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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 14, 2024 12:45am-1:31am MSK

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and today we are discussing with you the most important topic for financial well-being, these are the issues of your career, your own development, development of the career ladder of portfolio employment, what does a manager look at when accepting people into the team, let's say, i am a manager, well, if not dreams, then small dreams, in addition to what you said, that there is no such special admiration for the brands of educational institutions, although i believe that ...
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there are many of these now, they look again at what kind of person, first of all, yes, how proactive he is, how much he is, sometimes they look at how manageable he is, by the way, psychological stability is absolutely important, thank you for this term, i love it very much, but psychological stability, and for us it is, what is it, for me psychological stability, you know, the famous boxer mike tyson, he said, we all had some kind of plan until the moment we got a punch in the stomach, and then the only question is how many seconds it takes you to get up in the ring, yes, that's what for me...
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already look like even without having experience in previous coordinate systems of that very career ladder, already not having this not having this experience yet, but already having those same soft skills developed enough, issues of communication, interaction, stress, psychological stability, according to which he can be valuable for his future, well, if we have time to open the last slide, and we are arranged this way, look, at some point you will be given an organizational verdict, and here all the words are very important and it
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is very interesting, i hope that those who are even building their portfolio career for the first time, portfolio employment, will learn a lot from our conversation, don't forget to rest, thank you, thank you for inviting me, hello, this is the podcast deception of substances with you its host: and i am olesya nosova, editor-in-chief
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of komsomolskaya pravda, a famous endocrinologist zukhra pavlova. zukhra, eh, my friends, relatives watched our podcast and made a remark to us, we smile very little. well, i would say, we are talking about serious things, of course, we talk about it with serious faces, but it seems to me that we should improve, yes, the second second important thing remark, we still probably need to constantly talk about the fact that all those recommendations that sound in our program, they are still advisory in nature, and if we are talking about some substance, then before prescribing it to yourself, you still need to go to the doctor, well , of course, it is better to have a medical examination, so that you ... they tell you everything that you can and cannot, yes, well, now we will talk about id, are there people who categorically, in no case can not have either sucrose salt or anything else, are there such people to whom you absolutely can't use iodine, they even
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prescribe an iodine-free diet, well, for example, when a person has hyperfunction, that is , excessive synthesis of thyroid hormones, here you definitely can't use iodine-containing salt, some drugs containing iodine and even food that contains a lot of iodine. well, how, how can you recognize this in yourself, or you just can't understand it, well, it just won't light up, yes, with such a light bulb, and you can't eat iodine, you have hyperfunction. if a person is preparing for iodine therapy, let's say, he had a serious oncological disease of the thyroid gland, he was operated on, and iodine therapy is coming, then the doctor will definitely tell the patient: you are now eating completely without iodine, will indicate which products contain. more iodine, what should be completely excluded, be sure to make sure that the salt is not iodized, then you also can not consume iodine, in other cases, in most situations iodine is just very necessary, and the problem, which has become so grandiose on a global scale, it is associated
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with iodine deficiency, we have a lot, a lot countries, and in the whole world, where there is a natural deficiency, iodine deficiency, by the way, our country, well... 90 percent - consists of regions where there is an iodine deficiency, so for us this is very relevant, and what is so scary about iodine deficiency? oh, it's easier to say why it is not scary, iodine is a substance that is necessary for human life, for example, those same thyroid hormones cannot be synthesized if there is no iodine or there is a deficiency of it, there will be little of them, and thyroid hormones are what determines, well, let's say, the level of our metabolism, how actively all the mechanisms in our body will work. well, for example, here as an example, when a person is born in a situation, a child is born in a situation where the mother had an iodine deficiency, he did not have enough of these hormones, such a child will be born
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with a pathology of the nervous system, he will have - poorly developed intelligence, up to cretinism, this is often perceived as a swear word, in fact, cretinism is a diagnosis, if the child in the embryonic period did not get enough iodine and thyroid hormone, his intelligence will never be sufficient, and unfortunately, this situation is very similar to the fact that you and i are making a pie and we forgot to put eggs in it, baked it, it is of poor quality, you won’t be able to mix in the eggs and change the quality of this pie, here it’s the same, if a child is born, then you won’t be able to improve the situation, well, to... normal, yes, of course, he will be treated, he will be given the necessary substances, but you won’t be able to change the level of his intelligence, if defects of the nervous system have developed, too it won't work, moreover, his whole organism won't function so well, everything
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will be in such, well, to put it mildly, decline, well , that is, it depends on the mother's health, it depends on nutrition, on the mother's health, on how she eats, replenishing. organism, yes, it will be much higher, that is , the mother will be able to give the child everything that he needs, this is simply fundamentally important, that is , the child will have fewer health problems, that is, at least, at least what concerns iodine deficiency, of course, yes, because
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that again, sometimes we notice that one child grasps everything quickly, another grasps everything slowly, often this is connected precisely with the fact that during pregnancy. this child did not receive what was necessary, precisely connected with iodine, yes mom, the synthesis of thyroid hormones during pregnancy practically doubles to provide. both your body and the body of the fetus, well, if this does not happen against the background of iodine deficiency, then the child will suffer all his life, yes, unfortunately, this is so, therefore it is extremely important, yeah, well, as far as i i know, in soviet russia, there was a whole program for iodizing salt, in general, it allowed us to cope with iodine deficiency, iodizing salt helped solve the problem in more than 100 countries, the world health organization, it has such a map, where countries with iodized salt are designated, that is, and iodization
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of salt is done at the state level, that is , you can’t sell iodized salt, you can, but only in pharmacies, that’s again what they started with, or it can be on the shelves, but everything should be very clear to the buyer, if a person can't have iodized salt, non-iodized salt should be available, but for everyone else, salt should be iodized , this is very... it greatly prevents iodine deficiency diseases that develop against the background of iodine deficiency, and absolutely - you 'll fail when you said that this problem was solved in soviet russia, yes, in the seventies, soviet doctors stated that they had defeated iodine deficiency, precisely because they supplied it to all regions, and we have regions with more pronounced poisoned salt problems of iodine deficiency, the north caucasus, siberia, including krasnoyarsk. which stands out especially and the sverdlovsk region , they say there are 30% of people with iodine deficiency,
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it seems to me, even more, because there is also such an additional problem as an excess of iodine, iodine is able to remove iodine faster, therefore, siberia, krasnoyarsk krai including, tuva, this problem was very, very big there, there with a large amount of iodine in the water, and iodine deficiency is more pronounced, and there is another problem associated with the same in siberia, it is a selenium deficiency, we know that iodine is absorbed and metabolized much better, all processes are better when it is strong enough, here again in the same siberia with selenium everything is not very good either, in chukotka everything is great, because there is a lot of fish, fish contains a lot of selenium including iodine, here in the krasnoyarsk territory, again or in tuva, there is selenium.
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simply by using poisoned salt, we can rid ourselves and our loved ones of this problem. by the way, eating seafood is available, and it really, really helps to cope with this problem, well, for example, the daily human need for iodine is 120-150 micrograms, i'm not talking about oysters, not everyone eats oysters, and certainly not every day, but seaweed, well, a more than affordable product, in this sea... seaweed there is almost 1 gram of iodine per kilogram, we need only
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150 micrograms, that is, many, many times less, you don't need to eat a kilogram of cabbage, even if you eat a salad of seaweed or some other seafood every other day, it's more than enough to provide yourself with iodine, i remember what you were saying, you had a patient who remembered these numbers 150, only... she decided not micrograms, but grams, and when she ate 150 grams of seaweed every day, and all this led to sad consequences, we had to urgently bring her out of this state of hyper, uh, how to say it, hyperfunction, yes, against this background hyperfunction developed, this sometimes happens, these are etrogenic, that is, when a doctor prescribes very large doses of iodine, or when a patient perceives the situation like this, then yes this. it may not end well, hyperfunction does not always develop, but unfortunately this can happen, therefore the basic principle
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of medicine, quantumsatis as much as needed, that's how much is needed, that's how much you need to consume, do i understand correctly that at some extreme degrees of thyroid damage, you can see it all with your own eyes , that is, a goiter appears, yes, a goiter is an increase in thyroid tissue, and this happens for banal reasons, when there is a deficiency of iodine, the sieve gland, which extracts it from the blood, it enters the blood with food, and it tries to extract everything that literally all the crumbs that enter the body and in order to... in order to cope with this more effectively, it increases in volume, that is, it overexerts itself, it overexerts itself, grows in volume, this goiter is such a large thyroid gland that developed against the background of hypothyroidism, against the background of hypo, an insufficient amount of iodine in the body, then hypothyroidism develops, that is , its function of synthesizing this organ decreases and we
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we see this clinically, and sometimes, when... the viscous gland reached such a size that it had to be carried around or carried in some kind of pouches, this used to happen, yes, these cases have been described, that is, such a huge organ that it was no longer possible to hold in the hands, yes, unfortunately, this is true, now it is almost impossible to find such a thing, but it was described in textbooks, by the way, there was a good experiment before the war, before the great patriotic war, in kabardino-balkaria , i think, they conducted... an experiment during for 7 years, they literally saturated all products available to people with iodine, everything that was possible, iodized salt, many products containing iodine, and the number of goiters decreased among the female population, almost five times, among the male population there by four, 3.5-4 times, then the war came,
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there was a program, of course, no one could pay attention to this, there were priority tasks, to survive, to win, but ... after the war they noted that the number of goiters increased by about 4%, again the post-war period, everything returned to normal, returned hyodized salt increased the amount of iodine consumed and everything again went less than 1%, this incidence of goiters and iodine deficiency, well, actually, everything is solved simply, the problem is global, it is solved simply. with you again the podcast deception of substances with you endocrinologist zukhra pavlova and the editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda olesya nosova. you can watch all the episodes of the podcast deception of substances on the website of the first channel do i understand correctly that if the child was born healthy, everything was done by the mother, she took iodized salt, mother from the ussr, yes,
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mother from the ussr, so the child was born normal. but then in the course of life something happened, he stopped taking iodine in normal quantities, does this mean that his mental abilities can somehow fall, deteriorate, yes, they can, but it is still, as they say, less izol, because if there is no opportunity to develop, yes, then everything, the starting point, such a point of reference is bad, it is unchangeable, so if a person has against the background of not...
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other signs are also quite such obvious, and he has such a one-bodied swollen face, he can complain that in the morning he wakes up with such stiffness in his hands, his hands and fingers are so swollen, puffy, he is all like, there is such a word postose, so loose, but this does not seem to be exactly edema, as with cardiac, yes, with cardiac cardiovascular pathologies, but the whole body is soft, loose, puffy, gray. pale skin color, the skin is not elastic, it does not look healthy, hair loss, the hair is also so dull, the skin becomes very unsaturated, it it seems to be swollen, but it is as if dehydrated at the same time, all sorts of spots appear on it, it is dry, the elbows are dry and have a white tint, well, that is
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, you can understand by the appearance that the person is definitely not healthy, this is what a person with advanced hypothyroidism looks like, yeah. and what should he do? he needs to go to the doctor. of course, all the information is on the internet, but to diagnose yourself, and you can be very wrong. hypothyroidism still does not have such classic, unambiguous manifestations. and sometimes other symptoms have the same masks diseases, so there is no need to invent anything, you need to go to a specialist, who sometimes, upon looking at a person, can suspect, having examined him further, even more... iodine deficiency, then having restored this deficiency, he will return to his previous state, that is, he will be cheerful, healthy, vigorous, non-postotic,
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that's how you put it, and so on, that is , this is a reversible situation, unless complications have already developed against the background of such a long-term hypothyroidism, untreated, well, for example, and we have a heart, around it such a bag cardiac. it is called pericardium, in this pericardium, in this cavity , fluid can be released, a so-called prolapse, and if, if all this happens for a very long time, then later this prolapse will go away, but such remain, figuratively speaking, like adhesions, yes, and the heart muscle against this background can also suffer, so if you do not treat for a long time, then you can earn complications that you will not be able to play back, all the same, the condition will improve significantly, but something we can not from ... i saw a folk method on the internet, how to understand, that you have little iodine in your body, you need to, you need to draw a mesh with iodine, and if it
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quickly disappears, it means the body has absorbed the iodine, that's it, but in reality this is of course complete nonsense, iod just evaporates, so if you draw a mesh on yourself, draw a mesh there, i don't know, on the table, on the floor and so on, everything evaporates at about the same speed, this speed will depend on the temperature. this experiment, the speed is influenced by external factors, so it is not very objective, but if it is for someone it will help to go to the doctor, because it will seem to him that he has a problem, it is a good experiment, it can be used, okay, doctor, and what do you say about such a miracle cure as blue iodine? well, blue iodine, again there is no
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evidence base, that's why we always appeal to evidence, because even each doctor has his own experience, one doctor believes in one thing, another doctor believes in another, a third believes in a third, and if we all relied only on our experience, i'm afraid, that... we would conduct experiments on living people, so blue iodine - if you read the comments, it is practically a new elixir of youth and health, yes, yes, but in essence it is iodine quenched with starch, or how to say it correctly, starch quenched with iodine, yes, this is what we all know from childhood, such a potion, yes, that is, which is recommended for use in completely different pathologies, diseases, and i definitely do not recommend self-medication. including with blue iodine, there are doctors for this. why don't you sit down to fly - an airplane, although there are a lot of videos on the internet, everything is accessible, because you understand that here
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you can definitely die. so, using some untested methods of treatment, you can die even faster, but for some reason this does not scare many. to the doctor, always to the doctor, thank god, we have very accessible medicine, contact, all this is not so difficult now, yes, it is possible. queues in clinics, but a queue is a place where you can spend it usefully, reading something useful, and when you get to the doctor for an appointment, you will definitely be protected from some, well, dangerous methods of treatment. zukhra, let's talk about something tasty now, let's talk about nuts, oh, how lovely, yes, and it turns out that if you overeat nuts, you can give yourself an iodine deficiency? yes, and not only that, there is phytic acid in the shell of nuts, it... will not allow not only iodine to be absorbed, but also another important element, and what is phytic acid anyway, why do nuts need it? nuts need it as
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a repellent, and for those creatures, animals that can eat these very nuts, that is, despite the fact that it seems to us that nuts grow in order to ate, nuts apparently have another task in order to fall, then grow into a new tree and so on, so fetic acid - that should protect nuts from being eaten by all sorts of animals, but then nuts get to humans, and there is such a method when they suggest soaking nuts, soaking and freeing them from this skin, we are deprived of this fetic acid, actually, we help various microelements to be absorbed, therefore nuts - yes, without fetic acid, without skin are more useful, but in our country it is, it is not, probably, there is a habit: to eat nuts by the cup, and to get enough iodine , you don't need to eat nuts by the spoon, by the cup, we forget that they contain a lot of oil.
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vegetable oil, vegetable oil is a very high-calorie substance, and today, yesterday we just talked with a patient about how it is healthier to add a spoonful of vegetable oil to a salad, for example, a tablespoon or a spoonful of sour cream, i say, depending on what we are talking about, if in terms of calories, then sour cream is healthier, because it has much fewer calories, just about 10 times fewer calories, but from vegetable oil we sometimes want to get something else, so it all depends on what... we put, so, in order to get enough iodine, it is not necessary to eat a kilogram of nuts, and it is not necessary to eat so many calories, this is yes, here is how to soak nuts, here i even had some sprout, this is how much you soaked them, yes, if you are very busy at work, sometimes they sprout and they are lucky, yes they get a second chance, well, in fact
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, it is literally enough to leave them overnight in the morning drain this water clean it from this and the skins peel off from them quite easily of course yes they are already very accessible these nuts all of them can be eaten what else can be eaten banal products, for example, lemon, buckwheat, millet contain a sufficient amount of iodine, of course these are not oysters and not seaweed, but if you eat these products regularly, then iodine deficiency can be avoided if ...
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they are not expecting a child, no, no, in pregnant women, in pregnant women, yes, specifically in pregnant women, and i say there and there, it happens fetal growth, here the child is a young growing organism, young, so the need for iodine is high, but if you consume iodized salt daily, then this need is covered, here with poisoned salt, probably, it is necessary to give a comment in terms of cooking, yes, yes, this, this is an important story, yes, because the iodine in our salt is quite stable. station - that means which can evaporate when we cook food, that is, when that is, when it comes into contact with hot, not just hot, because the plate is also hot food, but the temperature is not 100°, when we cook it is 100°, well, it depends on how we cook, it can be more, in this case, at such a high temperature, iodine becomes volatile, it is generally a halogen, initially such
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a volatile substance and it. it is also true that we will not get iodine in food, therefore, when we cook, it is better not to salt food, here, ready food in your plate should be salted with poisoned salt, then we will get the necessary in fact, many people simply have some kind of brain explosion, it is very difficult for people to understand that when you - do not salt during cooking, and then salt when you only eat.
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listeners believe, this is verified information, we continue the podcast deception of substances, my name is olesya nosova and with me is zukhra pavlova, let's now talk about soy, cruciferous soy, you and i really love cruciferous, broccoli is our favorite vegetable, fruit, vegetable, but a beautiful vegetable, that's why soy, and iodine, there are, there are nuances, as they say, everything is the same as with vetinic acid, a very similar situation, cruciferous soy, also reduce the volume of absorption, iodine, and here i would like to give an example southeast asia, the japanese get a lot of soy even before birth in the womb, and because it is part of the food culture of this people, they do not have any problems with
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iodine deficiency, because ... they also eat a lot of seafood, in other words, when eating cruciferous vegetables, turnips, soy and so on, we just have less soy in our culture, but now there is a lot of tofu and so on, lovers of, yeah. some kind of exotic food, well, cabbage, all its types, and if you add something containing iodine to them, seafood or iodized salt, then the problem goes, as they say , into the background, because we compensate for the loss of this very iodine with cruciferous vegetables and that's it, the problem is solved very simply, now regarding soy, we also need to take this point into account, that there is a lot of soy in protein like... this is a good thing that allows you to compensate for the protein deficiency, and we all, all of you and i are always in a protein deficiency, if we do not especially monitor this
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specifically, and accordingly, if we take some protein shakes, we need to look, if there is soy, if there is soy, then we look at what kind of salt we have, the salt should be iodized. and it is also very important to look at the composition of this product, because iodine may be added there, because respected manufacturers, they immediately, they immediately add it there, so that again there is no certain overdose, then if iodine is included in the composition, then we do not add kernel salt, if it is not included, we add kernel salt or eat, i don’t know , persimmon, now is the persimmon season, it has a lot of iodine, eat it to your health, also... alcohol - these are bad habits in relation to any process, no organ needs nicotine or alcohol, so here
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you don't need to delve too deeply into this story, i don't know of a situation where alcohol or nicotine could somehow improve a person's health, some other drugs, for example, oral contraceptives are also a common thing. with you there was a whole program dedicated to salt, we remember that per day it is no more than 5 g, taking into account products in which salt is added, well, let's say bread, so really do not salt the food you are preparing, add salt only ready and you prevent
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iodine deficiency, even if you use some substances or products or drugs that reduce the absorption of iodine or promote its faster elimination from the body. i would also say that when we have some problems with iodine deficiency, our entire country is iodine deficient, we, unfortunately, are one of the few countries, there are only about a dozen left, in which there is no mandatory iodization of salt, therefore, when a person is forced to take responsibility for his own health, this is generally correct, because no one owes us anything we have many opportunities to... to take care of our health, then when buying salt, look to see if it says iodized, but using iodized salt will save you from many problems associated with thyroid pathology, yes, with iodine deficiency,
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by the way, yes, there are, there are such studies that if a person is not offered iodized salt and non-iodized, even knowing the benefits of iodized, he is not at all a fact that he will choose it, that is, this.
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from this he will suffer in some completely insignificant amounts, pennies, of course, pennies, yes, and health, well, it’s generally difficult to evaluate in money, especially since i really like this story, that i myself. i also read somewhere that in the countries of northern
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europe there is a huge percentage of cancer, namely of the thyroid gland, and people do not die from it, because it lasts for a very long time, and this is a problem of overdiagnosis, they find it in the very, very embryonic state, in general, people live a wonderful life, while here... with such a complex diagnosis and it does not metastasize for a long time, therefore this really such a very grateful and grateful organ, kind and giving a person many times the opportunity to grow up, but which asks for a little, a little salt, a little salt, the right salt, give a little iodine, yes, it 's true, let's talk about fruits - which contain iodine, here you are, you say that persimmon, there is a lot of iodine in persimmon, there is a lot of iodine in persimmon, such - no, well, let's say so, no,
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a fruit that has always been in our food culture, like fiyahua, contains, this is generally a storehouse of iodine, there is very, very much iodine, but fihua, persimmon, there are seasonal yes, fruits, buckwheat, millet, always in our diet, please, millet, no millet, well , zuhrasha, are we birds, why do we cook porridge from millet, we also have some other products, well , where? the only thing is, when a person goes to take tests, now our listeners may
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think, what if i have an iodine deficiency , they will go to take tests, if you ate seafood the day before, then everything will be fine with iodine, but if you eat more often potatoes and pasta, then well, zuhra, we always say that you don’t need to go to take tests, you need to go to the doctor, and the doctor will already tell you what tests you need to take, just in case, because i really rarely come across people doing everything the way you tell them, so anticipating this possibility, i want to say that you can take tests completely pointlessly, wasting both money and time, so olesya is absolutely right, go to the doctor, he will immediately tell you what you need to do and what you don’t need, it will be both effective and reasonable, and i hope that... we will save everyone from iodine deficiency. yes, i would really like for
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the people who make decisions to hear us, after all, they passed a law on mandatory salt poisoning. yes, perhaps there are some counteracting situations, well, let's say, salt poisoning greatly changes the state standard in relation to food producers. but this is a very useful thing, and most importantly, salt poisoning is intelligence, it is our health. our future, yes, yes, thank you, with you was the podcast deception of substances and me, the editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda alesya nosova and the famous endocrinologist zukhra pavlova. you can find all the issues of the podcast lab project watch on the website of the first channel
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hello, you are watching precious stories. my name is ekaterina varkan, our guest today is elena vinogradova. she came to us from voronezh, and it is not just like that, not far from voronezh there is an estate of the noble venevitinovs. there is now a museum manor, and elena was the first then the only employee of this museum with a name. a lot of advantages, he was very handsome, outwardly, such a first prince of the kingdom, so to speak, yes, indeed, he was a handsome man in the full sense of the word, tall, huge blue and his eyes, framed by very long eyelashes, shone with intelligence, it would be unlikely
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that such eyes would be found in the world, one of his contemporaries wrote, well, here we see a portrait absolutely remarkable.
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and all the sciences that he , in fact, mastered, the grades that he received are listed there. it is very interesting here, one small detail, here it is written that the certificate, according to the decree of 809, was issued, and the decree is quite interesting, in my opinion, spiransky came up with such a thing that all people in the civil service had to have hens of some public higher educational institutions, and many already respectable people who occupied decent...
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but all, it means, parents, naturally, prince such and such, well, in general, it's quite funny, they immediately began to place their minors, well , young, naturally, people, youths, children, in higher educational institutions, a lyceum was born here, in the newborn lyceum, as we remember, it means, pushkin, well known to us, was immediately placed. but about home education, if we talk about it, then they all certainly played music very well, for some reason they all had talent, i am surprised, but i have no talent, no matter how much i teach them, they all knew how to play music, so there is an assumption that in addition to the fact that nevvitinov is known to have played
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the piano well, he was also involved in composing, in 2010-11 we had such an acquaintance, thank god she still exists,


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