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tv   Vremya  1TV  August 3, 2024 9:00pm-9:36pm MSK

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the city of novosibirsk poster in large letters 15 years, but what, long live that thanks to which we, in spite of everything, thank you, everything. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. they were transported from state to state, put in a punishment cell, and almost killed, which is what roman seleznev, who was released as a result of a recent exchange, had to endure in american prisons, exclusive. ready for russian
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pilots to talk about nato fighters, and a new report from the ministry of defense, our defenders have the initiative in all areas of special operations. children of the world - a unique health camp for teenagers in the donetsk people's republic, psychological program, we'll tell you what the essence of the project is. mourning in nizhny tagil for the victims of a collapse in a five-story residential building, how the victims are being helped , the governor of the svetlovsk region reported to the president by telephone. not a face, but something else in our foreign ministry commented on the statement of the french president that he was proud of the opening ceremony of the olympics, which shocked almost the whole world. sweeter than earlier, the watermelon season started in moscow. why are they especially amazing this year? sail in st. petersburg.
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the fontanka saab festival is a unique opportunity to go on an unforgettable journey through the center of the northern capital. it’s hard for him to talk about his experience. it's hard to believe that he is at home with his family. roman seleznev, one of those who returned to their homeland thanks to the largest prisoner exchange since the cold war. kidnappings, false accusations. american prison, he was transported from state to state, kept in a punishment cell, not allowed to sleep, they tried to break me mentally and physically, and so on for 10 years, several times the romance was on the verge between life and death, a real human drama, but with a happy ending in an exclusive interview with channel one, they kidnapped me from the maldives, kidnapped me, brought me to the states, put me in prison,
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seleznev was captured by the american special services while on vacation , they are in prison, it’s all tough to sit here, roman is very, very bad there, i was initially put in a punishment cell, that is , they were put in an isolation ward, and how could i have thought that such a person had grossly violated the foundations of international law and the laws of the malgiv republic itself, the states do not even have an extradition treaty with the maldives, the americans simply asked mali for help, and they agreed, the russians. taken out of the country without court permission, which in fact amounts to kidnapping. this, however, did not stop the federal court in seattle from sentencing roman to 27 years in prison. mr. seleznev is a russian hacker. roman was accused of causing $170 million in damages to us citizens and organizations by a group of hackers he allegedly led. neither in one of the 40 episodes, roman did not admit his guilt, but the american judicial machine was unstoppable. during his 10 years of imprisonment , roman changed dozens of prisons in almost all of them.
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the only prisoner obligated to do this was in bantner, where roman was required to report to the guards every 2 hours. since 2011, seleznev has had serious health problems after being wounded as a result of a terrorist attack in moroco. there was a scar on the neck after artificial ventilation of the lungs. while in prison, my health constantly deteriorated. the prison administration knew about the condition russian, but the regime for him remained the same. they constantly woke me up, forced me to check in 24 hours every 2 hours, that is, i could not sleep. they woke me up every 2
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hours, they constantly turned on the light, that is, the light is like a spotlight, and it shines on you day and night, they put me in some kind of cells... these are cells, very bad cells, poor conditions, food too, i will say this, the food is terrible . on a trumped-up charge, roman spent more than 10 years in american prisons. the largest prisoner exchange operation between russia and the west with from the cold war, ends at the government terminal of the capital's vnukovo airport. a special board delivered izcars to eight of our compatriots who were serving sentences in the usa, germany, norway, slovenia and poland, as well as two children. utrapa... roman didn’t even have an interlocutor, he admits that he had already begun to forget his native
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speech, but all this time he firmly believed that they would not leave him, i never even thought for a second that they would forget about me, then there were all 10 years i sat, well, i hoped that... that they would exchange, but it didn’t depend only on us many sides, but i knew that the russians, well , no, wouldn’t forget me, for the first time in 10 years, roman was able to hug his father, with whom, after a long separation, they talked all night, it’s still very difficult for him to talk about plans, because, well, first of all, he i have to realize this new reality, for 10 years he had no connection with his homeland except through me, and i’m telling you that i couldn’t tell him. as our situation changes, he says: i want to be useful. while in prison, roman had only the most superficial information about the situation in our country. now, together with his father, he is filling in the gaps and still cannot believe that everything that is happening is not a dream. i still can’t be sure that i’m home and how i
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mentally understand that i’m home, but i’m always afraid of waking up in an instant and being back in the cell. valentin vozev, larisa nikitina and dmitry tishchenko, channel one. now it’s a special operation, this is how our beech m3 complex works. it hits any type of air targets; in these pictures from the ministry of defense, the crew thwarted an enemy attack on the positions of russian troops, shot down an american an atacoms missile and several attack drones. in addition, our air defense forces destroyed an anti-aircraft guided missile of the petret complex and nine rockets. there are also reports. the groups south, west and east took more advantageous positions. the center division is being promoted. deep into the defense of the ukrainian armed forces. enemy losses in this sector alone amounted to 400 people per day, almost 2.0 along the entire front. among the burned vehicles were a german-made marder infantry fighting vehicle and two american bradleys. the enemy is being actively driven out of the village of new york in the dpr. our fighters risk their lives
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saving civilians from militants. a first-hand account. it was early morning, it had just dawned, that's it. the information is unofficial, mainly in the american european press, however, all this has already happened more than once, the inflated expectations of kiev strategists from the use of bayraktars, jewelins, hymers, leopards, abrams,
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it is necessary to emphasize. as a result, a complete failure, there is no reason to believe that the f-16 will be any different. valentina solovyova talked with our combat pilots and anti-aircraft gunners. who sent a lot of nato equipment to util equipment, so the fighters assured that the american fighters will be met as expected, right now the k-52 is leaving for a combat mission, direction, an enemy fortified area has been discovered there, they will work on it, this is a large fortified area, they are working with missiles over a large area, in pairs in pigs k-52m and mi-28. how did you work? great, aircraft gunner.
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unguided nars8 missiles in the amount of 30 pieces per pair, what is the structure of this missile and what are the chances of the enemy surviving there , the chances are almost zero, because we shoot with precision and always hit the target clearly. it was these crews who, during the so-called counter-offensive of the armed forces of ukraine on rabotino , crushed nato tanks and armored vehicles , showed how defenseless even the thickest armor is against our missiles. now the enemy is not rolling out such equipment at all, the fighters say. now the bet is on f-16 fighters. send aircraft, no matter what they are, third, fourth, fifth
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generation, send them into the thick of hostilities, where anti-aircraft troops, air defense, and also ours are constantly on duty rooftop fighters, this would be suicide for them. now, in the near future, we are looking and hoping to see who will destroy these planes faster, our missilemen or our gunmen, or our fighters. our pilots are in detail. we studied all the characteristics of the nato fighter, in what ways are we superior to the f-16? well, firstly, the concept has long changed, we use twin-engine aircraft, and the f16 is single-engine, that is, at the slightest failure of aviation equipment, i think we will have to leave at 16, our aircraft will always be able to to return to the airfield, even if it comes to close combat, well, in terms of launching missiles, then the sixteenth has no chance, are our air defenses ready for?
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until all the tasks are completed, until we get victory, we will work, we will work until the end. valentina solaveva, sergey kuznetsov, islam usarkhanov, dmitry matyushin, channel one, zaporozhye direction. more about the courage of our defenders. corporal daniil golubkov with his squad took control of the road leading to the settlement and held the line until approach of the main forces. the fighters repelled seven enemy counterattacks, destroyed two dozen militants and two armored vehicles. corporal sergei alexandrov, with well-aimed fire from a tank from a closed position, destroyed five enemy firing points that were hindering the advance of our advanced units. russian fighters eventually liberated the village from... kiev formations. news of ukrainian mobilization. odessa, mass brawl with
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the participation of those being mobilized, those mobilizing and passers-by. women and police are involved, you can’t immediately tell who’s who. here's some footage from the camera observations in kharkov. a father and son are resting on a bench at the entrance, and people in uniform jump out of a black suv. the young man runs into the house, his father is hit on the head, and then again. after some time, the man tries to escape in his car, and they give chase.
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a person sought medical help, children of the world - a unique health camp , fortunately no one was seriously injured, one for teenagers in the donetsk people's republic, many have experienced losses and trials, but love, patience and communication heals the deepest emotional wounds, to help media p hello everyone and today i will show you an overview of our room, here we have a refrigerator, here there are a few dishes, a table, chairs, here we sit, hang out , talk, eat, mom he will definitely appreciate such a video for the blog, a tour of the room in the boarding house from the first take, not without prompting from the operator. it’s also good, i showed her that there was glass in the bathroom, so she understood, we
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understand each other, we have been friends for a long time, rasa learned the wisdom of photography herself, she prefers to stay with shot, it was dad’s how he died, and they gave me his second phone, the race’s own father died in the northern military district, then the eyes, mother elena aldoshina took the girl a lot to psychologists, it took a long time to find competent specialists and effective therapy. then i decided to create a children’s camp for the same kids who know what war is. we have one girl who sat in the basement for a long time during the liberation of mariupol, and the house... in the basement of which they sat was directly shot from a tank, the girl simply fell due to stress in the surrounding area to teach not to be afraid, to open oneself to others, the main goal of the project is the children of the world, it was supported by the presidential grants fund with boys and girls from donetsk and mariupol. during the entire shift , psychologists work every day, sometimes starting with
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the most seemingly ordinary thing, overcoming the fear of communicating with strangers. my task was central, first of all. to liberate the children a little in order to improve their emotional background and give them some communication skills. familiarity with the world of social networks, media blogs is a big plus in such therapy. boys and girls here are taught how to better shoot videos, write texts, search for information and not be shy about making their first video clips and posts on any topic. i generally have a blog about football and interesting news. football is ali's main passion, although the boy can do it. talk a lot about how to distinguish the sounds of air defense and the arrival of artillery in my native donetsk, of course i saw some debris from missiles, let’s say there was something else there, the debris flew right into our yard, so to speak, almost every day the master classes, visiting today the guys were a journalist from donetsk alena morozova, thank you very much for the question, come on pyatyunev, or something, super,
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the guys asked a lot of cool questions, they are very much in the topic, they know bloggers that even i don’t know about, it was very cool, this is also some kind of exchange of experience, there are only 12 people in a shift, there are a lot of applications, but during the selection attention was paid to children with the most difficult destinies, geography was also important, to bring together children from different regions of the dpr, including those recently liberated, in order establish dialogue between peers who, at a minimum, studied different histories and grew up in different information environments. my task was, naturally, to unite them, yes, so that they become friends, so that they feel this difference between them. each other, and naturally, the emotional background needed to be deflated, improved, because according to the test results, of course, our emotional background was not very good, it emerged, it’s worth noting separately the place where the guys live the whole shift, the very shore of the sea of ​​​​azov, the beach , of course, the main platform for all kinds of
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activity, and they just give you time to swim, well, filming here won’t be lost without a phone. this is a place of common grief for the entire city, just yesterday a spontaneous memorial was formed here, a few meters from the destroyed house, residents are carrying flowers and soft toys, all the people, the townspeople, are simply imbued with what happened and i don’t know, well
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, it’s just, it’s scary, it’s just scary, to the point of tears, several years ago i wanted to buy an apartment in this house, now that’s all i have. i accepted myself, i also leave for work, my children also stay at home, and this could now happen to me, that is, it’s scary, that night the rescue operation at the site of the collapse of a five-story building was completed, the list of dead included 10 people, half of them were children, in total there were 26 residents under the rubble, their search went on for two days without breaks, both during the day and at night, the features of the dam are such that there are areas in which yes... there is a possibility of detecting people, as soon as the cavity opens and we hear the nakedness of a person, and this happened, all work stops, right away in abnormal moments of silence, that is, everything fall silent, so they managed to save several people from the rubble, the head of the region thanked everyone who worked at the scene of the tragedy these days, thank you and low bow to you, today
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the presidential envoy to the ural federal district arrived in nizhny tagil, along with... interaction the procedure for interaction with the city administration, with the government of the severlovsk region, with our regular meetings, i myself will come monthly
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to meet and answer the questions that residents will ask. leftovers this morning the destroyed entrances were dismantled, what will happen to the rest? the house will be decided in the near future, an independent examination of its structures will be carried out. in 2 weeks we will be able to understand only from the remaining part of the house whether it is possible for people to live there or not. depending on this, the regional government will make a decision on compensation. they will also determine a schedule for when residents of the surviving entrances will be able to pick up their belongings. the house will be guarded from looters around the clock; work on site continues investigative committee. according to the preliminary version, everything happened due to a gas explosion.
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today expressed condolences to the chairman of the democratic people's republic of korea , kim jong, in connection with the tragic consequences of the flood in the north-west of the dprk. the president noted that pyongyang can always count on
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our country’s help. heavy rains led to the rampant disaster in north korea, more than 500 people were cut off from the outside world. the head of the dprk personally visited the disaster zone and supervised the evacuation of people. also he replaced the minister of public security and the head of local port committees and demanded that those who committed the crime be severely punished. the consequences of floods are being eliminated in russian regions, two settlements were flooded in the trans-baikal territory , an emergency situation was declared in one of the regions in buryat, roads and bridges were damaged, hundreds of plots and residential buildings were flooded. rescuers are strengthening embankments and dams. one of the reservoirs is overflowing and there is a threat of flooding of neighboring villages. big water in st. petersburg too. the day before in some areas there more than half of the monthly norm fell. new israeli strikes on the gas strip in the idf claim to have hit a hamas control center in the north of the enclave. several
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ammunition depots in the center were destroyed, and a refugee camp came under fire. mothers and children were killed and several people were injured. in addition, israel attacked hazbalah positions in southern lebanon. in turn, the movement claims to have fired dozens of rockets into israeli territory. the united states and great britain are calling on their citizens to leave lebanon as soon as possible. washington is building up its forces in the middle east. hamas promises iran for the murder of the head of the politburo on its territory. against this background , the pentagon is sending additional ships to the region. great britain is also going to strengthen its military presence. now for the election rollercoaster. in the democratic camp, votes are being counted for the presidential candidate from this party. voting ends on monday, but it is already clear that a sufficient number of democrats have supported kamal and haris in the movement. it remains to comply with the formalities. rivals among fellow party members kharis doesn't. the intrigue remains as to where and when the pre-election debates will take place. earlier it was reported that the republican candidate donald trump agreed with fox
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news about a debate with haris, they were supposed to take place on september 4 in pennsylvania, but later it became known that the campaign headquarters of vice president haris refused this offer and wants to hold the debate on september 10 on abc television, as was previously agreed with biden, who refused to participate in the race. american elections and the exchange of prisoners between russia and the west, the most big since the cold war, which the democrats can turn in their favor, this is the topic of mikhail leontyev’s commentary in the program. however, however, hello, the exchange that took place is not a doubtful success for us, but the fact that we managed to snatch krasikov out is completely unprecedented.
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well, it's morning. this characteristic circulation of thoughts in circles is already a symptom. let us give ourselves a short clinical note. schizophasia - speech is grammatically correct, but does not carry a semantic load. schizophasia: a word salad characteristic of different diseases, from dementia to schizophrenia. at the same time , dementia patients can understand each other perfectly, repeating one after another. they feel like they are together. they are very smart. the secret of biden and harris' mutual love has been revealed, which now, of course, creates problems for haris in choosing a worthy vice president. why putin prefers kharis to trump in the white house, headline of an article on the fox news website. the russian assesses her as having little substance, stupid and incompetent, says ex-intelligence officer rebekah kofler. russian media speculated about '.
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the french are proud of the opening ceremony, we are all very proud of it, i believe that france showed its real face, it showed its courage and did it with its inherent artistic freedom. but many in the world, both country leaders and spectators , believe that such an opening of the games is a real immoral provocation, this is how the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria
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zakharova, commented on macron’s words. many thought that this was something else, some other parts of the body, but since macro insists that france now has such face, then he knows better, of course, mass unrest in britain, the far right are protesting against the influx of migrants, stones are flying at law enforcement officers, radicals set fire to a police station, overturned a car, the situation became tense after the death of three children, as it turned out, the stabbing was carried out by a person from a family of migrants from rwanda , although he himself was born in wales, it is noteworthy that... a number of british media saw a russian trace in these unrest. our embassy in london decisively denied these speculations. what happens if you combine modern technology and multifaceted culture of our country? you can see this now in zaryadi park; until september 8, it became one of the sites of the festival, the territory of the future moscow-2030. today there was a concert where all the upcoming theme weeks were presented. they will be dedicated to
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music, theater, cinema and new facets. art, everything is free, everything is open, such a large venue in the center of moscow, and so many wonderful people and artists, all this is so... accessible, it seems to me that this is only possible in moscow, i liked the design, it’s beautiful, everything is so cozy, cool, environmentally friendly. the hot summer gave us all juicy and sweet watermelons; as experts say, this year the large green-yellow-red berries will be even tastier than usual. the high temperature contributed. in moscow there will be 250 points at watermelon stands where you can find the most delicious fruit. how to choose a good watermelon?
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getting to this market, every, even the smallest watermelon in the veterinary laboratory will undergo a test for purity, testing for nitrates and radionuclides, laboratory specialists say that violations, especially in they haven’t recorded domestic products for many years, so which one to choose is the best one, some people like astrakhan watermelons, there are also astrakhan watermelons - this is not one variety, these are several varieties, they are different, astrakhan, they are well-known, this is where it comes in volgograd, their watermelons are no less famous, the most delicious. this is ours, as ours went, everyone should eat, don’t be afraid. the rostov region, of course, is not famous for watermelons, but here they also ripen, unusual, marbled, and not just striped green, and what to look at, it’s better to try, how sweet it is, yes,
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so are the people, i’ve never seen anything like this in my life, they grow here, but i didn’t even know that there were such things, strahansky ones, inexpensive, our selection, our seeds, let’s go further, and if we throw a watermelon, where do we go next? let's go, we need to eat, if only i knew that this is just the beginning, farmer osman yusubov has more than eight different varieties of watermelon in bakcha, here's the next variety, nastik, as if it's still unripe, listen, but it doesn't taste the same, he has there’s something special, it’s different, a person comes to buy, yeah, that’s it we ask the question, what kind of watermelon do you want, there is one for every taste, with specks, not stripes, the variety is called russian birch, this one seems like from childhood, i ate a watermelon, my hands are sticky, there are a lot of sweets and this year there is sun from this is why it is very sweet, the abnormally hot summer is the reason that watermelons are like honey, and melons are even sweeter than honey,
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the sun made them like that, don’t expect them to be unripe, but it’s either a zucchini, or it’s our watermelon, it’s scary to eat, no, try it, and what is it, it lasts for a very long time, for a very long time, it is crispy. unclear what, but it’s very tasty, i personally love this watermelon, i eat it, for the whole day our film crew ate enough watermelons for a year, not sparing their stomachs, they walked through the bag, tried everything that was here, and although many say that the size watermelon doesn’t matter, but you just can’t pass by this, in voronezh, they grew a giant, in appearance, this watermelon, which lies in the middle, we think that it already has 50 kilograms, but it still has two weeks to grow. he is still immature, the king is a watermelon, he was given royal honors, so as not to burn from the sun, because the heat this year is very strong, and in principle we can’t breathe, you can say to him, who said that you can’t survive with a watermelon in such weather,
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they were mistaken, there are a lot of watermelon, yes, a lot, a lot of watermelons , a lot, that's enough, that's enough, that's enough, there'll still be some left, moscow is already flooded with watermelons, starting today there are street fairs in the city, 10. 12 kilograms you'll pick up good, good, very, he or she, she, she, yes, this question is asked almost everyone is looking for a sweet girl, this one is called a girl, here this boy, you see, however, melon growers assure, boy, girl, there is no difference, so the sign of not sweetness, not ripeness is not precisely determined, choose with your heart and eat with pleasure, yeah, thank you, bon appetit, yulia pogorelova, sergey chapotrev, maryana soboleva , larisa nikina. a beautiful festival in st. petersburg, the fontanka sap , more than 10,000 people from 14 countries, both amateurs and professionals, launched inflatable sups along the severno canals.


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