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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  August 8, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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marina, how do you perceive yourself now? and somehow it’s a little strange, but it’s really short, i’ve never worn something so short in my life, but it suits you, well, ekaterina, at discos, mom will be on fire, right, i gave her this, mom will be on fire, and what do you think? i think that i really want to meet my happiness. so that everywhere, everywhere, together, together, it’s great, well done, bravo, tanya, what else can we say, parting words from our heroine, but i see that you have come to a decision, after all, to change not only your image, but to change something in your life, yes, marin, yes, i wish you to keep this feeling that you deserve all the best, wish you good luck in everything, thank you, what a dress is for such legs,
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a jacket is for all other legs. never confuse the choice. and i wish you with all my heart to always be with the one you want. it will be very cool, you need it now. well, dear girls? thank you, congratulations, congratulations, come out, congratulate, hug, come out, congratulate, hug! thank you, marina, we applaud your new image and work our stylists, all three sets of clothes we give you from the program fashion verdict, wear them with pleasure, thank you, may all your dreams come true in these new images, thank you very much, and if you want to take part in ... channel one presents.
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japanese green macha tea is wonderful, its beneficial properties, as well as other important and interesting things for your health, friends, in the program live, great, so, dear friends, well, the first topic of our program will be absolutely.
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the author, the initiator of this idea to invite to to us, of course, this is an ophthalmologist, yana aleksandrovna martusevich, head of the ophthalmology clinic of the siberian state medical university of the city of tomsk, come in to us, please, i once studied, yes, but now they have renamed everything, before it was called tomsk medical institute, now siberian medical university, but anyway, siberia. our wonderful people, so, look, this camera, yes, which is now in all, in all the small villages of the tomsk region, that's right, in the central district hospitals and also in the polyclinics of the city of tomsk, and it is installed not in the ophthalmologist's office, but in the medical prevention office, which is in every polyclinic and in every district hospital, and ordinary nurses who are not ophthalmologists work there, and we have developed. my favorite
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group, it is called my pressure, my responsibility, one of us has diabetes, they always get up, my pressure, my responsibility, turn their backs, because it says my responsibility, these are my favorite people, because that they all compensated for the pressure, this is also the same project, but here the responsibility is even further on the patient, we have one woman with diabetes, this is great. opportunity, come here, take a picture of her fundus, because a diabetic simply needs to monitor this, sit down, please, now the doctor will do all this, and in the meantime mikhail yegorovich and i will go and tell you about the horrors of diabetes and why you need
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to monitor the fundus, this is a fundus camera and right now a photograph will be taken before our eyes, what sugar does, the point is that sugar spoils our blood vessels, in particular the wall of the... if you don't intervene in time, it will progress and lead to blindness. i want to show the norm and pathology, you will distinguish it, very, very easily. so, the norm. here, here, look, we see a normal fundus, we see good vessels, arteries, veins. and
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here is a typical picture of retinal dystrophy caused by diabetes. hemorrhage, uh, newly formed vessels, edema of the optic nerve and so on. and in the meantime , all the photos have already been taken, and i want invite our programmer, the developer of this project, here, in fact, everything is received electronically, how long does it take to obtain images of the fundus from the moment of photographing, the whole procedure takes no more than one minute, and the image, here after the photo is ready, here we have photos on the screen, and this we just see that this is a real camera, here are already photos on the screen. and 10 seconds is for processing the neural network, but it is also required to put the fundus camera on the docking station, enter the patient's last name, first name press the send button, all this together takes about one minute, that 's all for you, now look, guys, the images have appeared, because the neural network has already
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analyzed whether this is normal or pathology, that is, in this case, normal, what is this? i'm monitoring, i'm taking pills, the smart one is already monitoring my blood pressure, she's also monitoring my sugar, please sit down, thank you, now, mikhail yegorovich, i want to invite the patients who came to us from tomsk, come here, the young
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man has had type 1 diabetes since childhood like, i want to show his fundus now, they took a photo of it too, but our fundus of yours already exists.
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patient, once again, the person didn't go to the doctor for this, it was all done with the help of the average medical school, it's very... saves money, understand, medicine is an expensive pleasure, there are few doctors, it's hard to get to them, the neural network made a diagnosis only after that the person got to the doctor, sit down, please, can i have you, stanislav, what happened to you, i'll get diabetes here too, they called, yes, they called to the medical prevention office in the clinic, they took a picture with this very camera, literally a week later they called and said that... there are signs of damage to the fundus, you need to go to the clinic, sipmo is
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the siberian state medical university, tatyana aleksandrovna works there, they gave the same injections, the vision remained, even in some sense it improved, of course it improved, the swelling went away, the hemorrhages went away, please sit down, but how many patients in total, how many have already been examined in what. check it out, you find, how many severe eye damages have you found, who required treatment, in general, since the start of this project, this is the end of the twenty -second year, we examined about 2.0 patients with diabetes, most of them had no complaints, in 9% of cases we identified retinal pathology, retinopathy at different stages, that is , every tenth diabetic unnoticed. blindness occurred, but people did not see it, only because they went
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to the nurse as a preventive measure, and it is a second to click an eye, a second, they remained under control, talked to the doctor, the burden on the doctor decreased by 10 times, because 90% did not need medical care, that's right, the doctor's workload decreased by 10 times, i think that from the point of view of. the state is an outstanding project, so thank you very much, and i want you to tell us how old this project is and in general, how it was born in you, i remind you, this is the doctor who is the soul of the project, and this is the developer of this project of all the software, the author of artificial intelligence, being a practicing ophthalmologist engaged in pathology of the retina, in particular diabetic retinopathy.
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my teacher, a great scientist, organizer, ophthalmologist, surgeon,
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dreamer, a man who raised our ophthalmology to a huge level, to a world level, even higher, and today is ophthalmologist day, so ophthalmologists , happy holiday to you, thank you to everyone who helps ophthalmologists, watch your vision, dear friends, drink. samurai we prepare cold green tea, beat, and then, beat to what state, beat, so that you can't see the foam, mikhailo yegorovich, that's it will be, how is ice-watch useful in the heat, what color is your stool, bile was not thrown into the intestines, accordingly it did not color the stool, and accordingly the stool of ... will be even lighter, all about hepatitis, the atmospheric table
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presses, how does blood pressure react to weather changes? if you are told that a magnetic storm is approaching, you just need to peep more, that's what hypertensive patients definitely need to know, colonel abdulaziz, very nice. me too, and this is his charming wife, we met at the museum, you are probably a good person, but in iraq it is not customary for us to simply talk to a married man.
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has the right to wish for passionate love, heavenly beauty artist, huge blue eyes that are absolutely identical to the sky you are looking at, your eyes are exactly like blue water, it was impossible to go anywhere with oleg aleksandrovich, here you go somewhere and immediately the attention of a woman, grandfather always supported me, we discussed with him.
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no, it is not too late now, tomorrow will be too late, to begin liquidation, what would i wish for grandfather on his birthday, it is more pravnokov. on saturday, on the first. it does not happen that a person was in your life, here he disappears, even if he dies. in this girl, i almost do not recognize the child who lost himself 5 years ago. dear mother, i do not think that i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother, yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, with her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very hard news for you, that mom is no longer with us. what
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he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows, this it's a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother didn't become, how she survived. on the first. well, friends, japanese music is playing in our studio, i have green tea in my hands, we are just mixing this
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tea with respect. this is how geishas greeted their men, herman shaich, and they offered them not a shot of vodka, but a glass of green tea, andrey petrovich, look how much respect, how much worship, those were the days. that's how, dear friends, that's how we started the history of japanese matcha tea, who in our studio loves matcha, i i love every day we have a cafe on the first floor of vastanka and they sell macha there, my
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day starts with machalate, machalate green tea, very filling by the way. speaking of which, today we have green matcha tea, the geishas have left, so no more geishas, ​​that's enough, well because it destroys the family, but not the japanese one, it can destroy the russian one, because the japanese don't get divorced, they used to have an institute of geishas, ​​now no one wears suits anymore, but they still have an institute of hostesses, i didn't mean prostitutes, but these are women where a man comes, they talk to him. but other services are also provided, then he comes home at 11 at night, he doesn't need anyone at all, he goes to bed with his wife and doesn't argue. strong families, but this is not, i don't like this, not a word from them about this, bring us some matcha tea, stop talking about culture, here it is, matcha, it's true,
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in ostankino they sell green, purple and pink, but in fact, a similar tea, machi , is a green powder, i'll say it again, it's really japanese. thirst quenching drinks, and i will say again, japan has a different culture, we had a psychological service at the japanese embassy, ​​at the russian embassy, ​​because in japan, when a woman marries a man, he kind of pampers and cherishes her, when she gets pregnant and gives birth, she is moved to a separate room, she sleeps with her child, and her husband is a geisha, something like that, here you go... inspired
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i treat all cultures with respect, but this is not our culture, in ours, i got married, i love you, and you love me, that's the note we will start the story about japanese tea. in general, in principle, for tea for health and why it really has such such popularity for thousands of years , in fact, in japanese culture and first in chinese culture it occupied such an important place , we have a video of how this tea is produced, in general, this is tea, right, green, this is really tea, moreover. a certain area of ​​tea, they take them, really, they cover them in a special way, they grow them, so, here they are, tea plantations, look,
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and covered with a bamboo awning, right, andrey petrovich, why are they covered bamboo awning, and there they are practically like in a lad, they begin to grow intensively, increasing the chlorophyll in the leaves, then collect these tender leaves and... dry them, probably, then the whole process of preparing green tea is treated with steam so that there is no fermentation, here it is processed, yes, excess moisture is removed, that is, it is dried in fact, then in the oven they remove moisture, that is, they dry it, then they simply crush the powder,
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in the eye, and naturally, if we have enough antioxidants, then cataracts do not develops, here we see a transparent lens and we see a cloudy lens with cataracts, in short, matcha tea protects this crystal, i'll explain to you why you drink it in the morning, look, the brain in the morning, it still barely woke up, when we drink matcha, which contains... thionine and caffeine, the brain begins to be absolutely ready for all processes, attention increases, coordination
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improves, mood. improves, that is , it is basically a psychostimulant. so, once again about catechins, catechins are the only useful substances contained in tea. matcha is in first place, green tea has five times less katykhins than matcha, black tea has 24 times less, 24 times less than matcha, therefore, that's why i drink it, herman shaite. how to prepare, the method of preparation, warm water is used, boiling water is not used, if you wait, we haven't talked about this yet, we have three questions , how to choose, how to store and how to eat it correctly, the first question is how to choose, so i drink green matcha, but it is still there some purple and pink, what should i do, take green,
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everything is clear, finally, how to properly prepare matcha and eat it, you need to add literally there, wait, firstly, there are such special whisks for matcha, you need to understand this, so michal, take the powder, pour in a little matcha, dilute with slightly warm water, a little, a kopelyushka, a little, yes, that's enough, more, more, a little more, whisk, whisk, and then whisk to what state, whisk, that such a foam turned out, so that there is no foam it seems that you, mikhailovich, will have everything, that's why our doctors have some suspicious tea, thin, yes, something like that, yes, right from the front, i drink it smoothly, and it, they still knock it down a little, that's why it looks like that. and
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as in any business, don't skimp on the tea leaves, that is, you don't need to, you don't need to skimp on this very tea, that's it, mikhailovich, well, let's try, let's try, then you can add, add, we have cold drinks, so, i'm adding some idine to you, great, and as we said, you need to brew it with warm water, not boiling water, if we we'll brew it with boiling water, then all these cats... i want to drink to our culture, where reciprocity is provided, where no one will throw you into a room with a child to live until he leaves home, to the side, will return home, love you respect, deathly silence reigns in our studio, thought, i comprehend, friends, this is all about
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food, it's time for us to talk about medicine. so, friends, what color is your stool, if it's like this, grayish, discolored, what does this mean, this is the topic of our medical program today, a medical topic, i i want to ask our viewers, so, gray discolored stool, what does that mean, well , i can't give an exact diagnosis. but it means there is some kind of disorder - there is no brown pigment, what does that mean? andrey petrovich, it meant that this pigment does not get there, which should normally color the stool, but it is colored by a pigment that is formed in the liver, which means the liver is damaged, and we suspect a liver disease, specifically hepatitis. we
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are heading to our medical site, we are just having an ultrasound here liver examination. olechka, was it hepatitis or something? yes, what kind? b a well, i'll ask our doctor to finish the examination now, and we 'll give olya a chance to get dressed and join us. so, hepatitis, it doesn't matter what kind of hepatitis it is a, b or c, here it is, the hepatitis virus, this virus gets into the hepatocytes, destroys the hepatocytes, that's it, that means, hepatitis a, why does it stain, maybe even diarrhea at'. so, the bile was not released into the intestines, did not stain the stool, accordingly,
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the stool did not stain, and accordingly our stool it will be even lighter, and white-gray color white-gray stool, then. bile was not thrown out, but was absorbed into the blood, what happened to you, and then the sclera turned yellow, i was very scared, the skin turned yellow, it was completely incomprehensible, it was scary after jaundice, here it is jaundice, i saw it myself or someone said, yes, serk, well, right here are the sclera, then the doctor, the infectious disease specialist put me in the infectious diseases hospital, i was in the box, and then, the blood is filtered by the kidneys, so the pigment is excreted through the urine and accordingly the urine becomes brown, dark, dark in color, of course, bile, which means that belerubin was not released into the intestines, the stool was not colored, the bile remained in the liver,
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bile is belerubin, bellerubin was absorbed into the blood, it is a yellow pigment, you turned yellow, the blood is filtered in the kidneys, the kidney removes all toxic substances, it removes belerubin, that is why the urine is dark suus. probably in an elementary way somehow with contaminated food, water, i don’t know, here are food products, let’s see how we get hepatitis a, generally with a bias towards summer, with a bias towards summer, unfortunately, this is springs, these are all kinds of open water bodies, why,
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because the hepatitis a virus is found in water bodies, this is the first, second, this is really an elementary way of infection, that is, with food products.
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we have vaccination against hepatitis b, which is actually done in the maternity hospital on the first second day, and we have vaccination against hepatitis a. and from hepatitis c, thank god, there is treatment. therefore, today we can protect a person from any hepatitis under one condition, if a person goes and gets vaccinated himself. yes, the only thing i want for adults say, from hepatitis b, even if they do it in
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the maternity hospital, after 28-30 years you need to do a revaccination. we, doctors, are all at risk, we work with patients and with blood, we are revaccinated on average once every 5 years. understood, yeah. because we are literate, cultured people, thank you very much, we are glad that now you are not yellow, a beautiful woman, thank you with a beautiful skin color, we will take a short break, and then. continue, the atmospheric column presses, how blood pressure reacts to changes in the weather, if you are told that a magnetic storm is approaching, you just need to drink more, drink, that's what hypertensive people with weather dependency need to know, our studio is once again playing music from our favorite movies, the first sky will open.
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when i read what komarova wrote, i was very surprised, i was sure that it was something very folk and very ancient, yes, three, four.
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two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on the first, alexander nikolaevich verchinsky. vera vasilna is cold. mom, and shurik has a jacket
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like dad. by what right? you decide what we should do? by the right of a man. oh, and you how long have you been in constantinople? 2 days. elena palovna, this poor child has just fallen into a hungry obmark. do you want me to become your mistress? yes, i agree, to marry, but to whom, vasya? how good. to wake up alone, i know you, you are vertinsky, don't you dare meet with her without me, and where will you spend tonight, i've been waiting for you for an hour and a half, if i want to marry, i'll marry anyone, you 're old enough to be a grandfather, it seems to me that you wished me happiness, vertinsky, on sunday on the first, we love
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each other, and i will be his wife, but his wife you are unlikely to be, for the reason that he is already married, well, dear friends, the pressure scale in our studio, in our studio i have already raised my favorite group several times during the program, but since we have been sitting for a long time, get up again. so, my pressure, my responsibility, this is our favorite movement, all people are responsible for themselves, our group is wonderful in that everyone monitors their own pressure with the help of a special free application, my pressure, which records all your pressure numbers, prescribes you medication, requires that you measure your pressure, requires that you upload your examination data and so on and so forth, the result is excellent. we all compensated, everyone who came to us,
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remember, we had hypertensive crises on the site, there were such shakespearean passions, and now every time, once a week, everyone comes to report to me, go, who, who reports today, so elena vasilievna, yes, karavaeva's namesake, gorovaeva, weight is not added, height is not, here she got in, yes, she did not come the longest, height is not added, they grabbed, she did not add, right away i see.
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under 136, 139, what 139, were also higher, so, look, from the good, the lower pressure is always below 90, the upper is always below 140, but we need to get to the green zone, but i want to talk
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about the pluses, let's, firstly, elena vasilievna recommended with her group to engage in active... activity, at first i abandoned the garden, now i'm doing it again, before i took a taxi to the garden, now i walk, i try to limit salt, about alcohol in general is serious, as lelena vasilievna says, they raised it, they said for health and lowered, yes, but the most important thing is, i think this is a candidate for the second drug, germany, well no, then this notification is definitely compensated, in short, enter all the data. and the system will give a recommendation for a second drug, because you will not compensate in any way, it's true, today we will talk about pressure and weather dependence, german shevich, why are we so excited about this topic, well, firstly, when i sit at
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the reception and dependence comes to me, i'm just ready to explode. we'll see what's happening in our the body. at the moment when atmospheric pressure decreases, the oxygen concentration decreases a little, the body thinks that there is not enough oxygen, the pressure rises slightly, and the risk of hemorrhagic stroke or hemorrhage can be increased, even
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a slight increase in blood pressure during this period for several hours can increase. the risk of stroke, you need to know this, this is the first thing, so, situations are thunderstorms, rains, snowfalls, in general, when precipitation, atmospheric pressure drops, arterial pressure rises, and there is a statistical increase hemorrhagic strokes, this is the first, now the second, now increased solar activity.
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i repeat that we never say, i think, because you never know what i think, the experience of one doctor is a zero criterion of evidence,
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when 12 thousand people have been studied, now this is already a big science, what should our patients do when about magnetic pain, everything is very simple, if you are told that a magnetic storm is approaching, you just need to beat more, that 's all, in that... when there is a sufficient amount of fluid, the chance of thrombus formation will be less, with atmospheric pressure, when it decreases, well it decreases, we are exposed to the elements of nature, you just need to understand that if something happened, you need to urgently go to the hospital, your health starts to deteriorate, headaches start, something, please, go to the doctor, get checked in the emergency room.
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we were good with you, may you live healthy, we welcome all viewers of the information channel on the first, we work live, the program will tell the time, in ruslan's studio. the focus, of course, is on the situation in kursk region, a state of emergency has been declared in the region, this was reported
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by acting governor alexey smirnov, according to the ministry of health, as a result of shelling by ukrainian terrorists in the kursk region , more than thirty people were injured, including six children. at the moment, our military continues to destroy the enemies who invaded our territory with redoubled force. the ministry of defense published footage of k-52 helicopter strikes on ukrainian equipment. let's take a look. actively our iskander complex is working. yesterday they struck the place where military special equipment of the ukrainian armed forces was concentrated in the border area with the kursk region.
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good afternoon, the current situation is stable, under control, a regional operational headquarters is working in the kursk region, yes, you said right yesterday that an emergency situation has been declared, the operational headquarters is working around the clock, they entered the sudzhansky district, nazi mercenaries from the ukrainian side, the entire population that... was supposed to be evacuated, we evacuated, this is about 3,000 people, 1,500 people now...


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