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tv   Treider  1TV  August 7, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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so they did send you, who's behind you? i'm telling you, i came myself, if you came here yourself, then you're either a moron or an idiot, what are you doing here, i wanted to sign a contract to buy oil, everyone wants it, not everyone has a buyer, but you do, yes, i wonder where from, can you check? it's all written down in the diary, take a look, bring it, well, at the beginning of september i sold russian oil to cuba, later i processed containers in rotterdam, it's all there. hey, what do you want? what do you mean, what do i
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i want? i want to cooperate. why didn't you come to me right away? no one decides anything here without me. i didn't know, well now you know, untie me. well, let's say you get your contract, then what? what next? i didn't even come here for a container, i need regular deliveries, you call nicely, but why did you think i would believe you, you don't have to believe me, we can call my partner and you discuss everything with him yourselves, which language is more convenient for you, english, french, spanish, don't be rude, get the pipe, well, look, if nothing works out, you won't leave here alive, i promise you. don't call.
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i'm calling about oil supplies. unfortunately, mr. darano can't come to the phone now, what should i tell him? what is he saying? please tell him that i 've found an oil supplier. and i'd like to discuss the terms. it's very urgent.
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your russian friend oleg nesterov. mesterov, he
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did find oil after all, he says yes, i didn't doubt him, some amateurs, that 's great. you know yourself that the profitability of a project is always inversely proportional experience of a partner, we need to go there and figure everything out, to siberia, exactly, and the sooner the better, until they find other intermediaries, okay, i book tickets, yes one or two, one for a start, okay.
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for 5 million tons per year, how much is it, it all depends on the quotes, but somewhere around 10 million dollars, you answer, how you relax, boys, good evening, good, well, some relax, some work, well, here we all work, only everyone has a different profession, oh, verko, this evil, if she was kind, she would sing in house of pioneers. you sang wonderfully, let 's drink to art, come on, well, it's time for us to relax too, we've ordered a sauna for 11, who should we invite, lenka, call lenka, why
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are you sitting there, choose? i'm not the one who's passed out, that i didn't understand, you want to offend me, no, i have a girlfriend, a fiancée, listen. i have one question for you, what did you do to displease chernikov so much that he put you on the black list, on the black list, well, what did he say, to begin with i refused to die for him, then i refused to work for him, did he really turn against me so much, well
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yeah, you really got him, okay? don't lie, i 'm not running around in his minions, come on. here are the requested goods for shipment,
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the volumes have not yet been agreed upon, i have marked those that are included in the combat designation list, yeah, why does your boss? i met with general kamil, as far as i know, it was his initiative, in any case, this meeting was empty, not long before that general kamel met with the russian ambassador with nika irina markeevich, who is she, she is an acquaintance of my boss, a close one, an acquaintance. does she work at the embassy of oman? i don't know where she is works, but she lives in moscow, they meet often. sergey evgenievich,
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mr. chernikov, did you not expect to meet me here? and by the way, i also love antiquity, for example, did you know that steller's cow was destroyed in just 27 years from the moment of its discovery, did you know? only i know, you work faster, funny, funny, but i have a conversation with you, a serious one, well, let's go, this is paul cheslar, a us intelligence agent in the middle east, how did you manage to contact him, he came to me himself, what do you think, he you? how does it happen that contact with
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an agent, it's too early for you to know, you're still young, i'm serious, imagine that you're sitting in a bar and a stranger comes up to you, so what question will he ask you, i think, what 's my name, right? the next, what do i do, my occupation? you say that you're on a business trip, then, probably, where did i come from, logical, and if this question is not asked to you, well, i would ask, right, in 80% of cases it will be one of the first five questions that you will be asked, in other cases they will give it to you during the first hours of communication, if you are not asked this question, then they already know something about you, and that an experienced agent can fail on such a trifle? no, you must help him, how
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to confuse, distract, change the topic of conversation, then during the conversation find out that he really knows where you came from, cool, why is the personal life of the count empty, we have no information, unfortunately. we checked your contact in oman, she is the mistress of the head of a russian foreign trade company. chemical expert, unpronounceable name. they have been doing business in iraq for a long time. i told you that this is a valuable contact. not for us. what do you mean? in the company, we already have our own person, no further development of the contact is required,
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in our studio the music from our favorite films is playing again, when she sang the first take, the musicians' souls trembled, she says, we need to rewrite it again, we need another take, the director fell to his knees and said: "please, just don't, a wonderful comedy, wedding in malinovka, all music"?
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come here, i said, come, uh, come here, come, tell me, what are you doing, what are you doing, come on, come on, quickly move away from here, volodya, here, take it, please, money, it's because of me, everything, i'm guilty, i'm guilty of everything, take the money, buy a car, fix a new one or an old one, alena, no, what are you saying? i beg you, just take the money. just don't call the police, they'll kill me, you know, and in our
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yard on sunday on the first, the car is being repaired, i'll explain everything later, well, guys, let's go to the movies, and as we agreed, oops, and this is my employer, meet him, hello, i'm alena, hello, volleyball, like you haven't seen it yet?
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channel one cup, live broadcasts seventeenth and eighteenth. august on the first, in the new season on the first, rumors about this crime are already circulating in the city, wherever you go, they say everywhere, women are lured into a taxi and shot in the back, i wanted to ask you about your find, this knot seemed very massive, although it was easy enough, you have been awarded the great honor of moles. news and trust of reich, remember this, after the war i was looking for my son's comrades-in-arms, i was interested in what was happening there at the end of the war, and anything could have happened there , you don't have any photos of kolya, it's strange, where are they, were they here, oh my god, how similar to my son, you are the only real
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witness, the only person he came to openly, well, major? the hunt has begun, the confrontation, the premiere of the legendary book by julian semyonov, boys, mom, glad to see you. good morning, what a pleasant surprise, sit down, how are you feeling, mom, is there any news? uday
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and uncle ali went to aman, but these bastards were afraid to even come out to us, what? have you seen the sisters? no, they did not let them meet. i am sure that they hid them on purpose when learned about our arrival. my poor girls, but your son-in-law willingly meets with americans and englishmen. surely there is a complete list of all his contacts, right, brother? now all hope is on you. on me. i don’t even have the opportunity to talk on the phone with my girls, so you must go there. no one will dare to prevent you from visiting your daughters and grandchildren. you must convince them to return to iraq. we will not allow this bastard to disgrace us in front of the whole world. of course, of course, i will go. i will go with you too.
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okay. for your safety. okay. what are you fussing about, what do you mean? christian darano, one of the world's leading traders, he's on friendly terms with the president and a half, and we have exactly one chance to impress him, but we're not just any bastards here , forgive me, i'm really worried.
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i'm responsible for my own business, you don't follow yours, so what, do you see him there, oleg, hello, isabel, baris, christian, and where's christy, mr. darano asked me to see how everything is set up here and prepare a detailed report for him, so what? let me introduce you to my partner, it's a pleasure. me too, so, please!
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isabel, isabel, i understand that christian has many other projects, but despite the fact that he did not take my offer seriously, this is really huge. true, on the contrary, unlike me, christian is very excited about the possible cooperation, and what's
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there? these are oil rigs, yours, ignat, these are our ears. tell me, everything here is ours, i would like to see, now, i know, yes, now, okay, good, ignat, we can drive up to the rig, what are you talking about, let's go, we'll determine to a normal hotel, then a restaurant, a bathhouse, ural gem, what, don't you know women , she's asking to go to the tower, she gave in. you're a tower, our women live here all their lives, they never go to this tower, some problems, everything's okay, you'll get a tower, let's go
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to samatlor, no problem, samatlor deposit, the sixth, the largest in the world, the scientific research is being assessed.
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good morning, lenochka, good morning, dmitry andreevich, well, you look rested, as if you just came from a resort, yes, well, i've been at the dacha all weekend, and where are you, then, on on the cote d'azur, where is this under the nose, oh, so our jordanian colleagues told me to give this to you personally, thank you, and this is your mail, yeah, okay, lenochka, make a coffee, please, oh, yes, of course, sorry, there were no urgent calls during this time,
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no, dmitry andreevich, i won't disturb you, come on in. yes, black, please. well, how was your trip? normal, then we'll work with them, with whom? with the jordanians? let's do it later,
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well, maybe later, later, well, yes, of course, of course. you told me that when he kissed you, you started seeing again, yes, suddenly it won't be just a kiss, well, suddenly you 'll see the whole picture, the customer is unhappy, it's
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your misfire. always with someone, either with this woman or with the cops, even the dog doesn't walk alone, today you'll have the opportunity, he'll be alone, all the information is on your phone, atap they'll kill him, at his house, fortune teller, new episodes, tomorrow on the first, i'm a crow, i'm a crow.
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took on her granddaughter, it turned out great, like everything else she's done so far, it's time to rejoice in our own, well, dear friends, time flies in the circle of talented people unnoticed, two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, come on, come on, well, can i ask you, i met a woman it happened that i love her, i have loved her for a long time since school, do you? the hair on
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the back of my head is wet from the heart, there is lipstick on my collar, for everyone we are an ideal couple, i don’t want to be a thief, you understand, yes, but it seems to me that you yourself, yes, my wife asked me, she left for another, why don’t you go after her, don’t fight, wo n’t you bring her back, i’m out of my skin for him, do you even know how much they cost, you don’t asked, and now i'm doing it right? outside, guy, bastard, chorus, premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first, the envelope, of course, is not signed, and what does he say himself, he says nothing, well, of course you didn't ask, and what should he ask him, seryoga, you accidentally didn't agree with chernikov about anything behind my back, you have
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everything. okay, yes, yes, of course, there are two options here, and either yakovlev really works for chernikov, but then it is not clear who sent it why he decided to save the incas. yeah, it is not clear, or yakovlev refused chernikov, who decided to compromise him in revenge, and why didn't he tell me about it straight to my face? okay, you better tell me how your trip went? well, to be honest, i felt like a complete idiot, thank god that it's all over, and what does he say? who, mr. kamal, said that the americans promise to organize a coup for him to make him president of iraq. generously, what do the americans want from this military archive? everyone understands that under the embargo , there can be no talk of any iraqi nuclear program. the americans are allergic to sadomasochism, they
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any proof that he could be dangerous is needed. he missed you.
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he is busy now, busy, he doesn't know who has arrived, it's not respectful, it's not scary, i can understand them, ragat, you must make your husband come back, he is disgracing our family in front of the whole world, do you think he will listen to me, i can imagine how angry he would be with us? he dreams of you coming back, he misses you very much, really, of course, don't come back, darling, convince
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your husband not to do anything stupid, we are waiting for you, the whole family is waiting for you. i'm afraid we won't be able to work with dmitry. why? because he went to hussein kamel for some reason. what? odey is furious. the general met with pirogov, he didn't even come out to him. can you imagine what he will do if i sign the contract. the dinner was simply incredible, you are an amazing hostess, these are the recipes that were made, she taught me a lot, i
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know that she would be a wonderful woman, i'm really sorry that everything turned out this way, why was, i'm sorry, i expressed myself incorrectly.
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thank you, samir. you have a beautiful garden. thank you. efforts, but we can't achieve the desired
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result, this is not your fault, you are not there are enough necessary substances, even the best cook won't cook hlava if he doesn't have nuts. good morning, what happened? we have a meeting at 11, which means we only have 5 hours to discuss the terms of delivery, now is a big business, the concept of 24/7, also wakes up. 6 am, christian is not yet
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in bed at 6 am, okay, give me 5 minutes, meet me downstairs, 5 minutes, why are you so rumpled, have you been drinking or something, she came to me at 6 am. and carried it with her contract for 5 hours, maybe he has a time difference, fire woman, here she came to me, to oleg strizheny's deletion, every mortal has the right to wish for passionate love, heavenly beauty artist, huge blue eyes that...
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no, it's not true, in our case it's not, if it weren't for her, around me, i can't imagine, i simply wouldn't have lived to see today, the love of my life, no, it's not too late now, tomorrow will be too late, to start liquidating, what i wished for my grandfather on his birthday. these are more great-grandchildren. on saturday, on the first.
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were you close to death? yes, several times. i lived in a cruel, difficult and magnificent time. and despite everything, the best races of my life are connected with work in intelligence. we burn everything behind us. we will cope with you. after all, i worked for the good of the motherland, fulfilling my duty. the duty of a russian patriot. dmitry bystrotov, an outstanding illegal intelligence officer. in russian history, there were periods when the only place for a decent russian person was in prison, so even in the camps i was in my place, sometimes the forces are cut off, the meaning of what is happening becomes completely illusory, what becomes your support, love, we again together. "i think i've lived a good life
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and i'm ready to live it exactly the same way again. intelligence legends, a genius of reincarnation, a recruiter on saturday on the first. it doesn't happen that a person was in your life, here he disappears, even if he dies. in this girl, i almost don't recognize that child who 5 years ago lost the most precious thing - his mother. i don't think that i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this..." my mother, yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news. you, that mom is no longer with us, that at that moment, that evening he experienced, only he knows, it is a great responsibility to tell your child that his mother is gone. how did yulia's only daughter experience this loss, what path did she go through after her mother's death? i am somehow really very somehow mega-strong, i was somehow so pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive
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5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory about the famous mother, when... the light came, my life changed, i will always be with you, exclusive with dmitry borisov on saturday on the first, alexander nikolaevich verchinsky, vera vasilievna is cold, mom, and shurik has a jacket like dad, by what right, you decide what we should do, by the right of a man. oh, and how long have you been in constantinople? 2 days. elena pavlovna, this poor child just fell into a hungry stupor. do you want me to become your mistress? yes, i agree, to marry, but who, vasya? so okay, wake up alone. i know you, you're
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vertinsky. don't you dare meet her without me. prau, dietrick. arlette! and where will you spend tonight? i've been waiting for you for an hour and a half, if i want to get married, i'll marry anyone, you're old enough to be a grandfather, it seems to me you wished me happiness, in vertinsky, on sunday the first, we love each other, i'll be his wife, well, you 're unlikely to be his wife, for the reason that he's already married.
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how do you know that she's my beloved? petya, where do we work? thank you!
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what exactly are you interested in? the second volume, to unfortunately, no.
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digs deep. what do you mean? at first i thought she was showing off, but imagine, she will be born in 4 hours in papers that i don't read, even those who write them, here it seems to be different. big money, i told you, you'll see, they will be, well, what do you say
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, everything suits me, absolutely everything, if the deadlines are not violated and the first delivery goes without a hitch, i am sure that a very profitable cooperation awaits us. so, you will sign a contract with us, a trial contract, you do not agree, well, this should be noted, drag, well, to success.
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isabelle, help me, please, let me ask you a frank question. okay. how did you marry her father, a very rich man, after 10 years they divorced,
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because there is always someone younger, and she was sent to a swiss boarding school, tell her that i am also here at home, then you...
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can you at least not answer this once, you know that i work on time, and i hear it too often, hello? irina. i missed you. me too. when are you going to jordan again? i don’t know yet. we could go to petra. it’s very beautiful there. you see. someday she will be recognized as a wonder of the world, when
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we meet, i don’t know, i’ll think of something, okay, it seems to me, or the management considered this contact futile, something tells me that this decision was premature, well, consider that an inner voice, an inner voice. an inner voice, it’s more likely the voice of your friend, who it was, you know that i can’t say, very convenient, well it was a wonderful day. yeah, thanks us for the evening, see you tomorrow, goodbye, goodbye, good
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ignat, isabel, these flowers are as beautiful as
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thought that komarova wrote, i was very surprised, i was sure that it was something very popular and very ancient, yes 3:4 for a week, on saturday on the first, montevideo, the capital of uruguay, one of the most developed and richest countries in latin america, you know what i noticed, people here dress quite simply. a kilogram of makeup on the face is not about our women, montevideo rent for local residents is quite expensive, but there is an option when you can live even for free. if we see that a person is normal, neat, tidy, just at he is having financial problems now, we accept him and settle him in one of the rooms. the favorite dish of uruguayans is meat-siege.
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usually we eat this dish with bread, vegetables, red wine sauce. here's another rib, please, it goes well in uruguay, the life of others, the premiere, on sunday on the first. volleyball, as you have not seen it yet? the first channel cup, live broadcasts, august 17 and 18, on the first. in the new season on the first.
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there are already rumors in the city about this crime, wherever you go, they say everywhere, women are lured into a taxi and shot in the back. i i wanted to ask you about your find. this knot seemed very massive, although it was easy enough to break. you have been awarded a great honor, moles, honor and trust of the reich, remember this, after the war i was looking for my son's comrades, i was interested in what happened there at the end of the war, and anything could have happened there, if you don't have any photos, it's strange where they are, they were here. lord, how similar he looks to my son, you are the only real witness, the only person to whom he came openly. well, major, has the hunt begun? confrontation,
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premiere of the seminal book by yulian semenov. mr. general, did you want to see me? no, not you, your leaders. i don’t understand why you still haven’t provided me with a clear plan for a coup d’etat. well, you also haven’t provided us with the documentation on the military programs that you brought with you to jordan.
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nonsense, saddam won’t let them go anywhere, he’s just leading them on by the nose, and i’m offering real information, i’m offering peace in the middle east and oil for american companies, you’d have to be complete idiots to spend time to think, i will definitely pass on your words to my superiors, mr. general, mr. president! soon you will be addressing me exactly like that.


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