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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 1, 2024 2:20am-3:01am MSK

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given to nowhere, why? because such musicians cared about the whole world about sound balance, about timbre, about, above all, technique, but the only thing is that they did not ask themselves the only question: why? to satisfy what needs, under what circumstances, we, the listeners, will insert this record into the drive, and since we were not in sight of such musicians, they are completely indifferent to us, please tell me, are you now on the verge of releasing a record to satisfy what needs, under what circumstances do you do you think the listener will listen to your music? difficult question, at the moment the market is developing, it seems to me that the underground, we consider ourselves fighters for the underground, what is your usp, unique selling proposition? i don’t think we have found our identity yet, we are searching, of course, we are not ready yet, i think so.
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such a choice, if there is one on our market, it’s just wonderful, it’s a special mood, it’s special, what a mood from the cartel fpm group, you expect, each song has its own vibe, it has its own immersion, vibration, yes, your mood, sadness, for example, in here i am, it is more lyrical, it is romantic, and i am sure that many people will like it, this song is more driving, more rooted, or something, it will resonate with many people who, for example, does not allow himself
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to express himself in some way, but he listens and starts moving, that is, music is just a vibe, it’s a vibration that makes a person move, we mostly listen to it in traffic jams , here he will sit, he will sit and move, yes, yes, yes, yes, the film is the perfect music for traffic jams, there is a phrase from one of the characters in the film sean, where sean pen plays, called sweet gadkilen filmed, where he says that music is for everyone... what is it? the plan says: so we are the only music that cannot be visited, like the beatles, except of course, glass onions and helter-skelter, everything can be visited, you can’t be visited, guys, well , by the way, lzplin has its own destiny, let, let everyone decide for themselves, why would he listen to her, she can literally... any part
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to highlight life, any music in general and ours too, it seems to me that this is your stuffed horse, why? and this is our, so to speak, talisman, and you don’t put it on your head, of course, this, this is great, gentlemen, it will blossom the next composition, which is called that, plush horse, the working title is, roots, oh, it will be on that record , which i am now convinced our audience is waiting for, it will be on this record, since... well, let's, then, now we are listening to another composition from the new album.
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now there is any guarantee, oh my, time keeps on flying away, that's all right, if you were worried by where iself.
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wal up i went to it my h baby don't worry i know that you got so there's nowhere to go tonight i really don't want to socialize i need to peel people skills get it thrown aside they say i'm so depried i say hope the opposite of matters over mine wanted to hold the mic but my interface died so i can't focus right so at the moment i'm opening my own demise on the right pup i'll long be lost to the songs you got ch of course me it's not the scene but from what i see i can't help the feel quarantine i know i probably want to still got a dream but now everybody flickers in the bad lies back when we were still interested in land lines i used to see my cousins ​​every christmas till my grand die lost faith from the incle and the mankind now
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we all victims of lance like don't means baby, don't worry, you know that you got me, if you are worriing by who i saw i went to with my h baby, don't worry,
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no, this, nothing hurts as much as the stolen heart, when you're not that smart, you like down that god, yeah with this being. can't allow it anymore, don't think don't go one, cut the bullshit out, you know what i want, can stand the thought that you might be gone,
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can stand the thought and you might be gone, wish it was more easy for us, wish it was. more easy for us, wish it was more easy for us, for us, for us, for us, don't think, don't think, don't think, don't think, don't go, don't go, don't go, don't go, can't stand, can't stand, that's all. on that thought that you might be, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go, yeah,
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time keeps all away again, i don't have behind me, i will f, well, ladies and gentlemen, this is what
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the meeting on the midnight st. petersburg express leads to. tell me, somewhere besides the dining car of the st. petersburg express? we can hear the group “cartel fpm”, well, it is represented on all platforms, if you type it in, it will immediately appear, yes, yes, cartel fpm, dear friends, then we should try to track it down. the public appearance of this brilliant team of the fpm cartel, we must, of course, find the scattered compositions that are hidden in all sorts of all sorts of network resources, and of course, wish these brilliant musicians to continue to delight us with their exceptional musical qualifications, this was the fpm cartel group. thank you for your attention, see you again.
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by the way, i recently found out that there is a traveler’s stone, oh well, yes, i recently entered into some kind of stupor, i had a fear of flying, a friend told me that you need to buy a traveler’s stone and you won’t be afraid, i’m so i listened so much about it that i forgot about my aerophobia, i read so much that and as if i had... already i bought it and it’s like i already have it in my tour backpack, somehow it tuned me in. hello everyone, this is a podcast from lymshity and i’m tatyana gevarkyan. diamonds are a girl's best friend, or so marilyn monroe sang in 1953. how has the attitude towards jewelry changed in our time? today our guest is singer olga seryabkina and jewelry stylist. just completely practically,
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well, by the way, i’m not on purpose, how important this is for you, well, taking into account the fact that i’m also an artist, not just a person who can, can ignore this topic, yes, well , now, for example, i really like the minimal thing, such a light touch with jewelry, but almost all the jewelry left my wardrobe, went to my girlfriends, to my friends, even... to my friends’ children , i practically don’t use it, so i like a minimum of jewelry, although i’m the one who just put on all of myself, i don’t know, i had, well, almost like african women, i understand perfectly what you ’re talking about, i had a story, i hosted one big concert with my friend, who well-known enough to the tv personality. but she’s cool, a very good professional presenter, we don’t have neighboring dressing rooms, and
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at that time i basically adhered to minimalism, that is, i have some kind of evening dress and some minimal jewelry, she comes into my dressing room and says : well , how are you ? from stones. elbow-length bracelets, rings, and we are next to her we’re standing there, looking in the mirror, i say, well , it’s clear, we’re like princesses and a maid, now we’ll go on stage, she looks like that, she says, listen, i’m missing something, i say, i mean, you’re missing something, she she says, well, yes, so she reaches for her cosmetic bag, rummages through the jewelry, puts on a tiara and says: now, now everything is in order, and she really felt organic in this. so i’m wondering how to choose the right jewelry wardrobe for
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yourself, where are these boundaries today? day in twenty-four? it seems to me that the main thing is for a person to feel comfortable, because i’m like olga, too, there are such days, i get up, i have only one wedding band, and i put on at most a couple of small earrings, and i feel so good, calm, and i i’m just comfortable, but there is a day like this, i can be nervous, i can go somewhere, this is also a kind of some kind of protection, well, it seems so to me. tell us about your maximum, oh, well, this is the maximum body kit you have, well, this is multi-layering in the neck, this from the choker i get jewelry like this, i have a talisman of jewelry, these are definitely some things that are never taken off, and you hide the talisman under your clothes, no, it just fell on me, here is the number 11-11, it’s just that i often saw 11:11 on the clock and - i accidentally came across this pendant and i took it, and now i don’t take it off, that is, there are some talismans that i always wear this pendant with a couple of rings. in the ears and one here, but sometimes, for example, today i was a little worried, and i need, for example,
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obsidian, this is my favorite stone, i rub it a little like this when i’m worried, that is, i need it today, well, damn it, i need to wear this, for example, so it turns out that that’s it, that’s it and it turns out that there are also a lot of stones, a stone of love, a stone against, when, for example, a person wishes you some kind of anger or slander at you, if, for example, you put on a black stone, an agate bead, then that’s it that a person says bad things, everything comes back to him, this, by the way, i heard a lot of stories from my friends
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about rose quartz, that it brings love and reveals femininity. this really has something to do with this, i’m not asking if this is so, but i, i have one story with rose quartz, one friend just told me that i saw her bracelet made of rose quartz, she says: this is a stone of love, i really want to find my love, i listened to something like that, and then i think, damn, something’s not going well for me, and i was in china town in the passage, there was a bench where a woman was selling stones, i bought this one bracelet and just wore it, wore it, and as they explained to me, you need to put it on the bedside table at night so that it is charged with energy and then put it on again, that is, the stone should rest, i wore it and... then somehow i look and it became white, transparent, that is, it was just like pink, became transparent, i started googling and they told me that he gave you strength, gave you energy, and after some time i meet a person with whom i am still together to this day , what an amazing story, perhaps, well, it seems to me that it’s connected after all, i would like i wanted to believe, it makes sense to believe in good things, but it seems to me that you shouldn’t believe in some bad omens, that is, for example,
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if you believe in a black cat, then well, it’s also a cat. the same cat, just a different color, yes, well, i, for example, you always know, sometimes you’re driving on the road, when a black cat crosses the road, all the drivers stop, there’s a cluster, a traffic jam, because no one wants to pass first, i’m always the person who offends everyone, i think, well, what the hell idiots, and i always drive by and everything is fine, i have nothing on this day, nothing bad happens the next day, is it important to believe in this or does it work autonomously with that... a feeling of trust in this stone or why are you wearing it, if you is there a purpose for this? well, i wasn’t skeptical, i didn’t put it on because well, at least something would help me, no, i just thought, if this is so, it would be cool, i’ll put it on, it seems to me that they work on their own, because well , when i was in vladikavkaz, there was a big mountain there, which you touch and you receive some kind of energy, every third person comes up, and a man stood with me, and he says:
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look at this mountain, it has been here for millions of years and will be for millions of years, can you imagine what strength and energy it has? touched and left, it turns out, yes, the stones themselves work, your influence on me is reflected on olya, now it’s interesting, he protects everyone who is in mine and i feel very comfortable, by the way, i’m generally quite sensitive to the energy that comes from kavolba, i very often a, well, for example, i start with an impression of a person, we haven’t even had time to start a conversation with someone, but i understand, well, how the energy message is, in principle, the result of the meeting is predetermined as if before you started talking, well, i’m comfortable , cool, in general i think it’s very, and i’m very interested in chatting to find out in general, maybe i need to change my mind, because i really also have an engagement ring, my favorite studs, which are just super comfortable, and that’s all for today, but tell me about your
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stage jewelry wardrobe, does it have its own specifics, is it necessary that nothing clings to clothes? it’s true, it’s true, for example, i really love earrings, and before i couldn’t live without big rings, like you, for example, have very bright earrings, but because iliana brought them to me today, she picked them out, thank you, super, thank you, but since i wear special ears, when you put them on, it’s very inconvenient for others in general, anything else, practically accessories for the ears. impossible, but it’s inconvenient for me, yeah, but for the stage basically everything, at one time i wore grills, i didn’t exist without them at all, what is a grill, well, like jewelry for my teeth, that is, i had real jewelry with real real diamonds in my teeth, i had several of them, i even though they are removable, yes, this is a removable story, but how do orthodontists feel about this, i did it there, that
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is, conventionally, i made and casts for me from... wait, but gold teeth were the culture of rappers when they they inserted these gold teeth into themselves, apparently i had seen enough of something and wanted to do the same, but i was conditionally there, like a simple frame, for example, very delicate, very feminine, different, and it was very bright when you are into a microphone, for example, singing, and if it’s like we are from such a distance. like you and me, everyone is probably watching, yes, well , this is such a slightly sticky moment, well , in general, this is a bright accessory that, in principle, attracts attention, by the way, this is an easy life hack for those who want... me it seems, well, to attract attention, to make some interesting, gold teeth, for example, it can even be simple some kind of stone, they do the same thing,
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you can do it like this, whoever has a small slit here, i have often seen in american singers, where there is a small slit, just here is a small diamond that is attached to the other side of the jaw, here on all the teeth, and it’s very beautiful, who has gap teeth, well , as one of my friends recently told me with delight about a new guy with... whom she met, he had a tattoo inside his lips, i have one too, wow, yes , there 0.4 04 03 is the date of birth of my best friend who lives in st. petersburg, you have everything in numbers, right, this, this, by the way, i really like numbers, i treat them the same way as i do, how interesting, i try not to get attached to numbers, to dates, to letters and there are no tattoos, in fact, i always really liked tattoos on... on myself, sometimes i have thoughts when i have some idea and i want to get this tattoo, because i think that this too, well this
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some kind of accessory, well, it’s just an accessory that you cannot change, that is, you suddenly you want it, i don’t know this cat there, not here, but here or somewhere else, well , i can tell you right away, they tell me this so often, how you don’t get tired of them, how well, you want what something else, why did you do this, in the future with...
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and in general, of everything, now in general i really like symmetry, i don’t wear the same earrings at all, i get one thing here, another here, but in reality this it was like asymmetry, there was a trend once, but i have completely different earrings, like since now it is very common practice to sell a single earring directly, mono and you can already select it as a designer one, a lot of brands make designer collections, that is , this is a couple of earrings that are attached to them , and the one on your neck, and this is an earring, this is the suspension, it is attached to the suspension. but then you can replace everything, there are special mounts that can be changed from the ear, to the neck, to a belt, to a bag, and it’s very beautiful, what’s it called, blackened silver, blackened
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silver, very beautiful, but what about blackened silver is now coming into fashion, this is one of the parts of dark fashion, that is, basically everything that goes into the dark fashion style, it’s all silver with blackening, it’s specially sprayed on top so that it looks even more aged, so gothic, that’s how it turned out so interesting, what is dark fashion and gothic fashion all of a sudden? penetrated into pop culture and became something so everyday, well, firstly, we believe that dark fashion is jewelry that has no gender, that is, both men and women can wear it, it’s very convenient, universal, that is, this jewelry can be worn by men, yes, well, that’s it, fashionable men take note, you can fit it into a business wardrobe, of course, why not, on a shirt, yes, a bag, on a shirt, you can unbutton it at the back it’s easy to put on... a belt from some kind of skirt, yeah, these are the decorations that are, so to speak, but non-standard, not always generally accepted,
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for example, piercings, they are now in fashion, it seems to me that piercings are out of fashion, out of fashion in general, depending on what current is going on now, what kind of current are you talking about? piercing, i don’t know of some kind, on the tongue, on the pubic area, there’s just a piercing that people accept visually, and there is one that they don’t accept, that is, for some it’s neat, for example, small... no , no piercings, no tattoos, you are the perfect person, i never did, because it seemed to me that it was like a woman’s face, huh...
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but very beautiful and without additional, so to speak, accessories, yes, all this is possible just make cafés, i wore fake ones very often, well, like cafés now, but that’s well i would also wear fake earrings everywhere, ears, and nose, and well, the nose is most likely here in the middle and here on the side, now you don’t wear it, no, it’s still necessary to always keep in mind, i think, how old you are, in what status you are,
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it’s important, well, to move harmoniously from one to another, i’m not saying to limit yourself in anything, but still, as you know, this story is about what it’s like for people who were born in the nineties for more than 30 years, this can’t happen, it’s true, it’s true, well, i don’t know, in general one in a word, if you, of course, feel yourself, you need to do as you feel, but still, but still you have to be. somehow relevant, but do you have any jewelry taboos, something you would never wear? i don’t like everything connected with skulls, some bones, that is, vivien west, this is not yours, but no, why? well , when vivienne west wears very elegant , beautiful corsets or, well, she just has unrealistic shapes and she knows how to create, but i just understand what suits me, what ’s beautiful for me, what’s harmonious for me and what doesn’t suit me
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really like. well, let’s say, if we take some jewelry, in one brand you can find something ideal and something that doesn’t suit you even just in size, by the way, size is also very important in jewelry history, for example, we take a thread , and there i even have, by the way, i have another piece of jewelry that is not visible, just a red thread, the difference in the thickness of the thread has a big impact on how comfortable it is to wear or how well this seems to suit you. .. but i’m better off with thin can you imagine, it moves away from me all the time, i constantly tighten it, it leaves tied, well, yes, it goes well, by the way, with any bracelets, yes , i had one thread that meant very, very much to me, i i tied it mm in bali, and this was also in the store with jewelry on a red thread, there was a character - well, something that meant that at that
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moment... it somehow resonated with me very much and they tied this thread to me, this there was a bracelet that was always with me, that is, it is tied and cannot be removed, like this one, i went with him for several years, and he somehow always fed me with energy, i felt comfortable with him, and once i was at a formula 1 race, and there they put on such bracelets to enter the vip zone or somewhere - well, i didn’t take it off and something like one day or a couple of days later i came to a company somewhere, he told me that you’re wearing this bracelet, i said, yes, you need scissors, scissors i don’t have it at hand, i need to cut it off somehow, i say, let ’s cut it off for you, well, in general , they cut it off for me, as i later realized with this thread, and i didn’t notice at that moment, it was so uncomfortable, some kind of core that was suddenly pulled out of you, well, yuliana said that she has such talismans that she wears, and you have these , you i used to wear it, well, now where is the wedding ring
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? as one thing already happened, i simply could neither sing nor compose, in short, i also became attached to these rings and in at some point, i took them off myself, i realized that they all had to learn to live without them, but no, you know, it seemed to me that they seemed to have done everything for me, that it was as if their time was up, i feel so it came with a ring, which... i also acquired - in such difficult moments for me, so i walked around with it for a very long time, in principle, i set some goals for myself , and it cheered me up, that is, it was hard for me, i also put it on and then at one commanding moment i just felt somehow uncomfortable on my fingers, i started to twirl it like that, twist at some point i say, i ’ll probably sell it, resell it, especially since it’s good to invest in jewelry, that’s okay by the way, i sold it for much more than i bought it and i’m like, you wanted it so much, i say , it gave me everything i needed, and i calmly sold it, but in its place
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i quickly sat down... a ring, what kind of ring is this? this ring is for, oddly enough, this is a ring for divorce, and we often have such a practice that i have heard about this, no, never in my life a divorce, because... there are rings engagement rings, when this process is completed, a divorce ring, only a man gives it to a girl or exchanges these rings, in general you can buy it for yourself, this is my favorite designer, this is a russian brand, kintsugi is a japanese technique, there are cracks in porcelain vases, for sure you know, when a porcelain vase, the cracks are filled with gold to show that the cracks are our scars, this is our experience, this is exactly the brand i have a ring with obsidian, with a stone, which is also called the devil’s koga, i have this ring for divorce. like i gave it to myself, roughly speaking, because this is also an event, and when you get married again, you have to take it off or you can wear it, no, it’s just like an event that i remember, this is my experience that i lived, excellent, i’m grateful for everything, this ring is with me, well , you can’t tell them apart by appearance, but in fact
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they don’t exist as such at all, it’s just the name of a divorce ring, but i think that when you see this ring, you’ll understand what i want now him, because we have very there are many russian and non-russian brands that started this trend and picked up divorce rings, they exist. either colored enamel, gold with diamonds, or it’s just some kind of silver, an interweaving of different threads, with inscriptions with some kind of support with some kind of tonic inscriptions, i have a super discovery now, by the way, this is a ring, it it helps, like being strong or somehow - i don’t know, it supports, gives some kind of energy, it seems to me that it supports, because this is also an event, well, after all, a wedding is a bright white event, why? the divorce was so overshadowed, two people gave each other and went their separate ways, why not remember.
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i asked, what is an ideal gift for you, well, julian, olga has a taboo in jewelry, is there something that you would never wear? and you won’t recommend it to someone, there is nothing that i won’t recommend, everyone has their own style, everyone does as they want, my favorite phrase is appropriate here, fashion is a matter of time, but style is a matter of individuality, so i won’t recommend anything to anyone here, i don’t wear gold, yellow gold, some big brass ones selgi for me, it’s because you think that the color doesn’t suit you, or for some reason it seems to me that yellow metal, gold itself, is exactly yellow, not not not the material of gold, but yellow jewelry is large, they are the size of a drop. i have some kind of bad energy on me, somehow they don’t suit me, if we talk about jewelry, then in the case of dress codes black tie, whate tie, what kind of alloy should you choose, white gold, yellow gold, pink, what kind of stones , rose gold, it is
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very complex in terms of combinations, it is very it’s difficult to choose something, unless it’s some kind of ring with a stone, the stones can be further combined, yellow gold, i don’t know, so for some reason it turned out that i’m generally very categorical, i just don’t like it, i don’t know why - it seems that it... some kind of envy in itself, envy collects in itself, i had the same attitude towards yellow gold, i didn’t have a single thing made of yellow gold, i categorically did not perceive it, i thought , that it doesn’t fit with me in any way, and then, when they appeared these new modern jewelry, which combines both white and yellow gold, well , let’s say, costume jewelry, and i suddenly realized that it just looks cool together, it’s just very difficult to combine.
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so that the decoration has a combination of white by the way, at one time i bought jewelry, gold and yellow, i really liked it, it somehow lifted my spirits, moreover, for some important holidays, my husband always give more. jewelry, i have a lot of them, but this jewelry has always been, yes, most in fact, i had this since childhood, my dad and very often went on business trips to africa , very often brought stones from there, i was brought up in such a way that the best gift for women is jewelry, yes, it is still considered, yes, absolutely, i think , there is no better gift, a small holiday, even a zodiac sign, it seems to me that it’s still nice, i have a brother, and we once gave it to our mother for her birthday, for both of us it starts with the letter o, and we gave the letter o made of diamond white and black together, and well , she always wears it, it was very special a valuable gift for her, well, that is , it seems to me that there is a lot of fantasy here, but how do you feel
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about this modern trend of mixing gold and silver, because it was considered taboo for a long time, now it goes well together, yes, but i mean, you can do it all together in general, i don’t understand who said that this is not possible with this, everything and more is possible. a lot of people start with french designers and end up with russians and japanese, as far as i understand, because white gold contains silver in principle or not, i don’t know, white gold can paint gold and do not add particles that make lemon gold, rose gold, silver, it is also included in gold, that is, these are all considered precious metals, but i am in favor of mixing, because a lot of designers directly produce rings that are already made of gold and silver, but mostly it’s jewelry, and what trends are most relevant this year in 2024, because even costume jewelry in our time is an investment, it costs the same as jewelry used to cost. that's what it's worth, it makes sense to invest, what
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will last the longest, because it happens that you bought some kind of jewelry and don’t wear it afterwards, but there are some things that you suddenly realize that you haven’t taken them off for a whole year, because they fit into any of your looks, this by the way, it’s true, there are some absolutely mediocre purchases, and there is something right through the years with you, yuliana will explain to you and me now, because olya and i, apparently, intuitively buy such things , we accidentally end up, so tell me how to really do such conscious shopping to fit into your wardrobe? to begin with, i always collect a base, that is, what i will always wear is a couple of rings, so that, well, i just have a security ring that is worn on the little finger, it closes everything, it has a panic button for you, which sends a signal. on the remote control, yes to my husband, but it turns out that the last finger covers all the fingers - this is the little finger, and i put a ring on it, that’s it, everything is closed, that is, i’m safe, wait, tell me, please, that is, let’s say, if i have there are not so many accessories, i
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can, of course, put them on here, it will be in any case, what kind of security ring, well, i call it a finger, well, a security ring, that is, i get it, it’s like closing the door, you leave the house, you lock the door , i leave the house, put on the security ring, that’s it, i feel comfortable, i can’t do this with my forgetfulness, i ’ll forget it, i’ll spend the whole day re-skating, we have reminder rings, promise rings, a lot of things , i need it, a reminder ring, by the way, i need it too. but with a knot, we have many russian brands that make a small knot, this is a ring of promises or reminders, it’s like before here we always drew a star with a pen so as not to forget something, you can also, by the way, this is a great option for a gift, for example, a friend or someone there , you know someone well , you are a forgetful person, you know how many olya i will have such rings then, i think that on the next birthday everyone will come to me with such a ring, i don’t have that many fingers, a the main thing is that everyone has different sizes, say, yeah. yes, so that on different fingers, and also in
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the technical specification, write that there must be a diamond there, otherwise i won’t remember anything, indeed, this is generally mandatory, yes, and what other trends like this are right now? the trend is towards silver lace, they make frames like this out of it , seemingly repeating the shape of lace, and earrings are made from this, this long ring is also completely made like lace - some kind of chokers in the form of lace, bracelets, this is now. again is becoming a trend, and bows, butterfly bows, let’s talk about vintage, because vintage takes up such a significant part of my jewelry collection, it ’s vintage jewelry, for some reason they go with everything. vintage is more about individuality, because you will know for sure when you put it on yourself, you will know for sure that you won’t see anything like this on practically anyone, but it’s about uniqueness, about some kind of memory, also about value, just i don't have... vintage in general, i've never been at all sorts of flea markets, but i dream of visiting. i
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like vintage jewelry, for example, there is a great, very amazing brand, this is lady who makes vintage jewelry, that is , she actually takes rock crystal, cuts it out, makes a design inside, fills it with paint and can add a 16th century piece that was removed there from some princess’s tiara, she also makes it on rings, on mala, on such a small piece of rock crystal she carves out portraits of elderly pets. women who come and do it’s all made of diamonds, gold, with different sapphires, so she makes these like sub-vintage, but they just collect everything in italy, they really love collecting there, they love vintage very much, she brought them to russia now, well, that’s very cool, because it turns out that in jewelry you can, you can put a lot more ideas into a piece of jewelry, which will then warm you for a very long time and support some of your ideas and values, by the way, i was just talking about this these different things,
3:01 am
and i remembered that we had disappeared.


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