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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  August 2, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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but we will see you, i agree with you, and we see what you say, as for this suit, our stylists made the absolutely right choice, it imitates cracked skin, and deconstruction is, of course, one of the most current trends that will last approximately always, at the same time, there are two verticals that make our heroine taller and slimmer, and by the third appearance she walks much more confidently along the catwalk and practically does not lower her eyes down, we need more...
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bravo, bravo, evelina, every word is spot on , an, you are a storyteller, you believe in all your crazy stories, it’s so cool, i adore non-standard people, thank you very much for entertaining us throughout this series, i want to appeal to your friends, girls, get up, congratulate anya on her transformation , thank you, anechka, you are beautiful, thank you, thank you, we will pay for all three sets of clothes for you and our stylists, we give you a fashion sentence from the program, wear them with pleasure and smile more often. and if you want to take part in our program, fill out the form on the channel one website using the link that you see on the screen, or point the camera of your mobile device at the qr code. see you at the first one, all the best. first channel. imagines,
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you are at the dacha and we are at the dacha, anything can happen at the dacha, a special edition of the program to live healthy, we will plant, sow, treat pain and generally understand the delights and problems of the dacha. well, friends, we will start with the three wonders of our intestines, at the dacha you will eat, drink, barbecue, maybe you will drink, so you should know about which main system will take the main blow, three miracles of the intestines, this is our first topic and our guest and... wonderful
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everything about this cheerful intestine, igor vladimirovich gorodokin. gastroenterologist, endoscopist, knowledgeable our program is called three miracles of the intestines, who can name at least one miracle, at least one, please speak, speak, come on, the intestines, it transforms, absorbs everything. healthy foods, those beneficial substances that we get from food, drinks, absorbs useful things, good, counted, further, a healthy intestine means excellent well-being and a healthy immune system, strong immunity, and what a miracle, what a miracle, a man is eager to intervene, a healthy intestine is a healthy brain, i heard somewhere this information, what really the way our brain looks... oh, the way our intestines
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look, and also the brain is roughly similar to this, something like that, well, my friend, our intestines look like this, well, yes, it doesn’t look like the brain, well that's it, it means we understand you the approximate paradigm of life, that the intestines, that the brain, everything is the same, the first miracle of the intestines, the real miracle is that this is the largest organ of our... immunity, this is the largest organ of our immunity, the most immune cells are in the intestines, igor vladimirovich, tell us why the intestines are so immune, professor prodeus has already crept up on you. so, the first miracle is the largest organ of the immune system, it is the shield and sword of our body. what a miracle it is that almost 80% of all antigens that we are exposed to pass through the intestines.
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they study there and are then distributed according to throughout our entire mucous membrane, throughout the respiratory system, through the urine of the reproductive system, they protect us from these enemies everywhere throughout our body, that is, our long-term immunity
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is formed in the intestines, here we put this cell, which we depicted so beautifully for you, look, these are all sorts of foreign substances. we eat a lot of them , we eat a lot of bad ones, like this, so i turn on this cell, like this, it collects all the bad things in parallel, showing it to other immune cells and forming our common great immune protection, this is the situation with our immunity, the first miracle is immunity, what is the second miracle, the intestines secrete a chemical called serotonin, a chemical that is responsible for our mood, so the intestines are responsible for our mood, and also for it responds to intestinal motility, because a high sitonin content causes diarrhea,
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a low serotonin content causes constipation, and a normal serotonin content causes a good mood, the intestines work for us smooth. life is good and wonderful, and we are happy, of course, this is due to the fact that we have such an axis between the intestines and our brain, but who could have imagined that the intestines are responsible for our mood; almost 80% of serotonin is secreted by it. there is one more miracle, igor vladimirovich, i offer you, i invite you here, to this man filled with water. we know how scary it is to live without... but few people understand that it is the intestines that are responsible for the amount of water in our body, why? the intestines regulate the amount of water in our body, this is one of the regulatory organs, all digestion occurs in the small intestine, nutrients are absorbed with
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some water, but the rest is all undigested, passes into the large intestine, and the job of the large intestine is to suck this excess water and not allow us ... become dehydrated, and so the intestines retain fluid, so i just drain the water, in fact, if we lose only 10% of the fluid, we die, the large intestine retains water, so first of all , now everyone has flocked to the countryside outside the city, if you have diarrhea, be careful, diarrhea happens when the patient’s intestines lose this function, so you must really.
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there is food that the intestines really, really love, what kind of food is it, what do you advise us, these are coarse fibers, of which number one is corn. bran three daily norms in 100 g 30 g per day then greens per day you need to consume at least a kilogram of 200 greens a kilogram of 200 greens so that there is a daily norm this is also good next we have lactic acid products yoghurts with probiotics what is this these are probiotics these are beneficial bacteria lactobacilli and other bacilli that are contained in...
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maintain the balance of good bad bacteria in our in our intestines, there are prebiotics, for example, in substances that are food for our good bacteria, because they also need to be specially fed, so that they are happy, what is papinamburg, the great miracle of the intestines worked for a good mood, the great miracle of the intestines,
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intestinal bacteria produce serotonin, so that there is a good mood, and so that we have water delayed, our intestines need to be fed, we feed with coarse fiber number one, corn bran 30 g per day, 200 kilos of greens per day, be attentive, nibble, nibble, lactic acid. living products, good bacteria and jerusalem artichoke as a source of inulin, an important food for our intestines, these are miracles, these are the requirements for us at the dacha, at the dacha we now have greens, buy bran, yoghurts, just buy kefir, i don’t know where to get jerusalem artichoke, think about it, think, thank you very much to igor vladimirovich, but we won’t be long let's take a break. and then we will continue, the first greens
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in the country: if we grow orange greens, we remove them and sow sow, then in the very early spring we get the earliest harvest of sorrel for green cabbage soup, how to grow and eat sorrel, no one can help, so we will act , hand a little like this to the side. hard, well, a little hard, yes, well, it’s not very hard for me, if it was a week ago, i probably wouldn’t even be able to, pain service, professionals work here, put on a pitchfork, the first thing we saw was like from a car ambulance they wheeled out a patient on a brush, lying on his stomach, with a pitchfork sticking out of his head, just as doctors rescued a man with a fatal head injury.
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i left early in the morning, when you were still sleeping, all these gorgeous dance moves of yours, this is love, it was just something with something, the most human avatar, yes, pretty, you don’t want to kiss, i haven’t yet learned that such a human patient, at a party of best friends, fantastic after the program
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time, how did you find me? listen, well, i’m a cop, i didn’t find anyone like him, he can do anything spoil it, he won’t have time, you’re an investigator for particularly important cases, for what purpose did you come to us from a special mission, came back, well done, but you have to understand. that it’s not good for you to be with this cop, it’s dangerous, that i received the money, again there are enough tickets, two adults and three children to moscow. well, what are you silent? are we going or not? but look, the kremlin. kremlin, where? eh, the kremlin! mavlyuda! hello! no, well, i just need to move from the basement to three rubles, huh? oh, women, look how men need to be clamped down! and in our yard sunday on the first. well, friends, you are at
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the dacha and we are at the dacha, only our dacha is paper, yours is real, well, even at a paper dacha you can collect grass, we started planting, we came back, yes, well done, what kind of grass do we have today, what will we do plant, sorrel, sorrel, sorrel, that’s right, sorrel or sorrel, sorrel, it seems to me that both are correct, here we are at a dead end in the russian language, it’s correct to say sorrel. i deliberately created a mystery, because i know it well, so today we have a sorrel, comrades, you have torn your paper narry, it says here, as they say, you can’t spread your paper one on bread and you won’t put it anywhere, bring us the sorrel into the studio, so what’s good about it, i
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want to start with... german shaevich, this is german shavich with us, he had a kidney stone, in latin, in latin it is called rumix, in translation it is a spear, it looks like a spear, yes, there is something, herman shach about the nightmares of your life, about jewish happiness, please, sorrel contains oxalic acid, look, this is a kidney, this is a lahanka when. we consume a lot of oxalic acid, axalate stones are formed, and therefore people who have there are stones, axalate ones, those that are clearly visible on x-rays, there is a slab, it is not recommended, in general, everyone who survived urolithiasis, and german shaich survived
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it, we all remember how he was in the hospital, i even visited him, i just can’t forget i can, as he reclined. and i was sitting in a chair next to him, the scene was just when men were sick, this is of course a scene in stone, because if the soul was broken, if the soul was broken, the woman at that moment would wash, iron and pick up the child from school, but the men were sick, i i love you very much, i really him, he was sick at work, you could say he was lying down, it hurts a lot, this is the worst pain, so if you have ever experienced urolithiasis, it... is not for you, but there is a good one too, the grass is excellent, great, there really are trace elements in this green grass, and such a trace element as manganese, why do we need it, this is a bone, look, calcium should help insert its elements into this bone like this, you have
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problems with manganese. so if there is no manganese, then calcium will not be built into the bone, and the bone will porous and brittle, so dock contains manganese, of course, it is one of the natural record holders for manganese content. mikhail egorovich, you stand, unlike previous programs, not with an eye, with three vessels, the fact is that the same size is different, and manganese reduces thromboembolism.
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you love to talk about this, this is your theme in art, what other vessels suffer; they will also be protected by the sorrel, herman shaich, live in principle. we must say that the potency of a man is responsible for procreation, and the potency of an erection is blood supply to the penis, and these vessels are just... very small in diameter, so this will protect you from impotence for everyone except those who
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have urolithiasis, which means manganese is one of the main microelements, we need it incredibly for life , there is a lot of it in sorrel, we have a pedestal of honor, dear doctors, we have different herbs there, picked by michal egorch at his dacha, let’s go, so, dock, rosemary and iceberg lettuce according to margs, according to margansuel in the first place is half the daily requirement, at 100 grams, on the second place, rosemary 0.2, 20%, there is no manganese in the salad at all , unfortunately, there is no manganese, mikhail egorovich grows everything in his garden, his calling in general is agronomy. well, friends, how to choose, how to store and how
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to eat correctly, these are important questions, but what about choosing a sorrel, you need to burn it in the good sense of the word, that’s why we have an excellent agronomist, an excellent specialist, mikhail rostislavovich vorobyov , mikhail rostislavovich, the beds are ready, planting is underway. germashay, come on, mikhail egorovich, you and germagshaych always want to join in, we we will learn from you, well, first of all we need to decide, first of all we need to decide when we will sow, because sowing is not a question, another thing is that if we sow as early as possible, then we will be able to get the first harvest in the fall , well, in the fall, green may not be so relevant yet, so it takes time. cheveli, in order to grow for so long, i thought about how i planted an onion, cut it off a week later, no, no, to have a powerful outlet, it still takes 2-3 months, so if we sow
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in early spring, then by autumn we we can remove the first harvest, well, we sow, yes, as they taught at the temerya academy, so on, by the way, pay attention, these seeds are very similar to small buckwheat, the fact is that they are... beds, in this case we are already in this
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we don’t touch our sorrel one year, we leave it the next year, then in the very early spring we get the earliest harvest of sorrel for green cabbage soup, but tell me, please, i adore green cabbage soup, if at the end an egg is broken into this boiling water, it’s so fringed, it's basically the end of the world. tell me what about it will not freeze in the winter, it is frost-resistant, it is a perennial plant, unlike buckwheat, yes, but another thing is that it does not produce an effective harvest for long and, as a rule, it is grown for 2-3 years, then they dig it up and plant a new one, plant a new one, well, in general , in short, sow your dock, we just have to figure out how to eat it correctly, what dish to prepare for our kitchen, alexey kovba, our favorite chef, in a sense, is coming forward? breadwinner, so no soup for you, absolutely, i’ll also skip in this case
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now, then look, yes, the idea is that sorrel, it’s also called hare’s cabbage, that is, it’s sour, it’s sometimes used in some baked goods, it’s even very often used in a great way, because it drives soup out of you quickly enough if for not cold soup, so here is lemonade, divine lemonade, what we do is we take regular water, preferably carbonated. well, so that at least there is some kind of aesthetics of bubbles, but we break it with a blender, remove the foam, the foam , by the way, hardens nicely, then it turns out marmalade from it, that is, it is enough, there is a lot of fiber, it is flat, but it is interesting to chew, that is, such a candy, marmalade will be available 4 hours after recording the program, yes , yes, i think we still have it there, so feel free to take it, otherwise how, in principle, it is quite toning, but it can color the tongue a little, well, it happens in principle, well , someone say a toast, schevel michal, well, with god, to your health, to your health, try it, oh, delicious, yes, vkulyatina, forest,
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it was a time of big ideas, it was a time of very big and different dreams, soviet the films that were filmed at vdnkh gave an idea of ​​the power and beauty of this object, it was, as you know, somewhere in a fairy tale, in 1935 the project was approved and...
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a sad moment, god needed you more for some reason, our exclusive to the family archive of mikhail zadorny. exclusive with dmitry borisov. tomorrow on the first. well, dear friends, my lower back is the spine, the main suffering organs of ours. dachas,
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because after a year of idleness everyone rushes to work. today, of course, we have a pain service and right now i’m going to our medical site, where two doctors work at once: an anesthesiologist, a pain management specialist, vitaly viktorovich protsenko and another wonderful doctor. i always proudly say, vyacheslav vitalievich, that you also have a russian doctor’s diploma. and a korean medical diploma, he is a doctor of korean medicine, so these are the extraordinary procedures for which all the doctors at the pain management clinic endlessly respect dr. kang. well, here we have a sufferer lying, where the pain was, in the lumbar department, in the lumbar region, yes elena leonidovna, there is a dacha, there is, there is, of course
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, a dacha, where would we be without a dacha? now i want to raise elena leonidovna, i want to show you her sad appeal to us in our pain service, which works in the health program, on the health program website, and any of you can contact us for help, i am very worried about pain in the lumbar region , especially when moving from a horizontal to a vertical position, when i bend over, such nagging pains in the foreskin, and if i... take on the hands of a child, also a nagging pain in the lumbar region, well, here’s a sad story, i want to invite vitaly viktorovich here, vitaly viktorovich, where was the problem, like this, i’ll expand, the problem is in the most overloaded part of our body, that is, in the lower back , in the retinal joints, these little joints that
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connect to each other like this, we see a gap. and here the maximum load arises, because they are small, but experience great, great physical stress. when is it necessary? understand, at the dacha now this will be your main pose, this, right? here, here, here the main tension will be, these are the five lumbar vertebrae, we go to the pain management clinic, where our wonderful doctor solves this problem in 10 minutes, i’m like this old woman, oh, doctor, please help me, i can’t , my back just hurts my lower back, and if i sit down somewhere and sit for a long time, then... i just have to hold on to the handle to get up, bend over, bend over, this is a problem completely, oh, i can’t go on, well, this is how patients come to us, and of course,
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the first examination, without which nothing can be done, is magnetic resonance imaging, joints are the main source of pain in the lower back. here they are, small joints, called facet joints, that is, they form such a link, connecting with each other, when a load occurs, they become irritated and you feel pain. well, the procedure is called interventional pain treatment, everything takes place strictly under x-ray control and directly on in an x-ray, the doctor can see where he is.
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i haven’t been able to do this for a long time, oh, listen, well, i can even stand like this, great, oh, thank you, thank you very much, vitalia, why did they save me, thank you for your golden hands, thank you very much, exercise, that’s it, that’s it this is a must, and a reminder. exit from the clinic, it was our operators who said, well , show you now whether it’s easy or not, this is how
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people leave, of course, this is great happiness, but come to us, elena leonidovna, come to us, so, i also invite dr. kahn, but i’ll also ask you to bend over, tell me how many days have passed since the procedure, how... you feel, well, a week has passed, in my opinion, a week, the pain has passed, well, the pain went away right away, to be honest, yes, and i still haven’t returned, thank god, so now i feel myself, well, i just feel on the wings of happiness, bend down to the floor, okay, that’s it, they gave you a special one...
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created stiffness, limitation, spasm, tightness there, and if you don’t do this, then unfortunately, it will come back, because there are prerequisites for this. let's show what's going on our spine happens over the years of our lives, look, here it is, here it is. here it was, and this becomes over the years, here it was, look how beautiful it is, a big disk, now the second stage, the third and fourth, already degenerative changes are such that there are already irreversible changes, here, here, yes, between these two, so you must do the exercise every day, and there are special ones from dr. kahn.
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tilt forward like this, that is, we stretch these first, because they are constrained, then again there are not many of them we spasm and thus achieve relaxation and functioning, let’s look at dr. kahn, i just had a desire to sit in this position, and then change the legs, yes, and then you can change the leg, and you can also do it to the side, here’s the arm a little like this and... just like that, to the side, it’s hard, well, a little hard, yes, well, it’s not
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very hard for me, if this was a week ago, i probably wouldn’t even be able to, so let’s go in our direction now, let’s, well, i’m doing the right thing , doctor, yes, yes, well, i’ll try this one, and you feel how everything is here stretches, feel this most important thing, how you stretch. in many cases, stopping the pain when it arises is correct, accurate, this is the most
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important thing, dr. kahn, dr. protsenka, here is a beautiful woman who is now smiling, sleeping and, if necessary, bending down to the floor, let’s not pause for long, and then we will continue , planted on a pitchfork, the first thing we saw was how you took a patient out of an ambulance on a brush lying on his stomach with a pitchfork sticking out from his head, how doctors saved a man with a fatal head injury, what it snows for me, it’s hot for me, it ’s pouring rain for me, when my friends are with me, tonight in our studio those gathered who have experienced know exactly what a true true friend is, i believe that friendship must definitely go through the test, i had an operation, it took 12 hours - igor comes, comes to me, i played a melody, the next morning he
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called and dictated the verses of the song “my friend”. how great, my friend, in general there could be conflicts every second, but the horror is that it is impossible to quarrel with mikhail mikhailovich. friendship, you know, begins with respect, often, all these years that we have been friends, i carry seryoga’s guitar. we are our own people, do you know how it breaks,
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the shoulder just gives and the elbow pulls. well, let 's think about it, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second, very well thought out option of escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles? here’s the question: be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man with a stutter suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good
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shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, the confrontation with the prime minister according to the legendary book by yulian semyonov. so, dear friends, this program to live healthy, it’s no coincidence that i’m standing here with a pitchfork. this story took place in 2023, it so happened that two strangers were drinking, no one remembers how the fight started, but it continued. only the doctors of the hospital where this man was admitted know the story, and a man was admitted to them who had these pitchforks simply stuck into his head. i want the first photo to appear on our screen. this is what he looked like when he was lying there and was found, this
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big, these pitchforks were sticking out of his head when he was admitted to the hospital. the first one... accepted him a young doctor, only a year ago he completed his surgical residency. tell us what you saw and what was most difficult for you. the first thing we saw was how you took a patient out of an ambulance on a brush, lying on his stomach, with a pitchfork sticking out of his head. fortunately, the cuttings were cut down before arrival. and the first thing we began to do was determine the severity of his condition and the scope of the examination. who was called next to help you? you are a neurosurgeon, that's right, you are a neurosurgeon, the pitchfork was sticking out of your head, it was it’s clear that you need to call a neurosurgeon, who did you call to help? the very first person who came to help us was an anesthesiologist and resuscitator, then later a cockroach surgeon, because chest injuries were identified. the cockroach surgeon is also called urgently, he comes right away, what did
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the cockroach surgeon see, guys? frankly speaking, this was the first time i saw this, and i was a little shocked. and i think, to be honest, most doctors will not be able to see a pitchfork in their heads in their lifetime, they must react quickly, there are preliminary ct data, the result of a ct scan of the chest organs , that the patient had multiple rib fractures, pneumothorax, i take it turned out that the patient had multiple rib fractures, because before they hit him with a pitchfork in the head, he was beaten with a shovel, and that’s true. who, when did you come, what did you see? you are also a neurosurgeon, anton petrovich, well, i directly came to the operating room when the patient was already under anesthesia, anesthesia was administered, the patient was under anesthesia, i must say that in this case the doctors themselves cannot remove the pitchforks, why can’t they remove the pitchforks, i want ask
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elena vasilyevna domrocheva, who is the deputy chief physician of this hospital, she had to call the ministry of emergency situations to... cut down these pitchforks, why couldn’t they take it and take it out? because there would be bleeding that would come from two rhonic canals at once, it would be very difficult to stop it. they called the ministry of emergency situations, here we have photographs from the doctors’ archive of how the ministry of emergency situations saws off all the teeth so that one at a time remains, the doctors could carefully open these holes if the vessels are suddenly damaged, while these... hold the vessels and do not allow them to develop bleeding, how long did the operation last, guys? the operation lasted 3 to 4 hours, the operation lasted 4 hours, neurosurgeons, traumatologists and terracic surgeons operated for all 4 hours,
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it’s time to call the patient, come to us, here he is, sergei vladimirovich, beaten but alive. come here, sergei vladimirovich, to the center of the composition, to the center of the composition. oh, mommies, it’s true now, we’re between holidays, so please, be careful from sergei vladimirovich and from yourself, don’t drink, sergei vladimirovich, if you drink, it’s not to the point of losing your humanity faces, well, do you remember anything or not, no, from that moment on, no more fights, don’t remember anything, no, well, something like...
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because usually you should have died, please tell me with that pores you drank yet, no, that’s all from that moment, hold on?
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medical university, novosibirsk state medical university, novosibirsk state medical university, excellent teachers, our
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leading neurosurgeon, my mother’s birthday today, today, today we clapped, we found out that the mother of one of the doctors anniversary, mom is 55 years old, what’s mom’s name? irina mikhailovna, irina mikhailovna, she is also a general practitioner, mommy is also a doctor, irina mikhailovna. dear, what a boy you raised, happy birthday, and we have the best profession, no one else, we had a good time with you, may you have a healthy life. hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live.
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time will tell this program, in the studio of ruslan astashka, olesya loseveva. an unprecedented prisoner exchange since the cold war took place yesterday, with all participants in the exchange between russia, 26 people became part of belarus and western countries, of which eight russian citizens were finally able to return home to their homeland, already at the airport of their grandchildren. they were personally met by russian president vladimir putin, among those who returned to their homeland, the dultsev family, take two minor children whom their parents had not seen for more than a year, here is anna, the children’s mother, who descended from the plane, could not hold back her tears, especially when she saw that they are personally met by the president.
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in general, i don’t remember this yet, i tried to somehow analyze, think, it was was there something like that, especially in the nineties, when the united states was actively fighting for its citizens around the world, no, i don’t remember, there was no such thing, the president personally came to meet people, patriots of his country, so. immediately after the meeting , vladimir putin congratulated the liberated russian citizens on their return to their homeland and thanked them for their loyalty to the oath; everyone will be presented with state awards. congratulations to everyone on your return, people. now i want to address those of you who are directly related to military service, i want thank you for your loyalty to the oath.


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