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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 8, 2024 2:20am-3:01am MSK

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islands of stability, there are others, indeed, the most distant, quite large island, was predicted to be around 170, exactly 160, approximately element, the only thing is, how reliable are these predictions, to say, well, i think that no one will undertake, because nuclear physics, a science based on models, on our model ideas about the nucleus, the quality of the predictions of these models. depends very much
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on how far we have gone from the known area, from the area of ​​nuclei that we know them experimentally, to hope that these nuclei can live long enough, well, in general, it’s difficult, because well, what is generally considered, what determines the end of the periodic table, it is considered that the periodic table will end in principle where the stability of the nucleus becomes negligible, and the nucleus will not... will live long enough for an atom to form, well , these are fractions of a nanosecond, fractions of a nanosecond are needed for the nucleus to become covered with electrons, well, when we reach such times, then, well, in fact, it will not be an atom, accordingly, no longer chemical element, here is the stability of the nucleus of a heavy, very heavy one, here is determined in fact by its stability with respect to fission, and the nucleus is charged, protons are like...
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particles with the same charge, they tend to break apart the nucleus, there are nuclear forces that tend to keep it in a compact form, here is the opposition of these two forces that determines the stability of very heavy nuclei, and the heavier the nucleus, the more these repulsive forces, the coulomb forces, they become stronger and stronger, more powerful and more powerful and faster and faster they try to break the nucleus apart faster, it is believed that it is precisely this process of nuclear division that limits. the world of nuclei and the world of atoms, it is predicted that somewhere not very far beyond element 120 we will just reach the values ​​of lifetimes that will not allow us to experimentally register these chemical elements, that is, they will live so little that the nuclei, that we simply will not be able to detect them, there are, however, other predictions that these will not be ordinary dense nuclei, these may turn out to be nuclear bubbles here... this is such a structure, when
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we have not a dense one, like a drop of liquid, but a bubble, where the protons are closer to the surface, this will prolong the stability of the nucleus, and nuclei in this form can exist much heavier, such a prediction also exists, but this is still in the realm of predictions, colonel abdulaziz, very nice, me too, and this is his charming wife, we met at the museum, you are probably a good person, but in iraq it is not customary to just talk to married women, and yet more to help them, we both know that you are endangering the whole family, why don't you want to listen to me and sit quietly, i advise you to be more careful with whom, with everyone, tomorrow after the program.
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when i read what komarova wrote, you i was very surprised, i was sure that it was something. very popular very ancient, yes 3:4 per week, all the gortu on the first, well returning to einstein mendeleev, how many years have passed, how many steps physics has made forward, and it is clear how the nucleus is arranged, infinitely much is known about the nucleus, but here's unfortunately, we don't know...
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limitations from the point of view of nuclear theory, this is the building block that is missing for nuclear science to become a truly precise science, precise in the sense that we have precisely written equations, if we can solve them, we will get an absolutely correct solution, and if we perform an experiment, we will simply... confirm it, but nuclear physics is not such a science, unfortunately, that is, we have learned to explain and predict many things, but our capabilities are all equally limited by the knowledge we have about the nature of nuclear forces, well, still
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, if without the formula of the equation, at the level of metaphors , the nucleus is, i don’t know, a snowball, a brick wall, a drop, some kind of lattice, what is it? well , there is such a model, uh. a liquid drop, yes, from the point of view of which the nucleus is a drop of very dense matter, a drop of such a nuclear liquid, with rather sharply defined edges, in order to understand what density this formation is, then approximately if we had a hundred-liter barrel of nuclear matter, this nuclear liquid, then this barrel, the mass of this barrel would be the same as the mass of water in lake baikal, in general, on... as strange as it sounds, it seems to us that we are very dense, yes, or there is a dense stone, dense iron, we ourselves generally consist of emptiness, these small nuclei, a very dense formation, but they are small, if you compare the size of an atom and the size of a nucleus, then this is
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one to 1000, that is, if our nucleus has a size of 1 cm, then the atom would be 10.
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became possible after the characteristics were improved hundreds of times in the nineties, here it turned out that 20 years have passed, and in 20 years experimental equipment can be made tens, well, maybe in the range of 100 times better than 20 years ago, that is , a new accelerator has been built, more powerful, more efficient, new separators, and now we are already doing the first experiments, so far on known elements, we see that... the productivity of this complex has grown well tens of times the number of atoms that all the laboratories of the world have accumulated throughout history, we can collect the same amount and even to sort out for there for a thirty-day experiment, it really shows
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that we have reached some other, some new qualitative level of conducting experiments, actually there are two tasks for the new accelerator complex: the first task number one is the synthesis of new elements, which you are asking about, the second is the study of already existing - discovered elements, their isotopes, new isotopes, so if we talk about the synthesis of new elements, then... what is such a big snag? in the fact that - the targets are heavier, than california can't be made, and california with calcium, so when merging with california we get element 118, which is already known, that is, we must move to - to move away from calcium to heavier beams, and this, unfortunately, leads to the fact that the probability of synthesis decreases according to... predictions and according to the first experimental estimates, it says that well, the decrease can be from
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10 to 100 times, this really creates difficulties in conducting experiments, precisely because a new one was built experimental this complex is a factory of superheavy elements, that is, we technically win a factor of about 30 in efficiency and this, we hope, will give us the opportunity to reach 119.
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einstein and mendeleev, when they made their discoveries, they first of all, of course, thought about understanding the world and did not think much about the applied significance, it is clear how... mendeleev had enormous applied significance for chemistry and the industry, medicine, and so on that flowed from it. einstein is more complicated, but he is also often needed. and what could be the theoretical practical significance of your research? well, why in theory, in general nuclear science has given the world a lot, yes, we can remember nuclear energy, yes, electricity. recently, probably a lot. such discoveries of fundamental nuclear science are
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used in medicine, these are medical pharmaceuticals, yes, radioactive isotopes, which are used for diagnostics and therapy of the most severe diseases, oncological primarily, which are created on reduced copies, accelerators, which were made for fundamental research, are used. these are the same nuclear reactions and knowledge about nuclear reactions that were studied in order to make science fundamental, there are specialized accelerators for the treatment of oncological diseases, some registration methods are used, for example, there was such a method of registering particles when a particle got into plastic, then the damaged matter was chemically etched. according to the parameters, here the resulting pores determined what kind of particles they were, such was
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detection method, then they figured out that you can take a polymer film, pierce it with heavy ions through and through, process it with chemicals, you will get a membrane, a membrane with hole sizes, with pore sizes that cannot be made by any other means, clearly calibrated pores, these membranes... they are called track membranes, they are just now finding a boom in the development of various products, primarily medical and industrial, all kinds of filters, all kinds of even some artificial skins are being tried to be made on the basis of track membrane, this is what is done by perhonorod from nuclear science and is done with the help of the technology that is used for fundamental science, if we look at nuclear science a little bit more broadly, include particle physics in it, then we can
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remember medical tomographs, which are now in almost every clinic, this is also in general a product of the science of fundamental particle physics the world wide web www, yes, which was invented by scientists in tsern, exclusively as a convenient tool display of experimental information that scientists receive, and after that, well, this technology, it has actually spread into every smartphone now and we really just can't imagine life without it. so in general - fundamental science in general, it has no goal - to do something - initially to do something useful, something that will enrich or improve our lives, yes, and its goal is to understand the world around us, the laws of nature that govern this world, the boundaries of this world and so on, all these useful things, they turn out like
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some by-product. can we make a bomb out of what we talked about today?
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one by one, that is, synthesized one atom, made a measurement, yes, then got the second, made a measurement, but they do not accumulate - in such quantities that you could do something with it, like with a substance, well, the very idea of ​​your institute is precisely the rapprochement of peoples through science, and not some aggressive ones, the slogan of the institute, yes, science brings peoples together, well, it seems to me, we can finish our program here: may there be plenty with you the power of science that brings peoples together, may the power of chemistry and physics be with you. this was the podcast kod schrödinger, and i am its host grigory tarasevich, our guest today, alexander karpov, scientific secretary of the laboratory of nuclear reactions of the joint institute for nuclear research. all episodes
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of the kotschedinger podcast, watch on the website of the first channel, and may the power of science be with you. this podcast is a must-read, i am glaina batnikova, and today we will discuss the work of annoré de balzac, a classic of the world literature, a french novelist, he wrote about 90 novels in his life, combining them into the cycle "the human comedy". and we are discussing this wonderful author today with the writer blogger malka lorrens. malka, hello. hi. malka, here is balzac, he is an expert, so to speak, in human souls, everything is dedicated to him, some class twists and turns, the attempt of young people, like izhen rastenyak, to break into high society, behind this we constantly
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see some dramas and money problems. what do you think? an expert in the topic of money in general money? balzac is a rare expert on the topic of money, because he never had any money, he was endlessly trying to make some startups, nothing worked out for him, because he naturally took out loans for them, all this is so familiar, right? i think he started writing something like that, he started publishing in about 1928, if i'm not mistaken, and he wrote somewhere around that time. he was like a madman , a novel a year, and there are more, there are five or six novels a year, well, a novel is a novel, and let's not forget the stories, yes, we have there is still some free time, all this happened after he - how he failed with some, i don't remember, i don't remember on what topic, another startup, not
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another, the very first one, which he paid for his whole life, yes, yes?
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legislation, all completely new regulations, and then the restoration of the bourbons, when the old aristocracy began to get back some of its privileges, privileges and fortunes, that is, this is a period of continuous turbulence, in such times fortunes are made very quickly, quickly, yes, if they are done, that is, that is, everything is simply multiplied by 32, that is, if you are unlucky, then you are unlucky at all with the ends.
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gave away, well, little was left of him, and in his youth this business activity, it was connected precisely with this, everyone did it like that, because why sit and do this business, so he did not succeed, and he decided, it did not work out, then i will be like this, yes, i am smart, i will earn money by writing, okay, he earned money by writing, but it was not enough, we today we are discussing father, grief novel story gopsek, these are characters, memes. these are characters-memes, which, which, unlike his other characters, are known more or less to everyone, at least to those who studied at school, maybe not on not quite on a three, these two images, they are, firstly, quite bright,
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secondly, they are more or less familiar to everyone, because these are, thank god, short stories, plus we do not forget about the processing that a more or less well-known christomatological literary work undergoes when it gets into school program, for example, in the school program there is a task? so that a person remembers at all, at least something, he has no time to reason, yes, he is given the main idea, and then he remembers, well done, five, this is the principle of simplification, this schematization, it is done quite simply, so gopsya is a swindler, a swindler, that means, this is a greedy monster that sucks the blood of workers, well , yes, exploits and non-workers too, he generally sucks blood from everyone indiscriminately, what a monster.
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constantly cuts, cuts, cuts for himself this boarding house, he practically doesn't eat anything anymore, this is his crazy passion for his daughters, and
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before his death he tells eugene rastenac, his neighbor and also the lover of one of the daughters, that he made a mistake, and if he hadn't given his fortune to these daughters, but kept it for himself, then the daughters would have loved him and would have come to his deathbed, this feeling of his for his daughters, is it normal at all? that is, who lives in this boarding house in the new officials, that is, in general, quite respectable ladies, some students, yes, that is, this is not, some kind of marginalization, yes,
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in his completely helpless reasoning between us about the nature of everything that exists, he is not a philosopher, he too, he is still small, he also tries to somehow divide all this into categories, and there we have, then, a family is like peace, humility, struggle and rebellion, and rebellion is represented by this vautrin, vautrin, who is actually a thief in law, he is the keeper of the common fund for a minute, and at the same time he lives in this
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boarding house for the poor. world, and we see these intrigues of high society and we see what is behind the trinity, this brilliant, we see girls who are behind invitation to the vicantess to the ball, ready to leave the father who is dying, that is, we understand that the stakes are so high there, it is so important to get to this ball, that really, not now, not up to the father, let him die now, and so everything has already
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been taken from him, everything that is possible we ...
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today is the love of my life, no, now is not too late, tomorrow will be too late, start liquidation, what would i wish for my grandfather for his birthday, this is more great-grandchildren, on saturday, on the first, these are podcasts. must
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read, today we are discussing balzac and his work with malka lawrence, writer, blogger. the story of father goriot, it does not begin in this boarding house, where he is - in the attic, no, his story is there , watching his beloved daughters through binoculars, he himself is described in quite detail, and do you remember how he got rich, on vermicelli, he was rich, on vermicelli, when and why, what as it is the period of the revolution, he is a grain speculator, the year of famine, yeah, so he made his fortune, that is, he is resourceful, he is also, he is also a peasant, actually, yes, his father is a peasant, in my opinion, he is just origin.
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life, moreover, he was obliged to allow himself this, because it corresponded to his status, and his daughters naturally, they also took advantage of this, because it was again part of his duty, if he wanted to marry them off normally, he could raise them in the village, please, but then he would raise them until old age, but still there is something unhealthy in his attitude towards his daughters, we feel it when we read, of course, of course, throughout the whole story it is very much emphasized -
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there remained love for his daughters, well , every person has some kind of super, some kind of super value, he has this , he simply does not have enough imagination for everything else, that is, this happens not because he is so before them, but because he simply cannot think of anything else, well, this is interesting, by the way, but it is also interesting the turn, when he is before his death, we look at him and he seems so naive to us, he loves his daughters so much, and how can we not notice that it was his daughters who put him in this position, he blames everything...
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yeah, that's one, that's the other. well, by the way, this is very interesting, also in balzac, what i read is different from our time, there is a lot, it is said about women's money, that is, a woman's money, yes, and the plant wants to penetrate high society through a woman, and no count, as you correctly noted, will marry any beauty without a huge devoted, countess on a beauty without a devoted, if this beauty will be... he will not marry the daughter of a vermeil maker without a devoted, that is, it is devoted, it was, it was necessary to give the children a start, but they somehow strangely disposed of this start, both girls, and here
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you need to delve into the laws, and if you read balzac not like an eighth-grader diagonally, where will it be, where will it be love, finally, where finally, and he already, and he already confessed to her, how come? we scroll further another 40 pages, confessed, thank god, well, if you read everything, everything, what is in between, then in general, you can write a good diploma thesis. and about what the law says about division, yes,
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some kind of complex transactions, with some kind of return receipts, it's all quite curious, commerce, banking, everything is there, it's all there, just like we had zalyato already read, no, not for the sake of who is whose lover, yes, but for the sake of who earned how much on what and how he did it, finally we can, and we can just like that, glean some wisdom from the book and apply it in life. it seems to me, no, look, it's possible, yes, it's possible, depending on what we want to glean, because we have it there - this, as i understand it, we are smoothly moving on to relationships with money, we are smoothly moving on to your book hypnosis and anesthesia, because i have the main question about this book, and i myself read it with pleasure, it is in my library and i recommend it to all young girls, even teenagers,
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these horrors are about making a person out of yourself, making a person out of the man next to you, yes or just somehow survive in these relationships, making a person out of a man, making a person out of a man, you said this, for example, so i understand that you just compared me to balzac, thank you, i wanted to say that you have a certain characteristic of the people who act in your prose, it is quite accurate, just like balzac, that is, balzac's types. when i read, i recognize them, i know them, that is , i know them in life, in your book i also know,
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this is a rare thing, well, that is, this is not an imaginary world, but this is the view of a very observant person and a very smart one, that is why the question is whether it is possible to adopt some of your experience after reading your book, what do you think, has the point is - any book can be used to learn some experience, that's why we read it, if we're talking about a book on hypnosis, anesthesia. it wasn't written to teach anyone anything, it's like any book, what makes it not a psychological manual or a collection of tips, it wasn't written for yes, it wasn't written to teach, i don't sell knowledge, i don't sell techniques, it was written for the same reason that fiction is written, in order to show something, and what to do with this knowledge, that's up to you, well, the topic of money in...
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there are, of course, because there are all sorts of things there.


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