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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  August 13, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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here is another question for the court, it seems to me that the judge was subjected to the strongest psychological pressure from grandmothers and great-grandmothers, she has a hammer in her hand, she was afraid to use it, and do you have a lawyer? there is a lawyer, yes, that is, you had guardianship of the prosecutor's office at first instance, there was no lawyer, yes , you did not have a person who would shut all this up, no, no, well, you get such a court decision, let's keep in touch with you, you will need to send me. all the materials here at first instance, we will help you in preparing an appeal, but it is necessary that you physically have a lawyer and an attorney present at the court hearing of the appellate instance, let's back it up from the state duma committee on family protection, also with a request to the prosecutor's office, we just can't influence the court, but let's also submit it to the guardianship authorities for the reason that perhaps the documents were poorly prepared by the guardianship authorities, yes, well done, thank you. and
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most importantly, so that the biological mother never again has any rights to this, after before, god willing, she is deprived of her rights, immediately formalize adoption, then believe me, no rights will even be restored, thank you, take care of your daughter, your daughter needs help, and not just help as a mother, but also medical help, she will now sit with the children for a month from isfuga, and then everything will be the same. and you confirmed this in a secret conversation, so maybe, finally think about the children, about the little ones, and give them a chance, he raped me for 3 days, i understood that it was no longer bogdan, but simply some beast, he seems to be your boyfriend, but he asked me, why aren't you pregnant, why aren't you pregnant, you slept with half the city and give me back my cat, please, and what will the baby in your belly give birth to, let's do a dna test, will it be my direct line. if you're not the father, then who? i have
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a suspicion that there is a person denis. do you have only one suspicion? no, i actually have them denis, vladimir and roma, zhenya, petya, kolya, in 2 months she's already pregnant, this is just normal, i would just drag a person right now, but you are my third or you're saying this for the fourth time, you're friends with her, you don't sleep with her, she's decent, quite, and did she cheat on you when you were dating, no, bogdan's mother believes that you're carrying bogdan's child or not, but she thinks i'm a beast. mercantile, let's ask her, tatyana, come to us, good evening, there's a big game on the air, less than half an hour ago in novogorovo, vladimir putin's negotiations with palestinian president mahmoud abbas, who arrived in moscow the day before, ended, and these negotiations, it seems to me, show, that russia not only does not... leave the middle
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east, but continues to play a very important role in the middle east settlement and even strengthens this role. let's listen to what the russian president said at the beginning of the meeting. everyone knows that russia today, unfortunately, must defend its interests and protect its people with weapons in hand, but what is happening in the middle east, what is happening in palestine, certainly... does not go unnoticed on our part, we have very long-standing, deep ties with the arab world in general, with palestine in particular, and we value this very much and, of course, we are watching with great pain and concern the humanitarian catastrophe that has unfolded in palestine, for our part we are doing everything to support the palestinian people, you know that we have always... acted for a peaceful
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settlement, we understand, we have a common position, it is that the roots of this problem go far back in the past and are connected, first of all, with ignoring the decisions previously taken at the level of international organizations, first of all at the level of the un decisions with the formation of an independent palestinian state, we believe that in order to ensure a long-term, reliable, stable peace... in the region, it is necessary to implement all the decisions of the united nations and, first of all, to create a full-fledged palestinian state. this is a very detailed explanation of the russian position on the palestinian-israeli settlement, so let's now listen to how close the positions of russia and palestine are regarding this settlement, and what hopes palestine places on russia's role in this settlement, this is what mahmoud abas said today. russia is a friendly country
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for the palestinian people, friendship has been binding us for decades between palestine, the soviet union, the russian federation. all this time we felt the support that russia at the government level. always stands on the side of law and truth, every time i spoke with the president about international law and the resolutions adopted, they really began in 1947, since then more than a thousand decisions have been adopted, resolutions in the general assembly in the council security, but nevertheless the un, due to american behavior, pressure from the us, failed its mission to adopt one resolution that would ensure the implementation of the rights of the palestinian people. we hope that the palestinian people will succeed.
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negotiations in this direction , the firm support that the president expressed to the palestinian people, a clear, perfect statement from moscow that we really do not intend to leave the middle east by any parameters, by any points, on the contrary, on the contrary, our support will only increase at this dramatic moment, this is of great importance, this shows that with that...
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i am also ready, if necessary, to continue our traditional line of facilitating the realization of the right of the palestinian people to form their own state, this position does not change, despite the fact that there has been
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a certain dramatization of the situation among the palestinians, primarily gas and so on, that is, the solution to humanitarian issues at the present time is what is on the surface phenomena. and the solution of such long-term strategic, strategic directions, this is our unchanging line, in these directions the palestinian people as a whole , the peoples of the middle east, of course, can count on us in the future, this is very important, this was expected, and this was confirmed, this is the enormous political significance of these negotiations, i absolutely agree with this, if the united states with... create the appearance that they want to create a palestinian state, then russia is really working on this in practical field, while russia continues to repel an attempt at a full-scale invasion of the kiev regime in the kursk region. today, the ministry of defense announced that attempts by the ukrainian armed forces to break through on
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armored vehicles deep into russian territory in this region have been stopped, at first the kiev regime lost up to 2,030 servicemen with this adventure 35. and so on and so with the passage of time it becomes more and more obvious that the main goals that the kiev regime has apparently set for itself will force russia to pull back our main forces, the most combat-ready forces from donbass, from the kharkov region, to transfer them to the kursk region and thereby weaken our offensive on the main fronts, these tasks are not being realized, are not being achieved, because russia not only does not weaken, but again, as stated... our ministry of defense is increasing the pace of the offensive in donbass, every day they report the liberation of one or another settlement, for example - the day before lisichnaya in the donetsk people's republic and so on and so forth and here's what's happening right now on the fronts
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of the special operation, let's ask our traditional military observer boris rozhin, boris aleksandrovich, good evening again, good evening, you have the floor, and good evening, yes indeed, against the backdrop of intense fighting in... in the kursk region we see a continuing offensive by russian troops in a number of other directions, if we go from south to north, then firstly, on the rabotin salient our troops are now continuing to actively operate to the north of... attacks to the north and east of urozhainy, there are movements there, there is serious progress in the ugledar direction, our troops have consolidated their positions near the konstantinovskaya ugledar highway in two places, there is also an advance in the direction of vodyanoye, there is an advance in konstantinovka, quite noticeable, that is, the fighting has finally shifted deeper into this important settlement. krasnogorovka our troops have cleared a sensor to the north of krasnogorovka a little more, there are movements into our field. all to the west , events are developing intensively, today our troops liberated not
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only, well, already everything is for the forestry, the village of sviredonovka has actually been liberated, also our troops have already entered grodovka, the enemy admits that up to 25% of grodovka is already either in the gray zone or under the control of russian troops, also our troops are advancing in the area of ​​zhelannoye, that is , zhelannoye has actually been liberated, our troops are also advancing to the southwest, there is an advance in the area of ​​novosyolovka, the first in the area of ​​karlovka, timofeyevka, that is, in general , this entire area continues to actively move to the west of these reserves, which are located, well, on the border of the kurbskaya region, the enemy is now decisively lacking, which means that in the new york area our troops continue to advance in the city center there are advances to the west of new york, they have also seriously improved our positions, battles are continuing directly in zerzhinsk, this is the storetsky direction, there is also advancement in the north, that is, here the enemy has also lost a number of important positions over the past 24 hours, which means that in the chasya area our troops have moved a little to the north of kalinovka, there is also advancement in the area kleshchevki, this is the southwestern kleshcheevki, there
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the front also shifted in our favor, on the northern ledge our troops continued to fight on the outskirts of the crossing in the direction of the cut in the krasnolemansky direction without changes positional battles, in the svatokupyansky direction our troops continued to advance in makeyevka, there are fierce battles for the center of this village, our troops are also advancing in the peschanoye area.
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negotiations with russia, however, according to military analysts, moscow has still not transferred the troops that are currently conducting fighting in the east of the country, continuing to put pressure on ukraine. russian troops are striking ukrainian units along the front line in eastern ukraine, ukrainian military officials said monday. "our guys don't feel any relief," said artem dzhepko, a spokesman for one of the brigades of the ukrainian national police that is fighting near the strategically important city.
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"the americans and the british, of course, applauded, the main thing is for you to go and kill your people, and what happens next is no one's business
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it's not interesting, this moment, of course, is now already working against kiev, because if there is no end point, i understand that those brigades that went there, and those ukrainian cambrigs, they did not receive a specific, specific goal, what they should occupy, what settlements, they should advance, what next, so they advanced. further and further, here are certain points that have already been announced, and therefore the ministry of defense, our leadership, that they have reached somewhere about 12 km up, that's it, well, on...
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the fact that kiev will not give the order to retreat is also obvious, i completely agree, and well , it seems to me that you have very accurately characterized the role of the united states and the west here, yes, which on the one hand pushed the kiev regime to this adventure, provided them with intelligence data, weapons, maybe even drew up plans with them, but on the other hand refuse to take responsibility for this, while in words they encourage the kiev regime, they say that they are doing everything right, but if something happens, huh? the responsibility for the failure will be blamed on zelensky, it is no coincidence that today the russian foreign intelligence service reported that the american elites are already discussing plans to replace zelensky with someone more convenient for the united states and more convenient for hypothetical further negotiations with russia, as such, they name the former head of the ministry of internal affairs arsen avakov, it seems to me that the collapse of this
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adventure in the kursk region could become a springboard for the united states, accordingly... to shift responsibility to zelensky, to say that this is his personal failure, it was his initiative, we allegedly have nothing to do with it, so now let's sort of replace him with someone, and as for the kiev regime itself, understanding that things are getting hot for it, it is trying to sharply and intensify its attempts to get permission from the united states to strike at strategic depth in russia, yes , zelensky dreamed of this from the very beginning, but the situation in the kursk region is being used for him as an additional pretext, in kiev they are already directly saying that if the west will start to strike at a strategic depth deep into russia, then we allegedly will not be able to dislodge the kiev troops from the kursk region, and
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if they do not start, then, so to speak, it will be the end for them, and we will dislodge them, here on... scalps to a strategic depth, and the representative of the ukrainian foreign ministry today stated that they are really trying to achieve this, the british telegraph today published an article about exactly this, that zelensky is putting pressure on london so that stormshadow accordingly strikes at a strategic depth in russia and so on and so on and so forth, and accordingly
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the same from the united states. the united states has not yet given permission. yes, the official representative spoke the day before.
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achieved what he wanted, drew the west into the third world war, into a direct military clash with russia. and i want to draw attention to the fact that this general, with such,
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almost joy, yes, here we are, i know what the course is, we are causing pain to russia, yes, this person can practically be seen to be enjoying this, simply when speaking, remembering, what kind of pleasure, in quotes experienced vermakh.
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kuleba and umarov with all their counterparties to negotiate, that it is necessary and necessary to have a resolution, as far as i understand. there is such a war party, which wants to take a breather in the form
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of some kind of freezing of the conflict, they call this some kind of agreements , they speculate on the topic of negotiations, but they are not satisfied with the conditions under which they could take a break, so it means they really like that the kiev regime
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will give in to this escalation blackmail, we see that russia is conducting exercises on practicing the use of tactical nuclear weapons, russia is making changes to our this is a very dangerous game, because russia is not a nuclear doctrine, that is, if they really go for such an escalation, then it will not seem like a little first of all.
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steadily and better than the collective west itself, here is a very interesting article, literally yesterday the british published on this subject, i suggest you listen to it. it is expected that this year russia's gdp will grow by more than 3% in real terms, faster than in 95% of developed countries. in may june the economic activity, according to the central bank, has increased significantly. unemployment is close to a historical minimum, the ruble is in perfect order. true, inflation is too high, in june prices rose by 8.6% year-on-year, which is significantly higher than the central bank's target of 4%, but at...
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two reasons for such rapid economic development, in their opinion, the first is large-scale injections into the economy by the state, the second is the increase in the central bank rate to 18%, which strengthens the ruble, attracts investments to russia from friendly countries makes imports cheaper, what is your assessment? well, first of all, russia is indeed showing unprecedented rates of economic growth for us, we are already the fourth economy in the world in terms
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of purchasing power parity, this is the first position. the second position, of course, is very low unemployment, in fact, for us today this is a restraining factor, and not just like that, and the government and the president are fighting to expand the possibilities of using labor in our economy and , accordingly, either invite specialists, or work to bring those who work in the gray zone into the white field, so to speak, to use the so-called silver economy, to involve young people in economic turnover more actively, that is, in fact , a whole series of measures are being taken, but it must be said that the question of whether sanctions are evil or good for us remains on the agenda, why? because sanctions have played such a, you know, role of kiya in billiards, if it were not for sanctions, i do not think that we would have been for a long, long time, we would hardly have would have achieved such rates of economic growth, here the sanctions have really caught up with us, in fact these are such critical moments, our country is getting ready very well, and the economy today shows that we have really got ready, what
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is interesting is that... today it has turned out to be much more difficult to defeat the russian economy, built on market principles, than the soviet economy before 1991, when it was possible, so to speak, with the help of everyday goods to somehow confuse the population, today it is already a practically impossible story, this is the first, the second, it seems to me, is still very important, russia, firstly, shows stable rates of economic growth, this is of course attractive for foreign investment, but to me...
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in the situation of rates of economic growth, because cheap loans are needed, the creation of factories requires loans, they cannot be done at the expense of, so to speak, loans from neighbors, from acquaintances, large loans are also needed, although on the other hand, the government has proposed a number of very important measures, in particular industrial mortgage, yes, yes, yes, well by the way the economist answers that in terms of stimulating industrial production loans are still very accessible, and they are made accessible to states, well and the state subsidizes them, yes the state subsidizes this.
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trader watch after the program time, oleg, forgive me, please, i didn't mean to, you 're playing.
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soloist of the bolshoi theater, when i saw you, i immediately felt that this was an unusual meeting, such people cannot be released in principle, if he doesn't come back, he will arrange such a thing for us here, it will not seem like a little, what do you think, at are there no envious people, muslim, how can't you understand, when will you arrive, you...
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volleyball, as you have never seen it before? channel one cup, live broadcasts on weekends on channel one, in the new season on channel one, come on,
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come on, come on, come on, well, can i ask you, of course. it's time to tie it up. with this choir, he's the soloist, finally, daddy, daddy, hi, natushka, what took you so long, what did you come here for, to the kids, i remembered, i met a woman, it happened, that, that i love her, i've loved her for a long time, since school, your hair on the back of your head is wet from the heart, there's lipstick on your collar, for everyone, my. the perfect couple, i don't want to be a thief, you know, yes, but it seems to me that you yourself, yes, my wife asked me, left for another, why don't you go after her, don't fight, do n't bring her back, i'm going out of my way for him, do you
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even know how much they cost, you weren't asked, properly, then! chorus. premiere of a multi-part film. coming soon on the first. the big game is on air. the situation in the middle east continues to heat up around iran's possible response to israel for the murder on the territory of tehran, former. hamas ismail hani. and by the way, i'll note, just we have little emphasis on this, this was not just an assassination, but israel struck a guest house of the islamic revolutionary guard corps in tehran, which
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is indeed an attack on a government facility, an important facility and, accordingly , an attack on iran. now, the biden administration has said that iran may respond as early as this week. and, as john kirby, the official spokesman for the national security council, said, this response could be a significant series of attacks. in this regard, biden held talks with... germany, france, great britain and italy. germany and great britain adopted a joint statement of the three leaders, in which they called on iran to refrain from responding and stated that if iran responded, then it would bear all responsibility for the escalation. that is, great, yes, israel can do whatever it wants, escalate, kill, strike, disrupt negotiations, but iran cannot do nothing, if it responds, then it is accordingly guilty of everything. well, but iran, naturally, this. demands rejected stated that, i quote, iran
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will not ask anyone for permission to use their legal rights, well, and israel has already stated today that if iran strikes directly at israeli territory, then israel will respond with a direct strike at iranian territory. your assessment, andreyevich. well, if we summarize the information that comes to us through different lines, then intensive preparations are continuing. such an emotional, political,
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military response from iran to what happened on its territory, in the guest house, despite the fact that at this time it is not happened, unfortunately we have to admit that the problem has not changed at all, has not been resolved, the iranians still believe that they will have to show that they cannot be talked to like that and that they cannot be treated like that... and the israelis are preparing with all their might for the fact that their zone of military operations will be greatly expanded, the corresponding preparations are underway, reserves are being mobilized , and so on, the extra-regional parties that are interested in the conflict are preparing, the number of ships that are in such a close-in environment are located in the western countries, increased by approximately 20-25.
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you can come to negotiations with this, they are unlikely to give anything, and the most important thing is that you know, after all , it is terribly dangerous to heat up the situation in a propaganda sense, politically, it turned out that each of the parties turned out to be, in addition to everything else, a prisoner of what it said, what it promised in relation to the rigidity of its position and public opinion in general expects, expects that something , something, something will happen, therefore, here ... probably, after all, from this situation without
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some kind of new military-political turn of events, probably won't be possible to come out, that is, here is the line that was this week, that everything will resolve itself, i think that this is a temporary period, and it does not mean that we are managing to relieve tension, not yet, we are not managing yet, not that it is not resolving. on the contrary, yes, tensions are escalating, escalating, but so far we do not know whether there will be a direct exchange of blows between israel and iran, we do not know whether the united states will join the israeli strikes on iran, if such things happen, that is , the united states has definitely stated that they will defend israel and shoot down iranian missiles and drones, but whether the united states itself will strike iran, i honestly doubt it, and israel has stated that it will. but we can definitely assume that the escalation will lead to
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a serious war between israel and hezbollah, because iran has this very important lever in the form of hezbollah, which is located right on the borders with israel, hezbollah also has its own claims against israel, one of the leaders hezbollah soldiers were killed by israel directly in beirut, so hezbollah is also preparing for a response, and this, by the way, was officially announced directly by the leader. and it will definitely not end with an israeli victory. let's listen. if a war breaks out, israel yeduvali will be able to maintain the conflict in lebanon for a long time. its armed forces are depleted by almost a year of war in gaza, where many israeli reservists have served several terms. spare parts, ammunition and other essentials will also be in some deficit in the event of
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waging a protracted war. thus, even a larger war would likely be limited in duration, allowing hezbollah to simply ride out the storm. lebanon is much larger than gaza, and israel simply cannot occupy the entire country in a short period of time. in a sober assessment of the situation, the best israel can do is to reoccupy parts of southern lebanon, as it did between 1982 and 2000. perhaps the key factor is that, as in gaza, no measure solves the problem power in lebanon. no competing group is even remotely comparable in strength to hezbollah, which gives it the ability to freely rule the country. thus, hezbollah will not disappear due to military defeat or because another group in lebanon cannot suppress it. well, therefore, according to bayman, the best outcome for israel, the best outcome for israel is that everyone stays where they are, and hezbollah stays where it is, and israel stays where it is. well, that is impossible now, as
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it was said correctly, in general, both sides, i mean, israel and iran have declared that some kind of confrontation is inevitable and... we all understand that this is so. hezbollah is a participant in the process. and therefore, naturally, hezbollah, separately with the israeli idf, will quite understandably have its own military showdown. exactly. what, uh, hypothetically, what can we assume? it's all quite simple. in fact, there is a zero result for both sides here. why? because, well, first of all, hezbollah will act defensively. hezbollah has no task storm the israeli state. and the israeli. israeli army has such a task, if they want to fight them, they will be met in well-fortified positions, moreover, and this is the most important thing, and given the current situation, not the eighty-second year, now, the presence of all the necessary types of weapons, starting from atgm, air defense systems, electronic systems,
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electronic warfare systems, trained special forces, everything that is necessary and good fortifications, by the way, plus everything, including tanks. and so on, then yes, and what can be achieved in this way? to occupy some territory with huge losses, will israel understand this? i think not, therefore - and the israeli government, it always proceeds from the fact that, strictly speaking, and how will the israeli population evaluate , that what what those military actions that they carry out, therefore in this situation, as in the situation with iran and between iran and israel, where everything also threatens to turn.
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my spouses, fortune teller, new series, today on the first. the best of all, the premiere is on saturday, on the first. this city is called the gateway to the north.
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a special, unique way of life has been preserved here, which is dictated by difficult climatic conditions. many people come to this city to see the famous polar. we are in arkhangelsk, friends! the most important thing for a pomor is to be practical. what kind of wood is preferable for building a boat, the kind of wood that grows. and why did they add salt? in principle, our region was a salt industry, so they added it everywhere. my grandmother, she added it to regular coffee, even to soluble salt too add, says that it tastes better this way, and in our style. we wash the smelt, sprinkle it with a little salt, chop the onion, and add it too, let's take some bread and dip it, and how delicious will it be in pomor style? delicious, delicious, friends, very delicious, delicious, the life of our own, the premiere is on sunday on the first. in the new season on the first, what's up with the leak on the baltic fleet? the cia source from whom the leak is coming has not yet been identified, but his
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handler has arrived in leningrad, during the surveillance the subject did not come into contact with anyone suspicious, ready, who is this, attention, his daughter, yulia, yulia, character, be nati, stubborn, happy birthday, princess, all grown up, but she's not going to get married, no, no, and i heard that there's some dima, wow, dimka, what are you talking about, they can put you in jail for this, where did you get so many dollars? but you, my dear, don't need to know that, let's go, well, which of you is the owner of the apartment, i don't know where the currency came from, and your girlfriend, she couldn't, now is not the time to shield anyone, stand there, i'll shoot, i'm not kidding. is she your agent? yes, the nickname is matryoshka, why are you so sure that he'll bite on her? you see, like two peas in a pod,
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brilliant, so this whole circus is just to suggest not to work for the kgb? let's get acquainted, yul, my name is ekaterina mikhailovna, i'm your instructor. matryoshka, the premiere of a multi-part film. coming soon, on the first one. now the main thing for us is to make a woman out of you. not a simple one, a woman with a thousand faces, i always say, such two decoys, beauties, what are you doing with us men? a modest question: do you have a mother? i don't need a mother, i cook well, i'm well-off, take me with you, that's how it is with me, in myself, a captain in myself.
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"we were auditioned for the grachev choir today, great, yura, you definitely need to sing, come on, sing, what a unique gift you have, you hit such notes, what an upstart you think you are, varka, it's you, don't you recognize me or what? it's me, andryukha, that means your life is a success, you have everything that soviet women don't even dare to dream about, what does that mean, you guys can't hit the notes, only..." because he doesn't know the notes, in order to receive official choir status, you need to have at least 50 choristers, you're accepted, with
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today you begin a new life, i have this choir, we would never have met, i will see you with this person again, i will tell my father everything, you are mine, you are my wife, what do you need, give me back these 15 years, i thought everything was easy, slava wanted, remember, gorachov and his choir should not be on the song of the year, sing so that the sun rises, choir, premiere of a multi-part film, soon, on the first, on air a big game. tonight, just like in the famous poem by mikhail lermontov, a star spoke to a star. donald trump, the candidate for the presidency of the united states, gave an interview to elon musk,
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and naturally, this interview is very important for trump in terms of the election campaign, but in it, by the way, more than a billion viewers watched, but in it he also made very important statements about the ukrainian conflict, on the one hand, he gave, it seems to me, a very sober assessment of both the current state and the causes of this conflict. let's listen, when i left the presidency, they began to form a large army on the border with ukraine, i thought that in the case of putin, and he is a good negotiator, they do this to negotiate, and then biden started saying stupid things, for example, he said that ukraine could join nato, as long as nato existed, russia said that it would never agree to this, here we go and declare such things, because we have a president with a low iq, his was low 30 years ago, now, probably, it is zero. russia defeated germany together with us, defeated napoleon, they have
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enormous power, and ukraine now doesn’t even have people no, they are sending. there is no need to have illusions that if trump wins, we will be able to reach an agreement with them regarding the ukrainian conflict, because in the same interview, trump said that when he was president, he allegedly exerted harsh pressure on vladimir putin, which is why , after his departure, russia accordingly began a special military operation, from which we can conclude that... and if trump wins again, he will also resort to his favorite method of blackmail, well , it is unlikely that we will be able to reach an agreement with him, without blackmail americans cannot do it in any way, any, this is a must, that americans will always look for some weakness, a hook, and then - try, that is, use it, now the memoirs of the former ambassador salevan in moscow have come out, well, well, i just don’t confuse.
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twist some kind of negotiating position, they are broken by the professionalism of our diplomacy, therefore, this was probably one of the most unsuccessful ambassadors, who now wrote memoirs, where he complains about how it was for him, it was hard, but if you don’t know how to negotiate normally, in this i mean, of course, trump will also look for an opportunity to bargain from a position of strength,
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to blackmail something somewhere, but then a lot. it will depend on what he will do when he understands that this is not working, right now his position is that this administration is stupid, incapable, does a lot of wrong things, and i will do, roughly speaking, all the same, but more intelligently, when he understands that this is basically impossible, the world has changed, russia has changed, it's not just that biden is a weakling, america as a whole is in...
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the state will ban these dead-end aggressive options of american policy, will he be able to do it? that is the question. i doubt it, because the original sin, it seems to me, of american politicians, including donald trump, is the illusion that they can still impose their will on everyone else, the methods of imposing differ between democrats and republicans, but the essence remains the same, the same, but donald trump has actually done enough... in this interview there is a very tough statement about the european union, which shows that donald trump's attitude towards the eu has not changed since his time as president, he still believes that the european union is not a friend of the united states, that the european union, therefore, derives great benefit from trade relations and exploits the united states, and if he wins, he will accordingly pursue
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a protectionist policy towards the european union, well , it must be said that biden is also pursuing a protectionist policy towards the eu today trump won't even hide it, but at the same time, the economic situation in the eu is not very good, to put it mildly, so let's listen to what bloomberg writes about the situation with germany, once the locomotive of the european economy. according to economists, the german economy is unlikely to see any growth this year due to an unexpected decline in the second quarter, with domestic product growing by 0.1%, which is lower than the previous forecast of 0.2% - the median forecast in bloomberg's monthly survey shows. analysts also reduced its 2025 forecast by the same amount to 1.1%. the cut followed data showing the country's industrial woes continued to weigh on growth, causing europe's largest economy to unexpectedly contract from march to may. exports failed to pick up in june, underscoring
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the challenges facing the manufacturing base that has been a key driver of germany's growth, with half of the country's industrial activity falling, according to bloomberg economics. is connected with structural reasons. vladimir sergeyevich, well, this is a really unfavorable situation. after all, not only in germany, but in europe as a whole? you know, everything is absolutely logical, why? because the german economy, in principle the european economy, was based on cheap energy from the russian federation. it all started with the fact that we had long-term contracts with european consumers of our gas, under these contracts gas was supplied quite cheaply, since the contracts were both ten-year and fifteen-year and twenty-year contracts, they provided a stable supply of energy resources, cheap energy resources, which accordingly launched the entire economic process in germany and in the european union, because germany is the locomotive, was the locomotive of the european economy, then suddenly they came to their senses and decided that long-term contracts are not needed, so to speak, german, french
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and so on, consumers, long-term contracts are not needed, we will buy on the spot market, well, okay, fine, prices are a little grew, but it seemed like everything was holding up more or less decently, then when they decided that russian gas was not needed at all, because there was some mythical dependence that the american authorities reported. european and decided to refuse russian energy resources in principle , well, that's the result that we see today: the sick man of europe is germany, the statistical office of germany invented an amazing value called positive zero, that is, when they define the rate of economic growth as it seems like a value of about zero, but it still has some positive value, well listen, let's be honest, what is positive zero, everyone understands perfectly well, no one has any, so to speak, illusions about this, she lena baerbock put her hand to it. germany and france, and these are the sixth and ninth economies, respectively, we imagine the gdp base of these two countries, then today the locomotive
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of the economy are italy and spain, these are the twelfth and fifteenth place, respectively, in terms of parity to buy with gdp, that is the base is completely different, that is, even if today's authorities of the european union ensure the rates of economic growth, they will still not be able to ensure economic growth in the european union, that's what it is. i no longer expect that the german authorities will come to their senses, why? because, in fact, 2 years without russian energy resources have led to the fact that structural problems have actually arisen, this is the closure of production, the transfer of production to other countries, and most importantly - the growth of unemployment. you understand, what a thing, the biggest problem today in the german economy, it is located precisely in the real sector of the economy, there is the biggest decline, if the german economy, namely in the real sector, does not hold up, then...
6:00 pm
hello, on channel one evening news, with you andrey ukharev. from all guns, the russian army drives the enemy out of the kursk region, the saboteur is destroyed on the approach, another burned-out vysu armored car, apparently, after our soldiers began to destroy the enemy column.


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