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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 5, 2024 4:35am-4:58am MSK

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or anti-tank guided missiles, here is a fighter from the north group of troops pointing ammunition directly at the window, what do you think, what does it feel like to arrive thickly, i don’t even want to think about it, i don’t even, i don’t even want to imagine, they have nothing to think about, that’s it, if a missile arrives there , no one will think there anymore, exhaustive yes, well, as it is, tetris comes under the control of our guys, two more militants surrender, a citizen is a prisoner, tell me how you are...
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from the armed forces of ukraine, these two, they are the most prudent, got into trouble captured, but not alone lucky, the guys in their igroh outfit ran out with ags very much on the creel, and several wogs flew straight at him, they didn’t take care of their own at all, so they barely have any information that we took into account, that’s all, they are their own they're going down, the fighters aren't surprised by this for a long time, they see that in the ssu they don't even spare civilians, from voltyansk to the border villages and cities it's no more than half an hour's drive, the nationalists... they're killing here with drones, and cannon and rocket artillery, right now , as soon as we entered the territory of the belgorod region, we notice smoke not far from houses, they were hit, they hit something, it’s tavolzhanka, on civilians, the civilian population is dropping ammunition on playgrounds, pavilions, buses, minibuses, kamigadze drones are crashing, explosions occur, civilians are suffering, chaos is hitting residential buildings with cluster munitions. crush this
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scum, but how about more cultured ones, who kill children, old people, how much more cultured, i think there is already no culture here, here we simply need to crush them all, we are very worried about the residents of belgorod and in general border territory, we understand everything perfectly well how they feel there, but we are doing everything possible, with tears in our eyes, well, i really caught my voice even now, there are people here every day...
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people of different professions, ages, with no combat experience, all over russia those who want to stand next to our defenders come to the assembly points. voluntarily and consciously, everyone has their own starting point, but everyone is united by the desire to be with their homeland in difficult times. decent material rewards and respect from society are also very important. c 1 august, a new measure of social support for our soldiers, those who enter into a contract with the ministry of defense, for a year or more, receive 400 at a time from the state
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. a man and especially a citizen of the russian federation, how much i love my country, it is great, my mother was also a veteran of military operations in chechnya, this is like a very strong starter for me, because first of all, she was a woman who fought anyway in disbelief to doctors, everyone of them there is someone to follow as an example, my grandfather went through the whole war, was wounded twice, so i will forward.
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temporary payment from the state of 4,000 rubles. the term of the contract must be at least a year - the decree was signed by vladimir putin. it is also recommended for the regions to make payments in an amount no less than that from the state. there is also...
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from the city and another 5,000 from the nizhny novgorod region , it comes out to 4,000 federal rubles in the nizhny novgorod region, another 805 is added.
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in the compartment it gives that at the moment we have a lot of people willing, there is practically no end to it, at the selection points for volunteers with different experience, some still don’t have it at all, but this did not stop me from making a decision, at the age of 18 i didn’t go to the army, so i decided to go now,
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go to serve, give my duty to my homeland. leon has been going to the donbass as volunteers since he was fifteen, he says it’s his duty to protect innocent people from nationalists, women’s children are being killed, water is being turned off there. the infrastructure was broken, the beaches were hit, the parks were bombed, it all happened, it’s already in history, i’ll even tell you this, it won’t go away, after the signing of the contract for everyone volunteers are required to be trained, and they can also be sent from a special operation zone to improve their skills or learn a new specialty, for example , sappers came to study as drone operators, they make their own fuses, they assemble drones from a fighter with the call sign hub, seven children, dad, you decided, you go , well done! we are proud of you, could you ever imagine, while playing with your son on a joystick, that you would someday be a uav operator? no, never, yes, i thought, my place is a trench, my place is somewhere in the forest plantations, and now also the sky, with a drone he controls his hobo deftly, we need drones in
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every unit, including sappers, we can use a drone to clear mines, we can keep an eye on our own so that there are no unnecessary eyes around, with such namics they are waiting... guys, because it is necessary at the moment , here a bird at the training ground easily flies into the open body of a car, and this is footage from a special operation zone, the drone quickly rushes to the enemy’s shelter and hits him, or destroys infantry, from the vigilant thermal imaging lens, the trees are not they help hide at a training ground in the novosibirsk region, they teach operators how to navigate the terrain and work with maps, on the other side there is so much going on there, they bring them so much equipment, well, as the boys there tell us who are now... of course it’s important, we’ll help the boys, -we will help anyone. and drones really help with this very well. these kids destroy multimillion-dollar equipment, and at the same time we do not put people at risk. there are results of the destruction of foreign military equipment directly by our students.
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there are also engineers in the calculation. we identify among the military personnel people who had skills, for example, in civilian life, in working with a soldering iron. each engineer during preparation. about fifty different dynamic simulators are located in this interspecific training center for engineering troops. all the most necessary equipment that children learn to ride. here, for example, is bath, a bulldozer on an artillery tractor, this is how it looks from the inside, it is needed to lay column tracks, fill up trenches, well, for example, to get stuck equipment, so i ’m trying to get into the mechanic’s place, it’s interesting, of course, to sit behind him, instead of a steering wheel, levers, controls are on...
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in the zones of responsibility of the groups west, south and east. along the entire front line, the enemy lost over 17 thousand fighters and a lot of nato equipment, the list includes three launchers and two radar stations of the patriot complex, as well as three more leopard, predley and mardor tanks, maxpro armored vehicles, humvee, hirpi, self-propelled guns and howitzers. separately, we note the work of air defense. downed mig-29 and su-27, su-25 attack aircraft and more than six hundred drones. anti-aircraft gunners successfully intercepted patriot missiles, atakoms neptune and hymers missiles. the defense
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department also reported eleven combined strikes on the ceiling infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine. the expired leader of the kiev regime, in order to plug the gaps at the front, gave the green light to military registration and enlistment offices to work with men under 25 years of age, although this is illegal. at the same time, the hunt for ukrainians has ceased to be a one-sided game. there are dozens of them all over the country. from the military commissars' car, frequent fights with them, including mass ones, sometimes passers-by manage to fight off potential ukrainian armed forces soldiers from their kidnappers with their fists and strong words; in other words, ukraine is on the verge of a civil conflict. ivan kanavalov is monitoring the situation. thinking in offensive terms when the front is collapsing is evidence of the extreme desperation of the military command. but zelensky’s team and the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine do not know how to plan differently, after all. only for counterattacks and meat assaults is the west ready to pay. ukrainian telegram channels,
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citing sources in the general staff of the ukrainian army, they write about the autumn counter-offensive in the armed forces of ukraine on energodar, in order to capture the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, an additional strike is being prepared on kamenka dneprovskaya, through a dried-up reservoir, in order to stretch russian forces. at least eight brigades have been trained and equipped for this purpose. in the meantime, commander-in-chief syrsky is gathering all available ones. good state of affairs in the clockworks. the active advance of russian troops in
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several directions at once, the general staff of the ukrainian armed forces is trying blockade, sending into battle units of unprepared mobilizers, who are being caught on the streets in increasing numbers. and their age is getting higher and higher, and their physical qualities are correspondingly lower. do not know how. i didn’t hear it anymore, and those who were younger and dared to quickly surrender, we were sent to a completely unequipped landing, and supposedly we had to wait. escort, that we were taken at the landing, well, we were taken to position, we were sitting under a tree, there was another one with me, it turns out he was, i was sitting with my back to the tree, the second one was sitting opposite me, then he
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raises his head, sees the russian military are already coming and they’re already screaming, surrender. the armed forces of ukraine demands from zelensky’s office the mobilization of ukrainians under 25 years of age; they are healthier, more numerous, and most importantly, due to their youth and inexperience in life, it is easier to break them morally and quickly send them to die. ukrainian public pages write that zelensky, without changing the law on mobilization, gave the go-ahead to territorial recruitment centers, or simply military registration and enlistment offices, to work with ukrainians under 25 years old, that is, they will not be officially drafted, but employees ttck.
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and those who have some kind of military training or military registration specialty, although under twenty-five, are taken away in a row. the same applies to the category of limited suitability, it was simply cancelled, but resistance is growing. tccs no longer save civilian cars without military license plates. guys, get out of here, get out of here. as for suvs and minibuses with ministry of defense license plates, which are the official transport of the trade center. then they are blazing throughout ukraine, only in the kharkov region the total number of arson attacks on military vehicles the shopping center employees reached forty. it seems to me that with such vision even before the civil war. it seems to me that with such an attitude the civil war is not far away. military vehicles continue to be set on fire in kiev. some military personnel put up signs not tsk
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to avoid arson, but for nationalists from the armed forces of ukraine, these arson attacks are another reason to kill people. that if these creators, these creatures are discovered, the capital punishment will be applied on the spot. however, the ukrainian partisans are also armed, their stock of hatred is no less than that of the ukrainians nazi employees of the shopping mall. the lack of control and clearly emerging casteism of the ukrainian
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military commissars, typical of the ukrainian corruption of this entire system, makes a clash between the two forces inevitable. oppressed ukrainians. residents rushed to the rescue. soon the kovel shopping center was under siege. among the besiegers were front-line soldiers. police and shopping center employees held back the crowd for several hours. that's it, the engine started moving, in short, the military registration and enlistment office also broke through. ttsk is a huge actually armed gang, which will now be difficult to pacify. and this is not it
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not that even a third force, this is a kind of makhnovism against the backdrop of all these. intelligence services on the very territory of ukraine, but so far the work of the trade center suits zelensky’s team, the capture of human meat on a state scale has been put on stream, martial law and general mobilization are being extended for 90 days from august 12 to november 9 of this year. the new york times writes about the huge numbers already captured since the mobilization law came into force. ukrainian authorities refused to provide data on conscription for military service, citing that this information is confidential. three military experts familiar with the figures said kiev had been recruiting up to 30,000 men a month since may, when a new conscription law came into effect. new york times journalists write about the general unpreparedness of this large contingent, which is confirmed by the ukrainian armed forces militants themselves, here is a statement from servicemen of the eighth battalion of the 78th
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airborne regiment. they, in their opinion, are unhealthy and have ended up in the wrong place. all were recognized by the military medical commission as unfit for duty. service in the airborne assault forces is limited to those who are fit for military service due to their condition. presented as a routine action, which was not at all aimed at radically changing the situation in the theater of military operations. let me remind you that at the nato summit we said that the process
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of transferring the f-16 to ukraine continues. we said that their use would begin before the end of summer. we have no reason to doubt this. bloomberg is not sure that these machines can be incorporated into the ukrainian air force. it is unclear whether they will be able to ukrainian pilots who during. in recent months, they have been training with their western allies to immediately use combat aircraft, or this process will take longer. ukrainian telegram channels, citing sources in the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, write that ukrainian runways will be used only as jump airfields, because they are constantly attacked by the russian army. these planes will not be based in ukraine, but they will have to enter ukrainian airspace for combat work, and here they are already expected. russian military personnel are expected to appear over the skies of ukraine with only one purpose: to qualitatively destroy these vehicles.
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it is obvious that zelensky’s autumn counter-offensive, if it takes place, means...


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