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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 9, 2024 4:35am-4:58am MSK

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signed such a decree. the head of state recommended paying the same amount to the regions, our defenders. many subjects of the russian federation are already doing this today, providing support in an even larger volume. the government also approved the rules for providing such a one-time cash payment. those who will carry out the tasks of a special military operation in the territories of donetsk, lugansk, people's republics, zaporizhia and kherson regions will be able to take advantage of this measure. for which their contracts with the ministry of defense must conclude contracts between august 1 and december 31 of this year. those who defend national interests, the future of the country and family members must, of course, be fully provided with all the social guarantees due. caring for our children and their loved ones is a priority for the government. another topic on the agenda today is medical care for children. the dima center will receive new equipment. on behalf of the president, the government
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will allocate funds for the purchase of expensive equipment of a single-photon emission computed tomography scanner. this center provides assistance to children from all regions of the country. last year, a new building was opened. there are also plans to expand oncological research. all this, of course, requires timely equipment. and this new technology will reduce the time of examination and improve their quality. well, and what is important, to ensure the smooth operation of all the necessary for children. more than 10 thousand small patients undergo treatment here annually, many of them, thanks to doctors and the latest technologies that are used here, they were able to defeat cancer. anna kurbatova, zulfiya khakimova, alexander gornostayev, channel one. vyacheslav voloden inspected the new social facilities in the village of sokolovy, where mostly military families live. he is on a working visit to his constituency in the saratov region. the chairman of the state duma took patronage of...
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and we are doing everything necessary to accept the first children from kursk, they will come to us literally in the near future and will stay here for as long as they need the situation, if by september, then in september they will start studying here with us, we provide all this, we will do all this, and of course our doctors, among other things, they work together with the ministry of health, by decision of the ministry of health, they will be sent to those areas that are necessary, they talked about large-scale transport projects in st. petersburg, in particular, the modernization of the strelna tram line, one of the oldest in the country, has been completed. now modern smart ones go along it trams with an active driver assistance system. st. petersburg has done a great job of updating public transport in recent years. today we looked at one of the oldest tram electric lines, it was nice to note that over the past few years. 650 new trams have entered
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the routes in st. petersburg, a total of 750 tram cars operate on the routes, that is, almost the entire fleet of trams has been updated. st. petersburg is developing today, high-speed tram, kupchina, shushary, solovyanka and a number of other facilities that today are developing not only in st. petersburg in the leningrad region. high-speed railway, st. petersburg, moscow, 2:15. to moscow 29 minutes to veliky novgorod. the governor and the minister inspected the vitebsk interchange under construction. it will help relieve traffic in the city center, among the topics is also the development of the st. petersburg metro. the northern fleet ships began training in the barents sea, in areas close to the seyevput route, a transport artery of strategic importance. the crew of a large anti-ship ship, vice-admiral kulakov was given the task of finding the simulated enemy's watercraft and
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tracking their movements. a k-27 helicopter with a hydroacoustic station was used in the search. the arctic group also includes the large landing ship alexander otrakovsky, the rescue ship altai and the tanker sergei osipov. the expedition, which began at the beginning of the week, is expected to last 2 months. scott rittore, a retired american intelligence officer who has been critical of his government, including in the russian media, has new problems. and channel one is no exception. they came to his home with a search warrant. what was taken and will the incident affect ritter's position? georgy alisashvili talks about this. fbi agents slowly search cars, take out boxes with documents, computers and phones from the house of former un disarmament expert scott ritter, who has become a prominent internet journalist in recent years. commenting on military and political news, he was rare for an american in that he was not afraid to cooperate with russian media, apparently he got burned on that. they
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are outraged that i cooperate with arti sputnik and receive compensation for it, in their opinion, in this way i work for the russian government, but this is not so. i receive compensation for my journalistic activities, i write. in june, ritter was not allowed to fly to the st. petersburg economic forum without explanation, they even confiscated his passport, so he is not surprised by the recent search. ritter directly stated that the american authorities are persecuting him for incorrect views and untimely statements. the us authorities suspect me of violation of the law on foreign agents. i declare right now that i have not violated this law. i was elected for no other reason than because of the statements i made. on us policy in ukraine. te tried to improve relations between the us and russia for the sake of arms control and peace. ritter is a consistent critic of american foreign policy. even when bush jr. was a un expert, having visited baghdad, he stated that the us had no grounds for launching a military
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campaign to overthrow saddam. the scandal was such that ritter was personally noted by the then us secretary of state colin paul, who stressed that washington makes decisions based on ironclad facts. later, when the facts. where were all these champions of international law when nato created the state of kosovo, tearing it away from serbia, simply because some albanian kosovars said: we want independence, where was the peace when the us invaded iraq, where were those who are now expressing fears and concerns? from the very beginning of the ukrainian conflict, rieter opposed washington's policy, which implied pumping kiev with weapons with the fact that. met with
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the kremlin's us presidential candidate, but he himself literally just recently met with kennedy jr., so you can't exactly call him an armchair expert or marginal. "i'm doing what every concerned american should do when our authorities go against our values, as enshrined in the constitution of the united states. the rhetorician has already stated that despite the search, he will continue to work, especially since he now has the opportunity to check for himself whether the first amendment to the american constitution is still in effect, prohibiting the state from suppressing freely expressed opinion, even if that opinion is not to someone in washington's liking. georgiysashvili, channel one. paris, and yes, scandals again. in the final of the olympic women's boxing tournament, there is already a second participant who has failed the sex determination test. xy is a set of chromosomes recognized as male by biologists, but not by international sports officials. xx is a pass to the women's market, as the representative of taiwan was reminded of
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by the turkish woman he beat in the semi-final, who showed him her fingers crossed twice. here is an athlete from italy also took out of the final xy algerian. he with the taiwanese. gold will not be played in paris, the weight categories are different. the absurdity is not absolute, but maybe only this time the beginning has been made. let's go back to moscow, a great opportunity to rediscover our capital. forum-festival territory of the future, moscow 2030. dozens of sites and interesting events, where today you can ride, for example, on a train from tomorrow, and in general, be impressed by the achievements of the megapolis, evaluate its potential, including.
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here you can see how the megapolis has changed in recent decades, instead of stalls and markets, green parks, flower beds, modern playgrounds, tracks for jogging, rollerblading and cycling, special attention to water sports. you can catch a wave of summer mood in the muzion park. there are two pools for real surfing. professionals will teach both adults and children to confidently stay on the board. it's very cool, very cool to balance. and it's also nice to fall. what do you like most? of course, riding on your belly. and you? eh, stand up surfing and also on the stomach. finding the perfect balance is within everyone's power. an important condition is to pre-register on the website. idu suit. will be given out for free, visitors are only required to be in a good mood, excellent, super,
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class, weather, sun, surfing, everything you need for the summer, safe, of course, safe, we built this based on the fact that again there will be people who are trying their first, first steps here, even if they can't swim, the depth behind the wave is not that big, but in any case there is support from the instructor, if you find yourself in the water, the instructor pulls you out of the water, physical education, sport is the key to good health. and longevity, this is also discussed on the forum, where you can not only see the most modern medical equipment, but also perform an endoscopic manipulation or even a low-trauma operation with your own hands, we perform a suturing operation, ulcers, probably, moscow specialists use the latest technologies and algorithms to help patients with various diseases, including stroke, a common cause of which is thrombus, endovascular through arteries surgeons are able to quickly reach the place with...
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this is a large queue of people wishing to take a virtual trip along the high-speed railway moscow-st. petersburg lined up in the central exhibition hall manezh. he loves trains very much, we came to this exhibition especially, because he dreams of becoming a subway driver, and of course, he also dreams of riding on such high-speed trains. at the forum sites, there are 30 of them, you can try dishes of various nations of our countries, attend interactive lectures, film screenings, performances, zaryady park was decorated with 20 futuristic installations by contemporary artists.
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they're nothing i can do nothing, i can say that folks don't criticize me, but i'm gonna do. do just as i want to do anyway, i don't
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care, just what people say, if i should take the notion to jump into the ocean, nobody's beast, if i go to church on sunday, monday, nobody's business, nobody's business, if i do, ain't nobody's business, if i do, hey, nobody's business, if i do, nobody's business, and it's nobody's christmas, if i do.
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here, thanks, where is it? lebanon, '74, right before the civil war, the only time my dad took me to the middle east. he would have loved to show you more, there's so much history there, but the region has become a dangerous place to travel with children, especially the ambassador's daughter. it's weird, a month has passed, but it seems like he died yesterday. how do you stay so calm? i believe in god that we'll meet. he had a good life. he accomplished so much, we have a lot planned, while i continue our business, i think we are still together.
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hi, how are you? get yourself a drink. every year our students interview our graduates. and now representatives of leading companies from various sectors of the economy. so, choose what you are interested in. who shall we start with? jessica,
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gastronomy. excellent choice. tom, transport services. i collect miles, okay, veronica, the oil sector, especially trading, a very unusual choice, what is the reason? my boyfriend sells oil, and i i want to better understand what he does. oleg, ignat, well, welcome to the moscow office of vector. lucy, please make me some coffee. no need, lucy, i have some with me, thank you. in the morning,
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it's not every day that you and i sign a contract for 50 million. oh, yeah, and i'd like this day to be. 20 drops won't hurt, lucy, maybe there are some shot glasses, just like that, that'll do, lucy, make me some coffee, the machine needs to be connected, vector company. hello, so you didn't fly in, okay, take him to the hotel and call me back. dorono, ah,
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and i'm a fool to learn french. it will come in handy, you'll see, of course it will come in handy, okay, let's have a drink, come on, for our first big money, i don't know about you, i have my first, you were never taught as a child that money can't buy happiness, come on, ugh, look, what's this, look, wow, nesterov is already working with derano, look, their company is vector, it would be a shame for this company vector
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to start stealing our contractors, after everything i did for him, i fired him? you're not even thinking about that? what should i be thinking about? oleg nesterov headed the oil company. what a company, a fly-by-night, they made a quick buck, tomorrow they 'll run away and no one will even remember them. now it's a foreign trade company that can compete for iraqi contracts. they won't get anything, especially in iraq, because no one knows them. you'll help them. thanks to your connections, you 'll be able to work with samir through them. no way, this is not a... link in this criminal chain, in his place i'd already be worried about my life. all the faces are familiar,
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ignat, bitch, you promised that you wouldn't give the strangers a break, not only did they agree behind your back, they also don't care that you 'll find out about it if they get away with it. "i'm afraid they'll stop respecting you, these bogdan vladimir districts, thank you, are even under special surveillance, here, hello, please come to me, i 'll be right there." you need to keep an eye on this man,
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i think he's in danger, i figured out who to entrust him to, the one who was watching yakovlev did a great job, okay, i'll pass it on, pass it on give him my personal phone number, if anything, let him call me directly, yes sir, thank you. i wouldn't want to save my life at the expense of someone else's. i say.


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