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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 14, 2024 12:00am-12:46am MSK

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so, a very famous fox news host, she said, look, why? she said: "you know, kamala harris cannot become the supreme commander of the american armed forces, she doesn't understand anything about this, she cannot stand up to her full height and fight back against the military-industrial complex, which is trying to force."
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america to get involved in new wars, new weapons, and so on and so forth. and in these conditions, she poses a threat, because she can lead america to war. she refers to ukraine, to the complication of relations between russia, and so on, and they took it and added it to this list, as a potential terrorist. you understand, this means that...
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you are a terrorist, thank you, we're going to commercial, we'll be back in just a few minutes to talk about people, people from russia, who definitely disagree with andronik, because they are convinced that real repression exists here, they see an enemy and this enemy is our state, we're going to commercial. in short, i want to fire andrey before it starts, what hasn't started, a scandal about corruption and among the employees, yes, lyudmila sergeevna, now you are really good, you are reprimanded, for what, alexey ivanovich, you are so ignorant of people, fortune teller, new series,
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russian people, i am talking about the patriotic war, in fact, but alexander gelyevich is generally known for his patriotism and says that you should not spare anything, and make maximum efforts. andronik, well, those who know andronik's position, since the end of the eighties he has been writing articles called "we need an iron one."
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who is one of the leaders of the anti -corruption foundation, now let's listen, let's listen to such an interesting person, ilya ponomarev, a former deputy who now lives and fights against russia from kiev, even the kiev authorities seem insufficiently consistent to him, for ukraine and for the russian resistance the period until the end of the year is a window of opportunity to do what we consider necessary. the americans will no longer restrain us, this was shown in the unexpectedly benevolent indifferent reaction to the operation in the kursk region. well, here is such a proposal from a former moscow gallery owner, an oppositionist, who also now i have decided to become a diplomat on a voluntary
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basis. i see no obstacles for representatives of the russian opposition fighting for russia without putin. to set foot on the liberated territory to build a beautiful russia of the future, to organize local administrations, to prepare schools for teaching children, etc. a good idea, we have decided for ourselves that in 3 weeks, if the territories remain liberated, we will begin to create a kursk democratic region. so, aleksandrevich, i have my first question for you, i am wasting our time, maybe all these people don't deserve attention. well, you know, these people... they wouldn't deserve attention if they had always been there, where they are now, when these people, quite recently were in our place, in very serious positions, had great influence in russian society, now they say such wild things, so aggressive,
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they despise, hate our people, our state, and they, in general , relatively prospered, at least gelman under putin, that is, it was... here, this causes, in fact, horror, that is, yes, everything is clear to you in relation to them, but how much more is unclear in relation to whom, when they cross the line and from there simply broadcast the american agenda, russophobic, i think this is not very dangerous and of course it is not even worth arguing about it seriously, but the question is, we need to be very attentive to ourselves, it seems to me, we have let loose too much over the last 30 years, a... let's say, those people who really hate the country, at first they simply ruled in the nineties, then they began to be slowly, carefully put back into the sphere patriotism, and gelmank at one time seemed, well, in general, such a moderate liberal who admits, he spoke my father -in-law russian, that is, in principle, they tried
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to make them harmless, or something, to instill patriotism in them, it did not work, this is very important, we of course need to reconsider this issue for the future, not for the past, for the future... our relations, in russia, of course, some kind of patriot code should be introduced, when occupying high positions in our state, of course, we must take into account the degree convictions, views, purity of soul, purity of thoughts, ideas, worldview of these people, because otherwise here is a new wave, someone there will not like something in our country, they will run over to the enemy, and from there they will start killing us, shooting at us, and ponomarev is also just one more.
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because in our society in the first positions there should be people with an impeccable patriotic reputation, with an impeccable and proven deed, proven by actions, this is very important now that unity that we are talking about, that spiritual mobilization, cultural, of course, it is necessary to support this certain ethical level, i know, you said to follow for a long time.
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what you suggested is already happening, but alas, the people who gathered and organized what they organized turned out to be weak, in general, intellectually very poor and so on, look, what requires serious consideration, i will only point out, after president putin let all of these go, and this exchange took place, in germany and now in the west.
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so that yes the regime, yes you do not like the regime, but
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well how can you, this is by the way, the chinese in this regard, i'm finishing, the chinese always said, don't touch the people, because they saw the difference between the government and the people, do whatever you want against the government, but don't torment and don't create problems for the common people, thank you, the more... these people make noise, shout, and the tv format doesn't allow me to say all the words, the more it means that we are doing everything right, and i wanted to say that the cleansing that is happening in society is long, because we have been patient for too long, i don't justifying god, post not only their statements, what awaits us yet, is set up that this situation will allow us to recover faster and not pay attention to this kind of. understood, objects, you don’t need to pay special attention to them, because they demand that they
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be perceived as independent, here they seemed to say something independent, when they were attacked in front of them, they were attacked, they already became, what do their curators want, and began to rebuild very quickly, very quickly, therefore their independence, from my point of view, is independence from... russia independence from common sense with complete dependence on its western masters. it was a big game, we'll meet tomorrow on air.
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hello, this is the easy money podcast, i'm its host mikhail khanov, and today we 're talking about such a way to make money as simply working and building your career, and today our guest is skolkovo business practice professor elena vitchak, hello, elena, hello, you know, like a very simple question that is usually asked when people say, how should we increase your wealth, how to make the right investments. how to participate in some ipo and so on and so forth. the answer to the question is: have you tried working? let's figure out what he has with us now with work, what a career looks like, because you are also a business trainer, a coach, as they say now in career practice, or, more simply, in work with personnel, and i would like to hear your opinion, what is happening now in the labor market, what does the career ladder look like today? well, i will probably say an important thing like this a little philosophical, responding to your... phrase, nowadays the trend of working to earn money is actually not very fashionable, to our great regret, yes,
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because there is a whole host of people who generally do not want to go to work, do not want to sit in the office, do not want to waste their lives turning into office plankton, even if it is supposed to pay quite decent money. at the moment we are in a very difficult moment, specifically we, as the russian federation, yes, on the one hand there are a lot of people, on the other there is no other side of the staff.
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with couriers with drivers, you need to understand that no matter how you compete more like a plumber with a plumber, yes, you compete with couriers, with drivers, couriers in moscow have a salary of around 100,000 rubles. this is quite a competitive field, yes-yes-yes, so you need to understand all this, that is , it is difficult both with blue-collar jobs and with highly intellectual ones, but as the simplest example, our wonderful it specialists,
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yes, who simply do not exist in absolute terms, well, that is, the economy, let's say, needs 5 million, and physically, for example, there are very few of them in all areas, that's how it is now, and this trend, to finish the thought, will not improve in the next 10-15 years, so now we are in a situation of severe shortage of personnel in all areas, i'll tell you why i 'm worried, i 've been predicting for the last 10 years, i've had a lot of experience about this, i work with harams and with managers, let's explain to our audience.
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someone is managed, something is done, well, and this work is easiest to wash out of the office, that is , if you remove these layers, heads of departments, heads of departments, most companies will not die, they will kind of freak out, worry, but they will survive and rebuild, yes, if you start, naturally, to wash out marketers or it specialists or programmers or even lawyers and so on, of course it is more difficult there, absolutely exactly in your words yes. great, then returning to yours, let's throw it around, to your phrase about the situation being no better than 10-15 years, where to go to study, i went to work, let them teach me, and you know, well, there is not one here exact answer, it depends a lot on how old you are, what your basic education is, what your expectations are for money , well, that is, if you tell me, len, i don’t know much, but i want 3000 a month, i
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’ll think about it, yes, or vice versa, you tell me, len, i have 10 offers a day, like we just got the last one. and programmers and i choose where to go, it depends a lot on the situation, what trends do i know about, they are very much like that - each one, you can talk about each one for a very long time, i recently read about it, that it turns out that these same office workers are starting to look towards highly intellectual workers, well , for example, if we are talking about the fact that you are hiring an employee for some big market play, and we are simply hiring a person for a warehouse, but you and i understand perfectly well that we cannot just take any person off the street in order to, yes, this is already, this is definitely not baba masha for a long time, and this person needs to be taught, he must know about logistics, about digital solutions, yes about many things, and this is to be able to communicate with sirai, with the system of relations with the client, to be able to work with a computer, not with one application far away, but to know the elements of logistics and also to be customer-oriented, because he is at the reception, absolutely
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exactly, by the way, i know an example of one, though not a russian marketplace, where on such a warehouse employee, for example, there is: at the time of his work more than 20 sensors that track everything from physical condition, yes, to the number of steps he has taken, we will not name, as if a very advanced organization, and accordingly, well, that is, this is a person who is responsible for many things, but whose work, the result of the work ultimately directly affects the client, yes, well, this is actually a business unit for this marketplace, replicated, this is a person, a logistician with a point, like that same yesterday's granny, who ultimately turns out to be a person who directly affects the company's profit, my understanding of the general view of work on a career is the following: for me, as a person who has been there for many years and has made a fairly successful career there, and more often in spite of, than in accordance with... with the right knowledge, a career is your most important life project, there is nothing more important than a career as a project, if you look at your career as a project,
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plan, look, think, look around, look for mentors, talk to coaches, come to your managers, yes, take feedback and so on and so forth, i return to your question, if we look at a career in such a way, to finish the thought, you can pump up your skills, as in the example with a technologist-engineer, or, well, my example of upskilling: i have always been a good hr director, and i left my career as an hr director, 7 years have passed, i now have a second career, professor of practice at the moscow school of management oskolkov, by and large this has nothing to do with my previous career, that is, you are doing what teachers do, a different educational track is a completely different job, yes, there is something from the personnel that has remained, but this is a different career, this is called upskilling. as they told you, this is an increase level of your own, it's a different career, or it's a different career, it's a different career, here's an example, with a technologist, an engineer - it's reskilling, it's your skills, upskilling
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is new, it's new, although it would seem that the word up is upward, yes, a direct transition is an increase, but it's a different career, so i'm coming back to finish your question, you can think about it yourself, there are good companies, now the majority, well, if we take employers from the top 500 list in the russian federation, they think: about their own employees, the topic of internal career moves using internal resources has become the number one topic, well, because there are no more people on the market, of course, yes, what we talked about, therefore , career tracks are created within the company, personnel reserves, what is a career, career tracks are when the company, together with the manager, plans and draws up and designs the career path of its employee, there is such a concept.
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a team of leaders, and a normal one, it is completely unprofitable for him to move me, well, because i i occupy my cell, i work well and , well, you work and you're great, and as an employee, of course, i want to move forward. experience management means that after six months, a year of work, by and large, your company and your boss don't know at all what you can actually do, well, that is , there is a job description, there is a cell where you were hired, there is a salary, there is an immediate supervisor, and you, as if the company believes that... you are maximally effective in this cell, and you, for example, went, learned, received a certificate, something learned, participated in some complex projects, for example, conducted negotiations,
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won some tenders there, or solved some very complex problem, or learned to work with those clients, if you, for example, in a call center, with whom no one could, that is , you gain experience that no one else sees, which can be managed, which no one knows about, unless the company sets up internal... its processes so that this experience of a new employee is visible, well, in general, frankly speaking, it's strange, because in my view, i became a manager quite early, in my view there are three main, key factors, features, whatever you want to call it, managers, the first is the ability and skill to delegate decisions, the most important thing is to make a decision, or rather delegate responsibility to the project, the second is that or even the first. why does it come, it is to make decisions, yes, you have tasks, and you are there, well, after you ask, and what do you think, yes, there, to teach people, so that raise their level of development, you say, yes, you make a decision, because your
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task as a manager is the most important thing to make a decision, and the third, well, or the first there, i also again do not know in importance, is to monitor and take care of your employees in such a way that they are happy with what they do at work, how they develop, how they look to the future, do they look to the side and so on, that is, in my understanding, this is initially always one of the most important of these three responsibilities of the zones of responsibility manager, to ensure that your employees, well, to put it simply, do not look to the side, but are happy, feel needed, skilled, and receive exactly as much money as they need to be paid, no more, no less, i subscribe to every word, this is a podcast easy money, today we are talking about careers, about what has changed in our time, about portfolios.
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what i have formed as a perception is that as we talk about portfolio investments, when these can be shares, bonds and investments in real estate, and some startups, and some ipos, going public and also, i don’t know what kind of investments there are in cryptocurrencies and so on, it’s the same here, it’s a balanced approach to my, as you correctly and very accurately said, exchange of my experience, knowledge, skills and, well, physically a unit, skills for money, look, here is a very simple picture of changing understanding of a career, there is a traditional idea of ​​a successful career, which was before, well, that is, you started conditionally as a junior analyst, down there yes, then you were a senior, leading, main, head of the department, by and large what is important here is that these steps of yours, they were connected with a certain period, and where from we
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always can’t easily fish out. gnaw the granite of science and so on, that is, it was assumed that from one, from one step to another, and at least a year or two, you can’t just jump over, you can’t jump over the steps, well and how your income, it also increased, so to speak, in aggregate proportion to that somewhere, well, if we there we will imagine some vice president of some medium-large corporation, then he is like at the top level, but it took him at least 70 years, this is correct at best, yes, absolutely at best, what we see now is about... in different ways, when i ask, i sometimes have a picture of an airplane, this is a classic story for me, including a portfolio career, that is, you gain our beautiful wing, you can draw knowledge skills, and you are completely calm, well how can you be a boss, for example, there you worked as a manager, then once you took off this management cap and went to work as an expert, well, in my example, i can be a hr director, like a boss, or i can be a recruiter, a simple
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specialist and without...
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certain roles have been greatly reduced, remember we have 2 years, 3 years, you cannot become a department director, you have to show yourself, well, for me the quintessence of the meaning of these two slides, if they are folded into one, then i would say it in such a way that the axis disappears ordinate called position, which becomes completely unimportant, there are two other parameters left, this is your income your time, the most important non-returnable resource is time, of course. its importance, i think, determines this transformation, and the goal, as such, yes, income, well, we are not discussing now that it can also be transformed, yes, due to certain life passions or revaluation of values ​​or some other constructions, but the point is that such a concept as position disappears, this growth in career ladder, the career ladder itself as such is disappearing, well, that is , it is it, let's do it this way, we will still
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live for a long time, i think, in our country we will live in... not by position, and you, you know, as i will say, if you look at yourself in career thoughts as a product, you yourself are a product, then you, as a product, you turn on product thinking and say, aha, i want to earn money, for example, i want to not be in the office there, i need flexibility, or, for example, i want to work from another region, now, by the way, there is an interesting trend, before everyone was striving to work in moscow, now since the hybrid format works,
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although the russian employer. they are just dreaming of driving people, returning them to offices, and people are resisting, and people now want a hybrid, yes, that is, people want to manage their time, they want to manage their resources, you are absolutely right that people are now taking... four projects, this trend is smartly called hegonomics, it is an economy of temporary contracts, when a person comes to you for a task, for a project, the task is closed, i made a project, came up with a product, got up and went out, these are our crooked ones, well , developing your thoughts, excuse me about the product on the shelves, that is, you can put yourself in some discounter, if we take a grocery analogy, let's say, you can put yourself in some middle-class hypermarket, or you can lie quietly in the luxury segment, the main thing is to correspond to that position.
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we push people so that the listeners do not get the impression that they need to go to the market to see all the same assessment can be obtained within the company, but for this you need to be really open to projects inside, i will only add one important thing, that well, we are not the market, is it ready to meet your
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own expectations of yourself, yes, i keep my ears open, do not quarrel with neighboring departments once again, to be honest, that our people really love yes, because they do not think what is more important for them, is your own super more important or is it more important yes, thank you for using the word ego. that it is always a question of what i want, what am i ready to sacrifice, yes, that is absolutely right, that is always an exchange, i always say that before you declare that you deserve more, you should at least get the opposite, okay, the next question is, what should young people do who are just starting out, yes, they haven’t yet come up to, let’s say, they chose the right education, they haven’t come up to their first... job, they choose a job, so far they only have either, as they say, an eye for startups, for successful media personalities, something else, something that everyone has, or they have an example dad with mom, or adults, close
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relatives who really went up this career ladder, here's how to start, how to approach young people, those who are just starting their path, how to immediately become, how to immediately become an expert in building with... agreed, the second point, why do they come to your company, why will they come to you, they will come to you for the person, the manager, for the team, you should be visible as a manager, so that they come to you, well, we will not name the name, but we have a number of organizations in which they go to first person, yes. must work, that is , they will come to you for the team, by the way, it is interesting
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that there is a study that young people leave not because of money and do not come for money, for some time, yes, they leave because of bad relations in the team, recently there was a very cool study in which they found out that people basically throw their application on the table for reasons like this... the company does not care about me, i do not feel important, valuable, and my boss does not care about me, nothing in this world has changed, people come to brand, and they leave their immediate supervisors, they come to...
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i hear it word for word, yes, i don't like these people, they don't develop me, i don't like the supervisor, yes, and i say, well, what can i do, you get the next education, a piece of education, there's up to the point that my youngest daughter has now gone to a very famous university, right in the top number one , he said, listen, dad, well, i didn't think that such an education is terrible, just terrible, and i say, who's stopping you, i say, in general , the situation now is such that more and more attention will be paid to self-education.
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cognitive there is a breadth of views, we i agree with everything, yes, both my daughters graduated from moscow state university, and i am happy, but at the same time there are a number of employers who do not look at this at all, here is an interesting point, now mainly because of everything we talked about, they stopped looking at past experience, they look at what kind of person, what system of values ​​​​he shares, in general everyone is looking for bright, normal, well-mannered people from good families, honestly, very often at the interview they started asking, tell me about your family, mom and dad? where were you raised, all my life i have been bypassing people from
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russian regions at interviews, well, because people from yekaterinburg, from novosibirsk, for example, have a completely different energy, and you understand that you can put him anywhere, if he is bright, normal and wants to work, this is very important, yes, in 3 months he will already be good for you, you anticipated the next part of our conversation about soft skills, about those very soft skills that are more important than ever, and let's start with a definition, yes, what everyone is saying is that hard skills are not important now, but soft skills, hard skills. these are hard skills - this is knowledge skills, that is, when you are in a certain role, that is, you cannot be a doctor without hard skills, yes, you must graduate from medical school, graduate school, have a specialization, there you are, by and large , everyone thinks that you can't be a lawyer without a legal education, knowledge, legislation - these are all chords, you cannot stand at a machine tool or be a technologist, if you didn't graduate there or be a chemist without a chemical engineering institute, these are hard skills, these are your hard knowledge, this is like what is it for a doctor, for example, soft skills we are talking about? a great example, listen, we are at our
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school, this is a great question, what is it? look, this is when, for example, a doctor, a great doctor, for example, a gastroenterologist, there, a gynecologist, anyone, a surgeon, whatever, he is great as a doctor, but he is absolutely no good as a chief physician of a clinic, as a commercial director of a clinic, yes, then there is, he grows up his chords to a certain highest level, he is an ideal surgeon, these are chords, and then suddenly he is put in charge, and then suddenly he becomes the chief physician of the clinic and that's it, the clinics are crowned, if he does not have software, what are soft skills, i work in a team, when suddenly other people appear around you, and you are responsible for them, and you must cram results with their hands, no longer with your head, not with your professionalism, but with their hands, this is the ability to resolve conflicts, this is the ability to say no, both inside the team and outside, yes with external people, with clients, with any other stakeholders, yes we were taught somewhere to manage other adults,
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they are professionals, they are wonderful, they don’t need anyone, because they are professionals, they look at others, who are you, who are you in general, do you generally correspond to my level of competence, but when you put them to work in teams with other people, all this requires training, learning, a lot of work on yourself, that very ego that
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you said, here well here it is the task of the manager to choose such a front of work and choose the niche where this person will be self-sufficient. in general, we want all universal soldiers who can do this and that, the fifth and the tenth, and so that this universal soldier preferably does not look to the side, is satisfied with his working conditions and sees for himself those very growth points that we talked about at the beginning there is a sad statistic, i came across it a couple of years ago - after at the end of covid, that up to 70% of workers in russia
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people, russians are actually passive job seekers, that is, they work, but they still keep one eye on the market, and is this the job of people? it's just life , people are like that, listen, people have rethought many things, that is, 70% of the working population are passive candidates, this means that if you don't need, we take from different sides, you are an employer, you need people, you must be noticeable, if these are your people, and you are a good leader, you must keep your ears open, because no matter what you are i didn't feel good, nothing guarantees you that, moreover, we see what money employers invest in their own. in their staff, and no one is insured against anything, and people sign apprenticeship contracts and leave, and people pay this money, or leave without paying, and so on, that is, you are not insured against anything with all your investments, as an employer, well, this is a podcast easy money, and today we are discussing with you
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the most important topic for financial well-being, these are issues of your career, your development own, development... well, if not dreams there, then small dreams, besides what you said, that there is no such special admiration for the brands of educational institutions, although i think that to some extent, well , as a person who has accepted and fired, probably more than 500 people in my life, i still first of all look at what a person graduated from and secondly. how he talks about himself, yes, because if a person does not know how to talk about himself, probably this is also important, yes, you can immediately notice, further, i i expect from you those very points that a person who is recruiting a team looks at? so, if we are talking about a good, and a positive story without a clinic, as they say?


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