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tv   Oboyudnoe soglasie  1TV  August 11, 2024 11:00pm-11:41pm MSK

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save women's sports - a poster in the hands of the coach of a sportswoman who had to enter the ring against a man. previously, this was called domestic violence, when a man hit a woman in the face with the intention of knocking her out. now we call these same men olympic champions and award them a gold medal. it sounds absurd, but now this is the reality of the olympic games, for which the entire boxing world has been seething for 2 weeks. hello, iman khilif, don't you think that... you are
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getting too much unfounded hype. russian azalia amineva throws algerian a challenge to the athlete. and remember how we boxed in 2023 in india at the world championships, where i knocked you down. well, i'm ready to repeat that moment and send you to the nil again, to answer for all the girls whose way you stood. this fight took place at the very world championships, where athletes from algeria and taiwan were disqualified after the test. a well-founded system, how to identify if someone provides us with scientifically men and women, we will be the first to will take it on board. we don't like this uncertainty. nobody
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likes this whole situation, and we would be more than happy to get to the bottom of it. it is possible that the organizers of the open water swimming tournament were guided by scientific knowledge of the same depth, otherwise it is difficult to explain the stubborn desire to hold a swim right in the city limits. you do not need a scientific degree to understand that the water in the hay is unsafe, just trust your eyes. water tests show that the level of bacteria exceeds the permissible level by 10 times, and in some places even 13 times.
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again deny the obvious, the mayor of the city is sure there are no problems with the purity of the water. no, absolutely not a single athlete who would get sick because of swimming in the canopy and dropped out of the competition because of this. this is all fake, rekoseno cleared of contaminants, and we are very proud and happy about it. and really, maybe all the poisoning of athletes is not due to swimming, but because of food, from the olympic canteen, throughout all the games they published such videos. team canada reported that three athletes
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fell ill with an upset stomach, about bad the british write about nutrition, and almost all the teams complain about the lack of food in the olympic village. we have never seen this at the olympic games, there have never been so many complaints about the village in the entire history of the olympic games. last night i joked that there are a lot of vegetarian dishes in the village, that they are running out of meat. an australian heavyweight boxer came out, he wanted lamb chops, no more than two chops per person, the guy has a gap of 2 m, two chops.
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one, here are also cardboard boxes, like these. which one will everyone remember in the end paris olympics? a spanish newspaper quotes one of the coaches of his team. of the seven games i've been to, this is the worst. the coach from australia thinks the same. they are the worst, that's the opinion of many. we're not complaining, the conditions are the same for everyone, but it's a shame that a country that brags about the olympics so much is holding it like this. the olympic medalists should at least have the medals they won in paris as a keepsake of the games, but even here. not everything is so smooth, an american skateboarder said that just a week after the award, his medal was pretty faded, look at this thing, it looks uneven, even from the front it starts to peel off a little, at least you can definitely not
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worry about the memories of the athletes, with the countless scandals that shook paris from the first day of the olympics, the games in france will definitely be unforgettable. pavel krasno, dmitry volkov, yulia zagranichnogo igor alekseev. channel one.
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jafar, why then do refugees live here, and the militants are always where the refugees are, they protect them and hide behind them at the same time,
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everything is like that here, in the desert alone you can't survive. you won't be able to get close to the board because the russians have stepped up inspection and control,
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especially of strategically important objects. praise be to allah that you don't forget about the refugees, you do everything very timely, another 2 days and we would have been left without water, thank you, goodbye, welcome, we are always waiting for you.
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yes, welcome to bank b, thank you, free, do you have any new letters, andrey viktorovich, and why are you leaving, this evening is the bank's anniversary, unfortunately, it won't work out, my wife is waiting for me. friends from they're coming to france, i need to meet them, you cover for me somehow. wait, but they promised
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to put you in jail. unlikely? hi tim, hello, thank you, so, go ahead, keep writing, can you send me your photo? damn, she's a cool girl, i
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'm flying to istanbul to see you tomorrow, aye, handsome, the adventure begins, hello, hi, kira, when will you be, i'll be there today , okay, go ahead, i get it, yeah, that's it, go ahead, bye. well, shall we continue? radionov called. pyotr bely, the magic of the tap, a person's constant attempts to balance between brutality the material world, and you see these iron rusty ships smeared with tar. kira, i beg you, stop, well, you are a very smart woman, i didn't understand anything about this and i won't understand it, that is, i won't. buy anything, you know that i'm interested in completely
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different things, real ones, and this is all some kind of nonsense, like everywhere now, why did i come then, i came to you, let's go, let's eat somewhere, i'm hungry, pasha, my husband is waiting for me, well, let him wait... an hour, there's a luxury restaurant 10 minutes away, let's do it today without improvisation. i'll call soon, there is a matter, well, i am not saying goodbye, do i understand correctly, mrs. watson, that the rondo camp is under the patronage of your organization, yes, the organization is called mission 44, and it was
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my cars that delivered drinking water to the camp , my people died along with the un delegation, i have something to show you. i assume that everyone present is familiar with the uniform of the levite national army of general havtar? or is there still some doubt about who organized the attack on the un delegation. there is a war in the region, everyone against everyone. a photograph is too little for absolute proof.
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like ahmed salem, they can’t protect their cities, how many requests for manpads from their country we ignored. so what is the essence of your proposal to resolve the situation in libya? we must supply manpads to the region.
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your letter has been sent. you don’t understand what you’re talking about? do you know what a manpads is? to put it simply, it’s a one and a half meter long fool that any untrained person can use. today they will shoot down lna helicopters, and tomorrow they will shoot down a civilian aircraft. and if that aircraft turns out to be american. are you ready to bear responsibility for the death of several hundred us citizens?
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fortune teller, new episodes, tomorrow on the first, this city is called the gateway to the north, a special, unique way of life has been preserved here, which is dictated by difficult climatic conditions, many people come to this city to see the famous polar lights, we are in arkhangelsk, friends, the most
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important thing for a pomor is to be practical, what kind of wood is preferable for building a pub, the kind of wood that grows. why they added, in principle our region was engaged in salt production, that's why they added it everywhere, my grandmother adds salt to regular coffee, even to boiled coffee, she says that it tastes better and is our way, we wash the smelt, sprinkle it with salt a little, chop the onion and add it there too, let's take some bread and dip it, dip it, and how delicious it will be in the moskva way, delicious, delicious, friends, very delicious, the life of our own, the premiere in the next one.
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you have one new letter, i am lawyer herman
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rosenberg, i am acting on behalf of your late uncle, he died at the age of 85 12 january, we need to discuss the will and his bank accounts amounting to 18 million dollars, contact me to discuss the inheritance. the head of the humanitarian organization mission 44, requested the possibility of supplying moderate radicals with manpads. has she gone crazy? the commission has decided to freeze the issue of arms supplies for now. well, good, they have sane people, otherwise it will turn out like in syria. something else. monitoring. and pay attention. to the last selection, well , now we will receive this in batches, every week, the closer to the elections, the higher
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the degree, they hit the leader in order to destroy the system, first economic sanctions, then they will discover violations at the olympics in sochi, then they will want to take away the world cup , we already went through this in the eighties, well, and we will somehow react to this, let's have an informational... "we will leave it to the media and our specialized department, and here we are dealing with terrorists, if you remember , of course, okay, that's all for today, you still keep your finger on the pulse regarding the manpads, it's not our profile, but it's better to get the information on time, and please don't forget that an important flight is being prepared, yes, i understand, aleksanovich, sotnikov,
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great, andryukha, great, how come, yes, i understand, radionov is there, yes, aleksandr il'vich, let him come in, that's it, i'm off, come on. well, come on, let's go into more detail. we met him back when we were setting up the first refugee camps, we saved more than a dozen families together, he became no stranger to his house. then, when his wife got pregnant and
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there was a threat of miscarriage at a later stage, the doctors were powerless, i secretly took his wife to russia, a healthy boy was born, the eighty-sixth, eighty -ninth, ninety-first and ninety-second points of the appendix to the law. radionov, the law is not for you, was it written, not only did you expose yourself, you also smeared your agent in front of third parties, where is he now, judging by the ciphers, tunisia, djerba, you agreed on a meeting, every saturday, sunday, monday wednesday from 9 to 12:30 at the market in a cafe, the cafe is called kaif, okay, i i'll pass the information to the svr, alexander ilyevich dzhafar, he won't meet with anyone, he needs to go. and this is not up for discussion, you're not an office worker, you're a bank employee, and i, i'm not after taste, i'm an intelligence officer, i want to work, why are you repeating like a capricious child, i want, i want,
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i want, will you endure it? and in your opinion, how long should an employee endure it, who not only missed the terrorist attack in moscow against the chinese, but also dragged his woman into it, a year, three, 10, how much, are there any questions, no way, i'm free, i am.
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no one should know that i'm alive, otherwise they will come and kill the whole family, do you understand? salem is preparing a terrorist attack, an explosion at the airport, an operation against the russians, i saw his camp being prepared, is that why they shot your group? yes, as soon as we left, the column was stopped and then they shot, i hid under the car, you understand me, zahra, take care of the children, allah will protect you. "in spite of all this, the americans
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have introduced sanctions, we have counter-sanctions in response, but nothing has changed, everything in the restaurants is as it was, only your favorite oyster, now they bring it from the far east, i even like them better, and you think it 's because of the oysters, right, and the suit you're wearing is also from the far east, i don't recognize the cut, is it khabarovsk"? or vladivostok? lana, don't cling to words, it's just that the americans thought that after their sanctions the rebellion would start, but we have the opposite, a different mentality, you know, it doesn't work with us, yeah, listen, i don't understand how you can live with this position, radinov, honestly, i don't understand it myself, okay, let's get down to business, you wanted me to evaluate something, yeah,
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here they offered me to buy a few new... sculptures, by the way, impressive, but you can't tell from photographs whether they're authentic, you have to see them in person, what's the problem, the plane is at the airport, i'll call sinelnikov now, we can fly tomorrow , where are we flying? to tunisia, north africa, i hear every night how unsafe it is there, and that it 's worth it, no, but it's safe, absolutely comfortable. i guarantee you, you know how i feel about you, i'm not sure i can afford to take such a risk, forgive me for being married again, pasha, you're crossing all the lines, you're an expert, what kind of units, and you need decent material for work, your radionov will run away to the field with a rifle again tomorrow, what will you do, this is a chance in the life of any artist, let's go,
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kirya alexandrovna. "i agree, you miss the analytical reports of slavyanka, no, i just read the news, well, that's right, you are the one who burns everyone, yes, for a like ban, for a repost to prison, protection of the country, respect to you, respect, artem, i forgot, did you enter the russian state university for the humanities or the theater, actually the circus." i use dishes made of natural safe plastic, it's not clear, yeah, what are you talking about, he's supposed to be a hero, a hero. with
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heroes like these, we'll soon be flying to turkey on visas, let's go, off we go, great! we're getting ready, getting ready in 15 minutes and moving to sabra, quickly packing up, moving , faster, faster, hurry up, here you go, come on, come on, passport scans, a list of new documents for each of the group, apartments where they'll be accommodated, we have a sual. photos of all the airport's service areas, a diagram of the plane, codes for getting in touch, this computer costs half the annual fee fsb budget, this is very expensive information,
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be careful, take care of it, always keep it with you, you are responsible for it with your head, it will be done. hello, how good that you are not sleeping. radionov, i was made an amazing offer, something to the morgue, listen, how much longer can you, how much longer can you read
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all this, come on already, come on. do you know what my job is? my job is to not notice how others saw off money. oh, sorry, right now, sorry, yes, son, hello, hello, mom, yes, that's it, we're taking off, yes, do you want me to tell you told me where to go in istanbul, listen, let's do without your social life, mishanya and i will drive around the city, and we will meet in the evening, that's all.
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sveta one person died, we call the local administration, what do they tell us? yes, the same as in any other local administration in any region of the world, they don't just mumble so as not to take responsibility, we take this mumble, go to any civil
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activist, what kind of relationship does any civil activist have with any local administration? well, about like a cat and a dog, absolutely right, that's why this a civil activist will tell you with great pleasure, with a 99% guarantee, that everything is bad with this administration, both the roads and the schools, it's strange how this city of volzhsk is still standing, it'll do for an attack on the local governor, but it's a c, that's not all, we go to our engineer friend and ask him, mr. engineer, do you know anything about the accident at volzhskaya tes? well, naturally, he doesn't know anything, but we have information, mr. engineer, that this accident could have happened because of some kind of breakdown, well any mechanism.
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we go further, we call the relevant ministry and ask the question, how do you feel about the problem of deliveries of swedish gearboxes under sanctions? the conditions of the problem, any official hangs up, well done, but we are inquisitive guys, we go even further and call the minister himself with the question of how quickly import substitution will replace these swedish gearboxes for us, the receiving minister simply stops answering, a great ending, this is not the ending yet, so in the end we go to any more or less well-known human rights activist and ask him to comment on the minister's words, to which we answers something like... and what do you want from the minister? that's it, we're working, you're a genius, i
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know, marian, at home, at home.
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if jafar didn't show up on any of the appointed days, then most likely something 's wrong, most likely, as i said, he doesn't want to meet with a stranger, andrey, what are you talking about, what kind of stranger, was he going there for a date or something, was he going to pass on information, if he has it, of course, maybe he needs protection, right? or maybe you've taken it into development and are checking the communication channel, you at the same time lure him there to take him on old business, and if so, i think there's something serious there, he thinks, look at him, do you want to know what our colleagues from the svr think, that one of my former employees, due to lack of demand, went crazy and invented an agent jafar, got it? andrey, jafar safradi, as part of the mission, died 3 days ago. in the area of ​​the rondo camp, you'd better do
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your direct duties to you in the bank, and come on, bring me all the transactions on the accounts of the fondazion, i'll ask you now, andrey viktorovich,
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