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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  August 2, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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can follow all events online, key lectures and meetings will be broadcast on the digital platform, 180 hours of live broadcast: ivan prozarov, mikhail artyukhin, artyom tikhonov, victor shvagerus and andrey kirillov, channel one. and that’s all for now, the broadcast on the first will continue with the program it’s time with ekaterina strizhenova. alexander vasilyevich, bryansk is located on the border with the chernigov and sumy regions. ukraine, recently they began to evacuate residents, some border villages are already empty, but do you understand what they are preparing for? defense council sumy region, the region decided to evacuate residents of settlements located in the five-kilometer border zone. in the border areas of the sumy and chernigov regions, as throughout the entire territory of ukraine, a legal regime is in effect. martial law, the line
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of the state border with russia is the line of contact, military operations are taking place on it, these are the jokes, what is the reason for such a call from naev, you record a deterioration in the situation, today on the chernigov border region there is a dangerous situation, there is no iron dome, let’s call it conventionally, on russian territory, a drone can fly into any place at any time, and as soon as there are many more of them, the attacks will be much more significant and accordingly. more aggressive, or what? indeed, according to military intelligence, there are some settlements in the chernigov region, people are being evacuated, military personnel are stationed here, today we have 375 km of border with them, we have 66 settlements from ukraine at a distance of 10 km, we we can only guess. and
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the military assumes why they moved there? they settled there - the same military in order to use all these settlements as a line of defense, so we have a defense line built, yeah, we have a defense line built along the border, both at zero and at a distance of 5-10 km, but it’s true , that the whole world was building, you even involved officials in this work, well , you built like that, construction organizations built, but when the work had to be done very quickly, understand?
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it was just something with something. the most human avatar nice don’t want to kiss, i haven’t yet learned what a human kiss is, at a party of best friends, you danced with my friend, fantastic, after the program time, here. and
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spirit, here ruk si wbah. we are used to seeing mikhail zadorny on stage, at concerts or at some events, when he was in character, as they say, holding his face. he didn’t allow anyone into the family in a broad sense; it was a strictly closed territory. for the first time, we have the opportunity to see him as only those closest to him, his daughter and wife, saw him. lively, there were always get-togethers. and you’re sitting in dad’s place, it just happened, right? unique. footage previously inaccessible to outsiders. there was this difficult period when he was being treated abroad, mikhail nikolaevich’s sister, lena, and his first wife, velta. in the face of misfortune and grief, they united; the three of them lived in the same apartment, cooked in the same kitchen and took turns coming to mikhail on duty. the daughter turns to him, realizing that he is somewhere there, and he hears her. don't take it like a posthumous empty one. compliment, my father's
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feelings are more important, most likely at this sad moment god needed you more, for some reason. our exclusive. family archive of mikhail zadorny. exclusive with dmitry borisov. tomorrow on the first. what is laughter to me, what is heat to me? what is torrential rain to me? when my friends are with me. tonight in our studio gathered exactly those who have experienced exactly what a true, faithful friend is. i believe that friendship must definitely go through a test. i had a 12 hour operation. and igor comes, comes to me, i played melody, in the morning he called and dictated the verses of the song “my friend”. how great, my friend, in general there could be conflicts every second, but the horror is that
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it is impossible to quarrel with mikhail mikhailovich. friendship, you know, often begins with respect. all these years that we have been friends, i carry seryoga’s guitar with him. we are our own people. we are not just friends, our wives are sisters, we are already like parties lenin, twin brothers, similar voices, even sometimes confused, loves you all, if a friend turns out to be a friend, and not a friend, tomorrow after the program time, who is more dangerous, a bee or a wasp, and if there is any difference between them. summer themes in the program live healthy on monday on the first in the new season on the first a woman is killed and we are talking the devil about what and the heart didn’t break, do you know how it breaks so only the shoulder gives and the elbow pulls
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well, let’s speculate, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted there are orientations towards you in all parts of the soviet union and what kind? no matter how well prepared you are, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this mortal danger, or do you have a second very well-thought-out option of escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room , and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are very
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good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, we haven’t had a single day every day where we haven’t had shelling, they’re not shooting at military targets, they’re shooting at civilians, at villages, at towns, at border towns, we have people killed, and the wounded, so, but nevertheless the situation is like this, it is difficult, complex, but controllable.
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more than 100 strong points have already been built along the border of the region, an anti-tank ditch has been erected, and modular shelters have been installed in populated areas. 175 km were built in a month and a half anti-tank ditches and engineering barriers, officials of different levels participated in their construction, i myself went, forced all the heads to go, all the officials, we mobilized more than 300 officials here, when it was necessary to go, not a single patient went, the communists did not go, and the odpr went, and even their leader there was responsible for the entire district, he says one thing in his language, when it comes to it, well, go do it, don’t... i don’t want anything, it’s not my responsibility. the inter-party struggle in bryansk has been going on for quite a long time. border regions, including bryansk for a long time they were among the regions of the so -called red belt, where the communists had a high level of influence in politics. from
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the first days of the special military operation , alexander bahamas became involved in helping war refugees from ukraine and took patronage over the cities of bryanko and lugansk. it was for all this that he was included in the sanctions list of several countries at once, ukraine, canada, the united states of america, australia and new zealand. to do all this at the border, they simply didn’t go, they didn’t refuse, well, they just didn’t took part,
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we built the first line of defense, as if there had not been such tension, here is the tension, here is the second, which is exactly at zero, here on the border, right on the border, it was necessary to build lines, yeah, build lines when already we sort of did the second part of the work, so six of us were wounded and one was blown off. hand, no one gave up, no one left, this speaks about the people who work there. march 2 , 2023 at 8:00 am, in the klimovsky district of the bryansk region, near the border with ukraine, third grade student fede, first-graders zlata and lena were on their way to a neighboring village, to school, a neighbor, uncle lenya, volunteered to take them, approaching the village of lyubichan, the sounds of shooting were heard on the road under...
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i realized that it was a bullet, but it set fire. in the bryansk regional children's hospital, the boy
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underwent surgery and a nato- style bullet was removed, while on the street the children came to support their fellow countryman. grandfather, you are a hero, we are proud of you, but we must be equal to him, he did the right thing, he acted heroically, not every child can do this. fedor is from a large family, two his older brothers are on the front line. nobody knows how a person will behave in this situation, but the future one, even if he were on the spot, i don’t know how i would behave there, well done, we are proud, eleven-year-old fedya was awarded the departmental medal of valor and courage, in the twenty-second year in march , when the drg entered a populated area, where they took pictures or something, took a selfie, uh, in the center of the village, killed two residents and wounded a boy. who was traveling in the same car, he was wounded, he
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then had surgery, we have bryansky, he’s alive and well, you’re following his fate, of course, how he is now, well, that’s fine, we bought him a house there, then oh, well done, plus they gave him all the furnishings, he’s in school today, yes, he’s a hero , he’s like that, you know, he’s like, well, he grew up in difficult conditions, yes, that is, he went to the forest there from childhood and no, the child went to the forest from a young age, and carried water, heated the stove, when you know, independence, it is also very important, to show once again that children need to be dealt with, only not only to cherish them, but to force them to work, so when he was working, then during a difficult moment he showed both character and knowledge of the area, and through the forest there 3 km he took them out and came to another village, today we are more worried not about derga, more i'm worried... it's the drones, those drones, yes, that fly, that fly through the bryansk region and arrive in
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the moscow, tver region, well, they fly not only through the bryansk region, but in the bryansk, kursk, belgorod regions. i want to know your opinion about the proposal to distribute to people weapons so that they, together with the army, could defend their homes. you know, their houses, there are services for that, there are contract workers for that. we have now created a nuclear defense, but we created a nuclear defense when last year the president issued a decree on september 30, and today we have a nuclear defense, with more than 200 people, and i want to say that today one of the regions that received weapons, officially received weapons, but it’s not just to take and distribute, after all, it’s not mokhnovism to take and distribute, where these weapons will then be sent, so then we have to know who to give this weapon to, because there are a lot of people on the other side, that’s not why today we have a sterodoron, which is headed by a major general of the airborne forces, who fought, who today heads, in
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six districts of the region, they recruited those people there or who have already... been in combat and came from here or who all served in their structures, so they have been trained, weapons have already been received today, are in brensk, all we have to do is finish all these rooms for weapons in each district, what we are doing in this place we will do it all, then they will receive weapons right on the spot, you know, just take them and distribute them, and what will happen next, has anyone thought, if we distribute weapons to everyone, what will we distribute? no, of course, everyone can’t, but i understand
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that half of the beginning of a special military operation came through us, so to speak, but the groups through the bryansk region, people stood with icons and blessed our military, so they stood with icons then, women blessed like that everyone who went to the other side, that was all, yes. and how the local elites reacted to everything what's happening? local elites treated us, i want to say with pride, not a single person, not a single person fled anywhere, that is , the entire business, and many had houses there, some had dachas, and shields, that is, everything
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they forgot about it, they work at brensky and carry it out. of our people, we have forgotten history, that’s our problem with our people, that we are very gullible, and we forget what happened 100 years ago, what happened 200 years ago, what happened in forty-five, forty-one, forty-five, then they decided they would love us, but they wouldn’t love us never, as long as we are the seventh hour of sushi, then we were the sixth hour of sushi, no one in this world will love us, we need to
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forget to live in illusions, you know, then somewhere to propagandize that yes, we haven’t...
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won , won, began to live normally, we got a leader who ruined the country, then they began to fall further, if it weren’t for vladimirovich putin, then probably there would be no country anymore, today we are lucky that god is always looking at us, probably us, and says that we need to give them a real commander, but they got a commander, well, you see, we survived and now again we find ourselves alone against the entire collective west. it’s just england, america, the main ones, and plus all these satellites, which were like shawls, such small dogs, and now, including more. our former, well, we call them our former soviet republics, right? our former brothers the baltic states,
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lithuania, latvia and estonia, because for some reason no one says that when the soviet union existed, they all had more than 4 million people, but today in free europe they have less than 2 million everyone, they don’t remember this, they remember exactly what we don’t talk about this, together with you, we need to say that listen, but they got what, what kind of enterprises they built there. i remember i was in kaliningrad, traveling by train, i arrived in kaunas, that’s where we were, oh, such a beautiful city, beautiful, yes, i just
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looked, they were all there, we were going, it was just the month of february on the train, everyone was drowning, they firewood, i say, well, what did you want this, that is, those houses that were once mansions for us, it’s squalor there, you know, but today they are still just them, but they are europeans, how do you feel about people who have not yet decided on their civilian identity? position, well, my attitude is that we just once raised them poorly and instilled in them a love for their homeland, their people, i can’t say it any other way, it’s also the authorities’ fault that we once didn’t show them this love is understanding, this is our fault, which means it was the fault, of course, of our government, this is your country, your people, this is all yours, and there everything is someone else’s and no one there you won’t... no one there will love you, well, i think that this situation will also give us, it has already given us the impetus to work more closely with children and, you know, not
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virtually, but really talk about those glorious feats of arms , here is about the labor exploits of our people, about how our country was created, how it was going to grow, how it strengthened, how we were valued and respected throughout the world. including in the soviet union, you see, now they have begun to treat us differently, that is, today we are returning exactly our own positions that have always been in russia, so well, we will survive, we will survive, now is the time to say the most important words, i want to say that today is a difficult, difficult time, but we must do everything to use these opportunities for the success of our country and achieve what we all want, victory. so i wish everyone victory one at a time, this was the time of alexander bogomaz, time will show who is who and will put everything in its place. by the day, it was
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a time of big ideas, it was a time of very big and different dreams. this is vdnkh today, this is the spirit of the times today. to the eighty-fifth anniversary of vdnkh. tomorrow, on the first day. chersonese tauride. the revived
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cradle of russian orthodoxy. a land that remembers the baptism of prince vladimir, his glorious exploits, the beginning of the great history of the russian state. in honor of the anniversary of the baptism of russia. opening ceremony of the new khersonez complex. everything we planned, everything, yes, yes, yes, thank god. on sunday on the first. right at the junction of europe and asia, the mountains of the steppes, lies a blooming garden of eden. we are bashkirians, friends. bashkir he took several arrows into his mouth like that, you know, in battle. three more between his fingers, this is how he fired a machine gun, these are the same relic ices, they formed here
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when mammoths were still on the earth. sings, you are an investigator for especially important cases, for what purpose did special missions come to us, you came back, well done, but you must understand that it’s not good for you to be with this cop, it’s dangerous, listen, i got the money, again there are enough tickets, two adults three children’s rides to moscow, why are you silent, we’re going or not, look, the kremlin.
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suddenly you will see the whole picture, customer dissatisfied, this is your misfire, all the time with someone, now with this woman, now with the operas, he doesn’t even walk the dogs alone, today you will have the opportunity, he will be alone, all the information is on your phone, they will kill you at home him, fortune teller, new episodes, from
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monday on the first. the soviet union is no more, now you can earn a lot of money in a completely legal way. have you heard anything about the oil for food program? do you have any idea how big it is? what do you mean, there’s not enough oil in russia? this is a completely different level. oleg and i decided to get married. yes, you've been accepted as a graduate student at new york university. and they gave me a scholarship. you and i just live different lives.
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trader from monday to the first, do you understand what you have done, how have you not seen an american spy in front of your nose for so many years? good day everyone, the information channel on the first continues its work, we are working live, anatoly kuzichev is with you, time will tell this program, and of course. of course, the main word and the main video, and not only these days, in general over many years, this is, of course, footage of the exchange, our citizens returned as part of an exchange of prisoners between russia and belarus and western countries, look at what, well, what kind of power in general, i don’t know, well, i just don’t know, my heart aches, some cool picture, this honor guard on the runway , and the president personally meets our people at the plane’s ramp, but
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i repeat, this is of course, this is of course, very strong personnel, very strong, but let’s not just discuss it with you, you and your colleagues, so to speak, they have already discussed this and discussed it a lot, and a lot of details were raised very much interesting, let ’s try to speculate a little further on what it’s all about, what this historical exchange is, so to speak, about, and the fact that historical is, so to speak, not a figure of speech, it’s true, in all, so to speak, parameters, by all criteria, the largest exchange since. cold war, so, just to remind you, here are a couple of episodes from that time, please, the beginning of spy deals on the bridge over the havel river began in the winter of 1962, then the soviet intelligence officer rudolf abel and the american pilot stood on opposite sides of the border francis powers. abel transmitted valuable strategic information to the ussr, including the enemy’s nuclear secrets. realizing the importance of the intelligence officer, the americans did not
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agree to the exchange for a long time. only after an american reconnaissance plane piloted by francis powers was shot down over the urals on may 1, 1960, did the soviet leadership present the spy equipment from the downed plane. and a living pilot and his confession of working on the cia. the exchange took place on the glinniki bridge. in 1985, the largest mass event of all time took place. cold war period exchange agent.
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historical exchange is, of course, the word elections in the united states, there is such a point of view, however, they do not exactly contradict each other, at least they do not refute each other. if you try to understand what this exchange means, look, let's listen. deputy spokesperson of the us state department, how does he interpret this event, this unprecedented exchange, that this is please, we are not talking about a reset of relations, there are no changes, this is good
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day because american citizens can return home and we are incredibly proud of the work we have done, but russia's aggression in ukraine continues, russia remains unwilling to engage in good faith with ours. to be honest, i don’t see the process started, but the exchange actually took place and this is an extremely rare situation in international relations in general, when everything is so mutually beneficial, that is , all participants had a beautiful picture on the screens last night,
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this is practically an unattainable situation, because it’s usually beautiful on some screens, but rather sad or completely silent on some other means of delivery, but here we see vladimirovich putin at the gangway. happy erdogan, who praises his own intelligence service, and scholz speaks at the conference, and biden and kamala haris, so to speak, the hope of the democratic party, also stand at the ramp and speak, yes, that is, the situation really is such that everyone looks happy and so on, unfortunately, it is impossible to repeat often, which is why indeed, this is a historical precedent, but i don’t think that this will turn into some kind of permanent permanent...
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various forms of confrontation, both acute and maybe less acute, and at the same time trade is possible, negotiations are possible, cooperation on the intelligence line almost never stops and so on, another question is that all this exists in parallel, by the way, this is precisely what raises the question in many people: how can it be, they are enemies, and we trade with them, exchange, negotiate, the necessary emphasize and this raises questions, in fact there should be no questions, because this is a normal situation for healthy international relations, or at least. relatively healthy, that is , it can really be assumed that in the event of some very sharp increases, god forbid this nuclear escalation, yes, after all, communication channels have been established through these channels to the point of sin, perhaps this planet
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will not be brought to ruin after all after all, they will stop the switch at some critical point, but still at least good good, thank you, but how do you say all this? understand this exchange, i repeat, uh, well, it’s clear, elections are coming in the states, you know, yeah, november, yes, yes, yes, many people think it’s connected, i don’t know anymore who’s playing on which side, but here it is such and such this... to be arrested and convicted initially, and
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they they just believe, they they believe that there was a huge element of blackmail and that they were taken hostage, so to rejoice at this, you know, many believe that after all, the united states were forced to succumb to this blackmail and , moreover, that this will definitely happen again, that is, that russia sees that this the number is working, false cases, what is he, for example, geshkovich, he is a journalist, no spy, poelen, of course, no spy, but wait, no, well, this is interesting, listen, wait, so many people are so interested, only things are breaking down, do you know if?
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at the everyday level, i am a spy, because i am a journalist by definition, i - why, why - why are they afraid that it will be repeated, because no, i understand why, based on what you said, see everything above, everything is clear, but exchange background lowered, lowered, that is, we need to find new americans, i you i understand, i understand you, well, in fact, that’s what spy michael, spy michael, yes, we saw several secret russian folk sayings from you, right? yes, that yes, no need,
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buddy, i even did a lie detector test on live air, on another channel, and they came to the conclusion that i’m saying here in las vegas, everything that happens on another channel, let it stay on another channel, okay, even if it’s on a television channel and not in the investigative committee, i agree, okay, friends, that means, if anything happens, it means we’re not espionage michael we blame him, you see, he still walks quite calmly into the broadcast studio of channel one, performs live, we have such an amazing spy, and you know what, i would like to, but oh well, we don’t have it, it’s just that kamala harris performed superbly there, just amazing, i mean literally, we have, oh, now the guys will find an editor, she just performed amazingly, this is of course incredible, there is biden and harris, of course, each in their own way, each in their own style, there is, let's start with joseph , then, who was found, by the way, remember, he was lost, no one knew where he was, look how alive, please, garvs. good afternoon, and this day is really good, today we
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were given paul willan, vladimir, three americans and one green card holder, all four were unfairly convicted in russia, paul about 6 years ago, vladimir from 2022, and evan from march 2023, and alsou since october 2023. it’s normal, here they are, our people have returned, paul, vladimir, one green card holder. ours are back, hello, this is amazing, in general, ours are back, paul, vladimir, alsou, one guy green card holder, amazing, that's my favorite, of course, and my favorite of the presidential race, kamala haris, look at how powerful she was, please, this is just an outstanding testament to how important it is to have a president who understands the power of diplomacy and realizes that strength lies in understanding the significance of diplomacy. yeah,
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it's kind of like that, okay, we're laughing at kamala haris, please, does this mean anything other than the fact that this is a gender swap of vladimir, one green card holder guy, on ours of people? i’m afraid that this doesn’t mean anything, because they didn’t mean anything, and those historical exchanges that took place earlier, this has nothing to do with the relationship between the ussr and... no, it’s just an exchange, it’s just an exchange that doesn’t lead to anything further will bring, well , maybe only a guy who has a green card. survive in the usa, but since he has a green card, let him live, that ’s the point, in fact, everyone got who they wanted and i think that this is great luck for us, because the people who returned are people which our country needs, here people who left for the usa, probably, well , except for us citizens, of course, and they, too
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, are probably needed by the usa for some reason, but i don’t see any promising improvements, well , actually, since the americans themselves said that it’s nothing doesn't change, well that means. definitely doesn’t change anything, it’s clear, the only thing, anatoly, is that thank god that this channel is installed, because it will be useful, i assure you that the same situation will happen in 2-3 years, and it’s good that this channel is installed between the usa , that’s exactly what he said, thank you for listening and retelling it to us so simpler, so that we also understand, let’s then take this angle, popular in fact, everyone remembers the words, well, it’s clear that... trump often says a lot, well, like, if i’m elected, i’ll end this war in 24 hours. hmm, how interesting, when i’m elected, all these people, i mean, i’ll take them from russian prisons and, therefore, return them to the states, hmm, how interesting, here, look, here’s an amazing story, yes, they have an election campaign campaign, kamala haris, diplomacy is good for
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diplomats because diplomatically they diplomat that and so on, which means that here, babaha, the fact is that, in principle, until the elections, obviously we will not see any serious shifts, warming up, escalation yes, we are seeing escalation, well, because the exchange , this is what we see, we must not forget, it comes against the backdrop of deliveries of f16 to ukraine and so on, further escalation, and, for example, even more tense relations with china, that is , we are more likely to see an escalation, but these
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are all signals, they again seem to work only for specific internal the american consumer, so to speak, everything is real then. to discuss, really, means we state the interim total, you know, when in a restaurant you are not sure about the amount of money, you always ask , the waiter says, can i see the interim total of my party today, here is the interim total of ours , so ours is like this: a-a , first, this is a big thing, okay, so as not to irritate michael, we won’t use the word benefit, this is a great success for both countries, this is good for us, because ours have returned, for them, well, probably, they have returned, and for both countries it’s a win-win situation, this is good, first, second, what do we... understand, what have we found out? there are certain communication channels that work, they are effective, they allow you to agree on very sensitive, difficult, very complex topics, negotiate, discuss and come to some mutually acceptable results, this is the second very important conclusion, and god forbid, so to speak , i don’t know, as a postscript, god forbid if it comes to that
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moment, so to speak, when we will already be standing, i don’t know, balancing on the edge of some abyss, but we still are, this is the only thing that will remain for us in quality. hope, this is the same straw that there are some channels, and god forbid we will not allow the planet to fall somewhere. so far, so far, apparently, no one understands that we are balancing there somewhere, so far, at least you are right, the escalation continues to increase, this representative of the state department said unequivocally, no, no, no, she says, you are not worry, no change, no warming, no reboot, everything is as we like, and as they like, well, thank you for reminding us that, so to speak, we are all following this too, the first fighter... appeared on 16 in ukraine, however, there is also a nuance here, you know, i don’t like to throw hats there and so on, and excessive optimism scares me, but nevertheless, these are no longer my, so to speak, calculations, these are the americans themselves, says that , it turns out that the state of the american armed forces is quite, to put it delicately, deplorable, i repeat,
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not my conclusions, it means that the states alone, as it turns out, what is surprising, what is amazing, if so to speak, to teach history and economics from hollywood, then alone... usa, here is a small excerpt from this report, let's take a look. the country's military power is weakening, the us military has neither the capability nor the ability to deter the enemy or win the battle. the threats facing the united states are the most serious and dangerous. of all that the country has faced since 1945 years and include the potential for a major war in the near future. the last time the united states was involved in a global conflict,
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the time, well, according to their estimates, in their opinion, is quite likely to begin, look at what is being proposed. a bipartisan call to arms is urgently needed so that the united states can make major changes and significant investments now, rather than waiting for the next pearl harbor or 9/11. the support and determination of the american public is necessary, necessary redoubled recruitment efforts, new incentives for service. and more flexible staffing systems. already now the state must plan for better preparation of reserve units and possible
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wider mobilization. there needs to be real growth in defense spending and non- defense spending on national security. the growing us budget deficit also poses a threat to national security. therefore, an increase in security costs must be accompanied by the introduction of additional taxes and reforming the social benefits system. it's important to understand here. but as you understand, all this is mobilization, we need new rails, we need this, we need everything, this is purely so to speak, well, i don’t know, this is speculation in the economic
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sense, or is this real preparation for the conflict that they are really waiting for and they are bringing it closer, from the fact that after analyzing, we can conclude that this is the next path to an arms race, they now want... but i would still like to start not with this, with the return of ours and exchange, which means the return of our people to their homeland
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is undoubtedly a positive episode in our relations with the united states of america, but this is the only positive side of this matter, the fact is that americans never take unprofitable steps, they think from within as capitalists. it’s not profitable, then they don’t do it, so we demonstrate, now it’s open that our people are met by the minister of defense, the capitalists are traders, yes, so if they are the supreme commander-in-chief, the minister of defense, the head of the foreign intelligence department, yes, sorry, foreign intelligence services, we show the importance of these people and relationships.
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this is the supply of weapons to nato, this is the ability to manage the world and the financial and economic
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system, the soft power behind which. were really second, but then, but then after the twenty-second year and not for a small little excursion, in fact we are for objective reasons, and not because there , like, our weapons showed their ineffectiveness, strictly on the contrary, our weapons showed their effectiveness, but because -for various types of sanctions, restrictions,
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yes, yes, yes, yes, there are no repressive measures and so on. russia is not the second largest exporter of weapons , which it was before the twenty-second, we don’t sell much because these weapons are needed in ukraine, not only that’s why no, well, listen there, the americans are twisting the arms of the indians and the whole world, they’re just twisting their arms , they’re prohibiting them there, why are you making such a face? as if this is news wait well wait okay let's talk.
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please, can i then start from a slightly different angle, here we are talking about america, about its key position in the world, what should be understood is american leadership, which, well, in certain categories still remains, yes, it rests on exactly three things: this is the military-industrial complex, yes, the american military, this is the financial sector, yes, and this is high technology, this is, yes, moreover, if we think carefully and look, then in
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all these three categories, the americans have very serious objections.”
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the united states in the field of high technology today is china, if you look at the number of patents, and right here is the quoting edge, then what is called technologies, yes, the usa and china, then the usa and china are in first place, yes, the usa is still larger, but china is already on its heel, and why is this important, because any new
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technology, it is primarily used in what, military-industrial. serious problems will begin, because, as i said, there are three pillars on which the united states rests: finance, high technology, military-industrial complex, for two of them, that is, a deterioration in the quality of life in the usa, and accordingly, these are changes in the field of high technology , as a result, that’s all, the usa is losing its as if leadership, this does not mean that the united states will disintegrate there or something, no, of course, they will remain, the accumulated strength there is very high, well, that would probably be stupid, but it’s key. it’s clear that there is someone who will replace the united states, yes, it won’t be just one hegemon, it’s quite obvious, it will be the country of the world majority, it will be the ruling bloc, but this is some kind of objective process that we are witnessing today, let me repeat it again, it hurts
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i like to repeat this, there is someone to replace the usa, they just brought it to me, you saw tosovka, let me read it, very interesting, dmitry peskov revealed some details of the past exchange, the first negotiations on the exchange were conducted through the fsb and the cia. for the family of intelligence officers there was a real threat of deprivation of parental rights while they were in prison, they, accordingly , could very rarely see their children, but it is clear that they did not teach russian, because somewhere, you know, during a children's game something will pop up. - some
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russian interjection, you understand, and will be interested in you, a short advertisement and we’ll come back, the thing is that i don’t choose the songs myself, inside this humble it specialist there is a fierce mathematician, all these gorgeous tags of yours. and it was just something with something. the most human avatar, pretty, don’t you want to kiss? i haven’t yet learned what a human kiss is, married, at
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my best friends’ parties, you danced with my friend, fantastic. time after the program. here. the tut spirit smells of russian here. we are used to seeing mikhail zadorny on stage, at concerts or at some events, when he was in a character that called holding his face. he didn’t allow anyone into the family in a broad sense; it was a strictly closed territory. for the first time, we have the opportunity to see him as only those closest to him, his daughter and wife, saw him. the gatherings were always fun, but you’re sitting in dad’s place, so it happened, right?
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an empty compliment, my father’s feelings are more important, most likely at this sad moment, god needed you more, for some reason, our exclusive is the family archive of mikhail zadorny, exclusive with dmitry borisov, tomorrow on the first, how did you find me, listen, well, i cop, i'm not like that i found that he could ruin everything. won’t have time, you’re an investigator for especially important cases, for what purpose did special missions come to us, you came back, well done, but you have to understand
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that it’s not good for you to be with this cop, it’s dangerous, i got the money, enough for five tickets, two adults and three children's rides to moscow, why are you silent, we're going or not going, look. the kremlin, the kremlin, where, uh, the kremlin, mavlyuda, hello, look, you don’t have to move from the basement to three rubles like that, but oh, women, look how...
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or do you have a second one, very good a thoughtful option for escaping abroad. well, of course, i would run in. what will the moles choose? here's the question. be careful. i'm always careful. major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone he can. the whole version is going to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation. premiere based on the legendary book
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yuliana semyonova. we continue to work live . here are a few more details from the kremlin about the exchange, just, you know, amazing. the united states tried to influence, it is reported that they tried to influence a gru officer who returned to russia during the exchange and was imprisoned in the west. the americans found his father. organized a telephone conversation, the father, contrary to what the americans expected from him, apparently they had previously agreed somehow, said, verbatim, this phrase: “son, you are doing everything right, hang in there." end of quote. vadim krasikov, another one of ours, exchanged, is an fsb employee, served in alpha, so they report, so to speak, some biographical details, along with some current employees of the presidential security service, yesterday they welcomed
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him at the airport, well, like this , these are the details that are very, very important and very beautiful, especially this conversation with my father - i just don’t know, but this is on a literary, almost biblical scale, i don’t know, words and deeds and all this, it’s amazing , so let’s we'll move on so we started talking about what, about the race, about the race, well done, about the arms race, who needs it, why, thanks to oleg borisovich for the short lecture. regarding, so to speak, who will come, and more precisely, when and how something will come to replace the united states, and where the vulnerable points are, and the only thing that we did not hear, so to speak, i did not hear the conclusions or simply did not catch it and did not i understand, do i understand correctly, that this is the general, so to speak, tension on the planet, the general, so to speak, vibrations and tremors, they are this inevitable they are delaying the moment, for the united states, no, they are delaying this moment, of course, but you see, like those methods
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that worked in the late eighties, early nineties, in the two thousand, yes, that is, to sow chaos everywhere, they once were very effective, efficient, moreover, to a certain extent led to the collapse of our country and so on, but the key thing is that today it is very important to understand that the united states cannot even economically sustain this kind of war of all against all, there is a certain paradox that the country itself this is no longer beneficial to the united states, it ’s just that there simply isn’t enough money or resources, but the pentagon. this is beneficial for industrial companies that work in the gdpc sector, that is, the interests of specific corporations and specific, generally specific businesses within the united states are put before the interests of america as a whole, this is precisely a sign of a systemic, serious crisis both in the the united states, and in the world as a whole, and remember the words of one candidate for the post, i think the us secretary of defense, who said, listen, stop talking nonsense, what is good for general electric is for general motors. then that
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’s good for the united states, what does it say to split hairs here, and he was just there one director director, yes michael, as for this report, yes this report, i read the report, the whole report, what a general mood, well i understand, i agree with many things, there is one main conclusion, if you reduce the entire report to one conclusion, the main conclusion is the following, that the military budget in absolute terms is not so important, really. it comes to a trillion dollars is almost important in terms of percentage of gdp now the us military budget is 3.5% in russia , by the way, seven just in case, but it doesn’t matter about... russia, during the cold war, and this is very important here, because we are actually in another new cold war, so the comparison is correct here, if we are in a new cold war, then the us military budget should reflect exactly this state, that’s what the authors of this
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report say, which means up to 60% is needed so that the budget is adequate for new challenges and... the war was even higher and during the korean war even higher than 15%, but i take the regen because it was more or less peacetime 6%, so they call on the us to increase the military budget to at least 6% because there are new challenges. clear, clear, clear, understood everything, there is a new wasp, as they say in america, the wasp of chaos, this is russia, china, the wasp is the husband of the wasp, and this is the axis, axis, russia, china, north korea and iran, and three of them powers, this never happened, the only thing is, look, then kulyushi
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said, there is a small nuance, i kirilevovna i go with this, you say, there is a small nuance that this is the situation, that is , the feeling that this is, as you put it, the situation, it falls on us like hail. from the sky, and not some people provoke it and make it exactly the situation that requires, you know, increasing the defense budget to 6% and so on, it seems to me that this is also a rather important nuance, i repeat, this did not fall on us from somewhere , this is organized by someone, i guess, please, the chicken and the egg here, i never confuse the chicken and the egg, especially since from each egg if you wish, it may turn out that if kamla is president, she will not accept these recommendations at all, because the most important thing is social.
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it’s clear, although, although, look, here i am again conveying how i’m sending rays of support to kamala harris, i hope they reach him, but it’s still interesting, it means, here, kamala harris, who has this whole concept, according to michael, she won’t take it, she has other priorities, everything else, okay, well, look, yes, it’s kamala haris who is now standing with joseph bai, and she’s saying quite strange things things, even biden was amazed, he hasn’t been amazed for the last 45 years, it’s just that this organ has fallen off, but he was amazed when we...
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from the new arms race, from this exchange, from kamala haris, that’s consistent, you can somehow- then, well, let's try, well, let's have three such basic points, point number one, but there is such an institute, the very famous sipri, it is located in stockholm, which monitors how countries arm themselves, how much they invest in the military-industrial complex and so on, they started to state steady, quite a serious increase in investment in the military-industrial complex. among the top 10 major military powers of the world not 5 years ago, not 7 years ago, and not even after 2014, but somewhere around the year 2011, that is, a global general
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trend occurred, which is largely connected with this the contagiousness of militarization, well, that is, what we mean is when your friend or enemy or strategic partner, here you can play with words in different ways, arms himself, but you don’t. well, this is a rather alarming situation, so they really are arming themselves now plus or minus all the main subjects of this military market, this is the first moment, the second moment is connected with the fact that, of course , the americans made a typical mistake of a winner, they were the ones who relaxed, but it’s true, that is, they believed so much that they were now the only infallible hegemons, in general, to maintain this hegemony for them... it turned out that it was enough just to be, and here the format is like lewis kerrell’s, that is, in order to even stand still, you need to run twice as fast, so just like this accelerated run they... and did not demonstrate it, they realized this, it must be said, quite late, when in
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the twenty-second year, richard hass gave a very interesting report, this is the head of the council on foreign relations, a very influential analytical structure that was created by rockefeller, and hoover, and in general there were very different people, they are connected with various american government agencies, the military-industrial complex is connected, in general , these guys are really influential and that ’s it. president haas delivered a report, which in the american, namely in such a narrow analytical, rather expert community, he produced such a bombshell effect, because he said, he says: you know, we were very much mistaken, we have made a huge, gigantic number of mistakes in 30 years, and we overly assured - in our own this infallibility, and actually stopped relying on classical military confrontation. we are carried away by all these hybrid forms, especially since the development of high technologies,
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information and so on, information the impact of all this in one way or another intensified, and we forgot about the military, the good old military component, although, naturally , there was never complete oblivion, but they, let’s say, walked in the general channel and did not set tasks, well, similar to that , like, for example, after the second world war , the american military-industrial... this whole huge mechanism set a super ambitious task to have not just the largest fleet in the world, to have a fleet that is larger than all the fleets in the world in general, they built a gigantic number of aircraft carriers, which, by the way, are now sitting, standing, or rather , rusting, because well, in such quantities all this is not needed, they bitterly lament that russia, how smart it is, has outwitted us, it invested in nuclear icebreakers and now we should too i would think about it, but unfortunately it’s like a military man. may change,
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black swans fly there, so some kind of strategic recognition of one’s own strategic mistakes, this is always a useful thing and , it seems to me, it is never too late for anyone to correct something, and the moment third, how is this connected in general with the current agenda with kamala hari, with biden, the democratic party and so on, the fact is that any...
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let's go according to mikel's version of racial discrimination, or we are just all this, as it were, the sixth horse back in let's add this team to racial discrimination, just everything connected with the military-industrial complex, because this is a huge driver of the economy, and one way or another we need to say and speak about something on this topic, so there are six topics on which anyone is obliged presidential candidate to speak, and any changes in which cause corresponding changes in rhetoric, so i hope that this is the picture i got.
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finally found something to eat - there on the humanitarian aid in part, and so on , look at the americans, they’re the same as us, and oh, the guys’ shirts are just as cool , open there, it’s all just like us , friendship, friendship, yeah, we had it in the early nineties and we thought, well, really, that we are so to speak, we are no longer a union, we are
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no longer dangerous, we are now ready to intertwine in what means a cheerful round dance of civilized progressive countries tried to intertwine everything. this crowd like they let us in there, but all the time there was some kind of feeling, there was some kind of feeling, now i found out what kind of feeling it was, it turns out that in 1992, that means a certain famous person, actually paul wolfowitz, maybe you remember, he may have heard once, he formulated a certain new doctrine, they say now there is no union, what to do, well, you think what to do, well, hug something else, no, no, not only that , to put it mildly, one more thing, if... well however, let’s now look at the story on this topic, and then, and then, in fact , we’ll discuss, please, after the end of the cold war and the collapse of the soviet union, the americans needed a new enemy, in the fight against which it was possible to unite society and allies, as
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well as master military budgets, while the white house understood that it was also impossible to discount young russia, because... they had the world's largest stockpile of strategic nuclear weapons. in 1992 , us deputy secretary of defense paul wolfewitz introduced the doctrine of the new world. its main idea was to prevent the emergence of a new rival for america or a country similar to the ussr. the key document of washington's new policy was the wolfowitz doctrine. this is what the new defense planning leadership was unofficially called. our main goal is to prevent an attack on our country. where? it didn't come out. the second most important goal is to strengthen and develop a system of defensive alliances of defense agreements that will unite democratic nations around the world to fight against aggression, strengthen cooperation and ensure security with the least risk for all allies. a key feature of our new defense strategy is the commitment to collectively combating threats. the third goal is
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to prevent the emergence of a regional power hostile to our interests and to develop tools to combat the possibility. the revival of a global threat to the us and our allies. americans were somewhat confused by wolfowitz's frankness when the first text of the doctrine was leaked to the new york. times, which stated in plain text that it was impossible to allow the emergence of a country that could challenge american supremacy. the us national security policy document known as the defense planning manual states that america's post-cold war political and military mission will... be to prevent the rise of a new rival either in the former soviet union or elsewhere. the document argues that the world will be dominated by one superpower whose position can be perpetuated by constructive policies and sufficient military power to deter any country or group of countries from challenging american supremacy.
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the public outcry forced the bush administration to make significant changes to the original version of the doctrine. adjustments, but the main message remains the same: any country that begins to actively develop and does not adhere to american values ​​poses a threat to the americans; they should be restrained if the need to protect our security and interests from threats, to exercise the necessary leadership, including the decisive use of military force when necessary, to maintain a world environment in which societies with the values ​​we share can flourish. foreign policy. over the past decades, the united states has proven well that wolfowitz’s theses work perfectly. one has only to remember the bombing of yugoslavia, the invasions of iraq, libya, syria, which, according to the american regional committee, did not respond american concepts of democracy. in my opening remarks, i welcome you, i consider you one of the most knowledgeable people on the issue under discussion, i can’t wait
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to hear your point of view. thank you, senator! we are in the midst of historic changes that are positioning the united states and europe to usher in a new era of freedom and peace. the president just a few days ago announced a historic nato initiative, which is not... whatever changes occur, the united states believes that nato must remain our main security system in conjunction with europe. the goal of the us and its allies - to create a free europe, independent and democratic, seems to be within reach. it’s interesting, yes, what’s the story, pay attention to the wording of the document. arguments are made in favor of the fact that the world, now attention, will be dominated by one superpower, whose position can be perpetuated, perpetuated due to, here it is also
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very important, constructive policies and sufficient military power to retain and another country and groups of countries, i won’t ask all sorts of idiotic questions there, like what about free competition, well listen, we are not children, we have not been children for 2 years now, we understand everything, but... still this it’s interesting, it seems to me, when lvovna spoke about a mistake and a miscalculation, about the mistake of any winner, yes, about relaxation, look, there are two points there: a constructive policy, point one, the second is sufficient military power. listen, constructive policies are generally possible, to be honest , yes, because i understand correctly, grigory yuryevich, well, the problem, and this was, so to speak, this was the main miscalculation, if they had a truly constructive policy, who would it be now, this is exactly what i wanted to say, the fact is that the policy turned out to be unconstructive and ours.
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culture is now noted that this moment became a turning point for china, from that moment china began to intensively develop the reorganization of its army, to carry out the reorganization of its army, that is, the idea was good in principle, such a good doctrine, a normal doctrine for the country that won, won in the cold chinese in their, so to speak, mass war, but the only problem is that, as they call it, the boys believed in themselves too much and began to put very active pressure on...
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if no one, if they wouldn’t put pressure, they would get their way with friendly words and hugs, but we would have melted away long ago, our hearts would have melted, so to speak, everything else, we would have long ago, everything, everything they need,
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we would have fulfilled long ago, but unfortunately so, well, isn’t it, but you see how they went another way, thank god, please, in this case, constructivism is quite subjective in relation to the united states of america, as it benefits them, that’s what they do, but history, the military history of ours...
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of course the united states, but this is just a fact, it seems to me , therefore , pragmatism comes first in the united states of america, and this is quite understandable, this is a country that was created on pragmatism, but there are no problems, it would be predictable, that’s what one of my former head of the radio station where work said he says, you know, tol, he says, i’m very afraid of enthusiasts, i say there, let me do a review of this very thing, it means some kind of billboard magazine, there’s a hot hundred singles there, too, i’ll do it for free
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, i’m just terribly excited. desno, as they say, yes, with the americans , they opened all their gates, and their arsenals, which means that all the secrets are all that, but on the other hand. on the other hand, the strangulation of russia or the soviet union and russia, according to bzezhinsky , with this embrace of the anaconda did not stop, did not stop, and confirmation of this is the fact that the collapse of the soviet union and the cessation of existence passed on to russia as a trend, and russia in these years, when they fed us with bush’s legs, fought and fought
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for its integrity. at first it was the first step towards the independence of economic and political russia when they said nothing about us, so to speak, in their own, it was just a plan in my mind, now it’s post, when we look from today to the past, this was their plan, this would be the way and the strategy of strangling russia and the subsequent collapse of russia according to the soviet principle, only stop here...
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nothing prevented the presence of a gigantic arsenal of nuclear weapons in the soviet union from happily, excuse me, falling apart, and after that, so to speak, russia’s right to continue to function there, and in the same conditions when everyone is trying to break it up, so to speak, and fragment, however, even during this period in relation to russia, we did not rewrite, which means our potential opponents, and in politics we had some kind of thaw, but in the military environment, in military textbooks... in the us academies the block nato remained with our potential enemy all this time and thanks to this conservatism, let’s say military , we were, in general, able to preserve the armed forces in exactly that direction, that’s interesting, what did you want to say a few words about the wofwetz doctrine, yes, he wrote this in the ninety- second year immediately after the collapse, when this is exactly the era of ephria, which is the usa.
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he said that the most important task is to prevent the emergence of a new supertivage, this is not impossible, but what is interesting about this report is that he was right in one thing, he said that it is necessary to take into account, this , in general, in this report there is very little from china, he did not see in the ninety-second year, i understand that china was different, but did he really not see then in the ninety-second year that china is a rising power, but there is very little
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about china. but what is very important in this report is that what is he right about? he foresaw, he said that we must take into account that democratic changes, very good changes in russia, are not irreversible, that is, in fact, he said that russia is doomed, historically turned towards autocracy, in this he was, of course, right, 90, 10 years of democracy, that’s all, well , autocracy, and kamali harris, i take this opportunity to say hello, so - i see, michael, thank you very much, there’s also rustem maksovich, there’s a lot here , you can, of course, immediately branch off like this from our main topic, yes, ruste maksovich said so in a forwarding, like, he says, only our conservatism, conservatism. because rustam maksevich really has to say, i don’t know what saved us, was it conservatism or something else or some kind of gene in us that says so, well, so to speak, they kissed the gums, but nevertheless, i didn’t have
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any, nevertheless, that means they kissed me on the gums, i kissed the gums, i didn’t feel anything at all, well , there was this feeling of something happening, well, i thought, well, i chalked it up to the fact that it was unusual all my life. i don’t know, but somehow it happened for some reason, someone didn’t allow us to be enchanted, because according to all the logic of what happened in the early nineties, we should not have just there to change the doctrine, they should just burn this entire doctrine, as you remember, vadim bakatin at the beginning, this was also the nineties and brought it to the americans, he says: here is a diagram of all the wiretaps.
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like in england, let’s like in america, moreover, maybe it would have worked out if there had been some kind of marshal’s 2:0 plan, then that’s what you’re talking about, please, so we already, what ’s more interesting, we have there are characteristic features, i understand this, in my opinion, any doctrine must be assessed in relation to practice, in this case we we see that the wolfowian doctrine has come true exactly halfway, and it is precisely because of this halfwayness that i can partially see it. the reasons why history itself did not follow fukuyama’s path, let’s say, that is, there are two tasks that wolfowitz set: the first is the creation and entanglement of the whole world in a network of defensive alliances, the second is the prevention of strategic competitors and so
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on, they coped with the first, that is, they expanded nato greatly, to put it mildly, several times, they created aukuses, the five eyes alliance and so on, that’s exactly what ironically, they moved it close to the borders of the russian federation, they created for themselves a huge number of strategic competitors, enemies, opponents and so on, well, that is, in our case this played a role, in the case of china, some kind of economic, maybe myopia played a role, but they also missed india, a number of countries in the middle east, latin america, that is , indeed, the second part of the wolfowitz doctrine did not come true, it came true, but only half. and for the worst, the ad is short, let's go back, it was a time of big ideas, it was a time of very
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big and different dreams, soviet films that were filmed at vdnkh gave an idea of ​​the power and beauty of this object, it was, as you know, somewhere in a fairy tale, in 1935 the project was approved, and the exhibition was supposed to open in 1937, that is, this is a very short time frame, alstarzhevsky offers a good simple concept, the project was a simplified classic, one could always say that vdnkh is the spirit of the time not only of that period, but vdnkh today is the spirit of the time and today. to mark the eighty-fifth anniversary of vdnkh, tomorrow on the first. what is death to me? that i feel the heat, that i have a torrential chill, when my friends are with me, tonight in our studio gathered exactly those who have experienced and know exactly what the real thing is! true friend, i believe that friendship must definitely
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go through a test, i had an operation, it took 12 hours, igor comes, comes to me, i played a melody, in the morning he called and dictated the verses of the song “my friend”. how wonderful, my friend. in general, conflicts could be every second, but the horror is that it is impossible for mikhail mikhailovich to quarrel. friendship, you know, begins with respect.
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starting with skin diseases, musculoskeletal, nervous system, phew, the life of one’s own, the premiere, on sunday on the first, how did you find me, listen, well, i’m a cop, i didn’t find people like that, he can ruin everything, he won’t have time, you is he an investigator for particularly important cases, coming to us with someone?
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no, it’s necessary to move from the basement to three rubles like that, but oh women, look how the men need to be clamped, and in our yard in sunday on the first, the soviet union is no more, now you can earn a lot of money in a completely legal way. have you heard anything about the oil- for-food program? do you have any idea what volumes there are? do you think there is not enough oil in russia? this is a completely different level, oleg and i decided to live together. yes, you were accepted into the master's program at new york university and
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given a scholarship, it's just that you and i live different lives, i can't do this, it's hard for me, then you're leaving me like this now, you recognize this woman, i think you know that happened in cancer, and for us this means that all foreign intelligence services are becoming more active there, hello, i won’t interfere, of course, what do you think, we’ll figure her out, i hope not yet, i ’ve never cheated on my wife before you, and you? i'm not married, i studied at your university, but not a single professor helped me make a career. hello, trader from monday on the first. you understand what you have done, how you haven’t seen an american spy in front of your nose for so many years. today is august 2, today is airborne forces day,
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i hope you will forgive me for the pathos, but exactly today it is appropriate, there are few days in the year when it is so appropriate. i want to say that a lot has changed in our lives, a lot is changing, well, we often use that word postmodernism, so everything was not serious, listen, but you know what is serious, here is the word honor, the word duty, the word courage, they suddenly became again, words that can be used without irony and not in a historical sense, about our time and about people who... are now endowed with all these qualities, awarded, happy airborne forces day, brothers, glory to the airborne forces, victory will be ours, great game further, good afternoon, live broadcast of the big game, i am vyacheslav nikonov, at these minutes russian president vladimir putin is holding meetings with members of the security council of the russian federation, president. i myself set the agenda, let's listen,
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good afternoon, dear colleagues, today we have several questions on the international agenda concerning our side, interests, the speakers are, respectively, the minister of foreign affairs and the director of the foreign intelligence service, but i would ask you, in addition to the planned questions discuss to dwell on the most current events of recent times, let's start working, please, lavrov, sergei viktorovich, i ask you, so that we are generally working on the same wavelength with our security council, discussing also the most pressing international problems, and the most important international news ... of course, today, yesterday there was an exchange of prisoners, indeed, our president vladimir putin had a big, big, uh hand in this, because, of course, without his will, without his decisions, without his persistence, without his diplomacy, none
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of this, of course, would have happened, really very touching footage of our people returning to their native land. land, let's listen to the president, first of all, i want to congratulate you all on your return to your homeland, now i want to address those of you who are directly related to military service, i want to thank you for your loyalty to the oath, your duty and your homeland, which... i didn’t forget about you for a minute, here you are, you will all be presented with a state award, we and i’ll see you again, we’ll talk about your future,
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now i just want to congratulate you on your return home, thank you very much, congratulations, yes... these are truly worthy citizens of our country, first of all, of course, this, well, i won’t even say someone to highlight, but vadim krasikov is a legend, he was sentenced to life imprisonment in germany for allegedly killing terrorist zelimkhankhan khangashvili, but the very fact that germany granted political asylum to this non-human who tortured russian prisoners of war in a car himself... drove his wheels over the heads of russian children, he was clearly worthy of what he received, but krasikov returned to earth. artyom and anna dultseva, they were convicted in the case of espionage in slovenia. but the most
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painful story, of course, is with their children, who only found out that they were russian . they were boarded on a plane flying from ankara to moscow, they were actually greeted by putin in spanish, vladislav klyushin, who was detained in switzerland and extradited to the united states of america, allegedly for receiving insider information about the work of american computer networks, vadim kanashchonok, who was extradited to the united states from estonia for trying to circumvent american sanctions, mikhail. mikushin, detained in norway, accused of spying for russia, pavel rubtsov, our journalist, who was arrested in poland on suspicion of intelligence activities, roman seleznev, who was kidnapped by us intelligence agencies in the maldives back in 2014 and sentenced to 27 years for cyber fraud. of course, these are
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worthy citizens of our country, but those who went there at the request of the american authorities, but they only confirmed that they are. yes, american agents, american spies, well, that’s where they belong, indeed, this is always an exciting moment, but for you, igor vladimirovich, you have experienced this all from your own experience, you were also arrested, tortured, exchanged, i was yesterday and today right now you were just saying, and i remembered 7 this year, when we were transferred from boryspil airport to...
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and interestingly, there were only 12 russians on that exchange, all the rest were ukrainians, that is, ukrainians for us, that is the president then showed that ukrainians for us are our people, that is, those people who live on the territory of ukraine. and i am very grateful to the president that now he has returned the very worthy sons and daughters of his fatherland, he has shown once again that we do not abandon our own, and i know a little about the other side of a special military operation, when negotiations are carried out even during intense hostilities , and the president's team, the team of the ministry of defense,
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on august 1, 2024, as a result of the exchange to their homeland at the ankara airport eight russian citizens who were detained and imprisoned in a number of nato countries, as well as minor children, were returned. their return became possible. russian
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citizens were exchanged for a group of individuals acting in the interests of foreign states to the detriment of the security of the russian federation. good filigree work of all services. the exchange operation is always very complex. preparation for this operation lasted about a year. according to many sources, people from seven countries participated in the operation, since our guys were in different states, and those who left here are also connected with a variety of countries, but yesterday and today all the turkish media are spinning this story and... proudly talking about turkey’s mediating role. this is also remarkable. turkey is a nato country, but we have
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excellent cooperation. and now it is clear that when the head of the turkish foreign ministry, the former head of the special services, hakan fedan came here, this topic was also discussed, and his successor as head of the turkish special services, ibrahim kalin, was closely involved in it. erdogan personally supervised this topic and was connections with ours. president, this is also an important point, the role of mediators, our good relations with these states, but as for us, this is also the filigree work of all the special services, coordinated work is important and of course diplomats too, well , naturally, after that in the west they also began to everyone takes credit for the fact that they did it, joe biden was the first, he also met those who returned. ago - russian traitors as also the man who did all this, let's listen to him,
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although at the same time he looked like it looked like he was going to die, let's hear it: the deal that made it possible was a feat of diplomacy of friendship, friendship, several countries helped achieve this, they joined difficult negotiations at my request, and i personally thank them all again, i thank them personally and... i thank them again. russia released 16 prisoners. among these sixteen russian prisoners who were released by russia, there are four americans, five germans, and seven russian citizens. this would still not be possible without our allies. germany, poland, slovenia, norway and turkey, they all supported us, they supported us. well, i must say that kamala hares, who is now supposedly the leader of the american presidential race, has been doing this for the last 2 weeks. didn’t say anything at all without a piece of paper, so when they met those who had just returned, she had the opportunity to say a few words, that’s what she said,
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let’s listen, this is amazing evidence of the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy , understands the power that is based on understanding the importance of diplomacy and the strength of our allied alliances is simply incredible. vyacheslav alekseevich, sometimes it’s better to just remain silent, nod your head, it will be received much better than this simple, i don’t know, speech diarrhea of ​​some kind, tongue-tied, yes, not only tongue-tied, if we look carefully.
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after all, even during the time of isenhower , a saying appeared that roosevelt proved that you can be president as long as you like; he was president for four terms. truman, that anyone can be president, eisenhower that america can generally do without a president, so kamala haris will certainly continue this glorious tradition of american presidents, and god bless success in this field. well, what do we have on the fronts? special military operation and who besides us after the advertisement? the thing is that i don't choose the songs myself, it's a collective decision.
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inside this modest it specialist, a fierce mathematician, left early in the morning, when you were still sleeping, all these gorgeous dance moves of yours, this is love, this is just something with it was something, the most human avatar, pretty, if you don’t want me yet. what is a human kiss, at a party of best friends, you danced with my friend, fantastic, after the program time, well, generally cool, so tell me, in the summer at vdnkh on the twenty -first volga, this year the exhibition is 85 years old,
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everything is here, here you have we are the best place in the universe. the study of this very universe. the cradle is cast individually for each astronaut. apparently, this was not done for me. oryol trotter, our famous horse. handsome man, he can help you show your tongue, look. mirka, what is this ? kengalshi, zmak. it’s cool that it sits in one room, you can probably try all of russia’s cuisine. andrey, what are you cooking? there will be shmak, there will be beef, there will be heaps, heaps of all sorts of delicious vegetables, and cucumbers. will you make lemonade for me? premiere. chefs on wheels, tomorrow on the first day, what is snow to me, what is the heat to me, what is torrential to me, when my friends are with me, tonight in our studio gathered exactly those who have experienced, know exactly what a true faithful friend is, i believe, that friendship is necessary i have to go through a test, i had an operation, it took 12 hours, igor comes,
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comes to me, i played a melody. in the morning he called and dictated the verses of the song “my friend”, how great, my friend, in general there could be conflicts every second, but the horror is that it is impossible to quarrel with mikhail mikhailovich. friendship, you know, often begins with respect. all these years that we have been friends, i carry seryoga’s guitar with him. we are brothers-in-law, we are not just friends, our wives are sisters.
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glorious deeds the beginning of a great story of the russian state, in honor of the anniversary of the baptism of russia, the solemn opening ceremony of the new chersonese complex, everything that was planned, everything worked out, thank god, on sunday, on the first, in the new season on the first, she was killed, and we are talking about the devil and the heart is not it tore, do you know how it tears, they just give away the shoulder and pull the elbow, okay, let’s think about it, let’s say you’re a mole. you are wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will be killed will be identified, and this is a mortal danger,
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or do you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, well , of course, i would run in, that will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find it. head of the security service, let him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for that, that you didn’t want to help us, you’re very good shooter hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation with the prime minister based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. the big game is live,
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today is paratrooper day, happy holiday to everyone involved, and of course, congratulations from the president, let's listen. today , the patriotic traditions of veterans and loyalty to the oath of military brotherhood serve as a worthy example for the current generation of paratroopers and help solve important tasks during a special military operation. i am convinced that you will henceforth reliably stand guard over the independence and sovereignty of russia and contribute a significant contribution to ensuring its defense capability and national security. but it must be said that the commander of the airborne forces, the hero of russia, colonel general mikhailovich. teplinsky congratulated the military personnel on their professional holiday, and of course, as usual, there was a procession of the cross in the center of moscow, today is ilya’s day,
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paratroopers traditionally took part in the procession, and ilya is the patron saint of the airborne troops. well, i must admit that the last entry on my military id was made exactly 40 years ago. and the entry was like this: captain k... over to you, good afternoon, of course, congratulations to everyone involved in the landing, we see how the paratroopers played, are playing a very important role, such divisions as the seventy-sixth, ninety-eighth, they
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really greatly expanded the list of their military victories, of course will multiply, but of course on this holiday we see active offensive actions by our troops, which include airborne troops, if you look at the front line. in the rabotinsky direction, our troops continue to press to the north, towards northeast of rabotin, on the vremevsky ledge, our troops have advanced slightly east of urozhainy, fighting continues there on the urozhaynaya novodonetskaya line, in the ugledar direction there has been significant success for our troops, our troops south of konstantinovka have reached the konstantinovka ugledar highway, these battles have been going on several months, the enemy’s defenses were nevertheless breached and now the route is under fire control, this seriously complicates the enemy’s logistics. in this area, of course, this will have far-reaching consequences in the coming weeks, activities to clear out the outskirts of krasnogorovka continue, the city has actually come under the control of russian troops, the enemy is now huddled in
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the private sector north of krasnogorovka, well , he claims that he has not lost the city yet, but the same thing happened with artyomovsky, to to the west of avdiivka, our troops continue their successful offensive after the liberation of vesely, that is, the actual village has been liberated, there are battles for ivanovka, the desired one, and there is progress in the area of ​​​​the erection. there is progress in the area novoselovka is the first, in general the front continues to move towards the konstantinovka, krasnoarmeysk highway, there are up to 6 km left to this strategic route, in the new york area our troops have advanced a little more in the city center, several houses there have come under our control, there is progress to the west from new york, but in the area of ​​​​toretsk, our troops continue to press in the north in artyomovo, there is also progress there, the enemy continues to suffer heavy losses here, including prisoners, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bchasche, our troops have advanced in the area. the enemy is there lost two important heights, there is slight progress in the kalinovka area to the north, and the battles already encountered are continuing right now beyond the canal, on the northern ledge our troops are fighting... battles for the crossing and in
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the direction of the excavation, on krasnolimansky no changes, matchmaking -kupyansk direction, our troops have advanced a little more in the peshchany area in the direction of the oskol river, our troops are also fighting in the eastern part of makeevka on the outskirts of stolmakhovka, well, in the kharkov direction our troops continue to put pressure on the enemy in the area deep elliptsy, and well, there are small advances in our favor in volchansk. in general , the enemy is almost everywhere on the defensive, well, the counter-offensive, as they say, is new, they are preparing for the fall. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhensk, as always , the last few days have been good information from the fronts of a special military operation; indeed , in a number of directions, the ukrainian armed forces are now unable to stop our offensive, primarily to the west of avdeevka, where indeed advances are taking place every day and very very significant, although the ukrainian armed forces are sending very serious reinforcements there, this is a military brotherhood, where there are paratroopers and tank crews, and
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artillerymen, and pilots, all types of armed forces, and people of all nationalities, and now the enemy is strenuously trying to pit us against each other on national grounds, to sow national discord , but in fact, at the front they don’t ask what your nationality is, when i served in the ranks of the airborne forces, there were ukrainians, armenians, and georgians with us, people of all nationalities, we were from... one family, we were one people now the ministry of defense has prepared, in my opinion, a very good video, let's watch it, our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, so in heaven on earth, our daily bread to us
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yes, everyone prays to their own god, but as my father, who went through the entire great patriotic war, said. i finished it in prague,
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there are no atheists in war, and when i was in this studio i often spoke and shared my first impressions of how our guys enter the dugouts, and the first thing georgy puts the victorious, andrew the first-called, prince vladimir, prays for the dead, and this is very important, because when you said that there are no nationalities in war, i ... i remember how artyom shenin and i first came to the kakhovsky area reservoir and there was a dagestani man standing there, and i and i , well, that is, artyom asks him the first question, what are you fighting here for? he says for his homeland. when my friend baron, commander of the 237th guards airborne assault regiment, received a call from the president of the russian federation, he reported, vladimir vladimirovich asked him a question, what nationality are you? he says: i am by nationality, he says, i am straight. i repeat, a paratrooper, that is
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, a paratrooper, that is, this suggests that there is really unity going on there, we just watched a video, exactly what i talk about all the time, that sometimes i have a lucky opportunity in 2-3 day to travel the entire front line, the entire country, in fact the entire country, and i would like to join your words and really congratulate our guys, the paratroopers and your colleague artyom shenin to our colleague alexander kots, paratroopers, who is constantly in the zone of baron’s special military operation. thirty -third, beard, 56, 104, 237 airborne regiments with the guys, whom i had the honor of standing in battle formations in battle formations , my son, being on his leave, he went out, he said: dad, i want to feel the war, it’s the paratroopers they brought him to the line of combat contact and showed him what real war is, when they crushed the enemy, and i’m very happy, i’m a very happy person that i can watch, when they even come... to the pvd, there
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is a small buddhist datsan set up there, our orthodox church tent is set up, there is an opportunity to pray to the tatars, dagestanis and they show everything there. that we are a single fighting brotherhood, we are solving one problem, we are solving this problem quite successfully, that’s what concerns the ukrainian country, the situation there is much more complicated now, obviously, an american political magazine writes, let’s listen, it’s better what can be said about the ukrainian morale now, this is what he hesitates, this is happening on front lines, where exhausted troops bear the brunt of more than two years of war, it is happening on the home front, as life in the country worsens, the only way... for ukraine to change the situation on the battlefield is to release tired soldiers who have been fighting for years and mobilize dozens, even hundreds of thousands of new combat-ready recruits. after two years have passed since the beginning of the war, it is becoming more and more difficult to find new healthy men to send to the front. the government now requires that all men
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18 to 60 years old updated their contact details with the ukrainian armed forces and carried official registration documents with them. the new mobilization is not entirely popular. 8% of ukrainians said that the arrival of new aid from the united states will not affect their opinion of the draft, although this is a welcome relief for ukrainians, but the war is not won by equipment and money, but by well-equipped and trained soldiers. what touched me most, of course, was that the new mobilization is not entirely popular, yes, not entirely. vyacheslav alekseevich, the word is not quite popular - this means that whoever can hide from this mobilization, because everyone understands perfectly well that this mobilization, any mobilization, equals death. ukrainians cannot answer the question of who they are fighting with and what they are fighting for, for whom they are fighting, because the key question becomes obvious to absolutely everyone , the country is bankrupt, it lives exclusively on subsidies from outside, and they fight exclusively for
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the americans, they are fighting for the american choice, what they are fighting for with whom, this is a question to which there is no answer and after two years more and more people are thinking. of people, and especially when children have been killed, fathers have already been killed, there remain those who ask the question: peace is when there are fraternal peoples, this brotherhood that exists, it does not exist here, here, standing in the studio, everyone knows what the soviet union is, in the soviet union the spirit of brotherhood was the strongest, no matter how the americans tried to separate us for 30 years, this spirit is still there, it is strongly present, the americans can write whatever they want, but that’s not how it works, well ...
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very big and different dreams, soviet the films that were filmed at vdnkh gave an idea of ​​the power and beauty of this object, it was, as you know, somewhere in a fairy tale, in the thirty-fifth year the project was approved, and the exhibition was supposed to open in the thirty- seventh year, that is, this is a very short time , alstarzhevsky offers a good simple concept, the project was a simplified classic, one could now say that...
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we have the opportunity to see it the way only those closest to us, the daughter and wife, saw it. lively, there were always get-togethers, and you ’re sitting in dad’s place, so it happened, yes unique. footage previously inaccessible to outsiders. there was this difficult period when he was being treated abroad, michal nikolaevich’s sister, lena, and his first wife, velta. in the face of misfortune and grief, they united; the three of them lived in the same apartment, cooked in the same kitchen and took turns coming to mikhail on duty. the daughter turns to him, realizing that he is somewhere there and he hears her. don't take it like a posthumous empty one. compliment, my father’s feelings are more important to me, most likely at this sad moment,
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for some reason god needed you more? our exclusive - family archive of mikhail zadorny. exclusive with dmitry borisov. tomorrow on the first. right at the junction of europe and asia and the steppe mountains lies a blooming garden of eden. we are in bashkiria. friends, the bashkar took several arrows into his mouth like this, you know, in battle, now three more four between his fingers, that’s how he shot, also a machine gun, yeah, these are the same relict ices, they formed here when mammoths still roamed the earth, this echo is 25,000 years old, what diseases does this bath treat, starting with skin diseases, musculoskeletal, nervous system, phew. the life of their premiere on
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sunday on the first, how did you find me? listen, well, i’m a mint, i didn’t find people like that, he can ruin everything, he won’t have time, you’re an investigator for especially important cases, for what purpose did special missions come to us, you came back, well done, but you have to understand that... it’s not good for you to be with this cop, it’s dangerous, i got the money, five tickets are enough, two adults, three children to moscow, why are you silent, we’re going or not going, and he look, the kremlin, the kremlin, where, uh, the kremlin, mavlyuda, hi, no, well, you need to go from the basement to i moved three rubles, but oh women, look how you need men. and in our yard on sunday first, you
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told me that when he kissed you, you started to see again, yes, what if it’s not just a kiss, what if you see the whole picture, the customer is unhappy, it’s your misfire, that’s it time with someone, sometimes with this woman, sometimes with the operas, even a dog doesn’t walk alone, today you will have the opportunity, he will be alone, all the information is on your phone, they ’ll kill him, at his house, a yearling, new episodes from monday on the first. trader with monday on the first.
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big game live, the body of hamas political leader ismail haniyeh was today flown from tehran to doha, the capital of qatar, where it will be interred. iran sent an official delegation there at the head. iran and iranian foreign minister begeri kaeni, in a conversation with our foreign minister lavrov, declared iran’s inalienable right to respond to israel. acting foreign minister ali bagheri exchanged views with russian foreign minister sergei lavrov regarding the criminal actions of sionisky. regime's attack on the territorial national integrity and security of iran. the minister emphasized that the zionist
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regime, by killing ismail haniyeh, crossed a red line, so iran does not doubt its inalienable legal right to self-defense. bagherei thanked russia for supporting iran’s request to hold a session of the un security council outside the regular session and condemned the actions of the united states and european countries to prevent conviction and the murder of ismail hynia. he emphasized that cooperation between moscow and tehran maybe. cause aggressive actions of the zionist regime, threatening peace and stability in the region. the undeniably legitimate right of self-defense is an appeal to article 51 of the organization. a palestinian politician died on iranian territory, a guest died, and iran itself experienced similar attacks; iranian scientists,
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nuclear scientists, and people involved in the atomic program were liquidated more than once, now all over the region. they also remember the death of the previous iranian president ibrahim raisi, minister of foreign and some other officials in a helicopter crash, and i heard the following phrase from many: if anyone previously doubted that it was a technical malfunction or, after all , a murder, now after what happened to the hamas leader, they believe that after all there is also some kind of conspiracy behind this, so iran is forced to answer, iran really doesn’t want to get involved in a serious and long-lasting regional conflict, but at least an answer of the type that we saw on april 13 and 17, when between these dates
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israel and iran exchanged blows, and it will probably follow. in the coming days, and we say it will follow, and now there is turbulence on the lebanese-israeli border, there are exchanges of blows between the lebanese hezbollah group and the israelis, iran is already undergoing a powerful cyber attack from israeli hackers, it is believed, and the region is on the verge of very important events, and iran is trying to ensure that there is a response... that is, if in april it was tehran itself that hit, now the response will be more coordinated with the palestinians, lebanese, yemeni houthis, but i would even draw attention to the fact that in pakistan, which does not seem to be directly involved in these events, there were powerful demonstrations
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condemning israel’s actions and... people mourned, just like in turkey, that is the whole region is in turmoil. yes, indeed, these events brought the conflict to a new spiral of aggravation; it is clear that iran must respond more, even stronger, than in april, because then there was an attack on the iranian consulate in syria. here, we are talking about a strike on iranian territory in tehran. honorary to a guest at the inauguration ceremony of the president of iran, this is also a personal insult to the top political leadership of iran and therefore , of course, the response will, i am sure, be stronger than it was last time, but this is also accompanied by a really very serious determination for retaliatory strikes from
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the outside hezbollah, it also happened there. hamas has lost its leader, we understand what it means to lose leaders, we have become partners in pain, partners in anger, partners in battle, we will become partners in victory, we now face great
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battle, the problem has gone beyond individual fronts, the battle is in gaza in southern lebanon, the battle is taking place in yemen and even in iraq. for some reason, the zionists imagine that by killing ismail haniyeh in tehran, they will silence iran. the tone of leader khamenei's speech regarding this incident was even harsher than after the attack on the iranian consulate in syria. for now, the enemy can laugh a little, but then he will have to cry a lot, because he does not realize what red lines he has crossed. our support fronts are beginning a new phase. and of course, the front hasn’t gone anywhere, actually. confrontation between israel and hamas. yesterday marked 300 days since the start of the israeli war in the gas sector, in fact there is no end in sight to this either, a new escalation, you remember? that israel said that we would solve this problem within a few days, and here you and the experts in the big, big game programs kept saying that this is
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a serious conflict into which many islamic states will be drawn into its funnel, even among themselves have been at odds for some time, there will be impoverishment around opposition to israel, and we are now seeing and seeing this. more one thing is that the united states of america, and you talked about this today, about the supply of new weapons systems to israel, that israel today is ready to work not only on hezbollah, but it is ready for confrontation, and look at lebanon and syria in this region, then there is a conflict, most likely in this region it will expand and expand not at the expense of... islamic states, you correctly said that iran does not want to fight, but now everything is going on, the initiation, the conflict is going on and the development of the conflict on the part
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of israel, and i'm making a clear analogy here, because many say that we in ukraine started first, no, we didn’t start first, ukraine provoked exactly the same way as today israel provokes the development of this conflict in the territory, but the handwriting is the same, the handwriting is the same, but... here elena rightly noted that turkey has also become a fairly active participant in this process. erdogan even declared two days of mourning over the death of haniyeh. this is a very serious sign that turkey is showing solidarity with hamas. and it is no coincidence that the president of the united states america biden called erdogan to try to dissuade him from any serious actions against. israel, how it , through a third country, is trying to dissuade iran from any serious actions, but erdogan, listen to what the turkish side, the office
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of the turkish president, reported on the results of the meeting. president erdogan stressed that the netanyahu administration shows at every turn that it does not seek a ceasefire or peace. the scenes in the us house of representatives caused deep disappointment in turkey and the world. according to president, assassination. hamas politburo chief ismail haniyeh dealt a major blow to ceasefire efforts. israel is seeking to spread the gas flames throughout the region. turkey's position is indeed very important. vyacheslav alekseevich, and turkey is a kind of bridge that can unite many countries. let's not forget that turkey has been a nato country since 1953, but nevertheless, turkey is increasingly showing its leadership qualities when there is a mechanism to support it. countries that turkey is fraternal, in any case , i agree, a very important point, besides turkey, there is also pakistan, turkey and pakistan are establishing very good relations, we
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are told that they are disunited, no, they are not so disunited, in fact, now they are a common misfortune that unites all these countries, iran absolutely has the right now to create nuclear weapons, and we, when a year ago we said that it was months, now it is weeks before the appearance of nuclear weapons in iran, i do not remember such a moment in the entire history existence of the state of israel, this is starting from 1947, when the existence of israel was exposed to such
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great danger, and netanyahu is only playing to aggravate, he is playing to aggravate, well, with all his neighbors, with everyone and turkey, i ’ll just remind you, that turkey has the second largest and most powerful army in nato, after. a diplomatic scandal will begin, ambassadors will be recalled, israel continues to play for aggravation, a very dangerous game that can be very expensive, especially since they rely
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they are in the united states. what is the united states today and what is the west today? in fact, these are the forecasts that go back many decades, and with the decline of the west, they are beginning to gain more and more confirmation after advertising. inside this humble it specialist, fierce mathematician, i left early in the morning, when you were still sleeping, all these gorgeous dance
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moves of yours, this is love. it was just something with something, the most humane, he’s cute, you don’t want to kiss, i haven’t yet i learned what a human kiss is, at a party of best friends, you danced with my friend, fantastic, after the program , the time was generally great. this year the exhibition is 85 years old, everything is here, here we have the best place in the universe to study this very universe, the cradle is cast for each individual cosmonaut, apparently this was not done for me, the oryol trotter, our famous horse, handsome, he can stick his tongue out at you, look, little world, what is this kengalshi, zbak, it’s cool that it’s in the same room
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it’s probably sitting there, it’s possible to get away with anything. andrey, what are you cooking, there will be shmak, there will be beef, there will be a heap, a heap of all sorts of delicious vegetables, broken cucumbers, and will you prepare lemonade for me, the premiere of the cook on wheels, tomorrow on the first, it was a time of big ideas, it was a time of very ...
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the elbow is pulling. okay, let's think about it. let's say you're krotov, you're wanted. there are targets for you in all parts of the soviet union. and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified. and this is a mortal danger. or you have a second, very well thought out option of escaping abroad. well, of course, i would run in. what will the moles choose? here's the question. be careful. i'm always careful. mayer, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man was a stutterer , suddenly he speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for the fact that you didn’t want to help us, you are very... good
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shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, opposition to the prime minister. big game on the first, the new guaido's name is gonzalez. the united states of america announced that they recognized gonzalez as the winner of the elections in venezuela, based on observations that...
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the united states and the west are beginning to crumble right before our eyes, so it happened that in the last couple of days the three most leading western thinkers stated that, in fact... the west is on the verge of a very serious decline, if not decline, but here is john mearsheimer, a truly outstanding an american thinker who, based on the situation in the middle east,
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said that the united states is, in fact, the greatest hypocrite. let's listen. most people around the world are well aware that the israel lobby controls the us congress.
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takes a big risk, then the americans will not go anywhere and will help israel in any case, but how to help when the environment is hostile, there are many states around israel that are ready to fight with it, and netanyahu is pulling america is now being drawn into very big risks, john mearsheimer is very correct. suggests that the risks are great and the question arises, where are the true interests of the united states of america, because now these interests are being replaced by the interests of israel, but do the americans themselves need this? this is the question asked by this
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famous american political scientist, whose lectures are very popular with students there, because he describes everything very vividly; by the way, over the past two years he has constantly warned, warned washington about that their... adventure in the east of europe will not be successful, even before the failed ukrainian counter-offensive, he said that all this would fail, well, in america they are preparing a congress of the democratic party on august 19, which opens, there is a very serious group being formed among the left democrats , which deliberately criticizes the current biden administration's policies on middle east issues. well, the united states is weakening as an economic superpower, 3 days ago we said that they had surpassed the level of public debt at 35 trillion, do you know how much the us national debt has grown in these 3 days, by 125 billion, that is, at this rate they will add
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a trillion a month to their national debt, that is, the economy is actually not supported by many american economists, many businesses. ..
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as a country we must engage in precisely this creation, this is now our main strength, as in our traditional values. emmanuel toth, a french thinker and historian who once predicted the collapse of the soviet union, also believes that the west is actually close to sunset when i say that ukraine has actually lost in this conflict, i am only
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expressing the opinion of the pentagon or the french general staff. the problem is that we are in a situation where the west knows that it has lost the conflict, but peace is not coming. russians have lost trust in the west and they despise european leaders, whom they consider mere puppets of the united states. on the other hand, they consider americans to be absolutely unreliable and unstable partners. so the russians are no longer interested in signing a treaty with the americans, for the russians will graduate. operations can only be to achieve a military situation in which their benefit will be ensured, their safety guaranteed for the future. everyone in the west understands that russia has no desire to invade europe, so the europeans could agree to peace in ukraine, it would be in their interests. however, this would be disastrous for the americans; if the russians achieve their goals in ukraine, america in the eyes of the whole world will be defeated by an equal power, and this will most likely lead to the collapse of the entire american world system. emmanuel totz is now one of the most quoted historians in europe, in
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the united states of america, and in this article he also says very important points that europe must, as its own salvation, do everything to destroy brussels, simply abandon brussels, and france must finally make peace with germany so that germany restores its power, but this power without normal relations with russia is impossible, when the nord stream and the nord stream were undermined, this would
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and we must understand what is happening there, what it is, how strong he is, in no case overestimate our strengths, underestimate their capabilities, but see that before us is an enemy who can and must be defeated, because our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news and see you again at 17:00. but don't miss it. hello, news time is first. we will tell you about the most important events right now. they are trusted with the most difficult tasks. today in russia they celebrate airborne forces day. happy holiday vladimir putin congratulated the paratroopers. deliberate!


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