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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  August 9, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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i am not happy with the fact that the neighbors constantly beat, oh, they don't beat, they drink, they shout, and they touch him - children, children cannot live peacefully in such a space, you first need to resolve the issue between yourselves, the housing issue and the debts on which you have, and i thought the whole program, which of you can i help, i can't help anyone, your behavior, it is disgusting, what do you have, what do you have? this is grounds for deprivation of parental rights. i worked for a long time in the city of berezovsk, as a doctor, i am from kemero, everything that i observed, such a homely atmosphere, the local one is colitis, well yes, here we need to voice this formula, that this applies to all of you, to all women, that very often people use alcohol to stop.
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it will end with someone killing someone, then it's up to you to choose, you want what, it's not known who will kill whom, maybe you, maybe you, who knows, i've miraculously survived in these conditions so many times, well listen, you can miraculously survive however you like, you still have a child, please tell me when you were deprived of parental rights to your daughter, alimony were appointed, yes, of course, you paid them, it was obligatory, look, one thing is...
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necessary, and the other is optional, but there is only one law, we all earn money here to give it to someone, to give it for housing, to give it for heating, to give it to specialists, to give it for food, but this is the law , i understand, you have half a million in debt with your meager salary, even with three jobs, yes, yes, well, who did this to you, i get treatment. good evening, the big game is on air. the main event in russia, of course, for the third day now remains the attempt large-scale invasion of regular troops of the armed forces of ukraine into the kursk region. today, the russian defense ministry reported that the operation to destroy them is ongoing. and now for...
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the states, the american publication forbes writes that at least three brigades are participating in this sortie, and the financial times also writes that this sortie was carefully prepared for a long time, notes that the armed forces of ukraine are totally relying on the assistance of the united states in the area of ​​intelligence information, in the area of ​​planning operations, and those brigades that entered the kursk area, they are armed largely with western equipment. conclusion, this operation was planned. together with the west
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is being carried out together with the west. the french ministry of defense, by the way, officially supported this kiev sortie and even named one of the possible tasks. i will quote: this attack could force the russian armed forces to use troops from other sectors, thereby easing the pressure in those areas where the ukrainian armed forces had previously experienced difficulties. end of quote. nevertheless, the majority, even western military experts, continue to consider this operation dangerous for... kiev adventure, since russia has much more reserves, much more opportunities, russia is capable of driving the ukrainian armed forces out of the kursk region, which is what we are doing now, without weakening the pressure in donbas. for example, here is the analysis published by cnn today. kiev needed a victory, not an adventure, the decision to transfer a significant part of its meager military resources to invade russian territory in pursuit of headlines, but without a clear strategic goal, marks. a moment of either despair,
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or encouragement for ukraine. on tuesday , kiev mustered much-needed resources and fresh troops to attack russian territory. the move had two immediate effects: it created headlines about a ukrainian breakthrough, and it forced moscow’s forces to disperse to shore up its borders, but until the broader significance of the incursion becomes clear, the strategic aims of oleksandr syrsky, the relatively new commander of ukraine’s forces, remain in question. alexey petrovich, what do you think are the strategic goals of alexander syrsky, or maybe not syrsky, maybe charles brown, i mean, the head of the joint chiefs of staff of the united states.
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the task of destabilizing the situation, of creating panic in the territory of the kursk region, and after that, the career military went, that is, the career units, the elite units, whose main task was to protect kiev, its environs, that is , ukraine used its own, perhaps, last reserve, which for a long time did not participate in military actions, maybe with the exception of the twenty-second brigade, which participated in the offensive on zaporizhzhya. this is a gas hub in sundzha, well, and the biggest, as they say, prize is the kurdish nuclear power plant, so that later information will go further, that in fact the strategic, well
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, the task is the exchange of territories, that is , we captured, you have a course, let's exchange for other territories that exist, which we liberated, or we will exchange there. kursk nuclear power plant for zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, that is, a clear, as they say, strategy of syrsky, more precisely, it really wasn't syrsky, he had nothing to do with it, we know that he didn't conduct a single, as they say, outstanding operation, all the operations were, it was such a plan that was born in the course of the play, so we see, there was the introduction of troops, that is , the initial assessment was that thousands of fighters entered, then it turned out that even more, here they say, they are already talking about a thousand dead, that is, accordingly. that is, but we don't forget, there are also wounded, of course, yes, and they need to be evacuated, but western analysts already see that this is an adventure, despite the fact that it looked quite attractive, the question is, how to continue further? yes, they are sending brigades there , maybe not three, but maybe five brigades are already present there, but there is still a gap between
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these brigades and the supply hubs that are being attacked, that is, this group will sooner or later begin to have serious problems with the bc and other, as they say, means, but the most important thing is that they are suffering losses, they are suffering losses, and the tasks as such, which were set, they, if you have lost the tempo of the offensive, then they become unattainable, attempts to put them into action lead to the results that i observe, now along the entire line of this combat contact in the kursk region there are counter battles with heavy losses for the enemy, well, to be honest, i agree with the assumption that this could be an act of desperation, because if... they abandoned their last combat-ready reserves, which were recently formed, then this is an attempt to play in the obanks, and they are in a hurry, they are in a hurry, apparently, before the presidential elections in the united states, stake out some, some positions. one of the most discussed versions is that this will, of course, force russia to transfer some
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troops from the main front, from the donetsk people's republic, to the kursk region, but we see that this is not happening, why? because russia continues to move. the enemy to the kinbunskaya spit, the enemy tried to land troops from boats, but they were repelled by our troops, the enemy lost up to 12 people killed, also in the black sea our troops, the strength of the navy destroyed seven, well, drones, sea drones of the enemy, in total
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these attacks did not bring success to the enemy, and if you look further along the front line, then in the zaporizhzhya direction our troops continued to maintain the initiative to the north of rabotin and verbovovo, for a time... on the salient our troops have advanced further to the north and east of urozhayny here the front is also mobile, in the ugledar direction our troops have advanced in the direction of vodyanoye near the konstantinovka uglyadar highway. there is also an advance in konstantinovka, which means that positional battles are taking place in krasnogorovka, the city itself is located actually under our control, to the west of ocheretin, our troops continue to move in the direction of krasnoarmeyskaya, which is about 15 km away, actually vesyolyaya, zhelannaya, lisichnaya, timofeyevka, all these villages, they are either completely or partially under the control of russian troops, there is already an advance to the outskirts of grodovka, there are battles at vozdvizhenka, there is an advance at novosyolovka.
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there are also small advances at kalinovka to the north of the village, on the seversky ledge our troops are fighting at perezdny, there is the last day of advancement near the village, we also continue to put pressure on the cut, in the krasnolimansky direction there is no change, in the sovato-kupyansky direction there has been advancement near peschanoye in the last day and more significant advancement in makeyevka, part of the village is already controlled by our troops, well, in the kharkov direction our troops continued positional battles near leptsy and glubokoe, there is some advancement.
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western media, this is actually evidenced by public statements by representatives of the biden administration, here sabrina singh, the pentagon spokesperson, spoke tonight and she actually made some phantasmagoric statements, and not a single word of criticism, yes, but there is a clear thread running through it, an endorsement and support for what the kiev regime is doing, first of all, she said that the sorties... we
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have supported ukraine's efforts to defend against cross-border attacks from the very beginning and recognized the need for cross-fire. i will say it again, we do not support long-range attacks on russian territory, but the dynamics on the battlefield have changed, and the ukrainians have even managed to push the russians back into russian territory. and since they see that the attacks on...
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that ukraine entered the kursk region in order to regain its sovereign territory, yes , that 's how the united states is posing the question. ivan aleseyevich, what are the united states' plans in this situation, yes, we've already talked about the plans of the kiev regime, and why do the united states need all this? the united states, the current administration, the current administration and
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the candidate from the democratic party, that is , both biden and harris, need to demonstrate that the kiev regime is still capable of something, in the article that you already showed, it pops up several times, that here are the headlines, good headlines, the picture, the picture is good, therefore. for them, this is like confirmation that this is the decision that they insisted on all winter and spring, about providing an aid package. guns, from the kiev regime cannon fodder, there are already a lot of guns, if there was even more cannon fodder, it would be completely ok, for this we need to lower the conscription, mobilization age to 18,
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the americans are constantly saying to tighten the measures related to this mobilization. there was this scandalous law, not all of its provisions were adopted as a result, even to the point of not providing medical care if, that is, some data was not updated, so they need all this in order to demonstrate that they are doing everything right, that they say there is no need to criticize for anything, especially during the pre-election period, here is the kiev regime.
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experts, several practical questions slip through, well, the kurdish nuclear power plant is like such a dream, in general, they talk about it in passing, but really the gas distribution station in sundzha, and in order to, you know, fingers on the neck - austria, hungary and slovakia, that they say we can completely strangle you with gas, well, and it is really mentioned that maybe, to bargain from such positions. well, really, you just brought me to the next question, because the topic of bargaining, it is permanent here appears, really runs like a red thread through both american and ukrainian comments, for example, the famous retired australian general mick ryan wrote in his commentary that it would be easier for ukraine to bargain with russia
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in some hypothetical negotiations if it had a part of russian sovereign territory in its pocket, so let's... ukrainian officials are experiencing an urgent need to urgently improve their position on the front line before the presidential elections in the usa in november. this will give us the leverage we need to negotiate with russia. that's what it's all about, zelensky's adviser said. mykhailo podalyak also suggested on the national telethon that any military action on russian territory could improve...
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grab more and so on, but i'll remind our ukrainian comrades, who are not our comrades, of course, that donald trump was bankrupt twice, that is, such, in principle, such, such a policy, such tactics, it only leads to collapse, only to the information cauldron, which the ukrainian authorities have now found themselves in, because greed does not lead to good, perhaps there really were plans for some kind of pr coverage of this raid, which, by the way, is completely... food, but let's look a little further to see what this will lead to, it will only lead to a catastrophic collapse of everything, moreover, such things are hard to read in
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western communities, which say: listen, something is wrong, in general, but in general this is a violation of territorial borders of the russian federation and with the ensuing consequences, against the backdrop of the illegality of zelensky's tenure as president, this will generally lead to a collapse - should lead to a collapse of western aid, western aid will be illegal, moreover , no matter what they say in washington, in washington, it is still an escalation of the military conflict, which directly leads to a direct military clash between nato countries, that is, european countries and russia, that is, the only meaning of this so-called punitive raid is that european countries and russia meet in the field, yeah, absolutely. and this is if this is the goal, then excuse me, such analysts should be fired, i agree, but the ukrainian sortie is really an adventure, and what yermak said
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seems to me to be a false start, because you can raise your negotiating position in this way when you have already achieved some kind of victory, and by victory you could at least understand that they hold the territory for some long time, yes, but i am sure that this... will not happen, yes, accordingly, this is a false start, and this raid also showed the fragility of the european economy, because europe is very worried, what about gas, yes, let me remind you that the only pipeline through which, which is still working, through which russia supplies gas to the european union, as it passes through the kursk region, is sudzha, yes, a gas distribution station, where very intense military actions are taking place right now, here is the agency. bloomberg writes about europe's very serious concerns. let's listen. since the 2022 crisis, europe has taken a number of steps to reduce its dependence on
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russian pipeline gas, including by increasing imports of liquefied fuel. however, some countries still rely on pipeline flows, leaving their economies vulnerable to any sudden disruption. a transit agreement between russia and ukraine expires at the end of this year, so supplies are set to... stop, but in a sign of how important the fuel remains for the continent, european officials are negotiating to try to continue gas supplies through the pipeline after the agreement expires, even though it is unclear where the gas might come from. a sudden and early end to the supplies would be a shock to countries like slovakia and austria that currently rely on them and could face higher gas prices for consumer companies if they were cut off. this raises the question. what about all this talk about abandoning russian gas, really, about developing green energy, reorient to other suppliers,
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another piece of bad news for europe came right away: the united states is cutting its liquefied natural gas supplies to europe at this very moment, why? because it is now more profitable for american exporters to supply to asia. well, you were absolutely right just now when you said that several factors came together here, but i think. i will continue the dialogue about the goals, yes, i do not rule out that forcing russia to stop gas supplies through this gas distribution system through sunju, this was also one possibility of goals, so that in fact russia with its own hands cut off gas from supplies to those countries, which in general takes a calmer position in europe than the rest, so to speak, countries, here.
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allows transporting this gas further across europe to the same germany, by the way, which completely refused russian gas, this is the second aspect, which in general the transition to lng, in principle increases gas prices. the third point, as you absolutely correctly said, is now holding there is a fairly stable differential between prices in asia and on asian markets in europe, and this also worsens the situation, because the americans have a much larger margin on gas supplies. by the way, i will say that the margin of gas now between the so-called henry hub, which is in the united states of america and ttf, which is in europe,
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is nine times higher there, that is, if it... henry hub costs somewhere around 2.9 there 2.6 there i don't know, yes, british thermal units, then in europe it is 26-20 27, that is, we understand difference, yes, how many times what is the margin between america and europe, plus asia, which gives its margin, therefore, but this is not, all these plans, apparently, did not happen either, but europe is in the worst situation, because if gas supplies are suspended one way or another, then the growth of prices and further.
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absolutely, and you said that europe is in the worst situation in this case, i would say that this is the price for the loss of sovereignty, voluntary loss of sovereignty, now a little advertising, then we will continue, fantasy after programs time, you were close to death, yes, several times, i lived in a cruel, difficult and magnificent time, and in spite of everything... the best moments of my life are connected with work in intelligence, we burn everything behind us, we will cope with it, because i worked for the good of the motherland, fulfilling my duty, the duty of a patriot of russia. dmitry bystroletov, an outstanding intelligence officer , an unrivaled master of recruitment, a courageous man who did not break under the blows of fate. in the camps, i quickly stopped identifying my executioners with homeland. there have been periods in russian history
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when for a decent russian person. the only place was in prison, so even in the camps i was in my place, sometimes the forces are cut off, the meaning of what is happening becomes completely illusory, what becomes your support, love, we are together again, i think that i have lived a good life and am ready to live it exactly the same again, legends of intelligence, genius of reincarnation, recruiter, tomorrow, on the first. montevideo, the capital of uruguay, one of the most developed and richest countries in latin america. do you know what i noticed? people here dress quite simply. a kilogram of makeup on their face is not for our women. montevide - renting a place for locals is quite expensive, but there is an option when you can even live for free. if we see
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that a person is normal, neat and tidy, but just has financial problems right now, we accept him and put him in one of the rooms. the favorite dish of uruguayans is meat-osada. usually this dish is eaten with bread, vegetables, red wine sauce. here's another rib for you, please, it's normal in urguva goes. the life of others. premiere, on sunday on the first. in the new season on the first. come on, come on, come on, come on.
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i love you, i've loved you for a long time since school, your hair on the back of your head is wet from the shower, there's lipstick on your collar, for everyone my perfect match, i don't want to be a thief, you know, yes, but it seems to me that you yourself, yes, my wife asked me, left for another, why don't you go after her, don't fight, don't bring her back, i went out of my way for him, do you at least know how much they cost,
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oh, you know how he can do, look, now, please tell me what happened need from you, my wife, fortune teller. new episodes from monday on channel one. volleyball, as you haven't seen it yet? channel one cup, live broadcasts,
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august 17 and 18, on channel one, in the new season, on channel one, there are already rumors about this crime in the city, wherever you go, women are talking. i wanted to ask you about your find, this knot seemed very massive, although it was picked up quite easily. you have been awarded a small honor, moles, honor and trust of the reich, remember this. after the war, i was looking for my son's comrades-in-arms, i was interested in what there was something going on at the end of the war, and anything could have happened there.
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there's a big game on the air. the united states continues to stubbornly prove vladimir putin right when he called them an empire of lies. let me remind you that just 3 days ago, the former speaker of the house of representatives called biden such a great president of the united states that his face is worthy of being carved on the famous mount rushmore. where george washington, thomas jefferson, abraham lincoln and theodore roosevelt respectively stand 3 days ago. and here's what she said about biden yesterday. i was never particularly impressed by his political performance. they won
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the white house, bravo, but i was worried that the chances of the democrats winning in 2024 were not growing, and we had to make a decision to make that happen. and, continuing with the lie. it turned out that the democratic party's vice presidential candidate for the united states, tim walz, is a liar, and a pretty stupid liar, yes, it turned out that he lied about his biography, namely that he allegedly participated in military operations, in fact, he not only did not participate, but he resigned from the national guard of the united states, exactly when his units wanted to be sent to iraq in order to... avoid participation in combat operations, that is, a completely stupid lie. and now an even greater lie is being imposed on american society, when the image of kamala harris is being formed, which is absolutely empty, which
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does not correspond to reality, or rather kamala harris is empty, and the image is drawn as quite heroic. just now new results of opinion polls have come in, for example, according to ipos, kamala harris is already ahead of donald trump by as much as five percentage points, yes, the question is, why is this, given that we don’t even know what position kamala harris takes on any issues in american or international life, she hasn’t given a single major press conference, a single major interview, she doesn’t have a program, and so on, yes, she avoids debates with donald trump, and at the same time, these kinds of opinion polls, alexey alexeyevich, what are these? this is artificial preparation, or rather artificial opinion polls, who are preparing american society for election fraud or what is this anyway? we must remember that american elections are corrupt, and in the literal sense of the word, because the more money you collect,
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the more chances you have to win. kamala harris, let me remind you, as soon as she was nominated, she collected some phantasmagoric amount of money on the same day, and i think that these polls are the result of this policy. you understand, because now they are competing in almost everything in such, i don’t know, easy attitude to the crisis in the united states of america, they compete in irony against each other and so on, that is, in principle, kamala harris and her technologists and donald trump and his technologists are now trying to create a truly virtual company, where digital images will be for the amusement of the public, will debate, will compete, will make some statements, although in fact these statements, these... debates will be well prepared technologically, they will be
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verified, probably with prompters and so on, that is, we are preparing for a big show, which has absolutely nothing to do with the elections, with democracy, and kamala harris, these elections, apparently, really seriously intend to win, moreover, most likely they will even organize the voting, perhaps in advance at least through social networks, and that is how they will manipulate these results as the real opinion of the voters. exactly as kamala harris became the presidential candidate from the democratic party, because i remind you that there were no primaries with the participation of kamala harris, there was no convention, where usually candidates nominate, there were no open debates and real voting, but there was virtual voting on a social platform, well, really, these are such elections, such democracy, but it must be said that there is an area in which kamala harris is silent...
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"no, we live worse, and accordingly, the current president jimmy carter suffered a very heavy defeat, and reagan won triumphantly, so now most americans can answer the same way, yes, that they began to live worse during the biden administration, harris, and the famous american economist, paul krugman writes that the american economy is now in a pre-recession, let's hear it, in the economy. there are definitely signs of a pre-recession, and now
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those responsible for this, namely the representatives of the federal reserve, need to act quickly to prevent the risks of a serious deterioration in the situation. why do i say that the economy is in a pre-recession? the most important factor: the unemployment rate, which has been gradually increasing over the past few months, the employment report led the sahma rule is in effect, which states that a sufficiently large increase in the unemployment rate is a convincing sign. business, but here another, so to speak, devil arises for the harris biden administration, inflation, because we remember that it was during their, so to speak, presidency that the inflation rate in the united states reached fairly record levels, which is why the federal reserve, in order to prevent new inflation, keeps the rate high enough, so it turns out. zukzwang situation, either inflation, or
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recession or pre-recession, and then there is also a fall stock markets, that's how you assess the economic situation, well, so that by stages, yes, well, naturally, this is the sahman rule, which krugman refers to, it really has begun to be quoted in recent days, it is quite, well, difficult to pronounce, but the point is that if over the last 3 months inflation grows more there by 0.5%. than over the previous 12, this is a pre-recession, it passed the borderline, when they determined the growth of inflation to 4.3%, then the previous this very reference level was somewhere at the level of there - 3.8 3 and 6% - unemployment, i apologize, here - which just says that this is a borderline recession, we need to see how the unemployment situation will develop in the next month, there is a file of the following data
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, the problem that you did not mention, but it is still present, this is the national debt, 35 trillion, 35 trillion, but the most important thing is not even 35 trillion, that the deadline for which this entire agreement was extended is the beginning of the twenty-fifth year, therefore, regardless of what the president will eventually be nominated, both of them will face this problem head-on,
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given the distribution between the senate and congress, it will not be an easy walk for either one, the next thing is, therefore... from this situation that has accumulated today, plus the fact that some experts are already saying that during the biden administration, inflation has grown by an average of about 20%, which is generally a lot for america, all this leads to the fact that there is no justice here, neither trump nor harris they are spreading about neither inflation nor interest rates, only maintaining general expressions about the fact that it must be fought, this is... the problem is that trump appointed powell to the post of federal reserve, biden did not replace him, so in general, everyone is happy with paolo, who is still holding the interest rate and is not going to lower it. the next point, then, regarding the economic programs that they are silent about, also in general, neither one nor the other has a winning position,
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to be honest, because the heritage foundation, which sort of took on the role of a conservative, so to speak, so to speak, the arbiter of the program, yes, it wrote such things that today, as far as i understand, trump's election campaign, the people representing it, even disown it, there was no better pogo, because they agreed there that it is necessary to abolish the wto, create new ones, abolish the federal reserve system, everything, let the banks themselves issue money, in general , extreme, extreme things are written there, harris has some advantages associated with the fact that biden... the budget for the twenty-fifth year has been introduced, where certain tax breaks have already been laid down, but then the details begin, which are probably difficult for the average american to judge, so to speak, well, there trump says extend my tax reform until the end, these harris says not only for those who have 400,000 there dollars, in short, the details begin, therefore
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, in fairness, i want to say that neither harris nor trump are talking much about the economy, because this is a very weak point for both. clinton from the ninety-second year, under which he won the american elections, it's all about the stupid economy, now of course it's not just about the economy, there's also migration, but here harris has nothing to brag about either, and so on and so forth, that is, the economy is bad, the area of ​​migration policy is bad, the area of ​​the unity of american society is also bad, and she didn't even take her vice
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in order to somehow appeal to independent american voters in the swing states, but... he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl he almost doesn't recognize the child who 5 years ago i lost the most precious thing, my mother. i don't think that i am without her, i have a lot of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, with her parents and ex-husband. i said that unfortunately, i have very
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difficult news for you, that your mother is no longer with you. what did he experience at that moment, that evening? only he knows, it is a great responsibility to tell your child that his mother is gone. how did yulia's only daughter experience this loss, what path did she take after my mother's death? i'm somehow really mega-strong, i somehow pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive: 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, at all costs, to become a star in memory of her famous mother. when you came into the world, my life changed, i will always. yes, i will be with you. exclusive with dmitry borisov. tomorrow on the first. in our studio , music from favorite films is playing again. the sky will open, when she sang the first take, the souls of the musicians trembled, she says: we need more rewrite, need another take, director fell to
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his knees said: "please, just don't, wonderful comedy, wedding in malinovka, all music, it was written by boris alexandrovich alexandrov, son of alexander vasiliovich, who headed the red banner for more than 40 years, by the way, this work is incomparable, also a film for the ages, i love more than anyone in the world, where there are many songs.
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from here, volodya, here, please take the money, it's all because of me, i'm guilty, i'm guilty of everything, you take the money, buy a car, fix a new one or an old one, alyona, yes no, what are you saying, i beg you, just take the money, just don't call the police, they 'll kill me, you understand, and in our yard on sunday on the first, wa, how scarlet, the car is being repaired, i'll explain everything later, but it's expensive , there's no bus, well, guys, let's go to the movies, and as we agreed, oops, and this is my
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employer, meet, hello, i'm alena, hello, two stars, fathers and sons, sunday on the first, let's figure it out, is mint really that useful, or are there any dangers? not only about mint, but about everything most important for life and health in the program live healthy, on monday, on the first, in the new season on the first, today we were auditioned for the choir gracheva, great, yura, you definitely need to sing, come on, sing, what a unique gift you have, you take such notes, what an upstart. you have everything that
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soviet women don't even dare to dream of, what does this mean, you don't take a guy just because he doesn't know notes, in order to get official status of a choir, you need to have at least 50 choristers, you've been accepted, from today you start a new life, i have this choir... "we would never have met, i'll see you with this man again, i'll tell my father everything, you're mine, you're my wife, what do you want, give me back these 15 years, i thought everything was easy, i wanted fame, remember, goracheva and his choir shouldn't be on the song of the year, sing so that the sun rises, choir, premiere of a multi-part film. soon on the first, a big game, in the middle east
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they continue to prepare and wait for a retaliatory strike from iran and hezbollah against israel, in response to the murder of ismail hani, the former head of political council of hamas, directly in tehran, which was a very... israeli provocation, a deliberate provocation, well, in response to other actions of israel against the leaders of hezbollah, just last night, for example, israel launched missile strikes with the air force on syrian territory and so on, the united states continues to blackmail iran, they continue, and they openly blackmail, the day before the official representative of the biden administration said that if iran does launch... this strike, then it will face quite serious consequences, and for demonstration of these effects, the united
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states has already amassed a significant military armada in the region. revealed how many fighters have been deployed and where in the region they will be based, retired lt. gen. david deptull noted that the f-22s send a powerful message to iran because they can operate with impunity in the airspace without iran's knowledge, capable of not only air combat but covert intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance, and dropping bombs. according to according to rebecca grant,
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an air force analyst at the lexington institute in arlington , this is the largest. deployment of f-22s in a crisis situation since their introduction in late 2005, that is, alexey petrovich, the united states is trying to tell iran that if anything happens, they will be able to strike directly at iranian territory with impunity and allegedly iran will not be able to do anything against these very f-22s, am i interpreting this correctly, and is this true? well , the thing is that the f-22 is an aircraft that was created using stetels technology, the americans on him... he was quite visible and not only thanks to the onboard radars of our 35 aircraft, there was such a case when our 135 joined the k-22, which interfered with the combat work of our su-25s, well, that is, interfered, yes, well, when
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our su-35 unexpectedly appeared, the f22 was rotated. everyone thought that only the 135 participated, but the air defense systems also participated. it was not for nothing that iran requested modern air defense systems, in order to strengthen this component, this is invisible, it can be invisible only to the americans. for our modern systems air defense, it is quite visible, it can be aimed at and even shot down, if the americans want to bring down another fantastic miracle machine after the abrams, then iran is quite suitable for this, that is, any.
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called for reducing western aid to ukraine to begin negotiations with russia. let's listen. we can no longer continue to allocate funds for weapons to ukraine only for these weapons to be spent without any result, everything should be in moderation, support yes, but we understand that we have reached the limit. before that, with similar the leaders of the state of brandenburg and the state of thuringia made statements, respectively. yes, this is eastern germany. yes, we see there, according to the results of the elections , the alternative for germany party won, which.
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that they began to raise their voices more actively and confidently after the elections that took place, because they saw in these elections to the european parliament that well, really, this... they don't think, they saw the results, so there really is an opinion, everyone thought, i just made individual statements, yes, people are not the only one who thinks this way, in this transatlantic environment, there are many politicians like me who are guided by this opinion, they have received a mandate to talk about this, not just whisper, but already grumble, already seriously about this, to talk about this, but for now this is... still the stage of forming an opinion, and not making specific demands to the federal government, that is, berlin, and i want to draw attention to the fact that the leader of the opposition
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party, merz, the leader of the cdu, well yes, the coalition of the cdu, csu, but yes, the leader of the cdu, he looked at the election results, literally in a few days after them he said: "i am also for some kind of prospect of a peaceful solution there." because he really needs the votes of the eastern eastern germans in the next elections, so yes, this opinion is being formed, the second thing i want to say is that this is a very rational opinion, very understandable, this is when people take off their blinders and say what really makes sense, this is a rational approach, then the question arises, this is my third point, and why are some capable of rational thinking, while others, like berba.
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germany, although they also whisper like that, they whisper, they don't like what's happening, but still they didn't demonstrate their position so openly in the elections, as in... they only absorbed transatlantic dogma, that's why there are sprouts of education there, and not some kind of normal critical thinking, in the west we see absolute transatlantic
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dogma, they will reach some kind of medieval metaphysics, i completely agree, they were formed western europeans, just in the regime of american hegemony, for many decades, this has discouraged the ability critical thinking, at least for now, we pass on our news, it was a big game, all the best, goodbye. hello, on channel one evening news, with you andrey ukharev. the number of ukrainian militants destroyed in the kursk region is already almost a thousand. almost 100 units of equipment have been burned, the russian army has pulled up reserves and is working on enemy units. the entire country is helping the residents of the affected region, collecting humanitarian aid, accepting tech...


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