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tv   Vremya  1TV  August 5, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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hello, the program is about the most notable events of the day. laws for life, social programs and presidential instructions. vladimir putin summed up the results of the spring session with the heads of both houses of parliament. everything is visible from above: two leopards
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have joined the list of ukrainian losses. how the fighters are advancing on the front lines and how each can help them. a hole in the cover. newspaperman gershkovich and former murpekh willan are not who the west claims them to be. the truth about the americans and the story of our intelligence officers who returned home. spending on quality, assistance young professionals in villages, children's recreation.
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the belgian triathlon has merged with the olympics, what is there except dirty hay trance in the ring? our champion is ready to take revenge on him for everyone. ensuring the interests of russian citizens, its security, developing the army and supporting the participants in the special operation are among the priorities that vladimir putin set before parliament today. in the kremlin, the president received the heads of both chambers, the speaker of the federation council valentina matviyenko and the chairman of the state duma vyacheslav. dmitry kochitkov followed the conversation. the completed session of both chambers of the federal assembly is officially called spring, but in fact it began in winter in january and ended in summer at the end of july. the senators and deputies have 331 laws to their credit. i would like to thank the senators and deputies of the state duma for the enormous amount of work done, and the issues were resolved.
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improved the financial situation of families with children, this affected 4 million families, where 10 million children are being raised, after amendments to the budget, an additional 47 billion rubles will go to payments to large families on mortgages, 66 billion to extend the family mortgage program, almost 38 billion to support families with children, another adopted law also concerns millions of people, we are talking about indexation of pensions for working pensioners, i want to express my gratitude to you.
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another important area is the adoption of laws that protect the interests of svo participants and their family members. on the topic of legislative support. special military operation since its beginning , 238 laws have been adopted in this session 15, this the work must continue, i will just give one example, i met in kislovodsk at the ministry of defense sanatorium, where the participants of the special operation are undergoing rehabilitation, they said: you know, we need not only medical, physical rehabilitation, but also psychological, allow us so that our wives can rest with us in the sanatorium, the best specialists. "that's true, now we want to prepare a proposal together with the ministry of defense. in the spring, both chambers participated in the formation of the government. the federation council held consultations on the security forces and the head of the ministry of foreign affairs, and the state duma approved the prime minister and civilian ministers. you initiated the transfer
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of powers to approve ministers, deputy prime ministers and government chairmen to our citizens, who, through their deputies, approve them in their positions. this procedure was not easy, but it certainly brought its benefits, now everyone understands that if we are not doing our job somewhere, we need to ask not only those who work with the government, but perhaps first and foremost ourselves, because by supporting we already bear responsibility, the council of the federation, the duma, together with the government , carried out a great deal of work to improve the tax system, large parliamentary hearings were held, in which deputies, senators, ministers, experts, and representatives participated. it would be correct to say that all your initiatives that you proposed for adoption, they brought the law to perfection, because there were topics related to the taxation of income of participants in a special military operation, you proposed a solution, there were questions
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related to the northerners, you just met with them and your initiative was supported and we eventually... came to the standards that society supported, while the majority, the overwhelming majority there by almost 90% will remain in the same taxation format as before, after the adoption of amendments, the transition to a progressive taxation system will not affect the participants of the svo and those who receive northern allowances, the implementation of laws on changes to the tax system in parliament will be monitored very closely, the council the federation is already in an updated... every year after a single voting day the federation council is updated, this is very good, according to the constitution we are a body that never stops, never interrupts its work, therefore new forces are pouring in, new, new senators with new ideas, with new experience, this year 38
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senators are participating in the election campaigns of the governor and legislative assemblies, slightly less than half will be replaced, new senators will come and this...
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a lot of work was done in the spring, but we need to constantly keep our finger on the pulse, life constantly poses new challenges for us, generally solved with dignity, with a good result, but in no case should we relax, we will have to work hard. vstav will gather for plenary sessions in september, the autumn session will last until december. dmitry kochatkov, sergey romanov and anna zayakina, channel one. let's move on to the special operation, the ministry of defense provided footage of the destruction of two german leopard tanks. they were discovered by aerial reconnaissance in the kharkov region.
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a lancet loitering munition was launched at the first, the second was hit by a howitzer mstas, a high-precision projectile with laser guidance krasnopo. the fighters of the sever group covered. the mlrs vampire mlrs of chersk production. the reports also include more than 1,150 ukrainian militants destroyed per day, 14 damaged ammunition and fuel depots. and our means. about the actions of our fighters in the dpr, northern gorlovka, kurdyumovka area, in the positions of the marines of the 177th guards regiment of the caspian floteria. how it carries out combat missions, was seen by the military correspondent of the first channel gusein guseinov. together with the people's front, he opened
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collection for the marines. the funds will go to what saves in battle, what you can’t do without in moments of silence. support is very important. join us. qr code on the screen. late at night or early in the morning. the military always has work. the soldiers of the artillery platoon deliver ammunition to positions. we go with them, but we still haven’t managed to get to the point. an enemy drone was spotted in the sky. and we didn’t get there because there was a scout at the height, if we had climbed the hill, she could have called in artillery, that is, they could have worked on us, a truck with shells turns around and goes back, we disembark and wait out the danger in a ruined house, how's the weather, what's the weather like, wait, here, then to the position of the caspian flotilla marines only on foot. here is the regiment's mortar battery, they are armed with cannons,
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after waiting for the sky to be clear, which means there are no drones in the air, they begin to work. rapier is an anti-tank gun designed for direct fire, but here in the conditions of a special military operation it is used as a regular artillery gun and shoot from closed firing positions, shoot clearly, mark, aiming is also not difficult from a jewelry point. artillery of the 177th regiment hits at a distance of up to 8 km, but today their target is much closer: a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in the vicinity of kurdyumovka, they drove the enemy out of the village itself a long time ago, now they are driving further. lawyer, i am a crimea shot, watch. the battery commander was born and raised in ukraine, where he studied to be an artilleryman , and was assigned to serve in crimea in 2014, when his country went the wrong way. he says he made his choice, as he was born in the ussr in a big country, so he got used to it
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, i studied in russian, i graduated from a russian school, everything was generally russian, all this is incomprehensible to me, at the moment, what is happening in ukraine, this is not mine, i do not support these views, now with those whose views he shares, the commander fights shoulder to shoulder with ukrainian militants, after several shots the enemy artillery begins to respond, two shells fall...
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saved the life of him and his crew, this is a gift from caring people, to help ours front-line soldiers from the 177th marine regiment can and any of you, just scan the qr code on the screen, follow the link and transfer any amount, this is a thermal blanket that does not let heat through, this is the blanket we climbed into, it is 3 m long, the three of us.
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more about our heroes corporal dmitry zhukov, the commander of the assault aircraft, liberating a populated area, led his squad behind enemy lines and suddenly attacked, the militants retreated with losses, the russian troops consolidated their positions on new... tank gunner-operator sergeant vladislav polyakov identified more than 10 targets, in including armored vehicles manufactured in the usa. crew vladislav destroyed three enemy infantry fighting vehicles. in another battle, four more armored vehicles. news of the moment: the ministry of defense will prepare a document providing for the travel and accommodation of a spouse with a contract serviceman
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during rehabilitation. the order was given by the head of the department andrei belousov. vladimir putin said today that the wives of the participants in the operation are the best psychologists for the soldiers and can accompany their husbands to sanatoriums, supporting such an initiative of the speaker of the council federation, valentina matvienko. participants and veterans of the special operation should have access to the best practices of medical care and rehabilitation. deputy minister of defense and chairperson of the fatherland defenders foundation, anna tseveleva visited one of the leading clinical centers in this area, voronovskoye. high technology, an integrated approach to treatment, prosthetics, adaptation.
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the enemy again fired at the border areas of the belgorod region, a man was killed, he was on the bus of an agricultural enterprise in the village of vyazovoye. three more passengers received injury. a ukrainian drone operator deliberately attacked a vehicle carrying people. several hours earlier, in the shebekinsky district , militants fired a drone at a truck. five civilians were injured, and in the morning , a woman was injured in shebekino itself. two russian citizens, terrorist recruiters who called themselves religious figures, were arrested in tyumen. the operation was carried out jointly by the fsb of the ministry of internal affairs, as well as the investigative committee, where the details were reported. according to the investigation, from february 2015 to november 2022, these individuals persuaded 19 residents tyumen oblast to participate in terrorist activities as part
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of armed groups in the territory of the syrian arab republic. in addition, the perpetrators. persuaded russian citizens to collect funds to finance members of the international terrorist organization islamic state, an activity that is prohibited in the territory of the russian federation. also, one of the defendants posted a sermon on the internet, in which, according to the conclusion of a forensic psychologist-linguistic expert there are signs of justification and propaganda of terrorist activity. in other topics, the government will allocate 15 billion rubles for the construction of comfortable. rental housing in rural areas in order to attract more qualified specialists. this was stated by mikhail mishustin at a meeting with his deputies. another important topic is the resettlement of emergency and dilapidated houses. starting next year, the problem will be solved within the framework of the new national project. however, the conversation was not limited to this range of topics. anna kurbatova in more detail. here we will put the share, here at
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we will have a garden, there will be some flower beds. of course, yes , i decided to move from the city to the village. doctor of biological sciences dmitry cherenkov. he worked for more than 15 years at the department of biochemistry at the voronezh state university of engineering technologies. and now he says it's time to move from theory to practice: to settle in the village of romon, get a job at the sugar beet research institute, and start developing the latest means of protecting new varieties of seeds. as soon as i received such an offer, i didn't hesitate, especially since i could also improve my living conditions. the motivation, of course, was the opportunity to get rental housing here, we all live in an apartment now, i have a large family , four children, a wife, two cats, a dog, of course, it would be much better for us in a private house, we want to work in the village, especially in such a good, well-maintained village, about a quarter of russians live in rural areas today, it is important
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that specialists not only do not leave the provinces, but strive to get there, this is what the state program is aimed at. accordingly, this is the provision of rental housing housing, it is also possible to buy out such houses or apartments subject to a number of conditions, the main one being , respectively, continuation.
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another important topic is resettlement from dilapidated emergency housing. on behalf of the head of state, we are taking measures to accelerate the resettlement of citizens from housing that became uninhabitable before january 1, 2017. including providing regions with advanced financing, and this task must be completed by the end of this year. in forty-one regions, they worked on ahead, reports deputy prime minister khusnulin, who oversees, among other things, the construction sector. we have resettled more than 2 million square meters of emergency housing, more than planned, the program is not complete and these figures will increase even more. our next step is a new program, which includes houses recognized as emergency with... people, and from next year, resettlement will take place within
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the framework of the new national project infrastructure for life. 330 billion rubles have been allocated from the federal budget to continue the resettlement program. here, what it is very important to scale up the most successful practices, which we are doing throughout the country. please keep the issue under control. another topic on the agenda: children's recreation, according to mishustin, more and more regions are joining the program of building so-called modular buildings in children's camps, this is several times faster than capital buildings, some are assembled in 100 days, but the main thing is that such buildings are no less comfortable, there are all the utilities, and sometimes even heated floors. 150 new buildings have already been commissioned in more than 100,000 places. now the government will additionally allocate 1 billion rubles for the construction of over thirty more residential.
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the key index of the takei stock exchange nikei fell by more than 13%. such a rapid collapse has never happened in its entire history. the american market lost about 2 trillion dollars 15 minutes after the opening of trading. high -tech companies are among the leaders of the fall. well, then, like domino chips. shanghai, hong kong, singapore, istanbul. the fever has spread to europe. in the west, they are used to extinguishing such crises with money. perhaps they will resort to such a practice this time.
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capital we are independent of what happens on their stock exchanges, we have every chance to finally gain real , genuine economic sovereignty, in partnership with the brics countries, brics plus, with those who do not agree to become colonies again, agree to conduct some kind of reasonable national policy. the collapse of the government in bangladesh, a state in asia, which by population of 170 million people is in eighth place in the world between brazil and russia, while occupying only ninety-second place in area. the residence of prime minister sheikh hasina, who fled to neighboring india, was taken by storm. the unrest
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began with student protests against the backdrop of high unemployment, about 300 people have died since july, at least 10,000 have been arrested. the situation near the russian embassy is calm, our specialists building the rupu nuclear power plant in bangladesh are safe. the army is forming a provisional government, it commands.
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not so much that it is enough for plots for tv series, viewers of the first will be convinced in a few minutes. trade, trader, watch after program time. rom castro - product of stellar group. vodka pechora, product of stellar
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group. vodka veda, product of stellar group, cognac old barrel, product of stellar group, bourbon stirsman, product of stellar group, whiskey mancacher, product of stellar group, gin snop, product of stellar group, you were close to death, yes, several times, i lived in...
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recruiter on saturday on the first, stop, there, i said, go, uh, here, go, go, tell them, what are you, uh, what are you, so, come on, come on, quickly move away from here, volodya, here, take the money, please, it's because of me, that's it, i
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guilty. "i am guilty of everything, take the money, buy a car, fix a new or old one, alyona, no, what are you saying, i beg you, just take the money, just don't call the police, they will kill me, you understand, and in our yard on sunday on the first, like alyona, the car is being repaired, i will explain everything later, well , guys, let's go to the movies,
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i got tired quite easily, you are worthy of great honor, moles, honor and trust, remember this, after the war i was looking for a comrade 's son, i was interested in what was happening there at the end of the war, and everything could have happened there, if you like, if you don't have a photo, strange, where are they, were they here, oh my god, how similar he is to my son, are you the only one? a real witness, the only person he came to openly. well, major, the hunt has begun, confrontation, the premiere of the legendary book by yulian semyonov. this is the program time, we continue. and now about the exchange between russia and the west. what
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our intelligence officers said. in detail: a journalist - they said. well, we never disputed the fact that evan gershkovich worked, among other things, for an american newspaper wall street journal. but the fact that he was arrested not as a journalist for another job is also an indisputable fact. the video published today shows the events of march twenty-third. a cafe in yekaterinburg. gershkovich's meeting with his contact. apparently, this is a front man, the voice is changed. the transfer of secret information about our military-industrial complex is discussed in plain text. well, how, how, what is the best way to do this? i did it to myself, yeah, the only thing? we won't even write what we saw
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documents, we will only have anonymous sources. remind me journal, with it the entire collective west called the gershkovich case unsubstantiated, well, here they are, the evidence. i am absolutely convinced that no one is leading it, he confidently tells his interlocutor about it, in fact, they are already following him, that is, they do not suspect us of collecting and do not suspect anyone of surrendering, we will have it written anonymous sources told, we also have this approach, why did i say leave it at home, the approach is like now it's just an interview, no, not just interview, and this spy gershkovich will understand literally in a few minutes the climax.
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that to apologize, especially in recent decades, the americans have also developed this principle into the fact that america will never admit the truth, here any evidence has already been presented, anyway, well, for dessert
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, a video-and the second convicted american citizen who was exchanged, paul willan, was detained in 2018 in moscow, also received 16 years for espionage, unfortunately, here without interesting dialogues, but with interesting footage, also minutes before the arrest. in his hotel room in the bathroom, whelan receives a flash drive with secret data on intelligence officers from his russian contact. look, he takes it and puts it in his pocket. the result of the spy activity is already in the following frames. by the way, whelan claimed that he expected to receive photos of russian churches on the flash drive. why hide in the toilet for this? the question is, of course, open. but it goes without saying that western media tried to make yilon look unfairly convicted. last week, both he and gershkovich were among those who were exchanged for eight convicted russians abroad, as part of the largest exchange since the cold war. among those who returned home to russia were spouses artem and anna dultsev. since 2017, they have lived in slovenia under the guise of argentine citizens. for many years, so as not
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to give themselves away in public and at home, they spoke spanish. even russian, anna admits, has begun to forget. you don’t think in the language, you control yourself all the time. and when they arrived.
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they were allowed to communicate with the children, a russian representative, an svr employee, regularly came, on one of these - everything possible for our rescue, of course, it was a great support, many thanks to our president service. grigory yemelyanov, darya rybakova and andrey kirillov, channel one. let's move to britain, where they are reaping the fruits of tolerance and multiculturalism, let by modern islanders to drift. the head of the cabinet promises to strengthen the police against their own citizens. why? pavel krasnov knows better on the spot. the crowd. tries to storm the hotel, the flimsy police
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cordon is no obstacle, to the approving roar, the demonstrators break through to the building, starting smashing windows and doors. the protesters' anger is caused by the influx of migrants, this hotel is where those who have arrived in the country illegally live, the reaction of the uncontrollable crowd in the building, a fire starts. when the demonstrators are finally pushed back, clashes with the police begin. the gospel has broken out in riots. last week , one city after another is being engulfed, in temwart , a hotel hosting migrants is also attacked, clashes between protesters and police are unfolding on the streets of middlesbrough, under the pressure of the crowd, law enforcement officers have to retreat. the protests that have engulfed britain were triggered by a monstrous crime in the town of southport. a seventeen-year-old teenager burst into a children's dance studio with a knife and started a massacre. three girls were killed and several more were injured. when rumors spread across the country that the killer was an islamist,
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far-right activists from all over england gathered in the city. the demonstration quickly turned into a pogrom that gained momentum. police cars were burned in the streets, and a couple of days later a police station was ablaze. to quell the discontent the authorities could have nipped this in the bud by dispelling the rumors, but now it seems that time has been lost, and no one has any desire to negotiate. the government has announced its intention to give the protesters... a tough response. rest assured, those who participated in this violence will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. the police will make arrests. charges and convictions will follow. i guarantee that you will regret taking part in the riots. and this drives the situation into a dead end, especially since the authorities are still silent about the background of the attack in southport. it is known, that the criminal's family came from rwanda. he himself once starred in videos for the bbc, but not a word is said about the motives for the crime. and geography.
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accusations against our country of suppressing dissent and censorship, as well as loud calls to ensure democracy and respect for human rights, but in this case it is the british authorities and the police that must act solely on the basis of laws. we remind you that citizens have every right to express disagreement with the policies of the authorities. but london, it seems, does not have plan b. at an emergency meeting, the cabinet of ministers today decided to mobilize police forces as much as possible. for the government of the laborites and...
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exam, that is, the chances of getting in are minimal, it was difficult to get into some universities from the olympiad, it's all about the number of budget places, which, as the rectors say, need to be increased, this is one of the subjects for subsequent. consideration by the ministry of education when deciding on determining the number of budget places. as for the target recruitment, in this year it went well, but for example, even in the popular baumanga only 66% of the allocated quota is filled. when we talk about targeted admission, this is not a way to get in with lower scores, after all, but it is a way of early
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career guidance, when the applicant has the opportunity to go to work at a specific enterprise consciously. moreover. now, in general , the demand for technical areas is growing, and such specialists are in great demand in manufacturing. basically, the average score has increased in mechanical engineering, instrument-making specialties, technological specialties, this is due to the fact that in general the country has done better in the unified state exam in physics and mathematics, this of course has affected, in general, the increased interest in engineering specialties. another confirmation of this is the st. petersburg polytechnic. this year there is a record number of applicants 145,000 applications, this is almost 70% more than last year. the top three most popular engineering areas of training for us are nuclear energy, 67 applications per place, construction of unique structures, 40 or more places per place, applications automation of technological processes and production somewhere around 60 meters of applications,
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information technologies are also in demand, in such a direction, for example , arseniy from voronezh will study, and from ...
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in the academy and take part in svo, all are transferred to free education, we are actively preparing already within the framework of additional education of state municipal employees in new regions, therefore the work of the admissions committees is not finished yet, now the recruitment for master's programs for additional education in all continues universities of the country. andrey goldorev, maxim trubnikov, ekaterina ovsyannikova, veronika ilvuchenkova, where the northern sea route is located is of strategic importance: a group led by the large anti-submarine ship vice-admiral kulakov departed from the murmansk region, in the waters of the barintsev sea
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, a marching order was formed, using naval terminology. the large landing ship alexander otrakovsky, the rescue ship altai and the tanker took their places in the formation. exercises of tactical exercises. in the olympic a scandal is brewing in paris over the performance of transgender people in a women's boxing tournament. the public and their rivals are not happy. representatives of algeria and taiwan, who were not allowed to participate in last year's world championship at the olympics in the capital
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of france due to a failed gender test, have already guaranteed themselves medals. the fact that on the way to the awards, in fact, a man beats a woman does not bother officials. however, these games have already gone down in history as the most scandalous, probably the dirtiest, both literally and figuratively. ivan prozarov will continue. this was a huge blow to the belgian hammers, as the country's triathlon team is called. claire michel suffered from food poisoning for several days after the swim on july 31 and had to be hospitalized. as a result, the entire team decided not to take risks and withdrew from the mixed relay on monday. the belgian hammers will not compete in the mixed relay at the olympic games. the decision was made after consultations with the athletes and their entourage. we hope that lessons have been learned for future triathlon competitions. at the olympic games. the fates of the belgian.
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the french olympic organizers seem to be sick of these scandals. deputy mayor of paris pierre rabadan said that the triathletes' illnesses are not related to the quality of the water, so you'll have to deal with it yourselves. other athletes in the olympic village are also sick, but they weren't swimming in the hay. the deputy mayor condemns the false information, in particular about claire michel, a participant in the belgian relay, who fell ill a few days after swimming in a paris river. it has been 4 days, so a lot could have happened. in 4 days, paris really did change the idea of ​​the olympic games. the sports world is discussing a new victim in the women's boxing tournament. the fight against
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algerian iman khililiw fell to hungarian anna hamori. in between rounds, a cry from the heart. he is a man. i can't win. algerian imankh failed the gender test at the world boxing championships last year, as did lin yueting from taiwan. and both are already in the semi-finals of the olympics. the coach, who lost in the quarter-finals to bulgarian the sportswomen showed the journalist. leaflet save women's boxing x, meaning female chromosomes, for girls who only 15 years ago achieved the right to compete in the olympic ring, this is a blow below the belt, made it clear two-time olympic champion from the usa claressa schiltz. the president of serbia aleksandar vucic did not mince words either. this is a disease, it has begun to rule the world, now men come and beat women. madness has engulfed the world, everyone has gone crazy. a moment of common sense from the russian boxer from bashkiria ozaliya amineva. like you and me boxed in 23 in india at the world championships, where i knocked you down? well, i'm ready to repeat that moment
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and send you to nosil again, to answer for all the girls whose way you stood. two-time russian champion and gold medalist igor brix met with the algerian at that very world championships in india, here's a knockdown. what a knockdown. alas, azalia lost on points, but i'm sure there are women in russian villages. our russian boxers. boxed with iman, and even were such cases when this athlete won. it's good that we didn't go to this olympics, because there are many interesting moments there. and here is another italian swimmer, thomas ciccon, sleeping on the street in the olympic village. the winner of the paris 100m swim , unsuccessfully complained about the stuffiness in the rooms, the lack of air conditioning, uncomfortable cardboard beds and decided to gain strength in the fresh air. many people's expectations from the game were not met. restaurant owners say that there are unusually few guests, and those who came are scared off by the prices. in paris, sales fell by 20-30%. the most affected areas by 60-80%. contrary to all expectations, the olympic games
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will bring us very few customers, our expectations were high, very high. as they say, feel the difference in sochi. 10 years after the historic olympics, which gave a powerful impetus to the entire tourism industry. i am proud of our city that we were able to receive so many guests. there was a queue at our restaurant, all the tourists are delighted with our russian borscht. it was after sochi that the attacks on our sport began now, as reported by the foreign intelligence service, the next stage of the anti-russian campaign is planned, which is supervised by the former head of the moscow anti-doping laboratory, grigory rodchenkov, who fled russia, and his former deputy, timofey samolevsky. in the us, under the guise of investigations into alleged doping violations, shock disciplines are being prepared in which russia is the undisputed world leader: synchronized swimming, figure skating, rhythmic gymnastics. various videos are being released, various are published in the media.
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and we will fight for our athletes and our specialists all together. an attempt to remove experts associate russia with the fact that our country does not share the new perverted olympic agenda. moscow is essentially reviving traditional values ​​and successfully mastering modern formats, evidence of this are the games of the future, brics, friendship. we need to unite, i even, by the way, unite in gymnastics and figure skating and make our own super competitions and attract other. asian and african countries and, accordingly, the whole world admired the highest skill of our athletes. in in paris, meanwhile , the triathlon competitions have finished. the relay e. coli is being taken by marathon runners, they will dive into the hay in 4 days. ivan prozurov, alena evtyakova, yulia zagranichno, varina chichuy and sergey kamensky , channel one. that's all, right now a trader, as promised, a middle eastern knot,
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a battle for oil, big money, geopolitics and a spy. well, who sent you here? i came myself, and you see how it turns out, i came myself, everyone sends you, if you were sent, then everyone would come to you themselves, cycle, yes, you are a philosopher. so, you were sent after all, well, who is behind you?
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i didn't utter a peep, dmitry andreevich, forgive me. i was preparing documents on the cube, it seems to me that there is a mistake here, it turns out that under the bartel program we are going to exchange oil for sugar by weight 1:3, this is below the market, oleg, this is politics, and politics is, you know, above the market, in general, the price in the intergovernmental agreement is the ministry's headache, not ours, our business is oil supplies, well, i thought that you don't think. no need to think, here there is someone to think, you can imagine all the volumes there are, and what kind of commission awaits us, and can you imagine what it cost me to get this contract, irina vladimirovna told me that you have your own opinion on everything, yes, okay, prepare the documents, tomorrow i'm flying to cuba, while i'm not there, all the issues are decided by sergey evgenievich, i understand, think less, think,
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there are nothing i can do nothing, i can say that folks don't criticize me, but i'm gonna do just as i want to do anyway. i don't care, just what people say, if i should take notice to jump into the ocean, nobody's beast, if i go to church on sunday, then cave it on
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monday, nobody's beast.
9:58 pm
alive, alive, alive, don't worry, they took me to the hospital, don't tell mom, well, how is petrovich, i still don't understand who would need to blow up a car, how to blow it up, what's going on, everything's fine, and this is your perestroika, there's no war, cars are blown up, everything's fine, thank you, i...
9:59 pm
10:00 pm
hello, dmitry andreevich, hello, oleg. i thought you were in the hospital? no, the doctors allowed me to go home, the injury is serious, just scratches. or maybe the medicine do you need any? i can run to the drugstore. we have everything, thank you. i called you around the department. ira, mitya. as far as you know, dmitry andreevich was supposed to fly to havana the day after tomorrow. dmitry andreevich would like you to fly instead of him. i, the meeting is purely protocol. and... all the decisions are made at a different level, but your deputy sergei evgenievich, well, and you prepared the documents, yes, but i have never been to these meetings, i do not understand, why are you refusing, no?


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