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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 15, 2024 12:00am-12:46am MSK

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american history, they have a president, but to american voters, for the first time in which the survival of the united states is really threatened, and in a situation where no one is threatening america itself, and as...
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turn after turn, turn after turn, we are approaching the point of no return, all hope is that in addition to the biden administration, there is an american military that understands the consequences quite clearly, and that they will be able to say in due time, guys, stop, and we must take actions that the military can correctly understand, yes, absolutely right, and a military man, of course, he understands power, accordingly, there must be a demonstration of power, only after that it seems to me possible...
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that america, which presents itself as a country of the rule of law, we see how another thing that is absolutely unacceptable, the unfortunate scottar, in fact, is being bullied there at the level of something absolutely outrageous, but at the same time the entire power machine of the administration is trying to speak: in the language of youth to excuse hunter biden, who is clearly involved in corruption cases, we are not talking about personal behavior, which ritter was told that he could be tried for allegedly being a foreign agent. hunter biden at the same time, the new york times just knocked out documents from the state department, knocked out in a fight, which show that hunter biden directly lobbied the state department.
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from my conversation with andrei dmitrievich sakharov, he had several people in the kitchen drinking tea, and one of the participants in the conversation said, you andrei dmitrievich, such a great man, well, your conscience does not tormented by the fact that you - helped create the hydrogen bomb, to which he said, maybe sometimes it does torment me, but on the other hand it would
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torment me even more if i had not done everything possible to prevent a world war, here - based on this example, of course. it seems to me that sometimes you need to show strength in order to avoid a terrible conflict. it was a big game, we'll meet tomorrow on the air. hello, this is the ask surkova podcast, and i'm larisa surkova, a psychologist and mother of seven children. today, angelica came to visit me, ask me, probably, about something very important, what brought you here? hello, i have
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a very pressing problem, how to talk to my child and not get angry with him? how old is your child, tell us a little about him? yes, my son ruslan, he is 3 years old, we have a complete family, husband, wife, child, but the child, as people around me tell me, is difficult in terms of, he is very spoiled, does not hear what i say to him, and he begins to hear me only when i start to raise my voice, and like all mothers, well, i think most of us like this, when i yell at him, yes it... works, but then i suffer a lot inside, i reproach myself for doing this to my baby, and i just don’t know, no one can tell me how to do it right and convey to him what i want, this is stop, or pay attention or danger,
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so that it is not a scream, as it is now with us, i understand that this is wrong, it is environmentally friendly, safe for the child, and for me to convey to him what i... want without resorting to screaming, when did this start, this is not from birth, probably, yes, that is, at some point in growing up, when it started, somewhere after 2 and a half years approximately, when the child began, apparently, to be more capricious, yes, no longer obey, what, what was happening in his life, some specific examples maybe you can give, and i connected all this with the fact that around three there is a crisis of 3 years, now he is already 3.2 everything continues, that is, we have mm, there are no strong prohibitions for him, because the son is long-awaited, the only one, one, i have been guessing about him since childhood, that i will have son ruslan, of course, we really wanted him and it turns out that well, to some extent yes, we allow him, probably more than other
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children are allowed, it turns out he, i want, he is little, but he does not understand that only his desire can be true, here i want, he sometimes uh-huh. throws himself on the floor, hits, i want this toy, no, i want to go outside now, no, mom, let's go right now, it's night outside, get dressed, let's go to the store, buy me something, constant demands, it happens that he starts to run away, and there are cars they're driving, i'm shouting at him, stop, take my hand, he doesn't hear, because i want, that is, this is what i want, he runs forward into him, i speak calmly, one, two, three, ruslan, do this, do this, no, only when i'm already... boiling to the right point, i start yelling at him, everything works for him, stop, he stops and mom, why are you yelling at me? what do you answer at this moment? i 'm trying to convey to him that i yelled at you on purpose so that you would understand that this is not allowed, or i start yelling, he doesn't understand, he's afraid,
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hides, runs to dad, dad starts crying, well, he's just scared now, but i 'm afraid that if it continues at this pace, it will return to normal, and firstly, it will stop working. he might use it in his future family, i 'm most afraid of this, so as not to break his childish psyche, i want to somehow learn to do it in normal ways, because after this i cry huge tears, you are alone at home with him, he doesn't go to kindergarten, he doesn't attend anything, we we tried to send him to kindergarten. but we tried twice, got sick, then we had a private kindergarten, developmental classes in the format of the kindergarten, we took him, but there too, a girl bit me, then something else, but in the end he threw another tantrum at me, mom, i won’t go there anymore, but you have ruslan
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at 3 years old can even decide such global issues, whether to go somewhere, not to go, well, i look for other developmental classes for him so that he is not offended there, because i really looked at the cameras, there are actions. it's better already, before there were constant fights, i would pull him away, try to explain that you can't take away other people's toys , you can't push other children, do anything to them, well it was very difficult and i generally tried to walk where there were fewer children, because constant squabbles with parents would already begin, but he is a very characteristic child, character. what does it mean a characteristic child, how does it manifest itself? he shows his i, yeah,
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mom, i want, i said so, i will, i won't, i try to convey to him that son, you little, i'm a mother, i'm big, you're a child, you should listen to us, we should be in your position of authority, you're still little, you don't make decisions, well, you live with us by our rules, but no, there i am, if not like me, i lie down on the floor, i bang my head, i well, in general, what kind of relationships do you have in your family, how do you solve any problems that exist, arguments with your spouse, with relatives, maybe with others, with your husband, we solve relationships in the format of a conversation, that is , if something doesn't suit us, we we talk, in my family i have a single-parent family, i lived with my mother and grandmother until i was 23, and of course it was very difficult there, because there were such team things and we communicated extremely poorly... not very well, let's say, there were quarrels, yes, there were misunderstandings, i had an idea to separate
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in order to reduce these quarrels, stop, that is, well, communication was not very well built, let's say, it was simply impossible to solve problems in a conversation format, are you planning to give ruslan a kindergarten, yes, we are even listed as a kindergarten garden, here it is also about my husband, because he works from home, he is an individual entrepreneur for many years, everything. the two times when i gave ruslan, we all got very sick, yeah, and my husband says that i just fall out of my work schedule for so long, i lose such a huge amount of money that i don’t want you to take him there, that is, let’s do it later, well, and we decided that after three he turned three, now we are dealing with this issue, how does a father take part in the child’s life, i don’t want kindergarten, i don't want to be taken, and what does it do? gives money for private development. great, with the child, what does it do? when i ask him, he is with him, when i
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need to go somewhere, sometimes we go together there or to parks or to some entertainment, there to a cafe with a children's room, well, so everything is more or less clear, let me tell you now, and you will ask if questions arise, from what i heard, everything is age-appropriate, the child really, as you correctly said, is now on his own... my time to live through the crisis 3 years old, the 3-year crisis is not determined by one day, not because today he turned 3, he started having a crisis tomorrow morning it will end, no, it is such a crisis and not quite a true one, so to speak, because what the child sends to the universe, what he communicates, does not correspond to his real desires, the first thing that the child sends to us is, i myself, i myself, i am already an adult, i can do it , at some point it really begins to seem to us that this is how it is, we really want to believe it, we are a little tired after 3
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years, it seems to us, hurray, let's take a breather now, the child has already grown up, independently and can do something, but this is not true, he is a baby, these are the phrases that you voiced to us, that you tell him about how this is our home, here we must live by our rules, you are small, i am an adult, but for him this is nothing more than background noise. these are very complex concepts that a child of 3 years old cannot perceive the same way an adult perceives . at 3 years old, he pretends that he wants to be independent, that he wants to be like this here free, he also checks these boundaries, here when he starts running to the car, this is such a test for mom, how quickly she will react, will she catch up, will she not catch up, what will she do, how will she stop me, where is this distance of our such invisible umbilical cord, what is this footage? her, yes, how far will she let me go from herself, but this is not a story about the fact that the child
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has grown up, he is a baby, he cannot make many decisions, even those that you voiced, why did i ask like that, as with us ruslan 3 years decides whether to go to some classes or not, he is little, of course he is very changeable in his mood, today he has one thing, tomorrow it is another, sometimes he wants it, sometimes he doesn’t want it, but as soon as... we give the child confirmation of his rights in quotes, what he tells us: i don’t want to go to developmental classes, everything is fine, we don’t go to developmental classes, the child has such a tick in his head, from... great, it works, next time we definitely need to try it on something else, there i will tell mom something else, she will probably definitely will react in the same way, and there is a violation of the normal natural boundaries of interaction between parent and child, actually what you want to achieve is that i am an adult, i decide, but in fact it turns out to be completely different , we say in words, i am an adult, i decide, in fact it is a three-year-old child who decides
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what to do and what to do, this is a violation of such subordination inside. it is imperative to pay attention to it, there is something that is appropriate for the child's age, for example, will you eat fish or meat, here you have and fish and meat, he can decide whether he will have fish or meat, or it is all the same to you whether to cook potatoes or pasta, yes, he can decide whether he wears white shorts or blue ones, it is not a question at all, yes, he can already make basic decisions and should make them at this age, they are very important for his development, but not... on which his life depends, and of course, to go somewhere or not to go, this is not a decision for a three-year-old. i was the first year, i went to him almost every night, looked, whether he was breathing or not, that is, i, well yes, anxious mother, yes, i'd better go check if everything is okay with him, if everything
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is normal there, if everything, god forbid, what, what , where, is he breathing, is everything okay, yes, is he breathing, is everything okay, because how, what about my son? there, well, in fact, on the one hand, this is a manifestation of great love, which is a plus for him, that is, once again , you can praise yourself, hug, pat him on the head, say: i'm great, i gave my child a lot, because his current behavior tells me that he is loved, that i gave him a lot support, otherwise he wouldn't behave like that, a human baby, he's really extremely unadapted to survival without an adult, so if he's an adult... i'm not sure, if he doesn't have that basic sense of security, he'll never run anywhere, because he's just afraid of dying, this support is formed in your child, this is certainly your merit, but your anxiety is a hindrance to him, sometimes it seems to me that i'm just like a non- mother to him, a supervisor, so for me it's like a supervisor's role, because we go out somewhere
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street, ruslan, stop, don't go here, do n't go there, you can't do it here, why, why do you control him like that, why does he need you? what is definitely dangerous for my child's life, this is advice that is really fundamental for all parents, make a table for yourself with rankings, write in bold red at the top what is definitely dangerous for my child's life, and see
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if you can make this space safe, like, for example, sockets, yes, it's easier to plug them and turn them off? that's why it's not a knife here , it's convenient, comfortable, we control everything, there can be a lot of things, at 3 years old he can already move somewhere, while he is a zucchini, everything can appear in the life of a child, naturally, special, children's, safe, but he can cut
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a potato or something soft there, this is normal, yes, this is part of his life, he can already ... then our knives will move to the yellow category, that you can't take dad's and mom's, but you can take your own, accordingly, there will be a green category below, it should be the largest, you can tear a dandelion and eat it, you can step in the dirt, yours your feet will get wet and you will understand what wet feet are, this is the formation of experience, let's fantasize in the red field, what would you bring in and pills, so run on the roads where there are cars? yeah, right, why do you allow such a situation that your child ends up there? i don't allow it, but when we have a drive-through yard on the playground, that is, cars drive and he tries to run out there. i tell him that you can't do that, that is , you have another yard where you can go for a walk, well, they are all drive-through, all of them, that is, there is no such closed
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territory, no, then what, well, some substances, there is salt, pepper, you can't, you can't eat, but pepper for sure, you can get oshog, how much pepper do you think a child can eat, mine is a lot, it seems to me, no, that 's exactly it, it seems to me, the key word here. not a single child, once again, you need to remember for yourself, as a rule, a human baby wants to survive, he is the most unadapted in this, in general, just in this universe, of all the creatures that can survive on their own, ours cannot, a deer can run in 2 hours, the bear cub will run in 3 months, ours can't tear itself away from an adult for a very long time, it won't survive, it doesn't have, it doesn't have a built -in self-destruction function.
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it will start screaming: mom, give me water, this is its way of developing and forming its life experience, there's no other way, put salt and pepper in the green, not even in the yellow, boiling water, boiling water is not allowed, of course, what do you do so that it can't reach it, we say that it can't, we have an electric kettle and it's within reach, put it away, well and how do we set it up higher so that he can't, but he knows that it's like with knives, he knows that it's not allowed, even if he sees or... it's definitely not allowed, but it's a really dangerous thing, which is the parent's area of ​​responsibility, that is, we need to do everything to make it as impossible as possible to reach him, at least
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the handle is turned the other way and so on, yes, add something else here, when it's very cold, you can't be undressed, he won't be able to be undressed for a long time, but this is yours again anxiety is turned on, and i checked it on my children, on all of them, so far everyone has survived, god has over 27 years old already, so everything is fine, but this is not only my experience, in fact, these are numerous experiments that show that children do not want to be in a discomfort zone, and they work in very different areas of life, if a child is cold, he will look for clothes, he will ask for clothes and he will understand that next time you don’t need to argue with mom, that next time, when such a situation happens and mom says that you need to put on a hat because it's cold outside, mom is right, i checked. i know mom is right, if i step in a puddle and i feel wet and uncomfortable, i won't get into it next time when mom reminds me that my feet will be wet, but at this age you won't be able
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to endlessly invest your thoughts in him, or rather not even invest, but think that you and he have one brain for two, he doesn't have the experience that you have, and he needs to earn this experience, naturally, under the supervision of an adult, of course, we are looking here, so that he... there we are not saying that you can jump into a hatch, no, you can't, because it is dangerous there, because he can die, something bad can happen to her, but nothing will happen if he freezes for 2-3 minutes there, he will ask for clothes, he will feel warm, comfortable, he will develop an understanding that his mother was right, this is a very simple way of building relationships with a child, when he can form his own feelings, his own experience, not yours, then you will have... something to rely on when another controversial situation arises, you you can always remind him, say, and do you remember how it was, that's how it happened last time, i didn't
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even think about it, why? well, it seemed to me that i was an adult, i knew better, what was best for my child, and the fact that he was already three, i needed to do something of my own i'll surprise you, for example, my husband is exactly the same, even somewhere i'm already in yellow, he's still in red, no, he says, still in red, no, to do that. it won't work, with my husband, this is the first person with whom i'll have to sit down and look at this table, because there is no worse way to raise a child, when this game of good and evil begins with the policeman, when mom doesn't, dad does, or vice versa, we have that problem, we already have that problem, well, i turn out to be an evil policeman, i always have a whip, i'm always tough , i scream, i build, i, and our dad is kind, he feels sorry, yes, but it's very hard for the child, because in fact emotionally,
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behind a closed door from the child, because otherwise, firstly, the child will naturally always choose the good policeman, why would he need the evil one, if dad says, yes, he has it it will be possible, it starts to bring conflict into the family, there is a very simple tool, a simple method, where to start, to live your own experience to the child, with food, for example, you don’t like something, there are products that you don’t like, or you don’t like it, pea soup, here, cook the child. go with him to a cafe, get him some pea soup, let him try his experiment on the topic of pea soup, silently, yes, without comments about the fact that oh, look, how interesting, there are peas, trali-vali, try it, how do you like it, share yours with him, or rather, listen to his opinion about this pea soup, let him share his life position, like this little by little. no
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need now, you won’t be able to rush into all the troubles at once, you won’t be able to change yourself so radically now, but with food it’s always very simple: food, clothes, these are such very simple stories, you may like blue, but give him a choice, you can show it right in the pictures, come to the store, say, we should buy you the pants you want, let him choose the ones he wants wants, even if it is not close to you, but he needs to be given a little time to grow up, a little bit - to live through this time myself, to become myself, the more you give him at this moment such freedom, acceptable within the boundaries, of course, the faster the period of the 3-year crisis will end, and the child will become more familiar and comfortable for you, but matured, but here another question arises: do you have enough internal resources of strength at all, if you are alone with him all the time,
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if you are always on such a little bit ... platoon and emotional, do you have enough strength at all, how do you feed yourself? well, i try to feed myself, and sometimes i take it to my grandmothers, well, my mother and my grandmother have a child, sometimes, sometimes, when i need to for a few hours i ask my husband to sit with the child, he is at home, but he works, that is, the fact that he is at home does not mean that he can sit with him, he has continuous processes, that he does not even leave the room, so. well, but i try to somehow distract myself, but the lion's share i am with him together i do, yes, but as my mother advises me, i should try to send him to kindergarten, so that it would be a little easier, yeah, because you get tired, you can't grab him, yeah, because when i'm only with him, i had a week, practically the whole week, i'm from morning until evening, that is, at 7:00 in the morning we wake up, at 130 we go to bed, everything is fine. i, of course, well,
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kindergarten is kindergarten, it will not solve the problem globally, if you do not have emotional support, you can send him to kindergarten and sit at home, worry, torment yourself, then ask cameras to see what was there, you will only make things worse for yourself, you will harm yourself more, in fact, this is one of the psychological factors that can push a child to get sick so often, because he sees his mother's anxiety, he sees his mother's experiences, he turns on in children a very... such a tool is very well developed, how to switch mother to something else, if some atypical situation happens to her, when a child sees that mother is sad, when a child sees that mother is anxious, worried, something needs to be done, again, this is an unconscious story, the subconscious works like this, you need to do something so that my mother pays attention to me, so that i get sick, so that i survive, that's why he gets sick, this is naturally a psychological
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component. we are not talking in any way about the fact that we do not divide the disease into psychosomatic, somatic, the body is one, but indivisible, the psyche is in the same body, there is always a mental component, there is a somatic component, but the task of a human child is to do everything so that the mother is focused on him, if the mother confused, lost, you need to focus it on yourself, so even when he goes to kindergarten, you need to find a way to restore yourself, to be... happy with sparkling eyes to do there, well, what do you enjoy, i don’t know, i want to do sports and devote time to work, because when i’m with him, of course i devote literally an hour to work, maybe if i’m lucky during the day, and of course, yes, it upsets me, i can honestly say, because there are a lot of plans, a lot of ambitions, projects that are not implemented, that are just they wait for me to have enough time for them,
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but it doesn’t work out because there isn’t enough... it’s no less important, it’s very important to agree with your husband that the time should be fixed, allocated, when yes, for example, he ’s there three times a week, conditionally, yes, i don’t know his schedule, he tells you, here and here, here, here, i have an hour of time when i can go for a walk with the child, when i can go play ball with him, when i can do something else with him, after all, he’s a boy, the 3-year-old crisis, he actually famous for the fact that this is the first crisis of gene. internedification, when the child begins to look and think, who am i in this world, naturally, as if the mother spends more time with the child, he may have games with dolls here and there, something like that, this is not a disaster at all, just because the mother spends a lot of time nearby,
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but the father should already appear at this moment, he should already bring something masculine for some time of spending time i try to be the initiator, so on may 9th the three of us are together let's go to the park, i wanted to take ruslan alone, but no, i say, the three of us need memories, you are needed, as it were, but i explain everything, but what is needed, we need specifically paternal, it works out, it works out, it would be good if there was more time together for them, not the three of us going somewhere, but mom going alone to sports, and they going somewhere together to do something together, this experience is very important for a child at this age in order to form it, but basically they are together at home, that is...
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it was, yes, that's why i say that this time should be fixed, allocated, not that we are leaving this work, if only it were possible i am sitting at the computer, and the child is doing something behind me, this is not time with the child, this is not... it is considered, we are talking specifically about effective time, father and son time, yeah, that is, this time should be allocated, entered directly into the family calendar, that this time exists, yes here, let it be an hour, but this hour i close the door, i myself cope with everything that will happen at this moment in the child's life, hysterics, dressing, undressing, whatever, but we will form some other experience, it turns out that the child essentially has no other experience, he has all... the experience of living through some difficult emotional moments for himself - this is the experience with his mother or three of us or three of us, but apparently , anyway, the mother sorts it out in the end , anyway, the mother breaks down and screams, yes, often, there are not always moments when i have passed, when
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i urgently need to go somewhere, and there are no other options, my mother works, my grandmother works, there is no one to leave me with, then i ask my husband, for what, well, for some time, here he is at home with him, but the second grandmother does not. she yes, but she is in another city, so she does not take part there, when the child has tantrums at your mother or grandmother, how do they cope, or do tantrums not happen, they happen, well, they are mentally tired, but they try to cope, they try to distract him, they often have a nice small courtyard with him, they often walk two or three times a day, when the weather is good, in general , my mother is a very creative person , she comes up with some interesting games for him, she puts him there, yeah, tas, something else, well, in general, it is very interesting, she constantly some developmental games, they play with him, but she spends quality time with him, she cooks with him, she teaches him to cook, they wash the dishes together, that is , communication with the child,
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just really cool, i don’t know, my mom is just great in this regard, yes , she somehow gets around all these hysterics, and my mom also follows all the rules of the red zone, she also can’t do everything, well, now with us, for now , i understand that you haven’t voiced everything, that you have much more there, moms also do all this you can't, she can do more than i can, yes, she can do more than i can, that is, she still gives him the opportunity to form such an experience, which he then cannot apply in life, because you can't do it with mom, she sometimes doesn't even tell me, i find out later, i did this and that at grandma's, i call mom and say, what, what's going on, she didn't want to tell me, yes, well, he did this and that, well, everything is fine, well, and i already well, well...
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so that i am not at home, because when i am at home, i ask him, yes, i ask him to be, if at that moment the child is there in the toilet or something else or he wanted to eat, it pulls me, that is, well, solve the problems, but when i'm not there, everything is fine, everything happens , they survive, they are full, they went to the toilet, everything is fine with them, for us, look, what is our goal, to enter into the calendar, really the family calendar is a very good tool, parents rarely use it, considering, especially, that the child is small. it is not so important, but it is very important
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to prescribe some key points in advance: dad's time, dad's hour means that dad takes the child leaves the house, you can stay at home, you can sleep, go, who, it's your time to do what you want, yes, but dad has to leave the house as a risk zone in terms of work, dad needs to be pulled away from the computer , for example, we have some pieces of dad's time written in the calendar, we have it written in advance... may 9 is written in with a trip to the park or it is written in advance that we do something on the day off, it will be easier for your spouse, you will not have to use force to pull him out, he will already be tuned to this system, it will be easier for you, especially since you are an active mother, talking with your child, that is, you will understand what you need for what, you really need this internal organization, it will help you replenish your own resource, because even when you expect... that you have a weekend together ahead, or you
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will go somewhere for something, or you will go to a cafe to eat pea soup, or something else like that will happen, it will be easier for you to agree with your mother and grandmother, because well, probably for them it will also be more comfortable to arrange your life this way, when they will understand in advance that on these days, please, help us with the child, yes, right now we just have , well, something is chaotic, something is happening, it also knocks you off track, in fact , that's how i explained, something happens when i have some kind of event. i need to go somewhere, i'm there, well, i also take part in various city events, well, there are some, i need to go somewhere urgently, i'm trying to arrange for the child, to agree with the parents, to agree with my husband, i need something somewhere, there is a hopeless situation, i have to take it in myself, but it is generally impossible, it is neither good for him, nor good for you, so you need to organize your life a little, this is actually very important from the position of the family, from the position of family relationships and as a way. to replenish yourself, because people rarely pay
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attention to this, but control of your own time, planning is also a way to replenish yourself, it will be easier for you to fit in your sports, and some hobbies, then your life it will sparkle with slightly different colors, and kindergarten will go easier, because when you are not sitting in anxiety, waiting for what is happening to your child, who bit him, and you sent him to kindergarten yourself, sports, your life goes on, it does not stop, you have said this phrase many times... today we said this phrase, that i am a mother, i am an adult, here is the feeling that for you this is some kind of barrier, such a step, here you have stepped over it, it is very important to gain a foothold, such a bulletproof vest, here i need to put it on, it says on it, someone has amon, but for me i mom, that's it, i'm a mom, i've achieved this function, this role, but this is the beginning, this is not the end at all even of life, you can be a mom several more times. you will develop in your profession, you will
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develop as a woman, you can find yourself some kind of hobby and interest, the brighter, the more interesting your life is, the easier, more imperceptibly your child's crises pass. our time is coming to an end, angelique, i want to know, did you hear anything useful for yourself today? i heard a lot of useful things, i am very grateful, to be honest, i'm talking about planning, about the family calendar, about... honestly, i couldn't even allow the thought that i need to give the child more space to live his own experience, i didn't even think about it because everything is happening all day long, there's no time to even think about it, now i just understand with a cool head, but really, how can he gain anything at all if i just don't give him anything, well, i protect him from everything, after all, our red, green, yellow, traffic light, yes.
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yes, thank you very much indeed. hello, dear viewers, as always you are watching the triggers podcast, with you is its host, psychologist, tatyana krasnovskaya, psychologist psychotherapist, sergey nasebyan, our guest nicole, hello, good evening,
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please tell us what you came to us with, you know, i have such a problem, probably, i have it... of the brain age, from the age of 12 in adolescence i developed such a disease as anorexia, later doctors diagnosed me with this, nervous anorexia, and the disease, and then it manifests itself, then disappears, that is, it does not depend on any events happening in my life, that is, suddenly it is gone, suddenly it is renewed again, it does not have any periodicity so that it can be tracked. and i learned to cope with it as best i could, i learned to live, but here is my question, why did such an image form in my head, which i try to approach all the time, that is , this is a certain weight, a certain appearance, in a different image, when i gain weight, or
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when i try, yes, if you can call it that, to live like ordinary people, with nutrition more or less acceptable, why do i ... i don't like this image, why do i look so, well, it's important that it affects my whole life, that is, and when i'm at a normal weight, i don't want to be a normal person, to exist, to act, to achieve something, only when i'm in such a small, yeah, person, to whom i strive, i do something, well, i have more strength, more energy, more aspirations, desires. yeah, in general, help me, if possible, and how do you achieve such a small weight? this is physical exercise, and this is a limitation in the diet is quite strict, have you always been involved in sports? sports, yes, and to what extent are there dietary restrictions? depending on
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what stage it is now, if you eat normally, well, to what extent. i understand this, yes, normally, and i eat once or twice a day, well, usually these are some salads, some, i don’t know, there is meat, vegetables, everything is steamed, of course, nothing harmful, nothing fatty, but when this next peak happens, and i leave once every 3 days, once every 5 days, it happens that once every 10 days, you don’t want to eat, or you just don't eat, well after the third day i don't feel hungry anymore and i just don't even think about whether i ate today or not, i can drink coffee, well, preferably with some kind of plant milk,
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maybe one energy drink a day, and then with ice, something like that, that's all my food for... and how old are you? 37, 37, are you married? no, you, have you been in a relationship, are you in a relationship now? and i've been in relationships many times, at the moment i have a very good friend who supports, well, friend, friend, yeah, who surrounds you anyway? my mother, but we live separately, here's my friend, comrade, okay, and... let's do it this way, the last time there was, well , if it's called an attack of anorexia, it's going on now, it's going on now, how long ago, since july of this year, that is, since july of this year you've been in an anorexic crisis, so yeah, now you're 37, how old are you now?


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