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tv   Treider  1TV  August 6, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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anyway, i don't care, just what people say, if i should take an ocean to jump into the ocean, nobody's beast, if i go to church on sunday, thank you on monday, nobody's busy.
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it's okay, you, you killed him. i shoot better than i run. how did you even get here? the advisor said to make sure you get there in one piece. he's really counting on your further cooperation. can you walk? everything okay? yeah, i'm fine. then let's run.
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and you've got yourself set up pretty well, cool.
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acting like nothing happened, did anything happen? we just killed man, the police might come for us, there's over a million dollars in that suitcase, relax, you're a bit jumpy for an arms dealer, i'm not an arms dealer, yeah, sure, john, you misunderstood me, i don't deal in arms. i'm here to sort out a stale cargo. i'm going. joe, what? wait. here. take it. if it weren't for you. the advisor says, do you want to keep your soul? take money from only one person. remember that.
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dress up, what are you doing here, bite, get dressed, what happened, it happened, let's get out of here.
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father already knows, he's furious, the bastards, they stole our sisters. listen, before it's too late, let's go back, i beg you, it's too late, your father left me no choice, it's madness, madness
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to stay there, can you imagine what awaits us? yes, we will start a new life. believe me, i know what i'm doing. my brother fully supports my decision, he just doesn't have an opinion of his own, do you even imagine what's about to happen, soon everyone will follow me, don't you know what father, father, father, father is capable of, enough about him, think about what your husband is capable of. dmitry andreevich, oleg mesterov is here to see you, yes, lenochka, call him, dmitry andreevich, good morning, what good morning, hussein kamyl has fled to jordan, come in, what are you doing, and you
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open up. wow, i found a buyer, yes, well, i owe you a bonus, such a result, you know, it's no joke, thank you, and why are you so pale , they put paint in the coffin, haven't you slept or something, how can you fall asleep here, with a million, well, yes. say thank you that they didn't kill you, i already told you, well then you can tell me everything in detail, now, come on, go and get some sleep. dmitry andreevich, by the way, your yakovlev would never have done that. well done, come on, go and have a rest.
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oh, oleg, hi, how was your trip? sergey evgenievich, hello, well, have you finished with sports? no, how come not? what happened? i... went to buy here, but it can't be, okay, let's go, you'll tell me more, it doesn't happen that a person was in your life, here he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl i almost don't recognize that child who 5 years ago
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lost the most precious thing, his mother. i don't think that i am without her, i have a heap of memories, well, this is my mother. yulia nachalova passed away completely young, at 38, leaving behind his... parents and ex-husband, beloved daughter, vera. i said that, unfortunately, i have very hard news for you, that mom is no longer with us, that at that moment, that evening i experienced. only he knows, it is a big responsibility, to tell your child that his mother is gone. how did the only daughter, yuli, experience this loss, what path did she go through after her mother's death? i am somehow really really mega-strong, i was somehow just pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, at all costs, to become a star in memory of her famous mother. when you came into the world, my life changed. exclusive with dmitry borisov on saturday on the first. the capital
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of uruguay, one of the most developed and richest countries in latin america. you know what i noticed, people here dress quite simply. a kilogram of makeup on the face is not about our women. renting housing for local residents is quite expensive. but there is an option when you can even live for free, if we see that a person is normal, neat, tidy, he just has financial problems now, we accept him and put him in one of the rooms, the favorite dish of uruguayans is siege meat, usually we eat this dish with bread, vegetables, red wine sauce, here's another rib for you, please, it goes well in uruguay, the life of others, the premiere, sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, rumors about
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this crime are already circulating in the city, wherever you go, they say everywhere, women are lured into a taxi and shot in the back, i wanted to ask you about your find, this knot seemed very massive, although it was tangled up quite easily, you are worthy of great honor, moles, honor and trust. confrontation, premiere of the legendary book
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by yulian semenov. good afternoon, what a surprise. things are taking a serious turn, since the administration decided to send heavy artillery. what's new omar? hello. the king of jordan hussein ibn talal granted political asylum to general hussein kamel. hussein hides hussein from hussein. how do they not get confused themselves? is he really considered a real alternative ? saddam. we'll swap one hussein for another. slow down. anything can happen , first we need to talk to the iraqi emigrants, understand what kind
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of support the general can count on in iraq itself, no one will support him, he was saddam's right hand for so many years, in my opinion, he's no better than his father-in-law, but look at him, he's a good guy, iraq needs peace and friendship with the west, make love, not war, i was into that when i was young too, you were a hippie, weren't you? yeah, long hair, bright clothes and a joint. by the way, unlike our president, i was inhaling. that's why he's in the oval office and i'm in this dusty hole with you. a clear example of how dangerous drugs are. do you think he'll be the next president of iraq? i don't think he's your model. we're just informing the guys at the top and waiting for further instructions. well, i don't know about you, but i'm hungry, should i bring something,
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no, where's the kitchen, andreevich, go already, nesterov turned out to be a fine fellow, a businessman, he's got a million dollars in his suitcase , okay. i won't distract you. with a bottle of champagne, the best, oleg, well, it's very expensive here, that's what we work for, yeah, listen, i was thinking, i still haven't made you an official proposal,
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what? i like it, i like it, oleg, what's the matter, it's just a ring, do all women really react like this, i was accepted to graduate school, what about new york, wait, what did you say that they didn't answer, i thought so too, it turns out the letter was just late, oleg, i'm so ashamed, you really wanted this,
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iraq needs democracy. people are tired of living in fear, they are all deathly afraid of your father, i am afraid of him too, so you better stop before it is too late, look at him, as you know, i was aware of all of saddam's military programs, we know that you were in charge of these programs, in iraq there is only one person in charge, the rest are either in the know or not. in other words, you are abdicating your responsibility for making important state decisions. what are you getting at? aren't you seeking a change of political regime and looking for a leader who will stop threaten war against its neighbors. i am thinking about
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the people of iraq, and i want to bring them peace and prosperity. i respect your concern. but we must be sure that the person we could theoretically bring to power will be able to hold on to it. i do not see why i should explain this to you and not to your leadership. unlike my father-in-law, i plan to govern the country according to democratic principles. and i am confident that the people of iraq will support me. you said that you brought a secret archive with you. for a start. i need guarantees that the united states will support me, as the new president of iraq. general, i
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need to consult with my colleagues again. has been waiting for a change for a long time, let him be patient a little longer, come on, i'm a crow, i'm a crow, but i love you, i love you, i don't understand now how we can say this, darling, when here , darling, there are so many separations on earth,
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"i lived in a cruel, difficult and wonderful time, and despite everything, the best days of my life are connected with my work in intelligence, we burn everything behind us, you and i will cope, because i worked for the good of the motherland, fulfilling my duty, the duty of a patriot of russia, dmitry bystroletov, an outstanding intelligence officer, an unrivaled master of recruitment, a courageous man who did not break under the blows of fate, in the camps i quickly stopped identifying my..." with the executioners, with the homeland. there were periods in russian history when the only place for a decent russian was in prison, so even in the camps i was in my place. sometimes your strength is exhausted, the meaning
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of what is happening becomes completely illusory. what becomes your support? love? we are together again. i think i have lived a good life and is ready to live it exactly the same way again. intelligence legends. a genius of reincarnation, a recruiter on saturday on the first, stop, there, i said, go, uh, here, go, go, say, what are you doing, what are you doing, so, come on, quickly move away from here, volodya, here, please take the money, it's from me. that's it, i'm guilty, i'm guilty of everything, take the money, buy a car, fix a new or old one, alyona, no, what are you asking, i beg you, just take
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the money, just don't call the police, they 'll kill me, you know, and in our yard in sunday on the first, like scarlet, the car is being repaired, i'll explain everything later, and there is no bus, well, guys. oh, irina vladimirovna, good morning! there is news, general kamel met with the americans, according to our information, the fugitive son-in-law decided to reveal the military secret of babylon and is even ready to provide evidence. well, he
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chose the right moment. why the right moment? hello, saddam assures the whole world that he has closed his military programs and is ready to do anything to make the un lift the trade embargo. if the general manages to prove otherwise, he will secure good support in the west. the question is, is it good or bad for us. i think he's bluffing. bluffing? this is too serious a miscalculation. if saddam allowed it, he's losing his grip, we'll sort it out on the spot, your tickets are yours, hotel, thank you, petya, irina vladimirovna, the export was delivered today. what are you allowing yourself, nesterov? why did you blab about these deals with helicopters. whatever you're up to,
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keep in mind that everyone here is for me, from the first deputy to the cleaning lady aunt masha. dmitry andreevich, i don't understand what you're talking about. you don't understand, you don't understand where you work, and that you have to keep your mouth shut , i mean literally? listen, maybe you were trying to compromise me? i wasn't trying to do anything. i told him. it's wrong to appropriate the company's money, these helicopters were written off a long time ago, i 've already organized three deals for this kazan plant, you're going to teach me what's right and what
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's wrong. listen, maybe you want to punch me, but you just tell me straight out, you can't do that, it's stealing, are you going to teach me moral principles now? you will, are you taking on too little of yourself nesterov, i am not going to teach you anything, that's why sit tight, and so that i don't hear a sound, about these helicopters, not about this million, and you won't hear, i will write a letter of resignation tomorrow. "mr. nesterov, mr. nesterov, and i am here, the adviser sends you greetings, you don't call, you don't come, we were afraid that something had happened to you, and what was supposed to happen to me, well, what do you mean, you just know?" "
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what does it matter? you don't want problems for yourself and your company, do you? i don't want to, that's why i'm finishing this conversation. say hello to the advisor. i still can't understand why you decided to fire oleg, he talks too much, barely managed to sort everything out after his cuban
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shenanigans. and what... did he do there, as far as i know, he risked his life for you, i just don't trust him, as soon as i gave him even a little independence, that's it, he doesn't listen to anyone except himself, he's not suitable for our work at all, let 's not talk about this anymore, olleg, well , let's not, come somewhere with cheeks already, pie, and what do you honestly? i'm all right now it suits me, that's why i want it to last forever, yeah, then instead of flowers you'll send me your dirty shirts to work, why are you talking about shirts right away, by the way, millions of women dream of this,
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my god, you scared me, thank you, thank you. why are you smiling? are you glad that i'm leaving or something? ra, that we're leaving together, we? yeah, no, wait, no, are you going to america with me or something? really? yeah, no, really. i'll see you off and go get a visa. no, wait, what
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about your job, and i've already quit, yeah, yeah, or did your pirogov fire you, so what, you don't believe me at all, i believe you, attention, the landing on the yard is coming to an end. 101 moscow, new york. i can't, they are so similar, oh, young, these two hooligans, by the way, the biggest one is the hooligan of the two, here's dad, you look like an absolute peer, this is such happiness, i
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congratulate you on this. play by yourself larisa alexandrovna, listen, so now she 's taken on her granddaughter, it turned out great, like everything else she's done so far, it's time, it's time, let's get going. on our own, well, dear friends, in the circle of talented people, time flies, two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on the first, alexander nikolaevich vertinsky, vera vasilena is cold, mom, and shurik has a jacket like dad, by what right, you decide what we should do, by the right of a man, oh, and you have long ... it's so good to wake up alone, i know you, you
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are vertinsky, don't you dare meet her without me, and where will you spend your time? i've been waiting for you for an hour and a half, if i want to get married, i 'll marry anyone, you're old enough to be a grandfather, it seems to me that you wished me happiness, vertinsky, on sunday on the first, we love each other, and i will be his wife, but you will hardly be his wife, for the reason that he is already married in a new...
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it happened that, that i love her, i have loved her for a long time, since school, your hair on the back of your head is wet from the heart, there is lipstick on your collar, for everyone we are an ideal couple, i do not want to be a thief, you understand, yes, but it seems to me that you yourself, yes , my wife asked me, left for another, why don't you go after her, don't fight, won't you return her, i for him...
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well, that's it, i saw her off, it's good that you are okay, your blood pressure, maybe some medicine? no, it's not better already. oncology department, veronica knows,
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i didn't want him to know veronica, she would n't go anywhere then, dad doesn't know either... and i can't find out my diagnosis from you, what medications do i need? oleg, you understand everything perfectly well, i still have time, i'm sure it can be treated abroad, i don't have money abroad. anyway, you should find out where you can be treated, and i'll find the money, i can't agree to that, okay, i'll call veronica, let her come and sort it out with you herself, okay.
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you have an appointment, yes, we are from the russian embassy, we have an appointment with his majesty. if general kamel provides evidence that saddam hussein continues to develop weapons of mass destruction, the un security council will have to think again about whether it is worth launching a humanitarian program oil in exchange for food nothing is known, someone is already preparing the ground for a military invasion. i am sure you will not allow this, we must all offer efforts to this, of course, open the gates.
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so no, thank you, goodbye, hello, hello, oleg, veronica. hello, hello,
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how, how are you, everything is fine, and what about your visa, what is this number? mom said that you moved to a new apartment, why? you should have already received a visa, you know, here 's the thing, anyway, i won't be able to come for now , why? i have to. finish one project, what project, you're unemployed, well, i 'll come and tell you everything, well, try to hurry up, i missed you, me too, hello,
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can i pick you up, yes, thank you.
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are you here? what is this? a compliment from that
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gentleman. hello. am i disturbing you? sure. paul, irina, nice to meet you, me too, business, vacation.
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i'm making a guidebook, what a noble profession, yes, as a child i dreamed of becoming a fireman, but then i realized that people suffer much more often because of stupid tour guides of bad service than because they forgot to turn off the iron, by the way, tomorrow i'm going to žiberkaļa. were you there, no, do you want to come with me, tomorrow afternoon i'm flying out, so we only have one night, no, i'm very sorry, i'm even more
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sorry, hmm, in case you suddenly change your mind, would you like champagne? join me, to be honest, i prefer to talk alone, i'm waiting for you in 5 minutes at my number, here is the key. fantasy on friday
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on the first one for oleg strizhennyi's ninety-fifth birthday. every mortal has the right to wish for passionate love. an artist of heavenly beauty, huge blue eyes that are absolutely identical to the sky you are looking at. your eyes are exactly like blue water. it is impossible to go anywhere with alego aleksandrovich.
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i would not have lived to see today, the love of my life, no, it is not too late now, tomorrow will be too late, to begin liquidation, what would i wish for my grandfather on his birthday, there are more pravniks, on saturday on the first one, in our studio sounds again:
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this is something very folk and very ancient, yes 3:4 for the week, on saturday on the first.
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i already started to think that you would not come.
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has anyone told you that you are very beautiful, when you wake up, do you think that i wake up with someone every morning, i hope not yet, not yet, what, we were made for each other, you see?
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yes, one spare, what time is your plane? at half past two. so, there is still time.
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damn, hello, and they are waiting for me. hello, you called me, oleg nesterov, to be honest, i imagined you at all, alexey petrovich, i'm very glad, sit down, me too, they have the best desserts in town, i'll just have coffee, please. and for me, please bring another esterhazim, as far as i know, you're not working now, my
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company is also engaged in foreign trade. transactions, and i'm just looking for a smart assistant, a young, ambitious, energetic person, yeah, the salary is 5,000 dollars, wow, if you pass the probationary period, it will double, and of course, bonuses, generously, well, and what do you want, we have a serious company, we do big deals, and what does it call? and i didn't say, then you moil, sorry, but i refuse, why do you have a better offer, your work methods are not close to me, pirogov's methods
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are not close to you either? not close, and so you will not work with anyone, perhaps, sorry that the time of dawn wasted, goodbye, all the best, yes? understood, good morning, i'll call back, irina vladimirovna, hello, thank you, here is the microfilm, it needs to be developed, i want to know everything about this person, okay, it will be done, anything else, no, i spoke with the doctor.
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they can take me to one german clinic, but it costs 3000 dollars, and i need the money right away, lek, you are absolutely not obliged, i will find the money, i just need a little more time, you have problems at work, yes, what problems? no work, no problem, yes, i'm kidding, he's boris, don't worry, you are still negotiating with the clinic, i will find 3000, i think you know what happened in iraq, i mean the escape to take saddam, yes, i know, you know, but not everything, general kamel took with
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him all the secret...
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dmitry andreevich, and this is not a request, this is an order. it does not happen that a person was in your life, here he disappears, even if he dies. in this girl, i almost don’t recognize the child who lost the most precious thing, his mother, 5 years ago. i don’t think that i am without her. i have a lot of memories, but this is my mother. telling your child that you have not become his mother. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after
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her mother’s death? i am somehow really mega-strong. it was somehow all so i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory of to a famous mom, when did you come into the world? my life has changed, i will always be with you. exclusive with dmitry borisov. on saturday on the first. the capital of uruguay, one of the most developed and richest countries in latin america. do you know what i noticed? people here dress quite simply. a kilogram of makeup on the face is not about our women. montevide rent. housing for local residents is quite expensive, but there is an option when you can live even for free. if we see that a person is normal, neat, tidy, he's just having financial problems right now, we
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're taking him in and putting him in one of the rooms. uruguayans' favorite dish is meat-siege. we usually eat this dish with bread, vegetables, red wine sauce. here's another rib, please, it goes well in uruguay. the lives of others. the premiere is on sunday on channel one. in the new season, on channel one. there are already rumors about this crime in the city. wherever you go, they say women are lured into taxis and shot in the back. i wanted to ask you about your find. this knot seemed very massive, although it was twisted easy enough.
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well, major, the hunt has begun, the prime minister's confrontation based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov, yes, hello, hello, christian, christian. good evening, is this oleg from moscow, comrade nesterov? yes, it's me. well, hello, it's morning here. i apologize. i hope i didn't wake you up.
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what are you talking about? lately, for some reason, i've started waking up early. we say that the early bird catches the worm. but here, no one gives anything to anyone, we take what we need ourselves, tell us what you wanted, we sent the first container, it should come in a couple of days, yes, i know, but i, actually, not on this issue, i quit, what, but you give, comrade nesterov. and what are you going to do? that's why, actually, i'm calling. i have experience working in a trading company. i speak english. maybe you need employees in america?


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