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tv   Igrai garmon lyubimaya  1TV  August 11, 2024 6:55am-7:41am MSK

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deficiencies do not have obvious manifestations, so that once everything, you understand, this is a magnesium deficiency, no, a huge number of complaints, they are not related to each other, well, some are more characteristic, some are less characteristic, there are cramps in the exocutaneous muscles, yes, but a little more characteristic, or let's say, if they are also combined with constipation, yes, that is even more pluses in favor of magnesium deficiency, but in principle fatigue, apathy, there is increased fatigue, yes for anything,
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everything else, what has she done so far? well, dear friends, in the circle of talented people, time flies, two stars, fathers and sons, watch after the evening news. we continue the conversation about magnesium, this is a podcast deception of substances, my name is olesya nosova, and with me is zukhra sharipovna pavlova. as doctors, can you? suspect a lack of magnesium, that is, this is a survey, yes, it is always a survey, because if a person says that he eats fast food, or let's say, well, this is the kind of culture when people eat exclusively plant foods, and often try to replace the protein component with plant, animal protein, they do not eat meat, they don’t eat meat, but they eat, for example, mushrooms, nuts, there’s a lot of magnesium in those same nuts, and mushrooms.
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will allow this magnesium to be absorbed, it should also be said that if you take a 100% healthy person, he has a wonderful intestine, excellent absorption and he eats good food, then out of 100 units of magnesium eaten, in the best case, 30 will be absorbed. if you wash down good, high-quality food, rich in magnesium, with tea, coffee, ivan tea or any drink containing tannin, the magnesium will not be absorbed, because 30% is absorbed anyway, and it will also bind all this. the matter is tannin and will be excreted, if there is fast food, then it also does not give, firstly, it does not contain magnesium as such, and secondly, it also prevents the absorption of magnesium, what else prevents the absorption of magnesium, except for fast food mushrooms, is phytic acid, that is, if the nuts are not soaked yes, then magnesium will not be absorbed, if you drink alcohol, often yes here with a meal a glass of something magnesium is not absorbed at lunch, yes many allow themselves. drinks do not contribute
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to the absorption of magnesium from the doba, that is, when our the food is saturated with both useful and not so useful, then the probability of absorption of magnesium is sharply reduced, and another key point was voiced, you said for 2 months, for 2 months, all three were given for 2 months, this is a really important period of time, because in order to saturate the body's tissues with magnesium, you need to consume it for at least two months, firstly, taking into account its low absorption in ... in general, and secondly, well, as a rule, we all have some limitations, some diseases, including gastrointestinal tract, therefore it takes such a long period of time, well, you say that there are certain difficulties with its absorption, that is, you need to take magnesium intake seriously, that is, you need to think about it, that if i take magnesium, then i don’t drink coffee right away, i don’t drink tea right away, i don’t wash it all down with a sweet bun,
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maybe you say that pastries and so on and so forth, but how can all this be integrated into our normal life, well, it seems to work out, you need to take it at night, well, in general, it is absorbed better in the morning, but with a caveat, in the morning you want a bun, you want a bun and coffee, but with a caveat, if a person has a sleep disorder, and magnesium helps improve sleep, then of course it should be taken in the morning and in the evening, so you can... give it, there is another very important point, of course, magnesium is not very good to combine with calcium, because then less magnesium is absorbed, so if you ate cottage cheese and even plan to wash it down with water, and not coffee, then it is better to postpone magnesium here, then it will be absorbed better, well , a counter question, there are dietary supplements on which it says magnesium plus calcium plus probably something else and so on, don't the manufacturers know that magnesium and calcium separate incompatible substances
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, they are, let's say, absorbed in different parts of the intestine at different times, yes, some of these capsules may be exposed to hydrochloric acid, everything starts in the stomach, and some easily pass through hydrochloric acid, this barrier in the stomach, everything starts only in the intestine, well, that is, it can be technically separated, that is, they are designed in such a way from the point of view of production that different fractions of this one small pill...
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aspects, half the field was sown, half the field was not sown, some grass grew there, yes, under fallow, yes under fallow, then they re-plowed this field, all this was processed, and thus the land was enriched, the next year everything changed, this field was sown, and this one, on the contrary , was resting, that's how the quality of the products that were grown, it increased.
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therefore, unfortunately, when we say that everything can be obtained from products, now the disease of civilization is our time, not always assumes, really a full composition of vegetables or fruits, therefore we need dietary supplements, medicines, now we evaluate vegetables and fruits a little bit by other qualities, tasty or not tasty, yes, it is convenient to deliver to some part of the world, that's it. we know that bananas are cut with green ones, because while they are floating there, they, they reach and so on, the fact that this does not happen under the sun, this is also a minus of some vitamins and so on, that is, we solve other problems than saturating us, so
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to speak, with vitamins, minerals in one window, yes, that is, we have to add all these necessary substances with the help of pharmaceutical products, right? i am stating the most important thing - this is well, most often, including bat, it cannot be said here that despite the fact that magnesium is prescribed just like that, there are also contraindications, so we always consult a doctor, for some 400 mg will be enough, for some it is necessary, this is a daily dose for an adult, for some it will be necessary much more depending on the initial level of symptoms, therefore. amateur activity even with magnesium is not very good, well, probably we can say that there are people with kidney damage, they probably can't prescribe it to themselves, definitely can't, especially if it's really already some such pronounced stages definitely can't, if there is also a certain
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increased sensitivity to the components of any tablet, therefore , for one patient the doctor will prescribe i don't know there bezglycenate to another. is there sugar as a stabilizer or maybe he will find some other option, it's difficult, but still, well, that is, there are nuances everywhere, so it would be good to go to a doctor for a consultation, by the way, yes, it's interesting, when you go to a pharmacy, you see without without bezglycenate, yes, the complex word hilate. all this is magnesium, why do we need so much magnesium or are they somehow absorbed differently, they are absorbed differently, they act differently, so if a person has constipation syndrome, those same constipation, yes, then magnesium citrate is ideal for him, because it
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promotes - normalization of stool, and a person and he kills two birds with one stone, so the doctor is exactly the person who in all this... in all the aratats will choose what is needed for a specific person, at the same time, if a person has a tendency to diarrhea, give him citrate, he will not leave the house at all, he will suffer, he will cancel it all, say 2 months, never in his life. impossible, okay, but there are not just magnesium preparations, for example, there is magnesium salt, they take baths with it, this is an unimportant replacement, this is, let's say, an addition to magnesium, this is a spa procedure, like that, because it's a nice spa treatment, yes magnesium can penetrate the pores and magnesium can penetrate through the hair follicles into the skin and further into the body. but this is such a very - small improvement from the level
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of increasing the level of magnesium, so in addition yes, in addition a warm bath is always such a nice relaxing moment, a person rests, calms down, well and finishes his day well, so as an addition it's absolutely wonderful, epsom salt as an option - no one forbids it, unless there is contraindications to taking warm or hot baths in general. it is not recommended to prescribe magnesium to children under 6 years of age, firstly, no one has done this systematically, let's say , there are no studies on this matter, but it is believed that with nutrition and baby food, as a rule, takes into account the presence of this important microelement, but as for children from 6 years old, yes, there are already certain dosages from 55 to 400 pills per day, for adults, the average daily dose is 400-420 mg, but again everything depends on
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the initial condition, there is another formula calculation: 10-30 mg per kilogram of body weight, so what dosage to take for you will be decided by the doctor who will examine you, question you and look at the results of the examination, it is not superfluous to say that magnesium should be washed down only with water, because ... i repeat, tea, coffee, will bind it for the most part and remove it, everything that remains, well, it may simply not be absorbed in the body, if a person has any inflammatory bowel diseases, ulcerative-necrotic, crohn's disease and so on, if a person has pathology of the parathyroid glands, if a person takes drugs for a long time for oncological diseases or for diabetes mellitus type 2, then he has a high probability. pronounced magnesium deficiency, there is another class of drugs that are prescribed
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for gastric ulcer, for example, these are drugs that block the synthesis of hydrochloric acid, it often happens that the course of therapy is completed, the person is canceled taking these drugs and he immediately begins to feel heartburn and either himself or as prescribed by a doctor restores the intake of these drugs proton inhibitors. they are called, and he takes these drugs for years, because without them this heartburn does not allow him to live in peace for this person, so if a person takes such drugs, he has a potentially high risk of magnesium deficiency, and this also needs to be compensated, but again on the recommendation of a doctor, if a person, now, unfortunately, there are a lot of patients with neurodegenerative diseases, for example, parkinson's disease, and when using drugs that affect this disease
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, there is also a need to separate magnesium preparations and these preparations, because magnesium will not allow this preparation to be absorbed, and here, after all, probably according to priorities, so well, yes, it’s clear, then everything is to the fact that a doctor should prescribe this, the doctor should know what you take, how you take it, what kind of lifestyle you lead. and so on and so forth. the entire history of the development of military equipment is the history of the development of the ball, means of attack and shield. on the last day of december of the seventh year, at a meeting of the scientific and technical council, a decision was made that the aircraft would still be developed along a delta wing. the americans took the path of creating a heavy fighter, and naturally, in terms of maneuverability, it was inferior to the lighter mig-21. the 21 is a wonderful aircraft, the pilot in the mig cockpit felt confident, the attack indicator, the first set, poke,
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connected, pressed, went, like this, four missiles launched, this happened, well, within 10 seconds, probably no more, the su-27 takes off, it first attacks, then we have its air battles, they all lost, release mediocre fighter, it's not difficult at all, if we make a combat vehicle, then we have only one way out, to make it such that it defeats the enemy, to the day of the russian air force, the prime minister, today on the first. this city is called the gates of the north. a special, unique way of life has been preserved here, which is dictated by difficult climatic conditions. many people come to this city to see the famous polar lights. we are in arkhangelsk, friends. the most important thing for a pomor is that it is practical. what kind of wood is preferable for building a boat? the kind of tree that grows. and why did they add salt? in principle, our region was a salt industry, so
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they added it everywhere. my grandmother added salt to regular coffee, even to instant coffee, she says it tastes better that way and... wash the smelt, crush it with salt a little, chop the onion, and add it there too, let's take some bread and dip it, dip it, and how delicious it will be in a pomoshki way, delicious, delicious, friends, the life of your own, the premiere is next sunday on the first, with you again the podcast deception of substances, we continue our conversation about magnesium with you, olesya nosova, editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda, endocrinologist zukhra pavlova. and could it be, an overdose of magnesium or or is this a rare disease, as it is expressed, that's how, well, basically all before the dosage are expressed approximately the same, nausea, vomiting, depression of consciousness, is it possible with
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an overdose of magnesium to become too calm, well no, we, when we talk about an overdose, then this is some kind of. critical overdose, and to become too calm, you can become calm, that's it, but not with overdose, and when replenishing the magnesium deficiency, here the person notes that he has become less irritable, his sleep has normalized, some tics have disappeared, either his eyelids twitched, or some muscles on his arms and legs, he has lost this convulsive activity - calf muscles, especially in sleep, memory has become better and so on, someone has these chest pains that are very frightening or some pains there. vaguely reminiscent of a sore mammary gland or something like that, someone's constipation disappears, someone has spasmodic pain, because magnesium deficiency also contributes to the formation of stones in the genitourinary system, because everything is always in spasm, this is not only pain, but also a violation of the metabolism
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of certain substances and, all other things being equal , stones can also form not only in the gallbladder. but in the kidneys, premenstrual syndrome: and young ladies and young women very often note that having started taking magnesium, on the recommendation of a doctor, this has disappeared - pronounced discomfort before the start of the cycle, this is not only expressed in emotions, yes, negative emotions have decreased, but spastic pains in the abdomen, they are so really pronounced that sometimes people call an ambulance, so sometimes it is difficult. the problem is solved very simply, well , in general, of course, surprisingly, even for me, it would seem that i am in the subject, anyway , what you are saying is surprising, it has always been believed that this, what is called female elements - this is iron, yes, a lot depends on it, here it turns out that magnesium is also in line, yes, it is difficult divide in half, but yes, in both cases it
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plays a very important role, but it is an active participant in more than a hundred different reactions, well, that is, let's imagine that... we have a computer, it has information, we have a printer on which this information can be printed, we even have paper, everything is fine too, but if there is no magnesium, like ink, yes, if we compare, then a piece of paper will go into the printer and come out warm, but nothing will be printed, warm, warm, well, that is, it will be empty history, so unfortunately people often suffer for a long time, go to different specialists, here you can also... even tinnitus, this can also be a manifestation of magnesium, magnesium deficiencies, and also very often nails, hair, yes, this is how weak and bones become, this is a lack of magnesium, there is also such an interesting thing, a manifestation of magnesium deficiency
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is early gray hair, this is also surprising, but it turns out that with... there is some kind of feeling that if there were no ivs, as they are called, yes, in common parlance, then there was no treatment, in my opinion look, it's better not to touch the veins once again.
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magnesium, these are cereals, these are all kinds of legumes, there is a lot of magnesium, all greens, broccoli, broccoli, our favorite, yes, cabbage, fruits, not only persimmon, yes, but also persimmon, fihua and many other useful things here, bohchevye, contain a large amount of magnesium, dried fruits, dark chocolate, you've got it, let us all take dark chocolate as a medicine. well, for a cheek a piece of 5 g and excellent chicory, by the way, people love chicory, many people consume chicory, there is enough magnesium there, and there is also mineral
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water enriched with magnesium, and several such types, therefore - i use it, if a person likes mineral water, then please, there are often those rich in magnesium, there are dietary supplements, there are medicines, well, that is. in nuts, again, you do not need to eat handfuls of nuts to get the required amount of magnesium, because nuts are also a very high-calorie substance, so in order not to overeat calories, then a few nuts are quite enough to compensate, again they need to be soaked what we were talking about, yes, yes, yes, it is necessary, well, or you know, when they are so dry, dried, not fried, but dried, then this shell easily comes off them, press a little. with your fingers and everything is gone, and what is chelated magnesium? they say that this is the very best form, which is its, well, again, if a person has constipation syndrome, weak
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intestinal motility, or very often there is a torsion, bend, kink of the gallbladder, this is always such a favorable soil for stagnation, here, probably, it is better not to take chelated, which is considered the most easily... assimilated, purified, without additional components, well, this is prepared magnesium with something, yes, with amino acids, well, as an option, yes, which promotes its absorption, well, for such people it is better not to take chelated, but citrate magnesium, because they will get much more benefit this way and - figuratively speaking, they will immediately close the necessary windows, this is not organic, organic magnesium, yes, well , okay, today we have widely discussed it the problem of magnesium, substantiated its necessity, told about how it manifests itself, and who needs to take it for what reason,
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always stipulating that any appointments are made by the doctor who examines you, and i hope that our viewers have no more questions about this element, thank you, it was a podcast deception of substances, my name is olesya nosova, i am the editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda and with me was a famous endocrinologist. pavlova. you can watch all the episodes of the lapta podcast project on the website of the first channel let's get started. oh, i can't. play the accordion, i've arrived. hello. hi there. welcome.
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you say you like to visit, andrey? yelets, yes, yes, i do, what do you like about it, an old, beautiful city, older than moscow, by one year, fewer people than in moscow, well, that's understandable, there will be more in lipetsk too, yes, and where are there more accordionists, in lipetsk or in yelets, oh, yes, now it's in lipetsk, well , that's understandable, go live there, but here too is the basis, the accordion is yelets, not lipetsk, it's the homeland, yes, the homeland of gelet, it was invented here, from here it went around the world, so to speak,
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russia, mother. they play little, nevertheless, yes on it? well, unfortunately, it's already such a time that well, we have representatives in siberia, so after all, not only in the black earth region, right, friends, yes, here you have masters, enough, enough, we met a lot of people today, very pleased, let's depict something yourself, preferably yalets, well then yalets sufferings, yalets sufferings will be, andrey ivliev, accordionist of the golden ten of russia, play, dad, play, gold, for the soviet serb and young,
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who plays, who plays, my heart frozen, my heart for...
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your eyes my brother, we were sorry for love, my friend.
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and we with the whites parted at my porch and he left and i sang a joyful song. one elys, two elys, three, four dot, but the postulate did not give from the white flotosha.
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here please, a photograph, here is my dad, gennady dmitrievich zavolotkin, these are accordionists, they are all no longer alive, most likely, someone left the city, here is matyukhin, afanasy ivanovich, the most today, i think, famous piano player, and the dormanist of yelets piano, here he is in all his glory, here accordion. this one, which grisha is holding in his hands now, here it is, come on, play it a little , listen, the sound, what a sound, try,
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you play, let's say, so-so, but nevertheless, and we are now in the workshop. will show, will not show, here, then, the soul of the accordion is born, look, the bar is written by matyukhin, well, of course, our camera is not a microscope, but then we see it, and there is also some kind of amateurish something there, here you go, if you want such
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an inscription on your accordion, then you have to earn it , yes, how and in what way, for example, here serve the game, that's the most interesting thing, look, here appears like this accordion, and here's the yeletskaya. piano from what kind of wood is zakharov? oh, there's an interesting story, nikolai told me, this is konstantin's father, nikolai matyukhin, nikolai afanasevich, now in the era of plastic windows, they install plastic windows, old frames are thrown out, so from them, from this wood, from which the old frames of the fifties, sixties are made, they say, the best accordions are made, bodies, yes the body of the body, well, the wooden pieces themselves, well, actually with this master. what kind of wood ash, oak, pine, the main thing is that there is some kind of endurance, no, well, basically they are just honed and went, that's why, on the body, on
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the bodies, as a rule, honed wood species are worn out, brass, yes, here is the classic version of brass voices on the accordion, we are now using birch bronze, wow, here is such a spill? a little bit of the rasp of these yaletsky pianos, well, show me, play a little, here the planks appear, so we leave everything to the person, look what i have here it is, the soul says, don't play for a second, here it is, you think, it would seem that this means we are taking it now. where is my koi we still need these we don't need, okay, well here's an example, please, these can be cut, put it down, this too, afanasyich will come tomorrow, commander,
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vocal steel, well you have it here in general kostya made such, well this is vocal.
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bravo, i couldn't resist, because i jumped off, thank you
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very much, please, ivanovich, kiss all the tv viewers, i am now happy that now oh, thank you very much, oh vocal accordion, carried the whole path in his hands, because of the little fabled girl he suffered a lot of grief,
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and i'm dangling under a thin velveteen pajazhe 15 times i'll kiss you i'll call you a picture eksad grapes walked in the grove i now don't blame either my wife or my mother-in-law i now don't blame either my wife or my mother-in-law the capital of uruguay. one of the most developed and richest countries in latin america, you know what i noticed, people here dress quite simply. a kilogram of cosmetics on the face - this is not about our women. montevide - rent for local residents is quite expensive, but there is an option when you can live even for free. if we see that the person is normal, neat, tidy, he just has financial problems now. we accept him and settle. one of the rooms. the favorite dish of uruguayans is meat-osada.
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usually we eat this dish with bread, vegetables, red wine sauce. here's another rib for you, please, what is normal in uruguay . the life of others. premiere. today on the first. bourbon stirсman is a product of stellar group. whiskey mankatcher is a product of steller group. gin сnop is a product of stellar group. monteshoca cognac. steller group product. castro rum. stellor group product.
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volleyball, as you haven't seen it yet? channel one cup, live broadcasts from august 17 and 18 on channel one.
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who's on the list, next on the list is yuri petrovich polunin, dolgorukovsky district, an interesting character.
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and listen, girls, do you hear how he goes, they're guessing, my beloved, not my beloved goes, and he goes, well, let's say, let's say, and if he came. and then yeletskaya long, what is that? yeletskaya long went, i also have it written with stops, how is that not that, this is matania we have motanya with stops, well, eletskaya motanya, no, matanya is written with pod tetekh and pridergam, yes, and this is with stops, it
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means that eletskaya, the thing is that the size changes there, so it’s a little like this, now you’ll see with stops , i wrote everything down correctly. walked-walked, stopped, then stop, in music this is called a mute, caressed, warmed, told to spend the night, yeah, what a!


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