strategic weapons, because ukraine is a consumable item for the united states, europe is acceptable damage, the only point that america cares about is america itself, therefore creating strategic dangers for america itself, this will allow us to play out exactly - well, this...
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on the other hand, restraint in this situation is very important, why? well, if we look at the conflict between argentina and britain, britain was a nuclear power and remains. argentina was not and is not. nevertheless, argentina occupied the islands and entered the war with britain. that is, a nuclear shield is not yet an absolute weapon, that is, this also needs to be understood. therefore, our leadership is now sufficiently, i think, to delicately balance precisely on this line. yes, my hands are itching, but right now this local conflict must be resolved. conventional weapons on this battlefield, on this battlefield, on this battlefield, you mean in ukraine, yes, without taking it beyond the rest of the borders, because then, well, in those times when you are all
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the time you tell me, then it seems to me that the leaders in the west were completely different, that is, with reason, now i honestly don’t observe this, i observe constant populism, including the united states, even in trump, which i somehow... a pure populist, it’s dangerous with them, it’s very dangerous, because they don’t see boundaries, they don’t remember what happened, they have no fear, how to get this fear back, well, this is probably a question for diplomats and the military, i’m very careful to the idea of ​​using the threat of strategic strikes because i think you absolutely.
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strikes on what is not their territory, by the way, i’m not sure that this kind of strikes would not make an impression on the european countries of nato, they are, of course, satellites, satellites, but, if something happens they can scream karau very loudly, i was thinking of the respected leaders of the state called the czech republic, when i said, respect... i naturally meant this in quotes, that there is no respect on my part for them, but here is the idea that they they can safely create units on their territory
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that will be sent to fight in ukraine, and that nothing bad will happen to them in this regard, well, somehow, well , it seems to me that something is wrong here. i don't want to exaggerate russia's capabilities, i i mean to act safely, reasonably safely, something like that. all my intuition and all my analysis are against this, when i hear a statement from poland that they will now bring another batch of american tanks, which will be there in warehouses in case of a military confrontation, in order to immediately arm the visiting american units, when i see myself led by the balts, well, in general, well, excuse me, impudent bugs. but such states, they
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have the right to their independence, they have the right to their feelings, dignity, and i can’t i don’t propose to question either one or the other under normal circumstances, but after all, usually small states bordering on a large state, but somehow they didn’t get into trouble, but these same... believe that everything will get away with them out of hand, so i have a question: are there any things that russia can apply that would not reach the level of, well, an apocalypse, if you like, but that would be quite obvious to another country, i specifically choose the word obvious .
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how many times have i told you, find a normal one work, i noticed that your psychos know how
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to think, i want to use it, we are looking for a needle, but we don’t notice it at all, we are talking about a tragedy, how can you not understand it, i discovered your talent, i will close it, you will be with me again delivering pizza, will you, what do you want us to do all the work here for you, it’s time to develop, pasha, approach things more carefully, i’m in germany, let’s go back to the wards, it’s a pity, it’s very difficult to leave. time is glass, detective syndrome, tomorrow after the program time, a big game is on air, one drawback of age - this is that you have age. one advantage of age: if your
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memory has not failed you, that you can know to remember some things that are important for comparison, i remember well, the eighty-second year, lebanon, the palestine liberation organization, which periodically carried out attacks on the territory of israel, or so that israel would remain... in debt and was decided by the israeli leadership, the government of minachimegen, whom many had previously considered a terrorist, including the british, who had a sad experience, they decided to allow the advance of the israeli armed forces across the border to the liteni river, which is about 40 km, in general from...
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snyaron, sharon is ordered not to attack beirut under any circumstances, to allow it to evacuate.
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didn't behave in the most rational way when he decided to send the marines there, but he did send them to ensure the safe evacuation of the palestinians, and he conveyed in very strong terms to beginova that if anything happened to this
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evacuation, and if they some blows on beirut, then he, ronald dragon. senator i’m telling you everything, besides, what israel is doing, i don’t even want to describe it, because it’s all known, and the biden administration is completely covering it up, kamala haris, who is now
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the undisputed leader of the democratic party candidate for the presidency, that’s what she says according to about israeli...
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progress and civilization, you know, i would pay attention to the fact that austin said this in the philippines, where there are now very serious american efforts to turn the philippines into some semblance of ukraine, that is, this is actually an ongoing game, a big chess game, and what is happening in israel is, on the one hand , part of this big chess game, on the other hand, this is still an israeli showdown, let’s not forget this, and they they are so very serious and not everyone there is delighted with what... is happening, well, plus what has been said here more than once today, there is a degradation of the western elites, and people who are able to assess the whole picture of the disaster are at the highest level or absent or almost are absent, this also actually causes not just concern there, it
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will be a very unpleasant feeling, but we have no other picture of the world, so in these circumstances it is important for us to work and act. and it seems to me that the hour is not far when people are really frightened by the situation, and there are such in the united states of america, in western europe, they can begin to look for ways, in addition to these smiling people, to enter into negotiation processes, i don’t want to tell everything , that i know, but we hear such people, and it’s not a fact that they are people absolutely.
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there will be no response to israel from iran . well, i think that there will be such a powerful response, even if there are some actions,
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they will again be controlled, as after the attack on the iranian representative office. what is the reason, well, first of all, israel, yes, it is a high-tech army, it is a strong army, the strongest army in this region, it is a carrier of, in general, unofficial nuclear weapons, but the israeli economy is generally weak, now that... such a large number were conscripted into the army - this is a huge number of lost jobs, this is a huge expense, and given the war here and there, israel will not be able to pull it off, because if we remember the past conflict with hezbollah, then israel’s economy suffered very seriously, so israel is unlikely to be able to pull this off on its own, on the other hand, this latest terrorist attack, while, let’s say, it’s still unclear who committed it, it’s...
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now the system gives out, as they themselves write and report to their military, up to 100 targets a day, and it’s registered even approximately damage, if we say one militant, 15 civilians, nothing,
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this is normal, and this, by the way, is one of the indicators of the negative use of military intelligence, the israeli air defense system, it looks very effective, is it so effective that in general, from a practical point of view, israel there's nothing to be afraid of. well, first of all , there are absolutely ideal air defense systems, nothing ideal exists in the world, well, i specifically said, i understand that, unfortunately, for the israelis, someone somewhere can be killed, but they can avoid widespread losses? no, they cannot avoid it, because firstly, even the advantage is that israel is a fairly compact territory that can be closed by the modern system, but at the same time this is a disadvantage, because most of the targets are again crowded into a compact territory,...
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where they reached, they did not reach, but the central thing is that they did not cause damage, no, it was already, let’s say, a diplomatic game, i think it has nothing to do with the war, so if iran wanted to do it. really serious damage to israel, then all this would not have happened, as they say, too openly, the blow would have been unexpected, massive, it would have been unlikely to have been repelled, one can assume that israel is playing with fire, that’s for sure.
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i know much less than you about the military balance of power in this area, but i know a little history, and i completely condemn the outrages that hamas committed by attacking israel on october 7, but there is still a background to this that does not justify, but explains over the years palestinians in israel were subjected to, well... monstrous treatment, humiliating, from my point of view, well, it was inevitable that at some stage this spring would unwind, absolutely it is, because well, from the point of view of the palestinians, they are fighting with occupier, from the point of view of israel, they, as they believe, are reconquering the historical land, although historically it was also the people who came there,
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but the fact that israel is in a dangerous situation is, as i repeat, an economic situation, because... with such a long game, in a big war, iran is in much more, if we compare only this part, a much more, let’s say, stable position, even taking into account the fact that the americans will help there, rather than israel itself, he needs a fairly quickly resolved victory, but he didn’t succeed, that’s where leads the way forward, i actually have a lot of questions here, we’re leaving for advertising, we’ll be back in just a few minutes and we’ll talk about it.
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sunday on the first, just recently, after the assassination attempt on donald trump, after his courageous behavior during this assassination attempt, in contrast to the frail and not completely within himself president biden, well, in general it seemed:
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to consult with his possible donors, there would probably be some kind of competition, which would be destructive for the democrats, trump would travel around the country and gave an incendiary speech, and the democrats would have fought each other. well, what do real democrats do in a democracy, but they
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forget about democracy.
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first, you cannot win, this is out of the question, moreover, you can drag your entire party with you. their senators, members of the house, representatives, governors, if this happens, you will not only cease to be president, that they may face reprisals, trump has already promised that he will take revenge on those who organized all these investigations, persecutions against his loved one, so they could tell him biden, you are still i must understand, you are setting up a big... your family and your son, on the other hand, we can allow you to remain in power until the end
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of your term, treat you as if there was no problem at all with your intellect, and you, on the contrary, are a hero who for the sake of party, you are sacrificing your political future for the sake of the country, well, is this what you should do? moreover, no, they actually appointed kamala haris as successor, within 24 hours, at the end of july, when
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most people in politics are on vacation, congress is not working, they managed to gather the approval of more than half of the congress delegates and 100 million dollars, well that's how the dynamics changed.
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stable driving factor, although polls show the party's core voters have rallied behind haris' candidacy. fight in the race is still closely fought, reflecting the politics of a deeply divided nation. she will have to navigate one of the most unpredictable political situations in recent memory. not since the days of black-and-white television have two candidates competed in a battle for the white house that is measured in weeks rather than the traditional year. shortened terms will either strengthen kharis's position and help her win, or... igor, what do you think? you know, americans have a national sport, basketball, and basketball is a game of four.


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