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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 13, 2024 4:15am-4:58am MSK

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no, all the shops are closed, no fighting is heard yet. sloboda belaya, the administrative center of the belovsky district, people are being evacuated from all over its territory, most of them have already been taken out, address work is underway, local residents call and write directly to the head of the district nikolai volobuyev, and these are all requests, yes addresses, these are requests, lugovaya, peschanaya, lugovaya house, house 7, here behind belaya lugovaya house, how many people, well, so far one person, this was literally written 10 minutes ago, right, right? here are the next calls, yes, an evacuation group is immediately sent there, an armored group one here, we will send it now through this very armored car, through belitsa, there are many requests, we are going to another address, we are going now as an evacuation group to take people out, well, as an evacuation group, rather volunteers who decided not to leave, stayed here, people in civilian professions, vyacheslav worked as a driver, alexander, a private entrepreneur. it was
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in the morning, i am a driver for the administration, so i stayed at work, vyacheslav, of course, no one is forcing anyone to stay, i could have left anyway, i took my wife, children, grandchildren out, alexander wants to join the territorial defense, if such an opportunity arises, guns, you see, we took ours and are driving, and what kind of business did you have, if it was secret, no secret, no secret, a gas station , a hotel complex. auto transportation everything else, alexander continues to be engaged in auto transportation, of course, not in the sense that we would like, we go for people in one of his cars, his wife calls him from time to time, everything is fine here, don't trust anyone, we meet the people we are going for on the road, what scared, little one, get in quick, run, let's go, loading into the car, two adults and two children, family, hi, kalya, how are you, oh, we're scared, we're scared for the second time. "we
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've been scared since 2014, this child has been going through this since 2014, he was four, this one was born here, he doesn't understand what it is yet, it turns out, the kovalyov family is from the donetsk region, 10 years ago, when the war started in donbass, they evacuated to the kursk region, here we are again , we've been living in zhechnya, we're abandoning again, we're trying hold on, what is it, scary, like in the fourteenth thing with you two bags, in one clothes, in the other, here are documents, documents for the house, passports, certificates, everything that is needed, children do not care much about property, they live in their own way, as a feeling is very scary, but basically somehow you do not want to lose friends, and friends, everything, stop, stop, stop, everything is fine, the family asks to look into the neighboring village to relatives, there is my father's grandmother, but i'm not sure that they will go, well, let's try, let's stop by.
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we will persuade, we get there, the father refuses right away, yes, let's go, we find grandma in the garden, she's already digging potatoes here, she 's afraid to go on the road, the neighbors were attacked by militants during the evacuation, their cars were smashed, but they really survived, grandma also decides to stay, may god grant you a good journey and survive this fear, and i don't want to, the kovalyov family is brought to an intermediate point, here... a few of them, they themselves are afraid of everything, they bombed the city center for 2 days very, very hard, we are already afraid to approach men's voices, because the khokhols speak russian, purely in russian, in populated areas further from the border, civilians are being collected by the dozens, evacuated already by buses, now the first one. a group of people
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are being taken out, mostly old people and children, some are being carried out in the arms of local administration employees, because there are quite a few people who are lying down, roman malygin with children from the outskirts of the belovsky district, there have already begun normal explosions, such as arrivals and departures, constant drones, especially at night, we heard explosions, only they were stronger over belovsky. enemy drones are constantly circling, this is trophy crap, it jams constantly, ours is better, the machine gun is better, it works, it just has a good quality sight, united russia party deputy, petr petibratov and his fighters came from donetsk, they are helping civilians, you have a food detector, yes, yes, people are now in the building so that their pivedrons do not cause any damage to their health, people are being delivered to a temporary accommodation point in kursk, everyone
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is leaving, as they say, light, except that they take their animals with them, they expect to return home, amir iusupov, roman serebrennikov, sergey naumov, andrey mikhailov, denis larin, channel one. the entire country is helping residents of the border areas of the kursk region. columns with humanitarian aid are bringing the most necessary things there. and those who were forced to leave their homes are being received in other regions. the main thing is that people are safe. all everyday issues are being resolved promptly. special attention to children on the eve of the new school year. it is important that no family is left without support in a difficult life situation. report by tatyana kozlova. first, we go to the parents from the city left, there was something like a fun in the village. and from there early in the morning we left here. oksana chamachenko from sudzha, says, it's even scary to remember how she got here to the temporary accommodation point with her husband and three children. but now it's all behind us, in these few days we calmed down, got settled in, and established our daily life. we were the first to arrive here, everyone was good-natured,
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friendly, they accepted us, helped us, literally a couple of hours later they brought us diapers and formula, so everything is great, at least we got some sleep. about 7,000 calls come in here, residents contact us on issues of temporary resettlement, receiving humanitarian aid and corresponding payments, they call in any mood, with a cry for help, for example, or calmly, we have a dispatch staff ready,
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we have a psychologist on the line with us , on duty 24 hours a day, so each individual approach, we try to calm down, do not panic, so that in the regions of russia at... more than 100 temporary accommodation points for residents of the kursk region, one of them was visited by the human rights commissioner, tatyana moskalkova. we must understand today that children will most likely go to school here, we are already preparing for this, the guys who finish school here will be oriented towards higher education. on behalf of the governor of the moscow region , more than 300 children were taken from iskursk to the moscow region, these are orphans and disabled children. they were accompanied on the way by educators. felchers, employees of the ministry of social development of the region. after a long journey , the children were fed, they were examined by doctors, and then the long-awaited rest awaited everyone. we got there very well, the road, and it was nice, we ate,
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were full, slept a little on the road due to what was, where they were leaving, here it is naturally good, quiet, calm, and the children will now be in peace and quiet. without any health to sleep, rest, in the tolsk region the children were accepted at one of the recreation centers in aleksin. we arrived, we liked it very much, a large territory of landscape, very beautiful, i just draw on me this is what impressed me in general. how the children settled in the new place, the acting governor of the tula region dmitry milyaev personally checked. oh, what great guys, organized, that's what discipline means, well done, come on, guys. have a rest, are you tired from the road? come on, have a rest, okay, that's it, bye, guys. there are still those who did not want to leave in the border areas of the kursk region, food is delivered to them, including volunteers of the youth wing of the people's front. aid
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arrives in the region from all over the country. volunteers of the young guard work in collection centers, sorting food and things sent here by regional branches of united russia. about 20 tons of food packages were brought from of our akhmat khadzhi kadyrov foundation for internally displaced persons. the country united, helping people whose peaceful life was disrupted, as always happens in difficult times. tatyana kozlov, dmitry kiinovsky,
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dmitry kochatkov, yulia khodorova, magomed amirkhanov, channel one. mikhail mishustin and his deputies discussed measures to support residents of the kursk region. the prime minister emphasized that assistance should. first of all, the state of affairs in the kursk region is one of... the main tasks now are to provide maximum support to residents, primarily those affected areas, provide them with medical care. those injured as a result of shelling in the kursk region receive all the necessary medical care. additional teams of doctors, specialists from leading federal medical centers of moscow and the moscow region, traumatologists, neurosurgeons, onesthesiologists, resuscitators, pediatric surgeons are working in the region, a mobile hospital of the fmba has been deployed, where there are all possible. in order to carry out even very complex high-tech operations,
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there are also enough blood supplies. for those who lost blood or was forced to flee their homes, temporary accommodation centers have been opened, including in neighboring regions. on behalf of the president, the government has allocated funding, 1.8 billion rubles, to support citizens who have lost their homes, as well as payments to those who were forced to leave their homes. payments can now be processed through government services. it is very important here to provide support in the most convenient format for people, without unnecessary delays, promptly. hotlines should also work without interruption . in the kursk region, you can call 122 get reference information and consult on issues of interest to call emergency services , dial 112. the number of operators has been increased , additional resources have been connected to process incoming calls.
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kherson region, zaporozhye. we are taking measures to ensure the stable functioning of the energy infrastructure. for this purpose , the government has allocated 3 billion rubles to form the necessary material and technical reserves. the subsidies provided will allow for prompt maintenance and repair of critical important equipment, but in general will help to increase the reliability and safety of power facilities, so that homes are always warm and light. among other topics discussed today are integration processes in the union state. and here is the next stage: essentially a single osago policy will appear. the government has prepared a bill that will allow car owners to expand osago coverage to the territory of belarus if they wish, then they will not need to pay for additional
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insurance compensation for road incident will already be included in the existing insurance. the possibility of using an electronic document will also remain, so it is not necessary to carry a paper policy with you. the new mechanism should start working as of october 1. another topic on the agenda: support for high-tech entrepreneurship. companies interested in innovation, including small and medium-sized ones, can use a wide range of tools and mechanisms. one of these is special investment contracts, at the peak. business receives appropriate guarantees from the state for the duration of the initiative's implementation, tax breaks and other preferences are maintained. in our country, such a mechanism for economic development has been in operation for several years, the production of composite materials, energy and oil and gas engineering. thus, the first russian electric truck was created in the country, the first
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serial production of electric cars in history was launched, for example, the first russian pharmaceutical manufacturer to sign such a contract built a plant for the production of vital drugs, including insulin and its analogues, in various dosage forms, but here's what's also very important, now all stages of the creation of this drug in russia, all this, of course, is only some examples, more to come, speke is based on developments. government technologies, we additionally included in it expanded the list of such modern 47 new positions, examples among them are ultrasound diagnostic systems, medical tomographs, laser gas analyzers, components of advanced bearings, a whole series of chemical reactors and many, many other technological, innovative solutions, the measures taken will contribute. to the achievement of the goal set by the president to strengthen the technological and industrial sovereignty
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of the russian federation. anna kurbatova, olga gerosimenko, ekaterina koryaka, sergey valetov, the first channel region. not just another provocation, but a targeted attack on the zaporizhzhya npp, which threatened its safety. this is how rusatom commented on the new attack by the armed forces of ukraine on the largest nuclear power plant in europe. two kamikaze drones with an interval of 12 minutes under the gun so-called cooling tower - this is a large tower, an important element of the cooling system, there are two of them at zaporizhzhya npp, one is completely damaged inside, a major overhaul is needed, without it the station cannot be launched at full capacity by ... report by alexey ivanov. smoke from the fire in the cooling tower on the territory of the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant was visible on both sides of the dnieper the day before. rescuers fought the fire for about 3 hours. closer to midnight, the fire at the station was liquidated, and so the cooling towers now look like
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massive reinforced concrete structures 120 m high each. one of them will hold up.
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what we have seen today is that this structure has held up and there are no prerequisites for it to collapse, while it is clear that the militants of the kiev regime were hitting these structures on purpose, they were probably expecting them to collapse, the cooling towers are located not far from an artificial dam, it separates one of the cooling ponds from kokhovsky
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reservoir, which is now shallow, this is a consequence of another strike in the armed forces of ukraine, the pokokhovskaya hydroelectric power station, the destruction of this... could have led to the failure of the dam, well, and accordingly, the water that is now accumulated in our pond to provide technological needs could have gone nowhere just like a year ago kakhovka reservoir, so you would have been left without cooling at all, you would have been left without water at all, yes, by and large , yes, so the consequences could have been very, very dire, not only for us you here, but also for many people, far, far away from us, the situation on... on the territory of the nuclear power plant and in energodar itself is consistently tense, a rare day goes by without shelling, in recent months radicals have been striking at the city's life support facilities, the targets are electrical substations. the strikes are now of a verified, precise nature with specific goals. literally the day before , one of the city's substations, which supplies the city's water intake with electricity, was shot at with artillery, there, for
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half an hour, a strike was carried out, verified with adjustment, we practically carried out emergency recovery work there in the shortest possible time. the head of the rosatom corporation alexey likhachev addressed the management of the magat today. he calls for an international assessment of the most serious attack by the ukrainian armed forces on the zaporizhzhya station. what happened at the zaporizhzhya station is a completely different level of, i would say, targeted aggression aimed at the infrastructure of nuclear power facilities. this has never happened before. we regard the attack that has come not just as a provocation, but as a targeted strike on safe. infrastructure, this is the second, absolutely unshakable principle, the foundation of the iaea security, this is the integrity of the infrastructure, in this sense , both the cooling tower and the water-cooling systems are key elements of the safety of the nuclear power facility. the strikes and the subsequent fire in the cooling tower did not
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affect the radiation background in any way, it is checked around the clock and is normal. specialists also conducted a chemical analysis of the air. everything without deviations, the director of the mgt, rafael grossi, said in the morning: threats to nuclear safety of the zaporizhia npp is not, as before, he again did not name those who have been methodically attacking the nuclear power plant for two years. remember how much time has passed, and this is not the first year, and the russian federation calls on the international community to take urgent measures, and to influence the kiev regime and its western patrons due to the fact that for the banking. for zelensky and for everyone who stands behind him, first of all, washington and london, nuclear power plants are a means of instrument terrorist activities, from intimidation.
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today allow us to work safely in the zaporizhia region and localize all the difficulties posed to us by the enemy in a timely manner. it must be said that today all units are ready. the ukrainian regime is trying to use the situation with the attack on zayas to create panic, but the station itself and vrosatom state: rumors should not be believed, all reliable information is only in official sources. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanok, andrey yagvalevich. in contrast, knocked down mangled nato military equipment and the most modern models
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of the russian military-industrial complex, just off the assembly line and ready to perform any tasks in any location. delegations from almost a hundred countries came to the army 2024 forum in the patriot park near moscow, the interest of some mangled nato products, to russian models is huge. some of them have already proven their effectiveness. on the battlefield. one of the topics discussed at the forum was the protection of nuclear facilities. president vladimir putin addressed the forum guests via video link putin. about the new exhibition format, new tactical techniques in the svo zone and new technologies. in the report by alexey kruchinin. what accents will be the main ones at the army 2024 forum, it becomes clear already at the entrance to the patriot park. guests are greeted by our best combat helicopters mi-28 and k-52. real hard workers of the special operation, equipment. which has proven itself well at the front, russian tanks, howitzers, multiple launch rocket systems and air defense, a separate exposition is dedicated nearby. here, in contrast, are mangled ukrainian and
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nato armored vehicles. on one of the most prominent places exhibition of captured western equipment, a long row turned out, what kind of flags are not here, canadian, swedish, german, here is a leopard a6 tank knocked out by our guys, this literally large trophy moved to patriot from poklonnaya gora, where it was first exhibited on victory day. paid in april 2024 in the city of ovdeevka bringing military operations. this is only a small part of the exhibition, more than one and a half thousand russian enterprises present their products. there are foreign stands. 83 military delegations from friendly countries arrived in moscow, vladimir putin welcomed the organizers and guests of army 2024. this year , dozens of countries sent high-level delegations of heads of national defense departments to our forum. over 120 foreign companies have announced their participation, and a large-scale presentation of the advanced, largely unique achievements of the russian defense industry, leading
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corporations with a worldwide reputation, has once again been launched here. over 240 items of export weapons, various military and special equipment are presented. i would like to emphasize that many domestic know-how that has no analogues and...
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the opportunity to unite and civil our this is a platform that also provides institutes, institutes that will also provide an opportunity for the development of the technological process, we must cover as quickly and as much of our capabilities as possible for implementation in the near future at the forefront so that later the guys returning here... have the opportunity to restore their health and have these rehabilitation technologies. one of the first to present its stand was the federal medical and biological agency of russia. here
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the latest developments to advise. bz troops. rostec, the largest enterprise providing state defense orders , traditionally has several pavilions at the exhibition, where you can see everything from microcircuits to large-caliber howitzers. the malva self-propelled gun with adjustable projectiles is already in serial production, destroying the positions of the armed forces of ukraine at the front, and the new anti-aircraft missile system pantsir smd is designed to repel massive drone attacks. we constantly work with the guys who fight on our equipment, work with it. all
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comments, all. any wishes, we all we take this into account, well first of all, of course, there is a greater demand for unmanned systems, both flying unmanned systems and those that travel on the ground and so on, for example, such as the dispatch robot, which is capable of quickly delivering ammunition and fuel to the front lines, and if necessary, evacuating the wounded, or a heavy aerial drone from the sukhoi design bureau, working autonomously , it will carry loads weighing up to 200 kg to hard-to-reach areas. many enterprises demonstrate personal protective equipment, which is becoming more and more reliable, here, for example, the obereg assault body armor, capable of withstanding a large-caliber bullet that can penetrate even the armor of an armored personnel carrier. all the guys praise the fact that you can run for a long time in it and not get tired, this is, well, probably the most important thing, naturally, considering that the vest itself holds shrapnel and quite serious ammunition without injuring a person, really low movements, low-heels, absolutely, you can
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perform any movements. another novelty of the forum is an exhibition of products of the so-called people's military-industrial complex. they were created by enthusiasts all over the country, to help the front and, as they say, hit the mark. drones are especially in demand as electronic warfare equipment. as for uavs, we are coping here, as for rebo, there is also a very large amount of work, because, uh, initially rebo is in a little unequal conditions with bopyla, that is, to make more powerful transmitters for v pividron. much easier than to make comparable in power means of struggle, which will jam them. hundreds of inventions of scientific developments. tomorrow, at army 2024 , the ministry of defense will conclude state contracts with defense industry enterprises, and rosoboronexport will sign international agreements with foreign partners. alexey kruchinin, vladimir bokarev, mikhail boborev, artem tikhanov, ilya marin, dmitry zelvyansky, olga merkulova and alexander kovalev. channel one patriot park. the public chamber and 17
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political parties today signed a cooperation agreement to monitor the elections that will take place in russia in early september, from the sixth to the eighth. direct elections of governors are planned in twenty-one regions, 13 deputies of local parliaments, representatives of the public chamber and various political forces will discuss standards for monitoring elections, methods of this work and train experts. the public chamber of the russian federation has been carrying out public control over elections at various levels for many years. our meeting today is devoted to how to organize such monitoring, together we need to ensure the legality of all procedures, steadfast compliance with the law and the electoral rights of citizens during elections.
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the organization of children's recreation was discussed today at the state duma council. the chairman of the lower house of parliament noted that a law is needed that will bring order to this area. in the fall, at a plenary session with the participation of representatives of the government and regions, deputies will return to the hot topic. vyacheslav volodin also proposed to prepare an appeal from the duma council to the accounts chamber so that it could analyze the state of tourist buses, children's student health camps. there are many questions about the organization of children's recreation. we see that there is disunity, based on what is being done at the level of local government, regions, a number of issues are being resolved at the federal level, but there is no single built system, so our task now is to discuss all the problems that exist in this area, to develop proposals that will become the basis for preparing a framework law. project
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on the organization of children's recreation, it is necessary so that the number of children who spend their summer vacations in health camps. today is the day of the formation of the russian air force. our military pilots celebrate the holiday. defense minister andrei belausov congratulated our khasovs on their 112th anniversary, noting their fearlessness and determination. the complexity of the tasks and the skill of execution. our correspondent, alena evtyakova deciphered the signs on the fuselages, here each star means victory in battle. on the fuselage of the supersonic bomber su-34 there are rows of stars. if earlier.
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a set of up to 35 types of weapons, guided and unguided missiles of various classes, free-falling and guided aerial bombs. air force pilots have always been considered the army's elite. alexey, an air unit commander, serves in the far east, is currently on a mission, and says he dreamed of flying fighters, and so it turned out to be his comrade-in-arms, the super-maneuverable su-35s. of course, we became friends, and i've been flying them since 2017. they are the best fighter in the world in terms of... sight characteristics, control field , maneuverability characteristics, cockpit, pilot convenience, and fulfilled tasks in syria today daily work in the svo zone, says the flight crew is ready to meet the f-16, transferred by the west to ukraine. it is
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a fairly old fighter, in all characteristics, even well at the moment it does not reach our aircraft, ours is better. and ... my task as an instructor is to make it so that there is a fire in the eyes, they are preparing for flights, so that this fire does not go out, but flares up even more. here at the training camp, graduates of universities of the russian aerospace forces, young
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pilots and navigators are practicing one of complex elements: flight along the route in combat formations as part of a link, at established intervals and distances. both long-range and long-range aviation hone their skills, everyone's readiness. always number one. alena evtyakov, ivan pokhomov, irina bliznyuk, alena germanova, tatyana shilina and dmitry baranov. channel one. what stories do carpets keep? come to a unique exhibition at the museum of decorative arts in moscow, you will see everything for yourself. the history of a huge country, woven by craftswomen of different schools, times of nations. here literally intertwining. everything, in this colorful fireworks real beauty and scale are born, there are carpets of love, carpets of news of the most important historical events, this exhibition will definitely be interesting and educational, there are carpets that amazed the imagination of viewers overseas,
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during their great depression, there are works about the greatest records and achievements, our correspondent pyotr deryagin is still under the impression. against the background of the carpet, a real cultural phenomenon of our country, in soviet times the patterned magnificence of the walls symbol comfort and prosperity, now such a design, perhaps, causes a smile and nostalgia, but in the ussr all carpets, carpets, real carpet art, which connoisseurs are still chasing after. instead of oil paints, woolen threads, this thick dark blue color with glowing yellow lights, clearly hints. the authors of the carpet were crazy about van gogh. only here it is not a starry night over provence, but the lights of construction sites in siberia in the sixties, intertwining together dozens of ancient cultures, different artistic movements and socially important topics, that is what a soviet carpet is, on exhibition carpet of history, there are more than 60
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examples from all corners of the ussr, gabilen oil was woven by hand for several years in baku, you see the geometry that has not changed for centuries, indeed, but then in the same traditional... edging and geometry are already included the architecture of factories, pipes supplying oil, there are carpets that are truly amazing in scale, here... this one, for example, on the entire wall, what kind of wonderful work is this? a remarkable tapestry, almaty, thirty- eighth year, bebelen baiga tells about equestrian competitions, dynamics, color, topicality, many carpets were woven, as they say, according to hot news, the rescue of the first drifting polar station in thirty -seventh, moldovan masters decorated the canvas with penguins and walruses, the launch of sputnik 3, this carpet is a personal gift to khrushchev, industrial... the development of siberia from omsk along the ertysh to the arctic ocean, here
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is a bird's eye view of the development of moscow in the sixties, a separate carpet theme is sports. before us is an absolutely grandiose masterpiece, it is called a horse run, it made in turkmenistan, they started a horse race, imagine from ashgabat to moscow, 4.300 km, the task was to go without a break, they went 84. during the great depression, this kursk carpet rock of abundance amazed visitors to the exhibition in new york with its colors and manufacturing technique by the eighties almost every soviet apartment had its own abundant land. on the floor, walls beautifully, warm and soundproofing better - a universal thing. my mother returned to kazakhstan for carpets, we laughed a lot, i say: mom, well, why, well, you understand, everything is like in russia, it’s no longer relevant, it’s like that, no, you don’t understand, for me it was a fairy tale, because... there were some little people there, and for me each carpet was
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some kind of labyrinth, where those little people walked, ran, there were some horses, we had pickles and such forest landscapes hanging, they still hang, maybe i should ask my grandmother for one for her new apartment, but now i want, to be honest, to beg her to give me one of her carpets, now it’s a fashion trend, the carpet of stories exhibition at the museum of decorative arts art works for free, the program also includes lectures, quests and even films about carpet weaving. one of the most colorful cozy pages of our history. pyotr deryagin, olga kovalenko, ivan strukov, dmitry remizov, sergey levashov, channel one. that's all, watch the time and stay up to date. and now on channel one, the continuation of the multi-part film trader.
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they're nothing i can do nothing, i can say that folks don't criticize me, but i'm gonna do just as i want to do anyway. i don't care, just what people say, if i should take notice to jump into the ocean, nobody's beast, if i go to church on sunday, then cabaret on monday, nobody's business, and nobody's business. if i do, nobody's piss, if i do
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, hey, nobody's business, if i do, nobody's business, and nobody is if i do. christian, you don't know what's going on, i 've been calling nizhny bartovsk for three days now, and no one's picking up the phone there, and what's so worrying you, business is going well, there's nothing to worry about. how can it be nothing, i can't talk to
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the counterparty, come on, we have a one-year contract, no one will break it, maybe they found another intermediary, maybe the russians are on holidays, no, i checked, and i remembered, nesterov called me and said about some unforeseen circumstances, what unforeseen circumstances, russia ran out of oil, some problems with the law, it seems this ignat was arrested, arrested, well, for what? how could you forget about something like that? well, i don't know, what do you mean you don't know, don't you care? quiet, quiet. it's just business. you can't react like that.
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chernikov, you say? yes, that's why i came to you i came, i hired the best lawyer, but they told me that the case was ordered, i don't have connections at that level. dmitry andreevich, i beg you, please, help me get ignat out, i'm ready to pay any amount of money.


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