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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 8, 2024 4:25am-4:58am MSK

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i think that in the last 15 years, well , we approached this projectile, in november-december the disposal of this waste will begin, okay, i hope that it will be so, another topic of the meeting is tourism: the tourist flow is growing, says the minister of economic development, along with it the prices for vacations are growing, compared to last year ours have grown by 14%, this is higher than inflation, we understand this problem, the key factor of restraint is the supply of rooms, what we asked for here, we have zero vat for hotels in effect until the twenty-seventh year, we are here about...
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than in the same period last year, and according to the ministry of economic development forecasts, there may be more, and here, of course, great attention is paid to safety, including on the crimean bridge, across which 900 thousand passengers traveled by car and bus from may to july. inspection of one car takes an average of only 6 minutes, a bus up to 15 minutes, the waiting area for inspection is provided with all the necessary sanitary and living conditions, and here we must give credit to the drivers.
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now let's get back to where we started the release, there is already footage of airstrikes on ukrainian formations on the border with the kursk region. k-52 helicopters worked on the enemy's equipment personnel. the ministry of defense provides a short report on the combat work of the army frontline aviation. we receive the task, together with the pilot we perform the necessary calculations, then inspect the aircraft, take off according to the task, drop the aviation bombs. with a universal planning and correction module, the bombs always fly right on target, hitting the enemy. how to help people who suffered from attacks in the ssu is now being decided in the center, locally, by human rights ombudsmen. tatyana moskalkova met with residents of the belgorod region today. according to her, the experience of the region, which is regularly shelled by ukrainian militants, can be used in the kursk region. tatyana kozlova will continue. this is our tyoma,
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tyoma, our dog, our guard, one remained there, one remained, the neighbors are now keeping an eye on tyoma, yes, yes, the neighbor, thank her, is in a temporary accommodation center. a month abandoned her house, garden and farm to bring her mother, her native village to a safe place mura is under fire every day, our roof was broken, our windows were replaced, the roof was redone, in our village many houses were destroyed, many burned down, they especially try to destroy those houses that the new youth built, two-story houses, you know, modern, young people, young families, in this temporary accommodation point there are several dozen more families, they all have similar stories, we do not feel like we are not at home, we are at home, you understand, well, still not at home. to meet with people who lost or were forced to leave their house, the human rights commissioner, tatyana moskalkova, arrived in belgorod. most of all, people were concerned about the timing of the restoration
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of destroyed housing and receiving compensation. my problem is that i live in the village of shchetinovka, i am registered there, but in fact my address is in the village of shchetinovka, where i actually live not according to my registration, and i was told that i will not receive compensation for the loss of property, that there is no such law, then this issue needs to be resolved, you have lived here for 10 years, you are registered, you are entitled to compensation for the lost property, of course, is unfair if a person does not receive compensation, and we believe that such a way, such a solution to the issue... must be found, i will help. the experience of the region, which is regularly subjected to shelling by the armed forces of ukraine, can help the authorities of the kursk region. here, completely unique methods have been developed for solving the problems of people who have been left homeless due to, and shelling,
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bombing by ukraine. resolving issues of medical care, resolving labor issues, it is necessary to understand how wages will be paid. allowance, especially those who belong to the category of the most vulnerable groups, the elderly, these are pensioners, mothers with many children and so on, the experience is unique, it must be used, the conversation lasted several hours until the missile hazard siren sounded in the city. the results of the meeting have to be summed up already in the corridor. we are here today with a large team. together with a representative of the ministry of construction, with the deputy governor of the belgorod region, the human rights commissioner in the belgorod region, with his team, and we try to hear everyone, to help, not just listen and leave, to immediately resolve
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the issue. today you are amazed by the courage of these people, here we are literally in the conditions of the declared alarm. there was poor technical maintenance, this was reported by the investigative committee. three employees who conducted a routine inspection of the gas pipeline a month before the tragedy were placed under house arrest by the court today. let me remind you that the explosion on august 1 collapsed two entrances of a five-story building, 10 people died under the rubble,
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16 were injured, eight of them are still are in the hospital, the building is most likely beyond repair. archival bomb, in the summer of 1945, hitler. was preparing a nuclear strike on the soviet union, the fsb declassified and published documents that add depth to the topic of recent weeks, the us plan to deploy missiles of unprecedented range in germany. pavel pchyolkin plunged into. in 1945, soviet troops captured an employee of the third reich propaganda ministry, gruppen führer werner wechtor. he was preparing regular reviews of the military industry for the leadership germany. his testimony sheds light on the nuclear program. hitler, all his information about the nuclear project came from high-ranking german military and officials. here is an excerpt from his answers to questions from investigators. based on conversations with dominika and hertel, i came to the conclusion that the german ministry of armaments was preparing to use atomic bombs in
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1945. i could judge this from other facts that were known to me as a senior official in the german ministry of propaganda. back in 1938 german. scientists managed to achieve the splitting of the atomic nucleus. the nuclear program of the third reich was launched in the thirty-ninth year. construction of a nuclear reactor began near berlin. germany banned the export of uranium and began to actively accumulate it, in the third year everything that germany could use in occupied europe and in the colonies of these occupied countries, it used to create an atomic bomb, for example, in occupied norway, yes, a plant for the production of heavy water, the belgian congo was delivered to uranium, in czechoslovatia they captured the largest uranium mines in europe, uranium 235. in addition, as is known, in germany since the middle of the. years there were active studies in the field of jet propulsion, in the forty-second year they resulted in the creation
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of the fau-1 rocket, later the v-2 rocket, the first combat launch, which took place in the forty -fourth year. hitler gave instructions to his scientists to change the time of creation of the atomic bomb, that is, the stake was made on a delivery vehicle such as the v-2, this v-2 rocket in a modernized version, it was supposed to reach the territory. united states of america and the urals, and thus with the help of atomic weapons, hitler planned to change the course of the war . excerpt from a declassified nkvd report. the fa2 could hit targets located in the middle of the atlantic ocean with its shells. hyland informed wechtor that work was underway to enable the v-2 shell to rise to a height of 122 kilometers and hit industrial facilities in north america. german officials.
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atomic bombs. among those referred to by wechtor was erich schumann, one of the key curators of the german nuclear project on the military side. he told him in the spring of 1945 that the course of the war would soon change because the latest secret weapons would be used at the front. the vekhtor refers to his boss, goebbels' successor as minister of propaganda, werner naummann. in one of his conversations with me , the state secretary of the propaganda ministry, dr. naumann, speaking about the military and political situation in germany at the last stage of the war, stated that
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everything would soon change for the better, and referred to the words of hitler, who in a narrow circle of trusted people declared: may god forgive me, the last 14 days of the war. that is, it can be assumed that the nuclear bombings could have lasted 2 weeks and should have led to germany's victory. goebbels even gave the order to prepare a favorable horoscope for hitler for june by this time, in order to distribute it among the masses. but in the winter of 1945, an unexpected pause occurred in the work on the nazi atomic bomb. in january 1945 , the red army deployed the wisloodorsk operation, came to the near approach of berlin at the end of january here are those capacities, those scientists, those studies that were conducted near berlin in berlin itself at the kaiser wilhelm institute, they were a evacuated to southern germany. everything suggests that the german nuclear project was seriously ahead of the soviet american. but fortunately, the plan for the creation.
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ussr and the usa, just 2 months later the world was horrified by the consequences of the american nuclear bombing of peaceful cities in japan. natalia litovka, irina chyuchui, yuri rublev, the first channel. another african country has severed diplomatic relations with ukraine. niger did so in solidarity with mali, where the authorities accused the kiev regime of supporting terrorism. militants are active in the north of this country, to whom, as the malian parliament said, ukraine provides intelligence data with the participation of the united states and france. the us state department acknowledged the security problems on the continent. both mali and niger appealed to the un security council with a statement expressing agreement with what the international community has long been trying to convey communities. russia, namely, the government in kiev is neo-nazi in nature. and here
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are the characters that the government encourages. in prague , a czech citizen was sentenced to seven years in a maximum security prison for mercenary activity. and, in addition, looting is an even more serious crime under local laws. in 22 , philip simon was part of a firing squad that operated, among other things, in the infamous bucha near kiev. witnesses confirmed that he stole. he took the belongings of dead soldiers from the homes of local residents, and here the expired zelensky spoke out in a big way. in italy, in the press leaked information about one object previously owned by rock singer sting. it is clear that the papers do not indicate the famous pseudonym, but the real name of the briton. according to official documents of the italian land registry, in june 2024, gordon sumner sold his wine estate in tuscany. the new owner was the italian company santamassa. the sale price is estimated at about 75 million euros.
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despite the fact that the company is registered in italy, it belongs to ukrainian citizens volodymyr zelensky and his wife elena. according to the italian land registry documents, the deal took place on june 28, just two weeks after volodymyr zelenskyy's visit to the g7 summit in italy, where european leaders agreed to provide ukraine with a $50 billion loan, which will be covered by income from frozen russian assets. according to ukrainian media , volodymyr zelenskyy likes red wine. it is also known that the former ukrainian comedian prefers other substances.
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well, the conclusions suggest themselves, but let's talk about honest, strong-willed people, those who returning from the front line, decided to live for others, sports, creativity, safety, big plans, big opportunities, maryana yatskevich was convinced, pass the ball, receive the ball, control, yes, calm vision, ivan uzun will not just teach you how to play football, how important teamwork is, cohesion in real life knows thanks to combat experience, until recently he was a... private, fought in a fire cover group, accompanied the landing, saved pilots, in peaceful life , a teacher, says, the main task now is to educate a new generation of defenders. the main thing is that they become good people, so that my child gets into every field of activity, who will worthily defend the interests of our country in any arena. it doesn't matter what profession they choose, whether they become doctors, whether they become doctors, engineers,
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football players, such a teacher of ubzh will teach them to disassemble a machine gun, to start disassembling a machine gun. and to provide first aid, carry carefully, step wider, ivan teaches in two schools, leads detachments of young army men, ivan nikolaevich teaches us courage and bravery, so that we are not afraid, he defended our country, so i consider my coach a hero, we are taught to protect the weak, to behave well, as if he educates us. my dad, timur, is now at the svo, i write to him every day, ask how he is there. the experiences at the front transfer to the theater stage, about what becomes especially important there, about overcoming oneself about the hardships of military life, the desire to win in a play about three volunteers who went to the svo. this is the story of real men who make
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a choice, and a man is not defined by wearing trousers, but by actions. here they are doing real men's actions. the defenders of the fatherland fund helps all the participants of the svo to return to a new life. in such meetings , both veterans and those who come to listen to them find something of their own, exchange opinions, find support, expressing what their souls ache about in verses. someday the peals of battles will pass, only thunder will scare away the silence here, soldiers will return home on armor, they will no longer find war for themselves. there, on the front lines, they fought. since we live here, everyone must observe order, if any questions arise, we try to stop all this. a fighter with the call sign cuban, sergei efremov, a hero of the dpr, commander of the legendary
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volunteer detachment tiger, headed such a patrol in the city before the start of hostilities. he was a federal official in moscow, having learned that his son was at the front, collected. the war caught him and he had to get his worn-out bulletproof vest back and go to the front, to defend his homeland, and i will say this, we are defending the integrity of our country there, i definitely saw that, in the first battle of our detachment we encountered american special forces, well the second part is still, when fathers go for their children, this is a normal story, here with my son we spent 2 years together, the task now is to help those who return to civilian life, undergo rehabilitation, get a job, regularly gather at the training ground, practice the skills acquired in the svo zone. maryavich, savitsky, tatyana shilina, marya. world-class, the progress of construction of new buildings of the famous
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gorky film studio in alaydasky proezd, sergei sobyanin assessed today. the updated filming pavilions on the historical site on sergei ezenshtein street. as the moscow mayor noted, this project is part of the modernization of the infrastructure necessary for the development of russian cinema. as a result of the construction of new buildings and the reconstruction of old ones, the usable area for filming will double to 100,000 km2, these will be the most modern pavilions in russia for filming movies, shows, and television programs. i hope that by the end of 2025 , the main reconstruction and construction work will be completed. despite the fact that... that full name of the film site central film studio of children's and youth films, made it famous not only children's films, quiet don, officers, the dawns here are quiet, white beam,
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black ear, it was in the gorky studio that the highest-grossing soviet film pirates of the 20th century the most popular multi-part television film 17 bnovenii vesny was filmed. the project of the first channel the whole world and another opportunity to lend a shoulder to those who are having a hard time, sending. sms donation to the short number 7375 or via qr code, it is on the screen. today the charity fund further, support for women with cancer, shock, confusion, despair, loneliness. the foundation helps to cope with all this, to gather together and decide on the tactics of the battle for life. and you and i can also participate in these victories. sit, sit, my sweet, sit.
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you are injuring her, you will do something else there weight, when she begins to swell, the foundation supported further, it found rehabilitation specialists, helped yulia return to life without restrictions and even decide on what she had put off before, my dream came true, this is internal peace, just fly. in the future, yulia will even be able to have children, and so that the fund could support as many women who are confused after the diagnosis is confirmed, it is enough to send an sms to the short number of the first channel project, the whole world 7375, donate. you can donate any amount that is acceptable to you, the main thing is to confirm the transfer or point the smartphone camera at the qr code and go to the aid collection page, a diagnosis is like an ocean, a certain storm state, and a person
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is on a small sudyonnykh, on his plateau, and he does not know where he will bring, here we are the fund acts as a compass that helps to get out there to a calm bay, where you can find support and live on. hello, now elena got into a storm, she has a relapse and metastases have already begun to poison the entire body, she is losing. strength to fight alone every day does not work, so to speak, the body is so tired cried, that i can no longer cry with a soul, no, not with tears, i just already well what grip grabbed the rope, you know that the rope is pulling you, probably, you are just holding on, when will there be a way out of the abyss, the foundation became this lifeline, the foundation's employees brought elena to moscow from voronezh to show her to the best oncologists and get a second opinion. stage four does not mean that life is over, there is a child who needs a mother, who needs affection, care, hugs and kisses, don't be afraid with
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me, everything is fine. timur is a very long-awaited child, but it so happened that he was born with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy. elena is raising her son alone, and tries as best she can to give him a happy childhood, but timur doesn't have enough strength for all his desires. i really want to see dolphins, i really want to see an octopus, even a real crab. the foundation helps families with psychologists, medical lawyers, they created a whole platform here, no matter where in the world you are, you always have access to lectures by oncologists, self-help lessons and proven. information about breast cancer , by the way, the most common of all malignant tumors, and a hotline has also opened for all those who have encountered the diagnosis, the number you are now you see on the screen, and if the foundation's wards have cherished desires, they must come true. wow, how gigantic it is, it even smells like sea water. while elena was being examined by doctors, timur went to the moskvarium. why do you like them? all the underwater cue with fluffy
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joy, real, oh, fish, here's a fish, a stingray, my friend pie will appear, dolphin, how are you there, friend, the dolphins put on a whole show, and timur immediately took out his phone to be sure to show everything to his mother, can anything else motivate you to fight illness, like a burning...
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or sms to the short number 7375, it is important to confirm the transfer at the request of the mobile operator. all about the project fees on the channel one website in the section the whole world 7375. that's all, well right now trader, oil spies feelings, intrigues, third series. there are nothing i can do nothing, i can say that folks don't criticize me, but i'm gonna do just as i want to do anyway. i don't care,
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just what people say, if i should take notice to jump into the ocean, nobody's beast, if i go to church on sunday, thank gabriel on monday, nobody's business. ain't nobody's business, if do, ain't nobody's business, if do, hey, nobody's business, if do, nobody 's business, and it nobody's business, if do,
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okay, well, who sent you here? i came myself, you see how it turns out, i came myself, and everyone sends you, if they had sent you, then everyone would have come to you themselves, a cycle, then you are a philosopher. so they did send you after all, well, who is behind you? i'm telling you, i came myself, if you came here yourself, then you are either a moron or an idiot, what are you doing here, i wanted to conclude contract for the purchase of oil, everyone wants it, not everyone has a buyer, and you do, yes, i wonder where from, you can check, everything is written down in the diary, look,
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bring it. no. at the beginning of september i sold russian oil to cuba, later i processed containers in rotterdam, here it is, and what do you want, what do you mean, what do i want, i want to cooperate, and why didn't you come to me right away, here no one decides anything without me, i didn't know, well now you know, untie it. well, let's say you get your contract, what next, what next, not even for i came here in a container, i need regular deliveries, you call nicely, but
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why did you think that i would believe you, you don’t have to believe me, we can call my partner, and you can discuss everything with him yourselves, in what... language is more convenient for you, english, french, spanish, don’t be rude, get the pipe, well, look, if nothing works out, you won’t leave here alive, i promise you, don’t call.


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