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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 6, 2024 12:50am-1:35am MSK

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if we take a mineral, measure its lead content relative to the uranium it contains, we can, by substituting the formula into the law of radioactive decay, calculate how much time has passed. the uranium -lead system is not the only isotopic system that exists in geology, uh, we know, for example, that potassium, one of the very common chemical elements that generally surrounds us, and we eat there, in one banana, how much of the same potassium, is it radioactive, beta radioactive, by... well, if we go back to the question of how to determine the age of gold, this is a difficult task, because gold usually does not have much uranium, and just the opposite, a lot of lead, it is difficult to measure here, gold has little potassium, and there is a need to either use some other.
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helium during geological history, for millions, billions of years, the main thing is that they are not split, not flattened, that is, if there was an impact, then the clock is reset, that is, into pieces of rock, if it was not heated there, not split, and so on, there is a little inert gas, helium, by the amount of which it is possible to determine when this gold was formed, yes , absolutely right, well, olga, you are more of a laboratory theorist, one might say, is it not offensive? no, and pavel, a
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more applied person who is looking for this gold, these models help you to look for gold, and well, in principle, you mean age-related ones, yes, for example, age-related ones, but no, well, of course, they help in some way, although of course, the main criterion for searching is to look for ore next to ore, yes, if there is a gold-bearing deposit in some region, why not i can't look for it yet, but in principle it's... an important, important question, yes, the age of origin, these events, when gold deposits were formed, they were not continuously formed, but in such epochs, well, that is, for example, continents collided , heating began, friction, these solutions began, gold was formed, yes, generally speaking, we can, knowing the age of some garnitoids, we can know that with these garnitoids... we have gold associated, with
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sets of a different age nothing is associated, accordingly, this is already for search model of how we will, where we will search, this is already important information, i am a harrow, i am a harrow, but i love you, i don’t understand now, how can we say this? yes , when i am here, there are so many partings on earth, you are wearing welder’s glasses today, i adore you, we need to come after the concert, check the hooves, check the feathers, everyone still has their own concert rider, does asla have a rider?
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fantasy on friday on the first, it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life, here he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl he almost doesn’t recognize that child who 5 years ago i lost the most precious thing, my mother, i don’t think that i am without her. i have a lot of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, with her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that mom is no longer with us, that at that moment, that evening he experienced, only he knows, it is a great responsibility to tell your child that his mother is gone. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take? after her mother’s death, i
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some kind of really really mega-strong, i was somehow all so pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided at all costs. exclusive with dmitry borisov on saturday on the first. this is the podcast schrödinger's cat, and i am its host grigory tarosevich. today we are talking about how to find gold in the depths of russia here.
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it went, so that, well, then if, if by gram, then 9 tons, 9 tons, yes, yes, and if sands, in sands of industrial content, there is true per cubic meter of sand, but they are less than a gram per cubic meter, so, i look at
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the ring with great respect, if, dear viewers, listeners, if there is something golden next to you, a golden tooth, a golden ring, a golden chain, look at it with different eyes from the point of view of billions of years.
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they already find ore fragments, they found this, this is not a deposit yet, but first of all we need to see what is there, as a rule, we have soil on top, yes, there is already something loose, a product of the destruction of these rocks, they take, drive in a bulldozer, tear off everything loose, reach the bedrock, rocky, there they find an ore body, estimate its thickness and...
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they confirmed that it is not a deposit yet, that's when its entire ore body is riddled with these wells, they drill through it, they get pieces of core. that why could this be connected with a gold vein, that is, in theory, i have a piece
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of a gold vein in my hands, well, almost, we would like some water, yes , it would be better to see some water, yes, that's because its surface is so rough, water in the studio not because someone felt ill, but so that the geology could be seen better, there, in my opinion, the depth is about 100 meters there was, there we wet it and magic happens, wow, wow! now it became visible, it became not, it became not so scary, by the way, here at the drilling, when a geologist describes the core directly at the drilling rig, they take it out immediately , the geologist documents, describes, and there is always a bucket of water, a brush, or a spray bottle, to wet it, because it is much better visible when wet, yeah, and what we see - here, well, you can see something white, and something gray, something gray - this is the host rock. these are some sandstones, maybe oleurolites, orgelites, what was once
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sand, clay, which were deposited on the bottom of an ancient sea, and then compressed, then it compressed, heated up, pressed, cemented and became a strong rock, so in the strong rock then it cracked, superheated water vapor began to flow through the cracks, we call it fluid or hydrothermal solution, very hot. more than 100 ° for it, but still liquid, because of the pressure, yes, due to the pressure it is liquid, although sometimes there is a supercritical fluid, which is not distinguishable the state of liquid and steam, it seems to be above 373 degrees, which means that due to the fact that it is so hot, it dissolves many minerals well, and when it enters the crack , the interaction with these rocks, it cools down. the precipitation of this, well, for the most part it is quartz, generally
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speaking, most often gold, in such deposits, it is in quartz, yes, you find quartz, you immediately need to hammer it to see what will be there, but if you find quartz, this does not mean that there is necessarily gold there, even when we go to sites, we hammer these quartz veins, well 90% of them are empty, like a drum, as they say, except for quartz, which is actually big... there is no interest here, what else can you see here, here - this one, most likely it will be visible as black, and this strip, it sparkles a little, this is perite, well, in general it looks like gold, if i didn't know, i would think that this is a gold vein, yes, it is called fool's gold, thank you, well, there were often cases when people found it, collected it, raked in bags, rejoiced, and then got upset, well, here is visible there is no gold. but this does not mean that it is not here at all, it can be in the form of a tone,
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small small inclusions, if gold is visible, then we can immediately say with confidence that 10 g per ton content of what kind of crack it can be, if we took a microscope, most likely next to pyrite next to pyrite, yes, then gold is not so stupid, it often testifies that this is such, well, this is a sign that there is some mineralization, and moreover on ... kissed, you began to see again, yes, suddenly it won't be just a kiss, well, suddenly you
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'll see the whole picture, the customer is unhappy, this is your misfire, always with someone, either with this woman or with the cops, even the dog doesn't walk alone, today you'll have the opportunity, he'll be alone, all the information is on your phone. ata will knock him out at his house, fortune teller, new episodes, tomorrow on channel one.
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when i read what komarov wrote, i was very surprised. i was sure that this was something very folk and very ancient, four a week, on saturday on fellow, with you the podcast schrödinger's cat and i'm its host grigory tarasevich, today we are talking about
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gold, about how to find gold on the territory of russia. olga, and what will you see? here on this, on this core, do you see some history, what happened in this place, well, i will say right away that i just don’t know well, accordingly, what is the direct selection point, but you said that the yenisei core, and i, as a representative of such academic science , look at the following, for example, that we know that on the territory of the missei region there is a very large gold deposit, like well, there is such a deposit as the olympics, it associated with quartz veins. and here we see a quartz vein, this is already good, respectively, and the olympiad deposits, it was formed in several stages, approximately 850 million years ago and the last stage was 650 million years ago, it is interesting to see exactly this quartz vein and the mineralization that is in it,
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how old it is, and if it is close to the age values ​​that are for rich gold mining systems, then this object becomes even more promising for me, because we already know that in this area with such age values ​​were suitable conditions for gold accumulation. uh, the second point, again, purely academic, as i see it, that quartz veins are a sign of such a type of deposit as an orogenic type deposit. arogenesis is mountain building, if translated from greek into russian. in this case we have these superheated solutions fluids, they rise directly from the mantle along very deep faults, in fact, if we look at world production by deposits, then this type of deposits they contribute very a large percentage, they are interesting for subsoil users, that is, this is my opinion, it would seem like a simple stone, but what kind of
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story can be seen in it, a real detective story, well, here in fact there is quite a lot about... communication, yes, that is, we take and by analogy, we finish building something, that is, this does not mean that we saw it right in this piece, and we talked a lot about high models, about the universe, about neutron stars, and how a geologist works, he walks through the taiga with a hammer like in the movies, he walks, but not only, and this is you, yes, somewhere, and why do you need a gun, in who are you shooting, then, well, of course, it 's such a... posing photo, yes, under schwarzenegger, but in general, yes, you have to go with a gun, when the regions have bears, and you also go on expeditions, i also go, but to others , again, i, as a representative of such academic science, i work mainly with already known open deposits, and for me the main
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task is to sort of understand, how did it happen that it formed here, to say that... he was crackling somewhere in the bushes, i felt the smell, well, my partner and i shouted, there beat him up and he ran away, literally 5 minutes later - another route group is shouting on the radio, a bear is coming towards us, in general they have left the route, what is happening and where? so, it is in yakutia, and it is visible that i am in
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a mosquito net, because there are a lot of mosquitoes, well, and i wash, a trail sample, that is, it is loose material, as a rule, from rivers, or maybe we just took some kind of rock, a vein, crushed it and also washed it, well... well, here it is plastic, but the shape is the same, and
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there are other different shapes, there is in gayane, here i am they worked, round trays, similar to a vietnamese hat, they literally make it from any piece of iron sometimes, you go, look, there is an abandoned car, and on its hood there are such circles expressed, it is clear, they made patches. tell me, all this exoticism, taiga, bears, this washing in the river, is this what attracts you to the profession or is it just circumstances? well, this is an interesting experience, well , although over time it becomes like a circumstance, yes, something itself why biologists became honest, yes, it was brought in by chance, that's it i always liked biology in general, but i decided that it would be my hobby, but in general i wanted to go to...
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i entered the geological faculty, i just wanted that kind of romance, it was hard for me to imagine myself as a person who would sit - only at a computer, for example, work in an office, and i wanted what i would do in the future to allow me to - work like with my hands in a lab, at a computer, including having the opportunity to go somewhere into nature, look at the world around me, so i so it seems that my choice in this regard of the geological direction, it was completely... balanced justified, uh, so returning to such difficult field conditions, well, i probably, after
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several years of studying at the faculty, realized that i like it all, but physically, in fact, it is of course hard work, maybe this is some other specificity - gender, that is, in principle, among geochemists and people who work in laboratories, there are usually more girls than among such - field geologists, well, probably, and is there, besides the forest romance, another detective element, like when you look at the scene of a crime as an investigator, here the solution was, here it was pressing, there is such a feeling that every time it is like sherlock holmes, of course, that is , it seems to me that this is the second factor that makes... at least for me this area is very interesting, i always feel like, i don’t know, a treasure hunter, a scout, that now we’ll see what’s in these maps, and what’s here, in geology, in
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the search, in fact, all methods are good, then there is here it was correctly said that one of such ore-bearing near the ore, but in fact, by and large, local residents are one of the also very large contributions to geological exploration, that is, this is exactly the area when we have a fundamental... california, jack london, then we have in the urals, in prospectors, gold rush, then in siberia, then in australia, or is it rather such a scientific excitement? scientific or scientific on not scientific or such excitement to get rich to find nuggets like in the movies? well, here it turns out, that you won't be able to get rich. yes,
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since our subsoil belongs to the state, and i work in a state organization, yes , i would even work for the participants, but it would belong to the subsoil user, to put it in your pocket, to find a nugget to put in your pocket is a very bad idea, but this excitement that you will find something, cool, it is still there, yes, that is, maybe it's like a child in a sandbox, yes, who... someone is digging there, he will not get rich, but he is interested in finding it, and of course, scientific there is also - excitement, yes, when - you build some models, assumptions, where it is possible, you can find ore, and where it will not be, and you immediately run and check, you want to check it, and there are many places left in russia where you can still find a large deposit, well , i think that yes, there are huge territories
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through which there was one route, well, new land, for example, by the way, or the brang ridge? chukotka region, there are territories in which practically no one has gone, in the far east, there in the yanomai region, there are territories where even in soviet times there were no routes, because it was simply physically impossible to float there, to go through something to see, as if from a geological point of view, from the point of view of looking at the map, there is every reason to assume that there may be large deposits there, the question is how to find them there, to find them with minimal effort, and here , perhaps, there is such an alliance between fundamental science and exploration, that is, we can give something from our side, they can tell us what is real and what is not, after all, as far as i know, there is quite low competition for geological departments, why is there not enough motivation, i think, the popularization of the profession
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may be lacking. we see economists, lawyers on tv every day, in tv series, somewhere else, here are the ones about geologists, well , what kind of films are there, the latest one, territory, yes, they were filmed based on kauvaev's novel, like a remake, but there is nothing, there is no geology in school, that is , we have biology, we have geography, and schoolchildren have an idea of ​​what kind of field this is, that there is geology, about that, like, that it is different, that it is not just walking in a field with a hammer, about this, well , there is no idea, and as a result, when you finish school and choose where to go, it is simply not on the list, let's imagine that some high school student or parents of a high school student are watching us now, what is more likely, what would you tell them to motivate them to go into geology, well, that is, my idea is probably that russia is
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a mining country, there are huge unexplored territories, that is, if you go study geology, then you don’t have to be afraid that later you won’t be able to, well, it will be difficult to find a job, to be in demand, therefore , that is, there will be enough work for a couple of centuries, yes, yes , that is, this is not the kind of field that can collapse in 5-10 years, huh? well , i will probably appeal to the fact that to the love of traveling, and geology is a wonderful opportunity to travel at public expense, yes, well, or at the expense of some investor, because well, i was in the urals, i was in yakutia in magadan regions, in khabarovsk krai, i went to africa, worked, went to south america, worked, and
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i was even paid for it. it seems to me that this is a weighty argument, yes, but at the same time there will be opportunities to work in the city, right now i work in a department that does not go out into the fields, right now at this stage i am an office worker, although 2 years ago i was running around there with a hammer and a backpack, maybe i will return to this, many thanks to our guests, you had
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valuable stories, my name is ekaterina varkan, in the anniversary year of lermontov we will talk about lermontov and it is not at all strange that mikhail yuryevich lermontov is our guest today, not only ... comes from this georg fermont, and mikhail yuryevich together with me has one ancestor, his great-grandfather, my four times great-grandfather, this is one
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ancestor in this branch, but there are a lot of branches, therefore here are great-grandchildren nephew, this is enough, enough to identify myself in the genealogical. i understand myself, before this there was a sanatorium for tuberculosis patients, which means that mikhail yuryevich decided, so to speak, to somehow restore the family return this place to his the true purpose, and the true purpose
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is the memorial force that has been preserved here since the time of mikhailovich lermant's stay here, mikhailovich lermant at the age of 14, 15, 16 years old... became a poet, and a real poet at that, it was here that he wrote more than 100 poems, four poems, it was here that he uttered his sacred words, guys, it's not the muscovite who's behind us, let's die near moscow, it was here that lermontov's borodino began, it was here that lermontov communicated with the peasants who took part in the battle of borodino, but at the same time you also need to know that lermuntov has eight uncles at...
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december, and as they say, we don't know the specific reason, but it was at that moment, when the investigation of the reasons was underway, that he passed away, unfortunately, but the memory of him remained dmitry alekseevich tolypin, the owner of the serednikov estate at that time. mikhailovich, well , i know, that means, that you established the estate, reconstructed it, although it was in state ownership, you did all this with family funds, your own money, here are family values, this is responsibility for your family, because this is a place that already now answers this question, this is a sacred
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place where people from all over russia gather to pay tribute to the memory of the great lermontov, and the further, the more great he becomes, because we have already discussed how... when vladimir vladimirovich was visiting senzin pin in semen at the university, he led him to the bust of lermontov and said that this is my favorite russian poet, and his poem paros is symbol of our common movement into the future. imagine that the secretary of the communist party of china, which has 100 million people, the general secretary, says that lermontov is his favorite poet. and how much we meet with our chinese comrades, they often come here, they all read a couple of lermontov in chinese, in russian, so i feel michal chich, that the chinese will steal lermontov from us, you understand, they will find
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some chinese roots, because if you remember the description of mikhail yuryevich, he was olive skin color, wide cheekbones and large eyes sometimes became narrow and became a slit, but a pure chinese, you understand, here...
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buried, but before that to his lead, there it is in the same crypt in which he was monstrous story, there was a staircase, you go down there into the grave, and yes, it was monstrous, but nevertheless it lasted for a very long time, and we intervened, we wrote then.
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worker together with chaliapin, to leave for france. in principle, at least she should have been appointed head of the department culture, i have such a feeling. well, actually, from the investments of vera ivanovna, she, it means, was a girl, well, besides the fact that she was exalted, extravagant, she was friends with many famous creative people, here we mentioned shalyapin, rachmaninov, valentin sirov, then it is also interesting, besides the baths and petrovsky passage, vera ivanovna built half a century. fersanovka built a highway there, so that it would be
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convenient to travel, and excuse me, in soviet times they did not rename it, it is in memory of kubchikha, who would have known this, in general wonderful, the memory of kubchikha, she revered, that is, mikhail yuryevich lermontov, it was known, that is, the whole history of this estate, here in the estate itself she also carried out a lot of work, well, it was necessary to refresh, probably, the estate, so badly, she put it in memory. for the centenary, yes, this stella, which is still, whitewashed, yes, which is still - it is there, we show it, everyone comes, here is the singer of sorrow and love, no, but she also, look, she also ordered a very beautiful ceiling for the oval hall based on the demon, that is also her unique yes then she ordered a bust, so wonderful golubkina yes mikhailovich is also a wonderful ceiling artist shtyrenberg
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yes exactly based on lermontov's demon here is a wonderful we saw a bust also just wonderful it seems to me it remained wonderful. absolutely a mosaic on the floor in our house, here it is and you come in, it is very beautiful, you come in the main front door, the main entrance right here is this fantastic mosaic, you walk right on it, how it was preserved in such a form, it is incomprehensible, amazing, we are proud, i tell you, we sorted out, this was the whole - the front entrance in this, yes, but during the war they made a stable there with horses' hooves half. was destroyed, when we came, we took out all these uh tiles, then the mirror is also original, as far as i know, here it is also at the entrance, that's it, yes, you can look see yourself 200 years ago, well who
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is behind you, i'm telling you, i came myself, i wanted to conclude a contract for the purchase of oil, everyone wants, let me introduce you to my partner. ignat krovtsov, we teach pleasantly, you in childhood i was never taught that money can't buy happiness, it's so russian, like it, trader, tomorrow after the program time, how do you understand each other, you don't know french, and what, when she asks me something, i say, to whom vovuli, well, as you wish, and if she rubs in... something, i say, joli , well, like, honey, i think so too, in the new season on the first, come on, come on, come on, well, can i ask you, hot, of course, it's time
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to tie up with this choir, he's a soloist, finally, daddy, daddy, hi, why are you like that haven't come for a long time? to the children, i remembered, i met a woman, it happened that, that i love her, i've loved her for a long time, since school, your hair on the back of your head is wet from the heart, there's lipstick on your collar, for everyone we are an ideal couple, i don't want to be a thief, you understand, yes, but it seems to me that you yourself, yes, my wife asked me, left for another.
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there, only 15 km from the middle, this is somehow i didn't position myself in my head and uh, in general , there is a version there, again, we will not go into details now, that one of the reasons, so to speak, for the duel was natalia...


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