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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  August 5, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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a growing number of disillusioned ukrainians appear to be warming to the idea of ​​a negotiated peace settlement, though they remain unclear about what that would mean. on july 23, the kyiv international institute of sociology published a poll that found that nearly a third of ukrainians would agree to cede territory to russia to end the war, more than three times the number a year earlier. the poll also found that in the south, one of the hardest-hit areas wars of the regions, changes in attitudes towards the conflict over the last. residents of this region, including dnepropetrovsk, zaporozhye, nikolaev, kherson and odessa, said that they are against the transfer of any territory to russia. well, zelensky also spoke about possible territorial concessions, although he said that for this, of course, it is necessary to carry out in ukraine.
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on this occasion, demonstrating this equipment in ukraine, thereby proving that you are fighting, the west will help us, the west will not leave us, and so on, this is necessary so that the front does not collapsed, but along with that, with those efforts to keep the front from collapsing, of course, in ukraine itself the refusal to fight is growing, according to some estimates 800 thousand, these are not our estimates. these are western, ukrainian estimates, 800,000 men of draft age changed their place of work or place of residence in order to evade mobilization, went underground, went underground or semi-underground, well, the history of those who flee, despite the risk to life, and die on these rivers or in these minefields, which they have built on their own borders in the west, they seem to never leave... and from the pages of publications, it is obvious that in
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this situation it is necessary to demonstrate desire, now, if we look into whether there is really a sincere desire for peace , serious doubts arise here, well , first of all, because the regime in ukraine is designed in such a form, and exists in such a form, as long as this motorcycle or this bicycle rolls.
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without this, without military action, put all this aside and refuse responsibility, leave it is very difficult to escape responsibility. and of course zelensky understands this, so these are most likely false, uh-huh, uh, conversations, which in this case, you said it yourself, are stipulated by some inexpressible conditions, holding a referendum, that is , there is no need to hold elections for the president, they were cancelled for the duration of martial law, although this does not correspond to the constitution of ukraine, zelensky himself with tarnished legitimacy, but he is ready to hold a referendum on this matter price.
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we cannot simply avoid looking for an answer to question, what will happen the next day after the ceasefire, and will not implement it? and peace, yes, of course, and vladimir putin spoke about these guarantees, i completely agree that zelensky's position is false, here are the changes in public sentiment in ukraine, most likely real, and i can give another, it seems to me, indicative indicator of these changes, this is that suddenly the mayors
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of large russian-speaking ukrainian cities, such as odessa, nikolaev, dnepropetrovsk, zaporozhye, suddenly began to sharply oppose the so -called... ukrainization and the abolition renaming streets and some objects there in honor of residents of these cities or natives of them who were connected with the soviet union or the russian empire, that is, until recently, last year, when the atmosphere was different, the mayors kept quiet, including the mayor of odessa, and now suddenly they started talking about how they are against such renaming, they came into conflict with regional administrations, which...
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moved the monument to catherine the great to the backyard, removed it from its proper place, only duka reshele remained in his place, they tried to hide everything else somehow, but the latest attempts of the regional authorities sent from kiev to continue this line, they encountered at least rhetorical and verbal resistance, of course, people who are odessans themselves. they feel with their skin that it has been too much for a long time, so they themselves do not want to go further along this path, whether they will be able to force them or not, this is another question, including to us, whether we will move towards odessa or not, we have already agreed andrey ivanovich with konstantin fedorovich,
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that the task of the kiev regime is to drag china to the so-called second peace summit, which is being prepared for the fall of this year, china refused to participate in the first peace summit, this... in many ways predetermined the position of many other countries of the world majority, it is clear that for the initial position of kiev and for china for the world majority is absolutely unacceptable, now kiev is changing its rhetoric, not its policy, namely its rhetoric, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine kuleba recently went to beijing, met with the minister foreign minister of china wang yi, what do you think china's position will be on the second peace summit, will it be acceptable for it to change?
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this second, what do they call it, it's even unpleasant to pronounce this word, pseudo-peace, the second peace summit is a respected
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partner with whom it maintains diplomatic relations and even tries to maintain trade relations, buys, while it was possible, at least until recently it bought agricultural raw materials, uh, tried to somehow not pay attention to some irritants that from time to time , uh, come from kiev, just being kind of self-confident, i just let it go in one ear and out the other, because they were either deceived there for... some billions, this is an old story with motor sich, or there was a statement by some
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responsible person from the supreme council of ukraine, that uh, taiwanese independence is, as they say, a reality, the slaves of beijing will renounce some chimeras, that's literally what was said, you know, this is obvious heresy, but in beijing they simply chose not to notice it, well this is a worthy policy. of a great power, this is how he behaves, therefore, as for ukraine, here is what konstantin fetovich said, analyzing the situation in ukraine, all this is seen and understood perfectly in china, and in exactly the same way, therefore it seems to me that, well , yes, kuleba arrived, yes, they talked to him, no advances, nothing was given to him and will not be given, that's what concerns.
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from the extreme world, imagine that china and other brics partners will suddenly go to some meeting, a gathering that we will not go to, well, this is not even discussed, on my opinion, and to pursue some kind of its own line within the framework of such a global discussion of the situation, but china can and continues to do this, of course, of course, but i also cannot imagine that china and the country of the world majority together with the collective west... offered russia an ultimatum, because this is exactly what is being discussed at the so-called second peace summit, but
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saudi arabia says that this second peace summit will be held in saudi arabia, it was at the first so-called peace summit and declared that it is absolutely russia's participation is necessary, that without russia's participation everything loses its meaning, russia is quite rightly saying that it is not going to attend any such gatherings for the reason that only... in this connection, in connection with russia's guaranteed non-participation in the second world summit, what do you think saudi arabia will do, what position will it take, for saudi arabia, for the arabs in general, we need to have a very clear idea of ​​this in our propaganda policy, this is the substance that constitutes the basis of the situation for us on... world war ii, the fascist
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element, the pro-fascist element, the nationalist element, frankly speaking, for them these are quite distant matters, which they studied in school very superficially, this is such a story, a completely alien story, they are trying to understand the event, for them so far the conflict that is happening there is just a conflict, people sometimes quarrel there, the parties quarrel. this happens to the territories - territorial problems, for example, between egypt, there is also ethiopia, the division of the nile, they are something similar, that is, this is the most important thing that constitutes... the basis of the situation in ukraine around it, they, they are trying to figure it out, they are trying to figure it out, not long ago there was a very authoritative group of politicians and specialists from saudi arabia here, they held political consultations with us, one of the main points was just this , this is what ukraine is, what is the ukrainian crisis, and you know, they really
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sincerely want, they want to help us, and... to help, well, in general, the ukrainian people during the soviet period, i want to say that a quarter of our trade turnover - it was ukraine, a fifth of the specialists who came - it was ukraine, 18% of the students - it was ukraine, so they also had connections with ukraine, as part of the ussr, they want to sincerely, sincerely help, but in general, if you choose, then of course for them the prevailing position, this is the position, the position.
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to give up their connections or put at risk their connections with the united states of america, which is very influential,
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including in saudi arabia and the second understanding that exemplary punishment of russia...
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in favor, according to reports, america is equipping f-16 fighters with advanced air-to-air missiles, as well as high-speed anti-radar missiles, they will be able to carry up to four glide bombs, as well as cluster munitions for use against troops and fortifications. the f-16s will prevent russian su-34s from striking the front lines with impunity. the f-16s can use cheaper heat-seeking missiles to destroy cruise missiles, but since the number. fighters is growing slowly, it may take some time before the f-16s can have a significant impact on the battlefield. only three or four squadrons may arrive in ukraine, while 12 or more squadrons of 18 aircraft each are required to achieve air superiority and support a ground offensive. so, dmitritach, what is your assessment of the f-16 factor? well
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, the f-16 factor seems to me to be maximally hyped from all sides, both ours and theirs, although the machine is quite formidable, but if we go the other way, the agm-154 glide bombs - range up to 100 km 110 somewhere they most likely will not be used when dropped from a high altitude of about 10 km. weapons of these aircraft when launched from a long distance, and taking into account the fact that their guidance will be carried out without turning on most likely their own relativistic station, well, so as not to expose themselves, that is the transmission of information via the ling-16 system. the thing is that what is the difference now, let's say, these f-16s against, say, those ukrainian, soviet aircraft that have re-equipped the approach foreign means, this aircraft is fully
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integrated into the western system, that is, it has all the full capabilities of working with western weapons, that is, changing target designation in flight, many, many other things, but it will not be able to change anything globally, at least because well , our pilots will resist them, who are already wound up and waiting for the appearance. to avoid any direct confrontation, and the americans will recommend this to them, the thing is that lockheed martin said that this year they will record sales of military equipment, this is precisely the basis of the f-16 and f-35 fighters, buys f16 words.
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the soviet union is gone, now you can make a lot of money in a completely legal way. have you heard anything about the oil for food program. you can't imagine what volumes there are? and what, don't you have enough oil in russia? this is a completely different level. oleg and i decided to get married? yes. you were accepted to the grad school at new york university and given a scholarship. it's just that you and i live different lives. i i can't do this, it's hard for me. are you leaving me now?
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raider tomorrow after the program time, do you understand what you've done, how have you not seen an american spy in front of your nose for so many years, were you close to death? yes, several times, i lived in a cruel, difficult and wonderful time, and in spite of everything, the best years of my life are connected with work in intelligence, we burn everything behind us, you and i will cope, because i worked for the good of the motherland, fulfilling my duty, the duty of a patriot of russia, bystroletov, an outstanding intelligence officer, an illegal, an unrivaled master of recruitment, a courageous person who did not break under the blows of fate, in
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the camps i stopped it pretty quickly... svetka, a genius of reincarnation, a recruiter on saturday on the first, it does not happen that a person was in your life, here he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl i almost do not recognize that child who 5 years ago lost the most precious thing, his mother, i do not think that i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother, yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her parents and ex-husband
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beloved daughter, vera. i said that unfortunately, i have very hard news for you, that mom is no longer with us, so that he would experience that moment, that evening, only he knows, it is a great responsibility, to tell your child that his mother is gone, how did yulia's only daughter experience this loss, what path did she go through after her mother's death? i am somehow really mega-strong, i was somehow so pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided... at all costs, to become a star in memory about a famous mom, when you came into the world, my life changed, i will always be with you, exclusive with dmitry borisov, on saturday on the first, stop, where, i said, go,
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eh, here, please take the money, it 's all my fault, i'm guilty, i'm guilty of everything, take the money for the car, buy a new one or fix the old one, alon, no, what are you saying? i beg you, just take the money, just don't call the police, they'll kill me, you know, and in our yard... on sunday on the first, knee, the car is being repaired, i'll do everything later i'll explain, well guys, let's go to the movies, and as we agreed, oops, this is my employer, meet me, hello, i'm alyona, hello, there's a big game on the air. today
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, secretary of the russian security council sergei shaigu arrived in tehran, where he has already held a series of talks with representatives of the country's top military and political leadership, and these talks will continue. and shaigu arrived, of course, at a very hot time for iran and the middle east, since the whole world is now talking about an inevitable and massive retaliatory strike iran on israel, in response to the completely provocative murder directly in tiger.
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i suggest listening to the statement of a high-ranking iranian official on the al jazeera tv channel. there can be no talk of tehran evading an answer or making a symbolic response, any response will be... harsh and painful, israel is now trying to force tehran not to react, to present us as a weak country without real restraint, it has crossed all the lines and must pay the price, we have no doubt that it will pay dearly, but at the same time time, andrey glebovich, we understand that iran is most likely not interested in a major escalation, unlike israel, yes, and how in this situation, when it is necessary to respond, but it is necessary to respond in such a way as not to play in favor
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of netanyahu and ... not to provoke this escalation, how will iran act in this situation? the emergence or non-emergence of a war between iran and israel is a long story. where we have already seen everything and provocations, though not as large-scale as the present time. israel is, of course, very stubbornly drawing in, thoughtful, meanly, i would say, iran is in a broader conflict, and what's interesting is, you know, everyone says that israel was liquidated there, and so on, israel doesn't admit it, so it turns out, it's dragging it in, and it's already... taken the word of iranian leaders of all ranks, including spiritual leaders, and state and military leaders, that we will definitely respond that it's israel, and we will respond, and now there's such a tense expectation of what to do,
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balanced, balanced, very a well-thought-out answer, on april 14 the iranians already gave it, that is, we have already sort of passed it, it seems like they gave an answer, well, it seems like something like that is already something like that...
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the situation, as if by notes, will be played out by the israelis, including having in mind the weakening of the authority of the leaders before, well , before the people, who were promised that we will properly answer for this atrocity, therefore
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, apparently, some resonant military component, unfortunately, it is, well, it is visible at the present time, and this is already a new new quality of everything middle eastern - direction, but netanyahu, netanyahu needs a war, recently netanyahu has demonstratively spoken and acted in the direction of reorienting from the war in gaza, where, by the way, they have not achieved decisive successes, to a war against hezbollah,
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which is in alliance with iran, but at the same time many military experts, including western military experts, say that israel is objectively, on its own, on its own. with a war against hezbollah is not ready, and may not even win this war, to put it mildly put it this way, let's listen to british military analyst michael clarke. israel's previous wars in lebanon have typically been about clearing the enemy out to the letani river, creating a buffer zone that then had to be somehow maintained. this time, the task will be much more difficult. hezbollah now has a cheap version of what would be a nuclear deterrent: thousands of long- range missiles aimed at northern israel. if it fires them all in a few powerful salvos, they would immediately overwhelm israel's air defenses and could destroy populated areas and infrastructure in the north of the country, including tel aviv and haifa.
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if the israelis cannot live with that risk, they will have to launch a series of rapid offensives deep into lebanon to destroy hezbollah's launch sites , missile depots, tunnel systems, and everything else. if that fails, israel may try a brutal, lightning-fast air campaign to neutralize the missile threat, but if the air offensive is even half successful, uh from... iran is not capable of both iran and hezbollah. does this mean that israel is simply trying to drag the united states into the war. absolutely right, this is the main task - to drag the americans into this war. and its other partners in the west, but the fact is that the military world
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has changed somewhat, that is, long-range weapons have left the elite club for the people, that is, the cost of the same drones that they fly to ask for 1,000 km there, it has become a penny, but the means of combating them have remained so expensive, so if we talk about israel's missile defense, yes, it is excellent, but the number of missiles that razion makes together with rafael, it is still limited. it is not the first time that the israeli defense system has been overloaded with fairly cheap, let's say, partially even unguided missiles. speaking of hezbol, well, here it is under attack, considering that israel's territory is quite compact, on the one hand, it is good for defense, on the other on the other hand, it is also a disadvantage, that is, it is covered completely and from all sides. we also forgot, somehow strikes are not carried out there, it is a whole chain of oil platforms, which are located along the coast of israel, which are serviced, let's say, where chevron extracts there and so on, that is
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, the anglo-saxons are sitting there in full, therefore israel has practically no chance here against yazbollah, that is, the territory of israel will generally burn, because the missiles will run out after some time anyway, that is why they want to drag the americans here, but the thing is that the americans will also run out of missiles after some time, because well, they have not yet learned how to reload the missiles in their submarine on the water, that is, it must still go to base. now we are talking about the united states, the united states, on the one hand, seems to not want to get involved in a direct military clash with iran, and as the american media write, biden was very angry that a week after his personal communication with netanyahu in the oval white house office, in secret, allegedly, as they say, from the united states, israel, therefore, killed ismail hani in tehran, and biden, as the access agency writes, even used obscene language in relation to.
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this is on the one hand, on the other hand, the united states once again says that we will provide any possible and necessary military assistance to israel, they are already pulling together an aircraft carrier group, they are again saying that they will shoot down iranian missiles and so on and so forth, this is how this fits together, how do you assess position... and iran, then the united states will simply be drawn into this story.
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what is happening in ukraine, then iran in turn has no doubt, like the arabs, that trump will change the attitude of the united states to the fact that the arrival of trump will significantly toughen the position of the behavior of the united states, because a more pro-israeli, pro-jewish president than...
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now they are reaping the fruits of their unconditional policy of support for israel, it was not always like this. there were times under isenhowery, for example, when the united states. refused to support the triple aggression against egypt, then it ended with the resignation of the eden government in england and the fiasco of this triple aggression. but a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then. over the years, the policy, the foreign policy of the united states in the middle east has been taken over by supporters
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of israel. and of course, today iran faces a very serious problem. i think that i
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will follow this path so that a big, big war in the middle east becomes possible. this is very, very a serious test, including for the united states, because the current administration would like to focus on another confrontation: the confrontation with china, the confrontation with russia, and so on, but here it would like, well, somehow , the dear ones are just having fun, somehow they would calm down. and so on, this is not happening, this cannot happen simply because israel has gained momentum, and israel understands the dependence of the united states on its own policy, on israel. i agree, just after a short commercial we'll talk about the confrontation between the united states and china and their prospects. you
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told me, right? that when he kissed you, you started seeing again, yes, what if it's not just a kiss, what if you see the whole picture, the customer is unhappy, this is your misfire, always with someone, either with this woman or with the cops, even the dog doesn't walk alone, today you'll have an opportunity, he'll be alone, all the information is on your phone. otapovo will be killed, near his house, a fortune teller, new episodes, tomorrow on channel one. i
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love you. now i don't understand how we can to say this. fantasy on friday on the first to the ninety-fifth anniversary of oleg strizhennyi, every
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mortal has the right to wish for passionate love, the heavenly beauty artist. love goes away with the years, no, it's not true, in our case it doesn't exist, if it weren't for me, i can't imagine, i simply wouldn't have lived to see today. no, the love of my life, no, it's not too late now, tomorrow will be too late, to begin liquidation, and what
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would i wish my grandfather for his birthday, more great-grandchildren, on saturday on the first, the capital of uruguay, one of the most... developed and rich countries of latin america, you know what i noticed, people here dress quite simply, a kilogram of makeup on their face, this is not about our women, in montevideo, renting housing for local residents is quite expensive, but there is an option when you can live even for free. if we see that a person is normal, neat, tidy, just has financial problems now, we accept him and settle him in one of the rooms. the favorite dish of uruguayans is meat-osada. usually this dish is eaten with bread, vegetables, red wine sauce. here's more for you
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rib, please, everything is going well in uruguay. the lives of others. premiere, sunday on channel one. the big game is on air. having gotten involved in a simultaneous confrontation. with russia, china and iran, the united states has driven itself into a very deep and difficult trap, because it is obvious that it cannot handle this confrontation, and it cannot handle it, including in the area in which it seemed that american superiority remained at its maximum in the military sphere. last week, working under the auspices of congress, on the instructions of congress, so called the national defense strategy commission of the united states, presented a report which says that... the united states is not only unable to compete with china, russia and iran, but that even china itself is outperforming the united states in the military sphere, and if
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there is a bilateral war, the united states china, without even the intervention of russia, then the united states will lose this war, so let's listen to what this report says about china and its military development. china's total and annual defense spending is estimated at $ 711 billion, in march 2024. the chinese government announced a 7.2% increase in annual defense spending. china boasts the world's largest navy, with more than 370 ships and submarines, the largest air force in its region, which is quickly catching up with western air forces , and the largest land army in the world. equally important, the chinese military is modernizing across the board, especially in areas that are critical to conflict in the west. pacific ocean. china has developed peer or near-peer capabilities in space and cyberspace, which it will likely use to deter and
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prevent the united states from engaging in conflict by disrupting american critical infrastructure. china seeks to strip the united states of its remaining advantages, including undersea capabilities and dominance in intelligence gathering, and to significantly increase the size of its strategic forces. if these trends continue, the pla will become the dominant areas equal to, if not... superior to, the us military competitors, something the united states has not faced since the height of the cold war. as a result, we are not confident that the american armed forces will succeed in a regional conflict against china. andrei ivanovich, you are one of the best experts on china in russia. are the americans exaggerating and creating alarmism, or is this a more or less accurate assessment, including, i will draw attention to the fact that they estimate the size of the chinese military budget at 711 billion, which is significantly differs from the official chinese position. well, you know, i can answer your last comment, how to calculate, that figure
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of 7.2%, it corresponds to the average, and the share of defense spending and the percentage of their increase compared to the previous year, that percentage, it corresponds to the increase in the budget as such, so of course, a lot goes through other articles, so this is partly true, as for the fight on two fronts, i will not, as
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they say, discuss this topic for a long time, but this, as far as i understand,
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well, there are some voices, first of all , it is the republican vice-presidential candidate, who, well, yes, who at least somehow, so to speak , question whether we are doing it right, and how we are doing it, why we are pumping this money into it, what we actually want to achieve, what we will get from it, and whether it would not be better to manage it somehow differently, that is, some, some such notes are heard, we do not hear anything like that from the democrats, because the task there is to justify the monstrous investments that have already been made made and somehow convince the public that all this is not in vain, that this money is not down the drain, that's what concerns china, well, if there are some political figures there who say that well, maybe we need to somehow straighten out relations with china, we need to somehow find some kind of modus vevendi, the existence of interexistence, then these are figures of some not even the third,
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but i don't know the eighth-tenth row, that's all. somewhere else not so long ago, well, i mean at the end of trump's term, this is biden's main term, the americans focused on such, i would say ideological motives: here is democracy, here is autocracy, here is autocracy in china, remember: the fact that in china there is, it turns out, a communist party, this was especially touching at the end, so to speak, of trump, so to speak, at the beginning of biden, perhaps, perhaps, then the calculation was still based on some use of levers associated with a color revolution, a color revolution, by the way, was tested on china for the first time, in eighty-nine
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, the events on tiananmen square, that is , on some kind of internal restructuring on...
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what to expect the chinese do not know at all, and no one knows, the same as under biden, well, and this, well, most likely yes, because it is not the president who rules, but who rules, so to speak, who is around, well, if this is so, and if the personality
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of the first person, as now under biden, who is actually incapacitated, no longer has an influence on the formation of policy on policy-making, then - then even more so nothing good will happen, therefore china, and this is a separate issue. very big very serious, to a certain extent preserving commitment to the words of open policy, access to world markets and so on, he is really interested in this, trying to shift the emphasis to internal levers and development factors, well, in fact, the situation in american politics and in american foreign policy thought is even a little worse than you described, recently a book was published by two prominent republican experts, one of them matthew krennic, policy towards china, the book is called as follows: we win they lose. that is, we win, they lose, and the goal american policy towards china, the goal of confrontation is precisely the change of the ruling regime, its collapse and, so to speak, democratization, as they write about china, therefore
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, in fact, there are no prospects for changes for the better today in american foreign policy towards china, well , they are simply leading themselves into an even greater and greater impasse, there is such an expression by gorbatov, the grave will fix it, this is precisely the requests. amounted to about 16%, we must strive for this, and we must rebuild the united the share of military spending in the us gdp so that the war could be waged not even on two, but on three fronts. god help you, but you remember, yes, indeed, god, god help you, it was a big game, all the best, goodbye, see you tomorrow.
12:00 am
hello, dear friends, this is the podcast life of the remarkable, with you i am its host, writer alexey varlamov. this year marks the 180th anniversary of the birth of ilya efimovich repin. it is about him that we will talk with tatyana vitalievna yudenkova, doctor of art history. hello, tatyana vitalyevna, repin is truly such a powerful, well-known figure, and it would seem that everything is clear with him, yes, he is such a happy man, who was born into a poor family, made himself, achieved success, became one of the greatest, most famous artists...


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