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tv   Zdorove  1TV  August 4, 2024 8:10am-9:21am MSK

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colonel abdulaziz, it’s very nice, me too, and this is his charming wife, we met at the museum, you are probably a good person, but in iraq it is not customary for us to simply talk to married women, much less help them. we both know you're putting the whole family in danger. why don't you want to listen to me and sit quietly. olek, i advise you to be careful. with whom, with everyone, trader, tomorrow, after the program time, you must contact him and give him a new task on the same object, take him out of cancer, take him out of the game, music from her favorite movies is playing again in our studio, when she sang the first take, the soul of the musicians trembled, she said: we need to rewrite it, we need another take.
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working in the enemy’s trenches and capturing his strongholds requires special courage, but this does not mean that our fighters are coming here blindly, they practice all their actions at the training grounds until they become automatic; this airborne training camp is located just a few tens of kilometers from the line. here are fighters, mobilized volunteers, they spend several weeks before being sent to the front lines learning how to fight, based on the realities that they will have to face very soon. attention is paid to every little detail, they start with the call, tactical shooting, because like the great domestic chain no one goes on the attack, when adjusting the copters, without this in our time there is no way, they act in small groups of...
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three fighters, each of which has a specific combat task, this allows you to carry out targeted strikes and clear enemy trenches with minimal risks. so guys, again, what do we forget, we are not walking at full height, we are not at the parade, covertly, moving, covertly quickly, low-capacity, it’s clear, yes, the ammunition consumption is already better, but again we forget, i shot roughly, it’s clear, you won’t... in battle there, count them individually, well, about there i understand that the magazine is about to run out, i’ll throw it away, change it, why is it important so that everyone doesn’t run out of cartridges at the most inopportune moment, the paratrooper instructor tells them about this, veterans for, secretly, secretly, now.
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tactical fire training is being conducted, the guys work in pairs, covering each other, learning how to correctly change positions, go forward, and also tactically retreat if necessary, covering each other. now a full-strength air assault battalion is training here, these are three companies of fighters, plus a mechanized fire support platoon. in terms of fire capabilities, we are armed, respectively, with small arms, the ak-12 ak-74 assault rifle, and we also have collective weapons cord, ags, and, accordingly, atgm launchers, and the battalion is also armed with a fourth-generation airborne combat vehicle. and this is not just a shooting range; recruits are given combat experience and instructors. we have instructors from our regiment. all of them have combat
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experience and, accordingly, they are preparing a battalion in this case. the battalion is now undergoing coordination, at the beginning there was individual training, then... training of platoons, training of companies, we are finishing our lesson, accordingly, with battalion training in general, we are preparing for an offensive, the spirit of combat is always ready for work, in all airborne units participating today in the northern military district there are both combat officers with rich experience and mobilized volunteers, the spirit of the tradition of the airborne troops is passed on by inheritance. i have a brother who serves in the airborne forces, he is also here on the svo, so i decided to follow in his footsteps, load one shell, aim at the main aiming point, aim, load, fighting spirit. tall,
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they work bravely, they hit targets, the brigade has already proven this not only in numbers, but also quality. the novorossiysk mountain division of the airborne forces is operating in the zaporozhye direction in the verbovoy area. assault armored groups, artillery, heavy flamethrower systems of the sun. the tos crew is using thermobaric shells to burn out...
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paratroopers from stavropol, anapa and feodossia are carrying out their combat work with the novorossiysk forces in the verbovoy area. fpv drone operators destroyed four observation posts of the ukrainian armed forces. an fpv drone can reach speeds of over 100 km/h, making it almost impossible to hide from it. specifics of working on drones, fpv drones, hanging tratel with with a destructive element and send it... the last time i worked purely in the dugouts, we came across equipment there, we hang shaped charges and hit the equipment, not far from verbovoy, just 35 km from verbovoy, while working
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, novorossiysk paratroopers smashed armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces with the fagot anti-tank missile system. our fighters took the enemy, which is called a resourceful landing trick. allowed us to get closer to our positions, and then opened fire, we waited for them, let them in, that is, not all of the equipment was visible, just like its outline, only points, and you had to shoot at these points, you see it moving, you shoot at it, you guess, well, that is, where it is up, where it is down, where its body is, the left bank of the dnieper. in the southernmost direction, kherson. in the spring of the twenty-fourth, the sentinel film crew worked in the airborne artillery brigade. then our scouts spotted a rocking enemy mortar crew on the right bank. we see how the shell, the powder charge, went away. the men
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are loading the artillerymen. the gun is working. when ready. shot. well, you see everything for yourself, holding, here, probably, comments are unnecessary, the trees are just swinging around, flying, branches, leaves, it’s established, one cartridge case is worth something, you see how huge they are, a shot, the enemy is invisible to us, only numbers, only coordinates, but. .. the air controller reports, the enemy is under heavy fire, the mortar crew has been destroyed, i don’t know how you can get used to this, but the guys manage somehow, they don’t even twitch at all, calmly, confidently,
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there’s no nerves, no screams, no screaming, only coordinates, clear short commands and businesslike attitude, the combat work is finished, the weapon is being scurried around... they camouflage and quickly leave the firing position, the enemy has already returned fire. yes, the shelling is already underway. the enemy is working along our coast, along our positions, from here, probably a few kilometers away, there are cassettes, judging by the characteristic pops and explosions, and these are the parishes of erce grad, most likely, so it’s unpleasant, unpleasant here, as they said under evening, the most intense begins.
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next door, technicians are rebuilding the engine of an armored personnel carrier; they have less to do all the work days, a lattice frame has already been welded onto the body. rimbat engineers are developing all these anti-drone systems together with the crews. the soldiers are trained in the best possible way and are ready to perform any tasks related to repair and maintenance of equipment. our paratroopers knocked out the american paratroopers with lance ammunition.
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soldiers of the ryazan airborne regiment. they destroyed a powerful repeater on the right bank of the dnieper and permanently disabled an entire network for controlling enemy drones. scouts discovered a powerful device on the towers. with its help, uavs of nationalists could attack our positions and while drinking the drone crosses the dnieper and hits the repeater. attention, shot! and under the solidarity, nato equipment is destroyed by tula paratroopers-artillerymen, the work
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is carried out mainly at night, crews of 152-mm d-20 fire up to five rounds per minute, also knocked out nato equipment, paladins, crabs, we are working on infantry, dismantling dugouts, that is efficiency is 100%, calculations have to work at night two. no more often than during the day; it is safer and almost always takes the enemy by surprise. soltsepok is designed for area damage enemy, targets, that is, a large area, so with a full salvo of a package of 24 nurses, unguided rockets, that is, this is comparable to four football fields. and this is an assault on the village of razdololovka by tulsk attack aircraft. airborne units managed to completely liberate the village and occupy advantageous positions. we developed a plan for
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a stealth approach. the guys came in, the enemy did not expect this. and it turns out, an important crossroads that we needed. it was taken under our control. after which the groups left other departments. the unit managed not only to install the russian tricolor in the center of the village, but also to raise the airborne flag over the razdolovka. troops, everyone acted as one cohesive organism, our artillerymen work perfectly, well done guys, thank you very much, they help our curtain groups very well, uninterrupted supplies of everything necessary to our soldiers on the front line , strategic tasks on which the effectiveness of the special operation depends. paratroopers quickly deliver food, water, communications and ammunition by land by air. it would seem that the most ordinary drone,
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up to 3.5 kg of various cargo, food, medicine, and water, can literally transfer to the soldiers into the trench. such a bird, of course, will not fly far, but during intense artillery shelling it will be able to quickly and almost unnoticed by the enemy to reach our fighters. motorcyclists have the same task, only the load is much heavier, and there is also risk. there’s more on the road, we bring food, dry rations, water to the front line, we go around the paths, we go around the craters, we deliver quickly, carefully. here the vests are hidden under armor, instead of berets in helmets. on the front line, everyone celebrates the airborne troops in their own way, everyone has something to remember, how they did not abandon their positions, how they went on the attack, as well as comrades who fell in battle and those who are bringing victory closer now. russian
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soldiers fight back the enemy every day and act heroically. work 24/7. even the award ceremony. congratulations, well done, well done, thank you for your service, don’t stop, the main thing is for everyone to return home as quickly as possible, with victory , this is their main strength, ordinary guys ready to defend their homeland, not for the sake of glory, not for the sake of awards, but because it is so. it is necessary, victory is ours, we are going towards it, we are going confidently, the enemy will be defeated. the paratroopers have been participating in the special operation since the very first hours, largely thanks to their steely landing character, the exploits of our soldiers have already gone down in the history of the north military district, the landing at the airfield in gostomel, the battle for the antonovsky bridge,
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the defense of the flint, the assault on the raisins, the hours of yar, how glorious our motto, no one but us. let me fight better than my children, this is the most the main motivation is that everything is fine for them, for their relatives for their homeland, new heights and new victories are ahead, congratulations to all paratroopers on the holiday, happy airborne forces day, no one but you, return with victory, you had a sentry program, see you exactly a week later. this morning will be completely unusual for me, because i invited extraordinary people to our medical center, these people keep traditions that we
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have been losing lately, they weave russian lace, unusual lace, it has its own.
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and daughters, how old are you, my dear, is your mother forcing you, or are you somehow interested in this for the most interesting thing, i graduated from the first children's art school in ryazan, now i became interested in michal lace, so to speak, a student from under the arm , a student from under my mother's hand, who wore this lace for us, for modern people it is simple.
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always looks festively elegant, but behind this beauty lies monotonous painstaking work ; all existing ones, when you weave, what are you thinking about, i relax like that, i don’t think about anything, when it’s very hectic, i run to the workshop, girl, well, let’s at least pour some tea, i say, no, i sit down and start weaving , right at this moment... i ’m relaxing, it’s such an incredible pleasure, and you know, i’m just looking at this weaving, and strangely enough, i think that the vessels are human.
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things that treat brain aneurysms without unraveling the vessels, without making any incisions, but by managing to get in there from the inside
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correct god's mistake, because doctors come first after god, the health program begins, endless passions boil, wake up healthy in the morning. there is real happiness, we need to sail along the oxen, take care of both strength and nerves, if we put everything in its place, health will come first, health is with you again, dear friends, good morning, well, is this how it is? its delicate lace to the fate of a person, it happens, it happens that a variety of illnesses happen, the most serious problems occur in people
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who, in general, are not bothered by anything. the essence our profession is such that in any case we must save. what to do with a brain aneurysm if you have one. are there any symptoms of the tragedy of an aneurysm rupture? no brain hemorrhage occurred, all these are serious questions that we will answer at the very end of our program, but for now the health program begins and, as always, only one important rule works in our program: only the best doctors in russia and the world help you here, in the tv health program clinic. back pain haunts me, instead of pills one shot, a miracle on the operating table, a one-way ticket, deadly entertainment for which tickets are legally sold, what happens to people in modern
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rooms of horror, tumor markers, your future according to a blood test, are you at risk of intestinal cancer? i want to start this program with the topic of pain, because... every second person who comes to our doctors suffers from pain, we just imagine, we tried to imagine a picture of this world, and so there are all kinds of people on the screen, half of them will come to the doctors with pain, the horror of the situation is that 80% will leave with the same pain with which they came, that is, almost everyone, this is a tragic situation for a person, it is connected with only one thing, with the fact that we have...
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a joint in our body. right now we will go to the clinic where dr. galperin works. i once called him the lord of pain because he saved me from a migraine with a single injection 9 years ago. and i, a professor, doctor of sciences, could not find help. nowhere. and honestly.
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a great many, this is the pain that we will talk about, this pain is most often female, the sacral iliac joint, here is the sacrum, here it is, here is the ilium, here is the joint, look at its shape, this is where the doctor should get, the joint is naturally covered with ligaments, naturally covered with muscles, the joint is very small, give such an injection to the point. i invite you to the treatment room, to the operating room of dr. golperin. in the treatment room of dr. galperin there is a patient with back pain. because of this pain , elena vladimirovna walks poorly and cannot live normally at all. and for her it’s like it's just that my back hurts. and
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there may be several generators of this pain in the lower back in the back, only under x-ray control can the doctor determine the source of pain, this device is called a caduga, this is an x-ray, like a sight, the patient’s pain was in the sacroiliac joint. the sacroiliac joint is a joint between the sacrum and the ilium, very strong, very small, held together by ligaments. over the years, the ligaments weaken and the joint is destroyed, causing inflammation and swelling. now she has pain on the left, this place, right here, to accurately hit the target, dr. galperin uses contrast, the contrast should color the joint, if the doctor hits it correctly, look, i put a syringe, you see, i got a dark one, this is a syringe of pipes.
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look, black contrast colors the joint space, which means the doctor has hit the target, now you can inject the medicine, now look, i will inject the medicine and the contrast will be...
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i worked for a long time, we are giving a second injection here, that’s it, we are finished, now the patient will get up, the pain has passed, elena vladimirovna gets up from the couch, jigu, with me, with you, please, thank you very much, okay, thank you, golperin, markakovich, the best in the world. filming such procedures is really a great pleasure for television, it’s generally a godsend, st. ergen’s day, people can barely fit on this couch, then mark yakolich loves it, dances a jig with him, it’s really cool, but it’s all emotions, the most important thing is that the doctor golperin trains doctors who travel all over the country to help people, but what is even more important is to relieve pain with such procedures
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entered. we fight pain ourselves, we teach doctors ourselves, and we want you to live without pain. let's take a short break and then continue. tauride chersonese, the revived cradle of russian orthodoxy. a land that remembers the baptism of prince vladimir, his glorious exploits and the beginning of the great history of the russian state. in honor of
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the anniversary of the baptism of russia. grand opening ceremony of the new khersonez complex. everything we planned, yes, yes, yes, thank god. product of steller group. how did you find me? listen, well, i’m a cop, i didn’t go around like that, he he might ruin everything, he won’t have time, you ’re an investigator for especially important cases, for what purpose did special missions come to us, she came back,
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well done, but you have to understand that it’s not good for you to be with this cop, it’s dangerous, listen, i got the money, again enough tickets, two adults, three children. developed and rich countries of latin america, you know what i noticed, people here dress quite simply, a kilogram of cosmetics on the face is not about our women. montevide - rental housing for locals is quite expensive, but there is an option when
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you can even live for free. if we see that a person is normal, neat, tidy, he just has financial problems right now, we accept him and put him in one of the rooms. uruguayans' favorite dish is siege meat. we usually eat this dish with bread, vegetables, and red sauce. here's another rib for you, please, which is normal in urgvo. the lives of others. the premiere is next sunday on the first. good morning, can you imagine, but i remember you. yes 20 years ago, you are already gray haired, it’s impossible to believe, please sit down, everyone who is joining us they come, they take tests, sugar, cholesterol, pressure, i thought everyone who comes to you is turning gray, no, well, you are turning gray before us, well, how do you like the transition from
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radio to television, that’s how i stayed on the radio, i i know that they remain, well, like television, very good, good, yes, a very good format, this character format, it is somewhat reminiscent of radio, because you can listen. yeah, such conversations, podcasts, yes, podcasts, i don’t even know what a podcast is, how can a person understand, and len, look, podcasts are television that people they don’t watch it when it’s shown, when it’s convenient for them, yeah, that is, well, today you can watch any television when it’s convenient for you, yes, but this is on the official level, that is, it’s on the official level, when it’s convenient, so the podcast, you know, uh , let’s say, i didn’t have time to watch the podcast at night, i came tomorrow, when it was convenient for you, and opened the website. first channel, opened the podcast lab tab, opened the podcast, which is the first there, 20 years later, this is mine, and watched my conversation with some star, when it’s convenient for you, you know, and if you need to go somewhere,
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pause, no, yes, this is modern television now, you can watch everything on the internet, bone, we measure sugar, cholesterol pressure, i came running during a commercial break, i come back and wait in the studio with numbers, with numbers... damn , did not violate the integrity of my skin just now, this is for the good, konstantin, thank you, see you again, good health, dear friends, our program continues, our topic is huge, tumor markers are substances that are found in our blood and...
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most people don't know, let alone if it's elevated some indicator, then we all fall into a coma, into shock, in fact, instead of taking adequate actions, we begin to sob, cry without... performing the actions that are needed, so today, just like before, we are talking about tumor markers for this , so that i can draw this path of correct actions for you, and professor, doctor of medical sciences, immunologist, andrei petrovich prodeus helps me with this, please come in, andrei petrovich, and i want to emphasize that for me the best partner in... which andrey
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petrovich comes because cancer is some kind of breakdown of the immune system, immunity is responsible for our protection from cancer and from infection, that’s it, it’s not responsible for anything else, there is cancer, which means the immune system has lost its position somewhere. andrey petrovich, today we have a protein that is a tumor marker and is called, rea, embryonic cancer. antigen, i myself once had elevated numbers, i examined not only from head to toe, first from head to toe, then from head to toe, then three more times, because i was in a coma, which means what is carcinoembryonic antigen? it's in the very in this word, this is a protein, in the word itself you can see embryonic, that is, this is a protein that actively works while the baby is in the womb, it is needed.
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what do we think about and how should we behave? my position is this: if any tumor marker is elevated, you should know it is cancer, until it is possible that it is not cancer. well, of course, it’s worth getting examined, if you think so, you will do everything else, if you think: oh, yes, it’s unlikely, but this is not about me, it means there will definitely be cancer, it will catch up with you, if you said, excuse me, i interrupted you, is it cancer or me can i prove it's not cancer?
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unfortunately, it is necessary, it may be affected and , accordingly, we must not forget that the thyroid gland and lungs, because these are also cancers and mammary glands, these cancers can be accompanied by an increase in the level of rea, this is not the end, we have a continuation, well, therefore we speak in principle, we exclude everything, moreover. and ips for prostate cancer, ultrasound of the scrotum,
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exclude testicular cancer, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, exclude ovarian cancer, moreover, one can say, to be fair, it must be said that in smokers, chronic smokers, by definition it is high, and for me this is also a signal, if you smoke, there will be cancer, you don’t stop people like that, they will say, well, i’m a chicken, i have a high level, a high level could be cancer, the most likely cancer is intestinal cancer , the most likely. therefore, the first thing we do is check the intestines. remember, in the embryonic period, when the child grew up in the mother’s body, this protein allowed the intestines to grow, now instead of the intestines growing from a polyp to a huge tumor, cancer grows there, this protein is released again, it’s here again, only now it’s not the organs that grow, but the cancer. i want to remind you how a colonoscopy, this procedure, works. conducted by our friend, our colleague, a wonderful
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gastroenterologist, endoscopist, igor vladimirovich gorodokin, there, here we go into the small intestine, here we go into it, the procedure is carried out strictly when the patient is sleeping, because only in this case can the doctor calmly examine your intestines, if you feel bad, if you scream, if you are without sedation, if you don’t sleep, you feel bad, oh well, but the doctor doesn’t have time to do anything. look, that's why you sleep strictly, the procedure goes on, if the doctor sees a polyp, he removes it, if he sees a tumor, he does a biopsy, then we can say that everything is done. and your life is safe. andrey petrovich, thank you very much for making it so cool and easy to talk about tumor markers with you. let's take a short break and then continue. you told me that when he kissed you, you began to see again.
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yes, what if it’s not just a kiss? well, suddenly you will see the whole picture. the customer is unhappy. this is your misfire, all the time with someone, now with this woman, now with operas, even dogs are not walking alone, today you will have the opportunity, he will be alone, all the information is on your phone, they will kill him, there is a fortune teller at his house, new episodes, tomorrow on the first, it doesn’t happen that...
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he survived the evening, he only he knows, it’s a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother passed away, how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she go after her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life girl who decided at all costs to become a star in memory of her famous mother, when you appeared in the world, my life changed. i will always be with you! exclusive with dmitry borisov on saturday on the first. health is with you again, dear friends. our program continues. and our
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program continues with this theme. i don't know if you know about this or not. the theme is called horror quests. let's start with the fact that i s'. i experienced it, maybe you remember this story, in moscow all the years it was absolutely legal on the site, like where to go in moscow, a trip along the niglinka river was being sold, which is in a pipe, underground, and so on, suddenly it turns out that it suddenly began to rain,
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a whole group of teenagers died there, led by the guide who took them... on this excursion, the horror is that that all the young guys, students, seniors and young doctors who work in our program, they all went on this excursion, they went three or 4 years ago, and this guy then also led this excursion, i was shocked, because what does this story seem like very distant, but suddenly it turns out that this could happen nearby? with you, with people you know very well. we began to understand horror quests. it turned out that this is a very difficult problem. and today i want us to talk about this topic with our guest. he is actually a famous radio host. and 20 years ago, by the way, radio, and not television, stirred our imagination, and we
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adored all the new radio stations, there were really a lot of them, both europe plus and radio maximum, then fm humor appeared.
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in 2011, konstantin married anastasia gardynska, with whom he is happily married now. the couple travel a lot and regularly share photos together on social networks. mikhailov does not hesitate to confess his feelings to his wife, calling him the most dear and beloved person. we have such a guest today, here’s
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a hint called 20 years later, to be honest, 20 years later the world has changed radically, these horror quests appeared, i now want to show the video that we collected on the internet from these horror quests, so, the point is that someone should scare you to the point of loss. consciousness in in the literal sense of the word, now the girl will lose consciousness, now he comes to her, she will now wake up again and lose consciousness again, this is a quest, which means this is another situation, it scares people, now they are climbing through a narrow door, everyone remembers how in japan people crushed each other, these are the quests, this is an electric shopper, in his hands, he will hit with real electric shockers, the most interesting thing is that we are sitting on... young people, tell us where you were, what happened to you , there will now be a photo on the screen like did you get out of this quest, in what
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condition? well, my friends and i decided to go on a quest, it was called a saw, in my opinion, at first we found ourselves in a cage, we decided to get through it, we increased the difficulty level, it turns out, i went into the wrong room, there were two actors standing there, they started hitting me on the body. electric shock, a normal quest, this is 20 years later, now this is life, a nightmare, they start hitting us, beating us, and the chain turns out to have hit me, let’s show in what form he came out of this cross, that means he was hit with a chain so that his eye was damaged, what happened to people 20 years later, the bone went crazy, i don’t even know where this fashion came from, i have a suspicion that... well, naturally, from somewhere, because that it is unlikely that in our country, a highly spiritual country, such a crazy
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idea could have been born, to beat people in order to, explain to me why you went there, in principle, these are the emotions you had, what desire, you wanted to get adrenaline, what is it? yes, yes, we just went before this, everything was fine, that is, it wasn’t, and you’re not the first once, yes, i went many times, and now i’ve reached the hard level.
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that's enough, i can't, that's it, i know what happened, what? look, this is just a theory that just came to me. i remember how hard everything was for the generation of my parents and my grandparents, you had to stand in line for everything, there was even some kind of wall at home, you had to get a sideboard, a cooperative, you had to wait years until you got a dacha, a plot there yet to be, right now.
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you'll have to, take it all, there's a car and an apartment waiting for you around the corner, so it seems to me that a generation that is not even ready to lift a finger so that he has everything, because he already has it right in his apartment, well , he already has everything, this generation, he is probably very bored, and this generation wants, so that they would run a chain into his photograph, or that they would cut his knee off, or that they would shoot him there. leg, so that it would be fun, well, at least some kind of adrenaline, you know, it also seems to me that the idea appeared when the movie game came out, the thing is that they gave him the game, and then everything started to go well for him there was a problem, in the end he was almost shot there, but it turned out that it was all blank cartridges, it was all a game, that is, in fact, this is the first quest that we saw in the movies, yes, but they didn’t
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warn him there, here the people themselves by... a peaceful person, and a shell may have fallen on his head in some war zone, that is, life is very real , very serious now, and you of your own free will go somewhere where you will be kicked, maybe you we really need some kind of life reality, but this is philosophy, what happens, i want to return to the picture of this girl who lost consciousness, unfortunately, the first thing that
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can happen in children who... have some kind of tendency to arrhythmias, so she switched off, then turned on again , switched off again, cardiac arrest or some kind of... then the arrhythmia that ran through, a simple thing happens: all the blood drains from the head, in this way, in fact, the brain is drained of blood, the person loses consciousness and this is the main thing that happens, god willing, everything is restored to her, god willing, when they hit you with a shocker, maybe you can too arise... a stun gun can kill, that's right, a stun gun is a weapon, you can get arrhythmia because the heart conducts electricity, that's why these games are played by some completely illiterate guys, but now i want to show the sites where you can watch it, how beautifully it’s packaged, how it ’s sold and these quests are listed, here you go, scary quests in moscow, please, dead silence, morgue, quest mania
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on... a rod of keys, what kind of hostel, here you go, whatever you want, halloween kills, name of the quest, it's official, my question is, 20 years later, we are people from a kind generation, where love and friendship were the principles of life, right, but most of you too, 20 years later you remember with your guests that wonderful life, but this life is different, yeah, what can you tell these guys? yes, don’t go there anymore, listen, lena absolutely rightly said that you can stop the heart with a shocker, it’s not for nothing that there is a device for, don’t think that it’s for starting the heart, it’s the opposite for stopping the heart, the device is called a defibrillator, it’s also a shocker, this is also a shocker, it is with a defibrillator that the heart is stopped in order to
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restart it in the desired rhythm, fibrillation is a start. defibrillation, cardiac arrest, electricity, the same shocker can be a defibrillator, and the heart once said, i ’ll rest, about the good, about the good, let’s release some more crumbs, please, this is how the crumb flows from the brain during arrhythmia and cardiac arrest, tell me the most the best guests, the best memories in the podcast 20 years later, you can watch it on the channel one website, watching, and of those who were there, i’m very ernst produces them in portions, personally, and i recommend watching the program with a group of teas, the guys shakhrin and begunov just had a blast
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on the palms, then i highly recommend watching the program with my very... good friend diana arbenina, oh, how i love her, i love her i adore her too, oh, how i love her, she’s wonderful, she immediately said, kostya, i haven’t gone to an interview with anyone for more than 2 years, because it’s not interesting, but i came to you, what a wonderful program it happened with uma thurman, with the krestovsky brothers, it’s just that they are now united, they are separating something, no, everything is very good, everything is very good, yes, everything is fine, there are such revelations in my program that i just sit and i myself feel somehow trembling, that i myself i'm part of this because i'm the presenter, i'm sitting. and i am proud that i am in this same space with people who open their souls, for example, when i asked the krestovsky brothers volodya, asked: what did you dream of 20 years later, he
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said that my wife and i went to the grocery store store, looked at the sausage, i told her: someday we will allow ourselves to buy it, imagine, you need to be shocked in order for life to make you happy, well now... i don’t know, the time has probably already passed when we were running according to the program, and now we will miss elena malysheva, we need to urgently run home, this time has probably already passed, they were good, i remember, they even circled these times with a pen, yes, but now, well, the time is not right, there are already some things to do, we have to do something there well, by earning money, well, well, well, everyone needs to live, right, and we already have a tv, well, let's say, no, not as much of a priority as it was before. we had such a window into the world that told us about all sorts of interesting things, this window remains, but we just have things to do, they have now become more important, such is life, i want to bring it down to earth, konstantin,
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that he is a philosopher and, of course, it’s a pleasure to listen to him, so what are your tests, konstantin, sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, they gave me, my blood pressure is 125x80, ideally like an astronaut’s, yes 12583, sugar 5.7, cholesterol 6.1, in general everything is more- less, in general everything more or less, kostya, besides the wish to watch the first channel and kostin’s program, all our programs, wish something to our wonderful people, you are healthy, live well, joyfully, experience positive emotions, watch the right programs, such as health under koslav, for a while let's take a break and then continue. we gathered our thoughts about the baptism of russia, then let’s say charlemagne exterminated half of the saxons in order to baptize the other half, we don’t see anything like that, talking about the baptism of russia, of course
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one cannot help but talk about the personality of prince vladimir, a very cruel ruler and founder of a regular pagan cult, suddenly he leads russia to christianity, this , of course, in general, is both a feat and a miracle, in order to be in the same boat with prince vladimir, that's what for... tomorrow first, health is with you again, dear friends, our program continues,
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you know, i have such an amazing brain here, this vascular wall, i once thought it was a vascular network the brain resembles lace, whimsical. which lacemakers weave, and we are women, decorate our dresses with this lace, throw stunning lace shawls over our shoulders, it is with this, with lace woven by human hands, that we started today’s program. this morning will be completely unusual for me, because i invited extraordinary people to our medical center. people, these people keep traditions that we are only losing lately, they weave russian lace, unusual lace, it has its own name, this is
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mikhailovsky lace, the uniqueness of this lace is that it is the only colored lace in the country. hello, our dear lacemakers, it looks so beautiful, and i want to shut up for a minute so that you... can hear the knockers knocking? mikhailovsky lace is mother, and this is daughter. lacemaker nadezhda frolova. with their daughter maria came to us from ryazan, on the ryazan land there is an ancient city of mikhailov, in the 18th century in this city lace makers came up with their own original method of weaving, it is called numerical, lace was not woven according to the prepared drawing, and from memory it was necessary to count the number of weaves, numerical lace over time began to be called mikhailovsky lace, how many years have you been doing this, about forty?
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this is such an incredible pleasure, and you know, i just look at this weaving and , oddly enough, i think that the vessels of the human brain, someone also intricately intertwined them, in your lace these are your wonderful hands, in life this , probably god, and the craftswoman could make a mistake, could do something, that the pattern went wrong, and what happens in this case? well, unravel
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you have to, well, if it’s very important, there are mistakes that the average person won’t see, and an unscrupulous lacemaker, she simply won’t redo it, that’s all, it’s so good that you can unweave and make a mistake, if it’s not far away, then yes, that’s if god made a mistake somewhere in the structure of the vessels of the human brain , it is impossible to unravel, this is the lace that lacemakers weave, this is... the lace network of brain vessels, if at least one vessel is damaged, a catastrophe will inevitably occur. from time to time i had a headache, not much, then i thought that i haven’t had an mri for a long time, i went for an mri and immediately discovered it. aneurysm, cerebral arteries. that's how she is. the prism looks like on
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magnetic resonance imaging, this is an expansion of the vessel, where the wall is extremely thin, the horror is that in this place the vessel can rupture at any moment, brain hemorrhages will occur, and the person will either remain disabled or die, to be honest , i’m afraid that’s it, i’m afraid, that’s it, i slept very poorly at night, the thoughts just don’t leave me, yes, it’s scary, it’s flooding in, of course,
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it’s called a flow-directing stand. the stand is a tube made of metal mesh. before being introduced into the brain artery, this stat is rolled up and refilled. into a thin conductor. the operation begins with a puncture in the thigh. then, it is through the thigh that doctors pass the conductor all the way to the brain. even though the surgery is on the brain, the skull does not need to be opened.
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i repeat once again, a puncture is made in the patient’s thigh, and then through the femoral artery under x-ray control, the stand leads through all the vessels to the desired place in the head. everything that happens. the neurosurgeon sees inside on the big screen, which is located next to the operating table, here it comes, the stand is visible on the screen moving forward, and look how it is under magnification, how huge it is, it seems that the image is magnified five times, the operation is complex and requires enormous skill, the main moment comes, installation and fixation stent, now it opens, so far so good. we separate everything, it will straighten further on its own, like this, the stand is fully opened, it is adjacent to the walls of the artery everywhere, that’s it, the aneurysm is completely turned off from the bloodstream, now even if it ruptures, nothing nothing terrible will happen, the blood flows into
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the eye arteries, the threat of hemorrhage in the brain is excluded, the blood flow in the eyes will be preserved, which means life can be scarlet. so, dear friends, all the guests, all the heroes of this story are now in our program - this is alla, who quite by accident got malignancy, because she thought, i’ll go get an mri, no one prescribed an mri for her, that’s right,
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