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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  August 13, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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well and in general, when two people come into contact and it is impossible to get sick, doctors still insist that it is impossible to predict how severe the disease will be, which means that everyone needs to take preventive measures, and this means that it is necessary to screen the windows, screen the doors, wear protective clothing, use repellents and fumigators, the situation is complicated by the fact that a vaccine for west nile fever has not yet been invented, and there is no specific treatment. therefore, infectious disease specialists insist that at the first symptoms of high temperature, it is necessary to seek medical help. yulia anishchenko, darya robakova, ivan strukov, natalia bobrova, channel one. powerful rays descended on the mountainous regions of dagestan, local residents publish footage of the rampage of the elements, the streams swept away everything in their path. everything was carried away. the bridge, the road, everything.
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several settlements were left without transport links , according to preliminary data, it may take a week to restore the roads, in addition, rivers overflowed their banks, rains in the region do not stop and another impressive video from kamchatka, a volcano is erupting there ebeka, a huge column of ash is rising from the new crater. that's all for now, the program on channel one will continue to air, time will tell. good day, the information channel on channel one continues its work, live, anatoly kuzichev is in the studio, this program will tell time. the situation in kursk remains tense, this is still the main topic for us. according to the statement of the acting head of the region, some of the settlements are now under the control of the armed forces of ukraine. however, the district center of sudzha is definitely not controlled by the armed forces of ukraine. this is confirmed ukrainian sources. and look at what ukrainian telegram channels write about this in particular. our source in the general staff
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said that the ukrainian armed forces do not control sudzha. now our units are located along the southwestern perimeter of the city and are waiting for reserves for the assault. at the moment , there are battles along the entire contact line in the kursk region, and the vysu assault groups do not have the opportunity to advance deep into russian territory and are trying to consolidate their positions. well, anyway, there is nothing pleasant, so to speak, in there are few such messages, but why did i focus on suja, because. this brings us back to my i don’t know remark that now of course 70-80 percent of the information flow is dense, this flow is of course muddy, be very careful, because we asked suja over the last 4 days about five times, well, we handed it in, i mean, in telegram channels, i don’t know how it will be there and what will happen and so on, but listen, really filter, filter carefully, because now, well, on you of course , a gigantic amount of all kinds
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of fakes is falling on us all: what is happening in the kursk region right now we will find out from the war correspondent of the front georgy medvedev, by the way, as for, so to speak , trust only a verified source, here is a person who is there on the spot, here is the first channel that is responsible for its words, this is what it seems to me and this is what we can defend ourselves from. georgy, hello, thank you for being with us, georgy, connection, we will try now, let's call georgiy again still. it is important to ask him what, what, what and how is happening now, let's, maybe, for now then i'll give you an american to listen to, look at the americans, who, who evaluate in this way, you remember, yes, what was the story, at first there was silence, just a conspiracy of silence, in the western press, in ukraine, only they, so to speak, diligently re, so to speak, reprinted our posts, they themselves did not comment on anything, the last few days.
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some kind of lyugs are sharing their journalistic thoughts there, no, this is think tank, here's what, let 's read carefully, here's what they think about this whole situation, please, russia's response to the ukrainian armed forces' invasion of the kursk region may reveal russia's reluctance to seriously escalate the conflict or to engage in nuclear retaliation, which will help justify broader western military support for ukraine and ease restrictions on arms supplies. so, it may... reveal
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russia's reluctance to seriously escalate or to engage in nuclear retaliation, which will help justify broader western military support for ukraine and ease restrictions on arms supplies. from the west, that is, they are testing us, and i wonder how russia will respond, no way? great, let's continue, this is actually, the conversation will be about this, about what we need to do, and is there any chance to do something like that, so that everyone becomes disillusioned with this project, so that these supplies stop, that is, in a stream and so on, that is, it can justify broader military support for ukraine from the west, remember this glory, it seems like we just got through to georgy medvedev again, georgy, that's it, then, then without any introductions, without any preludes right away, what is the situation? in general - your assessment in the kursk region, please, yes, anatoly, good afternoon, i apologize, some technical difficulties arose, now it seems that the connection has been restored, but let's start with the most important thing: this morning information appeared that sudzha is completely controlled
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by ukrainian troops, this is not true, the enemy is indeed located on the southwestern outskirts, but the rest is essentially what we are accustomed to calling the gray zone, the stay troops, which break through there in maneuverable groups, small mobile groups from time to time and retreat back, and control, complete control of a populated area - these are two diametrically opposed things, complete control of the enemy over sudzha, no, a serious advance of the enemy with large forces, it has been stopped, indeed, for several days now, our troops are working to destroy precisely these small mobile groups, all reconnaissance, they currently represent one of the most serious threats, one of the most serious problems, jump out on - light armored vehicles, carry out shelling and go back into the depths of the bridgehead they occupy. in many ways, the enemy's difficulties arose
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due to the fact that massive air strikes are being carried out, continue to be carried out around the clock on its rear, where reserves are accumulating, which must be transferred to reinforcements, they are destroyed. even before going on the march, the enemy's situation is developing in a completely different way than planned, this, i repeat, does not mean that, that today, tomorrow or in the next few days we will completely liberate the occupied territory, this may take a long time, but the most important thing is that the enemy's advance on a broad front was really stopped, the evacuation from populated areas that belong to the frontline zone continues. because massive strikes are being carried out there by ukrainian artillery, the enemy's attack drones continue to operate in the civilian sector, ukraine is trying to pass this off as part of its successes, but this the evacuation is connected precisely with the intention to protect local residents for this period
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of time, and not with the fact that the enemy is advancing. in general, if i understood correctly, well , that is, the situation is tense, we are slowly pushing out, slowly fighting. we are slowly destroying, but so far, so to speak, until complete, until complete displacement, as i understand it, it is still well, not that far, but not that close, not that you can just hit it with your hand. thank you very much, georgy, georgy medvedev was on direct line with us, a military correspondent, let me tell you again i will quote stratfor, just tell me without sound, i will read it now. so, russia's reaction to the invasion of the ukrainian armed forces in the kursk region may reveal russia's reluctance to seriously escalate the conflict or nuclear. retaliation, remember this phrase, which will help justify broader military support for ukraine from the west and ease restrictions, they still exist, apparently, on arms supplies, remember, right here in pursuit of this idea of ​​the american analytical center, here are
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the words, then, of the famous kiev provocateur, nordep, people's deputy goncharenko, terrorist and extremist, about the situation in kursk region, look, we are still... no, sorry, here stratford uses the phrase nuclear retaliation retaliation, this does not imply that retaliation is flying to kursk region, retaliation, it is flying somewhere else retaliation to kiev is also a blow
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in fact, well, you know, like a pillow, which the enemy closes himself off from you, and the pillow is the peaceful residents of kiev, who, well, yes, they can be blamed for many.
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the total losses of the ukrainian army amounted to about brigades, that is, about 500 people were simply buried here on this nameless bridgehead, which in the end had to be not just evacuated, but the dead and wounded were abandoned there, everything that was possible, there will be exactly the same situation here, the sumy region is a very poor communications area, there are only two highways, which , judging by everything, are already under the control of our artillery and our aviation, on the bridgehead, well , the only thing that can still somehow cling to the collapsed.
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that i thought that here it is in fact, but we, how is that possible, she says to me, we are a nuclear power, you understand, with this emotion somehow, no, well, this emotion is quite difficult to interrupt, though, there if you start to reason and rationalize really, what and what , well, okay, we need to hit kursk, the kursk region, well, it's complete nonsense, yes, we need to hit washington, we'll discuss it, or london, here our experts, as you can see, so to speak, they have different opinions on this matter, where exactly...
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weapons of mass destruction, what is the essence of the operation, we are convinced that at least saddam looks like a dictator who has chemical weapons in one of his military warehouses, so we have to make it show up. we have a problem with the iraqi courier. my
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love is on the fifth floor. and the girls, why do they change so often? catch las? the girls are different, each has her own talent. they look at us, they act in our favor. the carousel beckons, beckons, beckons, but if it's a romance, then alexander malin, a version is a version, in principle, i can even be a leps, only fantasy, on friday on the first, i saw you on tv, who, in our at home on tv. even though we can't fly together, we'll go to kosiopea, in kosiopea there are
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nebulae, a bubble nebula and soul and heart nebulae, and you say women don't have a soul and heart, here you go, everything is there, how sweet, she likes it when she's kissed, i don't know, but i like it when i kiss her. u and can you help me? oh my god, au! the best premiere is on saturday on the first. famous favorite actors have gathered at our table, who will tell funny stories and curiosities that happened to them. you'll forgive me, i accidentally broke this new vase, don't worry, it's not like that, it's already new, it's only 200 years old.
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i invite you to the program, you have to play the queen. but it will be some piece dedicated to honey, i come, so the next day in the remains of all the burning suit, one of the women brings me such a big velvet circle, it has two such things hanging from the sides, these are the ovaries, she died, as this cry was made, bending over with a fork in her hands, approaching...
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"i met a woman, it happened that, that i love her, i've loved her for a long time since school, you have hair on the back of the head is wet from the heart, lipstick on the collar, for everyone my perfect match, i don’t want to be a thief, you know, yes, but it seems to me that you
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yourself, yes, my wife asked me, left for another, i ’m going out of my way for him. it’s night here, and they have something else there, an interview with donald trump was published, elon musk on the network formerly known as twitter, now it’s called x, here i looked 135 million now, and there the numbers there are millions just arriving not by the day, but by the hour, just a couple of hours before the broadcast there were 84 million, now 135, 135 million, but that’s just, by the way, so
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so, the main threat to humanity, says donald trump, is not global warming. but nuclear warming, here is a small fragment of their conversation. the main threat is not global warming. the main threat is nuclear warming, because now five countries have a significant nuclear arsenal. we cannot allow something stupid to happen because of people like biden. well, the matter is not only a problem, no, stupidity is a very big problem, for humanity in general, we will discuss it separately some other time. but let's, i i thought about what we started talking about, but let's just dive into the context a little, it's time to remember that how many years ago it was 82, or more, i'll probably count now, so the so-called manhattan project started in the usa, as a result of which washington was the first, the first in the world to receive a super weapon of that time, and of our time, the atomic
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bomb, and until recently it was believed that this weapon, so to speak, deterrence, which just prevents humanity from committing those very stupidities. let's see how it was, and then we'll discuss, maybe it's time for something else to stop humanity from all sorts of stupidity, or does this still work? please! on august 13, 1942 , a top-secret program, known today as the manhattan project, was launched in the united states. european scientists, among whom at the time of the project's launch were 12 nobel prize winners. american physicist robert oppenheimer was appointed scientific director. dozens of
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laboratories were allocated throughout america and more than 130,000 specialists were involved. research studying the possibility of creating nuclear weapons had been in the us since the 1930s. at the same time , scientists from hitler's germany, britain, the ussr and a number of other countries were working on similar research, but this research moved into the practical plane when it became clear that world war ii was on the threshold. by that time, america had accepted many german scientists who had fled from hitler's repressions, and therefore washington knew very well that germany was working hard to create some kind of weapon of enormous power and destructive force. one of these scientists who fled to the united states was the famous german physicist albert einstein. it was his letter describing the prospects for the third reich to obtain an atomic bomb. played a decisive role in the us president's decision to begin the manhattan project. uranium could be turned into a new important source of energy in the near future.
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a nuclear reaction has become possible, as a result of which significant energy can be released. this new phenomenon could lead to the creation of extremely powerful bombs of a new type. at it is not known that in germany, at the kaiser wilhelm institute , american work on uranus is now being repeated, which the us government should pay close attention to. in this regard, we suggest that you establish permanent contact between the us government and a group of physicists in america studying this problem. the americans took the threat very seriously, and already in july 1945, less than 3 years after the start of the program, the world's first atomic bomb was tested at a us test site. in early august, bombs were already dropped on japanese cities of hiroshima and nagasaki. by that time it was already clear that german scientists had chosen a dead-end path in the matter of creating an atomic bomb... atomic weapons would not be in the cards for the germans in the coming years. soviet and british scientists were also far behind the americans. now the us had clearly demonstrated to the world what would happen to every
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enemy of washington. stalin immediately understood that our country could become a target at any moment. we need to negotiate about speeding up our work, but if we don't make a bomb quickly, they will destroy us. the us was really in a hurry to take advantage of their monopoly. a whole plan for nuclear. so on the ussr was developed, which was called "dropshot" and provided for 300 nuclear strikes on soviet cities. the plan would have been finally approved in 1949. however, it was in 1949 that, through the superhuman efforts of scientists and intelligence officers, the ussr was able to obtain its nuclear bomb. in washington, they realized that they were too late, but one way or another, the united states still remained the undisputed leader. in terms of the number of atomic bombs of delivery vehicles. in the early fifties, during the korean war, the american commander general douglas macarthur proposed to take advantage of the fading american
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monopoly on nuclear weapons and begin bombing korea, china and the far east. he addressed such demands to us president harry truman. this is how macarthur himself later recalled his demands. i could have won the war in korea in a maximum of 10 days with far fewer losses than during the so-called armistice. and this would have changed the course of history, 30 to 50 atomic bombs would have more than coped with this task. however, the american leadership was afraid a retaliatory nuclear strike by the ussr, and macarthur himself was dismissed by president truman for such proposals. but today , the americans again want to get hold of weapons that will allow the united states to become the only superpower in military terms. the pentagon is not just investing huge sums in modernizing its nuclear arsenal of defense systems. the americans do not lose hope. to get a fundamentally new superweapon, and therefore do not spare money to finance programs to develop laser weapons and dual-use space technologies,
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yes, well, let's assume that we have immersed ourselves in the context. vladislav vladislavich, we started with alexey evgenievich, yes, to talk, yes, let's continue, but already, so to speak, armed with this historical knowledge, this...
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world war in the classic version of an absolutely positional deadlock, when no other means available at that time allowed us to solve the problems of the front. accordingly, at the present moment, if we take, let's say, our situation, we do not have such a situation that this would be necessary, then there is a third option left - this is, as we have already said, a test, not even on site, a test, full-scale tests with the purpose of intimidating the enemy, probable and accordingly the rest of the world, for now...
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conventionally speaking, means of a controlled or uncontrolled explosion, which can be caused by a chemical reaction or a nuclear reaction, but both there and there, in principle , the same principle. there is now a lot of work with laser weapons, it must be understood that laser weapons in principle have also generally been considered for many years as a kind of superweapon, which is about to appear. again, here is the plot it is correct, but it is not entirely historically verified. it is necessary to understand that all the years after the end.
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you know, i think that at the moment such, such a thing is unlikely, it is possible to place already existing weapons, for example, in space, very seriously change the whole situation, the second point it is necessary to understand that on the way of most desires for new weapons lies one of the basic postulates of physics, which in our version is expressed very simply: energy is needed, the same laser weapon, we all tested on rifles in films, where there runs a man with a laser rifle. at the moment even just a regular powerful laser beam, which is capable of hitting a drone , requires work of about a small power station, this is today the main vice, a stone on the threshold of all these creations, it is clear, but still yes, i understood everything, i understood everything, but still the key word, i will quote you vladislav vladislavovich, this is so to speak the presence of so to speak political will or desire or not and not or and necessity
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to use, because that's the same... at least someone would accept this weapon and they constantly project it into the sky they need it to wash away that one use, ukraine needs at least some atom in any form to morally wash away anything and get another carte blanche for any of their actions, the americans dream of defeating
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a nuclear power.
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fear, well, that is, the core of this deterrence is some kind of fear, that is, everyone should be terribly, terribly afraid of any use of nuclear weapons, they are afraid, now it turns out that why was it important? there will be a new weapon or something else, than to destroy the earth, here it is necessary, it is necessary to have the desire to do it, fortunately we do not have it, please, sergey sergeyevich 1949, the dropshot project, this is a project, a plan, yes, it united not only the united states of america, it
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united great britain, france, luxembourg, the netherlands, portugal, canada, these are the countries that decided that in any case there is only one enemy that must be destroyed with the help of nuclear weapons, this is the soviet union. that's starting with forty-ninth year comes the understanding of almost many parts of the western population, the soviet union, the great soviet union, everything that was under the protectorate of the soviet union, humanity is mortal, this is a dogma. recently , a very opposite procedure has been taking place, starting from ninety-fourth year, there has been a tendency to habituate nuclear weapons, they do regular public opinion polls, are you afraid of a nuclear strike, they ask the youth who are studying.
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the americans are not afraid, but the latest poll showed that they do not know whether north korea has weapons or not, but the will to use them is 100%. russia has more than 6,000 warheads, but russia most likely will not use these weapons, because it is a different civilized threshold for participation in this. world, how should we understand that there is responsibility for the mortality of the world, you asked a good question, is there a weapon that can destroy everything, and why, if humanity is already mortal, if you do not need 6 thousand warheads to kill the whole world, other means of delivery are important, that's who has more fast delivery vehicles, yes, it is interesting, how much is the eternal war of intelligence and counterintelligence, as well as the eternal war, who will have more advanced technologies, i am watching, you are absolutely right about the delivery vehicle there hypersonic. and these hyper-hypersonics, this is free-maneuvering hypersonic and so on, yes, everything is correct, but we have another civilizational threshold, if we, if we never use nuclear weapons and everyone knows this, and this is already a general consensus, well, we have it, it seems, we are a nuclear power, well
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of course, we won't accept it, are we idiots, no, accordingly, we'll cross it out, consider it nonexistent, but it doesn't exist, you started by saying that nuclear weapons are weapons of deterrence, yes, so how can we make them afraid? we understand perfectly well that the united states of america would very much like russia to use these weapons, i think we need to move on to the third stage already, we conducted a nuclear weapons exercise, the united states of america perceived it as not the signal we were sending and they reported, the signal they are jokes, i think that the next signal we must definitely conduct a nuclear weapons test, this is normal. well, some small island should cease to exist, the fact is that the presence of a nuclear weapons test, this not only says that we are leaving some agreements, it says that we are approaching the understanding that guys, there will be no more warnings,
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you understand what the matter is, the western world would really like to make it so that the collective south splits, only with this blow it could split, but do not forget that there is a nuclear doctrine in the united states of america, we have a nuclear doctrine, and there is a clearly defined situation, well, probably, yes, but something tells me that this is not a close path to changing the doctrine, did it pass, well, i would also emphasize here that nuclear weapons are already, after all, weapons of the 20th century, now this front - developments, it
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has expanded madly, we have probably already forgotten a little, but we remember the biolaboratories of the united states of america in ukraine, so here they were engaged, well, to put it mildly, in those diseases that...
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we are talking about cyber, we are talking, you know what alex is really talking about, we are talking about what could really scare humanity just like in 1940, as he was there in forty-fifth year , destruction is guaranteed, and moreover , destruction is guaranteed from some moments that are well not controlled, as we did not control, we understand that the current arsenal of nuclear weapons can destroy the earth, now we turn to a survey of american students, and you are afraid that no, no, this is the attitude.
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"tell me, please, what did you, my wife, need? fortune teller, new episodes, today on the first, i've been dragging you around hotels for 6 years, it's not that i don't want to, it's just that marriage is a serious matter, yes, magamaev is young, hot, he's an artist, they're like children, we're colleagues, right? tamara senyavskaya, soloist
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of the bolshoi theater, when i saw you, i immediately felt that this was an unusual meeting, such people should not be released in principle, if he doesn't come back to us, then he will arrange such a thing, it will not seem like a little, what do you think, you have envious people, or what, muslim, how can't you understand, when you arrive, you'll be put in jail, everything will be fine, i want, that there will be no more dull hearts. are you kidding, yes, this city is called the gateway to the north, a special unique way of life has been preserved here, which is dictated by difficult climatic conditions, many come to... the city in order to see the famous polar lights, we are in arkhangelsk, friends,
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the most important thing for a pomor is to be practical, what kind of wood is preferable for building a boat, the kind of wood that grows, why did they add salt, in principle our region was a salt producer, that's why they added it everywhere, my grandmother adds it to regular coffee, even to instant salt, she says that it tastes better and is our way, we wash the smelt, sprinkle it with a little salt, chop the onion and add it there too, we take... we dip some bread, dip it, and how delicious will it be in a sea-style? delicious, delicious, friends, very delicious, the life of our own, the premiere. on sunday on the first, constantly saying that happiness loves, what two semolina, beauties, what are you doing with us men, don't go to meet him, a sincere question, do you have a mother, don't need a mother, i cook well, i'm well-off, take me to your place, that's
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how it is with me, of all the couples with your grandmother it's the hardest, with her modulations. thank you, it's impossible not to love to forget where you come from, and what your roots are, remember from childhood long ago, what colors we will fill the lives of our children with, such will be the future, two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, us today in the hort gracheva was auditioned. great, yura, you absolutely must sing, come on, sing, what a unique gift you have, you hit such notes, what an upstart you think you are, larka, is that you, don't you recognize me , or what, no, i'm andryukha, that means your life is a success, you have everything that soviet women
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don't even dare to dream of, so what happens, you don't take a guy just because he doesn't know notes, in order to... get official choir status, you need to have at least 50 choristers, you've been accepted, from today you start a new life, if it weren't for this choir, we would never have met, i'll see you with this person again, i'll tell my father everything, you're mine, you're my wife, what do you want, give me back these 15 years, i thought everything was easy, i wanted fame, remember, gorachov... his choir shouldn't be on the song of the year, sing so that the sun rises, choir, premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first, the information channel on the first
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continues, we work live, russia is increasing its offensive in the donetsk direction of the front after. ivanovka, sergeyevka, makeyevka, kirovo, artemova and desired. at the same time, kiev's expectation that russia would begin to transfer troops from the front line to the kursk region has not been fulfilled, this is not only our opinion, this is how the british assess this. the ultimate goal of the ukrainian operation remains unclear. the minimum goal, apparently, is to withdraw troops from russia's stranglehold on kharkov and donbas, the main areas of the war. according to preliminary data, the results are disappointing. russia has transferred far fewer troops from the vital donbas front than it expected
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ukraine. moreover, ukrainian soldiers are now complaining to western journalists that for the sake of the attack on the kursk region they were removed from those very sections of the front where the ukrainian armed forces are currently experiencing major problems. many ukrainian soldiers in the kursk region previously fought in the hot spots of donbass and some of them said that they were afraid to leave their positions in donbass because the russians continue to advance daily and the ukrainian armed forces cannot hold the last remaining cities there. one of the ukrainian armed forces servicemen said that fears that the operation in kursk oblast could deprive ukraine of its successes in donbas. he says that new york will be captured 100%. this could happen even tomorrow, according to his forecasts, russian troops could also take chasov yar and taretsk. before the kursk operation, a high-ranking ukrainian official warned that cracks were forming in the defensive lines in eastern ukraine. russian troops continue to advance on strongholds in eastern ukraine. ukrainian armed forces servicemen say that these cities are ukrainian only on the map, but
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in fact, they are already lost. we will find out what is happening right now in the donetsk direction from the correspondent of the union tv channel bogdan. he is on the line with us. bogdan, hello, what is the situation and whose new york is it now? hello, ruslan, hello, oles, yes, indeed, toretskoye, it is already the dzerzhinsky direction, it is worth discussing right now, because according to the latest information, our troops, russian servicemen have already crossed the city line of dzerzhinsk, they are gradually beginning to move deeper into residential areas, nevertheless, here's to... to throw one of the brigades, including into the kursk region, because as it was already stated earlier, these
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cities, dzerzhinsk and new york, by the way , are, as it were, de facto ukrainian, but in fact they are no longer at all, because the command of the armed forces of ukraine, and there is a certain understanding of what will happen next with these settlements, and of course the low morale of the enemy also gives... the servicemen are moving deeper into residential areas, as was already correctly noted, was the day before the populated area of ​​the donetsk
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direction has been liberated and the residential areas of the city of krasnogorovka are gradually being liberated, which is also on the krasnoarmeysky direction on pokrovsky , it is also worth saying that our troops have managed to align the line of defense in order to inflict fire damage along the highway as much as possible. in fact, this is true, only today in the village of shakhta imeni michurin a civilian was wounded by shelling, and these villages
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suffer daily, of course, in order to push the enemy back to a certain point distance, it is necessary to liberate these settlements as soon as possible, in particular dzerzhinsk and novgorodskoye, because it is from there that the main attacks are carried out on... the gurlovka quarter, it is from this direction, nevertheless, of course, now on the outskirts of the city of the settlement it is quite loud, the enemy is snapping back, as you remember, not so long ago, an attack was carried out on the city center, where 14 wounded civilians were recorded, in any case, our soldiers do not surrender, they are moving forward, gradually centimeter, centimeter by centimeter, centimeter by centimeter clearing the territory. here are the neo-nazis, thank you very much, the military correspondent of the union tv channel, bogdan smirnov was on the line with us. alexey evgenievich. after the liberation of avdiivka, well
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, they can’t stabilize their position at the front, what is this connected with? this is connected with a whole complex of reasons, but the first is, of course, the lack of manpower on the part of the enemy, because the mobilization, which was also requested, let me remind you, by zaluzhny, who has now gone to ride in water parks in london, it is going. that is, it is 30-40% of the list of personnel, and this
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shows the second point, that ukraine does not have time to withdraw units to the rear for reformatting a full-fledged one, that is , when you have veterans, you added recruits there, they, well, in a fairly short period of time, under the supervision, as they say, of old-timers, become real soldiers, and are formed. immediately new brigades, there are 150, 151st, these numbers are more than 100, these are new brigades completely made up of recruits, the stability of these units of course minimal, we remember near pokrovsk two brigades were half-encircled because they simply abandoned, as they say , their neighbors withdrew their positions, and no one even told them about it, now the same situation is near novgorodsky, where a territorial defense brigade is also caught, yes, well, i'm sorry, i'll be novgorod, well, already how... very important,
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here again from the world pasosinka, and what shift change in the west? do you mean the pre-election of this channel, this whole mess, against the background of which aid, it sharply reduced, but look, those strikers that have now been spotted in the kursk region, this is what has been preserved since the twenty-third year, as they say, they have canned food from last year, they have now opened it and thrown it into battle, and some new tanks, tanks, excuse me, leopards, the first, this is an analogue of our t-54, which we already have on a pedestal. all sorts of monuments are standing, and this is now being used for the offensive, that is , this complex, as if problems, it oh alexey evgenievich, here we are talking, and the tanks them from their pedestals, and they cannot staff the brigades, but nevertheless, war is war, once again, while the war is still going on, yes, in the mode of a special military operation, but it continues, but here it is not only a war on the battlefield, there are essentially two wars, one
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real one, which is happening on the fronts, where they shoot, kill, shells explode. but there is a media war, it is probably a war for minds, within the framework of this media war, ukraine is also ready for anything, and is preparing another counteroffensive, if i may say so, it became known that volodymyr zelensky is preparing a st. bartholomew's day massacre against the canonical orthodox church, here is the expired ukrainian president, as it were , ordered to destroy orthodoxy in ukraine, here is what he said the other day. i held a meeting on a decision that will strengthen our ukrainian spiritual dependence, we must deprive moscow of its last opportunities to restrict the freedom of ukrainians, and the decisions for this must be 100% effective, here it seems that zelensky, whose powers i will never tire of reminding you, expired several months ago, he is already absolutely illegitimate, but he still managed to bend the verkhovna rada, which voted several times to ban the canonical orthodox church, but this vote did not pass, this is what
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ukrainian journalists write, how things are now. the verkhovna rada of ukraine is close to banning churches associated with the russian orthodox church, the focus is on the future of the uoc. interlocutors in the ukrainian government confirmed that this is a resonant bill to ban the russian orthodox church and organizations affiliated with it. in the security service of ukraine criminal proceedings have been launched against more than 100 clergymen. the overwhelming majority of suspects are representatives of the uoc. and now the details of the plan to destroy orthodoxy in the independent state are being voiced. elena zelenskaya is flying to turkey this week to meet with the patriarch of constantinople bartholomew, the presidential family is preparing to ban the uoc , arrest forty priests, and the remaining monks will be expelled from the kiev pechersk lavra and the temple will be given over to the patriarch of constantinople. the forceful part of the operation to destroy the canonical orthodoxy in ukraine is supervised by the sbu and its
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head malyuk. about how in ukraine. churches of the ocu. second, the persecution and intimidation of the ukrainian orthodox church, its priests and parishioners continues. these actions are carried out by the sbu by nationalistically minded deputies. third, the sbu arrests priests and orthodox journalists on false charges. fourth, the sbu commits war crimes by offering some detained priests in exchange for ukrainian soldiers. fifth, parishioners of the uoc are subjected to persecution and attacks. their
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churches are being illegally appropriated and transferred to the jurisdiction of the ocu. sixth: the verkhovna rada is ready to adopt a bill developed by your government that will ban the uoc in violation of international legal norms guaranteeing freedom of religion and belief. all these actions aimed at destroying the uoc as an independent church were developed by members of your administration within the framework of a narrow and pernicious nationalist program that contradicts the wishes of a significant part of ukrainians who remain adherents of the uoc. as the president of ukraine, you bear personal criminal responsibility for your actions. i want to understand the reasons for his actions, his desire to act rashly, considering that even this trump associate, his possible vice president if trump is elected president, devents warned zelensky, told him that he needs to be careful about infringing on the rights
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of believers in his country. everything is fine.
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there is no institute of ordination, this is the institute of ordination that we brought in, this is our russian orthodox church, we remember this the dispute between anglicans and catholics, how big is this problem for anglicans, that they do not have ordination, and you know, it still seems to me that faith can be tried to be displaced in some way, but faith knows how to defend itself, and we can, someone can smile about this , someone cannot smile, but you will see how now this...
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around itself, another thing is that any action gives rise to a reaction and of course, when you unleash a religious war in your own country, and at the same time call go to the front, fight with russia, then you must be prepared that a significant part of society, a significant part of believers will see the main enemy in you, and not in russia, they have been oppressing the church for a long time, and something somehow.
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faith, belief, it turns out that faith is selective, that is, not every faith, but part of the faith, the faith of those who are not just believers, but also political ukrainians, are ready
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to sign up for the anti-russia project, which means that this is not exactly faith, because faith unites, and the principle of christianity is that no walls reach the sky, all the same, so to speak, there are some key things, so to speak, basic. values ​​and at the same time, look, all this, that , actually, from which this neo-nazism grew, this impatience from the so-called decommunization, they said that , well...
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the first christians who kept the catacomb fire, you remember, so to speak, in the era of paganism, all the same, this catacomb fire, it will still remain, it is impossible to extinguish, in principle it is impossible to extinguish it with any draft of anti-history, on the other hand, you know, i think, and how can you believe in bandera and simultaneously believe in god, these things are incompatible, zelensky, he alone has his own faith, he has faith in a green piece of paper, he has no other faith in anyone or anything, advertising and we'll get back. by the way, how is agent chesler? paul is now in moscow, with his informant, in order to defeat the enemy you need to get to know him better, think like him, be careful, see you in the evening. i'm sure it's the cia. do you have evidence? let me introduce you to our new employee, said al-houthi. i can't get used to this secrecy.
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don't ask unnecessary questions, everything will work out for us, it's just that you'll be going to the un, not me, i may not know that oleg nesterov is lobbying for saddam hussein's interests in developing weapons of mass destruction, that this is some kind of nonsense, i don't believe you, we are sure that he can't have secrets from you, trader, watch after the program time, oleg, forgive me, please, i... did n't mean to, you're playing a very dangerous game, wait, fantastic, on friday on the first.
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volleyball, as you've never seen it before, cup channel one, live broadcasts on weekends on channel one. i saw you on tv, who, in our house on the phone, although we can't fly with you, we'll go to the spit of apeyu, in the spit there are nebulae, the bubble nebula and the soul and heart nebulae, and you say women don't have a soul and heart, here you go, everything is there. how sweet, does she like it when she
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's kissed? i don't know, but i like it when i kiss her, and you can help me, oh my, better than anyone, the premiere is on saturday on channel one. famous favorites gathered at our table artists who will tell funny stories and funny things that happened to them, forgive me, i accidentally broke this new vase, don't worry, it's not like that, it's already new, it's only 200 years old, i invite you to the program, i have to play the queen, i think, well, it will be some piece dedicated to honey, i come, so the next day in the remains of all the makeup costume, one of the women brings me this...
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she says, i didn't know that directors work with actors like that, and how much zapashny told me, a long time ago the soviet circus, a tiger grabbed his father, he quietly tells them, how much do you take now. stick and with all his might on the head, and now the tiger, on saturday on the first, in the new season on the first,
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rumors about this crime are already circulating in the city, wherever you go , they say everywhere, women are lured into a taxi , shot in the back, i wanted to ask you about your find, turned out to be very massive, although it was easy enough to get under your skin, you have been awarded a great honor, moles, honor and trust of the reich, remember this, after the war i was looking for my son's comrades-in-arms, i was interested in what what happened there at the end of the war, and anything could have happened there, you don't have any photos of kolya, strange, where are they, they were here, oh my god, like a son... he looks like you, you are the only real witness, the only person he came to openly, well, major, the hunt has begun, confrontation, the premiere of the legendary book by yulian semyonov. the story with the orthodox church,
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which we just discussed in our studio... the main trend in the modern world, the main global trend is that in principle there are no more rules no, including in religious matters, while in ukraine they are fighting with god, in the west they are already openly worshiping the devil, first at the opening of the olympics, how can we not remember it here, they showed us a parody of the last supper, then on the official poster for the closing of the games, they took an image there, in which many saw a hint of the biblical... story of the fallen angel, you can compare it yourself, now on your screens we are showing you, here is the paris olympics that ended the other day , it became an ideal example of media wars, after its completion, countries began to manipulate the results of the medal count in full,
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although it would seem that here there are official statistics, but nevertheless, let me remind you, according to the results of the medal count, the leaders were the usa, china, britain, france and australia, here is what the financial times writes. driven by the desire to win in front of their home crowd, france won 64 medals, including 16 gold. france's superiority is typical for the host country. familiar places, stadiums, play into the hands of the athletes, support of fans, the desire not to lose the dignity of their country. france took fourth place in the overall team standings , behind the united states, china and britain, which won 65 medals and 14 gold medals, but nevertheless, it was france that was put in... this place in terms of the number of gold medals, bypassing britain. australia taught everyone another lesson in manipulation. there they said that despite the fact that the australian olympics were not among the leaders in the medal standings, but in terms of per capita australia, well, just a true leader
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medal count, here you will notice that in australia, naturally, no one will dispute this, such a competition for the best in devilry has already begun. all this could be honorably. probably such harmless pranks, if not for the fact that manipulation is already becoming such an ordinary tool for the west, it is not only part of sports, but also part of political life. in the united states, the scandal with kamala harris has been raging for 2 days already, her election headquarters photoshopped thousands of enthusiastic fans who allegedly met her plane. that harris was using this kind of cheap trick was immediately recognized by another.
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airport service, when he noticed a fake photo of a crowd. this was later confirmed by the reflection of the vice president's plane. she will be deceived. no one was expecting her, and the crowd looked like 10,000 people. the same thing happens with her fake crowds at speeches. this is how democrats win elections by cheating. even worse, they cheat at the ballot box. kamala should be disqualified because creating a false image is interference in elections. anyone who does this will be cheating.
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moreover, the us press continues to mold harris into a new american hope, time magazine screams from the cover, kamala harris's time has come, and of course there is no manipulation of public opinion here, no one will notice any pressure on voters either, sergey sergeyevich, that kamala harris can be congratulated on her victory, because it seems to me. the rules have been canceled, and if 10,000 drawn people are met at the airport, how did the service let them through security, it's a good question, but nevertheless, it's not fake, kamala harris cannot lie, which means they can vote for her, he absolutely agrees, look, in fact, if we see what's happening in america, there are rules by which a candidate can be approved, you saw what happened, there are only party meetings, party members, they can vote, we were often told that now she was elected online, in fact, about 30% were calls,
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imagine, on the phone, on a home phone they call the landline and say: hello , are you a democratic party voter? yes, do you want to vote for kamala harris? of course i do, and can we identify that it is your vote, yes, yes, exactly, and do you have a passport , of course, thank you, have they recorded millions of these conversations, what is trump talking about? it is fundamental for us whether they will have a revolution or not, whether the people will come out or not, now absolutely everything can be falsified. we can congratulate her, let's send her a telegram now and say that she is the president of the united states of america. in any case falsifications in america are not at the level of governors, but at the level of city mayors. city mayors falsify little by little, they bring to power whoever is needed. but the problem is that americans are so tired of repeating the scenario of the twentieth year, that people will pour out into the streets, they will go out and say that we do not want to see this lady as our president, they will not go out, well, they will go out a little poshemyat.
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after all, you play by the rules, by your own rules, or outside of any rules, when you are feared. well, that's
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the only thing we can do now - what we talk about every day, if a full-fledged center of power appears, the forces are now forged only on the ground. the united states of america are accustomed to guerrilla raids, accustomed to shooting people from countries where there is no normal air defense. today, here are practically many who have frozen, those who are now in huge numbers, including, i call ourselves our allies and are even part of our so-called collective south.
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but you understand, of course, at the same time we should not forget that the reverse processes are also underway, let's not forget about those processes that are going on within the brics framework, and the transition to currencies, we have this year is very interesting, very important, so to speak, the year of russia's chairmanship, also so to speak, important decisions are being made, more and more countries are taking steps to get out of this, on the other hand, of course, the force of inertia is great and this system, it cannot collapse, and at the same time, of course, it is very important
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who and how will govern america after november 5, this is what we are seeing today before the elections. because america, which has gone crazy, america, which does not have a strong, experienced leader, a president capable of understanding anything at all, so to speak, it is dangerous both for itself and for the rest of the world, let there be an enemy, well, at least predictable, at least systemic, at least understanding how politics is built in general, here is kamala harris, here is
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sergei sergeyevich, i do not know, you will agree with me or not, because in fact, from my point of view, what is its phenomenon, after all, for the first time? this one is photoshopped, they draw 10,000, so to speak, supporters there, then, maybe, they will add more votes when counting the votes, i can do it right too, but the mayors decide, in such a case, when the moment of truth comes, who will govern and what will happen to the world and including with this pre -conditional, so to speak, well, the continuing, but nevertheless collapsing dominance of america
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including the dollar america needs to maintain the image of a hegemon, the image of strength, it can do this only at the expense of.
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i will say here, sergey, what will also happen from my point of view, there will be a situation like we saw in texas, when the central the federal government makes some decision, and texas says: who are you, excuse me, they already told biden this, who are you on the border, our border, this is the border of our state, if you put pressure on us, we will remember that we are the lone star state, as they say, well, we entered the united states and we will leave them, this is what is creeping. such a civil war, and an institutional one at that, when those who lost will unite, and we understand, like biden's latest interviews, when he is asked, what if trump wins, well he says, there will be problems, and if he loses, there will still be problems, that is , there will still be no transfer of power, as he said, that is, yes, they really don’t want to transfer power now, even if trump wins, but power will slip
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through their fingers, that’s the most important thing, the more of this confusion there is in the united states, the more difficult it will be for them... between elon musk and donald trump, well , let’s start with the fact that before this interview came out, it came out with a delay, because there was a powerful attack, the didos attack, they were already calling for elon musk can be deprived of a lot of things there for the very desire to take an interview before...
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governor, he can enter the government, remember in the last elections, what money he
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can not be, he may well have given to the democrats, he just pumped in money, this time trump sincerely asked him to give money, but he held a certain position, he said, i will not give it to either the democrats or the republicans, trump has now returned again, musk gave an interview, raised trump's ratings, shook him up, but did not give money, after all, musk always plays his his own game, he did not give him consent that he was ready to head some commissions, he showed him that i would like to be a winner, i am sure that if trump loses, and this is possible, america, we know, it lives on falsehood, then musk will be in demand and harris, that is, this interview was more necessary for elon musk than for donald, i believe that this was a certain favor of musk in relation to trump, the fact is that in the united states of america there really is no ... that trump made, what do you
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think, out of a thousand promises, how many were performed, and i'll tell you, about 160, and how can you explain such a wild popularity of trump and this interview, and there is no feeling that it is popular solely because i want to see how it really was, i want to be a witness to how it happened, because... initially the advertising was crazy, the interview of the century or millennium, here is a very simple concept in america of involvement, americans go to some events to be involved, you know how tourists are attracted to america, they just come and say: we are going to make the biggest frying pan in the world, it will weigh 6 tons, we will put up a monument to it and we will bring tourists here, everyone comes and like an idiot takes a photo with this frying pan and says: a miracle, i am involved in this frying pan, probably the same way they install statues of liberty, absolutely right. now there are those who want to be involved, watched, watched, didn’t like it, will you vote, no, but watched, listen, well there is an effect from this trum-pam-pam, you understand, well here is an assassination attempt, a trumpathetic
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shock, you know, the debates with this, what's his name, i've already forgotten, joe biden, he's all, yes, he's all resting, we haven't remembered him for a long time, look, well, trump is booming, america is buzzing, and america is ready to vote, one way or another, you know, and i suggest you look at this interview not... i was especially shocked by these places where he talks about how he has good relations with putin, good relations with kimchinin, sidzinpin, well, the man who caused such damage
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to all relations in general and with russia and north korea, everything he promised, nothing happened, and china actually unleashed a war, that's it, but musk, musk is evidence that journalists are being replaced by people like these, who will personify, perhaps in the future, i say. very carefully, a kind of third way in american politics, that's very important, it's in great demand, now we'll break off for a short commercial and come back, i met a colleague in the lab, he just asked if it's true that you have a psychic serving, and so on up to the bosses will get there, oh, again how can he do it, look, now, tell me, please, what did you, my wife, need? fortune teller, new episodes, today on the first, fantasy, on
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friday on the first, i met you on my way, when i saw you, i immediately felt that this was an unusual meeting.
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volleyball, as you have not seen it yet? channel one cup, live broadcasts on the weekend on the first. this city is called the gateway to the north. a special, unique way of life has been preserved here, which is dictated by difficult climatic conditions. many come to this city to see the famous polar lights. we are in arkhangelsk, friends. the most important thing for a pomor is to be practical. what kind of wood is preferable for building a boat? the kind of wood that grows. and why did they add salt? in principle, our region was a salt producer, so they added it everywhere. my grandmother adds salt to regular coffee, even to instant coffee, she says that it tastes better and is our style. we wash the smelt, sprinkle it with a little salt, chop
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the onion and... there we go, let's take some bread and we dip, we dip, and how delicious it will be in a sea style, delicious, tasty, friends, very tasty, life of their own, premiere on sunday on the first, they always say that happiness loves silence, what two semolina, beauties, what are you doing with us men, don't go to meet him, don't go, modest question, do you have a mother?
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that he came to the children, remembered, i met a woman, it happened, that, that i love her, i've loved her for a long time since school, your hair on the back of your head is wet from the heart, there's lipstick on your collar, for everyone we are an ideal couple, i don't want to be a thief, you know, yes, but it seems to me that you
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yourself, and my wife asked me. exactly 81 years ago , the kurdish battle was in full swing on kurdish soil, as a result of which the back of the german machine, fascist germany, was broken, now our guys are beating the nazis on kursk soil, on other parts of the front, in the zaporozhye steppes, and where the fate of this conflict will ultimately be decided, we
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say so here, time will tell, but... how our front-line soldiers are bringing victory closer today and what their motivation is, our colleagues from the "wearealive" project found out. well, how did we settle in, this is our living quarters, where the fighters can tidy themselves up after leaving , there is even a mosquito net, here i see, a small kitchen, or something, well, this is for drinking tea, having a snack, if something can even be cooked, everything as it should be, as
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for the advance, we are doing everything possible, yes, the advance is going on, but the enemy is snapping back as much as possible, because he understands that if we are a little bit left, we will move them, then they will not have a chance any further, so they are gnawing. their land, sorry, guys, this is mine too zaporozhye, so when they say that this is the land, you let the fascists in here, well, we won’t beat around the bush here, but i don’t want them to come here, because once they... came here, they will probably go further, it has already happened in history, we all know this, so most of us who are here, all of us are aware of all this, the guys give themselves with full force, dedication, as they say, without sparing themselves, how often
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do you have to call home? there is an opportunity, of course, i immediately call my relatives, i say that i am alive, healthy, you can talk to your daughter, to your wife, my daughter is in the second grade, she's eight years old, here too, dad, come back soon, she misses you, i miss you, of course, well, they don't forget about you. not only your family and friends, we receive thousands of letters to our e-mail address to the address of the program we are alive, here is one of these letters i want to give you:
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yulia tolstykh, the city of chelyabinsk. our dear defenders, i would like to address you with the words of the song by vladimir vysotsky, which is relevant today, we are waiting for you, hurry up the horses, good luck, good luck, good luck! now, let the wakeful winds not beat, but caress your backs, and then come back quickly, divas cry cook, without your smiles the mountain ash turns pale and dries, oh, hello, hello! listen, so, so, so unexpectedly, listen too, yes, i went to get my husband, he is here in the same unit, in the neighboring one, he has been here for three years, then i
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came to help the guys, your drawings are children's, yes, we want to add you to this collection of drawings, another one, yeah, the thing is that not so long ago my colleague maryana naumova yeah invited all schoolchildren of the russian federation to take part in such a kind actions to draw something in support of our guys on the front line, here we have pictures that kids draw, by the way, we have a deficit now, if anything, please tell us what happened to us, letters, no, not letters, no, drawings, drawings, we need at least 500 a month, everyone heard, children, draw, write letters to our servicemen, we are waiting. thank you very much, even on the front line, and a manicure, i want to be a girl always, war or not, but i want to take care of myself and i need to,
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there are a lot of guys, like, so that they come to the kitchen and we saw that everything was fine, although it's not a woman's business, war, it's dangerous, where would we be without us, we need help. and someone was left at home, my daughter is waiting for me, parents, mom, dad, i miss my child very much , my parents, my friends, mom, dad, hi, everything is fine, everything will end soon, there will be peace, we haven't been home for 7 months, i miss it. i worked in the education department - e recently, so many of our children left, so i also decided to support this.
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it was a complete surprise for everyone, i want to give you my call sign, thank you, here let it be with you as a memory of our meeting, well then i'm a lover, our chevron of the first channel, but we haven't watched tv for a long time, for now, i forgot to say, we have our own library. in our dugout, we collected books, we have books there young guard,
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there is also hot snow by yuri bondarev and vasily terkin, crossing, crossing, guns are firing in pitch darkness, the battle is holy and just, mortal battle not for glory, for life on earth, the guys watched, read, imagine what was there, right? 74 years ago they read, now 74 years later they read guys, we are not lagging behind at the front, not from life, i say, i repeat again, we have fighters and newspapers, books, and letters, yes , they always send us too, we are also authorized to hand you a letter, i collect them all, this is irina utkina, irina utkina, hello, dear participants, i am russian, i have been living in belarus for many years, oh, great, power to you and...
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they welded a barbecue, yes, yes, drones, that's it, drones, i am driving around, they started shooting, i understand that somewhere above me, i accelerated and abruptly went into the field, it exploded behind near the rear wheel, unfortunately, here it is a consumable material, these machines, well, and i want to say in defense of the loaf, where they say, and this is not yet a machine, here this is what is needed, i am a former employee of the internal affairs bodies, when i quit, well, and i decided that i needed to help, how,
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what do i know, you could not stay on the sidelines, why? a good question, how could i stay, when here, well, many comrades were here, so that it would not be embarrassing to look my children in the eyes, my daughter is 21 years old, my son will be 16 this year, this is also important, so that the son... does not go, does not end up here, protect the father, so the father must protect his son.
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it is not for nothing that they say that history is cyclical and 81 years ago we broke the back of the fascists, the nazis on kursk soil, we will break the victory now. will be ours, then the big game on the first. good afternoon, on air is the big game. today is the anniversary of the beginning of the famous donbass operation during the great patriotic war. as a result of this operation , donetsk, taganrok, mariupol and soviet troops were completely liberated from the nazi invaders. donetsk, taganrok, mariupol and the soviet troops reached the dnieper directly. it was forty third year. and the main international event of today is, of course.
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meanwhile, continues to repel attempts at a large-scale invasion of the ukrainian armed forces in the kursk region, there is more and more evidence that an act of desperation by the kiev regime is taking place, an attempt to weaken our offensive in the donbass, to raise ukrainian morale, to provide even more attention to assistance from the west in the run-up to the elections in the united states, well, ideally, to obtain permission from kiev to strike long-range missiles to strategic depth. russia, but it is obvious that the main military goal of this adventure is not being achieved, here is what the british economist writes today, i suggest you listen. the minimum goal, apparently, is for russia to withdraw troops from kharkov and from donbass, the main theaters of war, where it will hold a stranglehold. according to preliminary data, the results
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are unconvincing. russia has transferred troops from the kharkov front, but from the vital danmas front, so far it has moved much less. their commanders are not idiots - says a source in the ukrainian general staff. they are moving forces, but not as fast as we would like. they know that we cannot expand logistics by 80 or 100 km. the danger is that we will fall into a trap and russia will break our teeth. the mathematics of war has never been in favor of ukraine, which must save its limited resources; an offensive deep into unprotected russian territory risks making the situation worse. vladislav vladislavich, it turns out that their military plan is failing?
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some results, so yes, having received, i repeat, at the first stage serious advantage, especially having worked through the media, having achieved tactical surprise, in a strategic sense ukraine is beginning to sag, either they now need to, they will have to try to carry out the same operation somewhere else, just to maintain their
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reputation, or it really could end very badly, because everyone understands perfectly well that a group that has entered such a narrow area, it itself could end up surrounded. yes, and as for the second hypothetical operation, yes, it seems to me that this risk remains, but there is two important factors: first, there will no longer be a surprise effect, second - do they have the resources to carry out a similar second operation, the resources are still there, at least for a similar second operation, but they understand perfectly well that in this case, too , apart from the media effect, there will be no effect, because they would like or tried to save the main resources for the final operation near kharkov. that is, to knock out, to free their territory of kharkov already for negotiations, as they believed, the second problem, they are excellent understand that yes, there will no longer be any surprise effect, and most importantly, they see that our offensive continues in donbass, support and reserves are also needed there, of course, i think that they will not even receive media resources, because that media resource that was, it was connected
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precisely with the surprise effect, and this will not happen, the united states continues to take a very hypocritical position regarding this attempt, the invasion, on the one hand, officially they fully support the fact that the kiev regime is doing, it's true, they're covering for themselves, saying that we're not against it, but they themselves allegedly have nothing to do with it, that's what deputy press secretary vedand patel said tonight. we support the ukrainian forces' efforts to defend themselves against cross-border attacks by russian forces, and it's their right to take action to defend themselves against such attacks. as president biden said, it's just common sense. russian aggression, but ultimately the decision about how ukraine conducts its military operations, ukraine itself must accept. moreover, we know that the united states had a direct relationship with the beginning of this attempted invasion, they provided full
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intelligence data, they provided weapons , military equipment, and most likely they planned together with the kiev regime, maybe even with... the kiev regime, but at the same time , the united states, apparently, is already preparing the ground for trying to write off zelensky if the operation fails, so to speak, blaming him for everything, all responsibility. and even more importantly, today the foreign service russian intelligence reported that discontent is growing among the american elites and
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an option is being worked out to replace him with a more manageable figure, which, according to the american elites, could be arsen avakov, the former minister of internal affairs of ukraine, what do you think, nikolai viktorovich, this is the development of events, the development of events will depend on the success of the russian army. and knowing, understanding that this is the most likely development of events, the united states of america, great britain are taking a very cunning position in advance, that what are they saying? they are saying: it was zelensky himself, he started it all himself, he didn't inform us, the newspapers are talking about it, the senator who flew to kiev is talking about it, why are they saying that? well, because the only damage they can get is reputational damage if they say that they... planned a campaign, well, firstly, this is, in principle, as they say, almost a state of war, from which they are also trying to distance themselves, on the other hand, if
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someone developed an operation, it failed, so, you either developed it poorly, or you have stupid nato generals, this will have military, political, reputational sad consequences, so i'm not me, we don't know anything, the weapon, as soon as it is transferred to kiev, it is actually given to it, even on credit, but it is given, this is already kiev's weapon, and we americans are simply watching and supporting this, a very cunning position, but it is, frankly speaking, not new for washington, i completely agree, and another goal that the kiev regime is pursuing, having started this adventure in the kursk region, it is still to achieve from the west that the west would start to strike with long-range, high-precision missiles to strategic depth in russia, that's when in the kursk region for kiev the smell of hot, the zelensky regime sharply intensified these attempts to achieve such permission from the west, yesterday zelensky held the so
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-called rate, and the main decision of the rate is to instruct the ministry of defense and diplomats to provide a list of necessary actions in order to obtain permission from partners to use long-range weapons for defense our territory, and the kiev regime is starting to say that if the west starts to strike at russia's strategic depth, they will be able to hold the kursk region, and if... britain has also started to strike with its stormshadow at russia's strategic depth. the west has not given this permission yet. the same telegraph writes
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that the position of the british government has not changed. the already mentioned vedand patel said that yes, we are having, so to speak, closed conversations with ukraine, but the administration's position is not changing, that is, not yet there will be strikes at strategic depth in russia, but zelensky, in his attempts, i would say, to unleash the third. world war, is supported by some people whom russia, not accidentally, includes in the list of terrorists and extremists. you have already mentioned that republican senator lindsey graham came to kiev. let's listen to what he said there. what i think about kursk, bold, brilliant, beautiful, keep up the good work, we need to allow people to fight, give them weapons so that they can show themselves in a war that they cannot afford lose. well. and it seems to me that another german, retired bundeswehr general klaus wittmann, who
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apparently has not come to terms with the defeat of the wehrmacht in the great patriotic war, is an indisputable candidate for this list of terrorists and extremists. let 's listen to what he said: i am a historian by education, i know what role kursk played in the great patriotic war, that is where russia is being hurt right now, it is simply grandiose, and what you are saying here about the west, about western permissions about the escalation must stop, that's what i it seems that this statement by klaus wetman is clear evidence that not only in kiev and not only in ukraine is nazism being revived. vladimir alekseevich, these are terrible important words, the fear of escalation must stop. indeed, for now certain taboos still remain in the west, on what is allowed and what is not, but these taboos
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are becoming fewer and fewer each time, yes, at first he says. he governs and this is the impression, he is not an impression, this is a fact, they are conducting an experiment over ukraine, yes, this is such a field for experiments of the united states of america, in general from the point of view of the system of international relations such a breaking point, yes a breaking point a point of experiments, and what will happen if, yes the americans, despite the fact that they are still somewhat afraid of the expansion of the escalation zone
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are still interested in the game regarding this escalation, interested in... of course, it is necessary to switch to the game number one, and not number two, undoubtedly, not just react, but show what games with escalation lead to, well it seems to me that so that the fear of escalation does not cease, it need to be strengthened, and russia is taking steps in this direction, we are now going through another stage of exercises to practice the use of tactical nuclear weapons, russia is in the process of revision in the process
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of making changes to the nuclear doctrine. therefore, putin recently stated that when and if american medium-range missiles appear in germany, then naturally we will not leave this without an answer and will deploy our missiles, aimed, accordingly, at germany, yes, such steps, they are very stabilizing character is certainly fear of escalation, the policy of strategic containment needs to be strengthened, and we are doing this, now a little advertising, then we will continue.
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everything will work out for us, it's just that you will go to the un , not me, i, perhaps, you do not know that oleg nesterov is lobbying for saddam hussein's interests in developing weapons of mass destruction, that this is some kind of nonsense, i do not believe you, we are sure that he cannot have secrets from you, trader, watch after the program time, oleg, forgive me, please, i did not mean to. you are playing a very dangerous game, wait, monte shokoka cognac, a product of stellar group, in the new season on the first, what do we have with the leak on the baltic fleet, the cia source from which the leak occurs has not yet been identified, but his
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curator arrived in leningrad, during the surveillance the object did not make contact with anyone suspicious. let's go, well, which of you is the owner of the apartment, i don't know where the currency is from, your girlfriend, she couldn't, now is not the time to shield anyone. stay there, i'll shoot, i'm not kidding, she is your agent, yes, the nickname is matryoshka, why are you so sure that he will bite on her, you see how two drops of water, brilliant, that is, all this circus
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is to offer me a job with the kgb? let's get acquainted, yul, my name is ekaterina mikhailovna, i am your instructor. matryoshka, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first. now the main thing for us is to make a woman out of you, not a simple one , a woman with a thousand faces, i saw you on tv, who, in our house on tv, even though we can't fly with you, we will go to koseapeya, in the kose opee there are nebulae, the nebula of music. and nebulae of soul and heart, and you say that women have souls and there is no heart, here you go, everything is there, how sweet, she likes it when she is kissed, i
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don't know, but i like it when i kiss her, and can you help me, oh my god the best premiere is on saturday on channel one. you are my little one. my good colleagues told me that you and magamayev have started an affair in baku. we work together, we see each other several times a week. and you want me to forget everything that is between us.
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it is obvious that you are worried about muslimov. why did you decide that i am worried about muslim? i hope everything will be fine with him. by the day muslim magamaev's birthday. on the first one this weekend.
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volleyball, as you haven't seen it yet? channel one cup, live broadcasts this weekend! there's a big game on air, against the backdrop of the kiev regime's attempted invasion of the kursk region, russia is not only not weakening, but is increasing its offensive operations in the donbass. the day before , the russian defense ministry announced the liberation of the settlement of lisichny, control over city blocks in krasnogorovka has been established, that is, we are steadily moving forward, now we have a direct igor vladimirovich kimakovsky, adviser to the head of the donetsk people's republic, is coming on line and will tell you in more
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detail about what is happening right now on the front lines in donbass, yuri vladimirovich, as always i am very glad to see you, good afternoon, you have the floor, good afternoon dmitry, good afternoon respected experts, our viewers, indeed. we are advancing in the donetsk direction and i would like our viewer, so to speak, to look at the successes that have been achieved in their entirety, i will start from the south to the north, the south, and there we have significant improvements are taking place in the konstantinovka area, there is a gully called ikryannaya, a bit far east, the far east resembles ikryannaya, where our guys have advanced for several kilometers... further in the donetsk direction we have significant improvements, as you said, in the krasnogorovka area. and yasno borodovka, very
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good, we have consolidated ourselves on the karlovskoye reservoir, it is not far from karlovka, this is also a very good success, in the pokrovsk direction and we have battles in the grodovka area, quite successful, you are right they said that they liberated lesichnoye and most of ivanovka is also under our control. in the artemovsky direction, this is in the area of ​​chasovyar, our guys are very good at conducting successful offensive assault operations, north of chasovyar, that is, somewhere in the area of ​​grigoryevka, from the side of bogdanovka, this is also a very important success, there is such serious fire contact everywhere, from our side there is artillery, aviation, and the main task is to tie down, let's say, professional units of the enemy,
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so that he could not maneuver these forces and means and transfer it to other directions, and what is very important, our fighters, the guys here, i literally talked yesterday in gorlovka with the guys who are working in the toretsky direction, hitting the enemy in the area of ​​​​the terekons, so the guys are very worried about other directions and say: we will do everything to ensure that our ... thank you very much, igor vladimirovich, always take care of yourself with great impatience and joy we are waiting for you on our air. now let's ask boris aleksandrovich rozhin, our traditional military observer, what is happening on the fronts as a whole at this hour? good evening, if we talk about, oh, good afternoon, yes, if we talk about what is happening on the front line as a whole, then in almost all areas our troops continue to conduct offensive actions, again, the salient on... is putting pressure to
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the north of rabotin and verbovoye, on the vremevsky salient our troops continue to attack to the north of urozhayny to the east of urozhayny, the control zone there is gradually expanding, on in the ugledar direction, our troops continue to advance in the area of ​​the konstantinovka ugledar highway, it has already been cut in two places and in a number of other areas, our troops have also come closer to it, this pocket between konstantinovka and ugledar is practically shrinking every day, well, they have already said about krasnogorovka, to the west of ocheretin , fighting continues near... in the area of ​​vozdvizhenka in the area of ​​grodovka, and there is already a message literally before the broadcast that fighting is already underway in grodovka itself, the enemy confirms this, also there is an advance in the area of ​​novoselovka pervaya and ivanovka, in the area of ​​new york our troops are advancing in their city, and there is an advance to the west of the city, there is an advance in zerzhinsk, there the enemy also lost some positions in the development, pronichar i would also note a small advance to the north of kalinovka, for the time being on the seversky ledge our troops continue to fight at perezdnoye and vyinka, on krasnolimanskaya. without changes
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in the svatovo-kupyansk direction we have an advance near peschanoye and there is an advance in makeyevka, where battles are taking place for the central part of the village, well, in the kharkov direction , battles continued in the area of ​​glubokoe and volchansk, there are small shifts in our favor, as we can see, the enemy practically does not attack anywhere, sits mainly on the defensive, well, relies on well, rather on shelling attempts to act in the area of ​​our border in the belgorod kursk region. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich, also keep us informed. and i'm not saying goodbye, i'll see you, i'll see you again today in the evening, as you said, well, i must say that the deterioration of the situation for the ukrainian armed forces on the main front of the special operation is acknowledged in western media, with
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references to ukrainian military personnel , and they write in plain text that the adventure in the kursk region contributes to these problems in the donbass, here is an article from the financial times as an example, before the start of the operation in kursk, one high-ranking ukrainian official warned that gaps had begun to appear in the defensive lines in the east. a fighter named denis fears that this operation could cost ukraine cities in donetsk region. new york will capture 100%, - he said. this may happen even tomorrow. according to his forecasts, russian troops will probably be able to take chasov yar and toretsk. these cities have already been lost, they are ours only on the map, the russians destroyed them, - denis said. moreover, the ukrainian authorities and military analysts.
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considering that the entire front line now resembles such an over-bent, what is called a steel barbell, then we must understand that the possibilities. to drink it in ukraine are becoming less and less, this is the adventure, which, in the opinion of kiev was supposed to inflict very serious, firstly, military defeats, and secondly, of course, to give the opportunity to relieve the front, forcing us to pull reserves from there, it, well, today, today the seventh day of this operation ends, accordingly its entire military part, it is already clear to everyone and there will be nothing new, that is , it is moving into the consolidation stage, so if we take it in military language. it is obvious that all the previous parts did not lead to russia reducing the pressure on the front, this means that, despite the huge media the effect of the beginning, it can come out sideways with a very high degree of probability, i think that's how it will happen, and the kiev regime, having undertaken this adventure, accelerated its fall, now
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a little advertising, then we'll
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continue, in principle i can even be lepson, only fantasy, on friday on the first. famous favorite artts have gathered at our table, who will tell funny stories and curiosities that happened to them. forgive me, i accidentally broke this new vase. don't worry, it's not that big, it's already new, it's only 200. i i invite you to the program, i need to play the queen, i think, but it will be some piece dedicated to honey, i come, so the next day in the remains of all the makeup costume, one of the women brings me such a large velvet circle, she has two such things hanging from the sides, she died, how was this cry produced by herman? bending over with a fork in his hands, comes up to nina ruslanova at that very moment in her ass so he sticks this fork, she does and it sounds stop, filmed, ruslanova only rubbing, says, i didn't know that directors with actors work, askold zapashny
2:28 pm
told me, a long time ago, a soviet circus, a tiger grabbed a father, he quietly tells them, askold, take a stick now and hit him on the head with all his might, and now the tiger. on saturday, on the first. this city is called the gateway to the north. a special, unique way of life has been preserved here, which is dictated by difficult climatic conditions. many people come to this city to see the famous polar lights. we are in arkhangelsk, friends. the most important thing for a pomor is for it to be practical. what kind of wood is preferable for building a boat? the kind of wood that grows. why did they add salt? in principle, our region was a salt industry, so they added it everywhere. my grandmother would add salt to regular coffee, even to soluble salt, she says it tastes better, and in our style. we wash the smelt, crush it with salt a little, chop the onion and add it too, let's take some bread and dip it, dip it, and how
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delicious it will be in a nautical style, delicious, delicious, friends, very delicious, delicious, the life of our own, the premiere at... on the first, in the new season, on the first, there are already rumors about this crime in the city, wherever you go, they say everywhere, women are lured into a taxi and shot in the back, i wanted to ask you about your find, this
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knot seemed very massive, although it was quite easy to pick up, you are worthy of great honor, moles, honor and trust. eiha, remember this. after the war, i was looking for a colleague's son, i was interested in what was happening there at the end of the war, and anything could have happened there . photos. you don't have a school? strange, where are they? were they here? oh my god, how like a son he is, you are the only real witness, the only person he came to openly. so what, major? has the hunt begun? confrontation, premiere of the legendary book by julian semenov. trader, watch after the program. time. there is a big game on air.
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the situation in the middle east continues to escalate. everyone is waiting for iran and hezbollah to strike retaliation against israel in response to the murder in tehran of the former head of the hamas police council ismail haniyeh and the murder of hezbollah commanders. directly in beirut, just the day before the united states has said that this strike could happen as early as this week. national security council spokesman john kirby said it could be a significant series of attacks. biden has held talks with leaders of britain, france, germany and italy about this preparation, and iran is expecting a strike, and israel has announced a transfer. sahal, that is, the israel defense forces, is on high alert. what could this be, or
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is this artificial, artificially escalating the atmosphere? well, i think that there will certainly be air strikes, because iran cannot fail to respond, it would be a total loss of face, especially in the arab world, it would cost iran too much, so there will be a response, but considering the time that has passed since what is called. this happened, then we can say that, of course, that revenge is a dish best served cold, but here i am afraid that it will go completely overcooled, because israel has received a huge amount of time to prepare for this, and israel's allies, in general everyone who could have been involved in this in one way or another, everyone prepared, but here the question now arises only about how dense the strike itself will be, because even with such, well, what is called already clear to everyone. plan, it can always be added, as it were, density and power,
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objects that can be seriously destroyed on the territory of israel, cause israel very, how to say, big trouble, iran has, will it go along the previous trajectory, when there will be a demonstration strike on targets that are actually at that time military were very relative, everyone who could have been killed long ago, sat in the dungeons, or will it really be... calls on iran to de-escalate, to refrain from retaliatory actions, while israel is allowed to do just about anything, just the day before,
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the leaders of three european countries, france, great britain and germany, adopted a joint statement addressed to iran, i suggest you listen to what it says. we call on iran and its allies to refrain from attacks that will lead to further escalation in the region and threaten the signing of the agreement on ceasefire and release of hostages. iran and its allies will be held accountable for actions that threaten the possibility of ensuring peace and stability. no country or nation will benefit from further escalation in the middle east. now, israel, accordingly, can escalate, israel can disrupt the signing of the agreement israel can kill the very people who are conducting these negotiations on the settlement in gaza, on the possible return of hostages, and so on. but iran is not allowed to do anything. another one an illustration of the sheer hypocrisy of the united states, the day before it was announced
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that the united states was lifting all restrictions that they had previously imposed on the only military unit of the idf, called nitzah yehuda, which is known for killing civilians, committing torture, raping civilians, on the west bank of the jordan river, the israeli-occupied territory, in general, the united states imposed. the united states will not limit military aid to the idf unit? accused of human rights violations against palestinians in the west bank after it determined that the violations had been effectively addressed, state department spokesman matthew miller said in a statement obtained by cnn on monday. the decision not to limit military aid to the nitzah ihuda battalion comes months after the united states accused
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it and four other israeli units of gross human rights abuses that included... civilian killings, and has now lifted all the restrictions, how do you like this policy of the united states? well, i would say, you know, it's stability. in essence, we have a re-written old saying before us, this.
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certainly does not go unnoticed on our part, we have very long-standing, deep ties with the arab world in general, with palestine in particular, and we value this very much, and of course, we are watching with great pain and concern the humanitarian catastrophe that has unfolded in palestine, for our
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part we are doing everything to support the palestinian people. you know, we are about 700 tons of cargo of various nature were sent, we do everything to use any opportunities to support the palestinians and the palestinian people, you know that we have always advocated a peaceful settlement, we understand that we have a common position with you, it is that the roots of this problem go far back in the past and are associated primarily with ignoring. decisions taken earlier at the level of international organizations, primarily at the un level with the formation of the creation of an independent palestinian state. our position here is unchanged, it was formulated a long time ago and is not of any opportunistic nature. we believe that in order to ensure a long-term, reliable, stable peace in
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the region, it is necessary to implement all decisions of the united nations and, first of all , to create a full-fledged one. and the russian position has been unchanged for a long time, we have always advocated the creation of a palestinian state, for the implementation of the relevant resolutions of the un security council, and the roots of the problem are actually in this. so, the second moment, there is an undeniable escalation of tension in the middle east, there are changes in the atmosphere, the situation, and if you like. iran is trying to make the atmosphere that is emerging part of the retaliation, the risks of escalation are very high, in escalation,
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at the same time, no one is really interested except the netanyahu government, but iran cannot not respond, not respond to what happened when a person was visiting iran, this is not accepted and impossible in principle. and what will be the blow, here, i agree, here there may be different options, but iran plays on these nerves in this regard, the west unwittingly helps iran, all the time making statements that tomorrow , yes, the american media writes tomorrow, tomorrow iran will certainly strike, no, the day after tomorrow and so on, the atmosphere is very difficult, it needs to be de-escalated, because the situation can get out of control, the americans think that they can manage chaos and conflict, no. they can’t, american influence in the middle east will decline, and what is happening now shows that they cannot really manage the situation,
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the second very important point that needs to be paid attention to, mahmoud abbas is in moscow, he is not in washington, because he understands that washington does not have enough real levers of influence, russia, yes, of course, as our president said, we are busy with the relevant matters that we are busy with, but this does not mean...
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oh, you know how he can do, look, now, please tell me what was needed from you, my wife, fortune teller, new series, today on the first. my love is on the fifth floor.
2:44 pm
and fantasy, on friday on the first, i saw you on tv, who, in our house on tv, even though we can't fly with you, we'll go to cosiopeia, in cassiape there are nebulae, the bubble nebula and the soul and heart nebulae, and you say? women don't have a soul and heart, here you go, everything is there, how sweet, does she like it when she's kissed? i don't know, but i
2:45 pm
like it when i kiss her, and can you help me, oh my, the best of all, the premiere is on saturday on channel one. tamara, tamara senyavskaya, for muslim magamaev's birthday. they always say that silence loves happiness. such two manki, beauties, what are you doing to us with men. yes, mom, not needed, i cook well, i'm well-off, take me to yourself, that's how it is with me, it is impossible not to love forget
2:46 pm
where you come from, and what your roots are, what colors we will fill the lives of our children, such will be the future, two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, we have today.
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in order to receive official status of the choir, you need to have at least 50 choristers. you are accepted, from today you begin new life. if it weren't for this choir, we would never have met. if i see you with this person again, i'll tell my father everything. you're mine, you're my wife. what do you want? give me back these 15 years. i thought everything would be easy, i wanted fame. remember, gorachov and his choir shouldn't be on the song of the year, sing so that the sun rises, choir, premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first.
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on air. trump, so it's important for trump, in fact, to switch attention back to himself, this interview, of course, played an important role in his presidential campaign, in this interview he made a number of important statements, including a very realistic assessment of the current
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state and causes of the ukrainian conflict, let's listen, when i left the presidency, they started to form a large army on the border with ukraine, i thought that in the case of putin, and he is a good negotiator, they do this to negotiate, and then biden started saying stupid things, for example, he said that ukraine could join nato, as long as nato existed, russia said that it would never agree to this, here we go and declare such a thing, because we have a president with a low iq. he had a low iq 30 years ago, now it's probably zero. russia defeated germany together with us, defeated napoleon, they have enormous power, and ukraine doesn't even have people now, they send too young, too old people to war, we are in a terrible situation. nikolai viktorovich, on the one hand, this is a really realistic assessment, but on the other hand, it seems to me that trump has once again demonstrated, well, i would say, such a birthmark of all
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american presidents. the illusion that the united states can dictate its will to everyone, including russia, because in the same interview trump said that when he was president, he allegedly put tough pressure on vladimir putin, so under him, russia, of course, did not do anything in relation to, did not start a special operation in relation to ukraine, this gives reason to believe that again, with trump's sober assessment of what is happening and why it happened, if he becomes president, he too may try to start putting tough pressure on russia, this is interview. it was from a certain angle, so to speak, everything was shown, but there are shots from the side, where you can see that donald trump is sitting against the background of a portrait of donald trump, so, in fact, the entire interview with donald trump is a portrait of donald trump, he talks about his beloved self, he is so powerful, he is strong, he allegedly exerted pressure on the russian president, he is ready to exert this pressure again, he advertises himself, but in this advertising he gives out, well, some kind of, let's say
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, moving.
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and under any american president it will be it is difficult to conduct relations with the united states, and neither trump nor kamala harris will present to russia the conditions for a settlement in ukraine in europe as a whole that will be acceptable to russia, and any american president still, here i am talking again about this original sin, believes that the united states can dictate its will to the rest of the world, but the lesson in geopolitics or geostrategy that donald trump taught, it really deserves respect, because trump really demonstrated himself more experienced geostrategist than the current biden administration, which launched a simultaneous confrontation against china and
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russia, well, put itself, accordingly, in a very vulnerable position. here is what donald trump said about this. obama, biden, to some extent bush brought russia and china together. if you are a student of the history department, then the first thing you should understand is that the interests of russia and china cannot be allowed to coincide. vladimir alesaevich, well, on the one hand, it is correct, yes, but on the other hand, it seems to me that the train has left, and to separate russia and china, to lure russia or china to the side of the united states, it will not work anymore. eh, undoubtedly, eh, the americans made a mistake, and when, as he said, yes, they brought russia and china together, but in fact, it is history itself. brought us together, and it will not be possible to separate us so easily, to put it mildly, it will not be possible, this is not done by one decision, by one term of trump and so on, it does not matter who else, and today russia and china have many common interests, and it is not for the united states to decide how
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we should build relations, the attempt of the americans to interfere in relations between different countries were and will be, it doesn't matter under biden, trump, all this is changing, and this... does not remain, the second very important point is that exclusivity, yes, which trump really says, but what does this mean, they will determine what the relationship will be, they cannot determine, they may think that they determine, but they are wrong, they already determine quite a little, at least if we compare with the years there thirty, forty years ago, even not so long ago leaving, right? americans do not determine so much, how much they think that they determine, this delusion is dangerous first of all for themselves, because it leads to irreparable consequences, they think that they can influence, they cannot influence, therefore there is no need to be afraid, not
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to be enchanted, yes, we had this period, there was a period of enchantment of hopes, it should not be, there should be a sober pragmatic one. exactly, i agree, yes, indeed, we had a period of enchantment and disappointment, both, well, not very good from the point of view of foreign policy and diplomacy, a sober approach is needed a sober understanding of the possibilities of limitations, but again i would like to emphasize what i just said, yes , a multipolar world is being formed, for both trump and biden, a multipolar world is bad, because it undermines american hegemony, both are trying to ...
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maintain american hegemony, which is not in the interests of either russia or china. well, trump also made a very important statement about nuclear weapons, here i really agree with him, he said that ... will certainly include the use of nuclear weapons, and it will cause destruction the likes of which the world has never seen, i think that's an indisputable statement, and secondly... he said that it is nuclear war, not climate change, as joe biden likes to say, that is the main threat to humanity, listen to this. the main threat is not global warming, which will cause the sea level to rise by 1/8 of an inch over 400 years. the main threat is nuclear warming, because five countries now have a significant nuclear arsenal. we cannot allow people like joe biden has done something stupid.
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well, trump is kind of making it clear that he is better than the biden administration, sharper than the biden administration, he understands the risks of escalation, we talked today about the risks of escalation, indeed, the biden administration believes that if you cut off the cat's tail little by little, or as the americans like to say, boil the frog, and gradually raise the temperature, then they will be able to inflict a strategic defeat on russia without
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provoking escalation, but this is a big illusion, and the danger of this illusion is precisely says donald trump, yes, well, there really is nothing more terrible than a war between nuclear powers, because a war between nuclear powers will inevitably lead to the use of nuclear weapons, the use of nuclear weapons can put, actually end human civilization in the form in which we know it... and yes, trump will avoid, apparently, direct clashes, military clashes with other great powers, try to prevent a nuclear war, on the one hand, and this is good, but on the other hand, yes, trump will still committed to maintaining american dominance, trump will be committed not to the use, to the build-up of the nuclear arsenal of the united states, under trump it will be possible to finally forget about the previous one. create
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russia and china at the same time, which is impossible, such a nuclear arsenal that would block and that is to threaten, blackmail, yes, try to put pressure on trump will be, but at the same time not to allow to not to allow a direct military clash, this is both good and bad at the same time, we pass the floor to the news and we will see you again at 17:00. skip. hello, it's news time on channel one, and we'll tell you about the most important events right now. the central topic is the escalation of the conflict in the middle east. how to find a way out of the crisis? in moscow, vladimir putin meets with the leader of palestine, mahmoud abas.


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