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tv   Treider  1TV  August 8, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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"yes, he's just an extra link in this criminal chain, in his place i would have already started to worry about my life, all the familiar faces, ignat, the bitch, he promised that he wouldn't give the strangers a break, not only did they agree behind your back, they also don't care that..."
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you'll find out about this if they get away with it, i'm afraid they'll stop respecting you, these bogdad district police officers, vladimir, thank you, they're even under special surveillance. hello, please come to me, i'm here right now, i need to keep an eye on this man, i think he's in danger, i understand, who assign, the one who followed yakovlev, did a great job, okay, i'll pass it on, pass him my personal phone number, if anything, let him...
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so, you're from russia? yes, okay. veronica gromova. the student has arrived. okay. come in.
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yes, yes, i understand, of course, okay, yes, i agree, of course, okay, call me back when you've settled this matter, great, okay, bye, hi, hello, veronica gromova, nice to meet you, so, you... i'm here, i know, i know, an interview for the annual issue, i'll be in 20 years, yeah, i don't think i'll be in 20 years you'll be sitting in my chair, maybe your boss's chair, funny joke, oh yeah, that's funny, well, the main thing to know about lumberton is that everyone here works really, really, really hard. for example, the founder of our
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company, he started with one truck, one pump and a couple of bulls. and in 5 years he had over fifty employees. how does your day go, what does a vice president of an oil company do? i talk to people trust me on more important topics, like, listen, yeah, who is this?
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yeah, tell him, i'll call him back in 5 minutes, yeah? so, what else do we have? and we've only just started, you were telling me about your day, you 're socializing, let's leave it at that, you know, i'm really busy, talk to jane, she'll tell you everything. okay, thank you. how about lunch tomorrow at 2:00 p.m.? great, a table on justinali.
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fantastic, tomorrow on the first, for oleg strizheny's ninety-fifth birthday, every
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mortal has the right to wish for passionate love, heavenly beauty artist, huge blue eyes, who... love, no, that's not true, in our case it is no, if she hadn't been around me, i can't imagine, i simply wouldn't have lived to see this day, the love of my life, no, it's not too late now, tomorrow will be too late,
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to start liquidating, what would i wish my grandfather for his birthday? there are more pravniks on saturday on the first. have you been close to death? yes, several times, i lived in a cruel, difficult and... wonderful time, and despite everything, the best days of my life are connected with work in intelligence, we burn everything behind us, you and i will cope, because i worked for the good of the motherland, fulfilling my duty, the duty of a russian patriot. dmitry bystroletov, an outstanding intelligence officer, an unrivaled master of recruitment, a courageous man who did not break under the blows of fate. in the camps, i quickly stopped identifying my executioners with my homeland. there were periods in russian history.
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i believe that i have lived a good life and am ready to live it exactly the same way again. intelligence legends, a genius of reincarnation. buvschik on saturday on the first. the entire history of the development of military equipment is the history of the development of the ball, attack weapons and shield. the last day of december, year seven, at a meeting of the scientific and technical council it was decided that the aircraft would still be developed along a delta wing. the americans went down the path of creating a heavy fighter, and naturally, in terms of maneuverability it was inferior to the lighter one.
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went in for a bite to eat, dad, you won't believe it, i got an autograph from george michael, okay,
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look, but i didn't, oh dear, everything is fine, girls from a good family shouldn't run after autographs, why, really, why, but it looks stupid, like a student from nyu who interviewed me today who interviewed you what's funny you know i'm kind of a star in the oil business so why did she look like i don't know maybe she was nervous i think she's a foreigner russian i think she is russian student from nyu who is interested in the oil business yeah alex that's interesting what do we have here take your hands off just a little piece it'll be done in 5 minutes okay
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what's going on here did you really think that russia, we won't get you? you should know that justice knows no bounds, my friend, what the hell is justice? what do you want from me? don't you know? you don't fucking know? i told your lawyer, i don't deal in arms. i don't know what you told him, but you took the money. and
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we didn't get the machine guns. right? what money? the money the adviser gave me. i didn't take any money. shit! where are the kalashnikovs? i don't have them. no. joe. no problem. joe. but then, joe. look, instead of the machine guns. i'll have to bring your fucking head to the advisor.
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are you okay? yeah, thanks, if it weren't for you, how did you know? i'm from the security service of vneshtorghimexport, and a week ago our director gave the order to keep an eye on this group, pirogov. yeah, you know him, yeah, i used to work at kimexport too, but i don't remember you, i just came, you're definitely okay.
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what subject are you skipping? enterprise management? no big deal, i 'll tell you everything myself. after all, i have several thousand people under my command. just don't tell me you know them all by name. do you want to honestly? yeah. i don't even know what most of them look like. it's funny. yeah, dmitry andreevich, linochka,
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make some corrections here and make three copies. yeah, sure, dmitry andreevich, to see you, misterov. oleg evgenevich, come in. hello, dmitry andreevich. lenochka, please make us some coffee, we have the best coffee. she brings it to seryozha with govana, what kind do you like? she knows. didn't expect to see me? honestly, i didn't. sit down. dmitry andreevich, i came to thank you. for what? you probably haven't been informed yet, but yesterday you saved my life. i, well, your security service saved me from africans, what africans? well, those same ones from rotterdam, so who are they? they
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were hanging around the office for 2 weeks, as if they were tracking someone, i ordered the guys to follow them, they were probably looking for me, why? as i understand it, they gave money to a lawyer to buy a gun, what lawyer, well, this ronald hookstodan from rotterdam. he didn't find the seller, but he told everyone that he had agreed with me, and he pocketed the money, the advisor didn't wait for the machines and ordered to kill me, you have some kind of passions there, just a real detective, it's good that it turned out this way, if it weren't for you, i don't even know how it would have ended, well , thank god, it's all behind us, that's why, oleg, i don't agree to deal with bandits under any circumstances. sooner or later you'll have to regret it anyway, come on, ribbon, where's our coffee, yes, for the ninety-fifth anniversary
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of oleg strizheny, in early april a new gang appeared in the grodno region, dictionary, former officer, flew into the circle. and we have an order liquidate the crook gang, and immediately, you are in charge of the operation, i am interested in the air force colonel,
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he is not who he claims to be, i leave you a paper and a pencil, write everything about the crook gang, where it is stationed, its composition. "became a deserter, to live, do you want, yes, think, start liquidation, on saturday, on the first, no, now it is not too late, tomorrow will be too late, it does not happen that a person was in your life, he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl he almost does not recognize the child who 5 years ago lost the most precious thing, my mother. i don't think that i am without her, i have a lot of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, with her parents and ex-husband. i said that unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that mom is no longer with us. what he experienced at that moment, that evening, he knows. only he, it is a great responsibility to tell his child that his mother is gone. how did the only daughter, yuli, survive this loss, what path did she take after her death
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mom? i'm somehow really mega-strong, i was somehow all so pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive: 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, at all costs, to become a star in memory of her famous mother. when you came into the world, my life changed, i will always... be next to you exclusive with dmitry borisov on saturday on the first. the capital of uruguay, one of the most developed and richest countries in latin america, you know what i noticed, people here dress quite simply. a kilogram of makeup on the face - this is not about our women. in montevid - rent for locals is quite expensive, but... there is an option when you can live even for free. if we see that a person is normal, neat, tidy, just has financial problems now, we accept him and
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settle him in one of the rooms. uruguayans' favorite dish is meat-osad, usually we eat this dish with bread, vegetables, red wine sauce, here's another rib for you, please, what's normal in uruguay, the life of others, the premiere, on sunday on the first, stop, where, i said, come here, go, tell them, you what are you saying, what are you saying, come on, come on, get out of here quickly, volodya, here , please take the money, it's because of me, that's it, i'm guilty, i'm guilty of everything , take the money, buy a car, a new one, or fix the old one, alyona, no, what are you saying, i beg you , just take the money, just don't call the police, they'll kill me, you understand, and in our
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what do your sources say? nothing fundamentally new, the situation is pretty transparent, although i'm sure that the americans support your concerns, after all, he is a son-in-law sadama is a close associate, on most documents on military developments his signature is next to the president's signature, but now he is ready to hand over these documents, which means he is a hero and expects some kind of indulgence, but he will receive this indulgence
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only if he reveals it first. what do you mean? and if sadama reveals it? sadama? sadama will never do this, i am on every piece of paper above and above the secrecy, so there is no fundamental difference, the documents will end up in the hands of the americans one way or another. kolya, and you should talk to the president anyway. i think that this is a very good option for resolving the situation.
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for friends, for friends. let's raise our glasses , let's go on a ride, for friends, you're a movie star. that you don't respect partnerships, and you, so to speak, let him down, well, first of all, i didn't promise anything to anyone, but what about your agreement, and secondly, i earn more for the contract with nesterov than i do with you in a year, so tell your alexey petrovich,
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i'll certainly tell him, but you should also think about it, maybe alexey petrovich has buyers for you i have a folder. a big one, it'll last for 20 years, what are you doing, are you trying to scare me? no, what are you saying, i'm just conveying information, so convey to your alexey petrovich that there's no need to scare me, scared, let him do his job better, he's free to go, goodbye, chernikov, you nit, you've decided to scare me, why are you so brazen?
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what happened? i don't know, i don't think i broke anything. inspector ivanov, i'm catching up with you. what happened? document check.
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your documents? mine? why? show me your documents. so, is everything okay? hey, sir, i didn't understand what happened, i i was late for the airport, citizen platonov, we received a notice about you, you will have to go with us, i am not going anywhere, what... "we are detaining you for 48 hours, take your things from the car, they will explain everything to you at the department , listen, commander, maybe we can come to some agreement, and how much do you want, are you now
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offering a bribe to an official on duty, are you all crazy here or something, and what are you doing in nizhnevartovsk, i came to meet, with whom, with whom did you meet? i met with ignat krovtsov, if that name means anything to you, he says, this name means something to everyone in our city, don't bother him anymore, tell your boss, let's go, and the passport is here, the passport is here!
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write down the address, that's all for today, pick me up tomorrow at 9 am, here, yeah, it'll be done.
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hi, hi, and when did you come, i didn't see you for some reason, and i was just leaving, they called urgently. business trip where? oh yeah, sorry, and as for me, thank you, are you leaving for a long time? i don't know yet, maybe for a couple of days, i understand, by the way, you can stay here if you want. i'll leave you the key, no,
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i'll probably go, it's a pity they let the car go, by the way, nesterov came to me, thanked me, so you're a smart girl, i don't want you to go anywhere, well, what's the matter, this is fried chicken, just like you like it, so you remember that i'm good for more than just special operations, what would i do without you, well, that's it, they'll come for me now.
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lyusya, yes, oleg evgenevich, call the head accountant to me, she's already left, then his assistant, she's also already left, what 's the matter, everyone's gone, it's already 10 o'clock, right? can i go home too, of course, just bring it coffee, please, more.
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i hope i haven't spoiled your plans for the evening too much, yes i have, i was going to watch tv knit a pair of woolen socks, so you can knit, i can do a lot of things, good, because there are many ways to warm up, you are even more beautiful than in my memories. in our studio, music from favorite films is playing again, when she sang the first take, the musicians' souls trembled, she says: we need
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to rewrite it, we need another take, the director fell to his knees and said: "please, just don't, a wonderful comedy, a wedding in "malinovka, all music". written by boris alexandrovich alexandrov, son of alexander vasiliovich, who led the red banner for more than 40 years, by the way, this work is incomparable, it is also a film for centuries. he said that you know, i say i expected everything, but that it would be like this did not expect, every time someone sings ekzyu, i think, it's good that you do not have it possible.
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let's rejoice in our own, well, dear friends, in the circle of talented people, time flies unnoticed, two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on the first, alexander nikolaevich vertinsky, vera vasilna is cold, mom, and
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shurik has a jacket like dad, by what right, do you decide what we should do, by the right of a man, oh, and how long have you been in constantinople? 2 days. elena palovna, this poor child just fainted from hunger. do you want me to become your mistress? yes, i agree, to marry, but to whom, vasya, how good it is to wake up alone. i know you, you are vertinsky. don't dare meet her without me. right, dietrik, arlet, arlet. and where will you spend tonight? i've been waiting for you for an hour and a half. if i want to get married, i'll marry anyone. you're old enough to be a grandfather, aren't you? i think you wanted me to be happy. verdinsky, on sunday at the first. we love each other, i
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'll be his wife. well, you 're unlikely to be his wife, for the reason that he's already married. volleyball, what have you never seen before? channel one cup, live broadcasts,
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andryukha, that means life is good. you have everything that soviet women don't even dare to dream of. so what does this mean, you don't take a guy just because he doesn't know the notes. in order to get the official status of a choir, you need to have at least 50 choir members. you are accepted, from today you begin a new life. if i had this choir, we would never have met. once again i see you with this person, i will. tell my father, you are mine, you are my wife, what do you want, give me back these 15 years, i thought everything was easy, i wanted fame,
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remember, gorachev and his choir should not be on the song of the year, sing so that the sun rises, choir, premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first.
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interesting documents. make a copy. here is
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a detailed description of the development program chemical weapons. can we be sure that this is not a fake? i have no doubt that you will conduct a thorough check. "this is a duplicate of the documents that general kamel took to jordan, or part of the archive that was left behind, we do not know about this, it was general kamel who supervised the military projects, and he reported that all programs for the development of weapons of mass destruction were stopped, perhaps, i very much doubt that under an authoritarian president like yours." general kamel would have the courage to continue them on his own, without his full approval. but
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agree that this explains his behavior to a large extent. therefore, on behalf of the un, we are taking these documents for further analysis and detailed study. pack them up, please. and remind your president. that we still insist on a thorough inspection of other strategic sites. have a nice day. i think you should go. what, i don’t want everyone to see how beautiful you are, i think, mister, you are too jealous,
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it is dangerous in the east. "the people i meet are not dangerous at all, i am not sure, you are so good understand politics, i just care about what's going on in the world, and you don't, we've been so tired of politics here lately, we just want to live our own lives, you've come for a long time, tomorrow i
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have to be in paris, paris, do you want to come with me? i don't have a visa. are you hungry? i 'll bring you something.
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they left me alone by the road, good, i waited for the ride. so, ignat thinks that he is the king of his city. okay, his kingdom will be dealt with. what should i do? i don't have to do anything, we'll solve the issue on
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another level. french education, all education, the french.
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thank you, ignat petrovich, senior to the first authorized representative of the ring, i have a warrant for your arrest, he is a nightmare, pardon me, madam, i need to go, yes, yes, of course, seryoga, figure it out. wanted to see me? do you recognize this
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woman? are you sure that she does not work for your company, absolutely. well, maybe she is a freelancer, i am the deputy general director, i know all the employees of the full-time freelancers, besides, she does not trust pies, irina is a mistress pirogova, their affair has been going on for several years.
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stop nagging me, what 's going on here, and what's wrong with you here? i 'm asking you, what's wrong with you here? what am i paying you, granny? so listen to me , if i go to jail, you'll go to jail with me,
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under the same article, part three, there's nothing we can do at all if we don't hustle, we'll do everything quietly and the court will give him the minimum, the minimum, are you nuts? that's from 12 to 20, do you understand me? well, we 'll figure it out in prison, ignat petrovich, there either amnesty, or by satisfaction, we will do everything, everything will work out, no, i said no, understand me, if i let you go now, the case will be opened in moscow, i say, the order is at the highest level. maybe, chick, come on,
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or so. a few days remain, of course, an attempt at a full-scale military invasion of the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region, and i must emphasize that, unlike those visits of ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups to the belgorod region that took place in the spring, now it is precisely a combined arms
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operation. today vladimir.


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