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tv   Vremya  1TV  August 1, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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with caesar, relax, walk, go swimming, okay, walk. hello, the program “time” is on air, in the studio of ekaterina andreeva. in recent hours, eight russians who were imprisoned in a number of nato countries have been returned to their homeland. i note that none of them admitted guilt. there are minor children with them. the exchange took place today at ankara airport. as the fsb emphasized. our compatriots
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were exchanged for a group of people who acted in the interests of foreign states, to the detriment of the security of russia. and here are the shots that in the evening, the fsb spread the word that former prisoners were being sent from russia for exchange. in particular, paul willan and evan gershkovich are visible in the footage. they, along with other persons , were taken by bus to vnukovo. there everyone was put on a plane that flew to ankara. a source in one of the competent departments reported today that the russian side is completely satisfied with the exchange that took place. all the information known by this hour was collected by yuri lepatov. social networks were filled with images taken from a computer service flight radar, which tracked the movements of government, military and private aircraft over russia, germany, norway, poland and turkey, allegedly carrying prisoners involved in a large political exchange. journalists spent the day compiling lists containing different names. in the evening, it became known from official reports that 20 were exchanged in ankara
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. and in order not to solve this problem, we are ready to solve it, but there are certain conditions that are being discussed with partners channels between the intelligence services, it seems to me that it is possible to agree on this, i’m talking about those people who are essentially under the control of the us authorities, no matter where they are in prison, i’ll tell you, they are in one country, an ally’s country.
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cars drove over their heads, what kind of person is this? and is this a person? well, there was a patriot who liquidated one of his european capitals, did he do it on his own initiative or not? that's another question. vladimir putin spoke about former special forces officer vadim krasikov, sentenced to life imprisonment by a court in berlin, he returned to russia, to the usa.
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evan gershkovitch, who was also mentioned during that interview, returned. previously , a court in russia sentenced him to sixteen years in a maximum security colony in a case of espionage at a military enterprise. anna and artyom dultsev, arrested in slovenia on charges of espionage for russia, returned to russia. the son of state duma deputy from the ldpr valery seleznev, roman seleznev, accused of cyber fraud, was kidnapped by american intelligence services in the maldives. vladislav klyushin, convicted on charges of obtaining insider information about work. computer networks in the usa. vadim konoschonok, whom the americans accused of trying to circumvent sanctions regarding dual -use technology and gave the order to detain him in estonia. mikhail mikushin, detained in norway on suspicion of espionage. political scientist and journalist pavel rubtsov, detained in poland for what, according to the intelligence services, he was collecting classified information. the white house press service, in turn , confirmed that two people went to the united states, in addition to evan grishkovich. this is paul willan, former murpech, charged. fsb in espionage.
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alsou kurmasheva, who worked for radio liberty, is recognized as a foreign agent in russia. she was convicted of knowingly spreading false information from the russian army, while she has an american one. foreign agent vladimirurza, convicted of treason and fake news about the army, has been released. he is also connected to the united states, has a residence permit, and is a british citizen. former municipal deputy ilya yashin was released as a result of an exchange for an agent who engaged in spreading fake news about the army. rika krieger, accused in belarus of undercover activity, preparation for a terrorist attack , mercenary activity, and sentenced to death, was given the opportunity to return to germany . the day before. there is a message on the krememru website that lists all those pardoned, in addition to those already listed, these are kevin lik, dimury voronin, liliya chanysheva, vadim
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ostanin, ksenia fodeeva, alexander skochelenko, andrey pevarov, foreign agent oleg orlov. the decision to sign the decrees was made with the aim of returning citizens russian federation. detainees who were imprisoned on the territory of foreign states. the russian side is grateful to the president of belarus alexander grigorievich lukashenko for the goodwill gesture of pardoning german citizen rick krieger, sentenced to death. moscow also expresses gratitude to the leadership of all countries that assisted in preparing the exchange. the fsb distributed a video showing those sent for exchange boarding the plane. thus, the largest-scale exchange was carried out through the mediation of turkey. prisoners since the cold war. 10 people. transferred to russia, 13 to germany, three to the united states. yuri lepatov, andrey mikhailov, sergey prokofiev, channel one. we will return to the topic of prisoner exchange between russia and the west; we are waiting for our liberated compatriots to return to their homeland. now there are other topics of the day. during the rescue
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operation in nizhny tagil, two entrances of a five-story residential building collapsed, and children were killed among the victims. report from the scene of the emergency. three launchers of the patriot complex, field ammunition depots, and what else were destroyed our defenders did it in the nwo zone. and from today, those who enter into a contract with the ministry of defense for a period of one year receive at least 800 thousand rubles from the state. industry, agriculture, healthcare, and the development of mordovia are the focus of the president’s attention. vladimir putin received the head of the region, artyom zdunov, in the kremlin. reconstruction of airports, a new convenient route and flight safety, details of the meeting between the prime minister and the head of the federal air transport agency. everything that the country is proud of from the main exhibition of achievements vdnkh 85, the secrets of the unique
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complex, which is now experiencing a rebirth . according to the latest data, 16 people were injured, including five children. there are eight children in nizhny. nine were hospitalized . our correspondent andrei goldarev worked all day, here is his report. holy shit, the house collapsed. the first reports of a gas explosion in a residential building in nizhnemi began to arrive. at about 12 o'clock local time, the shock wave was so strong that two entrances collapsed, about 15 apartments were damaged, there was such a bang, everything shook, i rushed to the window, everything was white and the smell of dust and nothing was visible,
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children screamed on the street, help, call an ambulance, don’t move yourself, the place, almost immediately all the city’s operational services arrived at the destroyed house, now the place is destroyed...
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there will be free people, and we will we’ll get it, we tried to pull out this sofa, we couldn’t, and
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at that moment the firefighters arrived, all the victims were provided with the necessary assistance, two helicopters for adult and pediatric intensive care flew to nizhny tagil, and the center’s mobile operating complex also left disaster medicine, in the evening , deputy minister of the ministry of emergency situations of russia ilya denisov arrived with the task force, the head of the region, evgeny kuyvyshev, also worked on site all day, today he ordered the allocation of more than 240 million rubles from the reserve fund. these funds will go. to help the victims. the cause of the explosion remains to be determined. the house was built 50 years ago, gasified. according to law enforcement, the last maintenance of the equipment was carried out a month ago, but local residents say they saw gas workers in this house in the end of july and today there is a house behind us, which was driven out 15 minutes before the bang, before the explosion, by two young men in gas workers’ uniforms. now this information is being verified, but in the meantime a criminal case has been opened under the article of provision.
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defense showed new footage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces. now their third stage is underway: the personnel of the missile formations of the southern and central military districts, the aerospace forces unit have practiced receiving special ammunition and exits in the area of ​​training launches, as well as equipping launch vehicles for aircraft weapons with special combat units. let me remind you that the exercise is being conducted on the orders of the supreme commander-in-chief, and the belarusian military took part in the second stage of the maneuvers. now about how the special operation is going. in the daily reports of the ministry of defense, three destroyed launchers of the american patriot anti-aircraft missile system,
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a drone control center, as well as railway trains of the armed forces of ukraine with personnel and ammunition. in addition, our air defense systems shot down an atacom missile, 14 rockets and 61 drones. the enemy suffers heavy losses in manpower per day is almost 2.0 people. the ministry of defense published footage of an air strike on the position of an enemy air defense radio engineering company. our pilots used a cruise missile. x35 destroyed the radar station, combat control cabin, diesel power plant, car and 25 ukrainian. and new examples of the courage of our front-line soldiers. guard senior lieutenant, sefer ikhyaev, saved two soldiers wounded during the assault on the position in the ssu, provided them with first aid and organized the evacuation. then, with his group, he captured an enemy stronghold, killing 10 militants. private eldar rafulaev covered our forward detachments from. attack from the air, shot down several pividrones using standard small arms and caused serious damage to enemy personnel.
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at assembly points throughout the country, more and more people want to sign a contract with the ministry of defense and go to the northwestern military district zone. people of different professions and ages with no combat experience. from today, contract soldiers will receive 4,000 rubles from the state at a time. it is recommended to establish your payment no less than the federal one and regions. subjects have already done this. read more about everything lyubov filipova. my grandfather went through the entire war and was wounded twice. that’s why i went to the northern military district before leaving. to his grave, each of them has someone to follow an example from, my father went to the northern military district, from there, unfortunately, he could not return alive, and as if this followed such a starter for me that i must also go to defend my homeland, because i’m still i’m still a man, and especially a citizen of the russian federation, how i love my country, it’s great, my mother was also a veteran of military operations in chechnya, this is kind of for me
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very also such a strong starter, because first of all, she was a woman who still fought in the army in defeat for doctors... from today until the end of the year, everyone who signs a contract with the armed forces is entitled to a one-time payment from the state of 4,000 rubles. the term of the contract must be at least a year, the decree was signed by vladimir putin. make payments in an amount no less than what the state recommends to the regions, there is also additional help from municipalities, everything adds up. we
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woke up today, here with the guys, we read the news, and there it is, that is, just yesterday we hadn’t even heard anything about it at all. so today, of course, it’s a nice bonus. every day, on average, about 1.0 people come to selection points throughout russia, here they sign documents, undergo a medical examination, in addition to federal payments, there are also local ones. this is where they write an application to receive them. 305,000 from the city and another 500,000 from the nizhny novgorod region. it comes out to 400 thousand federal rubles. nizhny novgorod region is adding another 805, these are payments from the region and from the municipality. the total amount is 1.205. these payments differ in different regions of the country, but in any case the total is no less than 800,000. for example, in the magadan region the total payment will be 1,300,000 rubles. in kusbas - 1,200,000. residents of kabordin balkaria will receive 1.5 million rubles. in st. petersburg - 2,100,000 rubles. after signing the contract , training is required.
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they can also be sent from a special operation zone to improve their skills or learn a new specialty. for example, they came to study... operators, drones collecting drones from a fighter with the call sign hub, sappers, making fuses themselves, seven children, dad, you decided, you go, well done, we are proud of you, could you ever imagine, while playing with your son on a joystick, that you would someday be a uav operator , no, never, yes, i thought, my place is a trench, my place is somewhere in the forest plantations, and now also the sky, the drone hub is deftly controlled. but drones are needed in every unit, including sappers. these kids destroy multimillion-dollar equipment, and at the same time we do not put people at risk. can we can use a drone to clear mines; we can keep an eye on our own so that there are no prying eyes around. they are waiting for the guys with such skills, because it is necessary at the moment. and this is already a training base. this is where soldiers and engineering
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troops learn to operate equipment. the clearing machine makes its way through the minefields. she won't run over a mine. because there is a rut mine trawl installed in front, which - they explode in front of the car and calmly pass. since the beginning of this year , more than 190,000 people have signed contracts from the state provides them with preferential mortgages, life and health insurance. in the nizhny novgorod region, for example, as in many other regions, a social contract is concluded with the families of military personnel. monthly payments to pregnant wives, monthly payments to children up to 10,000 rubles. 50%.
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today, the professional holiday is celebrated by the russian aerospace forces, as a separate branch of the armed forces of the aerospace forces is still young. in 2015, by presidential decree, the structure included three types of troops: the air force, air defense and missile defense forces. defense space forces. therefore, the military traditions of the vks are long and glorious. defense minister andrei belausov spoke about them in his congratulations, and he noted that the soldiers honorably continue the work of their predecessors and successfully master the latest military equipment. the inspection has already been completed and the su-25 is rolling along the takeoff , picking up speed; today there are no analogues to this in the world. i don’t know or have seen the best airplane at the moment, the airplane is a flying tank, it’s not
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for nothing that they call it that. in the neo zone, these aircraft operate in pairs at ultra-low altitudes, using missiles and artillery weapons, maneuverable, well-armored, equipped with rap navigation systems, attack aircraft destroy enemy equipment near the stronghold. despite the opposition, the enemy crushed us with rap signals, the navigation did not show us, we went out according to landmarks, carried out bunk launches, according to the aviation commander’s report , the assessment was excellent, the targets were hit, now refueling is underway, in a little more our attack aircraft will be ready for takeoff again, carry out several combat missions every day, their number depends on the assigned tasks, so we can say that pilots now live more in the sky, including army aviation pilots. military helicopters operate in all directions of the front, conduct reconnaissance and successfully hit various targets, both day and night. military aviation is today part of the russian aerospace forces, as well as
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the air defense forces and space forces. the creation of such a unified branch of the armed forces in 2015 became a necessity, experts say. the united states adopted the doctrine of global instant blow. the nato countries were preparing the nato-20 strategy. 30, that is, this military-political bloc, which was headed by the united states, they changed their tactics and strategy in order to instantly strike anywhere in the world against those countries that they did not like, it is clear that the americans rebuilt the the entire nato bloc, and russia had to somehow react to this. immediately after its creation, the vks underwent a baptism of fire interaction in syria. space reconnaissance and tactical aviation played a decisive role in liberating the territory of the republic from terrorists. now the troops of this unique type of armed forces are solving
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many problems in the zone of a special military operation (they give me 270) there is tracking of the target along the first channel of the azimuth 270 altitude 1,500 range 15,000 speed 32 qualify the target as a free device launch costs yes there is a launch. there is a gathering, attention, a meeting on the first channel, on the first channel one sunrise was destroyed, one pontsires, a short-range mobile anti-aircraft missile system, clearing the sky in radius of more than 20 km, here is the s-400 triumph - a much more powerful system, detects an object at a distance of 600 km, the affected area is about 380 km, and since last year it has been armed with surface-to-surface missiles, so triumph is dangerous not only in the sky. and these parabolic antennas continuously scan outer space, first to twelfth, i report the results of the express analysis for target 24/14. the fifteenth
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army of the special purpose aerospace forces manages the orbital constellation of spacecraft and is responsible for detecting launches ballistic intercontinental missiles monitor near-earth space , more than a thousand military personnel from kamchatka to kaliningrad take up combat duty every day. yulia pogorelova, pavel proshin, irina bliznyuk, artyom tikhanov, anastasia slobodenyuk and konstantin zhukovsky. first channel. the socio-economic development of mordovia was discussed by vladimir putin with the head of the republic artyom zdunov. growth rates are good, both in industry and agriculture. the president also drew attention to problem areas, in particular in healthcare. the national project here to help the region requires special attention to demography. the most important thing from the working meeting in the kremlin in the report by konstantin panyushkin. this multi-page alimana is the annual report of the mordovian head artyom zdunov. i looked at industrial production, we had 3.5 growth last year in the country, and you have eight.
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the republic also compares favorably in agriculture; the results there are even better, in contrast to the results for the country as a whole. but just 3 years ago there was praise for the region for practically no reason, the state debt of mordovia amounted to 200% of the income of the republican treasury. you set the task. clearly put things in order with financial discipline, we have corrected the situation, now our income already exceeds the national debt, but we are trying to improve this indicator, i think that a lot of work still needs to be done, because now the indicator is about 90%, on average i think, well, where -should be 60-70 to function normally. in november 2023, for the first time since 2011, the ministry of finance assessed public financial management in mordovia as proper. growth of agricultural production, and well ... the main base, last year and this year, thank you for the decision, we buy mineral fertilizers on time, apply them on time, well, we monitor the quality of
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the products produced. organics wanted to report that the market is expanding, demand is expanding, even the fact that 3 years ago, now this is a big difference, therefore, with the ministry of agriculture of russia, we are now already working in foreign markets, we supply organics to 10 countries, five of them are countries countries of the organization of islamic cooperation. the region's economy is changing noticeably. mordovia is developing the production of small-scale chemicals, radio electronics, lighting equipment, experimental fiber, and refrigerator cars for domestic medicines. in industry, we managed to increase wages, so people. they began to come to us last year, a small migration influx to the republic comes for new investment projects in the birth rate, the birth rate is low and this is for us, so i wanted to say about the problems of acute problems, this is number one and on the list of unresolved problems of mordovia also outdated public transport, broken municipal roads and sewage systems in need of repair. the region expects to modernize all this through infrastructure budget loans, which were not available to mordovia before the financial
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recovery. also requires special attention, yes, because the incidence rate in oncology is higher on average than in russia, that’s why i said, we built an oncological dispensary, on your instructions, the detection rate has increased sharply, and detection in the first stages, we have saved a lot of lives, we will have also such a request, it’s just that the statistics have increased, and the statistics of the first early stages, right away, because good equipment and specialists have appeared, in this case we need, of course, to complete the treatment and... rehabilitation of patients, it is important for us that the hospital that adjoins it be completed, that is, this will require the help of the federal center, rest for children, how, firstly, do we send our own children for rest, prepared all the camps together with the regulatory authorities, people come to us from novorusiya, traditionally, people come to us from belgorod, that’s why we try, and the most important thing is to pay attention to employment , patriotic education, gto standards,
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knowledge. history, as for children's education, over the past 2 years the republic has reconstructed 38 schools. konstantin, pavel rudakov, kiril luginov, channel one. health care problems are the focus of deputy prime minister tatyana golikova. in the kaliningrad region, she visited an oncology center, new modern blocks, a hospital, a clinic - all with the latest medical technology. in in the fight against cancer, prevention and early diagnosis are very important,” golikova noted in an interview with the head of the region. administrators. to raise the check, this is the main task that we now have, when we communicate with two doctors, when we go, we discuss these issues, what needs to be done for this, so the whole program in the future we will have an excellent one, maybe in russia now, in principle, due to the launched oncology program within the framework of this project, which is currently working, is, in principle, detectable five-year survival rate, one-year
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mortality rate, all indicators are going in... positive directions, so you just need to pay very serious attention to the primary care and establish interaction between the primary and now newly created, specialized ones, so that as many patients and citizens as possible can simply do this take advantage, and deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev in the saratov region appreciated the development of the agro-industrial complex. the cleaning campaign is already underway in most regions. grain forecast: previous 132 million tons, despite all natural disasters. the state provides significant assistance to farmers, taking into account local specifics. the corresponding ones have also been handed over. the government, for its part, allocates quite significant funds to the saratov region to support the agro-industrial complex and the development of rural areas. in 2024, about 2.5 billion rubles will be allocated for these purposes accordingly.
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separately, i would like to note that, despite the death of more than 50,000 hectares of winter crops from may frosts, farmers were able to quickly cross. on today we have started harvesting, this year we plan to collect about 4 million tons of grain and grain legumes, about 2 million tons of sunflower. the work is being carried out very actively; cleaning began 10 days earlier. the farmers are all working and every effort will be made to the regions. for harvesting and preserving this harvest this year. first of all, airplanes, and these are not words from a famous song, about the direction of development of the transport system, which is provided for by the national project for an effective transport system. new unique routes airports more than 4 million passengers in the far east who will be able to take advantage of various transportation programs, including preferential ones. today prime minister mikhail
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mishustin discussed large-scale air plans with the head of the federal agency. air transport by dmitry yadrov, and what is important, the aviation industry is developing, despite the colossal sanctions pressure from unfriendly countries, not only many new airports will be built and updated. but the design solutions will also be at their best so that we can immediately understand where we are arriving, the roofs air harbor, for example, in the city of gold miners, it will look like an ingot of fighting metal, so that it is not only reliable, but beautiful, about the ambitious flight plans in the report by anna kurbatova. at least 75 airports in 6 years, this number of air harbors needs to be renovated within the specified period, this is the task set by the president, not an easy task, considering... that some airports have not been renovated for decades, now the buildings themselves have to be put in order, build a new one somewhere, take -off runways, what has already been done, on last week mikhail mishustin checked personally during a working trip to the far east and siberia, and today this was topic number
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one at a meeting with the head of the federal air transport agency dmitry yadrov, we were in magadan, we were in khabarovsk, novosibirsk, in gorno-altai, where we watched how the work was going on on infrastructure modernization. for example, in general, the most important transport hub for magadan residents, given that the plane is the main form of transport there, often even getting to neighboring regions, there is no other way, now a new one is being built there on the permafrost air terminal complex, it will become more convenient, there will be jet bridges, and it will also be able
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to accommodate a quarter more passengers, up to 800 per hour, the new terminal should open at the end of this year. today, despite unprecedented reactionary pressure, domestic aviation continues to develop, and this is not only aviation itself. this is infrastructure, airfields, control systems, new routes are opening, you said about this, that is , there is less and less need to make a transfer somewhere or fly to moscow to return returning towards the same far east, this is all very important, for example, to get from anadrya in chukotka to neighboring kamchatka, it used to take almost two days, you had to fly through moscow, now there is a direct flight to petropavlovsko-kamchatsky in less than 4 hours ways, and over the decades novosibirsk airport has generally become one of the largest transport... hubs, now inferior in passenger traffic to the excess air harbors of moscow, st. petersburg and sochi. 90 directions are open. we have three traditional programs, these are program for the accessibility of mainline transportation, the development of routes bypassing moscow, as well as social routes in the far
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east. by the end of the year, we plan to transfer 4,150,000 passengers under these programs, this will be provided as part of 420 unique routes, discounted tickets will be provided. flying is becoming more convenient, and not only in the far east and siberia. now summer is the vacation period, the planes are almost fully loaded. direct flights have been established with 36 foreign countries, and ours fly to 25 of them. airlines. but here’s what’s also important: more and more often , russians began to choose to travel around their home country. by the end of the season, by the end of the summer schedule, we plan to transfer 73.3 million passengers. 69% is transportation at eighteen. to our tourist regions, which are determined by the ministry of economic development, at the end of may, together with the ministry of transport and the ministry of defense, we opened the ilista airport, passenger traffic is confidently growing, flights should be more affordable, we have to
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increase their intensity by one and a half times, which in general not an easy task, and it will have to be solved in the next 6 years. well, the absolute priority, of course, is flight safety, and it depends , among other things, on the level of training. personnel, you provided assistance, funds were allocated from the federal budget to restore the fleet of our training helicopters, airplanes, increase the wages of instructors, currently all contracts have been concluded, it is very important that we do everything necessary to improve conditions, create new opportunities for dynamic development the entire branch of the federal air transport agency, built the appropriate infrastructure, repaired runways, and built new comfortable modern buildings. airports, in accordance with all necessary standards and regulations , implemented all decisions related to flight safety, i would like to wish you success in this. anna kurbatova, olga merklova, ekaterina koryaka, sergey deev, channel one.
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the upper house of parliament completed its spring session, and today at the final press conference, chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko said: that’s it, what we planned was completed in full. senators approved 331 laws in six months, among them. support for the participants of the special operation and their families is a priority of the state. as for interactions with colleagues from other countries, including unfriendly ones, russia is ready for dialogue on global security, but only if russian interests are taken into account. drew up his work plan, it was fully
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implemented, and 51 laws were adopted only to implement the president’s message. in russia today is the day of remembrance of the soldiers who died in the first world war. exactly 110 years ago, our country, defending the fraternal serbian people, entered the war against germany and austria-hungary. in moscow , the chairman of the russian historical society, director of the foreign intelligence service, sergei naryshk, laid a wine at the memorial of fallen soldiers. he noted that at the front the russian army confronted significant forces, but for a long time the feat of our soldiers was almost forgotten. the tragedy of the fratricidal civil war overshadowed the first world war in national memory. and she is for a long time years has become a forgotten war for our society. 10 years ago, thanks to common efforts, it was possible to restore the lost connection
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of times, in accordance with the adopted federal law, august 1 is officially celebrated as a memorable date, the day of remembrance of russian soldiers who died in the first world war. the supreme court of karelia recognized the actions of the nazi invaders and finnish troops during the great patriotic war as genocide. during the occupation, the nazis killed 86 thousand of our citizens in the republic, destroyed cities, villages, businesses, death camps. facts that do not allow us to forget these heinous crimes against humanity. the nazi allies organized concentration camps on the territory of what is now the republic of carilia to contain the ethnic russian population; the prisoners held there died en masse from hunger, hard labor and epidemics. the investigation documented numerous facts of torture
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of prisoners, including women, the elderly and children. the war and occupation regime led to the death of tens of thousands of local residents. thousands people on the streets of tehran, a sea of ​​sorrow and tears. the capital of iran is today saying goodbye to the head of the hamas politburo. ismail hanei was killed in an israeli missile attack. the spiritual leader of the islamic republic, ali khaminei, read prayers today. the new york times has inside information, according to sources, ali khaminii gave the order to respond to israel by striking. there has been no official confirmation of this. the situation in the middle east was discussed at an emergency meeting of the un security council. russia regards the incident as political murder. now paris, the olympic games and another episode that is literally painful to watch. the thing is that representatives of algeria have previously been suspended from major tournaments.
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and another question, how is this even possible in the once golant france? you are looking at the time, now there is an advertisement, immediately after we are waiting for a report from our film crew from vnukovo airport, where they are meeting our compatriots who were released as part of the prisoner exchange between russia and the west. stay with us on channel one. how many since i told you, find a normal job. i noticed that your psychos can think, i want to use this, we are looking for a needle. we don’t notice that, we are talking about a tragedy, how do you
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not understand this, i discovered your talent, i will close it, you will deliver pizza to me again, you will, what do you want us to do all the work here for you, it’s time to develop , pasha, take a more careful approach to the matter, i’m in kerma, let’s go back to the wards, it’s a pity, it turned out very smoothly, time is up. detective syndrome. today after program time. bourbon. stearnsman , a stellar group product, whisky mancacher, a stellar group product, сnop gin, a stellar group product, monte shoca cognac, a stellar group product, rom castro, a stellar group product,
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pechora vodka, a stellar group product, vodka. veta is a product of the stellar group. there is a russian spirit here, there is a smell of russia here. we are used to seeing mikhail zadorny on stage, at concerts or at some events, when he was in the image of what is called holding his face. he didn’t let anyone into the family in a broad sense. it was a strictly closed area. for the first time we have the opportunity to see him as only those closest to him saw him: his daughter and wife. lively - there were always gatherings, and you were sitting in dad’s place, it so happened, yes, unique footage, previously inaccessible to outsiders, there was this difficult period when he was being treated abroad, mikhail nikolaevich’s sister, lena, and his first wife velta, faced misfortune unfortunately, they united, the three of them lived in the same apartment, cooked in the same
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kitchen and took turns coming to work for mikhail, the daughter turns to him, realizing that he's somewhere... there, and he hears her. don’t take it as a posthumous empty compliment, my father’s feelings are more important to me, most likely at this sad moment, god needed you more for some reason. our exclusive is the family archive of mikhail zadorny. exclusive with dmitry borisov. on saturday on the first. what is snow to me, what is heat to me? it’s pouring rain for me when my friends are with me, tonight in our studio we gathered exactly those who have experienced you know exactly what a true true friend is, i believe that friendship must definitely go through the test, i had an operation, 12 she walked for hours, igor comes, comes to me, i played a melody for the morning, he called and
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dictated the verses of the song, my friend, how great, my friend, in general, it turned out to be a friend, and not a friend, and not an enemy, but so, on saturday first, you will collect, trader from monday on the first, this is the program time,
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and we return to one of the main topics of the exchange program. eight russian citizens who were imprisoned in a number of nato countries. at vnukovo airport , a plane carrying our compatriots is currently waiting to land. evgenia lyamin reports from places. we are now at vnukovo airport, there are a lot of journalists here, everyone is waiting for the plane from turkey to land, everyone is preparing to meet it. there are 10 people on it, two children and eight russians convicted abroad who did not admit their guilt. this is a former special forces officer, vadim krasikov, sentenced by the court. in berlin , anna and artyom dultsev, arrested in slovenia on charges of spying for russia, are returning to life imprisonment in russia. the son of state duma deputy from the ldpr valery seliznev, roman seleznev, accused of cyber fraud, kidnapped by american intelligence agencies in the maldives. vladislav klyushin, convicted on charges of obtaining insider information about the operation of computer
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networks in the united states. vadim konoshchinok, whom the americans accused of trying to circumvent sanctions that relate to dual -use technologies, gave the command. keep him in estonia, mikhail mikushin, detained in norway on suspicion of espionage, political scientist and journalist pavel rubtsov, detained in poland because, according to the polish intelligence services, he was collecting secret information information. this is the footage that was distributed by the federal security service of russia after the exchange procedure in ankara , those for whom the russians were exchanged are boarding the bus, as the special services said, these are persons who worked in the interests of foreign states to the detriment of the security of russia, and this is footage also from ankara, on there are 10 of them, those who were exchanged. our fellow citizens who are now returning to russia. the plane is about to land. now the liberated russians are already approaching moscow, the plane is about to land, we are all waiting for them here at vnukovo airport and. and as stated, they will all undergo a full medical examination after they arrive. evgenia, ilya marin, channel one. the underground
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arctic university, mines that can be compared in length to the metro tunnels. training ground for miners. all this is being created in the murmansk region, on the basis of an already existing mine; they will train directly underground, so that they immediately understand what and how to do when the time comes to go down to the mine. it's about fortitude, because... secret there are no people here, and those who will study here say, this is a continuation of dynasties, and family history, and the honor of working at the mine, reporting by alena germanova, first we went down a little, but 20 m. now we will go horizontally and then we will already go uphill 3 km deep into the mountain, where the so-called horizons diverge from the transport roadway, like arteries, the mine workings of the rasvumchora mine are... twice as long as the st. petersburg metro, you visit here once, and after that it becomes
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as a way of life, that is, you always want to come back, you always have this mountain air, it’s special in itself, here it’s far from sunlight, a miner’s shift usually lasts from 7 to 12 hours, according to safety rules, everyone should have to be such a special mine self-rescuer, and also... a gas analyzer, the readings are normal, the instructions have been completed, we are going to the territory of the future training site, we are the first to be shown it, here we will concentrate deep drilling processes, here we will load the delivery vehicles they will practice skills and techniques of work, and then unload into the ore pass, from the explosion and breaking of ore to its transportation, stage by stage they will reproduce it on a scale. so: classrooms, special equipment, annually 500 students from the apatity branch of the murmansk
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arctic university will master mining specialties here right underground. no simulator can replace practice, here the conditions are 99%, these are real conditions, which then after that will come directly from the production process itself, and it will be no different. they began to develop this mark back in 1970, specifically for... excavation will no longer be carried out here, but in the horizons below, right below us, mining continues now, here at the rosvumchersky mine, 7.5 million tons of apatite nephiline ore, a fertility stone , are mined every year it is also sometimes called. beyond the arctic circle in the khibiny, this mining and processing plant appeared 95 years ago, here , after beneficiation, the purest apatite concentrate is obtained from ore, only at this factory 27. in the cities
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st. petersburg, moscow, having studied there for 5 years, having lived in a big city, are reluctant to return home, finding employment in the federal center; the industry is losing highly qualified specialists from this. the goal is very ambitious, the task is global, we want to create an advanced school, a mining school, here in the apatinsky branch of mau. and the underground testing ground is just the beginning; in the coming years , the company will allocate 3 billion rubles for the development of the local university. there will be 10 new laboratories, a modern student campus with a dormitory for 300 people, and also housing for invited teachers from leading universities in the country.
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a huge mountain, it is an honor for me to study as a mining engineer and subsequently work in this specialization. documents for new specialties in apatity will begin to be accepted starting
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next year. the task is not only to teach, to release. those for whom the phrase “from ore to food is not easy.” words on a poster. both at the factory assembly line and in the mine workings they are well aware that today the food security of not only our country depends on them. fertilizers originally from the khibiny are supplied to dozens of other countries. alyona germanova, mikhaillageev, ksenia ugarova, georgy ilyin, channel one, murmon region, kirovsk. a key element of the nuclear reactor safety system was delivered to the construction site of the paksh2 nuclear power plant, which is being built by rusatom, in hungary. the melt trap is an innovative russian development, which, if necessary , prevents the release of radioactive materials into the environment, the weight of the device is 150 tons, it is made of steel, resistant to high temperatures, everything is made to work without power supply without
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human participation. today. the largest nuclear investments in europe are taking place, the construction of the fifth and sixth power units. in the construction of any nuclear power plant, there are milestones that are of decisive importance during further construction. undoubtedly, such a milestone is the arrival of the decay trap. the base for its installation is 86% ready. we are increasing the number of specialists working on site to ensure that the new units are operational early in the next decade. this will allow us to improve energy security hungary. the forum “territory of the future moscow 2030” started in the capital today. more than thirty sites, some are already working, some will open in the next few days. zaryadye, red october, gas-2, gorky park - all spheres of life in the megapolis. in luzhniki, for example, there is a large sports program, a training marathon is planned, on the manege square there is a gastronomic festival with culinary shows and master classes, and in the manege itself the focus is on transport. a large stand is dedicated
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to the high-speed railway project . we have four generations in our family in moscow; just a few years ago we knew about our great-grandparents only from stories; thanks to our longevity , we now have the opportunity for great-grandparents to communicate directly with their little family members. the most visited exhibition in the world, vdnkh, celebrates its 85th birthday, despite its advanced
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age, it is one of the most dynamic, vibrant, and not afraid of changes in space, together with the vast country, vdnkh has changed, grown, but one thing has remained unchanged, interest and love the public to everything that the exhibition demonstrates: space alleys, pavilions, a cable car, skating rinks and fountains that have a heart, it beats in rhythm with russia and its people, and 35 million visitors definitely vote for going to vdnkh, even though it’s only months not enough to study everything in detail, maybe more. ours knows about the history of the exhibition, its secrets and plans for the future. and you can send it up like a rocket, wow , great, this place has always made you dream of more and strive for new heights, alexandra loves her lens to capture just such moments, photographers come to vdnk for this unique combination of architecture and nature. here you can practically see the entire pavilion, as if
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it feels like it is from the main entrance, yes, in fact, the main entrance is on the other side. the exhibition used to be an agricultural one, where would it be without crops, and you can have handles on both sides like this, it’s very beautiful, the combination of this very bright, yellow, golden color and blue sky, plus the water is refreshing, it’s of course very beautiful, the photos come out here , in honor of the day birth of vdnkh reveals the secret of its main symbol, please wear helmets, because the ceilings are low, after relaxing next to the fountain of friendship of peoples, everyone can now... go down underground to see how this magic is created. the axis of the fountain, directly, the center of the fountain is clearly above us, clearly, this is only the heart of the fountain, because it must beat, the fountain must work, and it works, the heart beats, the fountain works, here is a cosmic chestnut, this is not accidental, because this part vdnh called the space alley, it stretches
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from the main entrance to the central pavilion, all these trees were planted by the soviets. and the third from myself. by the way, gagarin himself also visited vdnkh. in the cosmos pavilion, he personally showed his ship vostok to schoolchildren. in soviet times, the exhibition was a city of utopia, with incredible pavilion palaces, but the structures built for the opening have not survived. they were made of wood, so the first visitors certainly wouldn’t recognize them at vdnkh now. in the thirties of this territory i haven’t been to vdnkh yet. by the year fifty-four, this arch was built, which is now called the main entrance. at thirty- nine. year on the opening day of the all-union agricultural exhibition, its main entrance was precisely this building, therefore it is this building that we see in all the films of that time, foundling or bright path. here are the characters
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from the film foundling rushing through the alleys of the newly opened exhibition. a year later , drummer tanya morozova flies over the most iconic monument of the ussr in a convertible performed by lyubov orlova. later , collective farm workers will become a symbol of all russian cinema, thanks to the screensaver. mos film has 325 hectares of land, 49 cultural heritage sites, a landscape park, a museum city, one of the tallest ferris wheels in the world, and in winter there is also the largest artificial turf rink in europe. guests at odnkh can only choose what to do during this time. once, honeymoon, let's go to moscow, we just came, our mouths are already open, we, especially this fountain, which is behind us, we are here were. almost 30 years ago, the same architecture that existed remained, it is preserved, supported, at vdnkh you can feel this history, that’s why i want to show the child this too. the historical appearance of vdnkh is in the careful
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hands of restorers, after the devastation of the nineties and zeros, over the past 10 years , thirty-eight pavilions have already been restored to their original appearance. now work is in full swing in the former karelia pavilion; this is the only building with preserved wooden elements on the facades. in this place with us. there was a crack the crack was cleared of dirt, dust and a wooden river was inserted, this is an ear of corn, a serb, that is, harvesting, all this is like throughout the entire territory of vdnh, like throughout the soviet union, the only thing that is added here is also an animal in the form of a moose . 85 years after its opening, this place has essentially returned to its original idea. russia has created the forum again.
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for comparison, this is like 25 central pavilions, construction is planned to be completed in 2 years, and today in honor of the holiday all guests were given another gift, launched a cable car with cabins similar to spaceships, as a symbol that even the wildest dreams should become a reality. olga pautova, ekaterina ovsyakova and... vdnkh on channel one documentary film architect of time, life and fate of vyacheslav altarzhevsky,
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author of the master plan for the country's main exhibition.


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