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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 2, 2024 3:30am-4:06am MSK

3:30 am
moscow, here are all four of you in one room, yes, and also a cat, a scottish one, and also a husband who constantly comes there periodically, why did i understand, no, well, when he lived before, now he’s done, he left, he i'm in trouble, but he doesn't have any complaints about the apartment , yours, they pay alimony, no, why don't you sue, the first child, the second child, the third child, he doesn't exist. a dash in paternity, it’s all on his conscience, he’ll show him how the children will grow up here, she really wants a man, you know, the funny thing is that she doesn’t care how long he’ll be earn money, but at the same time it is important that he washes the dishes after himself, this is in general, this is generally for me, he did not throw the plate into the sinks, as his ex-husband did, you need to look, you are looking for children, how much a man earns, this should be important, if he doesn’t earn anything, or it means...
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she was married for only 4 months, this is actually a record in our country, maybe in the whole world, ask, well, ask, i had an american husband, i was married to him for less than a day , lariska udovichenko and i, she was my wedding witness, just left with wedding table with her, something was so boring , yes, and she rented a room in gossinets, and i went straight to her from the wedding, everyone was walking there, so she and i lay down in a jack on...
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in general on the internet or not, well, we will add this record to the russian book of records, but there is an even shorter one, the marriage lasted 3 minutes, people were leaving the wedding hall, the bride tripped and the groom did not help her, but laughed at her and said that she was clumsy, they immediately turned around and left. divorced, i would have done the same. meet the first bruise
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hi, yulia, hello, i listened to your story, my name is vladimir, it’s very nice, i think. how can you cheat on such a woman? thank you, this is for you! thanks a lot! vladimir, 45 years old, security officer on duty at a shopping center, lives in sergeev posad, loves to go mushroom hunting and barbecue outdoors, is proud that he has frozen 15 liters of honey mushrooms, dreams of buying a dacha, admits that he is a good lover, they warn that will choose his wife according to the sign of the zodiac, the wife so... wanted to get rid of vladimir
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that she set him impossible conditions, not touch alcohol on new year's eve, hope that yulia will turn out to be an adequate woman, hello, hello, i completely agree with you, only a crazy woman who wants to get rid of a man can give him such a nightingale, but what is it? these are mushrooms, okay? thank you, well, these are my favorite mushrooms, oh , which man picked the mushrooms himself and brought them, was his wife already at a low start with a suitcase, or did she prepare your suitcase? no, she left, or maybe
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she provoked you like that because some other vovka was waiting for her, maybe, well , i think so, so she lives there for some time, yes, yes? then voba, send me money for the trip back, i don’t like to do harm to a person, i never do mean things, take revenge on someone, no, well, she just left you a ragan, what does revenge have to do with it, well, that means it should be so be, but if a person should be with me, he will be with me, he has a general philosophy, he loves children, can you imagine, she has already given birth to another daughter, and he is touched, says: oh, she is very pretty,
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no, that means, and i, i’m talking about mine, you’re talking about mushrooms, and i’m talking about mine, so, that means, he won’t give away his entire salary, most of it will go to his daughter, that’s right, yes, you’re only part of it you will receive it, for him his daughter is sacred, how old is she? 9 years, no, that’s right, you pay alimony, no, no, in addition to alimony,
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no, i provide for her, will provide for her for the rest of her life, so how long will be left, yul, that’s what i’m saying, that when you say, it doesn’t matter to me . in principle, he has enough, he even has enough to look after her beautifully, for so long and you were already a big boy, you were almost 40, and she was 18, you were exactly what, what, how old you were, 35, yes, yes, and she was 18, she was fooling you there, well, yes , i tolerated everything in general. she's all out there, yes, but she's such a lover, so that, well, for example, we decided to buy rings, i received a salary there, i gave her money for rings, for everything, i call, she doesn't answer me at all, i call,
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i called for probably 2:30, she doesn’t answer at all, i think i need to go, well, i come there to the apartment, her mom says she’s already left, she’s on her way to see you, she’s probably still at the station. look there, i run to the station, she’s standing there, i say, well, i called you, and i said i was putting on makeup, and then she confessed to me, i liked it so much, she says that i didn’t answer you, but you came running yourself , when a man loves, everything is sweet to him, everything is sweet to him, everything, now his eyes are shining, he loved her, it’s obvious that he loved her, she didn’t really love him, i know volodya, what do you, you choose bride, future wife according to signs zodiac, well, yes, that means... mendelssohn, look at the natal chart of the compatibility of our heroes there. julia is a taurus, volodya is an aquarius, can things work out for them or not? in this case, i think, of course, maybe the taurus is beautiful, which cannot be matched with an aquarius. how about putting the mushrooms here? yes, but
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you don’t like mushrooms, i’m not afraid it will poison you. yes, i don’t know where they were meeting. excuse me, please, i wonder where he is? he collected them near the side of the road, near the highways, where the mushrooms are full of zinc and lead, or he went specifically to outback to collect really fresh, clean mushrooms, this question also interests me, now i want to return to this astrology again, it means that your ex was a capricorn, and why do you think that capricorns are the most mercantile, and capricorn is such a... sign, especially a woman, she knows her worth, you had one, yes, yes, i had one, she knows money, money, money, you sit, she says, where is the money, no, she says, is already distributing how much i should receive, what, and you, what is it?
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do you think about this, in general i think that if there should be a family, i should take care of it, it should take care of me. volodichka, let me clear it up, my mom was a capricorn, a more selfless person, who worked for everyone, for her relatives, for me, she denied herself everything, there are no such women anymore, a pure capricorn, so... don’t believe it, you know people yes, it all depends, being is determined by consciousness, and not by the zodiac sign, for us , i am also an aquarius, and you are an aquarius, it turns out, according to that very astrology, we in general, for us in general, it is contraindicated for married people to get married, we are freedom-loving, no one can get along with us, you know, it’s bullshit, what’s true, eat these, eat them, try them, no, no, thank you, tell me, doesn’t it bother you? children have left, well, honestly, i don’t know, i can’t say that right away, life will tell, well, think, show me
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a surprise, yulia, i’m a mushroom picker, let’s go, i’ll show you a mushroom clearing, well, the season has come again, well, these mushrooms are not it’s so easy to find, but together i think we can handle it, we’ll remind the basket until... okay, oops, everyone, catch everyone, gotcha.
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what a delight, so violators, you are in a protected area, let's get married, you can't pick mushrooms here, for every mushroom found there is a fine, a sincere kiss. and otherwise you will be removed from the filming clearing until the circumstances are clarified, pay a fine, since i am involved in this crime, it’s up to me to clean up, well , yes, what a gift, oh, thank you very much, earring, uh-huh, thank you very much, that there
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are earrings, yes, oh , what a good one, brag about it, please show me, oh, how beautiful they look like mine, really very beautiful and the stones are so beautiful right for you fits, what i watched from the room is, of course, not the same when a person... you see live, communicate with her, talk, this is a completely different person, very, well, girls, share, let’s share your impressions, well, very interesting, of course, yes, mushrooms, i love mushrooms, i also kind of collect them, but i don’t salt them, next time we’ll go together to pick mushrooms in the forest, great, that is, you separately, both you and vladimir, are beautiful, but vladimir there is only one love passion, his daughter, she will always be... first, meet the second groom, come in,
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yulia, hello, hello, from me to you, you are amazing, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, you are simply amazing. thank you, i looked, yes, that’s the charm, thank you, alexey, 37 years old, assistant to the chief engineer at a shopping center, lives in ivanteevka, moscow region, is proud that, with average external data, he wins over women with charisma and wit, admits that he can’t stand cilantro, alexey was forced to end his relationship with his lovers.
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she talked about her ex-husband or something else, but i couldn’t stand it just, i wouldn’t have boiled over, it just wouldn’t have happened like this anymore, unfortunately, you were jealous of her, yes, very much, yes, i was jealous of her, of course, larisa, i loved her very much, and the first time she came to you instead in order to also quickly undress, as they say, and she
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became a cleaning woman, instead of having our wedding night, she began to clean the apartment house. house, i, i have my own house, i have a attached house, of course, in unsanitary conditions, who does this, everything was clean with me, i cleaned up anyway, she she says, bring the iron, i say, why use the iron, so i say, dry the poster first, then i’ll dry the wet one directly with the iron, that is, she showed that she is a good housewife first of all, she is an amazing housewife, i loved her very much, i’m nothing husband asked her to come back to him, her husband asked her for the matter, that her ex-husband fought me off, because she is amazing, she blossomed with me, how charismatic am i? well, where is he talking about winning women with charisma and wit, where is the charisma, where is the wit, come on laris let's see, we have a video, and a video business card, let's see how alexey loved us, hello dears, my name is ustsov
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alexey vitalievich, i'm 37 years old, i'll soon be 38. you can start congratulating me, i'm from the city of ivanteevka, moscow region, i almost always live here, i am a famous russian writer, quite famous, regional, writer, poems, articles, stories, and so on, on these internets, interesting, intellectual, everything is more in me, thank god, i work as an assistant to the chief engineer in trade center near the house in the city of vantievka with the most wonderful and dear to me, dear gennady mikhailovich, chief engineer of the shopping center in the city of ivantievka. i am a kind, modest person, so i would like to find a more or less pretty one, because i am
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not a biased or pretentious person, more or less pretty. friendly girl with your god's help, thank you very much for everything, forgive me if something is wrong, with respect, me, alexey vitalievich, laris, i have a counter offer, my little bunny, look at this such an interesting video card, let's announce a competition for the best heroes with their business cards, we'll invite them to the new year, yes, okay, i think the best business card will be from...
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if i had everything i want, i 'd caress all the courtiers, maidens, madam and duchess, i ’m capable of a lot, russian, i’m a hero, queen, dear, closer to my body, i would walk with her in the field, near a river in the forest,
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surely, i would serve faithfully, he looks like a russian hero about that , which he says, of course, look what an animal, you at least squatted, i don’t know, tucked up, my dear, dear, queen, dear, quieter than the water in the river, can hide in the grass, i am the queen’s guard, i am her beloved pash, i don’t care about anything, her most faithful guard, do i really need so much, nothing and nothing . if only the queen knew, my shoulder is at hand, lyosha,
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go into the room, just like that, cool, oh, amazing, amazing. queen, amazing queen, amazing queen, amazing queen. well, ksenia, are you scared? no, absolutely, yul, there is a feeling that he can raise his hand against a woman, no, why suddenly, mendelsohn, mendelelssohn, if you are a man, please tell me that you understood, as if you had been to a city fair and saw all the talents combined into one person, really. when so many things are combined in a person, as a rule, each talent individually does not work very well, but i believe that
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they will find a common language with your children, you will have a fourth child, yes, so what? meet the third groom, come in. hello, yulia, my name is alexey, i’m from the city of brides ivanova, it’s very nice, but i never found a bride there, so i came for you, thank you, yeah. and this is for your kids, oh, thank you very much, thank you, alexey, 40 years old,
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internet connection engineer, lives in the city of furmanov, ivanovo region, is proud of his toned body, dreams of becoming a father, admits that he lives with his parents, warns, that he wouldn’t clean the apartment, when alexei’s wife came home disheveled with bare legs, he collected all the clues and asked a question. in tights, we had a fight, she got dressed, hello, hello, as if she was leaving left, i called her, she answered me, i went to see a friend, i need to calm down, and accordingly, in the morning i will return, early in the morning she... returns, i gave her a lift, from her words, as i learned, some a taxi driver i know, well, she left in tights, but
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she came back with bare legs, then i called my friend, i asked my friend where the tights are, they say tights cost money too, you know, no one brings them to us for nothing, well, let us have let's ask mendelssohn, where are the tights, mendelssohn, we know that. what are you doing the news was booming all over russia when in the city of furmanov, ivanovo region , two robbers ran up to a girl, pulled off her tights, cut her in half, put them on her head , robbed a bank, i would say so, you see what a mile it turned out to be, so what, she she was still disheveled, of course, yes, she was disheveled, her clothes were wrinkled. they asked her what you were doing at your friend’s, she says, you drank beer, you say, just a second, call your friend, say, what brand of beer is it, she says, one brand, and the wife another,
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that’s exactly what happened, and the police are all in the details, of course, they found the fool, yeah, look, well, i don’t know, i probably wouldn’t have thought of something like that here to ask, maybe some detective has read a lot there, i don’t even know. well, it seemed like she was missing out, a handsome man, healthy, a toned body, i’m talking about you, and you really pump up your body, right? yes, of course, i do sports periodically, yes, that is, excuse me, please, i just wrote that you want to demonstrate it, i would also wait, then, yes, now first about infidelity, let’s leave it for dessert, now about the bad one, and what’s amazing is that this is not, as they say, not a single case of infidelity, but there was. this is the situation , i’m returning from moscow, somehow, uh-huh, so i call the intercom, my wife doesn’t open it for me right away, but then she opens it, after about five minutes
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i see a guy running quickly from above, dressed for about 30 years, well, he’s buttoned up like that as if all this was quick , that is, i came home, i see my wife meets me again, shocked, i go into the room, there are two glasses, i say leshenka was waiting for you, and to my question she answered that she gave me, i sit down at the table, and the glasses are dirty, yeah, that ’s right, that means she cheated on him specifically, mendelssohn, iron, my beloved, please tell me , here’s how to understand that a wife is walking to the left while her husband is on business trips, by external signs, of course, you can understand, an unfamiliar smell, two dirty glasses, a rumpled bed, some guy in the kitchen smoking, but that’s all,
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when did it happen? and where is the surprise, lyokhin, where is the surprise, lyosh, surprise, please, of course, yulia, i would like to dance with you, let's go. the wind will carry us away, will carry us into the distance, i will paint the sky with pink clouds, not guests baby, jump with me enemy, let them envy the cry of fools, and we ourselves create this world, and you are sweet as soda, i stick out my ether on you, it will help me cadre for me, dripping, dripping from the sky,
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droplets, droplets, tacola you loved chewing gum so much, you wore it for fun, i’m crazy, probably, but i can’t do it without you, oh, oh, and you’re so sweet, huba-buba, i want kiss you, right on the lips, there’s a sticker inside you, oh for fun, i’ll drink you all the coca-cola, and you’re such a sweet hubby booba, i want to kiss you right on the lips.
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yes, everyone stand there, and the little girl with whom you danced, you directly take him by the hand and stay on stage with him, so you don’t even need to consult with anyone, because what you just did, guys, is the first time i’ve seen this, to fight for a woman like that, and you, of course, yulia, gave here. pointed, look, you are directly taking the hand, who do you choose, no one? why? well, what about three children? no, this is not my type of man, not mine, and yulka painful, in general! unfortunately, we don’t have a couple today, if you are single, or you liked one of the participants in today’s program, write to the website of the first channel, and i’m
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larisa guzeeva, i wish... that your loved one will definitely tell you: let’s get married. hello, the vremya program is on air, in the studio ekaterina andreeva. news of the last hours. eight russians who were imprisoned in a number of nato countries have been returned to their homeland. i note that none of them admitted guilt. there are minor children with them. exchange took place today at ankara airport. as the fsb emphasized, our compatriots
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were exchanged for a group of people who acted in... the interests of foreign states, damaging the security of russia, here is the footage that the fsb distributed in the evening, this is the sending from russia of former prisoners for exchange, in particular, paul is visible in the footage wheelon and... evan gershkovich, they, along with other persons , were taken by bus to vnukov. there everyone was put on a plane that flew to ankara. source from one of the competent authorities today reported that the russian side is completely satisfied with the exchange that took place. all the information known by this hour was collected by yuri lepatov. social networks were filled with images taken from the computer service flight radar, which tracked the movements of government, military and private aircraft. over russia, germany, norway. in the evening , it became known from official reports that 26 prisoners had been exchanged in ankara. during
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vladimir putin's interview with tucker carlson in february this year's theme was exchange. the russian president then said that a dialogue was ongoing, and that only those who were capable of them themselves could count on gestures of goodwill from russia. we've done so much. i’m talking about those people who are essentially under the control of the us authorities, no matter where they are in prison, i’ll tell you, they are sitting in one country, in the country of an ally of the united states, and a person who, for patriotic
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reasons, liquidated in one of european capitals bandit, during the event. in the caucasus, do you know what he did? i do not want talk, but nevertheless i will say, he laid out our soldiers from these captivity on the road, and then drove a car over their heads, what kind of person is this and is he a person? well, there was a patriot who liquidated one of his european capitals, so he did it.
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russia, the son of state duma deputy from the ldpr valery seleznev, roman seleznev, accused of cyber fraud, kidnapped by american intelligence services in the maldives. vladislav klyushin, convicted on charges of obtaining insider information about the operation of computer networks in the united states. vadim kanashchonok, whom the americans accused him of trying to circumvent sanctions regarding dual-use technology and gave the order to detain him in estonia. mikhail mikushin, detained in norway on suspicion of espionage. political scientist and journalist.
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there is a message on the kremlin website that lists all those pardoned, in addition to those already listed, these are kevin lik, dimury voronin, liliya chanyshev, vadim ostanin, ksenia
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fodeeva, alexander skochilenko,


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