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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  August 14, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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that she ran away because she doesn't want to live with bogdan, you understand, she doesn't love him, she thinks he, you know what kind of things alina wrote to me, yes, your son is a pauper, he is like that, in short, a bastard and that's it, listen, your, your function says, collect for him , your function, when you gave birth to him and raised him, i'll put him away for 10 years, no, i'll say it again, why did she put him away, that he abandoned her, when will you cut the umbilical cord, and you are able bogdan, to rent her an apartment now, where is he from? a bastard, yeah, if ma is not in sochi, she will come to sochi in any case, we are not on each other's black list, when she is in sochi, she will just write to me, we will meet, we will go, choose, i will show her a couple of options, and are you ready for this, only the main thing is don't run away from there, okay, please, i'm just wondering, are you ready, of course, let mother have the apartment, well, that is, you are ready to come, that's all she needs, and if this is really the mother of your granddaughter, well, okay, granddaughter, i will not abandon my granddaughter, which is good, i told her this from the beginning. after these words
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will give this granddaughter, who? well, they won’t, they won’t, to mom, one single question, why don’t you let your son go into adulthood, because this excessive guardianship, hypertrophied, it actually does him a very bad turn, he can’t take care of himself or his offspring, as we see, i understand why a child is needed, i have such a suspicion that...
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a lot, how to say, this, look, you now have a wonderful opportunity, not to talk, but to do, there’s a gap between words and deeds, you understand, so far everything that was in your life, these are just words, but i would really like to see an action, i'm tired of feeling like a teacher in a kindergarten in a junior group, so i'm leaving, goodbye. good evening, the big game is on air. russia continues to advance in donbass and at the same time repel an attempt to invade the ssu in the kursk region, where their losses, according to the ministry of defense, have already amounted to about 2,300 soldiers, 37 tanks and 32 armored personnel carriers. and more and more western publications are writing that the main goal of this adventure is political, namely to give kiev its western. patron, well, a kind of
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bargaining chip in the form of russian territory, which, which can already be traded in hypothetical negotiations. that's what the editor of the financial times writes today. let's listen. of all the possible strategic goals of the kurdish invasion, the seizure of land as a bargaining chip is the most convincing. it is also the most dangerous. kiev understands that it will be under increasing pressure to end the war, especially, but not only if. donald trump returns to white home after the presidential election in november. several of his former officials and advisers have suggested that this could involve an informal cession of territory in exchange for meaningful western security guarantees. with the current level of western military support and resource mobilization inside ukraine, kiev has no viable, medium-term path to victory. most western capitals say they want kiev to be in the strongest possible negotiating position. before
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last week’s kursk offensive, ukraine had little opportunities to achieve this in a short period of time. well, this version is also confirmed by the commander of the special forces , akhmat abty alauddinov, who said today that by august 11, the ukrainian armed forces expected to seize the nuclear power plant in kurchatov, after which they would present russia with an ultimatum to try to start negotiations with it. but their plan failed, they managed to take neither kurchatov nor other large cities and facilities. on monday, vladimir putin said that after their terrorist attack on the kursk region, there can be no talk of any negotiations with kiev, well, the day before, already at night in moscow, the final point in this issue was put by the deputy permanent representative of russia to the un, dmitry polyansky. let's listen to what he said. considering the deplorable situation of ukraine on the front line, in june our country made it a very generous offer of negotiations. we received the answer to our offer a week ago,
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the zelensky regime chose to escalate the war by invading a peaceful russian region, this is a fatal mistake, which ukraine will later regret very much, but the choice has already been made, the last time we saw... german tanks on our territory was exactly 80 years ago, now they are controlled by ukrainians, you all remember how it ended for germany, the end for the ukrainian nazis will be just as inglorious, well, in the same speech dmitry polyansky said that the invasion of the ssu in the kursk region, i quote, showed the true face of our enemy, who deserves only total defeat unconditional surrender, such a formulation of the question, you know, what historical analogies are not used, here the conclusion suggests itself. and that if we follow the direct analogy with the nazi invasion, here is the kurdish battle, here are the ss runes on the helmets, here is bandera, more capable than hitler, we see that only unconditional surrender was the only correct, possible and historically verified
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position of the allies, well and the soviet union and naturally our people too. if we follow the analogy with terrorism, then here too everything becomes clear, because most of all the actions of the kiev regime with... wanting to seize something in order to then blackmail us with it, the leadership of russia everyone, this is a purely terrorist act, when they take hostages, seize some building and try to put the country's leadership in a very difficult or impossible position, but you can't talk to terrorists either, so in this sense it seems to me that in russia the main question that was in the first hours of this very invasion, and what kind of negotiations can there be, of course. the president gave an answer, there can be no negotiations, in this sense i think that 110, 120, 150%, today the position of the russian state coincides with the position russian people, i absolutely agree with you, in fact the question is even more serious, because we are not talking about just the invasion
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of the ukrainian armed forces into the kurdish region, we are talking in fact about the invasion of the west into the internationally recognized territory of the russian federation, because we have already said that the west had... a direct relationship with the planning and even with the implementation of this attempted invasion, and evidence of this came from the west itself, that it was involved already at the planning and discussion stage, here is the bloomberg publication with reference to western officials write that they were consulted, and the kiev regime prepared for a long time, even choosing several scenarios for such an invasion, and these scenarios were discussed with the west. let's listen. before breaking through the border, ukraine considered several attack options, bloomberg, a western official familiar with kiev's planning, said. with ukraine's armed forces on the defensive, russian troops have made gains this year, it took some time to
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consider the possibility of a cross-border attack on kursk, the official said on condition of anonymity, nato allies do not object to the invasion, although they consider it unlikely that... troops will be able to hold russian territory, even if it takes moscow weeks to push them out of the kursk region, the source said, well , naturally, gas department officials rushed to deny that they were involved in planning this attempted invasion, but even us president biden indirectly confirmed the involvement of the united states, said how closely the united states keeps its finger on the pulse in the part.
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the united states knows everything, they know exactly everything that the kiev regime is doing, planning, all their military preparations, all special operations, they know everything, through a wide network of advisers present in all, that is,
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in all structures of the kiev regime, they help, at least they know everything, they can say no to everything, the kiev regime will not do anything that the united states said no to. this is absolutely certain, therefore at least the united states knew, but did not veto, this is the absolute minimum, there may be different degrees above this. they encouraged, encouraged, directly ordered, prepared everything together with the ukrainians and, therefore, this, this was carried out, i want to remind you that , in fact, in the very first hours of this reckless and provocative action, reports came from our military experts that a lot of mercenaries were involved, a disproportionate number for the operations that are usually carried out. the kiev regime carries out, this is another confirmation that the westerners not only
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knew and did not veto, but directly participated, one can only discuss the degree of direct participation, but this is already some kind of very special discussion, which does not make sense at the political level, and the fact that the united states from the very first hours of these events took the note that, like, we know nothing.
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which cannot be said about the european union, if the position of the united states is hypocritically cynical, then the position of the european union seems to me simply stupid, because they they simply encouraged the kiev regime.
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that's what's on the map, it looks like, even through the mouths of officials from the bundeswehr and
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boris pistorius himself, such maxims are being expressed, which, well, germany, that it really wants to take an official part in the war, there was an interview here, they asked questions to the general of the mondeswehr about how you feel about the fact that german weapons are in ukraine, and he says they are ukrainian, it means... f16 rise and so on, in general , look, macron, but i don't take these
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baltic, so to speak, giants, let 's remember kipling, the jungle book, there, when shere khan is so leisurely getting ready to go hunting, this jackal tabaki runs ahead, and with a nasty and joyful smile, which means that now you will feel bad. that's what happened to me, when i remember, they were bombing my beloved serbs, and i was standing there by the way under the bombs, getting through the bulgarian mountains, then salanov's hover is always a smile on his lips, he smiles then, even when they talk about victims, about everything, so, well apparently, such facial expressions are in a person, so i then for some reason came up with this analogy myself, then we take macron, the only one, it seems, you know, still a classically educated person, of course, he read classical literature about him, it is understandable that france wants
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to raise its role here on this fishlessness, on this inexpressive shols, well, some kind of its role again, but does he not understand that we... it was more advantageous to somehow distance ourselves by this and show some kind of alternative, not that completely, we understand, how they have all been tied together for a long time, first of all by this single financial, economic, financial, first of all, this octopus in fact, why now isn't the western world, the world majority, first of all thinking about how to slowly create replacement financial structures in order to at least partially get rid of this dependence. slavery to the dollar, why do they, i don't take it, the baltics - this is, well , it's clear, well, scholz - this is very, i 'm thinking about it, here i am again returning to that, here are the anglo-saxons, and their role in re-education germany again in an anti-russian spirit, huge, and my friends, the germans and austrians, who were always for the fact that
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it was not with america, with us, they consider it a colossal mistake and remember the first world war, that... germany, russia, because these are the two pillars of the eurasian balance, the anglo-saxons have nothing to do, between them on... to create a tier of states not controlled by the british, what they did from the baltic to the black sea, in order, as i read in one very classified document of the state department, to create a buffer between slavs and tiftons, this is the forty-second year, everything is repeating itself, but europe, you understand, is destroying itself with its false policy, prince
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gorchakov, and the main reason is because europe serves the interests of the united states. for nothing, especially if the germans are under attack, washington will rub its hands, of course, they will shout at us, but as they say, they will be happy, only that metalrope will certainly never arise again, this is one of the reasons why charles de gaulle left the military component of nato and created own french nuclear weapons independent from the united states, because he was absolutely convinced that in case of war,
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the united states would not defend france, and would not sacrifice new york for paris. yes, therefore europe, well, actually, it is really on the path of degradation, meanwhile russia continues to advance in donbass, and let's now ask boris aleksandrovich rozhin, our traditional military observer, what is happening at this hour on the fronts, good evening, if talking about the situation on the front line from south to north, then in the rabochaya direction our activity continues.
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from lisichny in the timofeyevka area in the zhelannoye area, zhelannoye is actually liberated, and there are also small advances in the karlovka area and novosyolovka pervaya. in general , the enemy here, despite all efforts
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, cannot stabilize the front, he is catastrophically lacking those reserves that he threw in for the attack in the direction of the kursk region, which means that in the new york area our troops continued to advance as to west of the city, so in its central part, there the enemy despite counterattacks could not stabilize the situation, also our troops are already advancing directly. the main movements we have over the past 24 hours in the area of ​​kalinovka to the north of the village our troops continue to defend the forest area and there a number of well important positions that covered the area of ​​the seversky-donetsk-donbass canal, well and the fighting continues behind the canal in the city itself. on the seversky ledge, fighting continues in the area of ​​the crossing, directly on the outskirts in the direction of the cut from the side ivanodaryevka and... vesyoly, in the krasnolimansk direction, in general, without changes, in the sovato-kupyansk direction , our troops have significantly advanced in the peschanoye area, taking a number of important positions,
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we also have progress during the battles for the central part of makeyevka, well, and battles continue in the stremokhovka area, well, in the kharkov direction, our troops are conducting counter battles in the lepsy and glubokoe area and also continue to put pressure on the enemy in the center of volchansk, there are small advances in our favor, as we see, despite all the attempts of the enemy - to break the negative tendencies for him from the front or to force him to transfer reserves to a piece of the region, our command continues to conduct active actions, to liberate settlements and territories. thank you very much, boris alexandrovich, keep us informed, but it must be said that in the west they have already begun to write that the kiev regime will not only fail to reverse the negative tendencies for itself with its attempt to invade the kursk region, but on the contrary, it accelerates these negative tendencies for itself, firstly, in the article financial.
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the russians are moving only small units from there to kursk. ukraine lacks infantry. the maneuver in kursk did not help compensate for the acute shortage of personnel in the donbas. ukraine is using
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reserves that may not be enough in other critical areas of the front. the russians know that the ukrainians probably have only limited reserves, which will now be bogged down in the kursk region. therefore, russia may try to double the effort against the depleted units of the ukrainian armed forces in donbass. your objective assessment, it is necessary to understand that the operation that the ukrainian armed forces began, it turned out to be, in principle, as we can see today, untenable, because the scale that was planned, the tasks that were planned, i will remind you, as if the maximum task that kiev was counting on was the capture of at least two regional centers, and moreover, at least access to the nuclear power plant with...
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by the end of the second day it became clear that the situation was developing in the worst possible scenario for ukraine, despite the fact that yes, they owned initiative, despite the fact that they have definitely seized the territory. but i repeat, this territory, here, by the way, he is absolutely right in pointing out that this territory does not allow for the formation of a security corridor for logistics, because right now, at the moment , our artillery is shooting through and through, not only aviation, our artillery, accordingly, in this case, it is extremely difficult to organize the supply of those units that have entered, and without supplies they very quickly turn into simply well, what is called immobilized and skinny troops, we must understand that... ukraine is now doing everything it can, the command of syrsky, is trying to drag additional forces there, because on the second day they, for example, even transferred, in total, about three
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battalions from other directions. i say again, this is not the kind of bridgehead that could be called a bridgehead even for the stubs to hold at any cost, because there is nothing to exchange, that is, there is nothing to exchange, 28 settlements - this is not something that can be put it on the negotiating table, considering that they themselves now have an open flank. considering that, as i already said, everything is under fire, this is becoming a trap, and i have almost no doubt that in the next couple of weeks we will see a completely different situation, they will have to either urgently withdraw troops from there, then it will become, well , a real military defeat, because even trying to present it as some kind of raid - such a big, beautiful, reconnaissance, but with such losses and most importantly with the expenditure of those the few reserves that remained, just
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returning to... publications will very soon be sorely lacking, because in no area did the russians press more slowly, they did not press less, all these days we saw the capture of these or those villages, the capture of these or those positions, and accordingly, here is the second task that they were pursuing, that is, the task of forcing the russians to urgently break off their reserves and send them to kurs, all this also did not happen, and it will not happen, all this actually says that the kiev the regime... understands its desperate situation, it tried to play abank, but the bet, as it should have happened, did not play, on the contrary, it accelerated their inevitableho behaves in a similar way, provoking the united states, the difference is that the united states promises to fight for netanyahu, but for the kim regime for zelensky, they will not fight with their own hands, now a small advertisement, then we will continue.
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famous favorite artists gathered at our table, who will tell funny stories and curiosities that happened to them, you me forgive me, i accidentally broke this new vase, don't worry, it's not like that, it's already new, it 's only 200 years old, i invite you to the program, i have to play the queen, i think, but it will be some piece dedicated to honey, i come, so the next day in the remains of all the makeup costume, one of the women brings me such
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a big... she says, i didn't know that directors work with actors like that, and skolt zapashny told me, a long time ago in the soviet circus, a tiger grabbed a father, he quietly tells them: skolt, take a stick now and hit him on the head with all your might, and now the tiger, on saturday on the first.
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volleyball, as you have not seen it yet? there is a cup, the first channel, live broadcasts on the weekend on the first, they constantly say that happiness loves, what two decoys, beauties, what are you doing with us with men, do not go to meet him, and a modest question, you do not need a mother, i cook well, i am
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well-off, take me to your place. and she started up, as she started up, of all the couples, with your grandmother it is the most difficult of all, with her modulations, thank you, it is impossible not to love. two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on first, in the new season on the first, today we were auditioned for the gracheva choir, great! you definitely need to sing, come on, sing, what a unique gift you have, you hit such notes, what an upstart you think you are, varka, it's you, don't you recognize me or what? it's me, andryukha, that means your life is a success,
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you have everything that soviet women don't even dare to dream about, so what happens, you don't take a guy just because he doesn't know notes, in order to get official choir status, you need to have at least. sing so that the sun rises. choir. premiere of a multi-part film. coming soon, on channel one.
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there's a big game on air. now if anyone thinks that nazism, neo-nazism and attempts to rewrite history are characteristic only of today's ukraine, then let them raise their voices.
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among these, so to speak, role models, there were not only wehrmacht soldiers, but also people in the sss, which was the combat wing of the nsdap. in particular, the pilot ace erich
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hartmann stood in the sss troops, and it was proposed that he too be considered a model of german military valor for the current buddhasver, and also a member of the sss , submariner erich topf. well, really, literally. 2 hours ago, news came in that under public pressure, including from russia, it was decided to remove the ss men from this list, but they tried to include them there, and they will try again, and they will definitely do it quietly and by means of roundabout maneuvers, i am already quite familiar with this practice, you know, when i read this document, i was struck by such cynicism and shamelessness of the argumentation itself, if they had...
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without - a statute of limitations, so this, this, this is already impudence, you understand, everything, and i don’t say , i don’t understand, well, in general, this, you know, is more evidence that, probably, in the bundeswehr, they are having a hard time recruiting people there, i read, the germans don’t really want to fight, in fact, if here we condemn and quite rightly, what state of the brains of the elite of this last generation of the establishment are in. then in general, to what extent do those people who keep the pulse of the life
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of german society itself say that the people there they are absolutely horrified by all this, in eastern germany there are just protests in many cities and so on, i drove around germany in a rental car just a year and a half ago, what goodwill, on the contrary, i would even say so deliberate, even the ambulance did not take a penny from me, i felt sick, they asked if i had insurance, i said that our cards do not work, i will pay. i will sort it out later, nothing is needed, you can, that is, i read them poetry in german and so on, that's how it is you can do this against your own country, you know, sometimes it happens that the common people, who don’t even particularly read political analytics there, they have an intuition, they have an intuition that it ’s not good that russians, that german tanks are on russian soil, such a headline came out, it causes them.
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here’s an officer, especially if he’s in a black cloak
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and so on, it’s something completely different, not the slightest pity, absolutely, well, unfortunately, russophobia in general, it becomes, it seems to me, the main reconciler, the main the ideological basis and support of the current european union, as evidenced by the distribution of seats in the european parliament following the elections to the european parliament, it no longer matters what ideology... pro-russian, anti-american,
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anti-nato and anti-european parties. putinism, wrote welle, is no longer an acceptable option for a civilized europe. on the contrary, in his opinion, cooperation is possible only with extreme right-wing parties that agree that europe must be protected from imperial ambitions russia in the 19th century, support nato and a strong transatlantic relationship. during the first working weeks of the european parliament in july this year, the welle mechanism was already in full swing, with far-right eurosceptics and russophiles, including members of the fide and the national rally, not getting influential posts on policy committees, but the european people's party refused to erect a similar cordon sanitaire against so-called moderate far-right parties, such as giorgio meloni's brothers in italy, to prevent them from taking up these posts. i will just remind you that the party of the brothers of italy of george melonia is the successor of the fascist party of benito musali.
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europe, we will see that these were political instruments that created the same countries in the literal sense, these were the instruments of the anglo-saxons, simply, which at a certain moment got out of control, this means that... even then, parties were elected not just with certain political views, but those who hated the russians. yes, hitler, of course, had an ideology, he was an anti-communist, but look, the actions of the kaiser's army during the first world war, if you go deeper, the scale is not quite the same, but
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the abuse of prisoners, the treatment of prisoners of war from the russian empire as non-humans, all this was already then, it's just before...
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england will vote like america, the rest don't care, but they will vote like america, so i need to convince the american representative,
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that's right, i'll try to help you with this now. trader. watch after the program time. i wanted to discuss how to help you get approval of your contract at the un, and why do the girls change so often?
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a special unique way of life, which is dictated by difficult climatic conditions. many come to this city to see the famous polar lights. we are in arkhangelsk, friends. the most important thing for a pomor is to be practical. what kind of wood is preferable for building a boat, the kind of wood that grows. and why did they add salt? in principle, our region was engaged in salt production, so they added it everywhere. my grandmother was in regular coffee, even add soluble salt, says that it tastes better, and in our way. we. crush the smelt with salt a little, chop the onion and add it there too, let's take some bread and dip it, dip it, and how delicious will it be in mozhsky style? delicious, delicious, friends, very delicious, the life of our own, the premiere is on sunday on the first, magamaev - it's me,
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what's wrong, you can handle it, that they don't believe that it's me, when an artist goes on stage and the audience simply doesn't breathe, when a person does nothing, just sings, not everyone can do this, believe me, "i beg you, never, never in your life make a remark to me through the microphone, they fell in love with each other more than two birds." on
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muslim magamaev's birthday on sunday on channel one. two stars, fathers and sons. on sunday on channel one. in the new season on channel one. what's up with the baltic fleet leak? the cia source from which the leak is coming has not yet been identified, but his handler has arrived in leningrad. during the surveillance, the subject did not come into contact with anyone suspicious. get set, who is this? attention, his daughter. character, here you go, stubborn. happy birthday, princess, you've grown up so much and you're not planning on getting married? no, not yet. and i heard that dima is here. wow, dimka, what are you talking about, they can put you in jail for this, where did you get so many dollars? but you, my dear, know that this is absolutely
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useless to you, let's go, well, which of you is the owner of the apartment, i don't know where the currency came from, your girlfriend, she couldn't, now is not the time to shield anyone, stand there, i'll shoot, i 'm not joking, she's your agent, yes. "the woman with a thousand faces. on the air "the big
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game". we often talk at this table, and how american diplomacy has degraded in recent times, that they resort almost exclusively to methods of dictatorship, blackmail, threats and pressure, how meager are the prospects for reaching an agreement on anything with the current united states. here is one of, it must be said, a good representative of the american diplomatic elite, this is the former united states ambassador to russia, john sullivan, before that he was, by the way, the first deputy secretary of state, donald trump appointed sullivan to moscow, biden left him, he was ambassador from september 20 to twenty-second year, that is, he caught the first stage of the special operation, so he published memoirs about how he worked in moscow as an ambassador, they are called midnight in moscow, memoirs from the front. war of russia against the west, but in fact, everything is the opposite, the west is waging a war against russia, and yesterday his big
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interview was published in the magazine foreign policy, in which he stated that russia will not capitulate on the ukrainian issue, no serious compromises can be reached with russia, which means that the most positive scenario for the united states is the end conflict is an indefinite ceasefire and a freeze, well that's a realistic assessment, but the reason why it's...
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diplomacy, their hostility to the united states, to american culture. that's why i found it so fascinating, after i'd been there for a while, seen it up close, their behavior, their negotiating style, their attitude toward us. what kennen wrote about in 1946-47 was true then and it's still true now. this hostile government that's difficult, extremely difficult to have affairs. in general, it seems to me that it is very useful sometimes ivan alsevich to receive such. such interviews precisely for understanding that we practically cannot agree on anything with the united states. oh, yes, such reminders are very useful. first of all, i would still say that i never rated sullivan highly as a diplomat. well, let's remember that before that he worked, before his appointment to moscow, he worked in ukraine, in general, of course, he is, well, how can i
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say it, he is such a supervisor, he is... more not a diplomat, but it’s like a representative of some colonial empire or colonial company, he ’s on a colonized territory, he knows how to work with it, these are generally not not not not the skills of a modern modern diplomat, and therefore i would call him like that for the first deputy first deputy secretary of state well, this is again with such skills, then. to act like a colonizer, yes, it’s possible, to act in a modern multipolar world, to try to interact with others, with what we call the countries of the world the majority is simply not impossible. secondly, i want to say that this is apparently the style of american diplomacy, not even a style, but the essence of american diplomacy, they can only talk from a position of strength, if
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they have no trump cards, so to speak, no power. behavior in relation to our diplomats, the property of diplomatic missions, sometimes even on technical issues they are not able to agree, and on broad political issues, and agreements are absolutely impossible, so i think, i i have already said more than once that one of the goals of a special military operation, although we do not call it that, is to acquire the ability to achieve
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what we need without the united states. and to record these results also without an agreement with them , it must be said that george kenon himself, to whom salevan appeals, he changed his position regarding the soviet union at later stages of his geography and was against nato expansion, for cooperation with the soviet union and with post-soviet russia, salevan, i am not at all sure whether the current elite of the united states will go for this, but they are preparing for an arms race, nuclear weapons, and... a more complex nuclear arms race than the past during the cold war, now they are going to compete with nuclear russia, with nuclear china and nuclear north korea at the same time, let's listen to what the economist writes about this. the administration of president joe biden has begun preparations for what recently seemed unthinkable, the build-up of deployed us nuclear forces after
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decades of deep cuts. the buildup could begin in 2000. in 2026, when the new start treaty between america and russia, which limits the world's two largest nuclear arsenals, expires, if at the end of the treaty... in february 2026 , the president decides that we need to increase the number of deployed forces, we want to be able to do that relatively quickly, a senior u.s. defense official said. we are now we are in nothing less than a new nuclear era, said vepin narank, a senior pentagon official, in a speech on august 1, james acton of the carnage endowment for international peace, a washington think tank, noted that such... talk points to the growing inevitability of a new arms race. your comment. the arms race has begun, they are just being very disingenuous here. let me remind you that all the american withdrawals from previous
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strategic treaties were connected precisely with the fact that they adopted new systems that completely negated participation in the treaties. the same thing happened with the pro, we saw the deployment of pro in europe, two positional areas that we... were presented for a long time as purely defensive, today we already know that the americans are quite calmly going to deploy medium-range missiles there, medium-range, again, when they withdrew from the treaty, they accused us that we had some parameters of one of our missiles, and they were never able to prove it, did not correspond, and now they do, and now they are saying quite calmly that in general, in fact, we will now deploy our cruise missiles in those very blocks that are, so to speak , universal and... in principle, everything is the same, for them there is one problem in that their nuclear arsenal has really been frozen for quite a long time in terms of its development, in this case they will have to spend huge amounts of money to
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catch up with us, because our nuclear arsenal has been strategically updated by 96% over all these years, there is a very serious, modernization continues, in this case they will have to, what is called, start from scratch, because today they do not have - normal modern... it is unknown, and the most important thing is that ahead, of course, the space race is still beginning, they are going to withdraw from this treaty and deploy weapons in space, but you very correctly recalled the problems in the new conditions, the new conditions are that before they had to compete with only the ussr, now there are at least three more countries that... eh, in this case there will be to increase their arsenal absolutely independently, and if it is still hypothetically possible to assume that they will at least be able to conduct some negotiations with china, then it must be understood that both north korea and iran, if
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a threat arises for them, which will create such weapons, in this case will be absolutely beyond their control, and they themselves have driven themselves into a trap, it is unlikely that they will be able to successfully compete with several nuclear powers, and at the same time, yes, there will be a world without... classical arms control, but we are ready for this, because that we have very serious groundwork, we are ahead of the united states, now we will hand over the floor to the news and the big game will return at 23:00. hello, evening news on channel one, with you andrey ukharev. we are gradually squeezing out the enemy, the situation in the kursk region, ukrainian terrorists who attacked civilians are getting what they deserve, equipment has been destroyed and militants have been destroyed.


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