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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 15, 2024 3:05am-3:41am MSK

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this is one of the basic human needs, it can be described in different ways, it is connected with the fact that we want to maintain authority and self-respect, to look good in our own eyes, well, in the eyes of others , of course, too, and this leads to a large number of behavioral consequences, again to a large number of well , distortions, we are talking about this today, well, well , what can we do, this is human nature, i will say carefully, well, another favorite example of mine, such a cognitive error or rational behavior, which in my opinion often called a foot in the door, when a person agrees to something small at first, he is more willing, then makes some big concessions or big compromises, well, in my opinion , the first experiment was when people were offered to put up a very unsightly, very ugly poster in their yard, follow the traffic rules, some were offered to do it right away and then some... 80%, i think, refused, others
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were offered to first sign a petition for safe traffic, people signed and the number of those who agreed to put this up the ugly poster increased in some times, there, four times, if i'm not mistaken, it often works, well, actually as a way to fight for safe movement not very often, like all sorts of manipulative techniques in sales, for example, regularly. and accordingly, the sales manager tries to hook you for some little thing, for something that will not cost you anything special, but it will allow you to take the next step. i'm just not sure that what we are describing under the heading cognitive distortion is entirely correct, yes, there is a lot here it turns out to be twisted, after all, a cognitive distortion - indeed, if the word cognitive is translated into russian, cognitive, these are errors in the cognitive sphere, in the sphere of cognition, in the sphere of our memory, attention, thinking. perception and
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so on, although there in general it is still necessary to narrow down, but in general the general thesis that i would defend is very trivial, not mine, the human psyche, it is a very unreliable thing, it is very prone to errors, very different ones, that is, in this regard the 20th century in psychology is full of studies that show how often, how diversely, how stupidly we make mistakes in different situations, and we make mistakes consistently, these are not random things, that is, the thesis, here is what i formulated, you had an exhibition that was called it's time for our second guest to join in. egor, cognitive distortion. yes, what is cognitive distortion in art? now one of your works appeared on the screen, why is this a blank stripe? well, first of all, i would like to say that we really live at a time when we are overloaded with information, wildly overloaded. at a time when we
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are immersed in the screens of gadgets , our clip-based thinking works, that's when we suddenly move or, on the contrary , find ourselves in extreme isolation, quite for many, and this is of course reflected in the works, here, for example, we see such a white stripe, and in many of my other such landscapes, very natural, yes, in the classical manner of cold oils, yes, we also see such subtractions, as i call them, these are such white fragments of the canvas, circles, squares, stripes and so on, which seem to remove part of the image, it disappears, this is an image of our memory, which just preserves parts of the whole, yes, it loses this panorama, it only retains some fragments, at the same time these disappeared parts, they provoke the viewer to...
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supplement, fill in, remember this landscape, as if to appropriate it to himself, to recall from the baggage of his memories, some, to complete it, perhaps, yes, to try to imagine what is there, and to become like this co-author of the artist, at the same time, in general, this is such a call to the viewer, and to look more closely at the work of art, at the space around you, as if to return to this, to this panoramic view of our vision. look, we have a typical scene: a country road, some kind of forest, a person, and a cut-out rectangle, that's when we make a decision about assessing the situation, how much information we use, that which is in the picture or much less, it depends a little on what situation you are in you are, but really uh, well, the general view in science now explains this kind of situation through... models where two systems work:
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a fast, intuitive system, a slow, reasoning system. accordingly, if the situation requires a very quick solution , then the system is triggered by a practical. is solved and, well, let's say, it will record that the situation is very strange, yes, there is an obvious hole in the image, what is in the hole is unclear, accordingly, is this the artist's intention, or is this a lacuna in perception or something else, yes, that is, in this regard, here is the reasoning system, system 2, it
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works slowly, requires significantly more information, but it makes balanced and generally largely justified decisions, more justified than the intuitive system. here is the only thing i would strongly object to, the term clip thinking, it is absolutely an invention of journalists, there is nothing like this in reality, it is an obvious fiction, i would add to the common myths that we live in a situation of information overload, in fact, a peasant of the 19th century received such the same huge amount of information, how the geese behaved, and he has a hundred geese there, how the cow gave itself, which flower stood where, but i will ask you to return it.
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but if suddenly we asked him for directions, and he says: i will not tell you, and this situation repeats itself, probably the second system comes into operation, what is happening? what is happening, something unexpected happened, yes, accordingly, something that does not fit into the usual scenarios, and accordingly, here it is necessary
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to think a little, or at least analyze more of some sources information, perhaps the situation is not so simple, perhaps there are some hints of danger or that you are being... played or something else that just requires that very system 2, which will think about what is happening, that is , the desire to save on processing information - this is generally such a basic feature of our brain, the word brain, i would take a look at, let's take out the brains, i mean our thinking, you can certainly, yes, accordingly, our cognitive system is lazy, a standard metaphor and it diligently avoids large volumes of work, where it is possible to cope.
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you are given problems where you can make a very quick decision, find a quick answer, the usual wrong one, or manage to catch yourself by the tail and therefore think and answer correctly, but much longer, well , let's say, respectively, a stick and a puck cost 1 ruble 10 kopecks, respectively, a stick is a whole ruble more expensive than a puck, how much does a stick and a puck cost, well, a ruble and 10, they answer you.
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absolutely-absolutely everywhere, somehow i don't even know how to say it, that is, this is how it is arranged i have the impression that it's not just everywhere, here's life, with you is the podcast schrödinger's cat, and today we're talking about cognitive distortions, you can watch all the episodes of our podcast on the website, tell me, do you yourself have cognitive errors, my god, for example? well, accordingly, with the number of everyday errors, everything is endless, as in
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the research of rison, which i quoted, and an even more interesting error, i really like it too, there is such an effect, the impostor effect, yes, accordingly, regardless of that professional level, you are always understanding how much you don't know, you wait for them to tell you, well, what's wrong, how come you don't see that i don't know this, i don't know this, i know a lot of things, but at the same time, yes, as socrates said, yes, i know that i don't know anything.
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situations, but which are not its essence, when we have deviated from some
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essential aspects of the situation, the subject, the process, our goal, etc., well, let's take a more precise example of this, as a matter of fact, one of the known cognitive distortions is imagine a maternity hospital where the first option is born:
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i am its host grigory tarasevich, editor-in-chief of a popular science magazine, also a kotschedinger, our wonderful guests today, artist egor plotnikov, psychologist, professor, head of the cognitive research laboratory of ranhiks, vladimir spiredonov. i am
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larisa buzeeva, this is let's get married. good afternoon, today the bride is angelina, ksenia and victoria, and our groom is mikhail. mikhail, 29, could not stand the pressure of his beloved, who forbade him to spend money in stores for handicrafts and to accustom the future mother-in-law. mikhail is a teacher at a children's center, lives in krasnodar, makes crafts, sews toys and cooks according to his own recipes. i love to sew and make such wonderful toys , here is grandma for easter, here wood was used, moss, foamyan, such flowers, these are nylon dolls according to my pattern, which i came up with myself, mikhail admits that he travels and goes to clubs with his mother, well, what's the noise about, for
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an anniversary, wide straps so they don't fall off, because i... really love to dance, warns that his woman should make friends with his cats. mikhail is sure that the aries girl, a homebody and a lover of seafood, will not be able to make him happy. he will take as a wife a housewife, a lively laugher, ready to rush off to meet adventures, even at night in curlers. hello, hello, i love together in general. spending some time together to do something, to cook together, that's what i miss, listen, of course, mom is young, yulia gennadyevna, that's why you have such a modern varnish, and even under sandals, socks, not everyone would dare to wear a dress like this , it's just eye-catching, why sit at home, i'm 50,
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a woman, when she's happy with herself, she never hides her age, she looks more modern than me, than him, i brought you bouquets, these are for you, larisa, thank you, yellow, so that you never see me again in your life, and you too, but you can still show off, mom, you see how bright she is, that's why the bright bouquets are for you, it seems to me that his mom will choose me, yes, by the way, you have the same tails, she has white, you have black, you are just the ultimate target. he will never give you to anyone, he will give you, no, not for this, she gave birth in agony, even, got up at night, teeth were cut, i gave birth to him very early, in an hour and a half, how early, at 13, no, at 20, well that's normal, by our
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standards it's already late even, yeah, in our time it was early, like wormwood, like wormwood, that is, well, like, that is, there were no problems with him, but you didn't look after him, and you only have one child, you looked after him, yeah, you looked after him, but he never brought me any problems, and daddy was in your story, so episodically or not at all, episodically, periodically, but still you know who he is, of course, yeah, and you don't have other children, from other dads. well, mom won't give you to anyone, yeah, no, well only if he's a good one, it seems to me that she keeps him under her thumb, well, that is, it seems to me that he is such a mama's boy, and why did you break up with your last girlfriend, the girl spoke badly of my mom, what a bitch , in fact she called her an alcoholic and i heard about it in fact, what is her name
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, this bitch, oh you bitch, whoever you are, nadka or lyubka? come on, listen, did you hear it right away, yes, what a horror, my mother heard it for me too, in fact, she is alive, by the way, yes, ah, i have a very difficult job, and what do you do, i am a pediatrician, a difficult job, a lot of responsibility, i have 33 calendar days, vacation, that's where i can afford everything, there was some specific situation where they brought her to it, most likely, a girl, maybe some kind of conflict with her mother, and where are you doing this, in krasnodar, in krasnodar lives a son who has an apartment, yes, yes, that's right, and you are alive to my son, who was expressed for happiness and...
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here you come, you have a vacation and no one will call you, and if they call, you will say, yes , leave me far away already, and there are discos, yes, it is hot there after all, and you can walk around half-naked, yeah, this time it turned out differently for me, i was in abkhazia, from there i brought a whole... bouquet and you relax a little with your ugly son, and there this bastard, who came, said, i was upset by this situation, but
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i think, as a close person, my mother, well how how is that possible at all, this shouldn't and can't happen, well in any case i was raised that way, that as an adult you need to respect and at least accept him as he is, you know, probably his ex -girlfriend couldn't find a common language with his mother, because she was kind of infantile, maybe she didn't understand the essence of their relationship at all, i think that in principle you can find a common language with any person, with any mother, come to an agreement, i lived in a communal apartment in st. petersburg, well a long time ago right after college, i had such a dry neighbor, klava, she worked as a waitress in a hotel, she stole everything from this restaurant, and she couldn’t eat anything, because she had a... he didn’t like her, well, and guests came to me, i lived like that, and my mother came,
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she couldn’t eat or drink, she pursed her lips and said: and you know, your larisa drinks, my mother also pursed her lips and said, she drinks on her own, another thing is that she didn’t say anything later, of course, what the neighbors were saying about me, but you could also answer, you know, honey, you didn't buy it, it's not for you... to judge , well, of course, it's definitely not my thing, i can't live with my mother-in-law, i should have my own family, no, and my mother shouldn't interfere, not mine, mine never interferes in relationships, and that is , my mother-in-law shouldn't interfere either, but for some reason she was also annoyed that mothers like to have fun, go to clubs, for example, with you, what 's wrong with that, yes, this is the kind of person, in fact, when we went somewhere, we went on some trips or went somewhere, we always invite, come with us, let's go. let's go jumped in mom or wife said ayda to the girl with whom he lived to the girl not to the wife that is you and mom together you just
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collected collections of friends connected no we invite her with us and she says well i don't want such a homebody i don't want i want to sit or for example i want but without mom because everyone will pay attention to mom now and not to her such attention as they say she didn't want to go anywhere you invite her she well so - mom is holding on to her son very strongly, yes, this is clearly what the problem is, in that she has most likely there is no man, so, the next time you go to a club, i suggest you find some good guy, just dump your mother somewhere, the two of you will gilendzhik everything. and what is most paradoxical, here you are such a good boy from a good family, you don’t drink, i don’t know, you don’t bring dirt home, so you do such wonderful things that... you’ll show us now, well, they are not millions, and you went to buy yourself a skein of thread with a thimble, and what kind of scandals she gave you , but she felt sorry for you, such a bitch, wait, and
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wait a second, what skein of thread, i myself also do this little button, yes, a little button, and about sixty, sixty, and how much did you leave for this handicraft in the store, well , sometimes it’s different, sometimes five, sometimes six, so what is it? he’s been doing handicrafts for 30 years, he makes some dolls, a brooch, he probably made it himself, of course it’s commendable, but it’s not quite what i wanted from mine, tell me, teddy bear, did you buy the unfortunate button in that store, bought the materials, bought the fabrics, bought the accompanying eyes there some points. baba rosa,
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why is the woman on holiday? no, i'm more like that one, i'm like that one, here's baba rosa, well, in general , yes, go, my god, and her nose is especially similar, by the way, well, no nose, this is it, this is it, the bosom of aunties is full, this is something you definitely don't give, yes, well, no, well, buy it or maybe give one thing, look, this is it...
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this is for you, oh, thank you very much, she's the same matchmaker as you, only her beads are in front, okay, this is what we have, darling, your happiness is just for happiness larisa, now you understand why i'm never without money i'll stay, yes, i understand, you don't need to make me feel envious now, i was just saying, you have a good perfume, you love yourself so much, probably your mom advised you to, yes, buy one like that or yourself, no, you're the one who does it.
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so how did you drive that ex away? oh, it was really so spontaneous, because one, two, three, it all rolled like a snowball after another, and an avalanche rushed off, i say, that's it, we need to go our separate ways, we're already, i don't feel anything anymore, we need to leave, that's it, let's say goodbye. before we have a fight in fluff and ashes, what the women will say i will have as far as vladivostok these grannies can not rearrange in the splits, and i have only one mother, one mother, yes, that's it, that's it, that's it , mom, why are you calling your son, mishuta fell from a parachute, is he a fool or something, no, and what is this, he is an aquarius, his birthday is on january 26th, before each birthday, it is customary for us.
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well, in general, i am exactly the same, i can walk somewhere, slip on a flat place , fall down, get up, go further and nothing is normal , take off, say to myself that oh yes, it's normal with whoever it may be, today we will choose brides and we must warn them in advance on the shore that mom was, is, and will
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always be in your life. she will always have the keys to your apartment, she will always arrive out of the blue, and she will always live with you, and so that she will go with you everywhere, right, right, that's it, you wanted to know, this is not why we extended eyelashes, but what kind of bride is this, who threw mikhail out of the house, there was such a masha, ural, masha, tell me about this mashka, masha was a good girl, and got along. they loved each other, but my child got into a difficult life situation, and i had to quit my job. when he told me about this, i immediately told him: "and how should i look at this, masha, because you will not bring money into the house, but please tell masha that you are my son, i will not allow a woman to support my son, because i myself would
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not want to support him." some man, because a man should bring money into the house, if he is in trouble, he should go to great lengths the road, or something, where will he get trouble, he can sew. sell, maybe make something else , bake, yes, that is, he cooks very well, but it was necessary to wait a little bit, she could not do it, and a little bit is how much, a month, two, three, and then after three months everything returned to normal, good, yes, and what about her, she threw him out the door at night with his thing, my heart will break now, horror in the frost , probably, here i am alone. he has and he is alone with me, i have no one else, my parents were born in 1942, the kingdom heavenly, i have no brothers or sisters, i 'm not married and
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it's freezing to throw my child out into the street at night, no, it was autumn, but there is banditry everywhere, of course, you can't call a taxi, she didn't call him a taxi, no, go nowhere, what a bitch, huh? i think that's too much, that is, she threw him out at 12 at night, and he was already an adult, he wasn't even 18 , can't an adult man solve such a problem himself, he's really not capable of calling a taxi for himself, i just don't understand my mother's indignation, no, and what if someone killed him, and if a woman from under the corner like that, well, let's say they attacked, and hooligans, like they show in the movies, beaten from behind and hello to the family, and i have only one, and who needs me, so how are you with her? you call her, she didn't call on the phone, not at all, absolutely, that is, so you are a saint, she can say, why, well, how, why, well, why develop this scandal, let them, she herself with her life
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everything, i got into trouble, he didn't call me and didn't say that they didn't call him a taxi, where is he going, where is he going, i went to my friends, i called friends and stayed with them, no matter what, but i always support. a person, even if he is left without work, i still, i will never turn away, i will support, i will inspire him, but so that he rises, but i will never leave. did i understand correctly in the requirements, you immediately warn the future daughter-in-law, when you get old, then you will live together with the young, well now i will explain, that is, we will have a joint home with him, someday we are thinking of buying a house, a private house, a private house, that is, my room will be there, now if he has.
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i accept, i understand, but you also have a requirement from your mother, that the sore subject with cats, is it true that she should love cats, this is not your mother's, this is my requirement, i have two cats living at home, this is morpheus, and this is fabitor, these are the gods of sleep, i have a large collection of cat figurines, which...
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yes, and also necrotics, right, no, necrotics, oh, my cat, this is generally, this will tear all these toys apart, and mom, is it true that a raccoon comes to you from the forest, what is this, not from the forest, from the reserve, oh my god, my god, and why to you, well because they love me, i tamed them, i already have the fifth generation, not a squirrel, raccoons, raccoons, raccoons, alive, by the way, we have some, let's see, since when is she healthy, healthy, grapevine, be there, children, yes, she loves grapes, come on, eh, just the legs, yeah, these little ones came by themselves,
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i don't see mom, i a...


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