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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 7, 2024 4:30am-4:58am MSK

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thank you for the reception, it is always traditionally warm, friendly, and, of course, i cannot help but note that it is based on your personal relations with the president of russia, this also concerns, of course, regional security and military, technical cooperation, transport cooperation in the economy, in recent years there has been significant growth. sergey shaigu also spoke about the losses of ukraine. 115,000 people, 6,000 units of equipment, 420 square kilometers of territory, only since june, when kiev could no longer be unaware of the proposals put forward by vladimir putin. among them: the withdrawal of ukrainian formations from the kherson, zaporizhia, donetsk and lugansk regions, and ukraine's non-entry into nato. instead of discussing specific opposition points , the enemy and its western curators held a geneva meeting among themselves.
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the security council secretary outlined this position of russia in baku the day before in tehran. the murder of the head of the hamas politburo in the capital of iran and the expectation of his retaliatory strike on israel, through whose territory he flies for other military actions. the message on the agency's news feeds. social networks are full of footage of drones flying over lebanese territory, few doubt that this is a response to yesterday's destruction of one of the lebanese hezbollah commanders, but this is still not the response that has been expected for a week now, far from only in the middle east. analysts are just competing in forecasts of when exactly... iran will strike
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in retaliation for the murder of the leader of the political wing of hamas, ismail haniyeh. the murder took place on july 31 in tehran, and on the day of the inauguration of the new president of the country. and although israel has traditionally refrained from commenting, iran clearly perceives this as a direct attack on its territory. and the only question is when the response will come, the inevitability of which tehran confirms every day. when israel receives a firm response, it will understand that it has made a mistake.
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iran must inevitably strike, otherwise neither iran’s numerous allies in the region, nor the country’s population, nor those who make decisions and stand next to the spiritual leader, ali khamini, will accept this situation. iran must calibrate its response so that the damage to israel was not so big that the israelis would not hit back that hard, but nevertheless, this response should be much more noticeable and painful than we saw in april, when iran and israel also exchanged missile strikes and drone strikes, but this took on such a symbolic... somewhat character. the scenario
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of the spring escalation is being reproduced to some extent now. then, on april 1, as a result of the strike on the iranian consulate in damascus, syria, several high-ranking iranian military officials were killed, including including brigadier general mohammad zahidi of the islamic revolutionary guard corps. it took almost two weeks to prepare a response, and on april 13, hundreds of iranian missiles and drones flew into israel. tehran claimed massive damage to the enemy tel aviv about the destruction of most.
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negotiators in the american-promoted deal between israel and hamas to release the hostages taken during the october 7 attack. the declared unconditional support for israel in the event of a major conflict... to remove these obstacles to its further political career, netanyahu wants to stir up the situation. in addition, he has a long-standing idea to strike iran, since he believes that iran is, in netanyahu's eyes, the main evil in the region.
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again, a very dangerous policy, playing with fire, at least in the sense that israel is openly threatening lebanon at the same time, the authorities of european countries have already called on their citizens. to leave the country. the european union has nevertheless made an attempt to move the canister of gasoline away from the middle east fire. the minister of foreign affairs hungary, which currently holds the presidency of the eu council, spoke with colleagues in israel and iran the day before. however, he too was forced to acknowledge the inevitability of a response from tehran. the israeli press, meanwhile, is suggesting a strike on israeli targets outside the country as a possible option. that is, as they say, a mirror response. the only question is how not to cross the line beyond which.
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the democratic party's leadership today has a reason to remember, here's why: 79 years ago, on this day, the united states dropped an atomic bomb on the japanese hiroshima. harry truman, having begun to review the allied relations with the ussr, went for the first and, as time has shown, the only in history and completely unjustified
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use of this weapon of mass destruction. just to show american superiority. today, the japanese, as in previous years, do not directly name the culprit of enormous suffering. but. following the general western practice, they are terrorizing themselves and others in russia. pavel pchyolkin, more details. august 6, 1945, tenain island in the pacific ocean. in the regime of the guarded secrecy, the b-29 bomber is loaded just one bomb, it would change the world forever and open the era of nuclear confrontation, but not before destroying an entire city. the pilot of the plane, paul tibets, knew that this day would go down in history, so he named his b-29 after the material. i thought, someday this plane will be famous. my mother lived right here on southwest street when i dropped the bomb on herosima. the night before the operation , we had a great dinner. we had the best officers who brought us anything we wanted, whiskey, meat, anything. and so
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the plane headed for japan. exactly 60 years old, 2 years before his death, tibet will say: "if it all happens again, then yeah, damn it, i'll do it again." in 1945, reika yamada was 11 years old. our school is here, from here by tram, i got to my house in the kaimachi area myself. it was hot that day, the principal allowed us to go into the shade, the girls and i sat down in the sandboxes, and the boys ran around the yard. someone pointed to the sky and said: "look, an airplane." i thought how beautiful it was, a white trail in the blue sky, then i was blinded, as if a thousand flashbulbs. at 8:15 in the morning, a bomb that...
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12 km of the city. the official data on victims sounds like this: from 90 to 150 thousand people, at the epicenter of the explosion, thousands of people simply evaporated. when i came to. i saw a huge mushroom over the city, i looked at myself, part of my shirt and pants were burned, i was covered in blood, i hobbled to look for help, along the way i saw a lot of burned people, men, women you can't tell, only... the size was clear, this is a child, and this is me, marked with an arrow on the card of a japanese correspondent, waiting for evacuation, it will turn out later that during during the massive bombing of japan , us aircraft deliberately bypassed two cities, hiroshima and nagasaki. the americans were saving them for this inhumane experiment. three days later, on august 9, the act was repeated in nagasaki. the strike was carried out at 11:02 in the morning. the bomb was more powerful, but there were fewer victims than the first time. the number of victims was from 70 to 90 thousand people, because of the clouds the pilot did not
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hit residential areas, the strike fell on the industrial zone and the sea. horrible evidence of that day: this is the famous photograph of an orphan boy from nagasaki who brought the body younger brother for cremation. over the course of 5 years , taking into account those who died from radiation sickness and injuries, the number of victims in the two cities reaches 35. meanwhile, in august 1945, the more than million-strong kwantung army was preparing.
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the us set the goal of scaring moscow first and foremost. then american propaganda would insist that it was the nuclear strikes on hiroshima and nagasaki that forced japan to capitulate, but it has already been proven that this is not the case. it is interesting that back in february of 1945, that is, long before the bombings, the japanese. minister reported the emperor that japan would not be able to wage war, it was necessary to capitulate. the entry of the soviet union into the war with japan, the majura operation, very successfully carried out by the soviet union, simply put japan on the brink of survival. president truman would later write that these strikes saved the lives of half a million american soldiers preparing to land on the main japanese islands. but 20 years after the nuclear bombings, even the chief of staff of the us occupation forces in japan , douglas macarthur, would call this bombing a needless killing. here is the place where i
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was at the moment of the explosion, here at the building of the hiroshima railway station, it saved me, the station simply covered us from the blast wave. heroshiharada, the former director of the hiroshima peace museum, was only 6 years old at the time of the tragedy, when he lost his parents. in the museum, everyone can touch the molten stones of hiroshima, here. the famous steps of the sumitoma bank are brought, with the shadow of a man who sat on them, but evaporated at the moment of the explosion. for the united states, the only country in the world to use nuclear weapons, no there were no legal consequences for hiroshima and nagasaki. the japanese leadership, however , has been carefully avoiding mentioning the culprit of the tragedy at memorial events in these days of grief. today, japanese prime minister fumio kishida, giving a speech about how this should not happen again, again. the situation around
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nuclear disarmament has become even more complicated due to the deepening split in the international community and nuclear threats from russia, but no matter how difficult the path to a world without nuclear weapons is, we cannot stop our progress. what kind of progress can we even talk about to say, if 79 years after the tragedy... range, which increases the possibility of a global nuclear apocalypse several times. pavel pchyolkin, natalia litovka, natalia radionova and vladimir alkhovsky - channel one. a new textbook on russian history will appear in universities in september. today, its text and the end. approved by the expert council under the ministry of science and higher education. since the previous academic year, the history course has been included in the programs
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of absolutely all specialties. this textbook is for students of non-historical fields. in all the key events of our country's past are important for understanding the present and even the future. the first chapter of the textbook covers in detail the main features of russian civilization. in general , relatively recent periods are examined in more detail. "the main emphasis is placed on the history of the great patriotic war, including the facts of the genocide of the soviet people established by the court." examples of the heroism of our people in the defense of the fatherland, of course, special attention is paid to the events of the russian spring and the special military operation. this decision will allow all our students to realize the right to know the truth about their history, and the university to educate talented and thinking young professionals with high moral principles, true
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patriots of our fatherland. in turn , foreign students will be able to... get to know russia better. search teams and researchers are fighting for historical truth today. leningrad region, kengesepsky district, outskirts of the village of kotly. where at the beginning of the great patriotic war there was a fascist concentration camp, a mass grave was discovered captured red army soldiers, thousands and thousands brutally murdered, terrible evidence of the scale of the terrible death machine, which day after day is opened and documented. you see the layer of remains in what condition well, in principle, they could be under me at about a running meter, 10-15 people covered with tarpaulin at a depth of two meters , hundreds of remains mixed into a heap of bones and skulls, a terrible truth that came to the surface only years later, here lie the prisoners of the dulak-101 concentration camp. there is a hit to
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the head, a hit to the head from close range distances, where it is clear that the skull has been smashed by a stream of park gases. in the village of kotly there used to be a soviet airfield, the fascist troops captured it in the first months of the war, barracks were built around the airfield, prisoners of war were forced to dig a trench, in fact, the fascists turned this entire territory into one mass grave, somewhere here, right below me, there is a meter-thick layer of remains, the length of the ditches in total is almost 200 m. these are only those that are known for sure, where exactly to look for the remains, the searchers realized when in aerial photographs fell into our hands...
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forced to work 18 hours a day, only 200-250 g of soup and 150 g of bread per day for food. thus, in the prisoner of war camp in the village of kotly in the kengesepsky district, out of 400 people who were there during february, only 20 survived, often the germans shoot exhausted prisoners of war. the nominal lists of prisoners of dulag 101
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are probably still stored in german archives, some of the names have already been restored. at the bottom of the trench, searchers found soldiers' medallions, with intact inserts inside, here junior sergeant yegor rachenko, privates ivan posledov and aleksandr zhukov are at rest. zhukov left his wife poroskovye a touching letter. he asked me to give it to her, and we will do it after so many years, i say, my dear one wanted to go home, i only have a pencil and a piece of paper, he simply wrote, give her my data there, she is waiting for him there, in general, this just resonates with such pain in the heart that we all cry. the investigation will be conducted within the framework of a criminal case on the fact of genocide of the soviet people during the great patriotic war. the remains of more than 40 people and three medallions of military personnel were found. forensic medical-criminalistic examinations have been appointed on the confiscated remains
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in order to establish the sex, age of the deceased, as well as the cause of death. during the years of fascist occupation in the territory of the region , more than 30,000 civilians died, 110,000 prisoners of war, in just one village there were cauldrons, search operations will take years, after eight decades the soviet soldiers will be reburied with honors. alena germanova, mikhail agiev, irina chyuchuy, georgy ilyin, vladislav pasechka and kristina neznanova, channel one, leningrad region. 10 years since the death of andrei stenin, photojournalist for the rossiya segodnya agency. the car in which the journalist was traveling on a mission was deliberately struck by militants. in memory. bandray hosts an annual international competition for young photojournalists. this year, the work of karam al-masri was recognized as the best. endless tragedy. he captured the pain of his native syria, torn apart by years of war. and survived a terrible earthquake a year ago. several dozen participants in the paris olympics will have to
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root for themselves . forty athletes have already been diagnosed with covid. meanwhile, the organizers of the games are maintaining olympic calm, recommending the use of a mask if you have symptoms. and today there was no scandal. the prime minister of romania is boycotting the closing ceremony of the olympics after a romanian gymnast was tried and stripped of her deserved award in the floor exercise. the case will now be heard by the court of arbitration for sport. the unexpected game of the fashion industry can be seen in the multimedia art museum in moscow. there is a personal exhibition of the photo artist alexey dunaev opening. how traditional photography has changed on the pages of glossy magazines over the past decades. my colleague alexey zotov has seen everything and will share his impressions. it seems to me that this portrait is very sensual, this is the actress ira martynenko, i really like the emotions here, such a certain loss, although
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the author's favorite picture, where a girl hugs the earth, is sincere and emotional, alexey dunaev himself believes that the mood and personality of the model are unimportant, because they are just paint in the artist's hands, but again, strict and self-sufficient muscovites look from his photographs, it is immediately clear that moscow does not believe in tears, but it is very inspiring, a look that can be... caught on the street, and it is not always friendly and can even be a little judgmental or simply lost and unfocused, each of us can catch such a look. alexey dunaev does not catch glances, in general, he invents them for the audience, intricate hairstyles, expensive fashionable outfits, fertile ground for the craziest ideas. of course, all these gucci and versaces are not for working at the dacha, but unusual, preferably deserted places inspire the photographer of the leading glossy magazines. especially these two shots - these are kabordina balkaria shots on elbrus at an altitude of 3,800, i think, of course i want to show not only the beauty of the models, but to show nature itself,
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to show landscapes. fashion comes and goes, pictures, like imprints of time and space, remain works of art. in the works of outstanding masters of fashion photography, almost all of them came to the multimedia art museum, alexey dunaev studied and searched for his own language. style. the museum has exhibited the works of young artists a million times, who are much younger than dunaev. and we have lit up both russian and world stars. alexey, the winner of the fashion photography competition of the steelart foundation. he discovers new names, looking for currants, prints luxurious author's albums helps us to see talented creators. dunaev's pictures are interesting to look at like puzzles, in them living nature always rhymes unexpectedly.
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impression, a studio was equipped at the exhibition, and any of us will not only be able to create our own masterpiece here, but also submit it to the competition. dunaev gives proven advice to everyone who might become the author of the next exhibition in these halls. they are not afraid to experiment, do a lot and choose something new and interesting. alexey zotov, ilya marin, artem tikhonov, tatyana bakulina and sergey romanov, channel one. that's all, well , right now trader, the second.
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but i'm going to do just as i want to do anyway, i don't care, just what people say, if i should take notice to jump into the option, nobody's peaced. if i go to church on sunday, then cabaret on monday, nobody's beast, and nobody's business, if i do.
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goodbye, bye.
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it's okay, you, you killed him, i shoot better than i run, there.


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