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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 11, 2024 11:40pm-12:25am MSK

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are you sure we'll get to baspor on it, but look, see, listen, tem, i feel a bit uneasy, imagine, finish your prayer, boom by the belt, interfere, it's just a different culture. listen, does sofia also wear a headscarf or is she a normal girl? are you an idiot? that's it, let's go, we still need to buy some flowers. welcome to tunisia.
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i need andrei rodionov.
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hello, comrade general. we have something to talk about, andrei viktorovich. sadan looks like a dictator who has weapons of mass destruction. what is the essence of the operation? we are convinced that at least one of the military warehouses there is a chemical weapon. that is, we must make it so that it reveals itself. parker duld, limited series, very limited.
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ira alexandrovna, where are you, they are waiting for us, goddess aishtar, great, 2000 years bc. but i repeat that i cannot determine authenticity from photographs, all this must be seen alive. so why did we come here? i want to touch it, okay, okay, no problem, but it is still nice to walk around, very much, if only there was time to walk around with such work, with such work you just need to walk around more, protects, by the way, from a heart attack, i mean, andrey, you were right, jafar safradi
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is alive, and it was he who contacted you then, so you need to fly to tunisia to meet him on the first flight, i... i can't, the last time you made a fairly specific remark to me, i was quickly upset, then i understood that later you can get pleasure from work, doing any business, the main thing is to do it well, honestly, i started an investigation at the bank, there are major serious, economic crimes, the entire security service is screwed raised, we are getting ready for a fight there now, how can i fly away, the fourth service for... deals with economic crimes here, shapshlikov from the svr will meet you on the territory, i know him, i handed over all the affairs to him when i left, well, that's good, and the fight, i promise you.
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artyom. this is for you. and this is misha, my bro. nice to meet you, misha. listen, we are very hungry. we can have a snack here. the most suitable place, there are many local dishes here, very tasty, and do you want to eat? okay, i understand, i will arrange everything now, here you go, waiter.
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"we are on our way to rasluv, everything is ready, we are just waiting for the manpads, where are they, listen, explain to me why nothing can happen in the east without force majeure, you know, you came yourself, so i would not ask unnecessary questions, it is customary for us to be grateful for hospitality when visiting, okay." i understand, let's not waste time, 2 minutes, i was told, in 2 minutes, transport with manpads will be at your position in raslu, you are probably filming again, so, i want to see it, okay, wait.
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roslanov raslonov together with its oil terminals is ours. excellent. no forget that a debt is worth paying. a debt will be paid on time. i remember about the russian banker, everything will be done. and what is it like to live in a city between two seas and two continents? i don’t know, i’m just learning this. anyway, i was born and raised in a small coastal city on the sea, herseki. good. and what
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’s interesting about herseki? once upon a time , the ancient greek city of drepan stood on its site. saint helena, the mother of emperor constantine, was born there. stay with my parents, they will be happy, good, but how will we get there? i can ask your brother to pick you up by car, it's 80 kilometers, okay, okay, good idea.
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i hope you like it. what do you think, is this all real, but do you understand what it is? it's been taking us a long time to get there, we've already covered 100 kilometers, there was a flood, the road was flooded, now we have to make a detour of an extra 50 km, don't worry, mikhail, 100 km from istanbul in a wild country, they still speak to you in pure english, it's very funny. "i want to knock out for the most courageous art critic in the world, for you, kira, and you
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understand what you're going to buy, now with your help, yes, and you understand what kind of sculptures these are, where they used to stand, well, everything used to stand somewhere, the monument from the place de la concorde in paris, used to stand in egypt, and what now, these are sculptures from the city of shahat, which were bombed 2 weeks ago, and you're not just buying stolen goods, you're financing murderers, yes, i'll take you seriously, your radionov, what does radionov have to do with it, it seems to me that these are basic things that are clear to everyone, no, i'm buying things from a person with a reputation, which i didn't cut off with my head, i know that for sure, that's it i don't care who he bought the items from, you don't ask your gallery customers where they got the painting, right? now i'll ask if it was poured out at 4
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o'clock in the morning, tema.
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rest, my boy, i'm listening, aleksandrevich, how are you, yes, everything is fine, i'm going to the airport, okay, you be careful there, there's comrade general, aleksandr ilyevich, yes. i'm listening to you, thank you, andrey, i wish you good luck, see you.
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where am i at the airport, can we hurry up, are we flying in?
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this is the podcast gore ognem gorelov and i am its host denis gorelov with a story about the most important, the most current theatrical and tv series premieres of this season. the season, as already mentioned, is somewhat sagging, now. summer, vacation time and, accordingly, the time of not the most active shows, however, in the tv series area some shortcomings, sagging and so on have already emerged, all this is happening due to quite serious changes and reshuffles in the producer groups. the first issue of our program will be the most
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interesting for the entire public, the american film civil war, which some smart guys from paracat. renamed to the fall of the empire, there is no fall of the empire there of course, because - even if the fall of the american empire happens, we will be the last to know about it, the americans will never tell us about it, in the film in question, we watch how the american people - in general, having become aroused against the degenerate president, storm the white house, uh, kill the president in the finale, i don't think this is some kind of spoiler, the name of the degenerate president... is not named in the film, however, due to the fact that his death is likened to the death of gaddafi, firstly, mussalini, secondly, and ceausescu thirdly, we can generally guess quite easily who we are talking about, of course, not biden, accordingly, the militia from two american states, texas
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and california, participates in the assault on government residences. in the picture, among other things, there are constant disputes about the great american truth, drinking. such a tone was filmed at the end of the last century all the films about american no one feels sorry for, but at the same time everyone pretends, journalists, and under fire, and a year of dangerous not very important colored characters, which is the most important loss in their lives, in life, salvador, killing fields, all of them necessarily received some oscar, and a prominent american... stars came out on stage, to rescue prizes, and pretended that this was really an extremely captivating picture, they never fell asleep on it. this time it will be the same. according to the plot, kirstan dunst takes under her wing, a young tenant, who at 23 looks like an absolute child, but is ready to take over from firm hands the baton of american truth, the relay race, and
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so on and so forth. they, along with a number of unimportant men, travel through... with the states engulfed in rebellion and gunfire, to the center, partially losing people, in general, but what is important, the most honest american journalists constantly turn their cameras away from the shooting of government soldiers, because this is not the kind of burning truth that the american people need to be fooled with, the american people need to film about the brutal murders of innocent civilians population, to excite hatred towards the bad guys. ah, and as for the killing of government troops, that's what they want, and accordingly, in the picture the bad americans will kill a certain number of innocent people, after which the good americans will come and kill everyone, which should mean the victory of good over evil, and what is good, what is evil, the press will definitely tell us all, whose side it is on, there is good, it is the most honest american press, so
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you should always listen to it. the empire, even if if it goes, it won't be for long, and if it goes for a long time, then - he'll never tell anyone about it. what's most amusing in the film is the confidence of the naive american viewer of the naive american producer that during the national civil war they will have a single currency, hot water, press bars, gas stations, youth stores in some non-aligned states and many other conveniences, including the glossy press, for which it is necessary to shoot chic reports from the front lines, behind which this same press definitely. they pay in hard american greenbacks, which, of course, will never be subject to devaluation, ha-ha-ha, we have generally seen a civil war in our lives, we know that... such a serious barter of goods, the hunt of any citizen, including an american citizen, for food, drink, fuel, gasoline and other things, in general, in any
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civil war there is a sharp aggravation of natural selection, the next issue will be the series gentleman in moscow, the main character m, is actually a hitman in a fierce stalin's russia with some with some security from... to the people's commissar, it is clear that the american should associate himself with this person, but for beauty he is given the name count rostov, supposedly he is still a russian citizen, although in fact he is not russian at all, a classic american hit, all this is of course, as a fan of the novel writes, tom hanks himself reads it, count rostov, the same one, handsome, imposing, manor-like and generally good-looking, plays in... yn mcgregor, if you climb into the terrible soviet russia, then it is always better to do it in the guise of a spectacular, imposing person, the image of
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yoan macgregor would be just right. his hero in 1918, according to the plot, comes to pull his grandmother out of the bolshevik clutches. it is emphasized that he does not live permanently in russia, but comes from there to there from abroad, here he falls into the clutches of the evil chick, and from... death or imprisonment in a monstrous gulak, he is saved only by the fact that once in his distant youth he wrote an anti-autocratic poem, americans always do this, they are always for freedom always against the tsars, and the poem saves him, the evil council of people's commissars decides to imprison him for life in the metropol hotel, this plot twist brings the russian reader into incredible delight, especially because in 1922, when the action of the novel takes place, the metropol hotel was called the second house of the soviets, the fact is that when the government moved from st. petersburg to moscow, there was nowhere to house people, and
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accordingly the entire council of people's commissars was housed in the first house of the soviets, the national hotel, the second house of the soviets, the metropol hotel, at that time at that moment in the metropolis there was sverdlovsky's office, at that moment there was bukharin's apartment, in general , exactly together with them and it turns out on the same floor the hero count rostov, which, strictly speaking, the author of the novel does not suspect, therefore he does not say anything about it, while it is also necessary to add that the soviet government takes this man on full board, three meals a day with alcohol, he is moved from the apartment to the attic, quite comfortable and decent, therefore he has a full opportunity to observe the terrible bolshevik atrocities in a semicircular window, to let go of all sorts of caustic comments. and to imagine oneself a prisoner of the château d'ives, when one is especially eager, then even from time to time to naturalize some local movie star, that is, to spend
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time quite well, time for the next 30 years, and of course, all this has nothing to do with the history of russia in the twenties and thirties, this is such a cross-section of the brain of an ordinary american, if it can be called a brain, approximately, there is a complete list of things without which an american would never agree to go to the dungeon of the prison of nations. firstly, without tasty and healthy food, and the terrible tyranny offers the american prisoner the following menu: okroshka, fillet of sole, saddle of lamb with provencal sauce, plum cake, plus ice cream from...
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had, and the idea that the new government is establishing a new currency, and the old currency can be rolled
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into a tube and stuck in... in one place, i mean in the oven, of course, this idea cannot occur to americans, because that this is a violation of all sorts of conventions in the eyes of a us citizen, he is completely unable to admit that money suddenly ceases to be money. the third thing an american cannot do without in captivity to the russians is the morning newspaper. the faith of americans in the daily press simply goes beyond all bounds, it is completely irrational. a gentleman in the morning - over toast with jam and some soft-boiled egg, must necessarily read the morning newspaper, stock exchange reports, news, etc., of course, he reads all this, and of course, the domestic viewer the question arises, what exactly is he reading, the gudok newspaper or the moskovsky rabochiy newspaper? - probably, of course, the authors suspect that - the author reads the times newspaper, but eh, i hasten
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to inform them that until the twenty -sixth year, soviet russia had no diplomatic relations with any country except for defeated germany, due to which no times could fall into count rostov's hands. nevertheless, the faith in the press in the first amendment dictates all sorts of incredible nonsense to the americans, and to the english, who they film these nonsense, and then, an american cannot live in a foreign soviet russia without cinema, cinema itself may not be very important or necessary to him, but a platinum blonde who can always be seduced must be walking around the hotel lobby, she will always respond to the erotic urges of the count, finally, the last factor without which an american cannot simply imagine life in russia is blacks, count rostov has his own maid
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who is completely black... they managed without blacks quite easily, now it is no longer possible to do without, so with antrikot, a wallet, a morning newspaper, a girl from the cinema and a black maid, an american is ready to give up even his main fetish of freedom, can sit in the metropol hotel for 30 years, not blow the university, feel more or less well, because if everything is already there,
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why does he need this very thing ...
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volleyball, as you have not seen it yet? the first channel cup, live broadcasts.
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stories about the most relevant premieres of theatrical releases and tv series production. finally, the next issue of our program is the long-awaited story, the tenth season of the tv series moskgaz. the series really touches people very strongly, firstly, with a fairly ironic intonation, and secondly, with completely real criminal cases of the soviet past. it was a rare case when out of ten seasons.
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from work, but they arranged a completely massive drive for him, in mid-january it was time, of course, for the whole country, at least the whole of moscow to go out to a demonstration with the slogan glory to the soviet police, so quickly the head is not not a single maniac on the planet or here was turned down. the series itself was still just feeling out its genre and its direction, so i grumbled quite openly about the fact that... but if there is a black hat on the screen, creepy black shadows on the snow, some piggy banks with gold and other and other things, then why the hell
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are there constant conversations about dumplings, about parent-teacher meetings, some matrimonial relations of the task force of major cherkassov and td next to all these things. as it turned out, i was actually wrong, the authors were absolutely right, they guessed, the genre had nothing to do with a special noir comic, it was a genre of such telephone women's chatter about crimes, when women start chatting about something that happened just recently, such a terrible, monstrous thing on the neighboring street, they always know all the details, they say so, they entered with eight, killed 12 people, took half a million with kopecks, their leader is in a checkered cap with a mustache and one-eyed, smokes cigarettes herzegovina flor and...
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the script was necessarily written by either one a woman, or always a woman participated, there was only one season, the previous ninth, in which there was not a single woman in the scriptwriting group, so it was usually written by zoya kudrya, elena raiskaya. unknown to me, but clearly responsible for the female theme, anastasia rogova. the series involves a very suspicious, there is a strong suspicion that fake invalids, wheelchair users, rich kids-killers, who are covered by relatives of high-ranking position. girls of easy, though not sufficiently irresponsible behavior. terrible revenge, in all this, of course, the shameless hand of the scriptwriter mikhail zubko should have been recognized somewhere around the third episode, because he used all these motives in his previous film, the centaur, deservedly
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enjoying the people's love, all these motives, of course, appealed to the creative team of the moskgaz series, the series of stories about mayor cherkassov, this time the major and his horde unravel a spectacular... murders near the philharmonic mafia, who earn money on all sorts of left-wing concerts with the printing of additional circulation of left-wing non-revenue tickets, suddenly begin to die one after another, the laureate soloists are fried right on stage by replacing the sprayer with hairspray before the concert with a sprayer with a napalm mixture. he sprayed himself as a result and caught fire right on stage, burned alive. the forwarder, the author of the fake tickets, is drowned in a local pond, and the former cop who covers this whole gang is killed in his own car with a pistol, the director of
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the bauman concert hall is hanged on the grates, that is, do a lot of important useful things, which really have - the corresponding article of the criminal code of the russian federation and which should be stopped, respectively... major cherkassov together with his kids, the state security, frankly interested in some left concerts, and a group of afghans, as always, put spokes in their wheels. raises the barrier lights a cigarette attentively,
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what is in front of us is completely frank nonsense, the authors declare almost immediately, some popular aura, which allows not take life's truth too seriously, has been supported in the series for 12 years now, for which special thanks to producer denis esteigneev and producer konstantin erst. this season , in the very first episode, the tone is set by the fact that the director of the mozconcert, wonderfully performed by igor zolotovitsky, having forged an objectionable name for the punk group aliba and 40 robbers, there was such a name, there was such a group, in passing, just walking along the corridors of the mozconcert, comes up with a new one, much more digestible, suitable the name pompilius.
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for the play master margarita, master margarita, if anyone doesn't know, was the most popular and most inaccessible play of the soviet past, for probably 15 years, the last brezhnev years, the beginning of andropsky, so asking at the box office for a ticket for master margarita was the same as asking at the same box office for a ticket for the next pink floyd concert in lisbon, the result would have been exactly the same, but the authors did not stop there. the girl from the box office said that if you want, here
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are the resellers, you can pay them through the nose, for everyone who did not live in the soviet union, i inform you that a ticket to the theater there cost about 20 rubles in the amphitheater, 50 rubles in the stalls , only the most naive alien could imagine planning to get to the master of mogarita for 5 rubles, well, against this background, of course, some procedural inconsistencies were already going to waste, people did not pay attention to them, although, of course, they still grumbled on the internet, therefore, for those who are still interested in soviet life, and not in popular prints and nonsense, it is necessary to catalog all these very inconsistencies, firstly, the state security has its own temporary detention facilities, and if they snatch a female criminal investigation major to themselves, then she cannot end up in the same cell with criminals, simply because
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she cannot do it on her own, for this you need the prosecutor's office, a direct decision, after all, well, this can always be changed at the script level, slightly lengthen the corruption chain, having your own person in the prosecutor's office, the authors did not bother with this, then in the first years - the afghan war, the last year of brezhnev eighty-second, when the events of this picture take place, afghan veterans still sat quietly below the grass, heads... raised, otherwise their heads would have been quickly torn off, the soviet
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power was still in force, it could well have given them a slap on the neck, besides, no harlequin restaurants with shiny, barely dressed girls, with songs from foreign pop music, could not exist then, in principle, here the authors rushed by about 10 years, and even the definition of an expensive restaurant in the soviet union was no expensive ones are excluded... that's why the phrase: so we will lose all the clientele, she, of course, hurried, for about 10 years, as from the whole story about the restaurant, but nevertheless, the authors, quite clearly, do not pay attention to such trifles, taking advantage of the fact that they have absolutely gorgeous acting, on
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the screen are sergei kayomovich shakurov himself, andrei igorevich smolikov himself, the rector of the moscow art theatre school igor yakovich zolotovitsky and evgeny sergeevich antropov in the role of his son, the director of this very restaurant harlequin. antropov is not that old, but he is already a serious actor, he played junior lieutenant tarasik in the series gurzov for a long time, and eventually he played himself out. the network is absolutely unanimous in the opinion that this season has completely gone to zolotovitsky on antropov, so i will take advantage of this opportunity , by the power given to me by channel one , to award the actor yevgeny antropov the honorary title of sergeevich, he certainly deserved it, the end, the series itself has a local name metronome, the metronome is ticking, counting down the last moments of brezhnev's life, the last days
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orthodox socialism, because everyone who lived then remembers that with the arrival of andropov, some liberties had already begun, contrary to expectations. that the chekist would sit at the top and tear everyone's heads off, yuri vladimirovich clearly began to let off steam, to allow some, well, liberties and freedoms, even if not focusing on them, public attention, so we actually, in the end, came to the arlikin restaurant and the atrocities of the afghan soldiers, judging by the fact that the frame already includes both the restaurant and the soldiers, the afghans. rocketing all over the world, the metronome in that russia, which the series mosgast 10 tells about, has absolutely nothing, everything has already happened. this is the podcast grief ognem and i, its host denis gorelov, tell about the most relevant, most striking premieres of theatrical release and series
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production of the season. and finally, the last fragment of our review, this is the series. mutual consent two. as you know, all the most terrible, most hellish, most indecent crimes in our country occur in the cities of ozersk and primorsk. this time the center - of all sorts of hellish disgraces is the city of ozersk. and in the city of ozersk, they kill with a knife in the stomach, a wonderful doctor, a universal favorite, uh, a huge giant, a rich man, the author of methods, miraculous practices, some methods of restoring mental health. in his own picture appears surrounded by household members, approximately a picture in the style of so on a person who himself is on nikosafronov, such a noble family in the open air, the widow of the murdered man is arrested over the corpse, she kept her hand on the knife, in a state
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of effect, having found her husband, she grabbed the knife, who this knife was held before, not the analysis itself, and the investigation will have to find out, the whole city is absolutely sure of her guilt, therefore both the city and the authorities are interested in the quickest possible closure of the case and burying the body, because the mayor has his own corrupt share in the clinic, he does not want to lose it, the head of the ogvd is constantly pulling from above, the case is resonant, the city is terribly jealous, in fact, the widow to her late husband, to the fact that she is rich, successful, fertile, they had three children, in general, really wants her to be sealed up as soon as possible, the only person, who can destroy this blissful picture is the major of the investigative committee , brilliantly played by arbenina, a girl with a clearly nasty character, who...


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