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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 9, 2024 3:05am-3:21am MSK

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who was invited as a business person to participate in this magazine, apparently to help in some orcish moments, orcish issues, because everyone was wise, but a business person was needed, but this is such an ambiguous figure, sobolevsky was known as a friend of pushkin, he knew him through his brother lev, with whom he studied at a noble boarding school in st. petersburg, there was even such an opinion after, so to speak, when pushkin was gone, that if sobolevsky, here there would be no duels, he would have stopped all this, but to say does not mean to do, let's say, yes, sobolevsky served in the morkov archive in khakhlov lane, this house, by the way, the old chambers are still preserved, and venevitina served there in the moscow archive of foreign affairs, according to legend, this is the archival youth, the famous term that we know, yes from pushkin, it was supposedly invented by sobolevsky, maybe, but pushkin made him famous anyway , made him famous, who would have known? what
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sobolevsky said, made a joke, everyone forgot, pushkin, evgenia negina, the archival youth are looking at tanya choporon in a crowd, and about her between they say unfavorably, pushkin glorified sovalevsky too, well, as in general the whole world of all that, that world. countess trastopchina, evdokia petrovna, she remarkably testified, an unknown author of well-known epigrams, so, i also looked at these pigrams, that is, i was considered a wit, a wit, in fact a monstrous vulgarian, so.
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left him, his spiritual experiences, passions that burned in his soul like a fire. in his letters he leaves, i left moscow like a madman, i don’t know how i didn’t go down crazy. well, here it should be noted that when dmitry was leaving, of course he was equipped with a large baggage, and zenaida volkonskaya, and alexander pushkin and his other friends lyubomudry came to see him off.
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there was nothing left to do but give consent, they set off together, but before entering the city at the outpost, the carriage was stopped, at that time it was very serious, everyone entering the northern capital was checked, after the december uprising, and vushe was detained, arrested, they say that they were in one carriage together with... a test for the young poet, that's how petersburg greeted him, he was kept in the gaopvakhta for two or three days, but there are other figures that are already cited by documents, but nevertheless dmitry held on bravely, to potapov's question whether he belonged? to the northern society of the decembrists, he
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answered that he could easily belong to it, it was not only naive chivalry, it was generally then, probably, aspiration.
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his career, his successful activities, to influence the form of government in russia, unlike the decembrists, who sought simply to overthrow the monarchy, this was all dmitry, he was all in the future, he made plans, he was in a hurry to live, he really dreamed of giving all his knowledge to serving the fatherland, and he wrote in his articles that we are young, european-educated, russian people, standing on a par with the century in our education should do something good to live and do nothing is simply impossible in the opinion of vinevitin you are watching the podcast precious stories my name is ekaterina varkan, in the studio
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with me today is elena vinogradova, he chose for himself the asian college of foreign affairs, because by this time he... repents the east, and he understands that the accents of political life are shifting in the other direction, to the east, and he dreamed of going to persia with griboyedov, but griboyedov only left in the summer of 1926, well, he was planning to go to persia with greboyedov, he has a lot of letters, the last ones, literally these are the last two letters, i want to go there on my first mission and sing freely with the eastern nightingales, well, it’s just wonderful in general. i’m going to persia, it’s already decided, it seems to me that there i will find strength for life inspiration, in already after in this same letter, i already wrote, what is it, that melancholy tormented me here among the cold, empty soulless society, i am alone, i would rather leave here in moscow to you, and here we
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understand that of course to you, to friends, but still it again returns to that love, which remained so unanswered, that is , again he in all this. yes, indeed, falls into melancholy and depression, he did not find a place for himself, it seemed to him that here among the cold, light, he is alone, in the opinion of his friend, fyodor, khomyakov, with whom they lived at lonskikh, they were filming the fleglёk, internally he had changed completely, and in his melancholic way. even externally he had changed his appearance, his hair had grown, had become dark, he tells his sister sonechka about this, and he had grown a moustache and a beard, he looked like a completely different person, but nevertheless he attended receptions, balls, and one day the lanskikhs
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were giving a ball at their house, and the heated poet ran into his fleglёk, without even throwing shenily over his shoulders, he fell ill with a fever. he fell ill, fell seriously ill, and, as fyodor says khomyakov, he always dreamed of poetry, he either mumbled them or wrote them, he wrote his poetry constantly, and it seemed that in 24 hours of the day he did not have a free minute, he kept his diary all the time, he composed and hurried to write, and thus he hurried to live, but he had very little time left to live. and here again we recall that story, that legend, that prophecy about the ring, to which we return again in it, when dmitry became completely ill, he bequeathed in his poetic message to the ring to his friends, and so that from his hand
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cold you my ring did not take off, so that even the coffin would not separate us, the oath will not be fruitless, so everything happened when dmitry left. fell unconscious, then alexey khomyakov, hurrying to the poet, took the ring off the watch chain and put it on.
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but the end of his life was truly tragic, this faithful talisman, perhaps,
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played its fatal role in the fate of the poet, but volkonskaya too, she did not escape her sad death, because i will return when she left for italy to her villa san fierci, where she really lived. yearned for his friends, that's why these monuments appeared, the monument to dmitriyuvitin including, but in the end she took a vow of poverty, she wandered through the streets of rome and gave money to the poor, once in a pouring rain in liven, she took off her cloak and gave it to a poor man, caught a cold died about...
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and today medicine will tell us that it is impossible to die of your own free will, well
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, it is impossible to die of your own free will in no way, but here is what it knows about these personalities of the twenties of the xix century, when beautiful women ruined society, courtyards the emperor, and the poetic youths removed from delight and love, but in medicine nothing is known about this, because the unknown scale of the soul and will, and here we are with sergei petrovich, we talked, interviewed sergei alexandrovich yesennia in this very studio and agreed to the point that here is the person you are dealing with, your hero, you suddenly, then, are caught in the fact that you become, he becomes that master, and you his slave, and you already having rolled up your sleeves, then, so to speak, work for him, and the more you live with him, the more similar, why am i actually saying this, that here before us is a person who was involved in the life of venemitin's creativity, and a smart beauty. that is, an enthusiastic, romantic person who throughout his life
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has not lost these properties and qualities in any way. i have only one question, who will i become similar to? you watched the podcast precious history, my name is ekaterina varkana and elena vinogradova was our guest today, she came from voronezh to tell us about the remarkable poet and philosopher dmitrievitenov. i am larisa guzeeva, let 's get married, good afternoon, today the brides are larisa, victoria and olga, and the groom is ours. mikhail. mikhail is 70 years old, a manager in a cottage village, lives in moscow, jumps with a parachute, goes mountain trekking, participates in fashion shows and sets records in bungee jumping. he is proud that at 63 he changed his life and got into the russian book of records. he dreams of breaking stereotypes about pensioners, admits that he has spent all his savings.


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