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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  August 14, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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here is a fragment of his speech at a press conference in september 1995, by the way, how is agent chesler? paul is now in moscow, with his informant. for the sake of completing the mission, a professional agent must be ready for any sacrifice. have you seen her photo? i would not mind sacrificing myself like that, even every day and twice on sunday. maybe you will go with me, show me moscow. in half an hour i have to be at work. see you in the evening, until the evening. bye.
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he left. yeah, keep me informed.
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irina vladimirovna, he arrived at the cemetery, to the cemetery, i'm following him, i wonder what he forgot there, yeah, it's true that madeline o'bright called half a million children a reasonable price, well, how many times can we remember this interview, she's already apologized 100 times, besides, journalists always distort the meaning, they need a substance for vital drugs, they need raw materials for biological weapons, call a spade a spade, is it really a disaster there? and do you want a disaster
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to be all over the world? we're preparing the first agreement, after signing it will need to be agreed upon in commission. try to make sure that you go to this approval.
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are you sure that this is the same woman? i need a photo, do you understand that this is very serious? that's it, i'll call you back. hello, hello, are you okay, are you sick? "i couldn't get through to you all day yesterday, i had a lot of work, and what's this, did you have someone else, mit, you 're not thinking about that at all, and what should i be thinking about in such a situation, instead of suspecting me, you should take a closer look at your employees, well, what do you want to say, we have reason to believe that yakovlev leaked some information to the cia, seryozha, yakov is a spy." no, that can't be, you don't
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believe me, i believe you, but what you're saying is completely out of the question, an hour ago he was spotted during a meeting at the cemetery, nothing more. the employees already know this, i'm waiting for a photo to report to him, yes.
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dmitry andreevich, something happened, dmitry andreevich, you are suspected of collaborating with ru, what? tell me that this is not true, answer me one question: why? yes, because
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that he yes...
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or unlike ours, they at least care about the safety of their own citizens, i just don't understand one thing, why do you care about their safety, and what do you think, they can't do without you, i do what i think is right, and what did you decide that this is right, did you thoroughly study the situation in iraq, do you know what is happening in america, in russia, on the basis of what, do you make these conclusions, well...
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no, seryoga, you will be awarded, what to do, to renounce, what should i do? i did everything that could. you have very little time. superman!
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yes, i'm listening, yes, i'm calm, i'm completely calm, yes, i'm calm, your mother, i'm listening, so
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, how, how could this happen? and at such an inopportune time? i, you know, also had other plans for the evening, this is it, the end, i'll never be able to go home, you knew that sooner or later this would happen, right? no. take a rest,
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did you give anyone information about yakovlev? do you suspect me of something? yakovlev escaped from my people yesterday, which means someone warned him. you understand, if i wanted to warn him, i would have given him at least a day before telling you, well, let's say it wasn't you who did it, yakovlev, pirogov's employee, you can suspect pirogov of anything, but not stupidity, he couldn't have exposed himself like that, maybe you're right, maybe. mitya, mitya,
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you still told yakovlev, do you understand what you've done? i couldn't have done otherwise. seryozha has always been my shoulder. and i, do you understand that for the first time in my life i got prudnikova together. because of you, what's wrong with seryozha? what's wrong with seryozha? and you know better than anyone what's wrong with seryozha, he's disappeared. well, that's good. and prudnikov it will be very interesting to know how you haven't seen an american spy in front of your nose for so many years. and did you say anything about me? yes, you did. and you? and i said that you're not stupid enough to do that. but you are that stupid. i was still a fool to expose myself because of you. well, forgive me,
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you've already gotten used to your new life, how could you not, this is. this is america, do you want to stay here after your studies? i don't know, actually oleg is waiting for me in moscow. but lately we've begun to understand each other worse, well, yes, it's just that you've moved far ahead, no, he has also achieved a lot, oh yeah, harvard, cambridge, no, he works, he has his own business, quite successful, but there are
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some nuances, and he sells drugs, weapons, no, no, no. "i don't know, but he has some semi-criminal history, i understand, your country is being rebuilt from communism to capitalism, the period of initial accumulation of capital, like in the wild west, as a child i really loved westerns, there is a certain romance in this. yes, on the screen, in life everything is not so beautiful, yes, you do not ride off into the sunset on the final credits, as i understand it, you are an adventure hunter, more of an office rat, then for
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us, for office rats. wow, familiar places, there is my entrance, well, i will not compromise you in front of your classmates, why not, let them envy, fine, but then, let them die of envy.
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yes, lyushch, veranika gromova, connect, hello, hello, what happened, no, yes, it happened.
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no, in fact, nothing happened, i did not understand anything, i just had dinner with a friend today, there is nothing between us, well, we just live different lives, i do not i can, it's hard for me, wait, are you leaving me like this now? well, i wish you happiness in your new, wonderful life, oleg, just
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wait, come on. let's just take a break , let's do everything, oleg, oleg, everything's fine, yeah, pirogov came here, let him wait, let him come in. are you settled in fine, did something happen, no? do you want some vodka, why not,
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john holiday, "hello, welcome to your home, home, this is your new home, well, we'll just stand here like this, won't you invite us in , yeah, yeah, sure, please, come in."
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well, great, i didn't even expect that, what are you saying, the administration appreciates your services, we all know how you risked to report important information, such help deserves decent compensation, right? i didn't do it for compensation, i made good money, even during the soviet union. thanks to you and people like you, our ball is still spinning, so we'll have to stick with the iraqi project for now. zaborozit, why? why, why? because yakov doesn't work for me anymore, without seryoga, we can't handle such volumes
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pull, pull? the volume is big, i agree, but it's worth it, finally we will have a real opportunity to do something good for people. listen, let's do it without pathos, idealists only do harm, no benefit. pour. "i work for big money, okay, if you take on this, i'm ready to give you another 10%, for the fact that i myself , through my company, will completely manage the iraqi project, well, thanks to my connections." okay, let's split it half and half,
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i want you to know, this is the first time with me, right? yeah, i've never cheated before you pozhene, and you? i'm not married, no, but you have a boyfriend. we broke up. i didn't want to deceive him.
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is dad home? no, he's coming back from the sanatorium tomorrow. i decided that it would be calm this way, he doesn't know why. thank you. are you sure you feel well? great. finally, i'm home. and what do the doctors say? they say that in a year i'll have to come for a check-up. for now they've prescribed a diet of medications, thank you, for what, for what? i don't need
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to explain to you that the country's leadership is extremely concerned about constant military threats saddam hussein to america. in connection with this, operation lighthouse was developed and approved. it has the status of top secret. so, before i bring you up to speed, i remind you that any leak of information will be considered treason. we know the location of more than 100 laboratories and military warehouses in iraq.
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you want us to check the facilities that un inspectors are not allowed to, but it will take a hell of a lot of time, we need special equipment and how can we do all this unnoticed. you are right, paul, so checking objects we immediately dismissed as unrealistic. if saddam looks like a dictator who has weapons of mass destruction, declares that he has weapons, behaves as if he has these weapons, then he has weapons of mass destruction. this conclusion cannot be called indisputable, but it can be called sufficient for launching operation mayakak. what is the essence of the operation? we are convinced that at least one of the military warehouses contains chemical weapons. we can detect it immediately using protocol 316. that is, we must make it so that it
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reveals itself. i have no doubt in your professionalism and loyalty to the united states of america. why are you so gloomy? doesn't anything bother you? what are you talking about? since when is a lie good? life is good, safety is good, and weapons of mass destruction in the hands of a fanatic are bad. and personally, in this case, i don't give a damn about the truth, i'm for life. but
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objectivity has always been one of the main values ​​of our administration, we can endlessly collect facts, weigh the pros and cons in order to be objective, and meanwhile in the meantime, sadama will be quietly developing his chemical weapons, then suddenly, one fine day, he will squash us with all our fucking objectivity, and then what? we will objectively admit that we made a mistake, we will continue to weigh everything. so what? stand still? sometimes you just have to do what is right for america. you know, all the world's intelligence agencies think that they are doing the right thing. all these agents, the cia, mi6, masada, mukhabarat, kgb, fsb, svr, think that they are fighting on the side of good.
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since when did you become a cosmopolitan? i don't remember, to be concerned with the ideals of our opponents, to defeat the enemy, you need to get to know him better, think like him, be careful, closeness to the enemy can be dangerous, especially if this enemy is a beautiful woman. collect, take this too, mark, what are you thinking about, we don’t think about anything, mesterov is going to iraq now, so, so, all the contracts will go through his company, right, right, he also negotiated with samir, but it turns out, i’m not his lot, i don’t
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think he’ll set you up, he will, he won’t, how do i know what he has there in head, you're right, you need your own man, i have one. especially since nisterov doesn't know arabic, he needs a translator. that's right, your own man, irot, what would i do without you, huh? i'm also wondering, why do i always help you? because you love me. come on. "let's go home, what a horror, what, what happened, are you with
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veronica or something, she dumped oleg, news, yes, she dumped him when she went to america, yes, i'm to blame for everything, of course, first i wound it up so that..." she left, long ago i wish there was a wedding, oh my god, i'm so ashamed in front of oleg, right, it's a problem with you and women, what are you telling me, look, why doesn't it match, yeah , lufi, oleg, gromova veronica, yeah, go sing, yeah. "hi, i was talking to mom, why didn't you tell me, anna borisovna asked,
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forgive me for everything, please. oleg, i'm so ashamed, okay, don't cry, i'm coming in a few days, maybe we'll see each other, i won't be there, yeah, i understand, thank you, no... okay, bye, sorry, i have to go.
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hi, hi, i already thought you were in cuba you'll stay, that's for sure, they feed us well here, like isabelle, she's packing her bags, is she going to move to russia, what about work, did christine really let her go, listen, i'm walking around with a half-axe, what am i? i can't win your woman over, no, that's not what i 'm talking about, how do you understand each other, you don't know french, so what? that's why people like you have all their problems, you talk too much, i
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've learned two phrases, that's enough for me, i love you and you're the most beautiful, you don't understand a damn thing, but look, when she asks me something, i tell her, who vuvule, how are you? and if she erases something for me, i tell her, jolie pans osi, well, honey, i think so too, and it really works, and don't you believe me, no, i do, why, well, how are we doing, everything's going well, more than, it looks like our company has a real chance of getting iraqi contracts, you can't imagine what volumes there are, and do you think there's not enough oil in russia, it's a completely different level, we can become big.
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holds yes parkert, limited edition, very limited. two capsules hidden in each pen, it won't be dangerous lead them through the desert? we tested everything, everything is fine, you still won't take them, we can't risk them, but you can with me, the capsules will arrive with our courier on the plane, aren't you afraid of problems at customs?
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because you have a russian passport and there will be no problems entering the country. you will bring one thing to baghdad. thank you. what thing? a gift. fountain pens. for whom? you will go as a tourist. you will register at the hotel and wait for my call.
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i still don't understand why you were sent with me, you won't be able to get here without translator, and i speak arabic fluently, tell me honestly, i introduced you to pie to control me, you shouldn't have done that, we're on the same team, and... i don't know that, so far,
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essentially, everyone speaks russian, so i won't need a translator, so i'll just sit there silently, oleg? well, finally, welcome to iraq. petr shirokov, translator. igor milenko, ambassador's adviser. well, how was your flight? thank you, good, glad to hear it. excellent. please meet my wife tatyana. nice to meet you, oleg. very nice to meet you. nikolay vasilyevich is in moscow now, so i will go with you to meet samir. do you speak arabic? well, of course. i don’t need a translator.
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the amount corresponds to the export contract. but here almost everything is on the list of dual-use substances. if you can agree on the delivery of at least some of the items, it will be a huge achievement. and now i must leave you. abu-bakr will discuss all the details with you. i am expecting guests in the evening. and i will be very pleased if you
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join our friendly evening, for us it's an honor and pleasure. listen, who is this? this is sergey yakovlev from moscow. oh, hello, sergey. have you talked to paul yet? i have questions. what questions? we can meet, tomorrow at your place, i'll bring a ticket, okay, okay.
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where is your colleague, he stayed at the hotel, the status doesn't match, yeah, something like that? i hate all this, it was worth killing the king, so that later we could play at the court, not only is kazneria on display for all to see, fun entertainment, right? if i'm not mistaken, saddam hussein came to lay down only 20 years after these events, and what difference does it make those
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who came when they were more bloodthirsty, look, everyone here killed at least a dozen people, although maybe... does that not bother you? oleg, good evening, good evening, may i steal him for a minute? yes, of course, i just wanted to introduce you to my brother. amir, this is oleg misterov, the one i was talking about. it's very nice to meet you. likewise. as far as i know, you are a friend of dmitry pirogov. that's right, for us this is the best recommendation, and this is dr. rihab, very nice to meet you, very nice to meet you, you are a scientist, first of all, i am his wife, let's go,
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colonel, let's get acquainted, it's a pity you won't be able to put them on for us as part of your program, yeah, it won't work , unfortunately, for a minute, i apologize,
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you won't recognize me, we met at the museum, did you even think i was from romania? yes, now i know you are from russia. are you samir's partner? is that good or bad? good, probably. if iraq starts trading with other countries again, people's lives will become much easier. everything seems to be fine now. don't think that we live here in golden cages and don't notice anything. but it's hard not to notice, you only have to go outside, it's as if you're blaming me, believe me, i'm not to blame for what's happening in iraq, and my parents and i have always advocated peace, but your husband doesn't look like a pacifist, he's
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a soldier, are you sure this isn't a mistake, i just spoke to a jewish general, he... i'm not going anywhere. do you doubt the president's insight? if my wife's parents turned out to be traitors, i'm not going to shield them. your parents wives are honest people, if so, then they will soon
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be released. sorry if i said something wrong.
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good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with channel one, on the calendar
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is august 14, wednesday and let's not waste a second, because we have a wonderful summer morning ahead of us, with you today live nikita pimenov and daria shulik, good morning to everyone, we wish you a wonderful day, today we will celebrate the honey rescue and of course we will choose the most delicious honey, we will check how the preparations for the heating season are going, and they are already in full swing, let's choose a stylish and fashionable school uniform, it's time to figure it out. where and how berries are picked now, they are also very tasty, what is so useful in them in august, and this, of course, is far from all that awaits you this morning, well now it's time to warm up, the winner of the russian cup in dance ivan miskevich suggests starting the morning in the style of bachatta, i love it, good morning, meet my students, tatyana and ekaterina. they started dancing in adulthood, and the result is impressive, i suggest you join our
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dance training, the mood is definitely will improve, today we will learn a basic element from the dominican dance bachata: feet together, knees slightly bent, take three steps to the right, one, two, three, on four we put our feet together, left knee slightly bent, lean on the toe, turn the body to the left, step again: 1, 2, 3, put the right foot to the left, four, in the reverse order we return to the starting position, one 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, add. emphasis with the hip, the movement is simple,
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so we will complicate it a little, take four steps, simultaneously raise your arms up through sides, four more steps, bend your elbows and run your palms over your body, move smoothly. without jerking, dancing is great for toning your body and lifting your spirits, dance more often, live joyfully! well, friends, until september 1, a little more than two weeks, prudent and experienced parents are already getting ready for ... it doesn't suit you, this uniform
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doesn't suit you, what will they choose, it's scary to imagine, anna popova decided to find out, and at the same time she found out what uniform is in trend today, for things for school without parents, only children, first the uniform, well , regular clothes are kind of boring, well, yeah, not interesting, white top and black bottom are quite suitable, monochrome is fashionable, but they also want details in their image, prints, ties, stripes, oh, look what a cool cap, there are such straps, it's fashionable now, and if the director sees you in such a uniform, he will say cool, and if the director does not appreciate it, then a compromise, the basis is to be, that is, it can be stylized, almost stylized, they look at the material of the clothes, parents can trust them, they touched everything, for example, in the pants
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right there combing, so your legs itch afterwards when you take them off or some tights. also very unpleasant, sometimes this piece of paper gets in the way on the shirt, it hurts with a comfortable and fashionable fitting room, damn, it suits you so much, you are so beautiful in it, you look like our classmate, you still need to work on compliments, but i like the images, i even wanted to go to school more, here you get up, you, you are really very precious, you go there to wash, eat, then you understand that, let's say, you have... some new one a sweater and you are happy that i will come to school looking good, there is also a requirement for a backpack, a claim to parents, mom would take some bright backpack with cats, there are dogs, and we would, let's say, we want - something like this, maxim, can you get me a backpack like this, like minimalism, you can break away on office supplies, look at the little dog, this is a pencil case, what's
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inside, i just want to eat it, look at what a cool pen. yeah, oh, something stuffy, m, you can hide this calculator in a pencil case, in math you open one like that, like, to play pranks i want to, but they already know that in class it will all be distracting and generally not always convenient, such pens are not suitable for a test, that it will get in the way, that is, you write it dangles like this, it is not very, well , not very pleasant, also because this thing kind of increases the mass, so it is harder for you to move it, so you can grab an anti-stress device, it is not necessary. such sizes, if you, for example, got a bad grade, to calm down, you managed it yourself, the minimum is superfluous, help from parents is still needed on box office. anna popova, vladimir repin, andrey aksyonov, dmitry gordienko, channel one. for muslim magamaev's birthday, weekend on channel one. famous
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favorite artists gathered at our table, who will tell funny stories and funny things that happened to them, you'll forgive me, i accidentally broke this new vase, don't worry, it's not that big , it's already new, it's only 200 years old, i invite you to the program, i need to play the queen, i think, but it will be some piece dedicated to honey, i come, so the next day in ostanka, on all make-up costume, one of the women brings me such a big velvet circle, it has two things hanging from the sides, and an unusual uterus, these are the ovaries, she died, as this cry was produced, herman, bending over, with a fork in his hands, comes up to nina ruslanova, at that very moment he sticks this fork into her ass, she does and it sounds stop, filmed, ruslanova only rubs, says, i didn’t know that
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directors work with actors like that, and how long? he said, a long time ago the soviet circus, a tiger grabbed the father, he quietly tells them: skolt, take a stick now and hit it on the head with all your might, and now the tiger, on saturday on the first. everyone is probably already awake, and it's time to look into the world wide web, what 's new and interesting there ? of course, our observer egor uspensky knows this better than anyone, here's what he has prepared for... today, cats can still earn likes, for example, this one named rudolf from brazil, just played tic-tac-toe with his owner, well, please, 5 million views in just a couple of days, this is how the direct road to the top opens up internet, i wonder who gave in to whom, of course the cat, the hero of our next video is called boatenk de oora, he is a llama and loves to jump, recently, for example, boateng managed
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to overcome obstacles 1 m 30 cm high. and the main thing is that nothing prevented this new world record, among llamas, of course. in every bird lives an actor, well, or an actress. the following shots confirm this. an employee of a french store fed an exhausted bird that was lying by the door. the next day, to the doors of the same store three birds have already arrived and put on a whole show, pretending to be sick, well , of course, we had to treat them too to such actresses. well done, finally, about our favorite, yes, the panda katyusha from the moscow zoo, one of the employees cut out such a fish from a carrot, put it on a bamboo stick, like an eskimo and gave it to katyusha, saying, help yourself, the panda appreciated the present with appetite and began to eat the bamboo stick, tastes, well, as they say, there is no accounting for taste. friends, once again good morning to everyone, so yes, what do we have
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there's more on the agenda, and we have a beauty lesson on the agenda, men can step away from their screens for a while, have a cup of coffee, i'm off, go yes, well, and right now we'll listen to the vice-champion of the world in fitness and leonora alibaeva, because she'll tell you how to make your skin clear and si. everyone dreams of radiant beauty and youthful skin, and what to do if pimples appear, if possible , exclude sweets, flour, fried foods and fast food from your diet. most likely, after this , the skin rashes will go away, if not, we consult a doctor, follow his advice, and folk remedies will help to care for the skin. mix a tablespoon of nettle leaves, chamomile flowers and burdock root, both fresh raw materials and optical collections will do. pour the mixture with a liter of hot boiled water,
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strain after 20 minutes, pour the infusion into a warm bath to increase the concentration of nutrients, put the cake in a cloth bag. tie tightly, lower into water, immerse yourself in the bath for 15 minutes. medicinal herbs cleanse the skin, reduce inflammation, have a bactericidal effect. to enhance the effect, make a mask of white clay, dilute the powder in warm water, add a little lemon juice, apply the mixture to problem areas, wash off the product after 15 minutes, the white clay mask tightens
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pores, draws out sebaceous plugs and reduces inflammation. also, do not forget to review your wardrobe: if your skin is irritated, synthetic items will not suit you. to allow your skin to breathe, choose loose clothing made of natural materials. be beautiful. let us remind you that today is wednesday, august 14. and our broadcast will continue with the news release on channel one. stay with us. hello, sergey tugushev is on air with the news in the studio. another american stryker armored vehicle, which ukrainian militants used to try to break through deep into the kursk region, was destroyed with the help of a lancet loitering munition. trying to hide from our drones, the enemy camouflaged itself in a forest belt, but the scouts tracked down the target and delivered a precise strike. several more units of equipment and a large enemy group were destroyed by russian pilots,
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and crews of supersonic fighters acted bombers in su-34. the fire was conducted by aerial bombs with universal planning and correction modules. they allow to attack the enemy with high accuracy. our artillerymen are conducting aimed fire. crews of towed gaubi. stabs hit the armored group of the armed forces of ukraine. the crews acted in tandem with drone operators. they adjusted the fire of our vehicles. such tactics provide additional camouflage for the gun and increase its accuracy. our military captured the positions of the armed forces of ukraine in krasnogorovka. in the dpr, fighting in the city is ongoing literally for every block. assault units and crews of attack drones protect the territory from militants meter by metro. suppress fire and sniper points, destroy ukrainian strongholds. outside the populated area, drone operators continuously conduct reconnaissance, track the movement of enemy equipment in order to deprive the enemy of reinforcements
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and ammunition supplies, as well as food. according to our military, it is a matter of time to displace the remaining militants in krasnogorovka. they say hopelessness, well what, they drove us in, they drove us in, they don’t give us anything, what do we do, we... run in completely, surround the territory, start clearing it, there is no food, nothing, people are just drying up, roughly speaking, these are the kind of people we talk to, they say: they are not withdrawing us, they just forgot about us. there are active battles in the ugledar area in the area of ​​konstantinovka, this is one of the key fortified areas of the ukrainian armed forces, through which the enemy’s supply routes go. then in the battle, our military captured a ukrainian tank. the captured vehicle has already been painted tactical signs of the east group of troops. repairs were carried out, after a mine explosion it lost its tracks. and very soon the equipment will be used in the interests of our troops. the latest developments. which is currently taking place
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in the patriot park near moscow. the previous evening, defense minister andrei belousov visited it. he was presented with the most promising examples of weapons and military equipment. at the site of the people's defense industry complex, which was created at the forum for the first time to the head of the russian military department, they showed the developments of a small. civilian enterprises, even our own inventions, including a variety of fpv drones, computer programs for training drone operators, electronic warfare systems, and even mobile platforms for remote control of small arms. kiev responded rudely to minsk's statement about ukrainian drones arriving in belarus. president alexander lukashenko previously reported that
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ukrainian drones, presumably attack drones, were shot down in the republic's airspace last friday. another part was destroyed by the russian military over our territory. lukashenko called this a provocation and noted that it would not go unanswered. the belarusian defense ministry received instructions to strengthen the group of troops in the gomel and mozar directions. meanwhile, the official representative of the ukrainian mfa stated at a briefing that his department had seen these statements and kiev did not consider it appropriate to respond to them. a detachment of warships of the northern fleet arrived in the port of dudinka. there our crews, who are currently in arctic campaign and ensure the protection of russia's interests in this region were met in accordance with the traditions of taimyr. the sailors were greeted in the languages ​​of the five indigenous peoples of the peninsula, and were presented with a traditional loaf of bread with salt. the detachment includes the large anti-submarine ship vice-admiral kulakov, and the large landing ship alexander.
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the fleet began on august 5, after leaving the base , our sailors conducted an exercise in the waters of the barintsevo and kara seas. a wave of indignation over the awards of the olympic games in france, questions to the quality of the medal, the difference between the gold from paris and tokyo was clearly demonstrated on social networks by two-time olympic badminton champion from dacha viktor axelsen. despite the fact that the japanese award has been around for several years, it looks much better than the french one. just a week
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ago, while the cost of the gold medal for the 2024 olympics is estimated at about $ 950, making it the most expensive in the history of the games. earlier , american skateboarder nyjah huston expressed dissatisfaction with the quality of the awards, his bronze medal in places already covered with rust. the air of the first channel will continue with the program "good morning". and we continue: august is a generous month, it gives us all sorts of useful herbs, mushrooms, and of course. berries, where would we be without them, the enticing summer berries of all kinds: raspberries, currants, blueberries, cloudberries, sea buckthorn, they are now being collected all over the country, from yamal to stavropol. right now, let's dive into the real berry diversity on an industrial scale. there is a drought in stavropol this summer, but sergei akashev's raspberry plantations are pleasing us with a harvest, up to 20 tons of berries per hectare. what's the secret? drip polyfras, plus manure for... 60
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tons of manure have already been poured in here, well , special varieties, it was not in vain that i waited 2 years for them to arrive from denmark to have time to harvest before the heat, the pickers have been on their feet since 4 am, they are paid 80 rubles per kilo. sergey picks 25-30 kilograms per shift, he says it's not difficult, the berries are large, and you can also get plenty of vitamins from the rider, just pick and enjoy, there will be extra work until november, early varieties will replace the late ones in total on this farm. hectares they expect to collect at least 50 tons of berries. in this crimean farm, the pickers will not be left without work either. sea buckthorn pleased. from one tree alone you can collect a kilogram. i came up with such a tray, you go up to it, lift the branch and collect calmly, so as not to hold it in your hands. a hectare of siberian bushes on the black sea coast was planted for the sake of an experiment, it was not a mistake,
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no one in the country has such early sea buckthorn, they will expand the plantation from customers from the fight, no, it contains a lot of useful substances, including it is used in pharmacology, medicine, that is, and many more. in the skovskaya region, they collect another tasty and no less useful berry - currants, yulia roshchina has 60 bushes, she says this time there are not so many berries, there were frosts in the spring, but they are large and sweet, she is waiting for relatives, currant picking is another reason to meet, a large family arrives, children, friends of children, nephews, relatives all went out, collected, started preparing, in yamal they went. berries and for the indigenous population they are almost the only source of vitamins in winter, they are attracted to the collection students, while they are on vacation, this company was brought to the taiga to collect lingonberries from the yarsely, they also collect blueberries with ice cream, berries, then dry them, freeze them, at local enterprises they make pastila from them, the berries
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are ground, poured onto a baking sheet to dry for about three hours, then rolled into rolls and cut, the most delicious and healthy berry delicacy of august is ready, anastasia zavidova, they say that in the summer the need for food decreases by at least 5%, maybe they are right of course, but personally, for example, for me everything is cool, light and sweet invariably makes you hungry, well, take, for example, watermelon gossip, why not, yes, we are gourmets, let's you, friends, write down the recipe for such an unusual soup from pastry chef elena rishetnyak, refreshing gazpacho soup is usually made from... tomato, and i will make it from watermelon, cut the watermelon in half, cut off the rind, cut the pulp into cubes, remove the seeds, put it in a blender bowl, add
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pieces of sweet pepper, a little chopped red onion, its soft, slightly sweet taste goes well with the tender pulp of the watermelon, add: cloves of garlic. yes, yes, soup from watermelon will not be sweet, spicy and even with a slight spiciness. i add basil. only green leaves are suitable for summer soup. they have a delicate, refreshing taste. i squeeze lime juice into a jug. to make the soup hearty, i soak a slice of loaf in water. i squeeze it out and put it in a blender bowl. watermelon gazpacho is ready, i pour the soup into bowls, garnish with basil. watermelon pulp perfectly quenches thirst and refreshes, and thanks to the unusual combination of spices, the dish turned out to be bright and
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memorable in taste. enjoy your meal. today is august 14, the orthodox have a big holiday. the carrying out of the honest wood of the life-giving cross of the lord. on this day , festive services are held, believers bless the water and pray for health. and today the dormition fast begins, it will last 2 weeks until the dormition of the most holy theotokos. 20 km from the holy trinity lavra of st. sergius. gremyachiy spring. during the dormition fast it is especially crowded. we are in the holy spring of st. sergius of radovish, here you can get water and ... nut, such a recharge, what is needed, ahead for the orthodox, one of the strictest fasts - dormition, these two weeks are preparation for the great church holiday, august 28, the dormition of the most holy theotokos,
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popularly it is also called the theotokos easter, originates from the word to fall asleep or to fall asleep, such was the soft sleep, the transition into eternity of the mother of god, which ... the church in this event on the very first day of the dormition fast falls the holiday: the bringing out of the honest wood of the life-giving cross of the lord. the cross on which the lord jesus christ was crucified was in the treasury of the constantinople emperors. the cross the tree was carried around the city so that people would be healed from various diseases. and now on this day the cross is taken out of the altar to the middle of the temple. everyone can pray for their own, but most often they ask for the health of loved ones. lent is about prayers and restrictions, including in food. but the most important thing is thoughts. with good ones it is even easier to breathe. all fasts for me pass very easily and joyfully, sometimes i even honestly wait for it to begin, well, because it is, it is
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a flight, it really gives you wings, with prayer, first of all, to thank for everything god, for the fact that you can see tomorrow, fasting is a lightness of soul, it is joy, it is just such a state, time, approaching god, you can say, for what else do they love the dormition fast, for a good tradition. to harvest the first honey harvest and consecrate it in churches on the honey savior. advice from chef vladimir, add honey during fasting to any dish. decorate with honey dressing. you can also add either mustard or soy sauce to honey, well, according to your tastes, as you like best. we added honey dressing to the cucumber salad in the beetroot salad, but it will do any greens or vegetables that are in the garden. there is more ahead. variety apple nut spas, maria nikolaeva, nikolay krysanov, vasily yurov, channel one.
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volleyball, as you have not seen it yet? channel one cup, live broadcasts on the weekend on channel one. famous and beloved artists gathered at our table, who will tell. funny stories and curiosities that happened to them, you will forgive me, i accidentally
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broke this new vase, don't worry, it is not that big, it is new, it is only 200 years old, i invite you to the program, we must play the uterus, i think, but it will be some piece dedicated to honey, i come, then, the next day in the remains, for everything, makeup costume, one of the women brings me such a large velvet circle, it has such two things hanging from the sides, and let it be an unusual uterus, these are the ovaries, she died, as this cry was produced, herman, bending over, with a fork in his hands, comes up to nina ruslanova at that very moment in her ass so sticks this fork, she does and sounds, stop, filmed, ruslanova only rubbing, says, i didn't know that so directors work with actors. askold zapashny told me, a long time ago, the soviet circus, tiger grabbed his father, he quietly
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tells them: askold, take a stick now, and hit him on the head with all your might, and now the tiger, on saturday on the first. good morning to everyone who has just joined us, it's already wednesday on the calendar, the equator of the working week, august 14, and today is a big day, honey rescue, the sweetest day of the summer. right now, let's go to the apiary, thank the bees and make a pancake for honey, talk about, how to distinguish fake honey from real honey, although here, of course, you need to try everything, which we will do now. honey savior is the popular name for three holidays at once, which the orthodox celebrate today, this is the removal of the cross of the lord, the consecration of water in memory of the events of the 9th century, when in constantinople ... there was an epidemic and they consecrated the water, and the epidemic stopped, plus the day of remembrance
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of the mokovian martyrs, and just by this time, in fact, the honey was ripening, beekeepers brought it to the temple, to consecrate. at the apiary, in iana at the techensky farmstead on the savior monastery podruzy, honey is also almost all collected. the maturation of honey is determined by printing the frame, you see, the cells are sealed, that is, excess moisture is removed from it, and as they evaporate the moisture bees. is collected, they flap their wings, on the litochka, excess moisture is gone, this means that the honey will be stored well, right? yes, there will be no souring of honey, no burning, plus such bees have already saturated it with enzymes as much as possible, each variety, linden, buckwheat, sunflower, is useful in its own way, this white acacia is unique, it is collected here in krasnodar region, contain a minimum amount of finger grains, which just do not cause allergies in people, secondly, the advantage is that it contains more fructose, which allows honey not
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to crystallize for more than 3 years, wild honey is most valued, only it is difficult to obtain it in nature, like this ... sing in logs, like nikolai russkikh from udmurtia is as close as possible, i found tree stumps in the forest , thick-bodied, rotten inside, i clean this gunel material with special means, special tools, which i inherited from grandfather, thick walls retain heat in winter, and do not heat up in summer, so the bees are healthier, calmer, great, and the treat turns out to be as useful as possible, there are 24 microelements in the human body.
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half a glass of flour, a pinch of salt, a pinch of soda, we will immediately add honey there, when heated it loses some of the vitamins, so we wait for the pancakes to cool down a little remember the good old life hack, natural honey can be distinguished from a fake by the fact that when we pour it, the stream is continuous, for a very long time, you see, it does not stop, now you can celebrate honey savior, very tasty, such a sweet life will be for everyone, yes, anna vashok, vladimir, repina. channel one. we continue right now let's talk about money, about the money that we send, to put it mildly, not there, and not to the right one. yes, unfortunately, a common situation, a phone call comes, an unfamiliar voice says that all our personal data has been hacked and we need to urgently transfer money to another account. well, here
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, of course, anyone can get confused. you know, they woke me up here, so i was sleeping during the day after the broadcast, they called twice, i picked up the phone, they say, here you are. they broke your voice, thank you, goodbye, in general, let's listen to anastasia savelyeva, she will tell you now what exactly should alert you in a conversation with a stranger, what are the rules of one touch and what to do if you still fall for the bait of a fraudster, strange sms, a call from an unknown number, yes, almost every one of us has run into fraudsters, the main mistake in society is to think that i will not fall for this, no, it's just...
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the account, naturally, is very safe, so that the attackers didn't get to him, she transferred, a couple of days later they called her again, as a result she took out two loans of half a million each and a loan secured by an apartment, they forbade me to talk to my relatives, they said that i have no right to communicate with third parties, i say, what third parties, my husband and son, no, there is such and such a law, there is such and such an article, they knew everything about me, this should alert them, so... it is important that no matter what happens, no matter who calls, we use the rules of one touch: touch your loved one and talk to him about this situation, how rule, it simply removes absolutely everyone, there is nothing more correct and there is nothing more obvious than communication with loved ones, trust, believe, rely on loved ones. rule two: my home, my castle,
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never mortgage real estate. third, there are plenty of different scammers' schemes in advance. it is impossible to work out everything, so an unknown number calls, we hang up, a call from a brave organization, you can call back, but attention, independently by the company's hotline number, and what to do if you have already fallen for the scammers, write a statement to the police and call the bank, immediately block all accounts, you know the recipient bank, it is better to write there, according to the new rules, banks must block all fraudulent transfers, it is important to do this now so that we develop a practice. banks respond, how banks conduct this investigation in terms of quality, here you can even achieve a refund if the bank transferred money to a fraudulent account from the so-called black list of the bank of russia. in other situations, for example, an atypical transaction for the client, in the amount transfer or frequency, you will have to try harder and prove to the bank that you did not
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provide any personal data to the intruders. anastasia savileva, mikhail karasev, channel one. protect the wiring with a special corrugated hose, it would seem, well, what could be simpler, i said, who generally does not know how to do anything with his hands, but i know that there are nuances, and home craftsman alexey boydzhi. now he will tell us and show us how to work with corrugation correctly. task: you need to protect the wiring with a corrugated hose, and pulling, which was lost inside, we can't go to the store for a new corrugated pipe because of this. let's think about what to do: take a thin clothesline, a piece of polyethylene like this, 10x10, make a hole in the center, thread the rope, tie it so that the polyethylene on it... and becomes like a ball, push it into the corrugated hose, now we need a vacuum cleaner,
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apply the nozzle to the other end of the corrugated pipe, seal the connection with adhesive tape, turn on the vacuum cleaner, it sucks in the light polyethylene ball perfectly, now you have a corrugated hose with a pull-through, lay it inside the wire will not be difficult. what other problems can we expect when working with corrugated pipes? let's say you have scraps, they need to be connected. we will need a plastic bottle, cut out a tape about 10 cm wide from it, wrap one end of the corrugated pipe, connect it to the second and overheat it with a building hair dryer, the plastic shrinks, connects the corrugated hoses very firmly, we give the structure. and check the reliability of the connection, as you can see, the methods are working, you can use them. well, friends,
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summer is coming to an end, but this is only a calendar summer, because on indian summer, but how they say that any heat sooner or later, unfortunately, ends, not very optimistic of course, we will now say that winter is inevitable or winter is near, in fact , what are we getting at, let's see how houses are prepared for winter before...
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the central heating station is located. we check that the basement is dry, the pipes are without leaks. then an inspection outside, heat can escape through leaky windows in the entrances, entrance doors. everything is perfect in this house, it has undergone major repairs, but know that by the beginning of the season the management company is obliged to repair everything that lowers energy efficiency of the house, from the basement to the attic. the result of the inspection is a document, a passport of the house's readiness for the heating season, it contains all the work performed, we look at ... seals and signatures, there are, it means the house has been accepted by the resource supplying organization, local authorities. this procedure is the same for everyone, the passport is kept
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in the management company, you can request it at any time to make sure that your house will be warm in winter. but not always everything is smooth, if this document is not there at all. if the residents know that the house is not ready, they went to the management company, they didn't receive the acts, the readiness passports, the information, they can contact the prosecutor's office themselves. the measure is extreme, but it works, now they are watching it especially strictly. mikhail volkov, margarita larkina, oleg soshin, channel one. the multi-part spy drama trader continues on channel one. spy games, big business, big politics. the personal life of the heroes is also in full swing, oleg neserov, it seems, has fallen in love and he is not the only one. so it seems that everyone around is in love? we are on the same team, i don't know that yet.
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but in iraq it is not customary to just talk to married women. he approached her boldly, the russian did not have to introduce himself. they think about us.
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just don't think that she hasn't figured you out, business, politics, provocations with weapons of mass destruction, confrontation between russian and us intelligence services, spy detective, trader today on channel one. you better tell me what you managed to find out from your
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contact. let us remind you that the calendar shows august 14, wednesday, it's time to find out what's new in the country and the world by this hour. we pass the floor to our colleagues from the first channel news service. hello, sergey tugushev is on air with the news in the studio. russian pilots struck a concentration of militants and their equipment in the border area of ​​the kursk region. the crews of supersonic su-34 fighter bombers were involved. they fired aerial bombs with universal planning and correction modules. they allow attacking
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the enemy with high accuracy. aimed fire is being conducted on... our artillerymen, crews of towed howitzers , hit an armored group of the ukrainian armed forces. the crews operated in conjunction with drone operators. they adjusted the fire of our vehicles. such tactics provide additional camouflage for the weapon and increase its accuracy. drone operators also eliminated another u.s.-made stryker armored vehicle with the help of lancet loitering munitions. the enemy tried to camouflage it in forest plantations, but our scouts tracked down the target for a... precise strike. tens of thousands of residents of the border districts of the region were forced to leave their homes. those who remained are continuously receiving assistance volunteers. they bring home all the essentials, including food. volunteers constantly find out what else is needed, then send lists to the operational headquarters, where cargo from different regions of russia flows. another van with tons of food, household appliances, warm clothes for residents of the kursk
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region, set off from smolensk. everything was purchased, including with funds from residents of the region. another truck left chelyabinsk and they say that this is far from the last car. they are ready to help as much as needed. scheme of provision humanitarian aid to the regions has already been worked out. a humanitarian headquarters has been created in kursk. and today 10 tons will go from the chelyabinsk region. and on request, most likely, this is not the last machine. meanwhile, in the avdievsky direction of the special operation, our troops do not stop displacing the enemy from his position. the armed forces of ukraine lost several artillery pieces, the regional bases covered the calculation of the howitzer ge with dense fire. the fighters worked at a distance of more than 20 km on the guidance of drone operators. we work more as a counter-battery, that is, we are such the same artillerymen, as we try to suppress,
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well, sometimes we also help the infantry. we have, as it were. a long-range weapon machine, we can shoot very far, we work in unison with aerial reconnaissance, because they watch, correct us, we take this data, process it, aim and hit the target. the enemy's equipment is destroyed by motorized riflemen, the fagot anti-tank missile system crew destroyed an american m113 armored personnel carrier along with its crew, judging by the footage from the drone, the explosion was of enormous power, most likely, the car contained a large supply of ammunition that the militants were transporting to the contact line. our fpv drone operators continuously monitor all enemy movements, and sometimes they have to get close to enemy positions, risking their lives. that's exactly how a concentration of enemy equipment was discovered on the right bank of the dnieper . they tried to hide it among the houses in one of the villages. the standard tactic of the ukrainian armed forces is to hide behind civilians. with the help of fpv drones with a combat charge, our military carried out strikes with pinpoint accuracy. as a result, all
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five ukrainian vehicles were destroyed. the latest developments of domestic defense enterprises, robots that have already been tested in the special operation zone, as well as the most modern drones. this is the army 2024 forum, which is currently taking place in the patriot park near moscow. the minister of defense andrei belousov visited it the night before. he was presented with the most promising examples of weapons and military equipment. at the site of the people's defense industry complex, which was created at the forum for the first time, the head of the russian military department was shown the developments of small civilian enterprises and even our own inventions. among them are a variety of fpv drones, computer programs for... kiev responded to minsk in a rude manner to the statement about the arrival of ukrainian drones belarus.
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president alexander lukashenko previously reported that last friday , ukrainian presumably attack drones were shot down in the airspace of the republic. another part was destroyed by the russian military over our territory. lukashenko called this a provocation and noted that this will not go unanswered. the ministry of defense of belarus received instructions to strengthen the troop grouping in the gomel and mozar directions. meanwhile, the official representative of the ukrainian ministry of foreign affairs stated at a briefing that his department had seen these statements, and kiev did not consider it appropriate to respond to them. a sharp cold snap and heavy precipitation. bad weather has come to a number of russian regions. heavy rain in chelyabinsk flooded courtyards and streets, in the west of the region in the area of ​​lake kisyagach, hail, however, everything quickly melted, heavy precipitation in neighboring bashkiria, residents of the city of sibay are divided into social networks with footage of the aftermath of bad weather, a white blanket of snow on the sidewalks and roads.
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similar pictures in the voronezh region, rain-grad, but forecasters have hastened to reassure, warm weather will return to the region in the near future. that's all for now. stay with us, the first channel will continue broadcasting the program "good morning". chess is for all ages. this was confirmed in vladimir by the festival "strong figures". all the details from our colleagues, sports journalists of the first channel. dynamic games, beautiful combinations and a truly warm festive atmosphere. the strong figure festival in vladimir, dedicated to the centenary of sports in the region, confirmed everything about chess. i like chess because this game is very reasonable, it allows you to be a little smarter than your peers, helps at school, generally logical, well, and i think it's easier to live like that.
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the youngest participant, maxim tagotin, celebrated his sixth birthday at the tournament: chocolates are a gift in this case useful for the thought process, but the main reason for joy is to spend your birthday at the chessboard, and even play with adult opponents, the most difficult thing is to win a candidate master of sports or a coach. the victory of young talents over more experienced chess players is really not uncommon here, players who have not managed to gain a high rating receive a handicap, due to which they achieve success, and this happens all the time, moreover, many grandmasters were offended by ...
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i am very interested in playing with all the participants here, now i played with a very strong chess player, it ended unexpectedly well, which i am very happy about, for the youngest chess players yes... the first successes are very important, because victories inspire, help to believe in yourself, the most difficult of course was when you, for example, play, play, play and can't win anyone and even though you are already upset, but then it turns out bam and you win, such joy, according to statistics , every year chess players become grandmasters at an increasingly younger age, which means that some of these guys can soon. claim the highest title and go for new highest achievements. good morning to everyone who joined us. on the calendar is august 14, wednesday, with you live nikita pimenov and daria shulik, good
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morning everyone, we wish you a wonderful day, word of the day, kicksharing, maybe you don't know what it is, we'll explain, yes, not everyone is familiar with it, it's a short-term rental of electric scooters, we're definitely familiar with it, yes, you take an electric scooter in one point of the city, get to the place you need, leave it in a special parking lot for scooters, the service , i must say, is very, very popular, you know, such an ideal picture has been painted, when you leave it in a special place, and not just throw it at the entrance, let's...
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in parks even less. now we enter a park area, a turtle appears on the screen and the scooter itself slows down to 15 km / h. also, the system will not allow you to park wherever you get. look, i choose to end the trip. yeah. you see, it says, you are not parking yet and offers to show the nearest parking lots. the service map shows the addresses.
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the fine can be from 30 to 100,000 rubles. also, if we record a trip in in a state of alcoholic intoxication, it is also a violation of the rules to transfer control of an electric scooter to a child under 18 years of age, as well as a trip with two people on one means of personal mobility. some of them have learned to recognize the number of people, however, the company will issue a fine if there is evidence, photos or videos. the scooter analyzes more than 50 parameters during the trip, and this includes the number of centers of gravity. and how the scooter picks up speed, how it maneuvers, as soon as the scooter understands that
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two people are riding it, it sends this information into the system, if they find photo-video confirmation, then a fine of 5,000 rubles is issued and the account is blocked. the other day in moscow, a married couple was fined, they were driving along the side of the road, three of them with a child, they put him in a backpack. today , the capital's department of transport is discussing the issue of increasing the amount of fines to 100,000 rubles for trips together on a scooter, as well as transferring control of it to a child under 18. karina makaryan, stepan erofeev, sergey namunka, channel one. an unusual passenger filmed on a mobile phone in one of the capital's buses. this passenger turned out to be an owl. the bird was calmly sitting on the owner's hand, carefully watching the road and not paying attention to those around it, where the owl was going, does not say. i wonder, do you have to pay for the owl? let's see what the stars will teach us today right now. astrological forecast. august 14: the tenth
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lunar day meets the eleventh, the 28th day of the sun, like yesterday, bright creative, and also restless, loves traveling, trips, hikes, new impressions, the stars are not will be surprised if many are drawn to the road today, but if important matters do not let you go anywhere, do not be upset, he will help you here, he is businesslike, hard-working, quick -witted, knows how to find non-standard solutions, he, of course, also has, sometimes he overestimates his strength, sometimes he is, as they say, overly optimistic, and then suddenly he gets too cocky, well, and also, discipline, commitment, accuracy are very important today. aries, keep this in mind, try not to be late anywhere and not to let anyone down, otherwise you can ruin your reputation and relationships with good people. after lunch, perhaps a meeting with someone from your past, boldly make a date for the evening. a great day for taurus, when you can achieve a lot. only a hint has shone, often the first to reach the goal
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is not the one who is the fastest, the one who did not fall, be careful behind the wheel, do not rush, wait for good news in the evening. this day can reveal something new to gemini. perhaps you will be told something important, surprised with something, given food for thought. in the evening, get-togethers in pleasant company are not excluded, do not get carried away with alcohol. cancer, this also applies to you, be careful with food in all sorts of cafes. otherwise, the day is simply wonderful, complex matters will go quickly, you will easily find an approach to people, there is order, peace and harmony in your home. leos are in for a new acquaintance, which may be useful, but one of your old acquaintances may behave, to put it mildly, incorrectly. luminary. advises not to rush with radical decisions, sometimes you need to be able to forgive. virgos are also doing well, however, there may be unplanned expenses, but for something really necessary and there is no special gap in your budget it won't break through, the evening seems to be preparing something promising for you. a great day for libra, they are energetic, businesslike, interesting
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ideas come to their minds, in general, boldly forward, just be more careful with money, the evening seems to be preparing something entertaining for you and scorpios don't... day, you probably shouldn't expect any special breakthrough in business, but you can improve something in your personal life, make peace with someone, make friends, improve relations with relatives, the stars strongly advise lonely scorpios to free up the evening. on sagittarius may be overwhelmed with all sorts of routine, some finishing touches, alterations, the boss will suddenly be busy with something, but there will be a chance to earn some extra money to strengthen your authority, and the evening will help you forget about business. capricorns: remember, the stars advised you not to deal with finances yesterday? well, today you can, just work carefully with documents, and if there is a temptation to make easy and quick money, remember where there is usually free cheese, the evening will be simply pleasant. aquarius: take it easy with humor that you will be lectured, and maybe and criticize a little. it's just such a day.
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in the evening, news may come from someone you recently remembered, or even this person will show up. pisces may encounter something that will make them change their attitude towards some. people for the better or for the worse , the stars do not specify, and today you may also get your debt returned or repay kindness with kindness. good luck to you! this city is called the gateway to the north. a special unique way of life has been preserved here, which is dictated by difficult climatic conditions. many come to this city is for seeing the famous polar lights. we are in arkhangelsk, friends. the most important thing for a pomor is to be practical. what kind of wood is preferable for building a boat? the kind of wood that grows? why did they add salt? in principle, our region was a salt producer, so they added it everywhere, my grandmother adds salt to regular coffee, even to instant coffee, she says that it tastes better and is our way, we wash the smelt, crush it with salt a little, chop the onion and add it there too,
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we take some bread and dip it, dip it, and how it will be delicious in pomor style, delicious, delicious, friends! very tasty, life of their own, premiere on sunday on the first, i sew myself, and i'm not talking about myself, no, no, this is about the trend that exists now, well, of course, we remember those times when women literally chased after patterns, exchanged them with each other, because it was difficult to get them, the era of shortages, well now there is no shortage, you can easily buy a variety of clothes, but sewing machines are actively bought up, more and more new ones appear. schools where they teach modeling and sewing. i'll buy a sewing sewing machine and how to sew everything i want. oops, something went wrong. according to statistics, most women start looking for sewing schools after they have tried sewing and realized that they can’t figure it out on their own. on
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the internet, online and offline courses, dozens of schools, prices from 3,000 for a master class to 40,000 for full training. but at least you still need to buy fabric. let’s find out why people pay so much money when you can find ready-made clothes much cheaper. what did the school give you that you couldn’t learn at home? i learned to make a pattern not only for myself, but and family, and this is a daughter, mother, husband, grandson. now it is very difficult to find clothes for women, because everything is very monotonous, very, let's say, baggy. and in order to model things for myself, i like... came to the courses, here valeria petrovna got to the classes through a social program, for free, consider that she saved on her studies only bought fabric, and for the first time in her life she sewed a dress, i have a complex figure, that is, i have large hips, i was always in trousers, a dress, it seemed to me somehow that i was very ugly in dress, but they convinced me, forced me to sew,
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as a result, i wore it all summer with great pleasure and i feel great in it, this is ... because the courses teach not only sewing, but also modeling, making a pattern for yourself taking into account the visual correction of the figure. i really like what my talia is, here, probably, there is also a visual effect from the peplum, and this one. yes, this is called a one-piece peplum. the vest is divided into reliefs at the bottom , an expansion is obtained, then the parts are sewn together, this effect is obtained. but before sew, all students study the theory, this is exactly what is sorely lacking for those who try to create at home. you need to learn only from the correct pattern. if a person can sew perfectly, and many can sew perfectly, but at the same time he does not know how to make his own pattern. then it is like a chair on three legs, i believe that everyone should start with the fact that first you need this correct pattern as a basis, and after the theory
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you can already practice, even experienced people come here, lyudmila has her own workshop for developing patterns, that is, you work in this constantly learn to improve your qualifications, necessarily, every year different new fabrics come, new processing technologies, and let half of the work come for you anyway at the first practical lesson. the engine in this gadget is almost the most important thing, to answer these questions, anastasia kremeshnaya arranged a robot vacuum cleaner test for efficiency.
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robot vacuum cleaners of three generations, 2007, 2015 and a modern one of this year. all tech blogger pavel trukhachev, are they so different. test. we pour on the floor buckwheat, confetti, sand. the task is to clean in 10 minutes. let's start. the old man collects only sand and confetti, its suction power is about 200 pascals, in modern models, for comparison, up to 7,000, buckwheat is too large for him, and no, the main thing is the turbo brush, when it passes by garbage, it creates a grip with sweeping movements, due to this, the polycollector already collects garbage. repairman andrey belyaev says that the model of the 2000s does not yet have an orientation system, they clean chaotically, which means a lot of time. it spends empty, considering technology of that time, i think that it will be able to clean for about 30 minutes. again
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, garbage. the suction power of robots in the 2010s is slightly higher, about 400 pascals, but ours stopped almost immediately, the sand got clogged, the wheels are too small. so, specifically, this model has a weak engine, it would not have turned the wheels more, when buying we definitely look at this, there must be wheels, well, at least 5 cm in diameter, hinges. from an older model, collects all the garbage, powerful suction 4,000 pascals pipe brush, combined, rubber for wet cleaning
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and hard for dry and pile, the orientation system is a modernized lidar with three cameras, obstacle detection sensors, like a radar, it sees objects remotely and can already build a map of the room remotely, there is also a wet cleaning mode, at the same time it wiped the floor, it works without recharging. by the way, it can last up to 2 hours, there are models up to 4.5, so older robots are clearly lagging behind . control check with a laser, a little sand, but overall clean. but will robots be able to replace a person with a rag? the owner of the winner washes the floor, has already found advantages. corners you can wash it with a rag, it lets vacuum cleaners through. that's exactly it, and the same baseboards. we still go over the baseboards manually. laser testing. almost perfect, a robot vacuum cleaner won't replace a person, but if you need to clean quickly, it will definitely help out, and let 's be honest, it will do it well. anastasia
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kremeshina, mikhail karasev, channel one. i love the classics, take, for example, centupiri, yes, there is such a strict rule, get up in the morning, wash yourself, tidy yourself up, immediately tidy up your planet. well, for the heroes of our next report, this is not just words, you could say it's a motto. bukhtanagaeva in the magadan region, the sunken floating base neva is being pulled out of the water. first , we remove all the metal above the water surface, then we stretch the torosolini, hook it, and begin to slowly pull, again gradually giving up the load, increasing it so that the vessel peels off the bottom surface, because for more than 30 years it has stuck. the floating base zaniva sank back in the nineties , dragging two nearby moored vessels to the bottom with it. they were liquidated last year, and there is one more barge left, it is stuck right
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under the ship's hull, such general cleaning is carried out throughout the country. under the national project ecology, 133 sunken ships have already been disposed of, almost 135 landfills have been eliminated, one of them is in goryachiy klyuch, krasnodar krai. this facility, as a facility for collecting construction waste and solid municipal waste, was established in 1990, in 2020, when this facility no longer contained the entire accumulated volume of waste, a decision was made to close this polygoda. naturally, the question arose of what to do with it, since it was causing very serious impact on the ecosystem. the area of ​​the landfill was almost 6 hectares, experts screened the landfill, that is, all the garbage was covered with different coatings, about eight layers in total. this is the body of the landfill itself, crushed stone covering, geotextile with bentanite mats. bentanite mats, they allowed to exclude atmospheric
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precipitation from entering the body of the landfill. on bentanite mats was. the device of the sand base again covered with geotextile on geotextile already the third layer was applied soil with loam and black soil hydroseeding was performed. additionally installed more than a dozen gas exhaust wells. now the biological stage: in 4 years , additional grass seeding will be carried out at the landfill, the soil will be processed and fertilized in order to return the territory to its original appearance, in sevastopol , under the national project ecology, a landfill was eliminated. brandinobalka with an area of ​​more than 2 hectares. 2 years ago, there was a waste dump on this plot of land, and we removed it, planted green manure plants here, which will later provide fertile soil for subsequent plant growth and forest formation. ahead are 2 years of maintenance work, so that enrich the soil with minerals and nutrients
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; a young forest will appear on the site of the former landfill. marina vakhrusheva, channel one. well, friends, there are just over two weeks until september 1st, prudent and experienced parents are already preparing for the new school year, the children are helping, well, of course, after all, they have to go to school in this uniform with these backpacks. well, by the way, i wonder what the children will choose if they are given complete freedom and you don’t pester them, don’t say: this color doesn’t suit you, this is the uniform you don't suit what they will choose, it's scary to imagine, anna popova decided to find out, and at the same time she learned. what kind of uniform today, well, what is called, in trend, for things for school without parents, only children, first the uniform, well , regular clothes are kind of boring, well, yes, not interesting, white top and black bottom are quite suitable monochrome is fashionable, but they also want details in their image, prints, ties , stripes, oh, look what a cool cap,
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there are such straps, it's fashionable now, and if you? in such a farm he will see, he will say cool, and if the director does not appreciate, then compromise to be the base, that is, it can be stylized, almost stylized, they look at the material of the clothes, parents can trust them, they touched everything, for example, in pants right there combed, so the legs itch later when you take them off, or some tights, also very unpleasant, sometimes on the shirt this paper gets in the way, when. with comfortable and fashionable in the fitting room, damn, it suits you so much, you are so beautiful in it, you look like our classmate, you still need to work on compliments, but i like the images, even in i wanted school more, so you got up, you're really sleepy, you go there to wash up, eat, then you understand that, let's say , you have some new sweater and you're happy
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that you'll come to school looking good, there's also a requirement for the backpack, a claim to the parents: mom would have taken some bright backpack with cats, there dogs, and we would, let's say, we want something like this, maxim, can you get me a backpack like this, like minimalism, you can break away on the stationery, look at the dog, this is a pencil case, what's there inside, i just want to eat it, look at this cool pen, it's stuffy, you can hide this calculator in your pencil case. when you open one of these in math class, you want to be naughty, but they already know that in class this will distract you and it's not always convenient, these pens are not suitable for tests , they will get in the way, that is, you write... it dangles like this, it's not very, well, not very pleasant, also because this thing kind of increases the mass, so it's harder for you to move it, you can use it as an anti-stress to seize, not necessarily of such dimensions,
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if, for example, you got a bad grade, to calm down, managed on your own, the minimum is superfluous, help from parents is still needed at the checkout, anna popova, vladimir repin, andrey aksenov, dmitry gordienko, channel one, let us remind you, on the calendar is august 14. wednesday , it's time to find out what's new in the country in the world by this hour. we pass the floor to our colleagues from the first channel information service. hello, on air, news in the studio sergey tugushev. another american armored striker vehicle on which ukrainian militants tried to break through deep into the kursk region, destroyed with the help of a loitering munition. lancet, trying to hide from our drones, the enemy camouflaged itself in a forest belt, but the scouts tracked down the target and delivered a precise strike. several more units of equipment and a large group of the enemy were destroyed by russian
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pilots. the crews of supersonic fighter bombers su-34 acted. they used aviation bombs with universal planning and correction modules. they allow you to attack the enemy with high accuracy. our artillery crews of towed howitzers are conducting targeted fire. the stabilizers hit an armored group of the ukrainian armed forces. the crews acted in tandem with drone operators. they adjusted the fire of our vehicles. such tactics provide additional camouflage for the guns and increase their accuracy. volunteers are providing assistance to residents of the kursk region who were forced to leave their homes due to attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. 10 thousand tons of humanitarian aid were collected in chelyabinsk. this is a whole truck with food and warm clothes. another one is being prepared in smolensk.
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suppresses firing and sniper points, destroys ukrainian strongholds. outside the settlement, drone operators continuously conduct reconnaissance, track the movement of enemy equipment in order to deprive the enemy of reinforcements and ammunition supplies. according to our military , it is a matter of time to displace the remaining militants in krasnogorovka. they say hopelessness, well, they drove us in, they drove us in, they don’t give us anything. as we do, we run in completely. we surround the territory, we begin to clear it, there is no food, nothing, people just drying up, roughly speaking, these are the kind of people we talk to, they say: we are not being withdrawn, we have simply been forgotten, active fighting is also taking place in
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the ugledar section in the konstantinovka area, this is one of the key fortified areas of vysu, through which the enemy supply routes go. in one of the battles, our military captured a ukrainian tank. the captured vehicle has already been given tactical signs of the eastern group of forces, repaired, and a new track has been installed, very soon this tank will be used in the interests of our troops. the newest developments of domestic defense enterprises, robots that have already been tested in the special operations zone, as well as the most modern drones. all this is the army 2024 forum, which is currently taking place in the patriot park near moscow. the previous evening , defense minister andrei belousov visited it. he was presented with the most promising models of weapons and military equipment. at the site of the people's defense industry complex, which was created at the forum, for the first time, the head of the russian military department was shown the developments of small civilian enterprises and even the inventions of our residents countries. among them are a variety of fpv drones,
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computer programs for training drone operators, electronic warfare systems, and even mobile platforms for remotely controlling small arms. washington refuses to acknowledge u.s. involvement. in the kiev regime's attack on the kursk region. as the deputy spokesman for the state department told reporters, the american authorities were not involved in any aspect of the operation. however, bloomberg previously reported, citing sources, before to launch this attack, ukraine received the blessing of the us and eu leadership. the first invasion of russian territory since world war ii has already been publicly supported by the head of european diplomacy, joseph bar'el, on behalf of the entire. eu. the israeli army continued its offensive on khan yunis in the south of the gaza strip. residents of several areas of the city and the suburbs in this direction have been ordered to evacuate, israeli media reports.
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civilians continue to die as a result of airstrikes. in the last 24 hours alone, according to the authorities of the palestinian enclave , more than thirty people have fallen victim to the bombings. the british daily mail wrote about one of these cases. while a local resident was receiving birth certificates for his twins, who were born four days ago, an israeli missile hit their house. the man's entire family was killed. due to the growing tensions, as the axio portal writes, us secretary of state antony blinken has postponed his trip to the middle east indefinitely, while he stated in the pentagon that he approved the possible sale to israel a large consignment of weapons worth $20 billion, including 50 f-15 fighter jets. tensions in the region are being heightened by the statement by the israeli minister of national security, who visited the temple mount in jerusalem and announced his intention to allow jews to pray there, which the local press emphasizes contradicts the status quo of this holy site, which... is also considered by muslims. a large-scale
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leak of radioactive water at the damaged fukushima nuclear power plant in japan. according to local media , one of the pools for cooling spent nuclear fuel was missing approximately 25 tons of water. this happened on august 9, but it became known only now. the station claims that the dangerous liquid did not enter the environment, but only leaked into the basement of the second power unit. at the same time, the supply of new water has been temporarily stopped. the program good morning will continue on channel one. friends, good morning to everyone again, so what do we have next on the agenda? and we have a beauty lesson next on the agenda. men can step away from their screens for a while, have a cup of coffee. i'm off. go, yes. well, we'll listen right now vice-world champion in fitness and leonora alibaeva, because she will tell you how to make your skin clear and radiant. everyone dreams of radiant beauty and youthful skin. but what to do
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if acne appears? if possible , exclude sweets, flour, fried foods and fast food from your diet. most likely, after this , the skin rashes will go away, if not, consult a doctor and follow his advice. and folk remedies will help take care of your skin. mix a tablespoon of nettle leaves, chamomile flowers and rhizome. both fresh raw materials and pharmacy fees will do. pour a mixture of a liter of hot boiled water, after 20 minutes we filter, pour the infusion into a warm bath. to increase the concentration of useful substances, we put the cake into a cloth bag, tie it tightly and lower it into the water.
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we immerse ourselves in the bath for 15 minutes, medicinal herbs cleanse the skin, reduce inflammation and have a bactericidal effect. to enhance the effect, we make a mask of white clay, dilute the powder in warm water, add a little lemon juice, apply the mixture to problem areas, wash off after 15 minutes. product. mask of white clay narrows pores, draws out sebaceous plugs , reduces inflammation. also, do not forget to review your wardrobe. if your skin is irritated, synthetic items will not suit you. to let your skin breathe, choose loose clothing made of natural fabrics. be beautiful. there are probably people who have never
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sent or received parcels in their lives, but i think you will have to look for such people, because today , in the era of active online trading, the post office has a lot of work, and regular parcels, for example, to relatives, friends in another city, have not been canceled either. what happens to parcel during the journey from point a to point b. let's find out right now. everything that can't be put into words is ideal for a parcel, gifts for nephews from russian post. i want to send it to novosibirsk. there are three options to choose from: courier express delivery ems, expedited air delivery, regular by train ems from two to three working days, payable 1,260 rubles. first class, also delivery time from two to three working days, payable 990 rubles. and a regular parcel, delivery time from five to six working days, including the day of acceptance, payable 457 rubles 99 kopecks. that's what suits me. i leave. after paying for the parcel, give it
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a tracking number, you can track it all the way in the application or on the russian post website, we will do it in reality. stage one: delivery to the logistics center in moscow 52. parcels, like ours, are brought here directly, from four post offices, from 270 letters of the rest through exchange sections. the container is accepted, the mail is divided into a container, if it is consolidated, by types of mail and transferred to each in its own workshop, the processing workshop. this is a written correspondence workshop, a parcel workshop mail and priority mail workshop. this implies processing in the shortest possible time, that is, for example, for ems sending, such a processing time is 4 hours. the second stage is sorting, non-standard. fragile only manually, everything else, and this is 90% with the help of an automated system, up to 8,000 items per hour, a five-dimensional scanner recognizes the barcode understands in which cell the parcel needs to be dropped, since there is no carriage mechanism of the plan, a smooth drop of the postal item occurs, thereby
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minimizing damage in the process sorting. our parcel is intact, the next day it is already at the station, and this is the third stage of its journey, here it forms mail. wagons to different parts of the country. another 3 days the parcel is in novosibirsk, in one of the largest logistics postal centers, the first in terms of automation processes up to one and a half million items per day. we sort mail not only to novosibirsk, tomsk region, kemerovo region, altai krai, altai republic. three automated subsystems. the first is a sorter of large parcels, it is 450 m long, sorts mail into 152 directions at once. the second subsystem sorts.
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"if i see you with this person again, i 'll tell my father everything, you are mine, you are my wife, what do you want, give me back these 15 years, i thought everything was easy, i wanted fame, remember, goracheva and his choir should not be on the song of the year, sing so that the sun rises, choir, premiere of a multi-part film, coming soon! on the first cognac monte shokoka product of stellar group rom castro product of stellar group vodka pechora product of stellar
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group vodka veda product of stellar group cognac old barrel product. nutritionists claim that in summer the need for food decreases by at least 5%. they may be right, but personally , for example, everything cool, light and sweet invariably makes me hungry. well , take, for example, watermelon gazpacho, why not, yes, we are gourmets, let's you, friends, write down the recipe for such an unusual soup from confectioner elena rishetnyak. refreshing gazpacho soup is usually made from tomato, but i make it from watermelon, cut the watermelon in half, cut off the rind, cut the pulp into cubes, remove seeds, put it in a blender bowl, add pieces of sweet pepper, a little
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chopped red onion, its soft, slightly sweet taste goes well with the tender pulp of watermelon, add half a clove of garlic. yes, yes, watermelon soup will not be sweet, spicy and even with a slight spiciness. add basil. only green leaves are suitable for summer soup. delicate, resting taste, squeeze out a jug, lime juice, so that the soup turns out hearty, soak a slice of loaf in water, squeeze and send to the blender bowl, grind all the ingredients, gazpacha from the watermelon is ready, i pour the soup into bowls, garnish with basil, the watermelon pulp perfectly quenches thirst. and refreshes, and thanks to the unusual combination of spices, the dish
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turned out bright and memorable to the taste, bon appetit. today in moscow, in the state historical museum in honor of the 500th anniversary of the novodevichy convent , the exhibition "novodevichy convent, milestones of history" opens. the exhibition presents icons, church utensils, about 400 items in total. yuri nesterov has already seen everything. the final preparations before the opening, new exhibition in the state historical museum. the theme of the exhibition is the novodevichy convent. it is 500 years old this year. the exhibition is based on the items that came from its sacristy, or from its churches, or from its temples. artists and designers tried to convey the atmosphere of an orthodox church. of course, we used in the kreska, copies of the preskas, on the walls. smolensk cathedral and we at least. fragmentarily brought them to our exhibition hall, the visitor to the exhibition can pay
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attention to such elements as copies of the grilles smolensky cathedral of the navodevichy monastery. one of the most ancient exhibits, a square woven in the novodevichy monastery, a relic from the funds of the historical museum, is carefully carried out and installed. its sewing begins in 1544 and ends in 1545. during this period , a large workshop for living already exists in novadevich. the exhibits of the exhibition show the history of the most famous women's monastery. it is closely connected with the history of russia. the monastery was founded by prince vasily ii in memory of the capture of smolensk. ivan the terrible's firstborn was baptized by novodevichy, boris gadunov was elected to the throne. and this is also the place of imprisonment of princess sophia, the sister of peter i. these objects belonged to her, a lamp, a cup, her gift to the monastery. wrote on them by the hands of remarkable masters that she is self-governing, this inscription did a terrible
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service, because with this pair peter considered her a shameful person, a third person who illegally entered himself into the royal titles. sophia lost the fight for the throne to peter i and spent the rest of her life in the monastery. now it is an active women's monastery, you can visit her courtyard, to appreciate the architecture of several churches, the most famous smolensk icons. mother of god, and the exhibition novodievichy monastery, milestones in history in the historical museum opens today. icons, church utensils, clothing, you can see about 400 items. yuri nesterov, sergey morin, channel one. today is august 14, the orthodox have a big holiday: the removal of the honest trees of the life-giving cross of the lord. on this day, festive services are held, believers bless the water and pray for health. and also today. the assumption begins fast, it will last 2 weeks until the dormition of the blessed virgin mary. 20 km from the holy
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trinity lavra of st. sergius. gremyachiy klyuch. during the dormition fast, it is especially crowded here. we are in the holy spring of st. sergius of radonich, here you can get water and plunge. such a recharge, what you need. ahead of the orthodox, one of the most ... dormition, these two weeks are preparation for the great church holiday of august 28, the dormition of the blessed virgin mary, popularly called "theotokos easter". it originates from the word "to fall asleep" or fall asleep. such there was a soft sleep, a transition into eternity of the mother of god, which the church remembers in this event. on the very first day of the dormition fast there is a holiday: the bringing out of the honest wood of the life-giving cross of the lord. the cross on which the lord jesus christ was crucified was in the treasury of
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the constantinople emperors. the cross tree was carried around the city so that people would be healed from various diseases. and now on this day the cross is carried out from the altar to the middle of the temple. everyone can pray for their own, but most often they ask for health loved ones. fasting is about prayers and restrictions, including in food, but the most important thing is thoughts, with good ones it is even easier to breathe. all fasts for me are very easy and joyful, i even sometimes, honestly, wait for it to begin, well, because it is, it is a flight, you really gain wings with prayer, first of all, thank god for everything, for the fact that you can see tomorrow, fasting is lightness of soul, it is joy, it is simply such a state, a time of approaching god, you can say why the dormition fast is so loved, for a good tradition, collect the first harvest of honey and consecrate it in
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churches, on honey savior, advice from chef vladimir, add. post to any dish, you can add either mustard or soy to decorate with honey dressing, also sauce to honey, well, according to your tastes, as you like best, we added honey dressing to cucumber salad in beetroot, but any greens or vegetables will do, what's on the lookout, there's even more variety ahead, apple nut savior, maria nikolaeva, nikolay krysanov, vasily yurov, channel one. good morning to everyone who just came to us joined, it's already wednesday on the calendar, the equator of the working week, august 14 and today is a big day, honey rescue, the sweetest day of summer, right now, let's go to the apiary, thank the bees and make a pancake for honey, talk about how to distinguish fake honey from real, although here of course you need to try everything, which we
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will do now, honey rescue is the popular name for three holidays at once, which the orthodox celebrate today, this is the carrying out of the cross of the lord, the blessing of water in memory of the events of the ninth century, when in there was an epidemic in constantinople, and they blessed the water, and the epidemic stopped, plus the day of remembrance of the mokovian martyrs, and just by this time, in fact, the honey was ripening, the beekeepers brought it to the temple to bless it. at the apiary in iana at the techensky courtyard of the novospaskov monastery under ruza, almost all the honey was also collected. the ripening of honey. is distinguished by the seal of the frame, you see, and the eggs are sealed, that is, excess moisture has been removed from it, and as they evaporate the moisture, the bees gather, flap their wings, on the litochki, excess moisture has gone, this means honey will be stored well, that's right, there will be no souring of honey, no burning, plus such bees have already maximally saturated with enzymes,
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each variety of linden, buckwheat, sunflower, is useful in its own way, this white katz is unique, it is collected here in the krasnodar region. contains a minimum amount of finger grains, which just do not cause allergies in people. and the second advantage, it contains more fructose, which allows honey not to crystallize for more than 3 years. and most of all , wild honey is valued, only to extract it in nature is difficult. here is one in the decks, like nikolai russkikh izmurtia is as close as possible. found in the forest tree stumps hollow inside rotten.
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when heated, it loses some vitamins, so we wait for the pancakes to cool down a little remember: good old life hack, natural honey can be distinguished from a fake by the fact that when we pour it, the stream is continuous, for a very long time, you see, it does not stop, now we can celebrate the honey rescue, very tasty, such a sweet life will be for everyone, yes, anna vashok, vladimir repin, andrey aksyonov,
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channel one, we continue right now. let's talk about money, about the money that we send, to put it mildly, to the wrong place and to the wrong person. yes, unfortunately, it's not an uncommon situation, a phone call comes in, an unfamiliar voice says that all our personal data has been hacked and we need to urgently transfer money to another account , well, of course, anyone can get confused here. you know, they woke me up here, so during the day, i was sleeping after the broadcast, they called twice, i picked up the phone, they say, you've been hacked, oh, thank you, goodbye. anyway, let's let's listen to anastasia savelyeva, she will tell you now what exactly should alert you in a conversation with a stranger. what are the one-touch rules and what to do if you still fall for the scammer's bait? strange sms, a call from an unknown number. yes, almost every one of us has run into scammers. the main mistake in society is to think that i won't fall for this, no, they just haven't found the key for you, you haven't
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received that very call yet. reacting quickly is often difficult, vera mikhailova in last year i wrote to the support service of state services, the electronic diary of the child did not work, a couple of days later they called her. the girl introduced herself, that she was from state services, she told me, you know, your personal data was hacked. so i will now connect you with the security service and you will already talk to them there, they asked to transfer all savings to a special account, naturally, very safe, so that the intruders could not get to it, i transferred, a couple of days later they called her again, as a result i took out two loans half a million and a loan secured by an apartment, they forbade me to talk to my relatives, they said that i have no right to communicate with third parties, i say, well, what do you mean , third parties, my husband and son, no, there is such and such a law, there is such and such an article, they knew everything about me, this should alert them, so it is important that no matter what happens, no matter who
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calls, we use the rules of one touch: touch your loved one and talk to him about this situation, as a rule, this simply removes absolutely everyone, there is nothing more correct and there is nothing nothing is more obvious than communication with loved ones, trust, believe, rely on loved ones. second: my home, my castle, never mortgage real estate. third, there are plenty of different scammers, it is impossible to work them all out in advance, so an unknown number calls, we hang up, a call from a brave organization, you can call back, but be careful, independently using the company's hotline number. and what to do if you have already fallen for the scammers, write a statement to the police and call the bank, block it immediately all accounts. know the recipient bank, it is better to write there. according to the new rules, banks must block all fraudulent transfers. it is important to do this now so that we can develop a practice, how do banks respond,
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how do banks conduct this investigation in terms of quality? and here you can even achieve a refund if the bank transferred money to a fraudulent account from the so-called black list of the bank of russia. in other situations, for example, an atypical transaction for the client, in the amount translation or periodicity will have to try harder. prolangom, and the pull-through that was inside is lost, you can't go to the store for a new corrugation because of this, let's think about what to do, take a thin clothesline, a piece
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of polyethylene like this, 10x10, make a hole in the center, thread the rope, tie it so that the polyethylene is held on it becomes like a ball, push it into the corrugated hose, now we need ... a vacuum cleaner, apply the nozzle to the other end of the corrugation, seal the connection with adhesive tape, turn on the vacuum cleaner, it perfectly sucks in a light polyethylene ball, now you have a corrugated hose with a pull-through, it will not be difficult to lay a wire inside, what other problems can await us in working with a corrugated hose, let's say you have scraps of them you need ... to connect we need a plastic bottle, cut a tape about 10 cm wide from it, wrap one end of the corrugated hose, connect it to the second and overheat it
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with a building hair dryer, the plastic shrinks, connects the corrugated hoses very firmly, let the structure cool down and check the reliability of the connection, as you can see, the methods work: you can use it. hello, sergey tugushev is on air in the studio news. russian pilots struck a concentration of militants and their equipment in the border area of ​​the kursk region. the crews of supersonic fighters and su-34 bombers operated. they used aviation bombs with universal ones.
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volunteers constantly find out what else is needed and then send lists to the operational headquarters, where cargo from different regions of russia flows. another van with tons of food, household appliances, warm clothes for residents kursk region moved out from smolensk. everything was purchased, including with funds
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from the region's residents. another truck. left chelyabinsk and they say that this is far from the last vehicle, they are ready to help as much as needed. the scheme for providing humanitarian aid to the regions has already been worked out, a humanitarian headquarters has been created in kursk, today 10 tons will go from the chelyabinsk region, on request, most likely this is not the last vehicle. meanwhile , our troops are conducting special operations in the avdeevka direction.
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the enemy's equipment is being destroyed by motorized riflemen, the fagut anti-tank missile system crew destroyed an american m113 armored personnel carrier along with its crew. judging by the footage from the drone, the explosion was enormous. most likely, the vehicle contained a large supply of ammunition that the militants were transporting to the contact line. our fpv drone operators continuously track all enemy movements. sometimes they have to get close to enemy positions, risking their lives. this is how a concentration of enemy equipment was discovered on the right bank of the dnieper. they tried to hide it among the houses in one of settlements. the standard tactic of the ukrainian armed forces: to hide behind civilians. using fpv drones with a warhead, our military carried out strikes with pinpoint accuracy. as a result, all
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five ukrainian vehicles. the latest developments of domestic defense enterprises, robots that have already been tested in the special operation zone, as well as the most modern drones. all this is the army 2024 forum, which is currently taking place in the patriot park near moscow. the previous evening , defense minister andrei belousov visited it. he was presented with the most promising weapons and military equipment. at the site of the people's defense industry complex, which was created at the forum for the first time, the head of the russian military. departments were shown the developments of small civilian enterprises and even their own inventions of the residents of our country, among them a variety of drones, computer programs for training drone operators, electronic warfare systems and even mobile platforms for remote control of small arms. kiev responded to minsk's statement about the arrival of ukrainian drones in belarus in khakhamsk. the president
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alexander lukashenko reported earlier that last friday ukrainian, presumably attack drones, were shot down in the airspace of the republic, and another part was destroyed by the russian military over our territory. lukashenko called this a provocation, noting that this will not go unanswered. the ministry of defense of belarus received instructions to strengthen the group of troops in the gomel and mozar directions. meanwhile, official representatives of the ukrainian ministry of defense said at a briefing that his department saw these statements and kiev did not considers it appropriate. a sharp cold snap and heavy precipitation, bad weather has come to a number of russian regions, heavy rain in chelyabinsk flooded many streets, hail passed in the west of the region, however, everything quickly melted. heavy precipitation was in neighboring bashkiria, here are the shots that residents share on social networks white snow cover on sidewalks and roads. a similar picture in the voronezh region, downpour hail, but
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forecasters have hastened to reassure. warm weather will return to the region in the near future. in the capital today, despite the cloudy weather, it will get a little warmer, it will be up to +23, by the weekend it will warm up to plus . that's all for now, stay with us! well, friends, summer is coming to an end, but this is only a calendar summer, because the indian summer is a bit of a scorcher, but as they say, any warmth ends sooner or later, unfortunately, it's not very optimistic, of course, we will now say that winter is inevitable or winter is near, in fact , what are we getting at, let's see how houses are being prepared for winter, yes, this work is already in full swing. how do you prepare a house for winter? first , the heating system is checked, it is tested on strength with high pressure. we bring it to 6 atmospheres, turn off the pump. wait 10 minutes, the pressure does not drop, which means everything is sealed,
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it will be warm in winter. if it drops, then it is immediately clear that somewhere something has leaked in the house, in the apartment. their management company is obliged to eliminate it, and also flush the system, clean the filters, check. valves for cold water, for hot water, there should be no leaks, taps should be, all shut-off valves should be repaired, after all the work, a tour for the senior in the house, by in fact, this is the delivery of works, konstantin gotich does not miss a single season, i understand you, yes, thermal insulation is also all done, yes, absolutely, well, you see here, yes, a lot of numerous pipes, post as this transit we have here the central heating station, we check, in the basement it is dry, pipes without leaks. then inspection on the street, heat can escape through leaky windows of entrances, entrance doors. everything is perfect in this house, it is after major repairs, but know that by the beginning of the season the management company is obliged to repair everything that reduces the energy efficiency of the house,
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from the base to the attic. the result of the inspection is a document, a passport of the house's readiness for the heating season, it contains all the work performed, we look at the seals and signatures. yes, then the house has been accepted, by the resource supplying organization. local authorities, this procedure is the same for everyone, the passport is kept in the management company, you can request it at any time to make sure that your house will be warm in winter. but not always everything is smooth, if this document is not there at all. if the residents know that the house is not ready, went to the management company, did not receive the acts, passports of readiness, information has not been received, they themselves can contact the prosecutor's office. the measure is extreme, but effective, now this is monitored especially strictly. all ages are submissive to chess, this was confirmed in vladimir by the festival strong figures. all the details from our colleagues, sports journalists of the first channel. dynamic games, beautiful
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combinations and a truly warm festive atmosphere. the festival strong figures in vladimir, dedicated to the centenary of sports in the region, confirmed that all ages are submissive to chess. i like chess because this game very reasonable, it allows you to be a little smarter than your peers, helps at school, generally logical, well, and so, i think it's easier to live. the youngest participant maxim tagotin celebrated his sixth birthday at the tournament: chocolates are a gift in this case useful for the thought process, but the main reason for joy is to spend the day.
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success is very important, because victories inspire , help you believe in yourself. the hardest thing, of course, was when you, for example, play, play, play and can't win anyone, and even though you're already upset,
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but then bam and you win, such joy. according to statistics, every year chess players become grandmasters at an increasingly younger age, which means that some of these guys will soon be able to. yes , nikita pimenov and daria shulik are live with you , good morning everyone, we wish you a wonderful day, the word of the day, kicksharing, maybe you don’t know what it is, we’ll explain, yes, not everyone is familiar with it, it’s a short-term rental of electric scooters, we’re definitely familiar with this, yes, you take an electric scooter from one point in the city, get to the place you need, leave it in a special parking lot for scooters, the service, i must say, is very, very popular, you know, such an ideal picture was painted, when you leave it in a special place, and not just throw it at the entrance, let's figure it out right now.
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mode, you won't be able to speed up, the system regulates. the maximum permitted speed is 25 km / h, even less in parks. now we are entering a park area, a turtle appears on the screen and the scooter itself slows down to 15 km / h. the system will also not allow you to park wherever it ends up. here look, i choose to end the ride. yeah. you see, it says, you're not at the parking lot yet, and it offers to show the nearest parking lots. the service map shows the addresses. okay, i can't get there. i'm leaving here, yes, then
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the write-off continues, because you haven't finished the ride, you can't, but if suddenly you decide to just leave, the scooter is standing and after 15 minutes it sends a special signal to us in the system, the kicksharing company employees will come, pick it up and park it, the violator will be fined, first 500 rubles, the second time a thousand, the third time they will block it account. you will be fined for driving in the wrong place, for example, on a road or on...
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it is also a violation of the rules to hand over control of an electric scooter to a child under 18 years of age, as well as a trip with two people on one means of personal mobility. some of them have learned to recognize the number of people, however, the company will issue a fine if there is evidence, photos or videos. the scooter analyzes more than 50 parameters during the trip, and this includes the number of centers of gravity, and how... the scooter picks up speed, how it maneuvers, as soon as the scooter understands that two people are riding it, it sends this information to the system, if they find photo-video confirmation, then a fine of 5,000 rubles is issued, the account is blocked. the other day in moscow, a married couple was fined, they were riding on the side of the road, three of them with a child, they put him in a backpack. today , the capital's transport department is discussing the issue of increasing the amount of fines to 100,000 rubles. for trips together on an electric scooter. also transferring control to a child under 18
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years. karina makaryan, stepan erofeev, sergey namunka, channel one. in short, i want to fire andrey before it starts. what didn't start? a scandal about corruption and in the staff. yes, lyudmila sergeevna, now you're really great. are you getting a reprimand? for what? alexey ivanovich, you don't understand people that well. fortune teller, new episodes, today on channel one. and why do the girls change so often, vylovelas, the girls are different, each with their own talent, they watch.
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science fiction on friday on channel one i saw you in principle i could even lepson only on tv. who do we have on tv in our house, even though we can't fly with you, we'll go to cosiopeia, to cosiopeia. there are nebulae, a bubble nebula and soul and heart nebulae, and you say women don't have a soul and heart, here you go, everything is there, how sweet, she likes it when she's kissed, i don't know, but i like it when i kiss her, and can you
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help me, huh? oh my, the best, the premiere is on saturday on channel one. let's see what the stars will tell us today, right now, an astrological forecast. august 14, the tenth lunar day meets the eleventh, twenty-eighth day of the sun, like yesterday's bright creative, and also restless. loves traveling, trips, hikes, new impressions. the stars will not be surprised if many are drawn to the road today. if important matters do not let you go anywhere, do not be upset, he will help you here. he is businesslike, hard-working, quick-witted, knows how to find non-standard solutions. of course, he also has shortcomings, he sometimes overestimates his strength. it happens, as they say, overly optimistic, and then suddenly he gets too cocky
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nose. well, and also today discipline, commitment, accuracy are very important. aries, keep this in mind. try not to give in anywhere and not to let anyone down, otherwise you can ruin your reputation and relationships with good people, after lunch, perhaps a meeting with someone from your past, boldly make a date for the evening. an excellent day for taurus, when you can achieve a lot, only a hint shone, often the first to reach the goal is not the one who is faster than everyone else, the one who did not fall, be careful behind the wheel, do not rush, expect pleasant things in the evening news. this day can open something new for gemini, perhaps you will be told something important, surprised with something, given food for thought. in the evening, gatherings in pleasant company are not excluded. do not get carried away with alcohol. cancer, this also applies to you. and be careful with food in all kinds of cafes. otherwise, the day is simply wonderful. complex matters will go quickly. you will easily find an approach to people. and in your home there is order, peace and harmony. leos are in for a new acquaintance, which can be useful,
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here one of the old acquaintances can lead yourself, to put it mildly, incorrectly. the luminary advises not to rush into radical decisions. sometimes you need to be able to. forgive, virgos are also doing well, however , unplanned expenses are possible, but for something really necessary and this will not make a special hole in your budget, the evening seems to be preparing something for you, promising, an excellent day for libra, they are energetic, businesslike, interesting ideas come to their minds, in general, boldly forward, just be more careful with money, and the evening seems to be preparing something entertaining for you, scorpios have a good day, you probably shouldn't expect any special breakthroughs in business, but you can improve something in your personal life, make peace with someone, make friends, improve relations with relatives. the stars strongly advise lonely scorpios to free up the evening. sagittarius may be overwhelmed with all sorts of routine, some finishing touches, alterations, the boss will suddenly be loaded with something, but there will be a chance to earn some money to strengthen your authority, and the evening will help
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you forget about business. capricorns, remember, the stars did not advise you to deal with finances yesterday. so, today you can, just work carefully. and if there is a temptation to make easy and quick money, remember where the free son usually is, and the evening will be simply pleasant. aquarius: take it easy with humor to the fact that you will be taught, and maybe even criticized a little, it's just such a day. in the evening, news may come from someone you recently remembered, or even this person will show up. pisces may encounter something that will make them change their attitude towards some people. for the better or for the worse, the stars do not specify. and also today you can get a debt back or repay good for good, good luck to you! i sew myself, and i'm not talking about myself, no, no, this is about the trend that exists now, we, of course, remember the times when women literally chased after patterns, exchanged them with each other, because it was difficult to get them,
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the era of shortages, well now there is no shortage, you can easily buy a variety of clothes, but sewing machines are actively bought up. i'll buy a sewing machine and sew myself everything i want. oops, something went wrong. according to statistics, most women start looking for sewing schools after they have tried sewing and realized that they can't figure it out on their own. there are online and offline courses on the internet, dozens of schools, prices from 3.00 for a master class to 40 thousand for a full course, and at least another. you need to buy canvas, we'll find out why people pay so much money when you can find ready-made clothes much cheaper. what did the school give you that you couldn't learn at home? i learned.
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complicated, that is, i have large hips, i was always in trousers dress, i somehow was it seemed that i was very ugly in the dress, but they convinced me, forced me to sew it, as a result, all summer long i walked around in it with great pleasure and i feel great in it, this is because the courses teach not only sewing, but also modeling, making a pattern for yourself taking into account the visual correction of the figure, i really like the waist i have, here probably also a visual effect from ... at the bottom there is an expansion, then the parts are sewn together,
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this is the effect. but before sewing, all students study the theory, this is exactly what, what is sorely lacking for those who try to create at home. you need to learn only from the right pattern, if a person can sew perfectly, and many can sew perfectly, but at the same time he does not know how to build his own... pattern, then it is like a chair on three legs, i believe that everyone should start with the fact that first you need this correct pattern as a basis, and after the theory you can already practice, even experienced people come here, lyudmila has her own workshop for developing patterns, that is, you work in this and constantly learn to improve your qualifications, of course, every year new fabrics come, new processing technologies, and even if the teacher still has to do half the work with you at the first practical lesson, even if it's a simple t-shirt, but you'll go home with a finished item, and compared to buying it, the pleasure
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is twice as big, because you're involved in the process yourself. maria kuskov, pavel ditc, alexander ignatov, lona tikhonova, channel one. we live in a great time, when there are so many gadgets around that make our lives easier. take, for example, a vacuum cleaner, and if it is a robot vacuum cleaner, then it is generally beautiful, it takes everything itself and you don’t even need to order it. well , is that all, and how are robot vacuum cleaners arranged? is it true that the engine in this gadget is almost the most important thing. to answer these questions, anastasia kremeshnaya arranged a robot vacuum cleaner to test its efficiency. robot vacuum cleaners of three generations, 2007, 2015 and a modern one of this year. all of tech blogger pavel trukhachev, are they so different. test. we pour buckwheat, confetti and sand on the floor. the task is clean in 10 minutes. we start the old man, it collects only sand and confetti, its suction power is about 200 pascals
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in modern models for comparison up to 7.00, buckwheat is too large for it, and no, the main thing is the turbo brush, when it passes by the garbage, it creates a sweeping motion grip, due to this the polycollector already collects the garbage. repairman andrey belyaev says that the model of the 2000s does not yet have an orientation system, they clean chaotically, which means ... it wastes a lot of time, given the technology of that time, i think, that it will be able to clean for about 30 minutes. again we litter: the suction power of robots in the tenth years is slightly more, about 400 pascals, but ours almost immediately stopped, sand clogged, too small wheels, which means that this particular model has a weak engine, it would not have turned the wheels more, when buying we definitely look at this, there should be wheels, well, at least 5 cm in diameter. the hinge additionally rises and falls, this is done in order, for example, to drive onto some other surface, this robot also has turbo brushes
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not yet, only side and suction nozzles, it would hardly be able to clean everything like the previous one, but an orientation system has already appeared, a simple gyroscope inside, it gradually draws a map of the room due to research by trial and error, as they say, that is , literally ran into obstacles and remembered them, a modern robot, a tech blogger launches it from the application, selects the type of cleaning, that's the difference from the older model, collects all the garbage, powerful suction 400 pascals and a turbo brush, combined, rubber for wet cleaning and hard for dry and lint, orientation system upgraded lidar with three cameras, obstacle detection sensors, like a radar, it sees objects remotely and can already build a map of the room remotely, there is also a wet cleaning mode, at the same time and wiped the floor without recharging.
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but will robots still be able to replace a person with a rag? the owner of the winner washes the floor, have you already found the advantages? corners can be washed with a rag, vacuum cleaners skip, this is exactly the same and the same baseboards, baseboards are still manually walked. laser testing is almost perfect, the robot vacuum cleaner does not will replace a person, but if you need to get out quickly, he will definitely help out, and let's be honest , he will do it well. anastasia kremeshina, mikhail karasev, the first. on the first channel , the multi-part spy drama trader continues, spy games, big business, big politics. the personal life of the heroes is also in full swing, oleg neserov, it seems, fell in love and he is not the only one, so it seems that everyone around is in love, you and i are on the same team, i don't know this yet, the mid -nineties in iraq, the sobbe
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zaon program was launched, oil in exchange for food in baghdad business. female intelligence officers, a real place of attraction, oil trader oleg nesterov does not suspect, he is drawn into spy games, he is naive, principle, or love, in bogdad nesterov still falls in love with the wife of a stern colonel, oleg is still alive, for now yes, you are probably a good person, in your opinion you are not doing anything bad, but in iraq it is not customary to just talk to married women. he boldly approached her, the russian did not have to introduce himself, they think about us that we drink vodka all day and wear bearskin school, but oleg has been grazing for a long time, veronica is doing an internship at a large company in america, judging by these looks, an affair with the boss is unavoidable, i don’t think that in 20 years you will be sitting in my chair, maybe in your boss’s chair, a funny joke,
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here they are in love, it seems everyone and... the figure is still excellent, the american agent left his marks on this body, they are having an affair , there is of course chemistry, there is of course passion, there is of course some kind of explosion of emotions absolutely, well , i mean with his character, it is already so much calmer, more constant, or something, just a close, close person, just don't think that she hasn't figured you out, business, politics, provocations with weapons of mass
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destruction, confrontation between russian and us intelligence, spy... you better tell me that you proved yourself to be a loyal friend, in iraq we managed to find out from your contact, you value friends. victoria bolenskaya, channel one. hello, news is on air, sergey tugushev is in the studio. another american stryker armored vehicle, on which ukrainian militants tried to break through deep into kursk area, destroyed with the help of a lancet loitering munition. trying to hide from our drones, the enemy camouflaged itself in a forest belt, but the scouts tracked down the target and delivered a precise strike. several more units of equipment and a large group of the enemy
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were destroyed by russian pilots. the crews of supersonic. su-34 fighter bombers used aviation bombs with universal planning and correction modules. they allow attacking the enemy with high accuracy. our artillery is conducting aimed fire. calculations towed howitzers mstab hit the armor of the groups of the ukrainian armed forces. the crews acted in conjunction with drone operators. they adjusted the fire of our vehicles. such tactics provide additional camouflage for the gun and increase accuracy. volunteers are providing assistance to residents of the kursk region who were forced to leave their homes due to attacks in the sssu. 10 tons of humanitarian aid were collected in chelyabinsk. this is a whole truck with food and warm clothes. another one is being prepared in smolensk, household appliances and food were bought, among others, by residents of the region. all by requests from the headquarters in kursk. this is where cargo is delivered from all over the country. and then volunteers deliver everything necessary
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to the residents. volunteers continue to go door to door and find out. what else needs to be brought? our military captured the bsu positions in krasnogorovka in the dpr. fighting in the city is going on for every block. assault units and crews. strike drones clear the territory of militants meter by meter, suppress firing and sniper points, destroy ukrainian strongholds. outside krasnogorovka, drone operators continuously conduct reconnaissance, track the movement of enemy equipment in order to deprive the enemy of reinforcements and ammunition supplies. according to our military, it is a matter of time before the militants remaining in the city are driven out. they say there is no way out, why have they driven us in, they have driven us in, they are not giving us anything, what do we do, we run in, completely, surround the territory, we begin to clear it, there is no food, nothing, people are simply drying up, roughly speaking, these are the kind of people we are talking to, they say, they are not bringing us out,
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they have simply forgotten us, active fighting and on ugledarsky area in the area of ​​konstantinovka, this is one of the key fortified areas through which the enemy supply routes go. during the battle, our military captured a ukrainian tank, the captured vehicle has already been attacked. the united states to the attack of the kiev regime on the kursk region, as the deputy official representative of the state department told journalists, the american authorities were not involved in any aspect of the operation. however, earlier the bloomberg agency , citing sources, reported, before launching this attack. ukraine received blessing of the us and eu leadership. the first invasion of russian territory since world war ii has already been publicly supported by the head of european diplomacy, josep barel, on behalf of the entire eu. he
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wrote about this on his social media page. the israeli army continued its offensive on khan yunis in the south of the gaza strip. residents of a number of areas of the city and suburbs in this direction have been ordered to evacuate, israeli media reports. as a result of the air. civilians continue to die, according to authorities, in the last 24 hours alone palestinian enclave , more than thirty people have fallen victim to bombings, one of such cases was written about by the british daily mail, while a local resident was receiving the birth certificate of his twins, who were born 4 days ago, an israeli missile hit their house, the man's entire family died, due to the growing tension, as the portal writes, the us secretary of state postponed his trip to the middle east indefinitely.
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firefighters in greece, there have been fires there for several days now . dry hot weather makes it difficult to work in the forest, the flames have reached the outskirts of athens. there are one fatality, houses and cars burned. a large-scale leak of radioactive water at the damaged fukushima nuclear power plant in japan, according to local media , about 25 tons of water were missing from one of the pools for spent nuclear fuel. this happened on august 9, but it became known only now. the plant claims that the dangerous liquid did not enter the environment, but
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only leaked into the basement of the second power unit. at the same time, the supply of new water has been temporarily stopped. let me remind you that the accident at the nuclear power plant occurred in 2011, as a result of a tsunami the first, third and fourth reactors were destroyed. the cooling system failed. there was a hydrogen explosion, the area around the nuclear power plant was contaminated, some areas are still uninhabitable. well, friends, there are just over two weeks left until september 1st, prudent and experienced parents are already getting ready for the new school year, the children are helping, well, of course, after all, they have to go to school in this uniform with these backpacks. well, by the way, i wonder what the children will choose if they are given complete freedom and not put them on their soul, don't say, this color doesn't suit you, this uniform doesn't suit you, what will they choose, it's scary to imagine, anna popova decided to find out, and at the same time found out what uniform is today, well, what is called in trend, for
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things for school without parents, only children, first the uniform, well, ordinary clothes are kind of boring, well, yes, not interesting, a white top and black bottom are quite suitable, monochrome is fashionable, but they also want details in their image, prints, ties, stripes, oh, look, what a cool cap, there are such straps, this is it's fashionable now, and if the director sees you in such a uniform, he'll say it's cool. and if the director doesn't appreciate it, then there's a compromise, that is, it can be stylized, almost stylized, they look at the material of the clothes, parents can trust them, they touched everything, for example, in pants right there combed, so your legs itch later when you take them off, or some tights, also very unpleasant, sometimes this piece of paper gets in the way on the shirt, it pricks, with a comfortable and fashionable fitting room. you still need
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to work on compliments, but i like the images, even for school i wanted more, so you got up, you 're really sleepy, you go there to wash up, eat, then you understand that, let's say, you have some new sweater and you're happy that you'll come to school looking good, there's also a requirement for a backpack, a complaint to parents, mom would have taken some bright one... a backpack with cats, there with dogs, and we would say, we want something like this, maxim, can you get me a backpack like this, like minimalism, you can break away on office supplies, look at this one with a dog, it's a pencil case, something inside, i just want to eat it, look what a cool pen, oh, the countries are stuffy, m, you can hide this calculator in your pencil case, in math you open it like that, it wants to play pranks. but they already know that in class this
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will all be distracting and in general not always convenient, such pens are not suitable for a test , that it will get in the way, that is, you write it dangles like this, it is not very, well, not very pleasant and that because this thing kind of increases the mass , so it is harder for you to move it, you can grab an anti-stress, it is not necessary such sizes, if you, for example, got a bad grade, to calm down, dealt with it yourself, the minimum amount, parents' help is still needed at the checkout. anna popova, vladimir repin, andrey aksenov, dmitry gordienko, channel one. i met you on the way, when i saw you, i came, i immediately felt that this was an unusual meeting, but when i heard you, i realized that i was finished.
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stellar group product, mancacher whiskey, stellar group product, snop gin, stellar group product, monte chococa cognac, product. stellar group: i love the classics, take, for example sentupiri, yes, there is such a strict rule: get up in the morning, wash yourself, put yourself in order, immediately put your planet in order. well, for the heroes of our next report - these are not just words, you could say it's a motto. nagaev bay in the magadan region, the sunken floating base neva is being pulled out of the water. first, we remove all the metal above the surface of the water, then we stretch the toroslines, we hook and start to slowly ti.
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again gradually giving up the load, increasing it so that the vessel peels off the surface of the bottom, because for more than 30 years it stuck. the floating barge behind the neva sank back in the nineties, dragging two moored ships to the bottom with it. they were liquidated last year, there is still one barge left, it got stuck right under the ship's hull. such general cleaning is carried out throughout the country under the national ecology project. 133 sunken ships have already been disposed of, almost 135 dumps have been liquidated, one of them is in goryachiy klyuch, krasnodar krai. this facility, as a facility for collecting construction waste and solid municipal waste, was formed in in 1990, in 2020, when this facility no longer contained the entire accumulated volume of waste, a decision was made to close this polygol. naturally, the question arose of what to do with it, since it had a very serious impact on the ecosystem. the landfill was
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almost 6 hectares, experts screened the landfill, that is, all the waste was covered with different coatings, about eight layers in total, this is the body of the landfill itself, crushed stone coating, geotextiles with bentanite mats, bentanite mats, they made it possible to eliminate atmospheric precipitation entering the landfill body. on bentanite mats there was a sand device, the base was again covered with geotextile on geotextile already the third layer... they will carry out additional sowing of grass, process and fertilize the soil in order to return the territory to its original appearance. and in sevastopol , under the national project ecology , the trendino-balka landfill with an area of ​​more than 2 hectares was liquidated. 2 years ago, there was a waste dump on this land plot, and we removed it, planted
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green manure plants here, which in the future will provide fertile soil for subsequent plant growth and forest formation. there are 2 years of care ahead. work to enrich the soil with minerals and nutrients, a young forest will appear on the site of the former landfill. marina vakhrusheva, channel one. friends, good morning to everyone again, so yes, what do we have next on the plan, and we have a beauty lesson next on the plan, men can step away from the screens for a while, have a cup of coffee, i'm going, go, well, and right now we'll listen to the vice-champion of the world in fitness and leonora alibaeva. she will tell you how to make your skin clean and radiant. everyone dreams of radiant beauty and youthful skin, but what to do if acne appears? if possible, exclude sweets, flour, fried foods and fast food from your diet. most likely,
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after this, the skin rashes will pass, if not, consult a doctor, follow his advice. and ... folk remedies will help to care for the skin: mix a tablespoon of nettle leaves, chamomile flowers and burdock root, both fresh raw materials and pharmacy fees will do. pour the mixture with a liter of hot boiled water, strain after 20 minutes, pour the infusion into a warm bath, to increase the concentration of useful... substances, put the cake in a cloth bag, tie it tightly, lower it into water, immerse yourself in the bath for 15 minutes, medicinal herbs cleanse the skin, reduce inflammation and have a bactericidal effect.
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to enhance the effect, make a mask of white clay, dilute the powder in warm water, add a little lemon juice. apply the mixture to problem areas, wash off the product after 15 minutes. the white clay mask narrows pores, draws out sebaceous plugs and reduces inflammation. also, do not forget to review wardrobe, if the skin is irritated, synthetic items will not suit you, so that the skin can breathe. select loose clothing made of natural fabrics, be beautiful, and we continue, august, a generous month, it gives us all sorts of useful herbs, mushrooms, and of course, berries, where would we be without them, the monied summer berries of all bridges, raspberries, currants, blueberries, cloudberries, sea buckthorn, they are now being collected all over the country,
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from yamal to stavropol. right now, let's plunge into a real berry diversity on an industrial scale. in stavropol. this summer there is a drought, but raspberries sergey akashev's plantations delight with a harvest of up to 20 tons of berries per hectare. what's the secret? drip irrigation once, plus manure, manure, 60 tons of manure have already been poured in here. well, and special varieties, it was not in vain that he waited 2 years for them to arrive from denmark in order to have time to harvest before the heat, pickers are on their feet from 4 am, they are paid 80 rubles per kilo. sergey collects 25-30 kilograms per shift, he says it's not difficult berries. large, and you can also get plenty of vitamins from the rider, just pick and rejoice, there will be part-time work until november, early varieties will replace late ones, only in this farm they expect to collect at least 50 tons of berries from 5 hectares, in this farm in crimea the pickers will not
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be left without work either, the sea buckthorn pleased, from one tree alone you can collect 50 kilograms, i came up with a tray for myself to go to it... you go up, lift a branch and collect calmly, so as not to hold it in your hands, a hectare of siberian bushes on the black sea coast was planted for the sake of an experiment, they did not lose, no one in the country has such early sea buckthorn, they will expand the plantation, there is no end to customers, it contains a lot of useful substances, including it is used in pharmacology, medicine, that is, and there is still a lot that has not even been disclosed about it, well, it tastes very nice, in the skovskaya region they collect another. tasty and no less useful berry, currant, yulia and roshchina have 60 bushes, she says this time there are not so many berries, in the spring there were frost-bitten ones, but they are large and sweet, she is waiting for relatives, currant picking is also a reason to meet, a large family arrives, children, friends of children, nephews, relatives, everyone
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went out, collected, started preparing, on wild berries have come to yamali and for the indigenous population they are almost the only source of vitamins in winter, students are attracted to the collection while they are on vacation, this company was brought to the taiga to collect lingonberries from yarsel, they also collect blueberries with ice cream, berries, then dry them, freeze them, at local enterprises they make a postila from them, the berries are ground, poured out on the counter and dried for about three hours, then rolled into rolls and cut. the most delicious and healthy berry delicacy of august is ready. anastasia zavidova, konstantin savchenko, yuri ugryumov, viktor utrobin, channel one. nutritionists claim that in summer the need for food decreases by at least 5%. they may be right, of course, but personally , for example, for me everything is cool, light and sweet, invariably arouses appetite. well , take, for example, watermelon gospa, why not. we are gourmets, let's you, friends, write down the recipe for such an unusual soup from pastry chef elena reshetnyak. refreshing
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gazpacho soup is usually made from tomatoes, but i will make it from watermelon. i cut the watermelon in half, trim the rind, cut the pulp into cubes, remove seeds, put them in a blender bowl, add sweet pepper, a little chopped red onion. its soft, slightly sweet taste goes well with the tender pulp of watermelon. add half a clove of garlic. yes, yes, watermelon soup will not be sweet, spicy and even with a slight spiciness. add basil. only green leaves are suitable for summer soup. they have a delicate, refreshing taste. squeeze. lime juice to make the soup hearty, soak
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a slice of loaf in water, squeeze and send to the blender bowl, grind all the ingredients, watermelon gazpacho is ready, i pour the soup into bowls, garnish with basil, the watermelon pulp perfectly quenches thirst and refreshes, and thanks to the unusual combination. seasonings, the dish turned out bright memorable to taste, bon appetit! today, august 14 , the orthodox have a big holiday: the carrying out of the honest trees of the life-giving cross of the lord. on this day, festive services are held, believers bless the water and pray for health. and today the dormition fast begins, it will last 2 weeks until the dormition of the most holy theotokos. 20 km from svyatotroitskaya. gremyachy key, during the dormition fast it is especially crowded here, we are in the holy spring
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of st. sergius of radovish, here you can take water and plunge. such a recharge, what is needed, ahead for the orthodox, one of the strictest fasts - dormition, these two weeks are preparation for the great church holiday, august 28, the dormition of the most holy. such was the soft sleep, the transition into eternity of the mother of god, which the church remembers in this event. on the first day of the dormition fast there is a holiday, the bringing out of the honest trees of the life-giving cross of the lord. the cross on which the lord jesus christ was crucified was kept in the treasury of the constantinople emperors. the cross tree was carried around the city so that people would be healed of various diseases. and now
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on this day the cross is taken out of the altar to the middle of the church. everyone can pray for their own, but most often they ask for the health of loved ones. lent is about prayers and restrictions, including in food, but the most important thing is thoughts. it’s even easier to breathe with good ones. all fasts are very easy and joyful for me. sometimes i even, honestly, wait, when it starts. with prayer first of all thank god for everything for the fact that you can see tomorrow, fasting is lightness of soul, it is joy, it is just such a state, a time of getting closer to god, you can say, for what else do they love the dormition fast so much, for the good tradition of collecting the first honey harvest and blessing it in churches on the honey savior. advice from chef vladimir: add honey to any dish during fasting: decorate with honey
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dressing, you can also add either mustard or soy sauce to honey, well, according to... yours taste, as you like it best, we added honey dressing to the cucumber salad in the beetroot, but any greens or vegetables that are in the garden will do, there is even more variety ahead, apple nut spas, maria nikolaeva, nikolay krysanov, vasily yurov, channel one. good morning to everyone who has just joined us on the calendar, it's already wednesday, the equator of the working week, august 14 and today is a big day, honey spas, the sweetest. day of summer, right now, let's go to the apiary, thank the bees and make a pancake for honey let's talk about how to distinguish fake honey from real honey, although here of course you need to try everything, which we will do now. honey savior is the popular name for three holidays at once, which the orthodox celebrate
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today. this is the removal of the cross of the lord, the consecration of water in memory of the events of the 9th century, when at the end. ternopil there was an epidemic and they consecrated the water, and the epidemic stopped, plus the day of remembrance of the mokovian martyrs, and just by this time, in fact, honey was ripening, beekeepers brought it to the temple to consecrate, in the apiary, in the predtechensky courtyard novospassky monastery's honey has also been collected almost entirely. the maturation of honey is determined by the printing of the frame, you see , the cells are sealed, that is, excess moisture has been removed from it, and how do they evaporate the moisture? plus, the bees have already saturated it with enzymes as much as possible, each variety of linden, buckwheat, sunflower, is useful in its own way, this one is unique, white acacia, it is collected here in the krasnodar territory,
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it contains a minimum amount of pollen grains, which do not cause allergies in people. the second advantage: in it contains more fructose, which allows honey not to crystallize for more than 3 years. and most of all, wild honey is valued, but it is difficult to obtain in nature. here is one in logs, like nikolai russkikh from udmurtia , as close as possible. i found bushy tree stumps in the forest, rotten inside, i clean this rotten material with special means, special tools that i got from my grandfather. thick walls retain heat in winter, and do not heat up in summer, so the bees are healthier, calmer, magnificent, and a treat it turns out to be maximally useful, there are 24 microelements in the human body, here are 22 in honey, that is, most of the microelements that we need are in honey, in addition to this there is a huge amount of vitamins, not synthesized, but
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naturally extracted by bees because of the nectar, pancakes for breakfast with fresh honey, and ... father sergius teaches baking without eggs, today the dormition fast begins: three bananas, half a glass of flour, a pinch of salt, a pinch of soda, we will immediately pour honey there, it cannot be subjected to heat treatment, when when heated, it loses some vitamins, so we wait for the pancakes to cool down a bit , we remember the good old life hack, op, natural honey can be distinguished from a fake by the fact that when we pour it, the stream is continuous. very long, you see, it does not stop, now we can celebrate the honey rescue, very tasty, such a sweet life will be for everyone, yes, anna vashuk, vladimir repin, andrey aksyonov, channel one, we continue, right now, let's talk about money, about the money that we
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send, to put it mildly, to the wrong place, and not that, yes, unfortunately, is not an uncommon situation, a call comes in, a stranger. says that all our personal data has been hacked and we urgently need to transfer money to another account, well , of course, anyone can get confused here, you know, they woke me up here, so during the day i was sleeping after the broadcast, they called twice, i picked up the phone, they say: you were hacked there, oh, thank you, goodbye, in general, let's listen to anastasia sovelyova, she will tell you now what exactly should alert you in a conversation with a stranger, what are the rules of one touch and what to do if you are taken in scammer, you still got caught, strange... sms, call from an unknown number. yes, almost every one of us has run into scammers. the main mistake in society is to think that i won't fall for this, no, they just haven't found the key for you, you haven't received that very call yet. it's often difficult to react quickly. vera mikhailovna wrote to the support service of state services last year.
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the child's electronic diary wasn't working. a couple of days later they called her. the girl introduced herself as being from state services, she told me. you know, your personal data was hacked, so i will now connect you with the security service and you will talk to them there, they asked to transfer all savings to... to a special account, naturally, very safe, so that the attackers could not get to it, she transferred it, a couple of days later they called her again, as a result she took out two loans of half a million and a loan secured by an apartment, they forbade her to talk to relatives, they said that i have no right to communicate with third parties, i say, well, what third parties, husband and son, no, there is such and such a law, there is such and such an article, they knew everything about me, this should be a warning sign. so it is important that no matter what happens, no matter who calls, we use the one-touch rules. touch your loved one and talk about this situation with them. as a rule, this simply removes absolutely everyone.
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there is nothing more correct and nothing more obvious than communication with loved ones. trust, believe, rely on loved ones. rule two: my home is my castle. never mortgage real estate. third, there are plenty of different scammers' schemes. it is impossible to work through them all in advance, so an unknown number calls, we hang up. a call from a brave organization, you can call back, but be careful, call the company's hotline number yourself. and what to do if you have already fallen for the scammers, write a statement to the police and call the bank, immediately block all accounts. you know the recipient bank, it is better to write there. according to the new rules, banks must block all fraudulent transfers. it is important to do this now so that we can form. practice, how banks respond, how banks conduct this investigation in terms of quality, here you can even achieve a refund if the bank transferred money to a fraudulent
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account from the so-called black list of the bank of russia. in other situations, for example, an operation that is not typical for the client, in terms of the transfer amount or frequency, you will have to try harder and prove to the bank that you did not provide any personal data to the attackers. anastasia soveleva, mikhail karasev, channel one. hello, sergey tugushev is on air, news in the studio. another american stryker armored vehicle, which ukrainian militants used to try to break through deep into the kursk region, was destroyed with the help of a lancet loitering munition. trying to hide from our drones, the enemy camouflaged itself in a forest belt. but the scouts tracked down the target and delivered a precise strike. several more units of equipment and a large enemy group were destroyed by russian pilots. the crews of supersonic
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su-34 fighter bombers were involved. they used aviation bombs with universal planning and correction modules. they allow you to attack the enemy with high accuracy. our artillery is conducting targeted fire. the crews of the towed mstab howitzers hit the armor of the pvsu groups. the crews acted in conjunction with the bespilo operators. volunteers are providing assistance to residents of the kursk region who were forced to leave their homes due to attacks by the armed forces of ukraine. 10 tons of humanitarian aid were collected in chelyabinsk, this is a whole truck with food and warm clothes. another one is being prepared in smolensk, household appliances and food were bought, including by residents of the region. all by request. headquarters in kursk, exactly there deliver cargo from all over the country, and then volunteers deliver everything necessary to the residents. they continue to go door to door and find out
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what else needs to be brought. our military has captured ukrainian armed forces positions in krasnogorovka in the dpr. fighting in the city is going on for every block. assault units and strike drone crews are clearing the territory of militants meter by meter. they are suppressing firing and sniper points. there is nothing, people are just drying up, roughly speaking, these are the people we talk to, they say: they are not withdrawing us, we are simply forgot, active fighting in the ugledar area in
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the area of ​​konstantinovka, this is one of the key fortified areas of the ukrainian armed forces, through which the enemy supply routes go. in one battle, our military captured a ukrainian tank. the captured vehicle has already been painted with tactical signs of the eastern forces group, repaired, and a new track installed. very soon this tank will be used in... the united states to the attack of the kiev regime on the kursk region, as the deputy official representative of the state department told journalists. blessing of the us and eu leadership. before launching this attack, ukraine received the first invasion of russian territory since world war ii has already been publicly supported by the head of european diplomacy, jose borrell, on behalf of the entire european union. he wrote about this on his social network page.
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the israeli army continued. cities and as a result of airstrikes , suburbs continue to die in this direction, it is ordered to evacuate, israeli media report. according to the authorities of the palestinian enclave , civilians have been killed. over the past 24 hours alone , more than thirty people have been killed in the bombings. about one of such cases was written by the british daily mail. while local residents were receiving birth certificates for their twins, who were born 4 days ago, an israeli arrived in their home. us secretary of state antony blinken postponed his trip to the middle east indefinitely, while, according to the pentagon, he approved the possible sale of large quantities of weapons to israel in the amount of 20 billion dollars, including 50 f-15 fighters. europe is languishing in the heat, in italy the air temperature in some
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central and southern regions is rising higher. a similar situation is in germany, where temperatures are forecast to be significantly higher than 30° in the coming days. dry hot weather is making it difficult for firefighters in greece, where forests have been burning for several days, and the flames have reached the outskirts of athens. there is information about one. houses and cars have burned down to the victims. a large-scale leak of radioactive water at the damaged fukushima nuclear power plant in japan, according to local media , about 25 tons of water were missing from one of the pools for cooling spent nuclear fuel. this happened on august 9, but it became known about this only now. the station claims that the dangerous liquid did not enter the environment, but only leaked into the basement of the second power unit building.
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friends in another city have not been canceled either. what happens to the parcel during the journey from point a to point b. we will find out right now. everything that cannot be expressed in words is ideal for a parcel, gifts for nephews of the russian post. i want to send to novosibirsk. there are three options to choose from: courier express delivery ems, expedited air delivery regular by train. ems.
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working days to pay 1,260 rubles. the first class, also the delivery period is from two to three working days for payment of 990 rubles. regular parcel, the delivery period is from five to six working days, including the day of acceptance for payment of 457 rubles 99 kopecks. this suits me , we leave it. after payment, the parcel is assigned a tracking number, by which you can track its entire path in the application or on the russian post website. we will do this in reality. stage. the first is delivery to the logistics center in moscow 524 post offices, out of 270 letters parcels, like ours, are brought here directly, from the rest through exchange areas. container accepted, mail is separated into a container, if it is a combined one, by types of mail and transferred to each in its own workshop, a processing workshop, this is a letter correspondence workshop, a parcel mail workshop and a priority mail workshop, implies processing in the shortest possible time, that is, for example, for ems sending, such
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a processing period. the second stage is sorting, non-standard with a fragile mark only manually, everything else, and this is 90% with the help of an automated system up to 8,000 items per hour. a five-dimensional scanner recognizes a barcode and understands which cell the parcel needs to be dropped. since there is no carriage mechanism, the smooth release of the postal item occurs, thereby minimizing damage during the sorting process. our parcel is intact. the next day it is already at the station. and this is the third stage of its journey, here they form mail cars to different parts of the country. another 3 days the parcel is in novosibirsk, in one of the largest logistics postal centers, the first in terms of automation. items per day. we sort mail not only to novosibirsk, tomsk region, kemerovo region, altai krai, altai republic. three automated subsystems. the first is a large parcel sorter, 450 m long,
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sorts mail into 152 directions at once. the second subsystem sorts small parcels and packages, the third - letters - 45 thousand per hour. the fifth day from the date of sending, our parcel is in the right department. "hello, good afternoon, pick up the parcel, just scan the code, no need to fill out any receipts, hurray, hurray, parcel, the tracking system helps the recipient control all stages, status changed every day, you could literally see which cities, where exactly the parcel was, what was happening to it, conveniently reliable. natalia kovaleva, denis panomarev, stanislavyakov, evgeny makarov, channel one. now we will introduce you to a dog who works as a guide in south korea, her name is mogn, she loves to show tourists picturesque places, for example, mogda knows a short route along mountain paths that leads to this observation deck, well, is it
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any wonder that after a day of work she sleeps without hind legs and will most likely see in a dream the treasured million likes. well, friends, summer is coming to an end, but this is only a calendar summer, because we were expecting indian summer, but... they say that any warmth sooner or later, unfortunately, ends, not very optimistic of course, we will now say that winter is inevitable or winter is near, in fact, what are we getting at, let's see how houses are being prepared for winter, yes, yes, this work is already in full swing, how they are preparing a house for winter, first they check the heating system, it is tested for strength with high pressure, we bring it up to 6 atmosphere, we turn off the pump, wait 10 minutes yes...
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it lets through, i understand you, yes, thermal insulation is also all done, yes, absolutely, well , you see here, yes, a lot, a large number of pipes, post as this is transit, we have a central heating station here, we check, it's dry in the basement, the pipes are without leaks, then inspection on the street, heat can escape through leaky windows of the entrances, entrance doors, everything is perfect in this house, it is after major repairs, but know that by the beginning of the season the management company is obliged to repair everything that reduces... the efficiency of the house, from basement to the attic. the result of the inspection is a document, a passport of the house's readiness for the heating season, it contains all the work performed, we look at the seals and signatures. yes, it means the house has been accepted by the resource supplying organization, local authorities. this
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procedure is the same for everyone, the passport is kept in the management company, you can request it at any time to make sure that your house will be warm in winter. but not always everything is smooth, if this. document is not there at all, if the residents know that the house is not ready, went to the management company, did not receive the acts, readiness passports, information has not been received, they themselves can contact the prosecutor's office. the measure is extreme, but effective, now this is being monitored especially strictly. mikhail volkov, margarita larkina, oleg soshin, channel one. today in moscow, in the state historical museum in honor of the 500th anniversary of the novodevichy convent , the exhibition "novodevichy convent, milestones in history" opens. the exhibition presents icons, church utensils, about 400 items in total, yuri nesterov has already seen everything. the final preparations before opening, a new exhibition in the state historical museum. the theme of the exhibition is the navodevichy
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convent, it is 500 years old this year, the exhibition is based on items that came from its sacristy, or from its churches, or from its temples, artists and designers tried to convey the atmosphere. by life. the exhibits of the exhibition are the history of the most
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famous women's monastery, it is closely connected with the history of russia. the monastery was founded by prince vasily ii in memory of the capture of smolensk. navodevichy baptized the firstborn of ivan the terrible, boris gadunov was elected to the throne, and this is also the place of imprisonment of tsarevna sophia, the sister of peter i. these objects belonged to her: a lamp, a cup, her gift to the monastery. tsarevna sophia aleksemovna wrote on them with the hands of remarkable masters that she. self-governs, this inscription served a terrible service, because from that time peter considered her a shameful person, a third person who illegally entered himself into the royal titles. sophia lost the fight for the throne to peter the great and spent the rest of her life in the monastery. now it is an active women's monastery, you can visit her courtyard, to appreciate the architecture of several churches, the most famous smolensk icon of the mother of god. well, and the exhibition novodevichy convent, milestones in history.
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they fell in love with each other more like two
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birds than like two people, because they heard each other first of all, i thank him every morning, every evening, every day, every minute, every second for giving me all this, for muslim magamaev's birthday on sunday on the first, two stars, fathers and sons, sunday, on the first. chess is for all ages. this is in vladimir confirmed the festival strong figures. all the details from our colleagues sports journalists of the first channel. dynamic games, beautiful combinations and a truly warm festive atmosphere. the festival strong figures in vladimir, dedicated to the centenary of sports in the region, confirmed that all ages are submissive to chess. i like chess because it is a game. very reasonable, it allows you to be a little
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smarter than your peers, helps in school, in general in logical, well, and so i think it is easier to live. the youngest participant maxim tagotin celebrated his sixth birthday at the tournament. chocolates are a gift in this case useful for the thought process. well , the main reason for joy is to spend his birthday at the chessboard, and even play. with adult opponents, the most difficult thing is to win a candidate for master of sports or a coach. the victory of young talents over more experienced chess players is really not uncommon here. players who have not managed to gain a high rating receive a handicap, due to which they achieve success. and this is a complete game of home happens. moreover, many grandmasters were offended by what, so to speak, that children are playing very well now. well , in fact.
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participants, now i played with a very strong chess player, it ended unexpectedly well, i am very interested in playing with everyone here , which i am very happy about, for the youngest chess players to achieve their first successes is very important, because victory. you play and can’t beat anyone and even though you are already upset, but then it turns out bam and you win, such joy, according to statistics, every year chess players are becoming grandmasters at an increasingly young age, which means that some of these guys will soon be able to claim the highest title and go for a new one. good morning to everyone who
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has joined us, the calendar shows august 14, wednesday, nikita is live with you. good morning everyone, we wish you a wonderful day, word of the day: kicksharing. maybe you don’t know what it is, let us explain, yes, not everyone is familiar with it, it is a short-term rental of electric scooters, we are definitely familiar with this. yes, you take an electric scooter from one point in the city, you get to the place you need and leave it in a special parking lot for scooters. the service, i must say, is very, very popular. you know, i painted such an ideal picture, when you leave it in a special place, and not just throw it at the entrance. let's figure out right now what kicksharing companies are responsible for and where. the area of ​​responsibility ends with this - means of mobile personality are called electric scooters, their rolls to sharing, only in our service in the first 6 months of the year more than 20 million trips were made, they violate, what statistics? the share of violations does not exceed 1/%, when we talk about millions
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of trips, this is also a fairly serious figure, among them not a single violation of the speed limit, you will not be able to speed up, they regulate the system. the maximum permitted speed is 25 km / h, in parks even less. now we are entering the park area, a turtle appears on the screen and the scooter itself slows down to 15 km / h. also, the system will not allow you to park anywhere. look, i choose to end the trip. yeah. you see, it says, you are not in the parking lot yet, and offers to show the nearest parking lots. the service map shows the addresses. okay, i can't get there, i'll leave here. yes, then. the write-off continues because you haven't completed the trip because you can't, but if you suddenly decide to just leave, the scooter is standing and after 15 minutes it sends a special signal to our system, the employees of the kick-sharing company will come, pick it up and park it, the offender will be issued a fine, first 500 rubles, the second time 100, the third time the account will be blocked. the fine
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will arrive for a trip in the wrong place, for example, on a road or on the side of the road, driving on a pedestrian crossing is also not... we cross it on foot, actually , this is what is written in the traffic rules, and we will not receive a fine of 1.00 rubles. violations can be recorded by both kick-sharing companies and traffic police officers from cctv cameras. if the same violation was recorded by a traffic police officer and by our service employees, the violator can receive two fines. the largest fines for what? if you were the culprit an accident, then the fine can be from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. also, if... we record a trip while intoxicated. it is also a violation of the rules to transfer control of an electric scooter to a child under 18 years old, as well as a trip with two people on one means of individual mobility. some of them have learned to recognize the number of people, however, the company will issue a fine if there is evidence - a photo or video. the scooter
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analyzes more than 50 parameters during the trip, and this includes the number of centers of gravity, and how the scooter picks up speed, how it maneuvers, how... as soon as the scooter understands that two people are riding it, it sends this information to the system, if they find photo-video confirmation, then a fine of 5.00 rubles is issued, the account is blocked. the other day in moscow, a married couple was fined, they were riding on the side of the road, three of them with a child, they put him in a backpack. today , the capital's transport department is discussing the issue of increasing the amount of fines to 1,000 rubles. for trips together on an electric scooter, as well as transferring control of it to a child under 18.
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if you are not allowed to go anywhere because of important matters, do not be upset, he will help you here, he is businesslike, hard-working, quick-witted and knows how to find non-standard solutions . of course, he also has shortcomings, sometimes he overestimates his strength, sometimes he is, as they say, overly optimistic, and then suddenly he gets too cocky. well, and also, discipline, commitment and accuracy are very important today . aries, keep this in mind. try not to be late anywhere and not to let anyone down, otherwise you can ruin your reputation and relationships with good people, after dinner, perhaps a meeting with someone from your past, boldly make a date for the evening. a great day for taurus, when you can achieve a lot, only a hint has shone, often the first to reach the goal is not the one who is the fastest, the one who did not fall, be careful behind the wheel, do not rush, wait for good news in the evening. this day can
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reveal something new to gemini, perhaps you will be told something important, surprised with something, given food for thought. in the evening, gatherings in pleasant company are not excluded. do not get carried away with alcohol. cancer, this also concerns you, be careful with food in all sorts of cafes. otherwise, the day is simply wonderful, complex matters will go quickly. you will easily find an approach to people and there is order in your house. acquaintance, which can be useful, here one of the old acquaintances can behave, to put it mildly, incorrectly. the luminary advises, nevertheless, not to rush with radical peace and harmony. leos are shining with new decisions, sometimes you need to be able to forgive. virgos are also not bad, however, possible unplanned expenses, but for something really necessary and a special gap in your budget it will not break through. and the evening seems to be preparing something promising for you. a great day for libra, and not to do energetically. you come to their mind interesting ideas, in general, boldly forward, only with money more carefully, and the evening seems to be preparing something entertaining for you, scorpios have a good
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day, some special breakthrough in business is probably not worth waiting for, but you can improve something in your personal life, make peace with someone, make friends, improve relations with relatives. the stars strongly advise lonely scorpios to free up the evening. on sagittarius may be overwhelmed with all sorts of routine, some finishing touches, alterations, they will suddenly start loading you with something. but there will be a chance to earn some extra money to strengthen your authority, and the evening will help you forget about business . capricorns, remember, the stars did not advise you to deal with finances yesterday. so, today you can, just work carefully with documents, and if the temptation arises to make easy and quick money, remember where your free son usually is, and the evening will be simply pleasant. aquarius: take it easy with humor that you will be taught, and maybe and criticize a little. it's just that kind of day. in the evening, you may receive news from someone you've recently been thinking about, or this person may even show up. pisces may encounter
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something that will make them change their attitude towards certain people. for the better or for the worse, the stars don't specify. and today, you may also get your debt back or repay good for good. good luck to you. the multi-part spy drama trader continues on channel one. spy games, big business, big politics. the personal lives of the heroes.
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captivates, because he really is absolutely sincerely, with her plus and minus are attracted, the head of a large foreign trade company dmitry pirogov
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has been dating the intelligence officer irina for a long time, but she refuses to live together, there are sweets, it's not sweet for her now, now still, the figure is still excellent, the american agent left prints on this body, they have an affair, there is of course chemistry, there is of course passion, there is of course some kind of explosion of emotions absolutely seryozha, well , i mean with his... sanim friends victoria balenskaya channel one.
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friends, our program has come to an end. thank you for meeting this day together with channel one. darya shurik and nikita pimenov worked live for you. thank you for meeting each new day in our company, we wish you a great mood and only good news. stay with us, stay on channel one. hello, it's news time on channel one, we'll tell you about the most important events right now. to go through shelling, through fire, to save a family. we didn't even have time to finish, he says, we say we're sitting in the basement, that's all day. kursk region, attack militants in the thick of it wife five children.
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don't cry, everything will be fine, dad will come, but the road back is also mortally dangerous, our correspondent met with the heroes of this incredible story: birds of prey, our drones against enemy drones, a steel brigade of the russian guard goes hunting, reconnaissance and sappers work together, a ukrainian drone overnight, baba yaga scattered mines along the road, military know-how, fighters use their own developments. clear the space the idf demands that the palestinians urgently leave hanyounis. new strikes on gaza strip, tension was added by an israeli minister who visited the temple mount. arctic tested, parachutes that can withstand 60° frost, and super armor, special protection for landing vehicles. what surprises you at the forum?


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