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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  August 1, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm MSK

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you must see who is in front of you, if a woman is hysterical, you must be twice as calm, she will become even more hysterical, you calm down four times, this is the only way it can stabilize, highlight your daughter, then you have something may change, i don’t like elena’s type, her behavior is unsympathetic, i understand everything, a woman who truly lived with a tyrant in an abusive manner. relationship, never in her life
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will a drunk run up to him at 5 am, won’t wake him up with her feet and say, get up, let’s talk, well, it’s all nonsense, but she your daughter has the only mother, and there will never be another, never, i would not communicate, it is useless, but for the sake of my daughter i would reconcile, i loved her mother very much, the only person was who always supported me in everything, at the age of 14 my mother said : at the age of 28 , you suddenly decided to find your biological mother, and you are offended by her? no, at least you know the name, natalya, maximophone is natalya sergeevna, there is another child listed, you have a brother, a dear one, and you established semyon, no, we took him under guardianship, i’m very glad that i have native blood , you you know that she gave birth to your older brother at the age of 14, no, the guy who abused me, he kept me in the summer kitchen, he
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kidnapped you, yes, but why did you leave your mother at 15? mom was imprisoned then, she killed her father, zoya malakhova, your mother and your guys, grandmother, agreed to come to our program, let's invite her. good evening, the big game is live, i’m vyacheslav nikonov. dismantling of the rubble of an exploded house continues in nizhny tagil. a five-story building exploded, apparently from domestic gas, 12 victims have already been rescued to save several people, including children, rescue efforts are continuing, well, we are praying for those who are still there.
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there hasn't been one from our side yet, but let's listen to what the washington post reported. vladimir karamurza, serving a twenty-five-year sentence in russia for high treason, was brought from the colony where he was kept to an unknown location. this week, at least seven more political prisoners disappeared from prison colonies in russia, including oppositionists ilya yashin, liliya chanysheva and ksenia fodeeva, as well as activist oleg orlov and artist alexandra skochelena. the total number
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of prisoners with whom communication suddenly disappeared reaches ten. flight observers reported that a special government plane visited several regions where missing prisoners were being held before returning to moscow. also on tuesday , rico krieger, a german citizen sentenced to death for terrorism in belarus, was pardoned. some analysts have speculated that krieger could be involved in the exchange, as russia is known to seek release of vadim krasikov. actually not only that.
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these names of these oppositionists, they are somehow heard by those who follow, this becomes entertaining, gives this story some piquancy, but for me it’s nothing, of course, they call them useful prisoners, but if they themselves presented for exchange, this means that this means that they really worked for them as, of course, they represent a certain value to them as their intelligence officers.
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the number of our guys, whose release we have been fighting for years, will return home to their families, this is the most important thing, but the fact that they will take their agents, well, that’s the way for them, the path to their homeland, i think, will be closed, but the special military operation continued today, boris aleksandrovich rovzhin carefully is monitoring what is happening there, boris alexandrovich, what is your latest news? yes, good evening, in recent hours there has been progress in a number of directions, our offensive continues, if we talk about the situation on the front line, then in the zaporozhye direction our troops continued to put pressure on to the north, working on the willow in the direction of nuts, on the vremevsky ledge, our troops
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have advanced a little more to the east of urozhayny, here attacks continue with the aim of advancing in the novodonetskaya sector of urozhayny, in the ugledavsky direction , fighting continued on the outskirts of konstantinovka and there is also a slight advance towards... from konstantinovka, plus there is progress to the southwest of the victory. krasnogorovka today , in fact, as the city itself, has already come under the control of russian troops, the enemy has lost positions in the north-west of the city, but since he is still sitting in the dacha sector north of kasnoe, he continues to claim that he has not left the city yet, but i think that in the near future, i already think, in the next few days, the liberation of the city will be announced, which means to the west of avdeevka our troops today actually liberated the village of vesyoloye, the enemy. claims that he has already gone there, says that part of the gray zone, but in fact i think that in the coming days the fun will also be declared liberated, there are also battles for ivanovka, timofeevka, the desired, there is progress in the novoselovka area, first, there is also an advance in the snobrodovka area, which means in the new york area our troops have advanced in the center of the city and to
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the west of it, in the toretsk area, our troops continue to advance in the artyomov area, in recent days there has been a fairly significant number of ukrainian soldiers there surrendered, which means sofia, our troops continue to fight beyond the canal, this is a new microdistrict, there are also battles north of kalinovka, in the razdolovka area our troops continue to fight for the crossing, here the battles are taking place on the outskirts village, which means that, well, in the north of vesyoly there are battles for well on the closest steps to the recess, this is already the seversky ledge, which means in the krasnolimansky direction without significant changes, in the svatovo-kupyansky direction there is an advance in the peschany area, the enemy is here... cannot yet stabilize the defense, there are also battles in the eastern part of makeyevka on the outskirts of strelmakhovka, there are small advances in our favor in the petropavlovka area, and well, in the kharkov direction, our troops have consolidated in new positions in the area of ​​​​glubokoye and liptsy, where the enemy lost, well, those few gains
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that he made in the war, but gained during his counter-offensive, and our troops also advanced a little in the center of volchanskaya, in general, and here the enemy’s initiative was actually able to be extinguished once again . but the confident advance of our troops, the enemy is nevertheless preparing reserves in the kharkov area for new counterattacks, our missiles periodically fly there, precisely against these reserves, where the enemy is still carrying quite noticeable losses in the distance losses. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhin for the latest news from the fronts of the special military operation. in addition to a lot of information noise around the exchange of prisoners between russia and western countries, there is a lot of information noise. around the supposedly already completed deliveries of the f-16 aircraft, well, there really is a lot of information, that’s what the british one writes. the first f-16 fighters arrived in ukraine a year after
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four nato allies pledged to supply them. a source familiar with the situation said that six aircraft were delivered to ukraine from the netherlands, and other publications will soon follow. it is expected that within. next year kiev will receive about 20 aircraft, including additionally from belgium and norway, this will be enough to form only one squadron, in the long term the four countries have promised about 80... which the netherlands has, these are modifications
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that are sufficiently advanced, this is a unit 50 block 52, integrated modern data exchange system, aircraft that are in denmark, they are partially modified before level, and the most important thing is that they can work with the entire modern range of weapons, american ones, including carrying out information exchange, in terms of quantity, well... it’s not so significant as to really somehow change the situation, cause harm yes, they can, what is going on now, there is information that these planes are being used in the air defense system, it is probably quite reasonable to test them in some kind of combat operations and cover them, as i understand it, the southern direction is here is odessa, that area, with the possibility of basing these planes are again on the territory of romania, because well, we clean them quite well and continue to clean them potentially. the base points of these machines, so in fact they work like from jump airfields or entering
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the airspace of ukraine, but these are purely my assumptions regarding the war with them, well , our pilots have a healthy passion for this topic, a reward has been promised for the first one beaten 15 million, in my opinion, the cost, all sorts of stickers, so there will be the same competition as with abrams, leopards and our pilots will not they will disgrace you. do you think it will still be pilots or air defense fighters who will receive these 15 million. oh, i wouldn’t bet, i think there will be a competition between them, yes, yes, but underestimate the enemy and the danger of these machines, i wouldn’t, and, of course, we should never underestimate our opponents; by the way, we are constantly underestimated and get paid the way we get it; by the way, our military-defense complex and our military-industrial capabilities have clearly been underestimated.
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i said that i actually needed something urgently produce, but where? let's listen to him. we need our allies to produce more. our defense industrial base is in very poor condition, and the european defense industrial base is in even worse shape. we need our industrial base, their base and the industrial base of our pacific allies: australia, japan, south korea, taiwan, they all need to step up their efforts because.
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decided by one president or one person or all the presidents of the world without the ukrainian
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people, this is simply impossible, this contradicts the constitution of ukraine. we should not liberate all our territories by force of arms, because this costs us a lot of time and human lives. we can return our territories diplomatically, like most countries, i believe that russian representatives must be present at the second peace summit, otherwise we will not achieve concrete results if everyone wants to see them at the table. the desire to see russia at the negotiating table, well, russia hasn’t yet been asked whether we want to be at this negotiating table, and so is the fact that they are in in principle , they are ready to give up territories to a referendum in order to return them later through diplomatic means, what is this? well, all this just today or just the other day through the mouth of zelensky, this is already serious, because some of these information leaks were
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associated with this... uh, quick visit to china um, because suddenly afraid that trump would come to after the elections to power, america will reduce, if not immediately, but of course, it will reduce, reduce, minimize assistance to ukraine, and one way or another it will have to, here is another, another format of its policy somewhere apply, for this it needs to be developed, today this is what...
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and i don’t think that we will participate in this hostile barking of a pack of, in general, satellites, those who will sit in washington and conduct from there, you know , this is for us, we don’t need it, we are moving towards our goal, they insist on the need for negotiations, as a rule, those who are afraid that the negotiating position will be even worse in the future, therefore. i think that this is obvious, our leadership understands this, but the fact that they are the very fact that we then, through diplomatic means, this means that we are not talking about a definitive irrevocable decision, as our president clearly said some time ago, but about some kind of temporary measure, where the legal
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international legal status of these territories is suspended, well, we cannot agree with this, of course.
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in tehran immediately after the inauguration of the new iranian president, but today millions of people came out to say goodbye to the victim of the terrorist attack, and iran is preparing for a retaliatory strike, will it be after the advertisements, my last name is koralev, rank, as you can see, the colonel is presented as... titanic, then boom and sink, funny, yes, fortune teller, new episodes, today on the first,
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how many times have i told you, find a normal job, i noticed that your psychos can think, i want to use it, we are looking for a needle, but we don’t notice 100%, we are talking about a tragedy, how do you not understand this, i am your talent... i will close it, you will deliver pizza from me again, you will, what do you want us to do all the work here for you, it’s time to develop, pasha, approach things more carefully, i'm in germany, let's go back wards, it’s a pity, it’s very complicated, because it was time, the window of time, detective syndrome, today after the program it’s time, here is the russian spirit, here is russia, we are used to seeing mikhail zadorny on stage, at concerts or some events, when he was in character, that
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called holding his face, he didn’t let anyone into the family in the broad sense, it was a clearly closed territory, for the first time we have the opportunity to see him as only those closest to him, his daughter and wife, saw him , there were always lively gatherings, and you sit still dads. it happened, yes, unique footage previously inaccessible to outsiders, there was this difficult period when he was being treated abroad, mikhail nikolaevich’s sister, lena and his first wife, velta, in the face of misfortune, grief, they united, and the three of them lived in the same apartment, cooked in the same kitchen and they took turns coming to mikhail on duty, the daughter turns to him, realizing that he is somewhere there and he hears her. don’t take it as a posthumous empty compliment, my father’s feelings are more important to me, most likely at this sad moment, god
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needed you more for some reason, our exclusive to the family archive mikhail zadorny, exclusive with dmitry borisov, on saturday at the first, what is snow to me, what is the heat to me, what is torrential rain to me, when my ... i gathered with me in our studio tonight are those who have experienced it , know exactly what it is a true true friend, i believe that friendship must definitely go through a test, i had an operation, it took 12 hours, igor comes, comes to me, i played a melody, in the morning he called and dictated the verses of the song “my friend”, how great, my friend, in general conflicts could be every second. but the horror is that it is impossible to quarrel with mikhail mikhailovich. friendship, you know, begins with respect. all these years that we have been friends, i carry
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seryoga’s guitar with him. we are our own people, we are not just friends, our wives, sisters. we are already like lenin's parties, twin brothers. the voices are similar, sometimes even confused. leshchenko loves you all. if a friend turns out to be a friend, and... i don’t understand anything what’s going on, we seemed to have love, no, are you running away from me, what kind of love, why are you talking like that, leave me in peace, and in our yard on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman was killed and what the hell are we talking about? and your heart didn’t break, do you know how it’s torn, it’s just your shoulder giving back and your elbow pulling, okay, let’s think about it, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted, there are leads on you
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in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter what you didn’t have good preparation, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run. what will choose the moles, that’s the question: be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for that that you didn't want to help us, you're very good. shooter. hello, colonel kostenko. confrontation.
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the farewell ceremony for the head of the hamas politburo, ismail haniyeh, took place in tehran: millions of residents of the iranian capital came out to say goodbye. it all started with the reading of a prayer to the supreme iranian leader ali khaminei. it must be said that israel had already killed 12 of haniyeh’s closest relatives, including his three sons, grandchildren, and all close relatives. funeral ceremonies and protest rallies took place almost everywhere in the islamic world, in the middle east.
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if not hundreds of thousands of people, it was a rally, a prayer for haniya in turkey, there were mass demonstrations, and protesters smashed starbucks and berger king, as symbols of american imperialism, a discussion of this tragic act took place in the security council of the organization united nations, where the representative of israel pointedly did not even listen to the speakers.
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he was supported, naturally, and then very cautiously, by the united states of america, whose representative even stated that they do not have factual confirmation of khenia’s death, they just don’t, they don’t know who is being buried there, i wonder who is mourning the entire islamic world. well, that's what amir saeed iravani, iran's permanent representative to the united nations, said. should not be ignored. united states, which are israel's strategic ally and the biggest supporter of the israeli regime in the region, this act could not have been carried out without sanctions from washington and support from the us intelligence community. the ongoing israeli aggression, undermining peace and stability in the region , should not remain without the attention of the international community, especially the un security council, which cannot remain indifferent to such heinous crimes and which must take decisive action,
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to react. well, of course, everyone is now waiting to see what the response will be from iran and other forces, the so-called asi resistance, which is supported by iran. this is what the chief of the general staff of the iranian armed forces, mahamad bagheri, said on this matter. the resistance axis is considering our response to the bloodshed. we will not leave blood unmarked. we are considering different approaches. the zionists will definitely regret this.
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the americans and israelis kept saying, there is a threat, there is a threat, but where is it? the iranians behaved with some restraint all the time, in general... i was there and i can say that, of course, they wouldn’t want to fight a big war in the middle east, they really want sanctions lifted and so on, but they don’t they gave, and now this is the biggest provocation, and the provocation is very resonant, so vile, set up on the day of the inauguration so that everyone can see that this is around the block, that this is a guest of honor, well, for them, a guest of honor is like something sacred matter, it means that all these things were hit for demonstration purposes of this nature, of course, the iranians are now placed in this situation in the position of those who, well, will have to give a definite
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answer, and at the level of senior leadership, at the level of military leadership already at the present time, well, one can say a promise was given, well, the appropriate military response give, moreover, for the first time... iranian military politicians clearly said that we are talking about the territory of israel, because there are other opportunities to infringe on the interests of the israelis, they come here, don’t come, get there, and so on, but now no, now we are still talking about the fact that the response will be delivered throughout the territory of israel in one form or another, this will put the situation in the region in a completely new, even much more dangerous state.
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related to military infrastructure, military-defense infrastructure, or infrastructure related to the provision of electricity supply and so on, i think that there will be either infrastructure like this, which ensures the functioning of certain government sectors, or or or or military, but most likely everything -yes we are on the threshold of something new and still are. an unprecedented element in the development of the situation associated with iran’s retaliatory strike on a larger scale than it has been to date, well, it also seems to me that the blow in theory should be larger than
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it was to date, at least for two reasons: firstly, it there was a strike on tehran, this was a strike on the territory of a sovereign state, we remember, then there was a response for the strike on the consulate. iran and the response was more than 500 missiles and drones that were launched at israel, now a strike on the territory of iran, plus, of course, this is the inauguration of the president, a guest of honor, who is demonstratively killed on the day of the inauguration of the new president, that is, this is also a personal insult, in general, to the entire iranian leadership, it is obvious that, well, hardly any sovereign state, something like that... endured, but it seems that the united states, judging by what we saw at the security council and the latest statements, is now strongly persuading iran not to do anything, so
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blinken allegedly conveyed a message to iran, let's let's listen to the message tas, us secretary of state antony blinken conveyed a message with a request. refuse to retaliate after the assassination of hamas politburo head ismail hanei in tehran. cnn reported this citing a source. according to the interlocutor of the tv channel, balinkin, during a conversation with the head of government, minister of foreign affairs of qatar, sheikh mohammed bin abdel-rahman, al-thani asked him to convey this message to the iranian side and the lebanese shiite movement hezbollah. as the source noted, sheikh katera agreed fulfill the request of the us secretary of state. well , it’s not harmful to ask, and it’s clear that i said, yes, i’ll tell you, yes, well, vladimir mikhailovich, well , you’ll have to answer america for the whole time, the united states obviously takes some kind of crazy position in this situation, and it’s already visible to everyone , yes, it is visible
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in the countries of the region, it is visible in latin america, where now, well, as far as i know, anti-israeli sentiment is also quite strong, that’s how much it can really undermine, in fact. the united states, once again, no, this is already suffered several times, in the last month or two.
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you can’t look at venezuela only through a venezuelan lens, it’s about what it is in context. 51% over 80, what
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does this mean? well, i think it means that everything is not over there yet, but we are going to talk about venezuela separately, and come on, okay, i’m ready for this option, of course, and i’ll try, but i wanted to say that unfortunately in europe and the middle east, beyond the middle east...
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order in the field of global governance, here this is worth talking about, yes, of course, in the middle east, here i am, yesterday i corresponded with a lawyer from lebanon, we once worked together at the un and so on, he, in principle, shares our views, of course everything, a very smart person, he also believes that there will be answers, but he sees that, in general, a big war... the countries of the middle east don’t want, they want somehow they don’t want,
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they are being drawn in, this is a dilemma, because they don’t want to, but it’s also impossible to leave it without an answer, then it will become insolent and it will be worse only, that’s why it’s so difficult, well, mikhailovich said that trends in increasing tension, like external ones, are not visible, but in fact they are visible. hamas and hezbollah officials have not prompted the pentagon to announce any additional deployments, but the us has amassed at least a dozen warships in the region, a defense department official said. the united states is preparing with
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its allies to defend israel. this creates a rather interesting situation. the point is that this is an assassination attempt provocative, which occurred on the territory of iran. this is not the first. let us remember the murder, again by the israeli special services, they still must be recognized as one of the best in the world, the father of the atomic program, the iranian one, and carried out at the highest technological level. level with the help of a robotic shooting complex, which is how it got there into the territory of iran, how it was transported there, so there are more questions than answers, just like in this case, by the way, because but the murder of one. of the hamas leaders in my opinion this this is a more political, even provocative step, because the activities of an organization that is networked, and network leadership, are practically indestructible systems, because each one has no obvious leaders, that is , the destruction of one of the links in the network, in general, does not cause much harm
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to the work itself this system, but israel really needs a big war, they are trying with all their might to make sure that... iran strikes, the united states came to respond, and a really big conflict has already begun here. why does this happen? well, in my opinion, the israeli leadership failed to victoriously and quickly solve the problem of the gas sector, and israel found itself drawn into a large and protracted war. and this war is growing, but the most important thing is that the answer is not military, but an economic problem. israel is not able to drag out a long war because its territory is very compact and there are many conscripts. iran can do just that. calmly play with the hands of your proxies for a long time, inflicting injections here and there, and israel needs a victory here or now, or it will be bad. well, it's really very difficult for israel to win victory is here now, and today marks exactly 300 days since the start of the israeli operation in gaza. so what? yes, they managed to kill the leader
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of the political wing of hamas, but this means that they simply cut off their prospects for peace negotiations, because it was he... who was the negotiator, now yes, there is only a continuation of the war ahead, the destruction of the gas sector, they destroyed the gas sector, they caused a humanitarian catastrophe there, they, that they achieved that israel is truly hated throughout the world, with the exception of only the american congress, probably, and some of the american voters, and there is no victory, there is no victory in the future either, israel, as az...
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how many times have i told you, find a normal job, i noticed that your psychos can think, i want to use it , we are looking for a needle, but we don’t notice it, we are talking about a tragedy, as you don’t understand it, i discovered your talent, i will close it, will you deliver pizza from me again, will you, what do you want, so that we will do everything for you? they did the work here, it’s time to develop, pasha, approach things more carefully, i'm otkermana. let's go back to the wards, it's a pity, it turned out very smoothly, time has passed, detective syndrome, today after the program it's time, the fact
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is that i don't choose the songs myself, this is a collective decision, the light of my love. inside this modest it specialist, fierce mathematician, i left early in the morning, when you were still sleeping, all these gorgeous dance moves of yours, this is love, this is just something.
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i'm celebrating my eighty-fifth anniversary at vdnkh on saturday at the first one. here is the rudsky spirit, here
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i smell russia. we are used to seeing mikhail zavorny on stage, at concerts or at some events, when he was in character, as they say, held his face. he didn’t let anyone into the family in a broad sense. it was a strictly closed area. for the first time, we have the opportunity to see him as only the most saw him.
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colonel abdulaziz, it’s a pleasure, me too, and this is his charming wife amal, we met at the museum, you’re probably a good person, but in iraq it’s not customary for us to just talk to married women, much less help them, both of us we know that you you are putting the whole family in danger, why don’t you want to listen to me and sit quietly, oleg, i advise you to be careful, with whom? trader from monday, i'm the first, you have to
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contact him and give him a new task on the same object, get him out of cancer, get him out of the game. the big game is live, here are the pictures that we are now receiving from the streets of carac from the page of the capital of venezuela, where in recent days there have been mass protests in connection with the summing up of the presidential election results. let me remind you that the opposition and the united the states of america and their allies did not recognize the result of the elections, but apparently, the situation is becoming calmer. maduro spoke with the national.
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“it’s nothing that you don’t like, neither me, nor chavez, nor bolivar, nor our entire history, but why drag the country into a war with the help of your media, remind you about weapons of mass destruction in iraq, who concocted these materials, this fake, it all ended with the murder of a million iraqis, who from the western media apologized, where were the apologies from cnn, bbc, ap, afp, washington post, new york times, who apologized to the million families in
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iraq who died? . why do you want to drag venezuela into war? why all this campaign against us? venezuela has its own truth, and i will defend it. your lies are not scary to me, i will fight them with the help of the truth. so tough, but really, vladimir mikhailovich, the situation there is difficult. because the results of the presidential elections have not been officially summed up, and it will most likely be impossible to sum them up, because during the mass protests a large number of polling stations were burned there, there were attacks, cyber attacks on the website of the election commission, that is, now you won’t find the answers there anymore, who actually won these elections, although indeed , after 80% of the votes, leader maduro and having received -
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not all countries of latin america, including neighbors, are now ready to recognize the establishment good neighborly relations after the victory of nicolas madura, therefore, i think that this not only concerns caracas itself and the current government, it concerns
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the russian federation, to some extent this is a challenge for the russian federation. “we cannot refuse, say, help and solidarity to those countries that we call friendly. venezuela has so far been one of these countries, and for the russian federation these are issues of honor and dignity, not only a matter of geopolitics and geo-economics, this is a question honor and dignity, and russia in this case often acted exactly why." let's see what happens on the weekend, when there are usually surges there, but note that this is the third attempt at a coup in connection with the third election, remember guaido, how unsuccessfully he was president in the eyes of the leaders of 50 western countries
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and still, in my opinion, is, but you are wrong to think that external forces do not declare themselves, the united states is quite actively declaring itself, in particular john kirby, the speaking head of the us national security council, that's what he said. i want to point out that our patience and that of the international community is running out as we wait for the venezuelan election authorities to admit their guilt and release the full, up-to-date results of this election so that everyone can see the results. we are seriously concerned about the reports. about victims, violence and arrests, including arrest warrants for opposition leaders. we condemn political violence and repression of any kind. what is the us strategy towards venezuela if maduro still exists? declared the winner. does the us plan to impose additional sanctions? let's just say that we reserve the rights and options in terms of consequences, depending on what we see from the electoral authorities in venezuela. it is in their best interest to be
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open and truthful about what happened on sunday. so let's see, let's see what this will lead to, this is indeed an evasive position, of course, they will decide along the way, along the way, well, i remember, it was really a shame when they first did this out of guaido the president and accepted everything, then somehow over the course of a year, even then sguaido, an unsuccessful figure who disappeared in a week, was compared by someone on the sidelines with tikhanovskaya, that too... they bet on her, it was very unfortunate a step that was poorly calculated, not entirely with an understanding of the reality of venezuela, venezuela, of course, has a lot of support for maduro, at least half, this is a fact, and the fact is that of course they are split, if we are very dissatisfied, this boy means , that’s why we’ll wait, but of course ours is right
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expert, the united states of america, we know and see this very well, which considered venezuela as in its backyard for a long time, and so it was, but in the united states there are now more serious issues, there is a presidential election campaign, and the main the question, yes, which... now the voters there are concerned about, what color of skin is kamala harris, her teeth are white, let's listen to trump, that's why she wants to laugh here in the right place, do you think that vice president kamala harris included in
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list of candidates just because she is black, i would say that perhaps the matter here is a little different, i have known her for a long time in absentia, but personally i almost did not communicate, she always positioned herself as indian by origin, she promoted only the indian agenda, and didn't know she was black until a few years ago when she suddenly turned black, now she wants to be called black, so i don't know what to call her, indian or black, so everyone rushed to find out which she still has ethnic roots, they pulled out the birth certificate of kamala harris, where it is indicated that her mother was born in india, and according to her external racial type, she is caucasian, and as for her dad, then...
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let's take a look, well, actually, these are videos of kamala, harris election campaign, if you are thinking of finding out something about her program, don’t even think about it, so the middle east,
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war, israel, venezuela, all this is absolutely frivolous against the backdrop of how harris’ election campaign is now spinning up, all american. now for her, well then, even more so our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00, don’t miss it, hello, the evening news is on the air, ekaterina berezovskaya is in the studio, here’s the main one. there may still be people under the rubble; a search and rescue operation is underway in nizhny tagil.


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