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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  August 1, 2024 6:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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and finally, footage from paris: another scandal at the olympic games, which have already been dubbed the most shameful in history, 46 seconds, that’s how long the boxing match lasted, where a transgender from algeria entered the ring against an italian athlete. an important fight, 1/8 finals, but the forces were clearly not equal. the italian missed several hard blows and then gave up, which is why she was given a technical defeat. at the international olympics... and they never thought that at the olympics they would show how men beat women. and on that's all for now, thank you for being with us, right now the program "time will tell."
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hello, live on the first channel, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, today, as always, we will talk a lot about important and current events, events that one way or another fit into the theme of the ongoing global confrontation for the global world order, the conflict with the collective american -centred west on the territory of the former ukraine, a special military operation, denazification, demilitarization, these are very important... large, global, complex topics, but to discuss all these topics and to understand the importance and need to move in the direction in which we move and achieve, move and achieve results, it is very useful sometimes to briefly descend to a level that is not geopolitical, not global, but to this level life of a small settlement in the belgorod region of the russian federation, called
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yasenovataya, and this is a clear indicator that talk about the need to dismantle this structure, and this is demilitarization and denocification, and which, well, it seems to me, was incurable with therapeutic methods, and is now incurable, especially here, at the level of these simple examples, it acquires very great significance, as well as those that sound regularly within the framework of what has again gained some momentum. discussion is negotiations, not negotiations, if there are negotiations with someone, then what are negotiations about, why negotiations, this is a big indicator and confirms what we often talk about, and who to actually believe on the other side, actually, what can you talk about and how can you trust, today in once again the press secretary of the president of the russian federation said this rightly, that well, we don’t see... who
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should talk there, we would be ready, but for people who don’t spare a drone for a civilian bus, it’s not very clear, it’s possible is it possible to agree on anything with them at all, to find some common language. by the way, about drones, the fact that they don’t feel sorry for a drone on a civilian bus with two people, he says, and this also relates to questions about the broader context, that they have these drones with a triple reserve, they don’t have them they regret the words... at all, well, let’s be realistic, this suggests that while the need to create a sanitary zone, which was discussed at one time, is still very very very urgent, unfortunately, it is still very far from being realized, so in fact, how global problems are concentrated in the lives of ordinary people, therefore... it is important to understand, strictly
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speaking, what about big decisions, big conflicts, who is talking about what with whom and about what? now, after a short advertisement, we’ll try to figure it out. how many times have i told you, find it normal work, i noticed that your psychos know how to think, i want to use it, we are looking for a needle, but we don’t notice it, we are talking about a tragedy, how can you not understand it, i discovered your talent, i will close it, you will have delivering pizza to me again, you will, what do you want us to do all the work here for you, it’s time to develop, pasha, approach the matter more carefully, i’m in germany, we’re going back to the wards. it’s a pity, it’s very difficult, because it worked out. time is up. detective syndrome. today is after the program. fantastic. tomorrow on the first. right at the junction
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of europe and asia, the mountains of the steppes, lies a blooming garden of eden. we are in bashkiria, friends, bashkirs , he took several arrows in his mouth like this, you know, in battle, now three more between his fingers, this is how he shot, also a machine gun, these are the same relict ices, they formed here when mammoths still roamed the earth , this echo is 25.00 years old, what diseases are treated by this bath, starting with skin diseases, ophorno-motor diseases. nervous system, phew, life of our own, premiere, on sunday on the first, how did you find me? listen, well, i’m a cop, i didn’t go around like that, he can ruin everything, he won’t have time, you’re
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an investigator for especially important cases, and for what purpose did special missions come to us, you came back, well done, but... you have to understand that it’s not good for you to be with this cop, it’s dangerous that i got the money, but five tickets are enough, two adults, three children to moscow, why are you silent, are we going or not going, look, the kremlin, the kremlin, where, uh, the kremlin , camel, hello, no, well, i just moved from the basement to three rubles, but oh. women, here look how men need to be clamped. and in our yard on sunday on the first. the soviet union no longer exists. now you can earn a lot of money in a completely legal way. have you heard anything about the oil- for-food program? do you have any idea how
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big it is? but is there not enough oil in russia? this is a completely different level. oleg and i decided to get married. yes. you have been accepted into the graduate program at new york university. and... i studied at your university, but not a single professor helped me make a career. hello. trader from monday on the first. do you understand what you have done? how have you not seen an american
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spy under your nose for so many years in the new season on the first. a woman was killed, and we are talking about what the hell and our hearts didn’t break. do you know how it breaks? is that just it? i'm always careful. major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can. the whole version is going to hell. a man with a stutter
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suddenly speaks like cicero. i really hope, that you won’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation. program time will tell, we continue to work live, we discuss live by and large, as always, no matter what topic we discuss, where the world is actually moving today, and from what to what it is moving, and it is moving there through... a whole a series of conflicts, some of which occur on a more
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pronounced military plane, some of which constantly smoke, we will also talk about them today, when there is a conflict that is in an active military phase, it is generally always natural that a discussion of whether a peaceful negotiated solution is possible or impossible, it still exists somewhere, the only difference is whether there are any real... premises or not, this is the most important thing that needs to be understood and what is personally interesting for me to understand when once again a fairly active discussion of certain theoretical, conditional possible negotiations begins, and for me an indicator that this, let’s say, information track is quite active, the fact is that the press secretary of the president of the russian federation, dmitry peskov, regularly comments on it, so...
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you can talk with the kiev regime, but you can’t trust anyone in power now in ukraine, legal nuances regarding the legitimacy of the ukrainian authorities cannot be an obstacle to the start of serious negotiations; no peace summit on ukraine with the participation of the russian federation is being prepared yet. and we understand perfectly well that if the press secretary.
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legitimate, well, and, uh, comments, no peace summit on ukraine with the participation of the russian federation is being prepared yet, and here we understand why a comment is needed on this matter, because on the other hand, there are always sounds of preparation for some kind of second summit, in which they they already want, they are directly interested in russia’s participation, that is, it exists in the information space, and there is no escape from it, you just need to understand what is behind it. how we need to understand what stands behind the obviously changed rhetoric of
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kraführer, i emphasize, rhetoric, i agree, you can’t trust anyone there, but when this person, who, of course, sculpts something from himself, but nevertheless is within the framework of some narratives given to him, so to speak, when he is enough recently the tone has noticeably changed from the borders of the ninety-first year to no negotiations.
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so on, but nevertheless, once again, this change in narrative comes from somewhere and some, some kind of explanation for it, someone thinks that his elders told him this, like.
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no matter what happens, but it is quite obvious that in in the conditions of modern war and military propaganda, to deny any desire to negotiate means to incur the suspicion that you are not capable of agreement, you really need to fight to the bitter end, although a victorious end
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is not in sight when it comes to the fight with russia , why the rhetoric changed at all.
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to join some nato or the european union, they are inventing different options, but it does not seem that especially joining nato is such a concerted action on the part of the west. some say it is necessary, others say it is not necessary. nato or not nato. the second circumstance, close to us, the failure of this swiss conference, was the hope that it would be possible, if not on the battlefield, then at least on a global scale, to unite against.
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didn’t sign, two countries in asia in total, in my opinion, singapore and someone else, inconspicuous on the map, agreed to sign, which means the failure of this conference, the main conclusion from which was that without russia it is completely pointless to talk about peace , and now everyone repeats it, and now about zelensky says this, yeah, and of course, of course, the fact, the fact that the main ones in the west are coming.
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inside russia there is hope for this, some kind of discontent, protest, demand for a cessation of hostilities, and so on, they still hope for this, so they are on an increasing scale, without receiving victory.
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times, my godson, if i may say so, and he has already started talking about the fact that the current regime, in general, must go, the people are tired, the guard is tired, in this situation you need to talk about what you are for the world, otherwise, if you will always say that you for the war, they will no longer understand you on an increasing scale, and this can end very badly, so these are maneuvers, yeah, this is not sincere, absolutely true.
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about negotiations or negotiations about who will be the main mediator during some negotiations, that is, everyone is now deciding somewhere on some distant steps towards
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not very clear negotiations, on what terms, everyone is working on solving some of their own problems , well, here’s your assistant, deputy secretary of state of the united states of america torich campbell, and which also shows and proves to us that this topic exists. but everyone discussing it is trying to solve some of their own problems, zelensky has his own problems, someone else has some problems, what are the problems of the americans in this case, we listen, the dominant arena now is a battlefield, not i see no signs that russia is somehow softening its offensive operations in ukraine; signaling too early that it is interested in coming to the negotiating table would signal infidelity. signal, i believe that the united states, together with its european partners , should play a dominant role if there is a situation in which a just peace with ukraine and russia begins to be considered, now we
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are not even close to this. you see, this is a vivid illustration, in my opinion, here are the maneuvers around negotiations or negotiations, and negotiations, because he says: yes, negotiations will probably happen someday, in a fair world, but it’s necessary not too early and not it's too late, and the most important thing is that we... finnish comrade stupas, they are starting to push some texts, here is the president of finland, what do you understand, he suddenly discovered that we,
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who we are, it is not clear, well, apparently, a chariot and we are tied to the chariot, we are approaching the moment when negotiations should begin, the reality is, blah blah, then suddenly he says: china needs to attract the countries of the global south and russia, this is the question of what kamble is actually reacting to, and if you think that this is... just a fin, which just might maybe the previous aggravation of these conversations has reached, so no, there is a quite cheerful czech who has a history of being a nato general, and i think that this kind of determines a lot in his approaches, he collects shells there, and in general the czech republic, as they say, has done a lot here, and yet less china needs to take more responsibility for ordering the world based on rules, not on who has the bigger army or economic power. here , in general, if i were the americans, i would hear some such notes of some sort of frondism, who is he talking about now? yes, that is, these maneuvers happen
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just right...
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the man is also a very experienced comrade, no stranger to military affairs, so he knows what he’s talking about, and you probably noticed that china appears in the speeches of both of these figures, why china, everything is really simple here, because china is such an aphrodisiac that should excite the americans and so that they enter the process, because if china is there, the americans will definitely be there, for them now china is an idefix, it
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’s something. something that really worries them, russia doesn't really bother them, by the way, in vain, but nevertheless, i very often note this from american actors that in general they are not worried about russia, they are worried about china, first of all, this situation, it actually emphasizes very well two well-chosen quotes , thanks to your editors, in this sense, but for negotiations, for the negotiation process, you need a reason with a capital letter, a reason with a capital letter, there is no such reason yet, there is no turning point in...
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the prospects are not a very obvious plan, well, we understand perfectly well, that to defeat the country, from nuclear club, well, it’s practically impossible, so i don’t know what they were hoping for before, but nevertheless this is now the main reason why they started talking about negotiations, because for now we understand perfectly well that the situation that has now begun in the twenty-second year, it will last for a long time, we just have to accept it, so ours... dancing with tambourines, with western actors, western countries, this is for a long time, we will be doing this for a long time, we just need to accept it, develop the concept of our behavior, based on this, it’s clear, i, by the way, when konstantin and i were talking here on this screen, my guys are the same guys who select quotes well, they also select videos well, here is a picture with tanks, well i understand that this is a summer picture with lined leopards from under
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the work, as far as i remember from the ... direction, so when i looked at this picture, well now, here, here at this picture, though there were more of course epic shots where all these people are standing right there tanks, as they say. well, in a rational world, i had the feeling that they forgot that this happens, that they had no idea that the situation was even possible, that their beautiful, beautiful leopards, abrams, aimyks would come somewhere, they would fly, yes, what, what... and nothing will change, that is , i have the impression that they have so forgotten how to get hurt in the teeth that this story arose, but the cunning of this has not disappeared from them within the framework of what we are talking about we say, it’s interesting, on the one
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hand there are maneuvers, negotiations about negotiations, solving your own, as you said, including audit problems, then in this regard, or not in this regard, it is interesting, but how to understand this... either informational, or military-technical, here i have a big question , i honestly don’t have an answer, the operation with the f-16, i’ve been reading for days now about these f16s, which seem to have arrived somewhere, well, that is, the times have already arrived, which means the times, at the same time it seems to me that with such poorly hidden english humor they write that six are already there, but kiev says that it needs another 300, i don’t think so at all i know if anyone has 300. but it’s as if they arrived and it’s said that, well, they seem to be flying somewhere, but they’re not very, not very, which means they’re flying, but
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it’s like air defense for now, this means that the telegram, which is also indicatively british, has finally arrived and this is important support, the first sorties are already taking place after a long wait, that is , these six fighters are no longer being made... how can i take away the intrigue altogether, why f16 , why why all this, f16 under 16 hanging tactical nuclear weapons, the most in fact, this is - let's say, such a dialogue between the west and russia, they constantly conduct a dialogue with russia through the olympics, through all this, they constantly communicate with us, and sometimes it has the character of a completely ponopticon, but nevertheless, these are these f16 is a sign to us that we need to enter into negotiations, because otherwise we will hang tactical nuclear weapons there, that’s what it’s all about. if my memory doesn’t measure it, back at the end of may we said that the appearance of the f16 there would be some kind of next transition, and the features would be in the nuclear new level of conflict, including nuclear, yes, because the americans are very interested in this, but then, taking this
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generally quite logical logical concept, after all, in your opinion, they have already driven these six there and are now playing what what are you saying.
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although informational is not always better than military-technical, sometimes it’s better to just give it by plane and that’s it, there can also be victims in it, yes, yes, yes, there can also be victims in it, sometimes entire nations are victims, yes , so, ah... suggests very interesting thoughts in this situation, also the behavior of ukroreich has changed, as it were , because usually you remember, they need what the telegraph writes, this is for kiev such support back and forth, which kiev igegey usually did, the whole world is with us, with us, alla is with us, philip is with us, so this is the russian, who are the russians, la-la-la-la-la, now we are listening to the poor man, we are listening. by the way
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, regarding the situation regarding the f-16 in media publications, in my opinion, there is not a single link to any official source, where did they get all this from? i'm not even talking about the ukrainian side, because it is clear that we will not comment on this, neither yes nor no, because for us this is a factor of survival, either the president or the commander-in-chief will comment on this, you see, yes, this is a podolek, who, in principle, has his post. .. as if the replacement of ukrygebels is dictating to say on the contrary: you hear the ukrainians, he is a vodka for the smell, yes, you remember, you remember, so that they don’t abandon us, he says: we don’t know anything at all, well, we heard some headlines, he's talking about, he's talking about the telegraph, he’s talking about the times, some headlines have no confirmation at all, moreover, kirby, well, to the maximum extent goes into the role, which means this... can you
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confirm the information about the first delivery of f-16 fighters to ukraine ? you will have to talk with the ukrainians, i, of course, am not going to talk about their military potential, i will only add that, as we have already said, including at the nato summit, the process of providing ukraine with f-16 aircraft continues to advance. we said they would be ready for use by the end of the summer, we have no reason to doubt it. the pentagon is somehow the same. very rounded, well, in short, ukroreich, and the curators of ukroreich on this matter, here is the assistant to the minister of defense, we must prepare, well, this is about something completely different, yes, these are my guys, sometimes they are great, sometimes they mean they are getting their finger stuck there, take it away guys, this is not about that, yes, the only one who openly rejoices while on the plane is, of course , lansberges, a lithuanian, like, gay, well, that one, of course, is like an alcoholic drug addict, his no one has talked about it for a long time now. does not warn, he himself will do everything that is required of him,
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so in your opinion, what is this all about now? on the one hand there is a negotiation track, on the other hand there are planes, or is this some kind of coercion against the planes, or what is it? and excuse me, excuse me, please remember how - donald tusk thanked the usa for undermining the northern flows, in my opinion donald tusk or not, it was sikorsky, sekorsky, that is , sekorsky, yes, this is approximately the same, this is approximately the same, that's what i'm talking about and i say what what.
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even before the so-called ukrainian counter-offensive, they appeared in the press, everyone was anticipating that after a successful counter-offensive, planes would immediately arrive, and the russians would really be thrown back on the border of the ninety-first year, there would be a military victory over russia, and so for a year
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there, let’s say, complicity and help, but let's think, if the f-16 doesn't work, what's next? aircraft carriers are really tactical nuclear weapons, that is, then we are already ... moving into the category of hypothetical scenarios, which, correctly, are mine a senior colleague noted that they are unlikely to correspond to reality, because the f-16 is indeed still theoretically possible to transfer with all these red lines, it is unlikely that this will lead to a global nuclear conflict, i also think that it is hardly possible, it rightly says that we have already said that
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the transfer of f16 is simply based on principle, this is some other status of the conflict, yes, but after the f-16, what kind of... could it be... in a global sense, strategic, and at least in an informational sense, make a military operation with
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we need that same victory, of course, not in using 16, we will make all our western tabloids with your aces, pilots and so on, but i apologize.
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in general, nato generals were confident that this would never happen, as it greatly damaged the image of the contract, just recently the americans supplied 4.5 billion to their closest ally jordan, those same f16s, well, i won’t say now about military-technical characteristics, for them this is a very important export product, these contracts are still being concluded and will continue to be concluded, you tell me, they are carrying them, baking, these are the pictures that we, of course, i’m sure have...
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it ended at the end of march 2022 and what started? at that moment when zelensky spoke about peace, then 2 years ago, a provocation was being prepared, so my puzzle is as follows: early elections in the united states of america, where you need to show something loud in terms of success and results in ukraine, there is that same help from the point of view, well, specifically the military-technical component. which ukraine was given is almost already the highest bar, then zelensky speaks, so the little guy doesn’t want to say yet that i’m deciding something, he’s talking about peace, look, ukraine is also ready to talk about peace and so on, and what happens next is the most severe provocation, zelensky is trying, together with the west, to show that this is not our president, but has monopolized the history of
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peace negotiations and peace, and he really has taken over the peace agenda for everything in the world, when it is discussed not in the western camp, but... in the normal world, yes there global south you can call it differently, everyone remembers the statement of our president, by the way, i like it better in a normal world than a global one, that’s how it is, they are now trying, trying to steal this story, look, we are talking about peace, we have it f16, and we also need to show results, i’m afraid that now is the most dangerous time, and against this background of conciliatory rhetoric we will once again see, i’m speaking in analogies now, i don’t know what exactly, a story with a butch, which... conditionally new can reboot information influence and focus attention to they will strike, let’s not call it , a nuclear power plant, or a chemical weapon. maybe even tactical, or whatever, i’m afraid that this is just the time to prepare for a provocation, this is an imitation of a nuclear strike from russia,
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it’s quite possible, yes, it’s quite possible, generally speaking, it seems to me that firstly, of course, one cannot renounce this, it is quite possible, it is so, and such plans will continue to be hatched until the very last or penultimate days, but it seems to me that this is the scenario that must be won. to win before the elections, he began to fade into the background, because the main customer of this scenario left the race, this is all not very good, but kamala may not need this so much, given that she can play equidistance there and so on and so forth further, she didn’t work in burisma, and no daddy obviously has any ties to her there, she wasn’t married to hunter, so it may very well be that one of the reasons why zelensky is so spoke. the fact is that this scenario ceases to be relevant, although it may still be incubating or was incubating, at least, or zelensky
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does not know whether this scenario is still relevant or not, because on the one hand they may be stalling for time, on the other hand, remember what he always emphasizes, out of sixteen ready brigades, he also said this in lemont, out of sixteen ready brigades , three are armed, that is, if anything happens, we are ready, if anything happens, we are ready, but give it, give it to me, well, and the most important thing i want to note not. once i give this analogy, in any cases when the west was faced with resistance, which it lost, it was at the final stage, inevitably, coming to the point that it had to end with this, as in south vietnam, it arranged an escalation in order to demonstrate that's how we are with a mustache, that's how we can, in fact, if you don't accept our conditions, if you don't give in to us on these issues, we'll bomb laos and cambodia, yes, in this sense, in this sense, by the way, it's very interesting. thought that f16 - this is, as it were, a hint of that, and that is , a sort of pre-hint of pre-escalation, yes,
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well, just at the end of this conversation , i want to say that there is really a very situation of uncertainty regarding the conflict in the territory of the former ukraine, it is really now very strengthened with the arrival of kamala, because when an article appears in time about how kamala’s relations with zelensky are very strained and that she came there for the munskin... conference and, like, didn’t give him anything that he asked for, and in general always she behaved very distantly, today i wondered if they are selling it to kamal to whom, are they selling it to us like that, although it is clear that kamalo is now simply saddled with the same agenda as trump, trump says, i’ll finish the war, and kamalo says through there, yes, in general, i’m quite indifferent to this war, so you and your peacekeeping, kick your grandfather, grandfather, where are you, okay, that’s it, sit down, advertising on the first channel.
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i left early in the morning, when you were still sleeping, all these gorgeous dance moves of yours, here this is love, it was just something with something, the most human avatar, pretty, you don’t want to kiss, i haven’t yet learned what a human kiss is, at a party of best friends,
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a product of the stellar group.
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he was in character, as they say, he kept his face, he didn’t let anyone into the family in the broad sense, it was a strictly closed territory, for the first time we have the opportunity to see him the way only those closest to him, his daughter and wife, saw him , the gatherings were always lively , and you’re sitting in dad’s place, it just so happened, it’s unique footage previously inaccessible to outsiders, there was this difficult period when he was being treated
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abroad, michal nikolaevich’s sister. and his first wife velta, in the face of misfortune, grief, they united, the three of them lived in the same apartment, cooked in the same kitchen and took turns coming to mikhail on duty, the daughter turns to him, realizing that he is somewhere out there, and he he hears her, don’t take it as a posthumous empty compliment, my father’s feelings are more important to me, most likely at this sad moment you were... for some reason, god needed you more. our exclusive is the family archive of mikhail zadorny. exclusive with dmitry borisov. on saturday on the first. what is the heat for me, what is the heat for me? what is torrential rain to me? when my friends are with me. tonight in our studio gathered exactly those who have experienced exactly what
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a true, faithful friend is. i believe that. friendship must definitely go through a test, i had an operation, it took 12 hours, igor comes, comes to me, i played a melody, in the morning he called and dictated the verses of the song: my friend, how great, my friend, in general there could be conflicts of any kind give me a sec, but the horror is that it’s impossible to quarrel with mikhail mikhailovich; friendship, you know, often begins with respect.
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and what’s going on, we seemed to have love, no, why are you running away from me, what kind of love, why are you talking like that, leave me alone, and in our yard on sunday on the first, time will tell the program, we continue to work live , i started the program with the words that in the conditions of this very complex, multifactorial and...
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escalation, or is it still a chain of stories like attacks on some, then the answer others, and, well, such answers are quite loud, but restrained, i don’t know, but what happened these days, of course, has its own, well, character, much more complex than before, despite the fact that yes... they died and high-ranking military personnel of the xir carried out strikes on israeli territory, but now just today this is an indicator that what happened is, of course, much higher than the violence that has been customary for decades in the middle east, this is what today they said goodbye to in tehran with the leader of the politburo
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of the movement. hanei was killed when he was a guest, when he was under protection, when he was actually in their home, a situation in which there is no answer for this, it is very, much
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more complex than many previous ones for the image of perception of iran in the middle east, which and in the entire eastern world, which is very important for iran, this is understood, by the way, in israel, which on the eve of this attack on... struck beirut, which israel officially recognized itself as taking, because regarding tehran tel aviv continues to keep silence, but in israel they understand perfectly well what kind of impetus they may have given the situation, listen to a very short excerpt, very revealing from netanyahu’s televised address yesterday, please, difficult days are coming since the strike. beirut faces threats from everywhere, we are ready for any scenario and will be united and decisive against any threat. there's no denying that tough days are coming. another thing is that it arises, well, it raises some
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questions in me, that well, it seems that i didn’t give it myself did everything to ensure that the those days. here, as we said in the previous block, here is what, as they say, what is... its motivation, that is, war as the only salvation and come what may, no matter what, or is there still some kind of then, well, at least the tactical plan, in your opinion, in my opinion, the plan is quite simple, this is to drag in, tie up, make the united states an accomplice, everything that the israeli leadership is doing now, logic, on the one hand, it is simple, but inhumane, and they looked, i mean the israeli leadership looked at the situation in politics. usa and they say: listen, look, there is one, whites are responsible to blacks for the period of colonization, interesting, good, there is lgbt, an organization banned in russia, but in
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america it is now a white bone, and anything is possible, they say, but we, we in general - much better than blm and lgbt, in general, in principle, we can do anything, this logic is now extrapolated not only to the united states. actually produces this, to be honest , i don’t know, so the situation is really, these are difficult days, very difficult days. yes, these are very difficult days, and uh, that is
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the bets are done, there are no more bets, oh, i have the impression that when you say that netanyahu is playing to aggravate the situation sharply and is playing riskily, and you talk about lobbyists, i have the feeling that - well , they’re kind of playing along, because that i read, for example, in the new york times, and an article in which such words are present, please. iranian supreme leader khamenia ordered iran to launch a direct attack on israel in response to the killing of hamas leader ismail haniya in tigeran, three iranian officials briefed on the matter said. order. they asked that their names not be published because they are not authorized to speak publicly. very comfortably. very convenient, that is, in fact, something that does not yet exist publicly, yes, khaminiya spoke harshly about the zionist regime, but no words
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were said that he is, it was said that we will answer, they will shudder, but this is within the framework of standard logic , the story that he gave the order to launch a direct strike on israel is a kind of continuation of this logic, that i... did everything, i did everything, i prepared everything, and now it’s off, because that everyone will forget about the fact that these are three unnamed officials on condition of anonymity, but about the fact that this is already an order.
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not in the other direction, in the direction of tightening, because the united states has not had a greater friend of israel than trump during its last presidency, this is an obvious thing, in general, i would risk expressing a conspiracy theory that this is generally the second move in iran’s joke, the first of which was the death of president risi, we talked about this yesterday, that for many specialists now, after what happened yesterday the day before yesterday, no questions about the flight.
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and i want to note that, probably, when we say israel, it would be more accurate to say that netanyahu is running into trouble and his entourage is running into trouble, because they are the ones who are hanging by a thread from the consequences today, 300 days since the start of the operation in gas, and what results have they achieved? no, they didn’t achieve the results they proclaimed, someone will have to answer for this someday, including in israel, of course they don’t want to answer the tanyakha. therefore it is important for him to drag the middle east into a big war, this may be completely inconsistent today with biden and the bidenocrats, who today continue the battle in ukraine, who today are embarrassed by the fact that their fight in ukraine is pushing russia towards china, and so on and so forth, why else do they need the middle east now, but to those who are listening netanyahu to the united states, this may be important and necessary, so it seems to me that this, if you like, is the second... move, the second move after,
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in such a strange way, i would say, president raisi, who was flying from azerbaijan , died , and did not fly to iran, itself in fact, yes, i want to note that these countries that i’m talking about maintain close contacts, including in the military field, we like it, we don’t like it, but it’s a fact, azerbaijan and israel cooperate, like turkey, although turkey at the same time. .. with this she criticizes israel and made loud speeches about the fact that she will enter jerusalem there, just as she entered karabakh, but it may very well be that these speeches are made precisely in order to do nothing, yeah , but the effect comes from speeches, and not from actions, in the case of iran, here the situation is complicated, because iran needs to choose how to behave now, yes, in fact, this version is about the fact that this is - well, in general, it’s either a very well and
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cynically constructed plan, or it’s really such an all-in move, when maybe without the nova bank plan, there is a lot of evidence of this, sometimes there’s even logic when you’re just trying to understand it all from the point of view of common sense, but i said, from the point of view of common sense i can’t understand, for example , blinkin, yes i already said which on this background today is publicly conveying through... about this, that i can’t understand, whether this is some kind of extreme naivety, or whether it’s some kind of, well, i don’t know, such extreme cynicism, the president of israel, who today, against the backdrop what happened in tigeran with
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the hamas leader, appeals to world leaders with a request to help bring the hostages home, but cannot help but understand. something i don’t hear from president macron, who
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is the host of the olympic games, regarding the olympic truce, that at this moment in no case and something i don’t hear the decision of the olympic committee to ban israeli...
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depending on who the audience is, you understand, you are coming from a person who is strategically thinking, sensible, that you should contact
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representatives there who are conditionally ready to take some steps, by the way, we remember, there were certain such informational reasons that the negotiation process is underway, and both sides are ready for this.
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i was unsuccessful in this, but look, one leader was eliminated, the second we but politically, what netanyahu says, well, until no matter how involved, but everyone understands that we are also hostages, what is also important in order to remain. so yes, it is extremely inappropriate to talk about the fact that we need to rescue those who are in captivity, but i cannot help but talk about it, that is, netanyahu, as a political animal, it seems to me, gained some support when he went for ocean, again, whose question, whose is this a good question, of course, i am deeply convinced that for his further political career, future, if at all possible, of course, he made the most of his bet on trump becoming president, really. during the previous period when trump was in power, as we remember, they did a lot to link their foreign policy successes precisely with the middle east direction with support for israel. in this regard, netanyahu is really escalating, firstly, in order to
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hold out against the backdrop of at least some intermediate results until the trump election, this is the first, secondly, i am deeply convinced that despite the answer, which of course will be from iran, because it really is an image story, the history of a country that, with good reason, claims leadership in the region and so on, but iran really doesn’t want a big war, the third option, it’s not that it’s the most conspiratorial, but... the impression is that - theoretically, indeed , in the dark, in fact, netanyahu did this, that is, the story with blinken, it can be considered rightfully as a provocation, which shows that well, we ask you not to answer, if you answer, you yourself started it, yes, that is, or or let’s say so, after requests not to answer, any self-respecting leader there cannot help but answer, because it would really be perceived as weakness, the americans asked and we did not answer, this is the very theory in general. excuse me, probably the most conspiratorial, but it also seems to me that there is room for
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discussion, maybe right now, conditionally, netanyahu will say that the goals have been achieved, the understanding that there are no further prospects, he will say, let’s really, here’s iran more won't answer and we'll try the hostage story twist it as the most conspiracy theory, here i am for the expert, i think it’s another conspiracy theory. which is connected precisely with president herzog, he suggested what the hamas radicals should do now, they should kill the hostages, and this will be shown like this, you see, we warned, we said, he specifically draws attention to them, you think so , you have some kind of conspiracy theory, it is quite obvious that israel is not interested now, namely israel, is not interested in stopping the conflict, the leadership of israel is only happy about this, because... this largely removes netanyahu from a personal blow, but israel is split, israel is split, because,
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as i understand it, you can’t deny this people’s instincts, they understand perfectly well that the stake it was actually made in the usa, but whether it will play, whether it will work, is still unclear. haris, kamala haris, of course, is a wonderful woman, smiling, loves to laugh and so on, and most importantly, with the broadest possible identity. what i understand in israel they understand that it is quite likely that she wins and what to do in this situation, well, she wins as i draw it and will be the president of the united states, but nevertheless, the bet on trump may not work, then it will be a disaster for israel, the split will be worsened. do i understand you correctly, that when konstantin fedorovich and i said that well, this is
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a calculation, and you actually said that too, that this is a calculation, that they will start something like this and america will fit in, that now the israeli leadership is creating a situation , under which america under any president she will not be able to help but get in the way, now she will fit in, why because western countries talk to the outside world with narratives, well, in fact, stereotypes and so on, they have not left themselves a chance. they said, we will support israel as long as necessary, we will support ukraine as long as necessary, they are hostages of these statements, because as soon as they do something wrong, they will be accused of weakness , everything will fall down, but yes, kamala haris is the kind of person who, in principle, will say, but i didn’t promise you this, well, imagine a picture, a demonstrative execution of hostages, demonstrative, and at the same time, as it were, well , this is the face of this islamic world, then israel will be able to do anything, then america will definitely be there.
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didn’t get there, yes, only on instincts, zombies, everything is different here, it’s more complicated here, what did you see about me, about us, that fortune teller, new episodes, today on the first, how many times have i told you, find a normal job, i noticed
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that your psychos can think, i want to use this, we are looking for a needle, but not... speech it’s about tragedy, as you don’t understand, i discovered your talent, i ’ll close it, you’ll deliver pizza to me again, you’ll do what you want us to do all the work here for you, it’s time to develop, pasha, take a more careful approach to the point, i'm in germany, we're going back to the wards, it's a pity, it turned out very smoothly, time is up, detective syndrome. today is after the program. fantastic. tomorrow on the first. right at the junction of europe and asia, the mountains of the steppes, lies a blooming garden of eden. we are in bashkiria, friends.
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the bashkir took several arrows into his mouth like this, you know, in battle. three more in between.
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here on this stage there is a real holiday, two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday, on the first one, well, who is behind you, i’m telling you, i came myself, i wanted to conclude a contract for the purchase of oil, everyone wants it, let me introduce you to mine. ..
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control room, and mobilize all of our security services, have all the employees you can report urgently. the whole version goes to hell, the man with a stutter suddenly speaks like cicero. i really hope that you don't have to blame yourself for they didn't want to help us. you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. tomorrow is airborne forces day, a day and holiday that for everyone who had the honor of serving in
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the airborne forces is almost more important than new year, it’s a joyful holiday, it’s a meeting with friends, it’s a vest, this is pride for justified pride for the fact that you served, that you jumped, whoever fought fought, who didn’t... always one way or another somewhere one of ours pvdv comrades fought, fought, carried out tasks, died. today the airborne forces are fighting as a whole, and
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today i congratulate, of course, first of all those who are at the front, and i congratulate on airborne forces day, first of all, those who help in any way they can. departs for the combat zone, and i know a huge number of guys who buy, send, travel, and so on, the airborne forces fight, and
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the airborne forces help the howling airborne forces. glory to the airborne forces. i've arrived, hurray, grandma, mom, who is it, i don't know, sit quietly,
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police, what's going on? mom, i'm scared, sit quietly, i said, hello, police.
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so you can’t kill a zombie with a simple knife, maybe an aspen stake? there was a signal in the house, there was some man there. and there’s a zombie there, sasha, masha, quickly, climb in, meet there, what the father said, he entered the apartment, he has a key, uh-huh, where, go there, the husband is guarding there, hello, this is the husband, and what is this, uh-huh , so take this extra lady , please, here, be
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here, hey, get up, do you hear, you, wake up, come on, close the door, just don’t hit him too hard, we have children there, we’re after your beast, or something, well yes, well yes, sorry. call to department, tell me that we have a blind eye, i’m ready to be surprised, drum roll, yeah, well, not bad, yes, if i could use a crossbow, i would show you my class, i can do it with a crossbow,
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with a crossbow. yes, san, i’m an old crossbowman, robin hood, drum roll, oh, in london, oh, how, oh, you saw this hit, in london we really already have, by the way, yesterday edgardovich was so hot in london. so, third try. oh, i understand, work is in full swing. so, sanya, lyusya are with me, we have a dead body, edgada is still there, call marina. thank you, will you finish playing it with caesar now? looks like we have something here, oops.


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