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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 15, 2024 12:45am-1:31am MSK

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milk, maybe one energy drink a day, and that's with ice, something like that, that's where my food ends, and how old are you? 37, 37, are you married? no, have you ever been in a relationship, are you in a relationship now? and i've been in relationships many times, at the moment i have a very good friend who supports me, well, a friend , a friend, yeah, who surrounds you anyway? my mother, but we live separately, here's my friend, friend. okay, let's put it this way, the last time i was, well, if that's called an attack anorexia, now it is going on, it is going on now, how long ago, since july of this year, that is, since july of this year you have been in an anorexic crisis, so, yeah, now you are 37, how old are you now?
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but i try to negotiate, and what was your lowest weight? the lowest weight for all periods was 43 kg, yeah, and if you are in such good shape in general you feel pretty good at seventy, right? well, at seventy i really don’t like myself... well, okay, what
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weight, when are you happy with yourself, that’s it, it seems to me, right now, right now, yeah, so a what, i like you too, where's the problem? and the problem is that the people close to me are very worried, they're afraid that i might go further, although i know, like, but, well, the line that can't be crossed, so if you imagine that they're sitting there in the back now, like in those shows with... with the audience, who's sitting there and worrying about you? my mother and well, close relatives, maybe, well who is that, an aunt, an uncle, who is that? an aunt, an uncle, my nephews, yeah, there they all gathered in the back and worrying about you, yeah, yeah, okay, let's applaud them, let them are worried, your friend is worried about you, well , he worries in his own way, of course, but he worries even more that... my mother
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puts a lot of pressure on me, here we are just approaching the causes of anorexia. okay, let's leave this situation for a little bit now. in july you weighed 70, it turns out that in these six , how much is july, august, september, october, november, yes, in 5 months you lost 20 kg , you lost 20 kg, and you, well, for some time now you have been weighing 50, in how long did it take you to lose 20 kg? i think it was three months, three months, how how did you feel during these three months, losing weight so quickly, well, i can't say that i felt uneasy, i don't see any problems with you at all yet, but it turns out that you were losing weight, losing weight, losing weight, you were losing weight with the help of sports and nutrition, yeah, yeah, good, but are there any health problems, because of which we now, i just want to start worrying about you, i can't yet, no, at the moment... there are no health
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problems, well, the only thing is that i feel very cold, there in the pool it takes me a long time to get used to the water, but it's not such a problem, that is, if it weren't for the anxiety of that audience, which is kind of behind you, then in general everything is fine, everything is fine, you have enough strength, you feel good, you have no health problems, you look great, yes, your self-esteem has become higher, so, great, good, and could you... tell us about the story, how it was formed, anorexia? i can't complain directly about my childhood, i don't want to, but my childhood was not easy, yeah, when i was 5-6 years old, my father was very he passed away suddenly, he died of leukemia, yeah, my mother found herself in a difficult situation at that time and decided that
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she needed to get additional education, improve her qualifications, and that with me, and me with her, it would probably be quite difficult in such a regime, she gave me to her mother, that is, my grandparents, and somewhere until the first year of university i lived with them completely, my mother came from time to time, these were often weekends, she spent some time with me, but the relationship was quite difficult, because we did not we could spend time together, and because my mother had a lot of her own problems, every time... she came, that is, at first it was quite a serious scandal, i didn’t always understand what the reason was, i did something wrong, that is, you know, such a premonition of a holiday every friday, but at the same time you move away from the door, because it’s scary, well, that is, first you have to experience
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what will happen, so my mother often spent time with her friends, that is, i felt that i missed her, at school i didn't have such a huge number of friends, it's not like i suffered from it, i just lived, and well, i'm not a particularly talkative person, that is , i was comfortable with it, but i understood that somewhere inside it was somehow very, very hard for me , i started smoking early, and you know, when i smoked, i always, well, that is, i smoked not because it was fashionable then or something, i liked that i inhaled, like such a bitter... smoke, yes, and when i exhale, i feel better, that is, i often stood on the balcony and exhaled, and i it seemed that i was exhaling, everything that was holding me inside, yeah, although i really wanted to live with my mother, but every time she told me that it was impossible for now, i just asked the question, did you
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want to live with your mother or did you not want to live with your grandmother, i wanted to live with my mother, yeah, to continue, i loved my grandmother madly and i probably still love her, although she... is no longer with us, with my grandmother there were more complicated relations over time, because of the age difference, when i already went to the first year, i myself made the decision that i needed return to mom, i don't know how it will be, i understood that it will be difficult, and i returned to her, we built a difficult, very difficult relationship for a long time, because we didn't know at all who we were, well, in general, like... and how did you return to her, you just rang the doorbell, and i lived in another city, in the moscow region, i came, yes, i said that now we will live together, yeah, this is my decision, now we will live with you, but after some time our relationship still
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became better, she also tried very hard, now i think we are great guys, there were several hospitalizations during this time. some were hospitalized and me for what reason, yes , because of anorexia, yeah, but the clinics, let's say, one of them was not specialized at all, it's better not to get there, and the other two clinics were specialized, but to say that they opened something for me, somehow worked with me, i can't say that, well, they put you in a neurological clinic, yeah, yeah. well, it was difficult, that is, this is not psychological treatment, it's mainly pills, ivs, a lot of glucose, when you you just come out after half a month with sizes four to five times bigger, you go to work or school in this form, it is of course very
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scary and incomprehensibly terrible, but now my mother and i live separately, we have quite a warm, good relationship.
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from the point of view of a gastroenterologist or maybe even a neurologist, you are not in remission now, on the contrary, in a crisis, i don’t know, really, i’m not a doctor, but from the point of view of an ordinary person, no matter how you look now.
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when i saw how my body begins change, i was scared, shocked, maybe, and i resisted it as much as i could, that is, i didn’t like how i was starting to look, although well, i was never fat , that is, everything was fine and you could even say, i was so thin, and then it started - that is, as i understand it, my hips and breasts began to form, yes, i tried
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to wear something so that none of this was visible, and you resisted it so much, yes, that is, i left my hair on my face, because i didn’t like how my cheeks were appearing there, something there i didn't want to grow up, it's not about growing up, but the fact is that i didn't want to be attractive, and you understood that you were becoming attractive or felt that you were becoming... precisely as a sexual object, well , i personally didn't really like it, i understand, that is, yes, for some reason i decided to regulate this with food, yes, that is, in regulation, control over food, and on the part of my grandmother, a very serious deception began, well, for example, i cooked soup without fish, without meat, then it turns out that it's fish broth or meat. or there's one percent kefir, then i find a jar of three somewhere and tried to feed you all
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the time, well, like a normal grandmother, yes, she was worried, made scandals, scenes, did you manage to throw off your cycle with such experiments on yourself, or did the cycle still remain full-fledged, and over time, that is, you were still able to throw it off, yeah, when i got to the hospital, i was already without a cycle, yeah, it was 45, in general, you won, but ... at the same time you weighed there, i don't know, a kilogram, at that time 40, probably, yes, very purposeful, cool, cool, yes, you can write an article about you, and so, well, after the hospital i came out with a huge increase, but it was generally liquid, 13 then, yes, yes, that is, it was liquid that was pumped in, well, that is , a drip several times a day, glucose, something like that, some solutions. because there was severe dehydration, right, well, or exhaustion, as they calculated, well, in general, my goal was only
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to get out of there, you know, i waited like a dember, so when i came out, of course i realized that god, what is it, is it some kind of mountain that is not me, yeah, i well it was hard for me to fit into the team, i well was so blinkered, well and of course i tried to return to the fact that well at least to normal for... at first more or less nutrition, to normal weight, i succeeded, for some time i again lived without anorexia in normal, how can i bring you back for a second, and how did your classmates react, for example, to the fact that you came from the clinic at such a weight it was not an easy time, because when i was walking along corridor, and i heard someone laughing, someone saying something, mimicking, but you know, i was so immersed in myself, and i was trying to understand what was wrong with me, what
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to do, how to get out of all this, to get out, that, frankly speaking, i didn’t care about them, and maybe there was a plus in this, that i didn’t react to it in any way, well, that is, you defended yourself by such withdrawal into yourself, yes, by distancing yourself from them, yes, that’s right, so, this was the first situation, to what extent did my mother take part in the first, essentially, episode, which was at some point? grandma called mom and said: you know, she doesn't eat at all anymore, not at all, mom rushed over as soon as she could, tried to feed me... -something, we went shopping with her, chose something, that's it, but it all ended in hysteria, that is, i refused everything, then mom decided to take me to the clinic by deception, yeah, that was already in moscow, that's the first time you went to the clinic, yeah, yeah, when they took my
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blood, i lost consciousness and then i came to my senses already in the clinic in a closed institution yeah and i stayed there for some time, yeah, they wouldn’t let my mother into the clinic, that is, you could n’t visit her there, well, naturally, yeah, yeah, well, when i came out, i said that i hate you, i would hate you too, they don’t let a person die, yeah, i wonder, but tell me, today, based on the data, you’re quite old, you said that you can cope with all this, and what have you tried in terms of, let’s call it, getting cured, have you gone to psychologists, have you used any methods? yeah, you know, i went to to various psychologists, including quite serious psychotherapists, and i was offered to work with childhood, with the unconscious, but
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in this particular case, you know, i don’t remember much, that is, some things. well , my consciousness, it either replaced, or simply erased, when i am asked to tell about something, and i either don’t really remember, or it seems to me that something happened, but i don’t even believe it, it seems to me that it didn’t happen, that is, i can’t remember anything like that from childhood at all, up to about three years old, well, that is, in general, well, few people remember you until three, let's put it this way, yes, because they say that this is some kind of childhood psychological trauma, perhaps something is necessarily with...
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well, do you violate the boundaries of another person without aggression? yeah, i really wanted to be with her always, it's your business that you wanted to be with her, i want to be with you, in order to sit down with you now together, without asking you, i will still have to use aggression, there is no other option, perhaps, perhaps, something aggressive in this could be necessary to look in this direction, that your autoaggression, and if we are talking about the diagnosis and even the smoking that you are talking about, yes, if we are talking about autoaggressive behavior, and such destructive, destructive behavior, it, in general, to a large extent gives reason to believe that this is exactly the same aggression that you cannot express directly to your mother, and if you cannot kill your mother, who is outside, thank god, then you are killing your mother
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inside yourself, and this mother as a woman, and this mother as a person. that is, this is my resentment towards she's like, well listen, there are no children who wouldn't have reasons not to be offended, or rather offended by their mother, we all have reasons to be offended by our mother, but i would look now not at the cause, but at your consequence, that this whole story of yours is about how much you want to destroy yourself, not to die, but to destroy in the sense of reduce, yes there you can cut off pieces of yourself in different ways to this.
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and to make her incapacitated to development, and the uterus is nothing more than a part of the mother inside you, it is unlikely that this will help right now, that deep, deep, well, there is no point, it seems to me, to talk here on the surface, in this sense, how to say, we have no hope now that we will talk now everything will change, yes, but all that i can now, for example, give you, or tatyana and i can give, is, in general, some food that you have not yet tried, and food, good talk. so here is food for your mind, because otherwise your mind begins to feed on you, and if you begin to simply look at this, because the reason to be offended by mom can be how much whatever, in the end, let's be honest, now...
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what she was going through, yes, there was the death of her husband, and so on, and she really had to somehow get out of it, and you have siblings, no relatives, yeah, yeah, as if sergey is saying that mom could have had different motives, but you interpreted them as mom not caring about me, the child could not perceive it differently, of course she wanted to be with mom, of course, naturally, no matter how much you loved your grandmother, the desire to be with mom was endless. and of course, every friday we waited, that the very mother who would want to be with me would come, but another one came, the one who constantly made a remark came, because
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of this, conflicts arose again and again, with whom there was no contact, and as if then you need to draw attention to yourself, at least some, at least some manifestation, that is , i chose to refuse food as a way to attract attention to myself, no, go deeper, you choose ... refusing to eat as a way not to be a mother, not to please her, to cause her constant anxiety to kill her inside yourself, because as soon as you get better, you become like her, that is, i myself would not want to be a mother, including in order not to repeat the same thing, not that not to repeat, but as soon as you become a mother, you stop being a daughter, and you still play that game, as if mom will come to her senses someday and you will finally... become that daughter, it is clear that now your mother has nothing to do with it, she is a woman who does not need to be come and bullied about the fact that everything is because of you, when psychologists say that all
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the problems are because of mom or all the problems are in childhood, they don't mean these mothers, they mean the mother who functioned in childhood, and also how our psyche defended itself from various kinds of their parental manifestations, the mother we saw, because a real person our projections onto him can be completely different, we have nicole as a guest, and we are talking about anorexia, our colleagues are watching us now, i know that many colleagues are watching us, they then write to me, so for
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the colleagues who are watching now, and for you, as a future colleague, i can say that in long-term psychotherapeutic work psychoanalytic, psychodynamic approach, i would consider another version, you try to be very compact, so that your mother will take you away, so as not to take up... space, but you understand, that girl plays this game, not an adult woman, only when you disassociate yourself from the motives, desires of that girl who was afraid that she would be put in a clinic, she was put in a clinic, that her classmates would laugh at her, that my mother does not accept me like this, yes, all these, well, basically, you need to disassociate yourself from her, leaving her with all the problems that were and everything that can... and live your
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life separately from your mother, separately from this girl, understand that, in general, no matter what size you are, you, by the way, which is a big plus of your anorexia , let's call your illness that, you know your body very well, and this is priceless. gift and if you start with this, if in the end in your training you delve a little deeper into the body-oriented, for example, approach, then you simply have a huge storehouse of knowledge about that, how your body works, which most people don't have, and if you start to just listen to it, nothing more, learn to just listen to your body, not to explore it by experimenting on it, listen to it. then it will be a beautiful melody, it's very cool, your training in psychotherapy, in fact, psychology, psychotherapy, the plus is
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that you can... take it not as knowledge, not as just science, not as a theory, yes, but take it and work with it right away, make it an applied mechanism and then you can help yourself a huge number of people, yes thank you, well right now right now it seems to me that the most important thing is to just split up with this girl, you are so united with her. that you tell her story, living her life, and you are already different, and how to enjoy your own body, love it, this is the most important thing, that's for sure, yes, i think that our conversation today, i don't know how useful it will be for you, but it will definitely be useful in general for a large number of people who are watching us, thank god, after all, anorexia is not such a common diagnosis, as it could
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be. here, but uh, it's very interesting, here if you will be a little closer to your own emotions, yes, for example, to the same hatred, because hating mom is not the same as not loving her, it is a separate feeling from the love that you experience, but you have it, and if you learn to experience it, uh, let's say, autonomously, from the relationship with mom, to experience it for real, to explore this feeling, then it is from the unconscious...
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and of course, it was very useful for me with you discuss my problem, and i will think about how to further develop the topic of the body-oriented approach, about the fact that i know my body very well, this is right on target, the body, and not just the body, the body, yes, i even know how to tune it to something, you are very purposeful.
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they were, yes, they were only positive, loving, but also to learn to work, about experiencing emotions, no matter what kind, accepting and experiencing exactly some painful, unpleasant sensations and feelings, this, this is what it costs me... very, very much gain a lot of knowledge, yes, it is important, because it is important for you in terms of your emotional intelligence, and for your work, because it will greatly develop your empathy towards the people who will come to you, and such a clarification, look, is very important, when i said that illness is always an imbalance, yes, so i recommend you establish a balance between listening
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to your body and giving orders. and what will you do first? eat a croissant. great idea. first of all, i i would hug my mother. hug her and tell her that no matter how awkward you are with each other, you are still a mother and daughter. that's the most important thing. well, it was the triggers podcast, and with
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you... there were us, its hosts, psychologist tatyana krasnovskaya, psychotherapist sergey nasebyan, nicole was our guest, in my opinion, it was a very deep conversation at night, all episodes. you can watch the triggers podcast on the website of the first channel hello, the badden baden podcast is on air, i am its host, konstantin severinov. today we we will talk about children, we will talk about pediatrics. our guest is andrey alekseevich stepanov, chief specialist in pediatrics, presidential administration. andrey, hello. hello, konstantin. i would like to talk to you today about several things. as a father with experience, i
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had the feeling that what pediatricians say changes to the exact opposite approximately once every 10 years. and i would like to understand why this is so. you are absolutely right, konstantin, this is generally a problem, i think. that the entire medical science is not only pediatrics, the view on many problems, they change quite quickly, and what was absolutely indisputable for us 10 or 15 years ago, today has been revised, and we have taken a diametrically opposite point of view, and why should i, as a consumer , listen to a doctor now, i know that i am smart now, that in 10 years everything will be the opposite, you know, well, the main, so to speak, postulates. they are unshakable, that is , all doctors certainly want your child to grow up healthy, beautiful, and for this purpose we we use completely different approaches and different methods, so that is what is placed on the pedestal of common sense, it remains
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unchanged, but nevertheless, all sorts of different scientific approaches, they change, i cannot say that all science changes its views in 10 years, but at least... 15-20% of what we know today will be revised in 10-15 years, we will be told that everything is arranged a little differently, and new generations of parents will religiously follow the recommendations of pediatricians, understanding that they are the opposite of what their parents did, we will change our views on some, let's say, drugs, we will change our views on some approaches, but our basic views will still remain unshakable. on what basis do doctors, excuse me, hang around in the air? well, how, in fact, this relates more to pharmacology, this relates to genetics, this relates to those processes that are at this junction, that is
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, precisely due to the fact that we study more the processes that occur in the body, we we have the opportunity to reconsider many views that are becoming obsolete and replace them with others. as for the fact that a child should be healthy, and we make every effort to make him so, not to let the disease take over, this is an absolutely unshakable postulate of medicine, well then i understand that medicine exists here now, and this is right, probably, yes, and what was before or what will be later, well, let's see, how would scientists or doctors say, well you see, even, let's say, still... england believed that, let's say, and still in in the twenties in russia, that a child should be kept swaddled in a swaddling cloth as much as possible, so that he
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moves his arms and legs less, but we, thank god, have followed the path of common sense and say that it is possible to swaddle a child, but only for a certain amount of time, because in theory it is... this is actually an imitation of the intrauterine stay of a child, when he feels the boundaries of his body due to the soft pressure of the walls of the uterus, when we swaddle a newborn, we actually remind him how good it was in utero, in connection with this the child calms down, but all this is also good up to a certain age, when he already begins to get out of diapers, then of course we should not insist. you can’t drive him back, that ’s for sure, especially as he grows, he simply won’t fit there, so let’s return to this triad, then so that the child is healthy, after all, probably, this is the most important thing, yes for parents, well and for the child of course too, are there any recommendations on
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what needs to be done and what shouldn’t be done, you need whether to use common sense, are there any innovations in all this business now regarding common sense, of course, there are none, i urge mothers, first of all, to skip any recommendations, because unfortunately, well, as you understand, to pass through the prism of'. i did not finish the meaning , since, unfortunately, medical advice is quite strange, and also from the medical environment, starting with the cloakroom attendants of the clinics, everyone has quite extensive information about medicine, therefore, of course, common sense in first of all, do not use unverified sites and unverified information from the internet, because now in the century ... the internet, all mothers, when they put
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their children to bed, immediately begin to search the internet for information, why he does not sleep, poops there or, on the contrary, does not poop, well, in general, for a variety of reasons, unfortunately , you can find on the internet, as in the classics, that advice on a cosmic scale of cosmic stupidity, but in connection with it it is not written, they say the opposite, yes, it is true, but these tips. you can use, and this is not in
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in any case, run away from there as soon as possible, but for this you need to trust the doctor, so the second piece of advice is to get a doctor you trust, you need to consult with a doctor, show the child to a doctor, and of course, based on this advice, as we have already said, our prospects will be the brightest, but children, well, at least little ones are taken to doctors. well, regularly, or rather in accordance with some schedule, in this sense, this cannot even be avoided, even if i wanted to, yes, there should be decrees, they exist, decreed terms, when the child undergoes a medical examination, that is , is shown to all doctors when examinations take place, but unfortunately, this is not always observed, so i urge you to show doctors to observe all the deadlines that were set specifically for showing the child to specialists, so if we talk about schedules and the need for regular... visits to doctors, is there another
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stage in the life of any child when he receives regular vaccinations in accordance with the national schedule? absolutely right, this is a separate topic, unfortunately, today still so far the anti-vaccination movement, i'm not even afraid to call it a movement, because so many people are united by these strange ideas, but nevertheless today the state has paid attention. to this problem, at least, official medicine feels support from the state specifically regarding vaccination, vaccinations are needed, because in the 20th century it is very stupid and strangely painful to watch the deaths of children or the irreparable damage caused by a disease that could have been prevented, which is related to controlled infections, within the framework of this...
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the myth is alive, but in medicine there is such
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a postulate that not everything that is due to this is because of this, that is, it turns out that , firstly, after the vaccine we can really expect an increase in temperature, there is a local reaction, but nevertheless, if we are faced with the fact that a child develops cerebral palsy or autism, this is not the root cause, here... it could be that they simply paid attention to the child because of the vaccination, and having diagnosed it, they decided that the child this disease is present, but... the role of vaccination in the development of these conditions, it has not been proven anywhere in the world, and i assure you that if at least some kind of connection were found between, say, autism and a vaccine, then insurance companies, especially abroad, they would seize on it with their teeth,
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and vaccine manufacturers would play the accordion for nothing at the train station, so here it is absolutely not like...
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and we are discussing this very important topic with andrei alekseevich stepanov, chief specialist in pediatrics of the affairs department president of the russian federation. autism, isn't it also something that is the pain and fear of many parents, isn't it a disease that has now become more common among modern children? well, firstly, due to the fact that diagnostics have improved, since they have been developed. criteria, what we call autism, and here a lot are combined, the very case when there are no healthy ones, there are undiagnosed ones, well, in general, yes, in general, yes, if earlier it could be called schizotypal diathesis or something else, today everything is related to autism and accordingly
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treatment is taking place in this vein, but i don't think it has become more common, i think it has simply been classified. they have learned to isolate it from other conditions, that's why it has developed in such quantities, something can be done about it, this is something that can be prevented, something that parents can do, no profile, because it's not even a disease, it's often a condition, that is, there are no actions that could be taken practically, i don't know, listen to good music, and not listen to some wrong music, read books, well, what you listed needs to be done.
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it is being done, but from the point of view of a pediatrician, you are the main specialist in pediatrics, of course, it is the specialist here who should be in autism, in neurology, and i even think that not every neurologist will undertake to discuss the topic of autism so globally with details, and genetics, we live in the 21st century, many say that the last century was the century of physics, now we live in the century of life sciences, biology, medicine, there are movements when people offer to do tests for... genetic tests for their children, based on the information received, make decisions that are related to both health and the choice of profession, a variety of things, but here, perhaps, there is still a certain commercial background, when everyone indiscriminately begins to do genetic tests, himself...


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