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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  August 6, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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excuse me, i hope i didn't wake you up, what are you talking about? for some reason, i 've been waking up early lately. we say that the early bird catches the worm, but here no one gives anything to anyone. we take what we need ourselves.
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good afternoon, hello, who are you here to see? am i here to see you, or me? well, i can only hope for that, but for now can i talk to sergei dordovich? is he here? i 'll check right now. how should i introduce you? first
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, check if he's here or not? okay, sergei eduardovich, are you here? can't you see it yourself? i i mean for visitors. who is there? some business man? why didn't you ask who? so he asked himself, i don't know what to answer, how to ask? no, let him come here, make me some coffee, the director is waiting for you, thank you, good morning, sergey eduardovich, my name is oleg knester, what is your question, i am here on a cooperation issue, you probably know the company vneshtorghim export, pirogovo, of course.
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say hello to him, sit down, i will definitely pass it on, so, i came to discuss with you the supply of your oil to the european market, why didn't dmitry andreevich call me himself, the thing is that dmitry andreevich is not involved in this project, well , it's clear that he is not involved, well, he could have called, for some time now he has been disdainful of old acquaintances, well, what are you saying, no way, but i didn't come here as an employee, not as a storm-chim exporter, my western european partner and i decided, why are you confusing my head with storm-chim exporter, i 'm not confusing you, we just don't work with unknown companies, all our deliveries are already scheduled for a year in advance, there's no talk of cooperation is out of the question, young man, we have oil and not soda, this is an exclusive business, excuse me, but we have certain rules, how can i trust containers, it is unknown to whom, but i do not suggest you trust me, there are various conditions of delivery and cargo insurance, do not persuade me, no, no, and no,
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again past, it seems to me more and more that this is an empty sowing, you can’t bite off, you can’t try, the main thing is not to break your teeth, you have a guest. thank you, are you free, good afternoon, good afternoon, dmitry, how are you, general, glad to see you again, i am surprised myself, are the russians interested in my archive too, i don't think so, let's sit down, thank you, so
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why are you here, i came as a friend. as i understand, you don't have many of them now, in politics there are no friends, only interests. don't your interests coincide with the interests of iraq. on the contrary, i am going to give iraq democracy and reforms. my country will prosper. there will be food in the shops. democracy and reforms with american support. sadam is too strong a leader, to allow a coup. escalation of the conflict will only lead to increased sanctions, again, all you care about is not losing future contracts, yes, and i also care about the thousands of iraqis who will die of hunger and disease, now you can still stop,
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you still have a chance to fix everything, to disgrace yourself in front of the whole world, but no, never, i'm too tired of humiliating myself, this time... "i 'm going to win, i'm sure of it, to defeat saddam hussein, explain to me why no one wants to talk to me, i come with a real offer, ready to discuss the terms, in the end you are not risking anything, and it seems to me that you are risking, what am i risking, but you haven't had time to arrive, i already have four people." reported about you, what do you think, everyone here is so happy to have such guests, but it seems like no one is happy to see me here, well then leave, no need to look for trouble on your own head, forgive me, but i don't understand you at all, and if you don't understand,
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you shouldn't be involved in oil, leave, thank you, good luck! hello, hello, and have you got the car? the driver left, he handed over your order us, i'm not going anywhere with you, what's the matter, actually, now you 'll tell us everything yourself.
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good evening, there's a big game on the air, today is the anniversary of the first combat use of nuclear weapons in history, in the morning. on august 6 , 1945, an american b-29 bomber dropped a bomb on the japanese hiroshima, which was called a baby. it exploded in the air over hiroshima and from 70 to 80,000 people died directly from the explosion, and after several years, the total number of deaths , taking into account diseases, radiation contamination of areas and other effects of nuclear explosion amounted to about 200 thousand people. and it should be emphasized that in hiroshima there were no important military facilities at all, it was purely the destruction of the civilian population and civilian infrastructure, which is actually a war crime under international humanitarian law, so let's listen to how
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the then president of the united states harry truman commented on this nuclear strike on the same day. we are now ready to destroy even faster and more completely than before all the ground-based production capacities of the japanese in any city, we will destroy their docks, factories and their communications, let there be no misunderstanding, we will completely destroy japan's ability to wage war. that's what he said.
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they probably showed too much patience because they were interested in the far east after all, so that finally there would be a more balanced system, oriented towards mutually beneficial cooperation, but you see, the taming of such countries with such a top, with such traditions, military traditions, aggressive traditions, taming them is extremely, extremely it's a complicated thing, so the fact that... all the information leaks today that come from japan, they are very natural, very
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natural, this is a confirmation and a course for revising the second world war, this is a confirmation of their course that it is necessary to demonize the soviet union, which won the second world war, saved humanity from both fascism and militarism, from the japanese, made a decisive role, after all, the kantun army was the most powerful unit, we defeated this army. and i think that today, unfortunately, we have to admit that japan is at the forefront of those forces that make up the collective west, and that oppose us in all areas of our struggle, for the recovery of international tension, for the recognition of those territorial realities that developed after the second world war, japan is now a very significant enemy for us, military, political, well, and
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we also see that they are joining the sanctions, that is, in the trade economic sphere too, so we need to take these facts into account at the present time, the last thing i would like to say in this regard is that we need to more clearly and distinctly celebrate the next anniversary of the victory over militaristic japan in the fall, because. until now, somehow, well , it seems like this necessity has been recognized, but we have not brought the matter to the end. let's try to get more clarity in this regard this year. well, indeed, the soviet union played a significant role in the defeat of militaristic japan, you mentioned the defeat of the kwantung army, i completely agree, japan has not fully reconciled itself with the results of the second world war, one can recall the regular visits of japanese prime ministers to the yesukuni shrine in tokyo, i have been to this temple myself. by the way, there is a monument to an indian judge next to it, why? because he was the only judge
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at the takii tribunal who voted against recognizing the japanese leaders as war criminals, so they, so to speak, glorify him in every possible way, yes, that is, they have not reconciled themselves. well, besides, japan is de facto occupied by the united states, here is shinzo abe, the previous prime minister still tried to pursue an independent foreign policy, by the way, to pursue a course on... today, secretary of the russian security council sergei shaigu held talks in azerbaijan with the president of this country ilham aliyev, but in addition to this, he made a number of important statements on the ukrainian conflict and the prospects for resolving the ukrainian conflict, here is what shaigu said: firstly, it is pointless to talk about zelensky's formula at the negotiations, about
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formats like the geneva conference, he meant the so-called first peace summit, it is pointless to talk about it, because negotiations without...
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we will not, what can be a substantive discussion, these are methods of implementation, therefore the west wants through negotiations, russia wants through negotiations, would like, if the west were ready for it, through negotiations more, so to speak, optimally solve the goals of a special military operation without with less bloodshed with less damage to everyone, the west sees negotiations only as an opportunity to disrupt a special military operation, while they hoped that they could counter russia with something on the battlefield, they didn't think about negotiations at all, as it means they began to worry about russian military successes, they immediately raised the topic of negotiations, so these two approaches are simply not incompatible, negotiations as
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an attempt to steal victory from russia, such negotiations with the russian country will definitely not happen, but another format arises, another question is the subjects of negotiations, because the americans, in extreme cases, hope, this is always their hope, that in extreme cases let's agree honestly, if we can't cheat, squeeze something out, snatch something with our teeth, by deception and so on, in the worst case an honest honest agreement, but now the passions are so heated, it's already such that someone has to lose. so either the kiev regime must brush off its western patrons to save the ukrainian people and for this purpose accept those proposals, by the way, because now under the leadership of the united states they have already destroyed their sovereignty, destroyed the legitimate power on
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the territory of ukraine, or this means the vassal must stop being a vassal and... the united states must write off its something that its people need, or vice versa, the vassal openly and clearly, and negotiate with russia on european security, and we see that the americans want, and that means what is called both to have their cake and eat it and not get hurt, that is , both to save their assalo for further anti-russian policy and not to lose their own way.
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google executive director eric schmidt, yes, why such a strange combination of authors, because the article says that the main thing is that... will determine already determines the wars of the future, as an example of a war of the future they are just considering the war in ukraine, this is artificial intelligence, let's listen: on the battlefields of ukraine, the future of war is quickly becoming its present. thousands of drones fill the sky, these drones, their operators use artificial intelligence systems to avoid obstacles identify potential targets. high-tech algorithms also help ukraine choose a place to... strike. russian the units are under constant surveillance, their lines of communication, like ukraine's, prone to failure. both countries are striving to develop ever more sophisticated technologies
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capable of withstanding the constant attacks and overcoming enemy defenses. in some ways, this pace of development is not surprising. war has always driven innovation, but today's changes are happening at an unusually fast pace and will have a far greater impact. the wars of the future will no longer be about who. can mobilize more people or adopt better planes, ships and tanks, instead increasingly autonomous weapons systems and powerful algorithms will dominate. the article is called: "america is not ready for the warriors of the future", actually, the main thesis is after they described this change, in their opinion, because i, for example, do not fully agree, yes, that the ability to produce tanks, planes, missiles, and ships, is no longer of any importance, only artificial intelligence and its integration, but nevertheless they ... write, that america is absolutely not ready for this, for these future wars, because the armed forces of the united states are not adapted to drone strikes, to defense against drones, because
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artificial intelligence is not integrated into american tactics and the nature of combat, in their opinion, and allegedly the pentagon does not pay attention to this at all, thirdly, they write that russia and china have gone much further , they are many steps ahead of the united states in this area, what do you think about this, dmitry vitalyevich? gentlemen, let's say, they are prevaricating a little, because in america there is, among other things , a pentagon-funded program like the replicator, which is intended precisely for the development of various unmanned systems of artificial intelligence systems, what we call artificial intelligence is not really so, that is, what is used in drones is machine vision, it is target recognition, it is orientation in space, it is not intelligence, intelligence is, let's say, closer to that, to generative models, they are also used, that is allow you to analyze. a large amount of intelligence data, bringing it all together, so to speak, into one plane, allowing you to quickly and clearly identify targets, by the way, an example of this, please, israel, the gaza strip, israel
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has been using artificial intelligence for a long time, called the gospel, which just allows you to identify more and faster targets, mathematically calculating the permitted collateral damage in the form of civilian, what did this lead to, by the way, we see this, yes, in america, in ukraine. we have systems, and i want to draw your attention to this attention, these systems really do come down from such celestials, that is, i will not talk about ours, in ukraine now, in addition to the cartographic system that exists, systems are appearing, being introduced, which allow commanders of ordinary units to see the real situation in real time, connecting, for example, that is, he sees the map, sees drones and can connect to the video stream of everyone, in the usa this also exists. so here the gentlemen are lying, but you know what this can lead to, of course, the movie terminator comes to mind, i'll remind you of another novel, it's called the second model,
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a movie was made based on it... the united states and the losing west first came up with small, let's say, drones, killers, then bigger ones, then allowed them to repair themselves, in the end both civilizations were destroyed by drones, because they had one task - to kill, and unfortunately, this will not lead to anything good, you have noted a very accurate aspect, because in fact there is a very active discussion going on about the moral and ethical aspects of artificial intelligence, especially. about this is a challenge, and we must not allow a lot of writing and talking about how this most important artificial intelligence has lost control over, has lost control from people, and mark mealy and eric schmidt just write: "come on, come on, come on, much more artificial intelligence, so to speak, because it will allow us to ensure a quick victory." this is a very, very dangerous approach. if we allow ourselves to be very brief, the greatest danger that artificial intelligence poses is, if it is introduced to the highest level
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of decision-making. thereby leveling the human factor, transferring it to the machine level, that is, removing human fear, conscience, moral aspects, then, then intelligence against intelligence and war becomes practically inevitable, that's when we can come to the script of the movie terminator, now a little commercial, then we'll continue, i'm a harrow, i'm a harrow.
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you, stop, here, i said, go, uh, here, go, go, tell them, what are you, uh, what are you, go, come on, come on, quickly move away from here, volodya, here, take the money, please, it 's all my fault, i'm guilty, i'm guilty of everything, take the money, the car, buy a new one or
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an old one. fix it, alyona, no, what are you talking about? i beg you, just take the money, just don't call the police, they'll kill me, you know, and in our yard on sunday on the first, like alyona, the car is being repaired, i 'll explain everything later, and there's no bus there, well , guys, let's go to the movies, and as we agreed, oops, and this is my employer, meet him, hello, i'm alyona, hello! in the new season one come on come on can i ask you it's time to quit this choir, he's a soloist, finally, daddy, daddy, hi, natushka, what's taking you so long, what
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's brought you here for? that i love her, i've loved her for a long time since school, your hair on the back of your head is wet from the heart, there's lipstick on your collar, for everyone my perfect match, i don't want to be a thief , you understand, yes, but it seems to me that you yourself, yes my wife asked me, left for another.
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there's a big game on the air, in the middle east, it's continuing and even growing, a very anxious atmosphere, everyone is waiting for a... a retaliatory strike, iran's retaliatory strike against israel in response to the completely provocative assassination of hamas political leader ismail haniyeh directly in tehran, but iran is not really interested in escalation, iran says that it will definitely strike, strike when it needs to, when the moment is right, strike painfully and effectively, but in such a way that it does not lead to a major escalation, which iran is not interested in. let's listen to what the iranians themselves say about this. iran has confirmed that it wants to avoid full-scale war with israel again promised to take retaliatory measures. strengthening stability and security in the region will be achieved by punishing the aggressors,
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creating a system of deterrence against israel and its adventurism. the islamic republic does not want an escalation of tension, but according to international law it has the right to punish israel, - a representative of the ministry of foreign affairs told journalists. iran and another, it seems to me, very indicative indicator of iran's reluctance to move to a major escalation is its diplomatic steps, and using hungary as a transmitter of iran's signal and message to israel, because as the jerusalem post wrote, the iranian foreign minister called the hungarian foreign minister to convey the appropriate signal to the israelis, which peter sayarta did, you must admit,
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after several days of waiting for the promised response from iran and its satellites, one influential official even suggested taking preventive measures, it is beneath our dignity to sit and tremble instead of taking the initiative. we we know how to do it, and we must do it, said yuli edelstein, head of the parliamentary foreign affairs and defense committee and a senior member of the lekut party led by benjamin netanyahu. you must admit
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that there is such a contrast in position compared to what it was in 1967, in 1973, because in general , not a single country, not even israel, has clearly formulated military goals, no one can formulate what they are trying to achieve, because the complete defeat of one neither side will give it, on the one hand it is impossible to defeat israel, you understand, on the other hand, it sounds quite senseless in relation to such a large eighty-million country as... iran, therefore, nevertheless, a certain dosing of these further developments of military actions, it is, it is being observed, it is being looked at, what could be assumed for the near future, probably, nevertheless, with their statements
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and promises, the military, political, religious leadership of iran, it formed such an understanding within the country too, that the most important thing for them is that there will be a response as... it is necessary to think through now in the remaining hours some effective attempt to resist further escalation, apparently, probably, it is necessary to finally overcome the discord in the
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security council, here is one of the few options to prevent further automatic increase in tension, expansion of military actions - this is the intervention of the collegial entire security council, there it is necessary... to spend time at an inopportune time and take some joint joint effective unified statement on this matter. but apparently still, you see, here is the rhetoric, it is dangerous, it is dangerous, because rhetoric, you see, now behind the rhetoric weapons are already moving, such significant large military actions are about to break out, well, if something happens, i say again, immediate reaction aimed at stopping, preventing, stopping this kind of development of the situation will be decisive. it seems that actions aimed at de-escalation have already
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are being undertaken and are being undertaken by russia. let me remind you that yesterday, the secretary of the security council and russia, sergei shaigu, was in tehran , it was in this atmosphere, when everyone is expecting war, when it is absolutely obvious that israel is trying to work on escalation, to draw the united states into a direct military clash with iran, when israel, apparently, is trying to use this escalation as a pretext. in order to strike nuclear facilities on iranian territory, which is what netanyahu has been striving for for a very , very long time, it is against this background that tehran shaigu arrives, meets with the country's leadership, including the president, both say important words about their focus on further partnership and cooperation, the very next day the american new york times writes that agreements have been reached on the supply of air defense systems and other equipment from russia to iran , and that some of this has already begun, ivan
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vasilyevich, what do you think about these russian steps, yes, shaigu's visit and its possible results, they can be seen as a de-escalation step, as a step aimed at containing israel and the united states states, and russia is thus sending a signal that, well, iran is not alone, and that the weapons that russia can provide to iran, they... will influence those actions that are on the effectiveness of those military decisions that israel can take? dmitry vecheslavich, i agree with everything, with all this conclusion that you made, the only thing i don’t like about this is the word escalation and de-escalation, because russian actions are aimed precisely at ensuring that there is peace in the middle east, a relatively just peace, de-escalation in this sense is...
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iran after the exchange of blows in april. very clearly said: the era of strategic
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patience is over, strategic containment is beginning, israel will be contained, it will, the rules of the game will be imposed on it if it does not accept them voluntarily, containment is a fundamental principle of relations in the world in general, if israel does not contain and limit itself, insists that it can do whatever it wants with impunity, then... it will be imposed on it that this will no longer happen, certain rules will be imposed on it containment, certain rules of conduct, and what netanyahu does, that's when they lay low, for a few months, israel lay low, but it's clear that it didn't recognize this transition from strategic patience to strategic containment, iran must confirm that strategic patience is over, there will only be containment, the axioms of the containment theory that was.
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the parties took steps to refrain from escalation and reduce the level of tension. escalation is not in anyone's interests. containment is an important part of helping to de-escalate, so we will continue to take steps in that direction. as part of our diplomatic commitments , we have been sending consistent signals
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to the iranian government that escalation is not in their interest and that we will defend israel from attack, we do not want iran to take any further... dual position, that is, iran should not feel what hypocrisy and respond, iran should play the game of unilateral de-escalation, and the united states strengthens containment by increasing military aid to israel. this is a one-sided game, it will not work, especially considering that sergei shaygus went to tehran and reached some agreements there, so how do you assess this situation? well, first of all, the containment that the united states is implementing, that is, once...
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but unlike those good old years, when it was possible to destroy precisely the main points of troop concentrations and inflict, let's say, unacceptable damage, now it is practically impossible to do this, iran is buried in the ground, the nuclear program is very well protected, the ability to strike
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with modern cheap weapons is preserved, not only uranium, it is preserved throughout the entire region and...
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the logic is that if israel could not cope with a less powerful enemy in a few months, where is it going then to face a larger enemy, to face hezbollah and especially to face iran, and that completely unforeseen things can happen, even if some very powerful blow is struck in the traditions of the seventh year, i i agree that now it will look different and
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the fight is automatic, trying to increase trump's chances of winning, here about american domestic affairs right after the commercial. you told me that when he kissed you, you started seeing again, suddenly it will not only be a kiss, well
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suddenly you will see the whole picture, the customer is unhappy, this is your misfire, always with someone, then with this woman, then with the cops, even the dog does not walk alone, today you will have the opportunity, he will be... all the information is on your phone. patapa is called he has a house, a fortune teller, new episodes, tomorrow on the first, for the ninety-fifth anniversary of oleg strizheny. every mortal has the right to wish for passionate love, heavenly beauty artist, huge blue eyes. which are absolutely identical to the sky you look at, your eyes are exactly like blue water,
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it was impossible to go anywhere with oleg alexandrovich, here you go somewhere, there is a woman's attention, my grandfather always supported me, we discussed the role with him, it is a great luck to have the opportunity to consult with a master of such magnitude, one day he called me and said, young girls came up to me and said, you are dad, sasha strezhanova, i realized that finally my life was a complete success, they say that over the years... love, no, it's not true, in our case it doesn't exist, if she weren't around me, i can't imagine, i just wouldn't have lived to see this day, the love of my life, no, it's not too late now, tomorrow will be too late, to start liquidation, so that i could wish my grandfather for...
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more than 40 years he led the red banner, by the way, this work was done incomparably, too film for centuries your all love in the world vil, where many demons, two dunoevskih, said that you know, i say everything expected, but that it will be so did not expect, every time when someone sings ekzyu, i think, it's good that you do not have the opportunity to talk to alexander would explain everything, someone is looking for you.
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this night in moscow, the national committee of the democratic party of the united states solemnly announced that according to the results of closed online voting on the virtual platform of the democratic party, kamala harris gained 99% of the votes of delegates on the upcoming democratic convention on august 19, and thus has already effectively become a candidate for president of the united states, that is, without primaries, results.
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states, well and at the same time, today's news, kamala harris has chosen her running mate for this election of vice presidential candidates, and this choice fell on the governor of minnesota, tim. the choice is actually quite controversial, because minnesota, well, is not a very important state from an electoral point of view, it is pro-democratic, the probability of donald trump winning there is zero, and tim waltz is quite old, he is 60 years old, and i honestly thought that again, from the point of view of the election campaign, she would take josh shapira, the governor of pennsylvania, who, firstly, is younger, and secondly, pennsylvania is the most... that kamala harris
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is often accused of pro-palestinian sentiments, but no, she chose tim waltz, and as the american press writes, she chose why, because he is her much greater like-minded person, he is a protege of the liberal wing of the democratic party, that is what the washington post writes. tim walz has been criticized by republicans for being too liberal in his policies as governor, legalizing marijuana for adults, protecting abortion rights, expanding lgbtq protections, providing free college tuition for low-income minnesotans, and providing free breakfast and lunch for minnesotans, but many of these policies have been widely popular. walz also signed an executive order eliminating college- degree requirements for 75 percent of jobs in the state minnesota. this move has received bipartisan support and has been adopted
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by several other states. what is your assessment of this closed nomination of kamala harris and her choice of vice-candidate? as for this falsely understood secret ballot, that is, a vote whose result no one knows, but here is the result of the vote, please, we will present it to you, and everything else is unimportant, the votes of the voters are unimportant, the main thing is that some choice has supposedly been made, according to this scheme, in general, the general elections can also take place. regarding what the winning strategy should be, that is, whether to bet on
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the so-called strategy, it is called either... carolina and biden, due to the peculiarities of him as a candidate, he could only bet on these northern states, when he withdrew, there were discussions in this liberal crowd in the democratic crowd in
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america, that they say this is a good opportunity, after all, the candidate has some relation either to latin americans or to blacks, maybe, after all, bet on these southern states, on the winning strategy, her they call it the strategy of the sun, because the southern sunny states, but as we see, apparently they still bet on the northern states, i honestly thought that they would still choose the senator from arizona, because he is a good candidate, but in him on him in the last. shapira or him there is still in principle a good governor in michigan, but she is a woman, she is no longer possible, although she is also close to harris, so the choice actually, apparently came down to this vols and shapira, against shapira, apparently played the fact that he just
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a jew, and that wouldn't have been to the liking of the pro-palestinian. leftists, and walls, he, although he is not a jew, but he is very good at collecting money, and this is, in general, what the democrats need now, plus, i think, they want to partly intercept the votes of such adults, white men, because walls has been very good at conducting elections in the american hinterland, among those who are generally inclined to sympathize with the republicans, and he has several campaigns against. and how they will be in the states with an economic crisis, because they will have to cope with the economic crisis that is beginning in the united states stock markets are falling, unemployment is rising, and this always works in favor of the opponent and sharply reduces the chances of, so to speak, current figures for re-election, in germany the split between
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regional elites is becoming increasingly noticeable, especially. germany and the federal government, that's what concerns regional elites, for example, the prime minister of the federal state of brandenburg - this is eastern germany - said that berlin. needs to make every diplomatic effort to end the conflict in ukraine and maintain relations with moscow, with moscow. the day before this, another prime minister of another eastern german state of thuringia, said that europe needs a different security system in general, not based on nato, a security system that would include russia, and he even called for a european non-aggression pact with russia, but... here 's how this approach contrasts with what the current german federal government is demonstrating today, especially german foreign minister anna lena baerbock, let's listen to an excerpt from her article
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that she published this sunday in bilt magazine, justifying the need to deploy american medium- and shorter-range missiles in germany. russia has long been preparing for this war, for years violating and then terminating disarmament treaties. it developed banned weapons that can be armed with a nuclear charge, and then deployed them in kaliningrad, less than 600 km from berlin. on february 24, 2022, putin's russia launched the largest war in europe since 1945. those who are involved in foreign policy today need to understand that the principle of hope will not protect us from putin's russia. right now, the only thing that will protect us is that we invest in our own security.
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or mass protest demonstrations, and now here you go, this approach. well , first of all, the quote is certainly very remarkable: every phrase is a lie, that is, well, 100%, it was possible to somehow, as usually happens with politicians , dilute it a little, somehow, you understand, somewhere a half-truth, somewhere to give some facts, here , every phrase, here it is, it incorrectly characterizes history and the current and trends development, you know, that's a good name for...
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clash with the russian federation and so on, and such a pragmatic element as the standard of living, you see, i remember counting the statistics, that's how the situation developed in europe in the post-war period, in the 50s, 60s, 70s from 40 to 90%. real wages increased over 10 years, do we see something similar now, somewhere in european countries, no, well, that means, and this summarizes in particular foreign policy, foreign policy...


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