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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  August 5, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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ukraine needs more people, more military equipment, and this is a huge drawback, because they don’t have these people, well, as for people, the ukrainian leaders themselves are not people, so they don’t consider their people to be people, we have successes in the donetsk direction , our military liberated novoselovka and entered first. to dzerzhinsk, which is toretsk
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in ukrainian. there, our fighters established window control over the settlement of nelipovka, as the dry land workers themselves admit, the situation in donetsk new york is sad for them. the russians entered tarets to in the donetsk region, fire control was established over the settlement of nelipovka. stanislav bunyatov, a soldier of the twenty-fourth separate assault brigade aidar, reports this. according to him, the situation is very sad in new york. but i can't help it. the onslaught of the armed forces of ukraine are losing ground, but it is noteworthy that at the same time they still have time to share their impressions and emotions with journalists, as one of the officers of the fifty-third brigade told why they cannot cope with the offensive of the russian army. enemy infantry in groups seven people each enter the battle, clearing first one position and then the second. as a result, some of us are killed, wounded, and some are captured. the russians didn't even have any wounded. this is me to understand that one should not underestimate the enemy. a brigade came in to...
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work, they require maximum improvement, the second thing you need to understand is that the ukrainians are still not a nato army, of course, they have enormous combat experience, they are excellent fighters, they are very persistent, they stand, we are everything we see and feel on ourselves, but they don’t , as it were, shows that these statutes are not so much equipment, weapons, everything that was written for the same nato regulations, it’s just that, relatively speaking, they must before going forward...
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she said that when he kissed you, you began to see again, yes, suddenly this it won't just be a kiss, but what if you see the whole picture? the customer is dissatisfied, this is your misfire, all the time with someone, now with this woman, now with the operas, he doesn’t even walk the dogs alone, today you will have the opportunity, he will be alone, all the information is on your phone, atap they'll call him, there's a fortune teller at his house, new episodes, today on...
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watch the time after the program, you have to contact him and give him a new task on the same object, get him out of cancer, get him out of the game, i'm a crow, i'm crow, but i'm on you...
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check your feathers, everyone still has their own concert rider, but asla has a rider, fantastic, on friday on the first, it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life, so he disappears, even if he dies . in this girl, she almost doesn’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost her most precious thing, her mother. i don't i think that i am without her. i have a lot of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have
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very difficult news for you, that mom is no longer with us, what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows. this is a great responsibility. tell your child that his mother died. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i'm somehow really, really mega strong, i somehow everything was like that, she pulled herself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, at all costs, to become a star in memory of her famous mother. when you appeared, my life changed, i will always be by your side. an exclusive with dmitry borisov on saturday would be good... for the first time in the new season, on the first one, a woman is killed and we’re talking the devil about what and the heart didn’t break, what do you know, how it breaks so
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only the shoulder gives and the elbow pulls. okay, let's think about it, let's say you krotov, you are wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and whatever you can, the whole version goes to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero. i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter.
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hello, colonel kostenko. confrontation. premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. we continue our broadcast, american. here the topic of the historical exchange concluded between russia and western countries, the largest, must say, exchanges since the cold war. let me remind you that everything happened on thursday, 26 people became participants in the exchange between russia and belarus and western countries, of which eight russian citizens were able to finally return home to their homeland, at vnukovo airport they were personally met by russian president vladimir putin, and so, among those who returned there was the dultsev family. with them are two minor children, whom the parents have not seen for more than a year, in addition, the children do not even
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speak russian, vladimir putin greeted them with the phrase in spanish: buena, good night. so here is anna dultseva, the mother of children, when she came down from the plane and saw the president of russia, she could not hold back her tears. immediately after the meeting, vladimir putin congratulated the liberated russian citizens on their return to their homeland and thanked them for their loyalty to their duty; everyone will be nominated for state awards. now i want to appeal to those of you who... are directly related to the military incident, i want to thank you for your loyalty to the oath, your
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duty and the hand that was not there for a minute, here you are, all of you will be represented state award, we will see you again, we will talk about your future, now i just want to congratulate you on your return home, thank you very much, congratulations, thank you, as part of the exchange , several foreign citizens convicted of espionage left russia, in particular , wall street journal correspondent in moscow, evan gershkovich, american paul wheelon, as well as several russian citizens, including those with dual citizenship. russian president vladimir putin signed a decree pardoning them. well among those who returned
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home, was our guest today in the studio , roman seleznyom, in 2014, american intelligence services captured him while on vacation in the maldives, grossly violating all the fundamental norms of international law and, moreover, local laws, including taking him to the united states states, they threw him into prison and roman spent 10 years in american dungeons. but what’s interesting is that it doesn’t happen in america. are not letting up, as white house communications coordinator john kirby said, this time the united states is going to impose another sanctions against russia for allegedly unlawfully detaining american citizens. will the us send a signal to russia about the consequences after this week's historic prisoner exchange? we have already done this, we told americans not to travel to russia, we imposed sanctions using the levinson act and we are doing it again.
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home, i think that the return was long-awaited, welcome, we talked with your dad on friday, and you can say that he had moist eyes, he is very glad that he was finally able to see you, hug you, this of course, well, i don’t even know what those close to me are experiencing at this time, yes, who were separated for 10 years and there was not even any hope, look at this return, please tell me, here are the united states, look at how they are singing now, it’s the best for them the main thing is to show ...
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to condemn us for, for, as it were, we don’t kidnap anyone from other countries, that is, i was in another country, on vacation in my own... it so happened that they simply kidnapped me without any rules, put me on a plane and taken to america, that is, that is, it was all unexpected, that’s right, we poet it was very unexpectedly, i didn’t even understand why i
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was being arrested and they didn’t provide me with any documents, but the maldivian authorities somehow...
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to anyone, that is , no one listened to you at all, you just came from unknown people and didn’t show anything , they started messing around with the local police, then the moldovan police sat down, like yes, yes, yes, you are going with them, well , they didn’t just come, i tried to go back to moscow, my vacation was over, it was over, roughly speaking, i was at the airport, i say, here i am flying to moscow, they told me no or not... you're flying, you're flying to america, and that's it, they took me away, as if they separated us from mine, girl, georgievich, how should we react when russian citizens are treated like this, and then kirby
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accuses us of wrongfulness , well, before talking about the reaction of the official authorities, i want to use. with the rating of the program in defiance of kirby, to say that we are very much looking forward to foreign guests, that russia is a hospitable country, that in non-judicial emergencies like this we cannot have, it is enough to remember how many people visited russia, moscow, other cities ahead of the world cup, they were convinced how welcome guests are here, and i think that we will adhere to these traditions, we have no... no reason to change them, if people have special goals regarding our country, then any state has the right and the obligation to defend itself, but of course, subject to certain procedures. now , as for this kind of thing, well, government authorities can react in different ways in this case reacted, that is, used the
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exchange opportunities that all the media in the world have been talking about in recent days. they just say, on the other hand, of course, various kinds of methods of sanctions pressure where appropriate, russia’s political responses, they can and should be followed when the rights of our citizens are infringed, and, well, probably the most competent answer in this situation is this is expanding the number of friends and allies in our world, so that when traveling to another country.
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somehow from a pipette, you know, and i’m not here i see some special opportunities for them, rather, in this case, it is a statement of the fact that this happened, our task is to continue to pull out our people. there are still quite a large number of our fellow citizens in american prisons, and those who want to return to their homeland, of course, we need to make sure that they return, and i think
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we need to replenish the exchange fund, we have american mercenaries fighting against us in the donbass, well, not everyone, that means someone needs to be finished off, look how they do it, they will paste together the words of dmitry gervichka, that come to us in russia, and your words about the need to replenish the exchange fund and tell us about what russian experts are doing in the studio, well, nevertheless, i repeat, there are mercenaries, and these mercenaries can allow us to free several more of our if there are no living citizens, you can change the dead ones, that’s not a problem. roman, let's go back to your case, because we talked with your father and your lawyer, the lawyer said that the main argument in court already in the states that you were not kidnapped was that you were on the plane fed, they say, if you were fed, it means it wasn’t stolen, it was just... i decided myself, yes, well, we didn’t mock him, how did it really happen, how surprised were you by this kind of american justice and how were you treated in prison?
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firstly, in fact, the american cold first said that i flew to america myself, that is, then they, when the american state began to change something, that they did not arrest me, but simply detained them... somehow i i don’t see the difference, and then they told me, well, yes, we fed you in filet mignon, that it’s very good, they gave you coca-cola, well, thank you, he says, well, eat it, this is your last, as if your last one is normal, yes, you will spend the rest of your life here in prison, that’s what they said, that’s what they said, eat the filet minion, because this is the last food you will spend the rest of your life in prison.
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information that you know, i don’t know what kind of information they thought, i know, well, some kind of nonsense, after that i just stopped
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communicating with him everything, they escorted me to prison, there was physical pressure, they used force, but there is no force as such, maybe they pushed a couple of times, but it’s physical pressure, it’s not psychological, you know, it can be stronger. they put some personalities in front of you who are psychologically harassing, all these, when they persuade you, they frighten you, then that means, well , of course they were, they didn’t let you sleep, they forced you to check in somewhere every 2 hours, yes, that’s later after the trial, i think out of anger, because i went to court and didn’t confess, and i think that they just... from nevalens they should have told you every 20 i have to check in for hours day and night, that is , when, how to sleep, i didn’t understand,
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they woke me up, they said that i didn’t check in, but what does it mean to check in, you’re in prison, you ’re not going anywhere, where to go to check in, well then there is an officer there who sits and doesn’t walk anywhere in a circle, that is, from your cell you have to go to him and tell him, i’m still here, i... ran away, he calls somewhere, and calls, and this is standard practice or was it just for you? i saw this very - rarely, i - in relation to others was rarely seen, in relation to to others, i have nothing to do with it, but the other person was under the same regime, and so he had an escape, he tied up a guard, killed him, then ran away. you were on the same account with them, i have the same account, roughly speaking, but the russian is a particularly dangerous criminal, you know, the culprits are appointed in the united states, i asked them. why,
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why did i try to achieve it, they say, well, you are russian, you have connections with the russian government, you work there for the fsb and so on, they said this completely openly, therefore, because you are russian, of course, you have a lot of money, they will fly there for you, they will break into our prison, they will take us out, well, some kind of nonsense, there were threats to life, there were threats to life from prisoners, that is... i don’t know anymore why are all the people there just hungry and what did they say, how did this threat manifest itself, well, just like the simplest case, i was hired for a job to deliver food, i delivered it, i went to the prisoner, i didn’t like something, he said
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that i’ll come and kill you in the morning. i say: okay, you know where i live, come, he’s like i wish, just don’t forget that i have to check in every 2 hours, i have to check in as soon as i kill you, but as if he came in the morning, he came running, he ran, tripped over another prisoner, they started cutting each other, that is, to me, then he ran towards you with a knife, but he hit someone, he didn’t like it, they started. to cut a friend, they were taken somewhere, i didn’t see them again, that is, this is only one case, this is only one, and there were many cases when you arrived, what were your feelings and what would have happened to you if not for the exchange , how do you think? well, firstly, i did not expect that the exchange would take place, because 10 years had already passed, but i still hoped that russia would not forget me and would expel me, yes, sort of, ah... what would
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happen to me, well i would have died in this prison for 27 years, i was not provided with any medical care, i think i won’t make it, you had contact with my family, i had contact with my family starting, probably, well, after six, seven months of detention, they gave me a phone to call , and then i how often could you call home, then i could... use the phone, yes, well, how often, well, 300 minutes a month they were allowed to call, well, i can’t complain about this, well, naturally, come on, of course, all the conversations were listened to, well, of course, they were prepared to use against me, the conversations, well, of course, they were directly presented to you, yes, these conversations were presented, yes, that is , they pulled out something from the conversations, then they called you and clarified, of course, yes, then with
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me... father said, listen, we will talk about the weather, we have a lot of elephants here, i i say, we too, well, this is how we talk, for all 10 years we talked for half a year, because that any serious conversation and you could immediately, of course, i was immediately put in a punishment cell , there was a suspicion that i would run away there, that some kind of plan was being prepared, i would understand a kidnapping, how many times have you been in a punishment cell, well, at least... at least 10 times , that is, they are imprisoned for 40-60 days, 40-60 days in a punishment cell, a scapzer, this is a humane state they call, very humane, but for human rights, where everyone stands up, tell me, when did you arrive and have already entered our land, the first feeling what was it? the first feeling was that i didn’t believe it, i thought
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i’d fall asleep again. cameras when here we are they said get off the plane, it’s like the first thing i look at is the red carpet, because i look - our president vladimir vladimirovich is standing, i think, well , it’s like a dream, now i’m staggering like that, i think i’ll get it right now, that’s it, it seems , you still don’t fully feel it, it takes time, you know, i’m now about... an hour a day, because i ’m still in shock at some length, and it’s hard to describe this is, well, roman, you are home, the shock will pass, everything will be fine, the native land and native air heals, the russian people are helping, we we are sincerely glad that you are back, can i shake your hand, thank you for your courage, for your heroism and for the fact that our president said that
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you are loyal to your homeland, your homeland. until the last moment, and this is worth a lot, thank you very much for your courage, may i thank our president, he is a great soul, he... personally, as i understand it, he signed a decree for the fsb service to rescue me, my , our embassy in america, from the embassy in russia and my family, of course, for supporting me all this time, all 10 years, they wrote, called, thank you very much to everyone, you see how good it is, you know, it just takes pride for...
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vladimir zelensky begged for supplies of f-16 fighters at the end of july the first 10 of a possible 79 fighters arrived in ukraine . the delivery comes a year after the sluggish biden administration finally gave european allies the green light to send them. by the end of 2024, ukraine will have 20 american-made fighters, the rest promised to the so-called f-16 coalition in led by denmark and the netherlands will arrive in batches during 2025. alexander, that’s it, the dream came true at 16 on the territory of ukraine, when will the counter come? well, this is not the first dream, first there was a dream about tanks, yes, give abramtsy, now give f16, i don’t think it will change anything, because
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well, firstly, we have these planes, i doubt that we will see on front line, but close, because they will be shot down, most likely they will be there somewhere from the rear to carry out some kind of attacks on the russian, let's say, outback, on airports, and in order, let’s say, to push back russian aviation. military further from the front line, that is, i don’t think this will change much, but yes, now zelensky will demand a counter-offensive from him, most likely it will happen in any case before the elections in the united states, and for these elections, perhaps , but it won’t happen, that is, relatively speaking, the americans did it, you know how, if we are talking about negotiations, an exchange took place, that means communication channels are working, that means some kind of agreement can go, based on this nervous reaction in kiev, zelensky, yarmak and everyone else, we can assume that there really are some...
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usa and britain. now a short advert and we'll be back. colonel abdulaziz, it's a pleasure. me too. and this is his charming wife. we met at the museum, you are probably a good person, but in iraq it is not customary for us to simply talk to married women, much less help them, we both know that you are endangering the whole family, why don’t you listen to me and sit quietly , oleg, i
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i advise you to be careful with anyone, with everyone, trader, watch the time after the program. you must contact him and give him a new task on the same object, get him out of ruck, get him out of the game. this, dear friends, is a wand. and the cones that are located in the fundus of our eyes, here they are real on the screen, thanks to these rods and cones, only three colors, red, green and blue, we see our multicolored and diverse world, what products give life to our rods and cones inside our eyes, this and much more in the live program great for... it doesn’t happen that a person was in
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your life, then he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl you almost don’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost the most precious thing, his mother. i don’t think that i am without her, i have a lot of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you. mom is no longer with us, what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only knows it's a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory of the famous mom. when you appeared on... answer: my life changed, i will always be by
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your side! exclusive with dmitry borisov on saturday on the first. in our studio again music from your favorite movies sounds. when she sang the first take, the souls of the musicians trembled, she said: we need to rewrite it, we need another take. the director fell to his knees and said, please, just don’t. a wonderful comedy, a wedding in malinovka.
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when i read what komarova wrote, i was very surprised, i was sure that it was something very folk and very ancient, yes, four, on saturday on the first. the capital of uruguay is one of the most developed and richest countries in latin america. do you know what i noticed? people here dress quite simply. a kilogram of cosmetics on the face is not about our women. montevide, rental housing for local residents is quite expensive, but there is an option where you can even live for free. if we see that a person is normal, neat, tidy, he just has financial problems right now. we accept him and sit in one of the rooms.
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uruguayans' favorite dish is siege meat. we usually eat this dish with bread, vegetables, and red honey sauce. here's another rib for you, please, it's fine in urguay. the lives of others. premiere on sunday first. two stars, fathers and sons. on sunday on the first. under the gorlovka defense of our sushniks, our more precisely the susushniks said ours, so i said that they susushniks cannot withstand the onslaught of our guys, the defense of the susushniks is bursting at the seams, i just returned from gorlovka yesterday, so this whole thing is a little emotional, because i’m with the guys will talk that the sensations are completely different, things are going well for us in new york in the area... derzhinska, aka tarets, things are getting worse
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and worse in vysushniki, now the latest news from this directions to us, the military correspondent of the vargonza project, ruslan khakiev, contacts us. ruslan, hello. hello, colleagues, yes, indeed, we have certain tactical successes in this direction in the derzhinsk area, now there are battles for one of the key heights, a capture that will help our troops advance further into the area. footage was sent to us by soldiers - the ninth brigade, where a blow is struck at one of the fortified areas of the ukrainian armed forces, in new york, such a huge flu arises at the place of arrival - ours flaba, all this, of course, helps our infantry - to move forward - further and
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further, over the last week we have been working with gorlovka units, this includes the 132nd brigade, the lavin battalion. and of course, it’s worth recalling that literally on saturday we had a battle against olga korsa, she is a hero of russia, the commander of an artillery division, the guys continue her work, continue to drive the enemy away from the village, i suggest you watch our report on this, let’s take a look. hello everyone, this is the wargonza project, i’m semyon pegov, we’re working on the gorlovka front again, here ours are now very actively advancing, no, not yet on berlin or kiev yet, but at least they are moving in that
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direction, liberating at least new york, no, not quite american, the one that is nearby, right in the suburbs. gorlovka, practically the whole city lives in advanced mode, we will tell you in full detail and the air defense is working, we often hear how the guns roar, the closer to the outskirts, the louder, as they say, we go directly there , closer to the contact line, they are waiting for us there legendary gorlovka artillerymen from the korsa unit, greetings.
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we exchanged fvedrons on trams, an ordinary tram, as a result of which ordinary civilians died , the enemy does not like the fact that he is being squeezed out of his position, but still the time has come to show our teeth and hit the enemy, we rush to the boys on the front line, we will talk to the guys, we will find out what is their mood, what is their mood, and of course we will show the grandiose reactive work, any story... on the gorlovka front is simply impossible without the lavin battalion. absolutely with us legendary ostap. i haven't seen him for, damn it, half a year. how is the situation really going now? in fact, the situation is complex, the enemy should not be underestimated, but at some point we simply deceived him. a unit of the 132nd
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brigade performs a task on one flank, and under this noise we bypassed the enemy, left him between us and entered the city of tarets. i just.
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that all these folded houses were the work of the hamers after our units entered there. a few words about the situation, he doesn’t really like to talk about it, two wounds, legs
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killed for just yes, it was at the very beginning, i don’t remember the first couple of months, he walks to novokalinin himself, that’s how much was needed there, five, well, and yet here is a real russian officer, guys, we need to take everyone has an example from these... constant rolling, moving, you can’t stay in one place for a long time, pieces on the front chessboard, they really
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move very quickly, because the enemy is not asleep, and the guys are waiting for the command to come, let’s go with them, let's watch the work, 5138 513. eight three shells, interval 10 seconds, fire, grenade, grenade, i'm a gang, our units really made a pretty serious push at the very beginning of the operation to push back the enemy, bro, as i understand it, the enemy was seriously preparing for defense here, but still fell little by little, she began to pour out. of course, as if this is a clear example of what helps him to pour in, the car, clear, clear, that is, we directly carry out counter-battery
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combat so that the enemy does not engage our groups with fire, our groups move 24x7, despite any weather conditions, that is, our infantry, so to speak, holds on well, moves, squeezes out the enemy, for such a long time he has dug in very seriously,
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say, up a mountain or even through terikons, when alone, but things have gone where better, straight, brothers from the ninth brigade, from other units, came here for help, i met here, actually an old comrade in arms, we probably crossed paths with you 10 years ago, call sign is a crutch, i fought in slavyansk, i’m originally from there, brother, tell me, here you go now, as i understand it, the liberation of new york and the liberation of toretsk is a step towards slavyansk. exactly, exactly, the emotions are actually going wild inside, because i understand that soon i will return to my
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own home, in which i was born, in which i grew up, i will see my old acquaintances, well, just this feeling of, that you will return home to your home, it simply inspires and gives a lot of strength, energy, so we are working in this direction, we need all the guys to return home, it’s not necessary, well, we have a lot of guys there those who from the slavic with... absolutely right, that is, we all need to return to our homes, to our cities and continue to live there, then after the war, the war will end anyway, no matter how you look at it, and naturally our victory and complete destruction of the ukrainian troops, our guys, the infantrymen are very handsome, they work simply brilliantly, they just come in with lightning speed, hang noble lyules on the enemy, the enemy either retreats with losses, or will be completely destroyed in their positions, infantry in general guys. well done there, they move well, the gun is old, but it works effectively when it’s soviet, of course, when our guys,
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infantrymen ask for support with fire, we always support. we always support our infantry, because guys, you and i are fine, we will, we will destroy the enemy together, in general the question is that we simply cannot refuse support for the infantry, yes bro, i think now the boys are already charging there , getting ready, work, that's it, rushed to the gun, first, first to the gun, i'm writing down the stops, target armored vehicles, armored vehicles, high-explosive fragmentation projectile, fragmentation fuse, charge. full two running projectile fire, gun! the enemy does not give up trying to retain new york and tarets, he is transferring everything new there, new reserves, the neo-nazis are trying to deliver more infantry here, but the coordinated work of both
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our artillerymen and our reconnaissance officers. leaves them virtually no chance, semyon begov, pavel chuprino were with you, the wargonza project especially for the first channel, now a short advertisement and we’ll come back, you tell me i told you that when he kissed you, you were again on...
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attack they will kill him at his house, fortune teller, new series, today on the first, here it is, dear friends, rods and cones, which are located in our fundus, here they are on the screen are real, thanks to these rods and cones, only three colors, red, green and blue, we see our multi-colored and... imaginative world, what products give life to our rods and cones inside our eyes, this and much more in the program live great, tomorrow is first, it doesn't happen that there was a person in your life, now he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl he almost doesn’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost the most precious thing, his mother, i don’t think that
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i am without her, i have... a labor of memories , but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter vera to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that mom is no longer with us, what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows. this is a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother has passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i’m just somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory of the famous mom, when you came into the world, my life changed, i will always be by your side, exclusive with dmitry borisov, on
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saturday on the first, dvd. capital of uruguay - one of the most developed and rich countries in latin america, you know what i noticed, people here dress quite simply. a kilogram of cosmetics on the face is not about our women. montevide, rental housing for local residents is quite expensive, but there is an option where you can even live for free. if we see that a person is normal, neat, tidy, he just has financial problems right now. we accept him and sit in one of the rooms. uruguayans' favorite dish is siege meat. we usually eat this dish with bread, vegetables, red honey sauce. here's another rib for you, please. things are normal in uruguay, the lives of others. premiere on sunday on the first. in the new season on the first. a woman
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is killed and we are talking about the devil and our hearts are not broken. do you know how it breaks, they just give away the shoulder and pull the elbow. well , okay, let’s speculate, let’s say you ’re a mole, you’re wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union. union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and is this a mortal danger, or do you have a second very well-thought-out option of escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him appear urgently control room and...
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the confrontation between the prime minister based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. the unexpected exchange of prisoners between russia and western countries has caused unprecedented anxiety in ukraine, and the kiev elite is afraid that moscow and the west are conducting some kind of secret activities behind kiev’s back. negotiation. dmitry georievich, why were they so worried after the exchange?
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he expects some kind of perverted, inverted success story. this success story has been taking shape for years, now even decades, when ukraine is not russia, when our father bandera, when ukraine is europe. well, guys, this is the end of your european choice. they didn’t take you to europe, but from europe they gave you gifts with which you must die, weakening russia and dying yourself. therefore, in this context today.
12:00 pm
does not leave, the news will continue to air on first. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. expulsion of militants using the marine method. report from.


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