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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  August 15, 2024 5:00am-8:52am MSK

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it is not customary for us to brief everyone in a row, especially those who have already given out classified information. i do not understand why it was not possible the day before tomorrow.
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so what we wanted to talk about, you should go around all the baghdad pharmacies and hospitals and personally check what is going on there, i do not want to rely on paper for everything, okay, i will do it, if you want, i can also take photos, listen, stop cursing me, okay, we agreed, lieutenant.
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and good afternoon, you called the vneshtoreksport company, good afternoon, dmitry andreevich has already arrived, oh no, he is not here today will, tell him something, tell him that i am not a scoundrel, so that he does not think about me, i refused, i am not a scoundrel, goodbye.
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what, for what? what can they be accused of? well, calm down, you are already hysterical, you must do something, what can i do? i do not know, talk to the head of intelligence, tell him that this is a terrible mistake. he is the minister of defense, not the head. this agreement opens a new stage of cooperation between our countries, i suggest we celebrate this. i think we will celebrate after we receive approval from the un security council. without them we won't put anything without consent. when is dmitry going to the un? i don't know yet. ask him to hurry. of course. good. so, what were they arrested for?
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much more than he was. without us, they won't get approval he, i didn't risk anything. it's not customary to talk about such topics here. everyone knows that saddam tiran is doing monstrous things. well, samir is a normal guy, he tries to help himself as much as he can, you understand? now he will think twice before continuing to work with you. if we agree on a contract, he will continue. you wrote that it was the flu, so what?
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please shut up, go away, calm down, please close the door, why are you sitting here if you can't help, don't shout. take off your robe if you don't know how to treat. excuse me, what's going on here? murderer, the doctor is very busy now, and it often happens, well , what, there is no necessary medicine, always. excuse me, can i ask a question? why are you asking? i know that the hospital is short of medicine, could you tell me which ones? here in the hospital, a suspicious man, here he is,
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quickly, it's him, stop, stop, go back. dmitry andreevich, this is nesterov, connect me, yes, lenochka, connect me, hello, yes, oleg, i'm listening, how are things going, dmitry andreevich, we've agreed on the first contract, all the signatures are there, the conditions, you know, all that's left is to get approval from the obligatory body, samir asked that... you go there as soon as possible, dmitry andreevich, we, we won't be able to fulfill the terms of the contract, half of the substances from the dual -use list will be turned away at customs, yes, we 'll do everything, everything will work out for us, uh, it's just that you'll go to the un, not me, i, dmitry andreevich,
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i have never met people at this level, i just have no idea where to go , who to talk to, there is absolutely nothing like that. we will go, do you think we can’t cope, i am, of course, an optimist, and you are a pessimist,
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i don’t want melary to start asking questions. doesn’t she ask them yet? i would be worried if my husband didn’t come home from work until midnight every day. melary trusts me completely. and you? what do you mean? you don’t know melary. she will try to achieve the ideal in everything. the ideal mother, the ideal housewife, perfect wife, does a perfect wife's husband have a mistress, maybe a perfect one, see you tomorrow,
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abdulaz, it's me, are you okay ? what, what's going on? why do you keep going to jail to remind everyone that my father-in-law is under arrest for plotting against saddam. conspiracy? we both know these charges are ridiculous, we both know you 're putting the whole family in danger, why won't you listen to me and sit quietly, my parents are there, and you don't care about them, it's not true.
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i don't want to lose everything and end up in jail. abdulaziz. dad more, i also love the president very much,
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almost as much as you, i take into account all the above facts at the time of the driver. already better, did you order something, no, irena vladimirovna, did not expect to see me here, no, just irina vladimirovna, hello, how was your flight? oh, you know, i sleep well on planes, let me help, how did we get 7.5 the second time? 75, to be exact, well, that's very long, it needs to be twice as short, if you hook them with something, leave a report, tea,
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coffee, water, water, dmitry andreevich said that no one will read anything, he said it right, then i don't know how to convince this commission, everything is very simple: russia, france and china will most likely give the go-ahead, england will vote like america, the rest don't care, exactly, i'll try to help you with this... the usa is usually represented in such commissions by one of these three. johnton priest is the best option. it's easy to approach him. give him a bribe. at this level , other measures are taken. timothy. is it more difficult here? not long ago he had seriousness. are you serious now? absolutely. they can't, and who is this? this is mark dritz, but it's useless
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to talk about him, he is principled, incorruptible, has an ideal family, principled - that's good, on the contrary, we have no leverage over him, this is the worst option, of course, my colleagues and i share your concern about the possibility of using medicinal substances for the production of biological weapons, but this is only a hypothetical possibility.
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dana. john, you're just in time. come in,
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i have a task for you. a certain russian oil trader, oleg nesterov, has arrived to negotiate a contract for imports to iraq. do you want me to gather information on him? no, this is more serious. is everything okay? we have a problem with the iraqi courier, something bad? oleg, so what? no matter, this mark dritz doesn't want to listen to anything, and the rest are sitting like idols. so, after all. did he say anything? he's not cheating on me, he's not breaking the law. he's so correct that it's disgusting. he must have some weak points sides. maybe we'll try to meet him, convince him, he won't
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meet with us. what about his daughter? and what about his daughter? here? it says that she actively participates in human rights rallies, if we can convince her, maybe she will help convince her father, give permission for the cart, and how do you want to convince her? well, we are also human rights activists in a sense, i have all the photos, reports with me, if we provide all this to each other she will want to help us, it is unlikely, yes, but it seems that this is the only option, i just didn't quite understand how to deal with it, there is practically no information about it, sing, you are an intelligence officer, well , think about it,
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iraq also has a right to life. let's stop the genocide. let's stop the genocide. the children of iraq also have a right to life.
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leads us across the border, is this contraband? no, well yes, a little, i hope you won't rat me out, of course not, do you really think that a few suitcases will solve the problem? is it like with starfish, that 100 thousand die,
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washed up on the shore? i throw one back into the ocean, someone will say, is this really something changed, i'll answer, for this star changed, every life is worth the risk, if everyone thought so, imagine how much could be done, i would like to help, even, what exactly do you need, i don't have a list with me, but i'll definitely bring it with... next time, next time, i'm sorry, of course, you have a lot of your own things and friends, no, no, i mean, i would be happy to meet again, especially if i can help, of course you can, great.
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i'm at the wrong time, no, no, no, i'm really glad
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to see you, and i'm glad you don't have anything from me secrets. can't do without them, where can i get them? maybe call mr. abdulaziz? no,
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he's dead to us, if the letter of credit? wait, dear mr. nesterov, i have a business proposition for you, meet me outside in 5 minutes. hello,
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did you want to talk to me? i'm oleg nesterov. please, sit down. what's the matter? i wanted to discuss how to help you get your contract approved by the un. i heard that he is a man of principle, you shouldn't trust rumors, on the contrary, sometimes rumors
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are an excellent source of information, i i don't understand you, a man of crystal honesty, he agreed to follow his example only if he was sure that their use in iraq was under strict control. yes, un inspectors have access to all relevant laboratories. it's not that simple. in order to change his position, he needs evidence that the substances are sent to the declared laboratories for peaceful research development. and here you come into play. just share with us what you hear from officials and their close associates. any information, we have common goals, controlled iraq, peace in the world, my goal is to provide the people of raq
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with the necessary medicines. who are you to say this? i prefer to hear an official refusal from a un representative.
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girl, stop, you ca n't come in here, excuse me, please, i need to see my dad, he works here, his name is colonel abdulaziz alzari. she is very ill, she has a high temperature, fever and pneumonia, she needs an antibiotic, urgently, i have to tell dad, he doesn't know, can you at least ask him to come out to me? wait here,
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thank you. colonel abdulaziz is very busy, he has important state affairs. he is not coming?
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so, when are you planning to go to syria, next week, you know what? i will go with you, something really important. you are an only child? yes, what? maybe he just wants to protect you? have you already divided who buys what?
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no, it is you, sorry, i was a little daydreaming, everything is fine, you came because of the negotiations in won, you know, i do not understand. why does russia support saddam's regime so much? come on, with his government. we are helping to establish normal life in iraq. you are helping a military dictator get what he wants. raw material for biological weapons. you know, it sounds like paranoia. if you are so afraid of saddam, control him, send your agents there. but why deprive civilians
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of themselves. what agents? what are you talking about? americans are banned from entering iraq.
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bon appetit, thank you, today i
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am treating you, there is a reason, well, i passed the probationary period and was accepted into the press service, congratulations, thank you, i promise not to be too jealous, hello. no, still explain to me how you managed to do it? i think it's all thanks to my professor, he thinks that i'm very good at structuring information. listen, vera, hi, hi, sorry, jane, meet oleg. hi, i'm jane. nice to meet you, but i think i'll go, see you around.
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good night, good night. ma'am, it's good that you haven't left yet. my agent told me that nesterov met with a russian employee of plumberton. with whom? with veronica gromova. she's doing an internship from the university. it looks like them. yes. he's on duty in front of the house. good. i
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want him to do something. good morning, dear friends. good morning to all those who greet this day with channel one. with you , arina sharapova, on the calendar, thursday, august 15. a wonderful summer day. let's greet it cheerfully, brightly, interestingly, beautifully, this morning we'll marvel at the amazing finds of archaeologists, smile at the zucchini meme, this year there were a lot of zucchini, let's figure out where the truth is and where the myth is, in what we know about microloans, let's go in search of work, because august is the best time to look for a job, and of course we'll cook something tasty, and this is only a small part of what we've prepared for you, well and... now let's go to the warm-up, friends, blucher, good morning, it's a pity to waste time on gymnastics, there is one way: choose a convenient time for a warm-up,
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set a timer on your phone, when the alarm rings, do the exercise for exactly 1 minute. the next day we add another one, and then move on to 3 minutes, so you'll get a taste for it, there will be time. today i i will show a movement for beginners: legs together, hands together. and stretch in front of you, take your right leg to the side, put it on your toe, slightly bend the supporting leg, simultaneously raise your arms up, return to the starting position, repeat the exercise first in one direction, then in the other, who wants to strengthen the muscles of the arms, can take dumbbells or half-liter bottles of water.
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we train every day, at first for only a minute. you will get used to and get used to daily gymnastics, and the body will ask for even more exercise. that's when you can increase the warm-up time. the main thing here is to start. on the calendar, august 15th, many people continue their vacation season. but by the way, mid-august, ladies and gentlemen, is a great time to look for a job. so say and... experts, what vacancies are currently on top, where to look for them? the best time to look for a job before the job season, there are more vacancies, but there is still very little competition. very few, in the summer period, candidates on the market, now everyone is resting, it's vacation season, and accordingly, from september, somewhere from october , more candidates appear, and not it is important how old the candidate is, the so-called ageism, age discrimination is fading into the background, employers have not... been considering applicants over forty-five for a year.
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there is a shortage of personnel on the market now, companies are changing their recruitment strategy, people of this age have changed a lot over the past 10-15 years, they have many hobbies, they are engaged in self-development, and there is even less likelihood of employees leaving for maternity leave. the children are grown up, which means he is ready to devote more time to work. what vacancies. i was just walking, saw an ad, went to the administration and got a job, the main thing is skill, knowledge and working hands, that you have to swing a shovel at a construction site, that you have to swing a shovel here, nature is smoking, people, all day on the streets, candidates over forty-five win in high positions, where experience is needed, accountants, department heads, so it is better not to hide your age in your resume, and this is an advantage. 30 percent of candidates
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hide their age in their resume, for example, right now we are actively searching for the position of logistics director, where it is required more than 8 years of work experience in a managerial position, if you count, look at the length of service, an employee gets this kind of experience by about forty, but for lower positions , a recruiting manager, on the contrary, takes candidates 45 plus reluctantly, if it is a sales manager who... by the age of 45, but has not grown to a manager and to a commercial director, then yes, there would be additional questions for him. another thing is if a person has retrained, they can give a chance, here, recruiters say, it is very important master modern technologies, they are now in all areas, so this skill combined with experience increases the chances many times over. anastasia sovereva, vladimir ilyin, channel one. our good cheerful morning continues and it's time to learn something. such an interesting thing, for example, what got into the net
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of our internet surfing master egor uspensky, meet the new heroes of the internet. cats continue to storm the heights of the internet, here is a new hero, his name is suitable, a champion, he demanded that his owner feed him, you see, he even brought money, how it ended, fulfilled the cat's request. the hero of our next video, a puppy named poo!, was made popular by greed, he literally climbed into a bowl of dry food with his feet and did not let his friends eat it, the video has already been viewed by 3 million users in just a couple of days, and there will be more, perhaps the most athletic cow in the world lives in sweden, her name is lotta, look at how delightedly she kicks a ball around the green meadows, while the other cows are chilling in the barn, as they say, in a healthy, even cow body. healthy friends, spirit. well, on
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dessert video from emily tosello, a resident of nice, she works as a pastry chef. and here is her latest creation. an edible bust of the king of pop music michael jackson. emily carefully sculpted all the details and did not forget about the iconic silver glove. numerous internet users are really wondering: well, how can you eat such beauty? in the new season on the first, rumors are already circulating in the city about this crime, wherever you go, they say everywhere, women are lured into a taxi and shot in the back. "i wanted to ask you about your find, this the knot seemed very massive, although it was easy enough to break. you have been awarded a great honor, moles, honor and trust, remember this,
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after the war i was looking for my son's comrades-in-arms, i was interested in what was happening there at the end of the war, and anything could have happened there . you don't have a photo of kolya? it's strange, where were they here? lord, how similar he looks to my son! you are the only real witness, the only person he came to openly. well, major, has the hunt begun? confrontation, have you ever tried aromatic mint tea according to the recipe bath attendant viktor zakomaldin, if not, here's the recipe, and those whose health allows it can then go to the bathhouse from... cope, by the way, an excellent way - to relieve stress, tension , fatigue. hot porn and mint, dry fresh. that's what you need to relax. pour hot boiled water over three sprigs of fresh mint, at a temperature of about 80°.
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steep boiling water is not suitable, it destroys most vitamins and microelements. leave the kettle for 15 minutes. go to the steam room. hang another bunch of fresh mint over the stove. and brew the dry mint in a basin. scoop up hot air with a mint aroma. we press the branches to the soles of the feet, rub them through the leaves of the feet and shins. foot massage will help to relax even more. now we need another bunch of fresh mint, rub it with our hands, crush the greenery to make it brighter, breathe in the soothing mint aroma to finally relax, slowly pour a warm mint infusion over the body from the top of the head to the heels, and to
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enhance the effect after leaving the steam room. we drink mint tea, now stress, tension , fatigue, as if it never happened, with light steam, suddenly my good, my beloved one is coming towards us crocodile, he walked along the alley with tatosha and kokosha and swallowed the washcloth like a jackdaw, like a jackdaw. i personally don't envy the crocodile, he had a strange diet, we won't discuss it, but let's make a choice, my friends, what an amazing thing, such a seemingly simple hygiene item, but there are a great many different types of washcloths . stanislav, artem and david are lifeguards at the water park, they rarely swim themselves, but they shower at least three times per shift, the first time
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after the medical examination. we have breaks quite often, during which time we leave the zone pool to other zones. before entering the zone back, you need to take. this very shower, we will test the washcloths with them, david has hard ones, the first one is made of polypropylene, and it is convenient for scrubbing the back, legs, yes it foams well, unlike the one made of loofah, but this does not prevent it from washing to a squeak, the washcloth is several times harder than the previous one, natural materials, pleasant for the skin, because of the feeling of total cleanliness, but dermatologists advise using such no more than once every 3 weeks, during this time the skin goes through a full renewal cycle, and ... sling peeling accelerates it, if you regularly injure it, then it will compensate for you by secreting even more keratin, that is, the keratinocyte will produce more horny cells for you and the skin will dry out even more, even more, or better two, it will be more convenient to use the back, two hands, now flax,
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this is the kind of scrub you will get for the soap, similar natural ones can be found from nettle and hemp fibers, they say that these even help fight cellulite. but this is a myth, with very intense exposure to tissues , intercellular edema occurs, therefore these here are all the pits, which yes from cellulite, but they become less noticeable, then this intercellular edema goes away, cellulite remains, and the last soft ones, we have a foam sponge, a nylon ball and a cotton one, for daily use only they, of course, feel that it is made of natural materials, if you take it purely from the point of view of washing your body, well, it does not win in any way, according to ... professionals, it is more important not what material the washcloth is made of, but whether it is convenient to care for it? it seems to be clean, we used a washcloth with shower gel, but it is not clean, dirt, bacteria, and some of the skin's fat remain on it, and it all multiplies, rots until the next shower, yes, it turns out that we
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are infecting ourselves with this washcloth, ideally , wash it by hand after each wash in the machine once a week, but not all natural washcloths will survive this, here is stanislav's favorite nylon ball easily, i usually use similar washcloths, they are softer, soap much better, trivially more convenient compared to the previous one, but even my favorite. it is better to use no more than twice a week and change every 3 months. ksenia loginova, vladimir repin, yulia kubabina, channel one. it's august 15th on the calendar. the season of winter preparations is in full swing. catch recipes from chef victoria bredis, an appetizer of tomatoes and hot peppers. of course, dedicated to those who like spicy food. recipe for those who like spicy food into pieces. i divide the tomatoes into four parts. i grind the pulp into a puree, add chopped pepper, mix, pour in
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vegetable oil and nine percent vinegar, add coarse salt and crushed garlic, mix the ingredients thoroughly, put mixture into a sterile jar, let it sit so that the smell of vinegar and meat sauce evaporates, so that the snack does not spoil, we store it in the refrigerator. bon appetit. today is august 15, archaeologist day. i imagine archaeologists as time travelers. just think about it, it is an absolutely amazing thing, well, really, in the literal sense of the word, to touch with your hands the past centuries and even millennia. and all archaeologists, in my opinion, are a little detectives, because they can use shards, fragments and coins, to recreate a picture of days gone by. this season , 34 fragments of birch bark letters have already been found at the troitsky excavation site in veliky novgorod. it is necessary to urgently put it in a bag
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because it is delaminating. scientists have already deciphered many of the letters. these are ordinary letters, like we write letters to each other now, there are notes or text messages, it was the same way in sredmekov. the magic of archeology allows us to penetrate the everyday life of people of the past. behind me is the pavement of novgorodskaya street. the pavement of the 19th century, to the north and south of this street there were estates, to my left is a large residential building, where the owner of this estate apparently lived, in order to more accurately date the finds, archaeologists use the method of dendrochronology: we will study these annual rings under a microscope, then analyze them in a special program, this will ultimately allow us to establish the age of this particular pillar, and of course those finds that are associated with this building as a whole. to restore the historical truth, one of the... goals of archaeologists, an archaeologist, as a forensic scientist, deals with the remains that left by man, we create some historical pictures from its material remains,
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references to the khazar koganate in the volga river delta have been known for a long time, but we could not find its capital, so 5 years ago, near the village of baraniy bugor in the astrakhan region, we came across a settlement. apparently, this is the largest khazar agglomeration, which is generally known in eastern europe. modern archaeologists have modern methods, the goal of the expedition is not only to excavate, but to create a 3d model of the ancient capital of the khazars. large-scale excavations in tauric chersonesos. over the past 3 years , over 6 million items have been found here in the southern suburbs. one of them is a fragment of a marble statue of the good shepherd. this is one of the first symbolic images of jesus christ. scientists assume that the statues date back to the 4th century ad, but there are older finds, for example, a plaque for...
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hello, sergey tugushev is on air with the news in the studio. our military struck a unit of the ukrainian armed forces in the border area of ​​the kursk region.
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the militants were traveling in a kazak armored vehicle. the strikes were carried out. the lancet, a loitering munition flew right into the capsule with the crew, an explosion occurred, and then a fire broke out inside. our pilots also carried out a successful attack, the pilots of the supersonic fighter-bomber su-34 eliminated a large group of militants. they used aerial bombs with universal planning and correction modules, thanks to which our munitions fly right to the target. in the navdeevsky direction in the svo zone , an enemy stronghold was destroyed, the strike on it was carried out by the crew. the latest heavy flamethrower system tosochka, it hits with jet thermobaric shells that completely burn out the affected area, dugouts and trenches do not save. in the donetsk direction , jet artillery is constantly working, our grads , with the support of unmanned aircraft , struck at camouflaged firing positions and enemy manpower.
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the front is advancing very quickly, that is, we often change positions. because in one position, if we work often, we can also be suppressed. we have mainly infantry, counter-battery combat, we fight mortars, tanks, targets different, a lot of targets. and also about the courage and dedication of our fighters, guard private ruslan vagizov, together with his artillery crew, came under enemy fire, but quickly got his bearings and took our combat vehicle to cover. then he calculated the enemy's coordinates and struck back . the enemy artillery was destroyed. guard junior sergeant dmitry ganev was able to deliver ammunition to the front line safe and sound. under fire from militants, he skillfully maneuvered a truck, and provided our fighters on the contact line with everything in time. necessary. a powerful explosion in odessa. the blow hit the port area, where a fire started. eyewitnesses are posting footage of a huge
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column of smoke online. they report that a military warehouse caught fire. according to some reports , foreign -made anti-ship missiles and launchers were stored there. several more explosions thundered in kiev-controlled kherson, as well as in the cherkasy and sumy regions. a scandal is brewing in the czech republic over the supply of ammunition to the kiev regime. it turned out that the government of the republic is buying them at inflated prices, which is why the volumes of the parties are decreasing. this is written by the czech press with reference to the statement of one of the senators who heads the parliamentary committee on supervision. according to him , the overpayment has already amounted to almost one and a half billion crowns, which is more than 60 million dollars, in fact, 20,000 shells were purchased less than planned. the next batch of ammunition has not yet been paid for, the overspending may amount to more than half a billion crowns. the italian court refused the kiev regime to
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return 57 ukrainian children and teenagers who are there as refugees, all of them, as reported by the local press, are orphans, before arriving in bergamo they lived in orphanages, guardians from the italian social protection authorities, as well as various international organizations for the protection of minors' rights, spoke out against returning them to their homeland, they considered kiev's hasty request for repatriation suspicious, especially against the backdrop of media reports that ukraine is beginning to insistently demand that rome return refugees who are approaching conscription age. the ruling party of georgia is seeking to have the person x-president mikheil saakashvili has become toxic. deputies from the georgian dream, local media reports, called the former head of state a criminal and a disgrace to the country. and to be his supporter, the parliamentarian continued, means supporting crime, betrayal, immorality and lies. the deputy recalled that the strasbourg court recognized the legality of saakashvili's criminal prosecution in
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his homeland, after which he began to be considered a source in the united states. disinformation and speculation, the georgian dream party recently accused saakashvili of being the one who ordered unleashed a war from outside in 2008. american billionaire elon musk, us presidential candidate donald trump, writer joan rowling may become defendants in a complaint filed by iman heliv, the same winner of the recent boxing olympics who failed the gender test. the statement was filed with the paris prosecutor's office, about such famous names.
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russian schoolchildren won the first international olympiad in artificial intelligence. it was held in bulgaria. our team showed the best result in the scientific round of the competition and won gold medals, and also received silver. practical stage , becoming the first in the total amount of points. the guys had no equal in using programming skills, knowledge of libraries, computer languages, understanding the basics of machine learning. in addition to the russian team , schoolchildren from 39 countries participated in the final. that's all for now, stay with us. the broadcast of channel one will continue with the program "good morning". good morning to all those who meet this day with channel one. on the calendar is thursday, august 15. the harvest season continues, gardeners and vegetable growers continue to share with their achievements and records and it must be said that sometimes such miracles grow in the beds that even experienced people are surprised and make them smile.
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there is already a whole sea of ​​memes about zucchini on the internet . internet stars grow up in the gardens of gardeners. in august and september , we share not only zucchini, but also memes about them. a little gray wolf will come and give you a zucchini. who gives zucchini? my daughter-in-law, but for free, why not take it? well, not everyone takes it, and my mother-in-law is a trainer, and she says: we take the bags into the car, and sometimes you open the trunk, and they are already there they stand, this one responds, we grow, and friends grow, and relatives grow, exchange, exchange, in a month one zucchini can change up to five owners magic spell, does not work enough, this golden antelope cannot be stopped, well, what can you do if the crop is productive from one seed to 30 pieces? the root system of the digger reaches a meter 80 in depth, the larger the root system, the greater the amount of harvest,
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besides, it is very tenacious, if you leave it compost kochu and it overwintered, winter was let's say not strong, and from there it starts to grow, there are cases when people don't even plant it, and it just revived from the compost heap, so they put it out in boxes. and their own people ask not to put it under, at interviews for the position of manager, at the end of summer a new test task: not to sell a pen, to sell a zucchini, everyone who passed the quest sighs with relief, now i feel much more cheerful, now this is a problem for those who succumbed to temptation, took such a forbidden fruit, oh, what to do, i don't know, oh, what a grief ... and it would be fine if i got caught with caviar, but no, when the horn, pancakes and casseroles are already boring, creativity begins, but for some they just disappear, i wanted to ask, larisa, you haven't forgotten me, and why in the season
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zucchini takes over not only our gardens, refrigerators, but also social networks, and 100% will gain large views, because they evoke the emotion of life in viewers, that is , just like life, they want to write a comment: yes, it's me, yes, i have the same situation. i immediately want to forward and come up with a new one. memes, some cool ones, which definitely fly in, this is copying. you took the template and simply adapted it to your task, zucchini, take what has already flown in, combine, basically it always is, well , it will work. according to this scheme, the team of mimologists created new ones before our eyes, this charismatic groom from let's get married, you have probably seen more than once. i have returned to you again and my destiny is you.
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845 km, such is the distance from the federal territory of sirius to the village of opolznevoye, which is on the southern coast of crimea. russian paralympian yaroslav decided to overcome this route svyatoslavsky. we are rooting for him. 3:00 am, the black sea coast, preparing for the start of the impulse ultratriathlon. russian paralympic team athlete yaroslav svyatoslavsky intends to travel from the federal territory of sirius to crimea. more than 800 km is a solo marathon. anyone can join along the way. this is the first time in the history of russia that a para-athlete will cover such a long distance in such difficult conditions, and my immediate task is to support yaroslav. the first stage of the triathlon is swimming along... in the dark, almost 2 hours in the water, on the shore at dawn, measuring temperature, pressure, saturation, snack, short break, and then back on the road, already on an adaptive bike.
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yaroslav is not in this triathlon for records, he has another goal - to unite efforts to help people with spinal cord injuries. i decided to create a fund that will support existing scientific research organizations. triathlon is not called impulse for nothing. yaroslav injured. at the age of 16, he was performing an element of sports acrobatics and fell from a height of 12 m. the brain stopped receiving impulses that set the legs in motion, there are more than 200,000 such people in the country. the goal of ultratriathlon is to help those same scientists who will renew the impulse in the spinal cord, and the person will start walking. yaroslav prepared for the triathlon carefully, at home on the balcony in thirty-degree heat he pedaled on the machine for 8-10 hours, in a week he rode 500-600 km this way, it is not easy, but now he is completely ready for such a distance. they encourage me, honk on the track, shout, well done, let's go forward, let's move,
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russia, and of course, it charges me, it is the best support. yaroslav has already traveled the distance from sochi to tauric chersanez, here, according to legend, prince vladimir was baptized. now there is a grandiose museum and temple complex new chersanez. 24 gar, a real byzantine city. i want to see the surroundings, chersanez, yes, because i have never been here. and at this moment yaroslav should already... move towards yalta, other athletes promised to support him the finish is already this evening. marina sidorova, channel one. lenten pastries, there is a lot of it on sale now, but the question is, how lean is it really? it is completely free of animal fats, and what do they replace them with then? anastasia telli decided to find out how she makes such baked goods, how different are they from the classic ones, and what about the calories? pour, mix, melt,
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that's how gingerbread is born, custard, also lean, you are engaged in tutkemia, yes, almost alchemists, a real monastery donskoy in such a morning begins with caramel, a replacement for animal fats, sunflower oil, also honey, spices a lot, cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper, cool the mixture, mix with dry ingredients, flour, vanillin, instead of eggs for fluffiness, baking powder. eggs have the function of loosening and connecting, in general this is enough for connecting, in order to get some kind of base. with the right proportions, such dough in texture is indistinguishable from non-lenten, similar to eriska. you can just eat it with a spoon, and you don't need to bake anything. after resting in the refrigerator, molding. the dough should be put into the mold without cutting anything. here. and then we we put the filling. the most interesting thing, usually
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condensed milk or jam we have blueberry, along the don walks, along the don walks a young cossack, and then the real don coup, come on, come on with a rolling pin, well, oh, each letter clearly, well excellent. while they are baking, cookies, replace the butter, eggs, margarine, plus baking powder with starch. so that the baked goods are airy, and not pressed. this is the base, then, for example, cocoa and almonds. there will be super chocolate cookies. even after cooling, they hold their shape. well, i'm ready. some manufacturers instead of eggs and fruit puree is added. or here is soy lecithin. it is allowed. food additive
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classic leavening agents are sodium bicarbonate, that is, actually, baking soda and ammonium bicarbonate. for the preservation of sugar and honey, natural preservatives are enough, but there are artificial ones. sulfur dioxide, which is undesirable, in the composition of gingerbread and cookies should not be this preservative. with invert syrup instead of honey is cheaper, so it is better not to ignore the composition. they say honey savior. a wish comes true to make before eat honey in gingerbread is also considered, very tasty, beautiful what, but amazing gingerbread from childhood. anastasia otelya, alexander aleksenko, angelina ivanova, channel one. corn maze. have you seen anything like this? one oryol farmer decided that simply growing corn is not very interesting. inspired by the fairy tale of pyotr irshov, the little humpbacked horse. and, what happened next?
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you will see for yourself. oryol farmer vladimir yakunin decided that simply growing corn is boring. he looked at his 6.5 hectare field and mowed a maze on it. with his son we made sketch, uploaded the image to the agronavigator. and on the tractor, as in the video game it turned out, you go, along the line that is drawn on the screen, the tractor moves, and the cutter that is attached to the tractor, uh, mowed the corn. it turned out. the little humpbacked horse, anyone can try to go through the labyrinth among the cobs, but in order not to get lost, you will have to remember the content of the fairy tale by ershov. question number one: what hero does the car describe in the fairy tale like this: a back with two humps, dosorshinnye ears. at the disposal of the guests of the farm, a map of the labyrinth and half an hour of time. along the way, you can try out all the delights of rural tourism, interact with animals, ride a tractor, and grind
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corn and even bake flatbreads from it. everyone will have fun. i had heard about it, so i came and the children wanted to visit here. you can get into the corn maze until...
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it is not written anywhere, not in any book, not in any home economics textbook, you only learn them with experience. the guardians and promoters of such experience are, of course, our experts. the organizer of the space, ekaterina lin, will now transform an old lipstick case into a pincushion. you
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are going on holiday with the whole family, take needles and threads with you. you know, children are so restless, they can tear clothes during games, and you. will always have a sewing kit at hand, i will show you how to safely and compactly fit it into an old lipstick case: i take out the remains of the product, wipe the tube from the inside with cotton swabs, the base for the pincushion is ready, a makeup sponge will work as a filler, a dishwashing sponge will also work. i cut the edges, we should have get a rectangle slightly longer than the case. i glue it. the preparation to the bottom of the tube, insert it into the needle cushion, wind threads of different colors onto the case, this is how we fit a sewing kit in a tiny case,
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while everything you need for urgent stitching of clothes is at hand, and the sharp needles are securely hidden under the cap, such a closed small needle case is convenient to take with you. on a trip, and so that curious children do not get to it, put it in a secret compartment of the bag. next weekend on the first channel one volleyball cup, a unique team tournament with the participation of all the stars of russian volleyball and legendary coaches. this spectacle cannot be missed. details from the sports journalist of the first channel, our viktor gusev. a beautiful and dynamic game, where the ball is in the air all the time. every touch is worth its weight in gold, fateful decisions are made in a split second, and spectacular rallies follow one after another. of course, we are talking about volleyball - one of the most popular and mass sports in our country. in the history of russian sports, it occupies
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special place: eight gold medals at the olympic games, 13 at the world championships, victories at continental championships and much more. at the channel one cup, a unique team tournament that will be held in moscow from august 17 to 18, we will see coaches whose names are associated with the most memorable pages in the annals of our volleyball. the format provides for a meeting of current coaches of the national team with the meters who led the team to olympic gold. in the women's part of the tournament, zoren terzic will compete with the legendary nikolai karpol. the eighty-six-year-old specialist , without exaggeration, personifies an entire era in sports, he has many titles to his credit, including two olympic golds, well , his calling card... fields, of course, expressive settings in time-outs, how many
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matches were won, thanks to such sessions of shock therapy it is simply impossible to count, no less interesting coaching confrontation awaits viewers in the men's part of the channel one cup, the helmsman of the russian national team konstantin bryansky will meet with vladimir alekna, the triumphant of the 2012 olympic games year in london, who is returning. to the coaching bridge after a sabbatical. the highlight of the upcoming tournament is the draft procedure, during which the teams will be formed. the coaches will take turns choosing the strongest players in the country. we are in for a bright event that simply cannot be missed. watch the broadcasts of the channel one volleyball cup on saturday and sunday. the multi-part spy series continues on channel one.
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you are a businessman and your goal is to make money, i will not cooperate with you, far in businessman dmitry pirogov smiled at moscow, he knows nesterov, oleg's main character trait is a heightened sense of justice, integrity, pirogov himself is not like that, oleg treats him with prejudice, but they are working on the contract in iraq together. this was facilitated by pirogov's beloved, the head of the middle east department of the svr, irina markevich.
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at this level, other worlds. cia agent paul chesler penetrates oleg nesterov's hotel room. the photograph is missing. the photograph. the photograph has a frame with a secret. to do more good deeds, you and i can help charitable foundations
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and their beneficiaries who really need this help . it's easy to do: send any amount you can afford in numbers to the short number 7375, or send two words to the same number 7375, "all the world", then a fixed amount of 75 rubles will be debited from your account. the main thing is to confirm the transfer with a reply message, all the details... you can find out about the "all the world" project on its page, on the website of channel one. now the beneficiaries of the charitable foundation are really looking forward to our help. our power to give them a full life. to swim with children and just know that tomorrow will definitely come. ekaterina morozova, a mother of many children, she has three boys, her whole life ahead, when the youngest was 9 months old, she found a lump in her breast. on january 23, 23 , i went to a routine visit to my gynecologist
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, she already sounded the alarm, because the tumor was already in the breast in the lymph nodes. change, you understand that you will not be here tomorrow. operations to remove the tumor - six chemotherapy, 25 sessions of radiation as if you understand that everything can therapy, still 14 targeted. all this time ekaterina worked, she is an architect, now she has to undergo the last course of treatment, such an important exciting step towards the long-awaited remission. in difficult moments ekaterina. supported the charity fund further, i really want to live, and i just can't take it all out, i need help, you just call the fund's phone number with you can talk for 40, 40 minutes, understands from ta da ya, what you are experiencing now, the fund has been supporting jinchen with such a difficult one for 13 years now diagnosis, a hotline was recently opened here , here is its number 8 800 707 4403, there is also
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a digital platform, our team, which includes oncologists, nutritionists and lymphologists, rehabilitation specialists, endocrinologists, a medical lawyer, a psychologist, helps to solve all those same problems that can arise at any stage of the disease's life. so that the fund can continue to help in the very first minutes, throughout the entire journey, it is enough to send an sms to the short number 7375, with any amount, numbers or phrase, the whole world, then with your account will be debited 75 rubles. the main thing is to confirm the transfer. also in...
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i really didn't want to become a burden. now ekaterina is in remission. during her illness, she completed training in mobile photography, fell in love with yoga and even began to travel more. she always carries the foundation's business card with her. now ekaterina herself supports those who have encountered the disease. at the foundation, you are surrounded by attention, care, and we become so close to each other that it becomes like a family. the worst is behind us, but we need it right now. lymphostasis has appeared, swelling that occurs after removal of lymph nodes. the cost of rehabilitation in each case is individual, from 30 to 250 thousand rubles. but it is not included in the compulsory medical insurance policy. we can help you. just one sms with any amount, numbers or a phrase, the whole world, to the short number 7375. then 75 rubles will be written off from the account. or you can
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scan the qr code from the tv screen with your smartphone camera leave any donation on the campaign page. to help the wards of the foundation. in spite of everything, believe in the best and continue to live on. let me remind you, to help the wards of the charity foundation further, send an sms to the short number 7375. this can be any amount in numbers, or send two words to the same number 7375, the whole world, then a fixed amount of 75 rubles will be debited from your account. the main thing is to confirm the transfer with a reply message. all the details about our project with you, the whole world can be found on its page, on the website. channel one is broadcasting the news right now. hello, sergey tugushev is on air, the news is in the studio. in the kursk region, our artillerymen covered ukrainian militants with dense fire. under attack
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enemy armored vehicles were found. akatsiya's crews receive the enemy's position coordinates from aerial reconnaissance. they deliver targeted strikes. in this area , supercams are mainly used. our fighters called them invisible. at an altitude of 200 m, they are no longer audible thanks to the electric motor. at the same time , russian military personnel shoot down enemy drones, preventing them from causing damage to our positions. the militants are especially intensively attacking energy facilities. currently , reinforced crews of sappers and pyrotechnicians of the ministry of emergency situations are working in the kursk region; they are neutralizing downed drones, which still pose a threat due to unexploded ordnance. on the ground. residents are strongly advised not to approach such dangerous finds, and in order to minimize all risks , people continue to be evacuated from border areas. over 300 more people left their homes in the past 24 hours. as of today , there are over 800 people in temporary accommodation centers, including over 2,500 children. people are accommodated in 143
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temporary accommodation centers in eleven regions of the country. more than 400 more are ready to receive citizens temporary accommodation points, with a capacity of over 35,000 people. by decision of the authorities, mandatory evacuation has been declared throughout glushka. it borders on the sumy region of ukraine. a powerful explosion in odessa, the blow hit the port area, a fire started there. eyewitnesses are posting footage of a huge column of smoke online, reporting that a military warehouse with ammunition caught fire. according to some reports , foreign -made anti-ship missiles and launchers were stored there. several more explosions thundered in the controlled kiev-kherson, as well as in the cherkasy and sumy regions. the military is dislodging the enemy from its position in the orekhov direction in the svo zone. the artillery of the dnieper group of troops destroyed a large temporary deployment point of the bsu. they fired from geotsin howitzers from a distance of about 30 km,
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the militants were eliminated, their weapons and equipment were destroyed. this crew is responsible for several nato m-777 guns. the enemy lost another stronghold in the south donetsk sector. this is the result of the successful work of the uragan mlrs. the crew coped with task in... a matter of minutes, more than a dozen similar targets have to be hit per day, counter-battery combat and various moving targets, self-propelled guns, their guns, swinging mortars, there are pickups, accumulations of equipment, infantry, ammunition deliveries were also practiced, they worked right there on the box , everything is leaving right away in seconds, and also about the courage and dedication of our soldiers, guard litovoy ruslan. vagizov, together with his artillery crew, came under enemy fire, but quickly got his bearings and took our combat vehicle to cover. then he calculated enemy coordinates and struck back.
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the enemy artillery was destroyed. guard junior sergeant dmitry ganev was able to deliver ammunition to the front line safe and sound. under fire from militants, he skillfully maneuvered the truck, and provided our soldiers on the contact line with everything they needed in time. a scandal is flaring up in the czech republic around the supply of ammunition to the kiev regime, it turned out that the government of the republic was buying them at inflated prices, which is why the volumes of the batches are being reduced, writes the czech press, citing a statement by one of the senators who heads the parliamentary oversight committee. according to him , the overpayment has already amounted to almost one and a half billion crowns, which is more than 60 million dollars, in fact, the shells were purchased for 20,000 less than planned, the next batch of ammunition, it has not yet been paid for, the overspending may amount to more than half a billion crowns. the ruling party of georgia is trying to make the person of former president mikheil saakashvili toxic. deputies
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from the georgian dream, local media report, called the former head of state a criminal and a disgrace to the country. and to be his supporter, the parliamentarian continued, means supporting crime, betrayal, immorality and lies. the deputy recalled that the strasbourg court recognized the legality of the criminal prosecution of saakashvili in his homeland, after which the united states began to consider him a source of disinformation and speculation. and the other day, the georgian dream party accused saakashvili of starting the war in 2008 on orders from outside. russian schoolchildren won the first international olympiad on artificial intelligence. it was held in bulgaria. our team showed the best result in the scientific round of the competition and won gold medals. it also received silver in the... practical stage, becoming the first in the total number of points. the guys had no equal in using programming skills, knowledge, libraries, computer languages , understanding the basics of machine learning.
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in addition to the russian team , schoolchildren from 39 countries participated in the final. and the last russian researchers took unique footage that have great scientific value. for the first time , a complete family of amur tigers was recorded. this video was taken by a photo trap in the zemlya national park. leopard in primorsky krai, a tigress and four tigers are accompanied by their father, although usually in the wild the tigress raises her children without the participation of a male. in this family, dad tigor pays due attention to his offspring, plays with them, teaches them new skills, and most importantly - protects them from danger. that's all for now, stay with us. the broadcast of channel one will continue program "good morning". good morning to all those who meet this day with the first channel, with you...
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protection, survival system, therefore first of all it is always our safety, most signals are interpreted as how dangerous it is for me as an organism, non-car also constantly beeps smartphone, it seems that we are used to it and do not flinch, in fact we get stress. margarita dashkevich noticed this when she opened her online school of soap making, at first she set the silent mode, but
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the phone is winking at hand, she realized that i start to get nervous because i constantly have my phone in my hands, and i started to simply turn off notifications. it didn't help, i started to be afraid of missing something important. smartphone notifications also distract me from work, and this is also stress. we switch to look at and respond to important things, and then we make more efforts to maintain concentration. the neurologist advises not to keep the phone at hand, to put it aside and look at it every hour or half an hour. well... it's already necessary to say that we should have detox days from gadgets, this generally frees the brain and emotions relieves tension very much. natalia sedova, like no one else, understands this, a psychologist, that's why she went on vacation with her family away from civilization, games contribute, hands are busy, on your marks, get set, thrown away, okay, dania won, no connection, well, almost as a last resort there is wi-fi,
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but she admits, the very absence. phone at hand is also stressful, it seems to me that there is this feeling of some kind of missed opportunities in people, if they do not contact the phone for a long time, if you fall out of this life, it seems that you don't control something in yours. natalia is her own boss, but what if you are a subordinate and the boss can't get through to you, we ask her husband evgeny, he is the director of a private school. if i call, it means that someone lied, my people are always in touch, wherever they are, at sea, in the field, in the forest, and evgeny himself is always in touch on vacation, but he still solved the problem of unnecessary notifications, he set a certain melody for the most important people, if it sounds, he will always answer. anna obrosimova, konstantin struchkov, channel one. oh, the eternal theme, money, where borrow from relatives and friends until payday , it is somehow awkward.
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microfinance organizations, however, so much is said about them, including all sorts of horrors, how things really are, the whole truth about microloans, in fact, they are under the control of the central bank, the site has lists of registered microfinance organizations. here is the fact of being in the register - this is the analogue of a banking license, and as soon as a company is excluded from the register, then it no longer has the right to carry out its activities, it is an illegal creditor. maybe a fraudster , sad stories are usually associated with them. dmitry's father took out a loan of 450 thousand rubles several years ago. according to the contract , his father wrote that if you do not pay everything on time, we will sell your apartment at auction. now, with the help of lawyers , the sale of housing has been suspended. the man tried to repay this loan, but the standard scheme, how many unscrupulous organizations work, they simply changed the details in the bank.
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accordingly, the payment. did not go through, they disappeared for some time, appeared there later one and a half to two years, when naturally the delay has grown, because of such stories since 2019 microfinance organizations are prohibited from issuing loans secured by housing, another rule: the interest rate is a maximum of 0.8 per day, the maximum overpayment is 130%, for example, if you take 10,000 rubles from a microfinance organization, then at no time will it be able to demand more than 23.00 rubles from you. the amount. fines and penalties are also limited, if interest has already stopped accruing, then this is 0.1% per day, that is, this is 36.5% per annum. on average, a microloan russians take 10-20 thousand rubles. in this case, huge debts should not accumulate in a short time, again, if the creditor complies with the law and does not deceive the client. the work of collection agencies has also been taken under control, threats, calls in the middle of the night, all this is now illegal.
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the collection process is directly regulated. how many times a day, a month, a week can you call, come to meet in person, and in general you can initially refuse this, the contract must have a clause prohibiting the transfer of debt to collectors, and another myth, microloans are given to everyone. the state prohibits lending to citizens with a high debt burden. if we are talking about primary clients, then the approval rate is extremely low, about 20%. in general, microloans are the same financial instrument as a bank loan, it is easier and faster to get money, but it is very important to find a legal and conscientious organization. a... suddenly my good, my beloved crocodile came towards me, he was walking along the alley with a tatoshi and a kokoshi, and swallowed the washcloth, like a jackdaw, like a jackdaw. personally, i do not envy
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crocodile, he had a strange diet, we will not discuss it, but let's make a choice, my friends, washcloths, what an amazing thing, such a seemingly simple hygiene item. and there are a great many different types of washcloths. stanislav, artem and david are lifeguards at the water park. they rarely swim themselves, but they take a shower at least three times per shift, the first after a medical examination. we have breaks quite often, during which time we leave the pool area for other areas. before entering the area back, you need to take this very shower. we will test it with them washcloths, david's are hard, the first use... polypropylene, and it is convenient to rub your back, legs, yes it foams well, unlike the one made of loofah, but this does not prevent it from washing until it squeaks. the washcloth is several times harder than the previous one, i would buy this washcloth,
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because it is made of natural materials, pleasant for the skin, because of the feeling of total cleanliness, but dermatologists advise using such no more than once every 3 weeks, during this time the skin goes through a full renewal cycle, and washcloth peeling speeds it up, if you regularly injure it, then compensatory, it will secrete even more - keratin, that is, the keratinocyte will produce more horny cells for you and the skin will dry out even more, become even more dense, artem has a medium-hard massage sponge, a nylon glove turned out to be the most practical, you don’t even need to hold it, but a strong one is better, it will be more convenient to play with your back, two hands, now linen, this is the beginning of us. similar natural ones can be found from nettle and hemp fibers, they say that such even help fight cellulite, but this is a myth. with very intense the impact on the tissues is intercellular edema. therefore, all these pits, which are cellulite, but they become less
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noticeable, then this intercellular edema passes, cellulite remains. and the last ones are soft. we have a foam sponge, a nylon ball and a cotton one, only they are for daily use. of course, it feels like it is made of natural material. if you take it purely from the point of view of washing your body, well, it does not win in any way, professionals agree, it is more important not what material the washcloth is made of, but whether it is comfortable to use take care of it? it seems to be clean, we used a washcloth with shower gel, but it is not clean, dirt, bacteria, skin particles of sebum remained on it, and all this multiplies, rots until the next shower, yes, then it turns out that we ourselves are infecting ourselves with this urine. ideally , wash it by hand after each wash in the machine once a week, but not all natural washcloths will survive this, here is stanislav's favorite is not a moon ball, it is easy. i usually use such washcloths, they are softer, they soap much better, and are generally more convenient
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compared to the previous one, but even your favorite one is better to use no more than twice a week and change every 3 months. ksenia logginova, vladimir repping, yulia kuvabina, channel one. fantastic. tomorrow on channel one, i saw you on tv, who do we have on tv in our house, even if we can't fly with you, we'll go to kosiopeia, in kosiopeia there are nebulae, the bubble nebula and the soul and heart nebulae, and you say women don't have a soul and heart? please, everything is there, how sweet, she likes it when she's kissed, i don't know, but i like it when i kiss her, and you can
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help me, oh my, better than anyone, premiere. on saturday on the first. good morning, it's a pity to waste time on gymnastics, there is one way: choose a convenient time for a warm-up, set a timer on your phone, when the alarm rings, do the exercise for exactly 1 minute. the next day, add another one, and then move on to 3 minutes, so you will get a taste for it. if there is time, today i will show a movement for beginners: legs together,
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join hands and stretch them in front of you, take your right leg to the side, put on toe, slightly bend the supporting leg, simultaneously raise your arms up, return to the starting position, repeat the exercise in one direction and then the other, who wants to strengthen the arm muscles, can take a dumbbell or a half-liter bottle of water. we train every day, at first for only a minute. you will get used to and get used to daily gymnastics, and the body will ask for even more exercise. that's when you can increase the warm-up time. the main thing here is to start. on the calendar - august 15. in strina on this day. they coaxed, you won't believe it, horses,
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they threw a silver coin into a bucket and gave the horse a drink from it, i don’t know if the horses became kinder from this, well , here’s what astrologers think about this day. august 15, the eleventh and twelfth lunar days meet, the twenty-ninth day of the sun, very powerful, energetic, businesslike, knows how to think constructively, his mind and feelings get along with each other, while he, as they say now... a wonderful communicator, he’s great at bringing together people who can be useful to each other, he will help it specialists, those who is connected with the internet, works with information, is engaged in the service sector, the bosses and all those who manage some process will not be offended, but things that require a creative approach will go well, and today it is also very important to be able to look at yourself from the outside. in this regard, the stars advise aries to turn on their sense of humor more often. of course, this is not about laughing at someone. about looking at your problems with a smile, it may turn out that they are
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imaginary, and in general the day is excellent, and aries ladies are simply charming today, taurus has a good day, the main thing is not to take on more than you can handle, and do not demand too much from others, and also , of course, it is very difficult to argue with you, but sometimes it is more useful to give in, a fresh wind fills the sails of gemini, only it is constantly changing, urgent matters are pouring in , plans require correction, the boss surprises with contradictory orders, well, after lunch everything will calm down, and in the evening expect an invitation to visit or to a pleasant event, this day will require caution from cancers, there is a risk of getting injured, and do not advertise your financial situation and generally be less frank about money, if you have children, look after them, is my path leading where i want it to be, who are my fellow travelers, lions may ask such questions, difficult questions, important ones and the stars will not answer them. let's do it ourselves, closer to the evening, wait for some news. virgos will get a chance
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to get ahead of competitors and, as they say, get ahead. true, you will have to pay for this, including, perhaps, with your nerves. decide for yourself whether you need it? virgo men, try not to argue with your better halves. guests may drop by in the evening. libra today is charming, witty, eloquent, will charm and conquer everyone. but their mood somehow changes too often. maybe it is? fatigue refuses, were you on vacation this summer? this day will help scorpios achieve something that scorpios have been thinking about for a long time, but never succeeded. after lunch there will be a chance to make peace with someone or improve relations, be careful on and near water. sagittarius can face unfair competition. sagittarius bosses may have to solve personnel problems or tighten discipline in their teams, be more careful on the roads. a very promising day for capricorns, one of those when you can show everything. capable of something, and some events on the personal front are not excluded, in general,
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it will not be boring, just take care of your health, a summer cold is an unpleasant thing. aquarius will have to work hard, the work may take more time than expected, but the result will be excellent, designers, artists and generally everyone who decorates the world will do well, and the evening will be simply pleasant. this day will help pisces to get some difficult task moving, to push something, to speed up. those who have remained in the background until now will have the opportunity to prove themselves, and the evening, it seems, is preparing something like a cultural outing for you. good luck to you! lenten pastries, there are a lot of them on sale now, but the question is, how lean is it really? it is completely free of animal fats, and what do they replace them with then? anastasia telli decided to find out how she makes such pastries, how much they differ from the classic ones, and what about the calories? pour, mix, melt, this is how gingerbread is born,
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custard, still lean, you are engaged, almost alchemists, a real monastery. the mixture cools, mixes with dry ingredients flour, vanillin, instead of eggs for fluffiness baking powder, eggs have the function of loosening and connecting, in general this is enough for connecting in order to get some kind of base, with the right proportions such dough in texture from ... you can't tell the difference between lean and toffee, it's like iriska, you can just eat it with a spoon, and you don't need to bake anything, after resting in the refrigerator , molding, the dough should be put into the mold without cutting anything, then we put the filling, oh, the most interesting thing, yes, usually
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condensed milk or blueberry jam, it's walking along the don, walking along the don. young cossack, and then the real don cossack has a coup, come on, come on with a rolling pin, well, oh, each letter is clear, well, great, while they're baking, cookies, replacing butter, eggs, margarine, plus baking powder with starch, so that the baked goods are airy, not pressed, this is the base, then on... even after cooling it holds its shape. well, i'm ready. some manufacturers add soy litatin instead of eggs and fruit puree. this is an approved food additive. and classic
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leavening agents are sodium bicarbonate, that is, actually, baking soda and ammonium bicarbonate. to preserve sugar and honey, it is enough. natural preservatives, but there are artificial ones, sulfur dioxide, which is undesirable, gingerbread and cookies should not contain exactly this preservative, with invert syrup instead of honey is cheaper, so it is better not to ignore the composition, they say in honey savior, a wish comes true, make a wish before eating honey, in gingerbread it is also considered, very tasty, beautiful what, but amazing, gingerbread from childhood, anastasia. one oryol farmer decided that simply growing corn is not very interesting, inspired by the fairy tale of pyotr irshov, the little humpbacked horse and, here is what happened next, you will see for yourself. oryol farmer
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vladimir yakunin decided that simply growing corn is boring, looked at his field at 6.5 ha and mowed a labyrinth on it. the author of the fairy tale describes the hero as follows: a back with two humps, dosorshiny ears, at the disposal of the guests of the farm, a labyrinth map and half an hour of time, along the way you can try out all the delights of rural tourism, communicate with animals, ride a tractor, and also grind corn and even bake
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flat cakes from it, everyone will have fun. i had heard about it, so i came and the children wanted to visit here. you can get into the corn labyrinth until the cobs ripen, then equipment will go out into the field and the harvest will be collected, but the farmer is counting on developing the idea with the arrival of winter to turn the field into a snowy entertainment. natalia kravchenko, elena savina, igor buchkov, channel one. right now we are heading to primorsky krai, we will look into a huge natural park, where we will admire the kravtsov waterfalls. we will look at relict plants untouched by the last glacier. on the ground and we will walk the leopard's trail. dmitry kuzmin will be the guide. southern primorye is the very place where you can walk the leopard's trail. this route was once walked in place of the far eastern leopard, he was very large, so scientists gave him the nickname fat, here we
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are now walking along the path of the fat one, there is no guarantee that his descendants are not watching us from some hill. now in the national park land of the leopard 129. after all, large cats, the rarest in the world, it exists where other large cats simply cannot be, this is the northernmost subspecies, it is adapted to life in the harsh conditions of the south-far east, as ... they are seen with the help of camera traps near noticeable stones and trees, where leopards like to hang out. the tracks of a young male were spotted near the razdolnoye river, 50 km from his native den. scientists installed cameras, although there was little hope. the chances that we would film him there were quite low, there was a possibility that he would not return, and imagine our surprise when we checked this camera trap. the calculation worked. here is proof that the predator successfully develops new lands, and without entering settlements. this is one of the most peaceful cats on the planet. we have not documented cases of direct aggression of a leopard towards a person. and
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near populated areas leopards behave very carefully. what suffers? so these are the cameras themselves, unusual objects, often become a toy for animals. in order to crack the trap, here is the body right here it is damaged, usually only a large predator can do this. very often bear cubs or tiger cubs bring. cherb. leopard land is also a huge natural park. tourist routes are laid by the krovtsovsky waterfall. the first of them is a fairy tale. now this is just the tip of the iceberg. berries happen when a typhoon passes and the waterfall is two or three times more powerful. poluny, snags, logs. all this was brought here by this power, this stream. this is the only region in our country, except for the caucasus, not affected by the last glacier.
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relict plants have been preserved here. here is the schmitt birch - iron tree. it is stronger than cast iron, bearings were made from it in the ussr. the nature is so untouched, childish, just like that, you just want to enjoy it. there are more and more tourists every year, so the movement to popular sites has only become easier. dmitry kuzmin, denis panomarev, stanislav shkezhnyakov, ksenia maklyak, channel one primorsky krai. it's time to find out what's new in the country and the world by this hour. we'll give the floor to our colleagues from the news service. hello, the news is on air in the studio.
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right on target. an enemy stronghold was destroyed in the onavdeevsky direction in the svo zone, a strike was carried out by the crew of the newest heavy flamethrower system tosochka. it fires jet thermo-abortive shells that completely burn out the affected area. dugouts and trenches don't save you. jet artillery. our grads, with the support of unmanned aircraft, struck at camouflaged firing positions and live. or enemy forces are advancing very quickly front, that is, we often change positions, because in
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one position we, if we work often, can also be suppressed, we have mainly infantry, counter-battery combat, we fight mortars, tanks, the targets are different, there are a lot of targets, and also about the courage and dedication of our soldiers, guards private ruslan vagizov together with his. artillery crew came under enemy fire, but quickly got his bearings, took our combat vehicle to cover, then calculated the enemy's coordinates and struck back. the enemy artillery was destroyed. guard junior sergeant dmitry ganev was able to deliver ammunition to the front line intact. under fire from militants, he skillfully maneuvered the truck. he provided our soldiers on the contact line with everything they needed in time.
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their family. a scandal is brewing in the czech republic over the supply of ammunition to the kiev regime; it has emerged that the government of the republic are buying them at inflated prices, which is why the batch volumes are being reduced. this is reported by the czech press, citing a statement by one of the senators who heads the parliamentary oversight committee. according to him , the overpayment has already amounted to almost one and a half
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billion crowns, which is more than 60 million dollars, in fact, 20 thousand shells were purchased less than planned, the next batch of ammunition has not yet been paid for, the overspending may amount to more than a billion crowns. the italian court refused the kiev regime in the return of fifty-seven ukrainian children and teenagers who are there as refugees. according to local media, all of them are orphans who lived in orphanages before arriving in bergamo. guardians from the italian social protection authorities, as well as various international organizations for the protection of minors' rights, opposed their return to their homeland; they considered kiev's hasty request for patriation suspicious, especially against the backdrop of media reports that ukraine is beginning to insistently demand that rome return refugees approaching the age of conscription. american billionaire elon musk, us presidential candidate donald trump and writer jane rowling may become
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defendants in a complaint filed by iman hilili, the same. winner of the recent olympics in boxing, who failed the gender test. the statement was filed with the paris prosecutor's office, about such well-known names, the algerian athlete's lawyer told vérity. she accuses musk, trump and rowling of unleashing bullying on the internet, through offensive publications in social networks. many argue that a khilif is a man who has infiltrated women's sports. this point of view is shared by the defendants in the complaint. according to the lawyer, if the case is allowed to proceed, it will spread. from the usa. a few minutes ago , the soyuz launch vehicle with the progress ms-28 cargo spacecraft was launched from baikanur. it will deliver more than 2.5 tons of cargo to the iss. this is fuel for refueling, food, drinking water, cylinders with compressed nitrogen, various
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equipment and materials. docking with the orbital complex is planned in two days after the launch, according to the plan, the ship will dock with the zvezda module, where it will stay for 179 days. this year, this is already the third launch of the progress ms ship, as well as the fifth launch of a rocket from baikanur. a column of ash rose over sicily. ethno, the highest and most active volcano in europe, began to erupt again for the second time since the beginning of the month. now streams of hot lava are flowing down the slopes of the mountain. at the foot. everything is covered in ash, but there is no talk of evacuation, the nearest city is several dozen kilometers away. the program "good morning" will continue on the first channel. good morning to all who greet this day with channel one. today is august 15, it is archaeologist day. archaeologists seem to me to be time travelers. just think, it is an absolutely amazing
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thing in the literal sense of the word, to take and touch with your hand. to past centuries and even millennia, and all archaeologists, in my opinion, are a little detectives, because they know how to recreate a picture of past days from shards, fragments, coins. this season in veliky novgorod, at the troitsky excavation site , 34 fragments of birch bark letters have already been found. we need to urgently put in a bag, because it delaminates. scientists have already deciphered many of the letters. these are ordinary letters, like we write letters to each other now.
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europe, modern archaeologists have modern methods, the purpose of the expedition is not only.
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so far, our museum's collection contains just over 20 such bulletins, they date back to the first half of the century bc, that is , this bulletin is 2400 years old. even when it seems that everything has long been explored, archaeologists continue to find something, these things were found on sadovnicheskaya embankment in moscow. a contribution from the turn of the 17th-11th centuries consisting of seventeen coins, there was also a very interesting device called kopolushka, which was used to clean ears. during an expedition to the surrounding area. zvenigorod, objects were found that were almost 6,000 years old, which once again confirms that these places have not just ancient, but the most ancient roots. and we are waiting for news from tv. here, archaeologists have been studying the tunuk burial mound for the fourth season.
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they promise to reveal the secrets of the scythians soon. pavel ditc, victoria edinova, channel one. our good cheerful morning continues and has come it's time to find out something interesting, for example, what got into the net of our internet surfing master. yegor uspensky, meet the new heroes of the internet. cats continue to storm the heights of the internet, here is a new hero for you. his name is suitable, champion. he demanded that his owner feed him. see, he even brought money, how the story ended is not reported. we think the exchange took place, and the owner fulfilled the cat's request. the hero of our next video, a puppy named puppy, made popular. greed, he literally climbed into the bowl with his feet dry food and did not let his friends eat it. the video has already been viewed by 3 million users in just a couple of days, and there is more to come.
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perhaps the most athletic cow in the world lives in sweden, her name is lotta. look with what delight she kicks a ball around the green meadows, while the other cows are chilling in the barn, as they say, in a healthy, even cow body, healthy friends. well, for dessert , a video from emily tosello, a resident of nice, she works as a pastry chef, here is her latest creation, an edible bust of the king of pop michael jackson. emily carefully sculpted all the details and did not forget about the iconic silver glove. numerous internet users, however, wonder how such beauty can be eaten. tell me honestly, have you ever tried aromatic mint tea according to the recipe of the bathhouse attendant and viktor zakomaldin, if not, here is the recipe, and those whose health allows it, can then
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go to the bathhouse, an excellent way, by the way - to relieve stress, tension, fatigue, a hot steam room and mint, dry fresh, that's what you need for relaxation: pour three sprigs of fresh mint with: hot boiled water at a temperature of about 80°. steep boiling water is not suitable, it destroys most vitamins and microelements. leave the kettle for 15 minutes, go to the steam room. hang another bunch of fresh mint over the heater, and brew dry mint in a basin. while the mint is infusing, walk over the body with oak brooms. scoop up hot air with a mint aroma, press the branches to
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the soles, rub the feet and shins through the leaves, a foot massage will help to relax even more, now we need another bunch fresh mint, rub it with your hands, crush the greenery to make it smell brighter. spread it around your face, breathe in the calming mint aroma to completely relax, slowly pour warm mint infusion over your body from head to toe, and to enhance the effect after leaving the steam room, drink mint tea, now stress, tension, fatigue. as if it never happened, with light steam. on the calendar, august 15 , many continue their vacation season. but by the way, mid-august, ladies and gentlemen, is a great time to look for work, so they say
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experts, what vacancies are currently on top, where to look for them, this is not only about right now. august is the best time to look for a job, before the season there are more vacancies, but there is still very little competition. very few, in the summer period, candidates on the market, now everyone is resting, the holiday season, accordingly from september, somewhere from october there are already more candidates, and it does not matter how old the candidate is.
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years, children are adults, which means he is ready to devote more time to work. what vacancies are on top? blue-collar jobs in the service sector and agro-industry. yuri nikulin from krasnodar krai changed his specialty in a day, he is a steel machine operator by education, worked as a builder for 15 years, now he is a landscaper. i was just walking, saw an ad, went to the administration and got a job. the main thing is skill, knowledge, and working hands, that you need to swing a shovel at construction sites, that here.
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8 years in a managerial position, if you count, look at the length of service, an employee gets this kind of experience by about forty, but for lower positions of a personnel selection manager, on the contrary, they take candidates 45 plus reluctantly, if it is a sales manager who by the age of 45 has not grown to the level of a manager and a commercial director, then yes , there would be additional questions for him, it is another matter if the person has retrained, they can give a chance, here they say: it is very important for recruiters to master modern technologies, they are now in all areas, so this skill combined with experience increases the chances many times over. anastasia soveleva, vladimir ilyin, channel one. in short, i want to fire andrey before it starts. what hasn't started? the scandal about corruption harm to employees. yes, lyudmila sergeevna, now you are really great. are you being reprimanded? for what? "alexey ivanovich, you
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are so ignorant of people, fortune teller, new episodes, today on the first. rum, castro, a product of stellar group, vodka pechora, a product of stellar group, vodka veda, a product of stellor group. cognac old barrel, a product of stellar group. stellar group. when an artist goes on stage and the audience simply does not breathe, when he does nothing, but just sings, not everyone can do this, believe me.
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but his curator arrived in leningrad. during the time the surveillance target did not make contact with anyone suspicious. ready. and who is this? attention. his daughter. stubborn, happy birthday, princess, all grown up, but she's not going to get married, no, not yet, and i heard that there's some dima, wow, dimka, what are you talking about, they can put you in jail for this, where did you get so many dollars, you know that, my dear, it's completely useless for you, let's go, well, which of you is the owner of the apartment, i don't know where the currency came from, and...
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the premiere of the multi-part film is coming soon on the first. now the main thing for us is to make you out of a woman, not a simple one, a woman with a thousand faces. we invite you to travel to south korea and see how they cook a popular street food - ufo burgers. the cook puts the filling on the bun, this is cheese, vegetables, sauce and of course, meat, well, or a cutlet. then he places the ... preparations to bake in a special hot mold, and after a few minutes they take out such ruddy, appetizing and undoubtedly delicious space burgers. every housewife has such tricks that are not written anywhere, not in any book, not in any textbook on
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housekeeping, they are learned only with experience. the guardians and promoters of such experience are, of course, our experts. the organizer of the space ekaterina lin will now turn an old lipstick case into a pincushion. you are going on vacation with the whole family, take needles and threads with you. you know yourself, children are such fidgets. they can tear clothes during games, and you will always have a sewing kit at hand. i will show you how to safely and compactly fit it into an old lipstick case. i take out the remains of the product, wipe tube from the inside with cotton swabs. the base of the square is ready. as a filler , a makeup sponge will do, a sponge for washing dishes will also do. i cut off the edges. we should get a rectangle, slightly longer than the case. i glue the blank to the bottom of the tube.
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i insert needles into the cushion. i wind threads of different colors on the case. this is how we fit a sewing kit in a tiny case, while everything you need for urgent stitching of clothes is at hand, and sharp needles are securely hidden under the cap, such a closed small needle case is convenient to take with you in travel, and so that curious children don't get to it, put it in a secret compartment of your bag. channel one continues our common project with you and the whole world. it is designed to unite all caring people so that there are more good deeds. we can help charitable foundations and their wards who really need this help, it's easy to do: send any amount you can afford in numbers to the short number 7375, or send two words to the same number 7375 with the whole world, then
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a fixed amount of 75 rubles will be debited from your account. the main thing confirm the translation of the response messages, all the details about the project to the whole world a... you can find out on its page, on the website of the first channel. now the wards of the charity fund are waiting for our help very much further, it is in our power to give them a full life. to swim sape with children and just know that tomorrow will definitely come. ekaterina morozova is a mother of many children, she has three boys, her whole life is ahead, when the youngest was 9 months old, she found a lump in her breast. on january 23, 23. i went to a routine visit to my gynecologist she had already sounded the alarm because the tumor was already in the breast in the lymph nodes. breast cancer - stage three, everything was like in the worst nightmare. the planning horizon is 3 months, that is, in 3 months new examinations, as if you understand that everything
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can change, you understand that tomorrow you will not be here. operations to remove the tumor, six chemotherapy, 25 sessions of radiation therapy, another 14 targeted. all this time ekaterina worked, she is an architect, now she has to undergo the last course of treatment, such an important exciting step long-awaited remission. in difficult moments , ekaterina was supported by the charity foundation further. i really want to live and simply and i do not bring all this out, i need help, you just call the foundation's phone number , they can talk to you for 40, 40 minutes, ata understands, yes , i, what are you experiencing now, the foundation has been supporting women with such a difficult diagnosis for 13 years, they recently opened a hotline here , here is its number 8 800 707 44 03. there is also a digital platform, our team, which includes oncologists and nutritionists and ... lymphologists, rehabilitation specialists, endocrinologists, medical lawyer, psychologist, helps to solve all those
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same, all the problems that can arise at any stage of life-threatening illness. so that the fund can continue to help in the very first minutes throughout the entire journey, just send an sms to the short number 7375, with any amount, numbers or phrase, the whole world, then 75 rubles will be written off from your account. the main thing is to confirm the transfer. another option is to scan the qr code on your smartphone camera. which you see on the screen, go to the campaign page and leave a donation. ekaterina gonchar's life was also divided into before and after. she was diagnosed with breast cancer 6 years ago. ekaterina is a gynecologist herself. she understood right away what awaited her, what kind of fight she would have to face. i was worried that i would become a burden to my loved ones. well, because i was used to always helping my daughter and mother. i really didn't want to become a burden. now ekaterina is in remission, during her illness she completed training in mobile photography, fell in love with
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yoga and even began to travel more. she always carries a business card of the foundation with her. now ekaterina supports those who have encountered the disease. in the fund you are surrounded by attention, care, and we become so close to each other that it turns out like a family. all the worst is behind us, but right now we need rehabilitation. lymphostasis has appeared. edema that occurs after the removal of lymph nodes. the cost of rehabilitation in each case is individual, from 30 to 250 thousand rubles. but it is not included in the compulsory medical insurance policy. we can help you. just one sms with any amount, numbers or phrase, the whole world, to the short number 7.375, then 75 rubles will be written off from the account. or you can use your smartphone camera to scan the qr code from the tv screen and leave any donation on the campaign page. to help the wards of the foundation, despite everything, believe in the best. continue to live on. let me remind you that in order to help the wards of the charity
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foundation further, send an sms to the short number 7375. this can be any amount in numbers, or send two words to the same number 7375 to the whole world, then a fixed amount of 75 rubles will be debited from your account. the main thing is to confirm the transfer with response messages. all details about our project with you and the whole world can be found on its page, on the website of the first channel. good morning to all those who meet this day with the first channel, with you arina sharapova on the calendar thursday, and it is august 15. well, you woke up, stretched, where did you look first, of course, at your smartphone. well, maybe first of all at the window, but then definitely at the screen. what new has appeared overnight? many do not tear themselves away from it even at breakfast, and spend the whole day in this mode. and by the way, friends, psychologists assure that it is stress, something needs to be done about it. a familiar situation: you are walking down the street in your thoughts, even if you did not
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flinch, the brain reacted, perceived the signal as a threat, turned on the stress hormone. this is a system, our protection, a survival system, so first of all it is always our safety, most signals are interpreted as how dangerous it is for me, as an organism, non-car , the smartphone also constantly beeps. it seems that we are used to it and do not flinch, in fact we get stressed. margarita dashkevich noticed this when opened my online school soap jam. at first i set the silent mode, but the phone is blinking at my hand. and i realized that i was starting to get nervous because i constantly have the phone in my hands, and i started to turn off notifications. it didn't help, i started to be afraid of missing something important. smartphone notifications also... distract from work, and this is also stress. we switch to look and respond to something important, and
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then we make more effort to maintain concentration. a neurologist advises not to keep the phone at hand, to put it aside look in every hour or half an hour. well, it’s already said that we should have detox days from gadgets, this generally frees the brain and emotions, relieves stress very much. natalia sedova, like no one else, understands this, she’s a psychologist, so here it is. in extreme cases, there is wi-fi, but she admits that the very absence of a phone at hand is also stressful. it seems to me that there is this feeling of some kind of missed opportunities in people if they do not contact their phone for a long time, if you fall out of this life, it seems that you do not control something in her. natalia is her own boss,
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but what if you are a subordinate and the boss can't get through to you, we ask her husband, evgeniy, he is the director. of a private school, if i call, then someone lied, my people are always in touch, wherever they are, at sea, in the field, in the forest, evgeniy himself is always in touch on vacation, but he still solved the problem of unnecessary notifications, he set a certain melody for the most important people, if it sounds, he will always answer, anna obrosimova, konstantin struchkov, channel one. and right now news release. hello, news is on air, sergey tugushev is in the studio. in the kurbsk region, our artillery covered ukrainian militants with dense fire. the enemy's armored vehicles came under attack. the crews of the akatsiya gaobitsa receive the coordinates of the enemy's positions from
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aerial reconnaissance and carry out targeted strikes. in this area , supercams are mainly used. our fighters have nicknamed them. dimkas at an altitude of 200 m are no longer heard thanks to the electric motor. at the same time , the russian military shoots down enemy drones, preventing them from causing damage to our positions. especially intensively militants are attacking energy facilities. currently , reinforced teams of sappers and pyrotechnicians of the ministry of emergency situations are working in the kursk region. they are neutralizing downed drones, which, due to unexploded ammunition, still pose a threat on the ground. residents are strongly advised not to approach such dangerous finds. and in order to minimize all risks , people continue to be evacuated from border areas. over 300 more people left their homes in the past 24 hours. as of today , over 800 people are in temporary accommodation centers, including including more than 2,500 children. people are accommodated in 143 temporary accommodation centers in eleven regions of the country.
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more than 400 temporary accommodation centers are ready to receive citizens. according to the authorities, mandatory evacuation has been declared in the entire glushkovsky district, which borders the sumy region of ukraine. a powerful explosion in odessa, the blow hit the port area, a fire started there. eyewitnesses are posting footage of a huge column of smoke online. they report that a military warehouse with ammunition caught fire. according to some reports , foreign anti-ship missiles were stored there production and launchers. several explosions thundered in kyiv-controlled kherson, as well as in the cherkasy and sumy regions. our military is dislodging the enemy from its position in the orekhov direction in the svo zone. artillery of the dnepr group of troops destroyed a large temporary deployment point of the ukrainian armed forces. beli izgau without geotsin from a distance of about 30 km, the militants were eliminated,
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their weapons and equipment were destroyed. this calculation, including several nato m-777 guns, is responsible. the enemy lost another stronghold in the yuzhnodonetsk sector, this is the result of successful work of the mlrs uragan. the crew coped with the task in a matter of minutes, more than a dozen similar targets have to be hit per day. counter-battery combat and various moving targets. self-propelled guns, their guns, swinging mortars, pickups, accumulation of equipment, infantry, ammunition supplies were also practiced, they worked right there on the box everything and ... we leave right away in seconds. and also about the courage and dedication of our soldiers , guard private ruslan vagizov, together with his artillery crew, came under enemy fire, but quickly got his bearings and led our combat vehicle into cover. then he calculated the enemy's coordinates and launched a counterattack. the enemy artillery was destroyed. guards junior sergeant dmitry ganev was able
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to deliver ammunition to the front line intact. under fire from militants, he skillfully maneuvered on... a scandal is brewing in the czech republic over the supply of ammunition to the kiev regime. it has emerged that the government of the republic is purchasing them at inflated prices, which is why the volume of shipments is being reduced, the czech press writes with reference to a statement one of the senators who heads the parliamentary oversight committee. according to him , the overpayment has already amounted to almost one and a half billion crowns, which is more than 60 million dollars. in fact, 20 thousand fewer shells were purchased than planned, the next batch of ammunition has not yet been paid for, the overspending may amount to more than half a billion crowns. the ruling party of georgia is trying to make the person of former president mikheil saakashvili toxic. deputies from the georgian dream, local media report, called the former
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the head of state as a criminal and a disgrace to the country, and to be his supporter , the parliamentarian continued, means supporting crime, betrayal and lies. the deputy recalled that the strasbourg court recognized the legality of saakashvili's criminal prosecution in his homeland, after which he began to be considered a source of disinformation in the united states. and speculation, the other day the georgian dream party accused saakashvili of starting the war in 2008 on orders from outside. russian schoolchildren won the first international olympiad in artificial intellect, it was held in bulgaria. our team showed the best result in the scientific round of the competition, won gold medals, and also received silver in the practical stage, becoming the first in the total number of points. the guys were unmatched. in the use of programming skills, knowledge of libraries, computer languages, understanding the basics of machine learning. in addition to the russian team , schoolchildren from 39 countries participated in the final. and
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finally, russian researchers took unique footage that has great scientific value. for the first time, a complete family of amur tigers. this video was taken by a camera trap in the leopard land national park in primorsky krai. the tigress and four. are accompanied by their father, although usually in the wild the tigress raises her children without the participation of the male. in this family, the father of the tiger pays due attention to his offspring. that's all for now, stay with us. lenten pastries. now on sale, there is a lot of it. but the question is, how lean is it really? it is completely without animal fats. and what do they replace them with then? anastasia telli decided to find out how to make such pastries, how much they differ from the classic ones, and what about the calories? pour, mix,
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melt, that's how gingerbread is born, custard , and also lean. do you study chemistry? yes, almost alchemists. a real monastery don, such a morning begins with caramel. replacement for animal fats, sunflower oil, and also honey. a lot: cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper, the mixture cools, mixes with dry ingredients, flour, vanillin, instead of eggs for fluffiness, baking powder. eggs have the function of loosening and connecting, in general this enough to connect, to get some kind of base. with the right proportions , you can't tell this dough apart from non-lenten dough by texture, it's like toffee. you can just eat it with a spoon. no need to bake anything, after resting in the refrigerator , molding, the dough should be put into the mold without cutting anything, here, then we put
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the filling, oh, the most interesting thing, yes, usually condensed milk or jam we have blueberry, along the don walks, along the don walks, a young cossack, and then a real don coup, come on, come on, with a rolling pin, well, oh, each letter clearly, excellent, while baking, cookies, replacing butter with eggs, margarine, plus baking powder with starch, so that the baked goods are airy, not pressed, this is the base, then, for example, cocoa and almonds, there will be super chocolate cookies, even after cooling they hold. well, i'm ready! some manufacturers add soy
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lecithin instead of eggs and fruit puree. this is an approved food additive , classic leavening agents are sodium bicarbonate, that is, actually, baking soda and ammonium bicarbonate. for safety sugar and honey are quite natural preservatives, but there are artificial ones. gray dioxide, which is undesirable, one oryol farmer decided that simply growing corn is not very interesting, inspired by the fairy tale of pyotr irshov, the little humpbacked horse, that's what happened next you will see.
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oryol farmer vladimir yakunin decided that simply growing corn is boring, looked at his 6.5 hectare field and mowed a labyrinth on it, with his son made a sketch, loaded the image into the agronavigator, on a tractor like in a video game it turned out, you drive along the line, which is drawn on the screen, a tractor is moving, and a cutter, which is attached to the tractor, mowed corn, a skate was obtained. anyone can try to go through the maze among the cobs, but in order not to get lost, you will have to remember the content of yershov's fairy tale. question number one: which hero does the author of the tale describe like this: with two humps on his back, and sarshin ears. guests of the farm have a maze map and half an hour at their disposal. along the way, you can try out all the advantages of rural tourism, communicate with animals, ride a tractor, and also
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grinding. you can get into the corn maze until the cobs are ripe, then the equipment will go out into the field and the harvest will be collected, but the farmer expects to develop the idea with the arrival of winter to turn the field into a snowy entertainment. natalia kravchenko, elena savina, igor buchkov, channel one. good morning to all those who are celebrating this day. channel one on the calendar thursday , august 15, the harvest season continues, gardeners and vegetable growers continue to share their achievements and records, it must be said that sometimes such miracles that even seasoned people are surprised and make them smile. there are already a whole sea of ​​memes about zucchini on the internet . internet stars are growing up in the gardeners' beds. in august and september, not only zucchini,
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but we share memes about them. a little gray wolf will come and give you a zucchini, who gives you zucchini, your daughter-in-law, but for free, why not take it, they still take it, and my mother-in-law is a trainer, and she says: here are the bags, we take them into the car, and sometimes you open the trunk, and they are already standing there, this one responds, we grow them, and friends grow them, and relatives grow, exchange, exchange, in a month one zucchini can change up to five owners, a magic spell is enough, does not work, this golden antelope: from one seed up to 30 pieces. the root system of the zucchini reaches a meter 80 in depth. the larger the root system, the greater the amount of harvest. in addition, it is very tenacious. if you leave it in a compost heap and it overwinters, the winter was, let's say, not strong, and from there it begins to grow. there are cases when people do not even plant, and it is
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simply reborn from the compost. heap, therefore they put them out in boxes near the house, they ask their own not to put them under, at interviews for the position of manager at the end of the summer there is a new test task, not to sell a pen , but to sell a zucchini, everyone who has completed the quest breathes a sigh of relief, i am now much happier, now this is the problem of those who succumbed to temptation, took such a forbidden fruit, oh, what to do, i don’t know, oh, what grief! and it would be fine if i got caught with caviar, but no, when you are already tired of stews, alladi, casseroles, creativity begins, but for some they just disappear. i wanted to ask, larisa, have you forgotten me. and why do zucchini in season take over not only our gardens, refrigerators, but also social networks? and 100% will gain big views, because they evoke
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the emotion of life in viewers. that is, just lifelike, they want to write a comment: yes, it's me, yes, i have such a situation, i immediately want to forward it and come up with a new one, some cool memes that also fly in - this is copying, you took a template and simply adapted it to your task, zucchini, you take what has already flown in and combine it, basically it always well, it will work, according to this scheme the team of mimologists created new ones before our eyes, this charismatic groom, from let's get married, you've probably seen it more than once,
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let's prepare a snack of hot capsicum for the winter, so as not to burn the skin, i put on gloves, cut the fruits into pieces, divide the tomatoes into four. parts, grind the pulp into puree, add chopped pepper, mix, pour in vegetable oil and nine percent vinegar, add coarse salt and crushed garlic, mix the ingredients thoroughly, put the mixture in a sterile jar, let it brew so that the smell disappears vinegar, tightly screw the jar, in 3 days the piquant snack will be ready. it can be used as an addition to a side dish, spread on a sandwich and sauce for meat. to prevent the snack from spoiling, store it in the refrigerator. enjoy your meal! oh, the eternal
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topic - money. where to borrow from relatives and friends before payday, it is somehow awkward. and the alternative is a microfinance organization. true, so much is said about them, including all sorts of horrors, like ... in fact, they are under the control of the central bank, there are lists on the site registered microfinance organizations. here is the fact of being in the register - this is the analogue of a banking license. and as soon as a company is excluded from the register, it no longer has the right to carry out its activities. this is an illegal lender , possibly a fraudster, with them, as a rule, sad stories are associated. dmitry's father took out a loan several years ago in ... according to the contract, his father wrote that if you do not pay everything on time, we will sell your apartment at auction. now, with the help of lawyers, the sale of housing has been suspended, a person tried to repay this loan, but the standard
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scheme, how many unscrupulous organizations work, they simply changed the details in the bank, accordingly the payment did not go through, they disappeared for some time, appeared there after a year and a half or 2 years, when naturally the delay increased. such stories since 2019 , microfinance organizations are prohibited from issuing loans secured by housing. another rule: the interest rate is a maximum of 0.8 per day. the maximum overpayment is 130%. for example, if you take 10,000 rubles from a microfinance organization, then in no at any given time, she will not be able to demand more than 23,000 rubles from you. the amount of fines and penalties is also limited. if interest has already stopped accruing, then it is 0.1% per day. that is, it is 36.5% per annum. on average , russians take out a microloan for 10-20 thousand rubles. in this case, huge debts should not accumulate in a short time, again, if the lender complies with the law and does not deceive the client. the work of collection agencies has also been taken under
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control, threats, calls in the middle of the night, all this is now illegal. it is regulated directly collection process, how many times a day, a month, a week can you call, come. and in general you can initially refuse this, the contract should have a clause prohibiting the transfer of debt to collectors. and another myth, microloans are given to everyone: the state prohibits lending to citizens with a high debt burden. if we are talking about primary clients, then the approval rate is extremely low. about 20%. in general, microloans are the same financial instrument as a bank one. it is easier and faster to get money, but it is very important to find legal and bona fide organization. alena krylova, yuri nesterov, oleg soshin, channel one. this city is called the gateway to the north. it has preserved a special, unique way of life, which is dictated by difficult
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climatic conditions. many people come to this city to see the famous polar lights. we are arkhangelsk friends. the most important thing for a pomor is that it is practical. what kind of wood is preferable for? the construction of a hut, the kind of wood that grows, why did they add salt? in our country, basically the region was a salt producer, that's why they added it everywhere, my grandmother adds it to regular coffee, even to soluble salt, she says that it tastes better that way, and in our way, we wash the smelt with salt , we crush it a little, we chop the onion and add it there too, let's take some bread and dip it, dip it, and how delicious it will be in pomor style, delicious, delicious, friends, very delicious, life. their premiere on sunday on the first, constantly saying that happiness loves silence, such two semolina beauties, what are you doing with us men, don't go to meet him, and
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modest question, do you have a mother, do you need a mother, i cook well, i'm well-off, take me to your place, a pilot in myself, it's impossible not to love, forget where you come from, and what your roots are, remember the traces. what colors we fill the lives of our children with, such will be the future. two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, we were auditioned for the gracheva choir today. great! yura, you definitely need to sing. come on, you should sing. how? you have a unique gift, you hit such notes.
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serial film soon on the first, along
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black sea, a route of stunning beauty, 845 km, such a distance from the federal territory of sirius to the village of opolznevoe, which is on the southern coast of crimea. russian paralympian yaroslav svyatoslavsky decided to overcome this route. we are rooting for him. 3:00 am, the black sea coast, preparing for the start of the impulse ultratriathlon. russian paralympic team athlete yaroslav svyatoslavsky intends to make the journey from the federal territory of sirius to crimea. more than 800 km, and this is a solo marathon. anyone can join along the way. this for the first time in the history of russia, when a para-athlete will overcome such a long distance in such difficult conditions. and my immediate task is to support yaroslav. the first stage of the triathlon is swimming in the sea, in the dark, almost 2 hours in the water. at dawn on the shore, i measured the temperature, pressure, saturation, a snack
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, a short break, and then hit the road again, already on an adaptive bike. in this triathlon , eroslav is not for records, he has another goal, to unite efforts to help people with spinal cord injuries. i decided to create a fund that will support existing scientific research organizations. triathlon is not called impulse for nothing. yaroslav injured his back at the age of 16, he was performing an element of sports acrobatics and fell from a height. the impulses that set the legs in motion stopped coming from the brain, there are more than 200 thousand such people in the country. the task of ultratriathlon is to help those same scientists who will renew the impulse in the spinal cord and a person will start walking. yaroslav prepared for the triathlon carefully, at home on the balcony in thirty-degree heat he pedaled on machine for 8-10 hours, in a week he rode 500-600 km this way, it's not easy. but now he is completely ready for such a distance,
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they encourage me, honk on the track, shout, well done, let's go, let's move, russia, and of course, it charges me, this is the best support. yaroslav has already traveled the distance from sochi to chersanez taurica, here, according to legend, prince vladimir was baptized. now there is a grandiose museum and temple complex new chersanez, 24 hectares, a real byzantine city. other athletes promised to support him the finish is already this evening. marina sidorova, channel one. this weekend, channel one will host the channel one volleyball cup, a unique team tournament featuring all the stars of russian volleyball and legendary coaches. you can't miss this spectacle. details from the sports reporter. a beautiful and dynamic game, where
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the ball is in the air all the time, every touch is worth its weight in gold, fateful decisions are made in a split second, and spectacular plays follow one after another, of course, we are talking about volleyball, one of the most popular and mass sports in our country, in the national sports history it occupies a special place, eight gold... medals at the olympic games, 13 at the world championships, victories at continental championships and much more. at the channel one cup, a unique team tournament that will be held in...
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the 2012 olympic games in london, who returns to the coaching bridge after a sabbatical. the highlight of the upcoming tournament is the draft procedure, during which the teams will be formed. coaches will take
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turns choosing the strongest players in the country. we are in for a very bright event, which simply cannot be missed. watch this.
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far away in moscow, businessman dmitry pirogov smiled, he knows nesterov. oleg's main character traits are a heightened sense of justice, integrity. pirogov himself is not like that, oleg treats him with warnings, but they are working on the contract in iraq together. this was facilitated by pirogov's beloved. driver of the middle east department of the svr irina markevich, at this level other measures are taken. a cia agent penetrates oleg nesterov's hotel room paul chesler. the photograph is missing. the photograph?
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the photograph has a frame with a secret. if i understand correctly, you were used as a carrier for capsules of a prohibited substance. hello, on air novosti, in the studio sergey tugushev. our military defeated a unit of ukrainian militants in the border area of ​​the kursk region. the enemy was moving in an armored vehicle kazak.
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the strike was carried out with a lancet. the loitering munition flew right into the capsule with the crew, an explosion thundered. our pilots carried out a successful attack. the pilots of the supersonic su-34 fighter-bombers eliminated a large group in the ukrainian armed forces. they used aerial bombs with universal planning and correction modules, thanks to which our ammunition flies precisely to the target. in the onavdievsky direction in the svo zone , an enemy stronghold was destroyed, a strike was carried out by a crew of the newest heavy flamethrower system tosochka, it hits with jet thermobaric shells that completely burn out the affected area. dugouts and trenches do not save. in the donetsk direction , rocket artillery is continuously working. our grads with the support of unmanned aircraft, they struck at concealed firing positions and enemy manpower. the front is advancing very quickly, that is, we often change positions, because in one position, if we
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work often, we can also be suppressed. we have mainly infantry, counter-battery combat, we fight mortars, tanks, the targets are different, there are a lot of targets, and also about the courage and dedication of our soldiers, guard private ruslan vagizov, together with his artillery crew, came under enemy fire, but ... quickly got his bearings and led our combat vehicle into cover, then calculated the enemy's coordinates and struck back. the enemy artillery was destroyed. guards junior sergeant dmitry ganev was able to deliver ammunition to the front line intact. under fire from militants, he skillfully maneuvered the truck and provided our soldiers on the contact line with everything they needed in time. the number of people wishing to sign a contract for military service is increasing every day; for example, dozens of people come to the selection points every day. instructors conduct a professional and psychological selection, then a medical commission. after
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all the documents are completed, training at the training ground under the supervision of officers with combat experience. those who signed the contract receive monthly payments of at least 210,000 rubles. plus one-time assistance from the state - 400,000, regional one-time support, at least the same, but in a number of subjects they pay much more. in the same rostov region, the total is. the italian court refused the kiev regime to
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return fifty-seven ukrainian children and teenagers who are in bergamo as refugees. according to local media, all of them are orphans who lived in orphanages before arriving there . guardians from the italian social protection authorities, as well as various international organizations for the protection of minors' rights, spoke out against their return to their homeland. they considered kiev's hasty request for repatriation suspicious, especially against the backdrop of media reports that ukraine is beginning to insistently demand that rome return refugees who are approaching conscription age. american billionaire ilan musk, us presidential candidate donald trump, and writer j.k. rowling may become defendants in a complaint filed by iman khilif, the same recent olympic boxing champion who failed the gender test. statement.
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according to the lawyer, if the case is pursued, it will apply to defendants outside france, since there are corresponding agreements with other countries, in particular the united states. the union with the progress ms-28 space truck has successfully launched from baikanur. the flight is underway normally at the specified time the ship separated from the third stage of the launch vehicle and headed for the iss. it will deliver more than 2.5 tons of cargo there, including fuel for refueling, food, drinking water, cylinders with compressed nitrogen, various equipment and materials. docking with the orbital complex is scheduled for saturday morning moscow time. according to the plan, the ship docked. to the zvezda module, where it will stay for 179 days. this year, this is already the third launch of the progress ms, as well as the fifth launch of the sbaikonur rocket. and
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the last ash table raised. mountains, at the foot of everything is covered with ash, but there is no talk of evacuation, the nearest city is several dozen kilometers away. good morning to all those who are meeting this day with channel one, with you. sharapova on the calendar is thursday, and it is august 15. so you woke up, stretched, the first thing you looked at, of course, was your smartphone. well, maybe first of all at the window, but then definitely at the screen. what new thing appeared overnight? many do not tear themselves away from it even at breakfast, and spend the whole day in this mode. and by the way, friends, psychologists assure that this stress, we need to do something about it.
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sound familiar? we flinch, we actually get stressed. margarita dashkevich noticed this when she opened her online soap-making school. at first, she set the silent mode, but the phone in her hand winks. and i realized that i was starting to get nervous because i constantly have the phone in my hands, and i started to simply turn off notifications. it didn’t help, i started to be afraid of missing something important. smartphone notifications also distract me from work,
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and this is also stress. we switch to look. answer something important, and then we make more efforts to maintain concentration. the neurologist advises not to keep the phone at hand, to put it aside to look every hour or half an hour. well, it is already said that we should have detox days from gadgets, this generally frees the brain and emotions relieves tension very much. natalia sedova, like no one else, understands this, a psychologist, so she went on vacation with her family away from civilization, games are capable. without communication, well, almost in extreme cases there is wi-fi, but she admits that the very absence of a phone at hand is also stressful, it seems to me that there is this feeling of some kind of missed opportunities in people if they do not contact the phone for a long time, if you fall out of this life, it seems
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that you do not control something in your own, you are your own boss, but what if you are a subordinate and the boss cannot get through, we ask my husband evgeny, he is the director of a private school, if i call, then someone lied, my people are always in touch, wherever they are, at sea, in the field, in the forest, evgeny himself is always in touch on vacation, but he still solved the problem of unnecessary notifications, the most important people put a certain melody, if it sounds... always answer. anna obrosimova, konstantin struchkov, channel one. suddenly, my good, my beloved crocodile came towards me. he walked along the alley with a tatosha and a kokosha and swallowed a washcloth, like a jackdaw, like a jackdaw. personally, i don't envy the crocodile, he had a strange diet, we won't discuss it, but let's choose,
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my friends, washcloths. what an amazing thing, it seemed like such a simple hygiene item, but there are a great many different types of washcloths. stanislav, artem and david - lifeguards at the water park, they rarely swim themselves, but they shower at least three times per shift, the first after the medical examination. we have breaks quite often, during which time we leave the pool area for the other zones, before entering the zone back, we need to take this very shower. we will test the washcloths with them, david's. the first one is made of polypropylene, and it is convenient to rub your back, legs, and it foams well, unlike the one made of loofah, but this does not prevent it from washing until it squeaks. the washcloth is several times harder than the previous one, i would buy this washcloth, because it made of natural materials, pleasant for the skin, because of the feeling of total cleanliness, but dermatologists advise to use such no
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more than once every 3 weeks, during this time the skin goes through a full renewal cycle. and washcloth peeling accelerates it, if it is regularly injured, then in compensation it will secrete even more - keratin, that is, the keratinocyte will produce for you ... more horny cells and the skin will dry out even more, become even more dense. artem has medium-hard massage washcloths. glove made of nylon turned out to be the most practical, you don't even need to hold it. it will be more convenient to immediately back, two hands, now linen. here is a mop for soap half. similar natural ones can be found from nettle and hemp fibers, they say that such even help to fight cellulite, but this is a myth. with very intensive impact on tissues. there is intercellular edema, therefore all these pits, which yes from cellulite, but they become less noticeable, then this intercellular edema passes, cellulite remains, the last soft, we have a foam sponge, a nylon
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ball and a cotton one, for daily use, only they, of course, feel that it is made of natural materials, if you take it purely from the point of view of washing your body, well, it does not win in any way, professionals agree, it is more important not what material the washcloth is made of, but whether it is convenient to take care of, it seems to be clean, we used a washcloth with shower gel, but it is not clean, dirt, bacteria, skin particles of sebum remained on it, and all this multiplies, rots until the next use soul, yes, it turns out that we are infecting ourselves with this washcloth, ideally , hand wash after each wash in the machine once a week, but not all natural washcloths will survive this, here is stanislav's favorite nylon ball easily, i use... usually similar washcloths, they are softer, they soap much better, they are simply more convenient compared to the previous one, but even your favorite is better to use no more than twice a week and change every 3 months. ksenia loginova,
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vladimir repin, yulia kubabina, channel one. channel one continues our common project with you all the world, it is designed to unite all caring people so that there are more good deeds. we can help charitable foundations and their wards, to whom. help is very much needed, it is easy to do: send to the short number 7375, any amount feasible for you in numbers, or send to the same number 7375, two words all the world, then a fixed amount of 75 rubles will be written off from your account. the main thing is to confirm the transfer by reply messages, all the details about the project all the world, you can find out on his page, on the website of the first channel now. with our help the wards of the charity fund are waiting for further, in our power to give them a full life. to swim sape together with children and just
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know that tomorrow will definitely come. ekaterina morozova is a mother of many children, she has three boys, her whole life is ahead, when the youngest was 9 months old, she found a lump in her breast. january 23, twenty-third, i went to a scheduled visit to my gynecologist, she already. 25 sessions of radiation therapy, another 14 targeted, all this time ekaterina worked, she is an architect, now she has to undergo the last course of treatment.
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recently they opened a hotline here, here is its number 8 800 707 4403. there is also a digital platform, our team, which includes oncologists and nutritionists and lymphologists, rehabilitation specialists, endocrinologists, a medical lawyer, a psychologist, helps to solve all those very problems that can arise at any stage of life-threatening illness. so that the fund can continue to help in the very first minutes throughout the entire journey, it is enough to send sms to the short number 7375 with any amount, numbers or phrase, the whole world. then 75 rubles will be written off from your account. the main thing is to confirm the transfer. another option is to scan the qr code that you see on the screen with your smartphone camera, go to the campaign page and leave a donation. the life of ekaterina gonchar was also divided into before
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and after. she was diagnosed with breast cancer 6 years ago. ekaterina is a gynecologist herself. she understood right away what awaited her, what kind of struggle lay ahead. i was worried that i would become a burden to my loved ones. well, because that i am used to always helping, my daughter, my mother, i really did not want to become a burden, now ekaterina is in remission, during her illness she completed training in mobile photography,
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charitable foundation then send an sms to the short number 7375, it can be any amount in numbers, or send to the same number 7375, two words to the whole world, then a fixed amount of 75 rubles will be debited from your account. the main thing is to confirm the transfer with response messages. all the details about our project with you, the whole world can be found on its page, on the channel one website.
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volleyball, as you haven't seen it yet. channel one cup, live broadcasts on weekends on channel one, mancacher whiskey, a product of stellar group, cnop gin, a product of stellar group, montechoc cognac, a product of steтелlar.
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castro rum, a product of stellor group, in the new season on channel one, today they auditioned us for the gracheva choir, great! yura, you definitely need to sing, come on, you should sing, what a unique gift you have, you hit such notes, what an upstart you think you are! larka, is it you, don't you recognize me? or what, is it me, andryukha, so your life is a success, you have everything that soviet women don’t even dare to dream about, what does this mean, you don’t take a guy just because he doesn’t know the notes, in order to get the official status of a choir, you need to have at least 50 choristers, you are accepted, from today a new life begins for you, if it weren’t for this choir, we would never have met, i’ll see you again with
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this person, i’ll tell my father everything, you are mine, you are my wife, what do you want, give me back these 15 years, i thought everything was easy, i wanted fame, remember, gorachev and his choir should not be on the song of the year, sing so that the sun rises, for, premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first, each. there are such tricks that are not written anywhere, not in any book, not in any home economics textbook, you can only comprehend them with experience, the keepers and promoters of such experience are, of course, our experts, the organizer of the space ekaterina lin will now turn an old lipstick case into a pincushion. you are going on vacation with your whole family, take needles and threads with you. you know, children such fidgets. they can tear
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clothes during games, and you will always have a sewing kit at hand. i will show you how to safely and compactly fit it into a case from an old lipstick. i take out the remains of the product, wipe the tube from the inside with cotton swabs. the base of the angle grinder is ready. as a filler , a makeup sponge. a dishwashing sponge will also do. i cut off the edges. we should get a rectangle slightly longer than the case. i glue the blank to the bottom of the tube, insert it into the pin cushion, wind it on case of threads of different colors. this is how we placed a sewing kit in a tiny case, while everything you need for urgent mending of clothes is at hand, and sharp needles are securely hidden under the cap. such a closed
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small coal box is convenient to take with you on a trip, and so that curious children do not get to it, put it in a secret compartment of the bag. corn maze, have you seen anything like this, one oryol farmer decided that simply growing corn is not very interesting, was inspired by the fairy tale of pyotr irshov, the little humpbacked horse and, that's what happened further, you will see for yourself. oryol farmer vladimir yakunin decided that simply growing corn is boring, looked at his 6.5 hectare field and mowed a labyrinth on it, with his son made a sketch, loaded the image into the agronavigator. and on a tractor, like in video games.
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rural tourism, communicate with animals, along the way, you can try all the delights of riding a tractor, and also grind corn and even bake flat cakes from it, it will be fun for everyone. i had heard about it, so i came and the children wanted to visit here. get into the corn maze can be until the cobs ripen, then the equipment will go out into the field and there will be a harvest.
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august 15, the eleventh and twelfth lunar days meet, the twenty-ninth day of the sun, very powerful, energetic, businesslike, knows how to think constructively, his mind and feelings get along with each other, while he, as they say now, is an excellent communicator, he is great at bringing together people who can be useful to each other, he will help it specialists, those who are connected with the internet, work with information, is engaged in the service sector, the bosses and all those who manage... some process will not be offended, but things that require a creative approach will go well. and today it is also very important to be able to look at yourself from the outside. in this regard , the stars advise aries to turn on their sense of humor more often. of course, this is not about laughing at someone, but about looking at your problems with a smile. it may turn out
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that they are made up, and in general the day is excellent, and the aries ladies are simply charming today. and taurus has a good day. the main thing is, don't take on more than you can handle, and don't demand too much from others.
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they will charm everyone, they will conquer everyone, but their mood changes too often, maybe it's because of fatigue, were you on vacation this summer? this day will help scorpios achieve something that scorpios have been thinking about for a long time, but never managed to do, after lunch there will be a chance to make peace with someone or improve relations, be careful on the water near the water. sagittarius may face unfair competition, sagittarius bosses may have to solve personnel problems or tighten discipline in their teams, be more careful on the roads. a very promising day for capricorns, one of those when you can show everything you are capable of, some events on the personal front are not excluded, in general,
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it will not be boring, just take care of your health, a summer cold is an unpleasant thing, aquarius will have to work hard, the work may take more time than expected, but the result will be excellent, things will go well for designers, artists and in general for everyone who decorates the world, and the evening will be simply pleasant, this day will help the fish to get some heavy business moving, something... and what about the calories, pour, mix,
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melt, this is how gingerbread is born, custard, still lean, you are engaged in chemistry, yes, almost alchemists, a real monastery donskoy in such a morning begins with caramel, a replacement for animal fats, sunflower oil, also honey, a lot of spices, cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper, the mixture cools, mixes with dry ingredients, flour, eggs have the function of loosening and connecting, in general this is enough to connect, to get some kind of base. with the right proportions , you can't tell this dough apart from the non-lenten dough by texture, it's like toffee. you can just eat it with a spoon, and you don't need to bake anything. after resting in the refrigerator , molding. the dough should be put into the mold without cutting anything. here. then we put the filling, oh, the most interesting thing, yes, usually
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condensed milk or blueberry jam, it's walking along the don, walking along the don, a young cossack, and then a real don coup, come on, come on with a rolling pin, well, oh, each letter clearly, well... great, while they are baking, cookies, replacing butter, eggs, margarine, plus baking powder with starch, so that the baked goods are airy, and not pressed, this is the base, then, for example, cocoa and almonds, there will be super chocolate cookies, even after cooling they keep their shape, well, i'm ready, some manufacturers add fruit puree instead of eggs. or here is soy ricetin. this is an approved food additive classic baking powders are
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sodium bicarbonate, that is, actually, baking soda, and ammonium bicarbonate. for safety sugar and honey enough. natural preservatives, but there are artificial ones. sulfur dioxide, which is undesirable, this preservative should not be in the composition of gingerbread and cookies. with invert syrup instead of honey is cheaper, so it is better not to ignore the composition. they say honey savior comes true wish to make before eating honey in gingerbread is also considered very tasty, beautiful what, but amazing, gingerbread from childhood. anastasia otelya, alexander aleksenko, angelina ivanova, channel one. and right now the news release. hello, this is the news, sergey tugushev is in the studio. in the kursk region, our
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artillerymen have covered ukrainian militants with dense fire. the enemy's armored vehicles have come under attack. the akatsiya howitzer crews receive the coordinates of the enemy's position from aerial reconnaissance and carry out targeted strikes. in this area, supercams are mainly used. our fighters have nicknamed them invisible, at an altitude of 200 m, they are no longer audible. at the same time , the russian military shoots down enemy drones, preventing them from... causing damage to our positions, especially intensively militants are attacking energy facilities. currently , reinforced teams of sappers and pyrotechnicians of the ministry of emergency situations are working in the kursk region. they are neutralizing downed drones, which, due to unexploded ammunition, still pose a threat on the ground. residents are strongly advised not to approach such dangerous finds, and in order to minimize all risks , people continue to be evacuated from border areas. over 300 more people left their homes in the past 24 hours. as of today , over 800 people are in temporary accommodation centers, including
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including more than 2,500 children, people are accommodated in 143 temporary accommodation centers in eleven regions of the country. more than 400 temporary accommodation centers with a capacity of more than 35,000 people are ready to receive citizens. according to the authorities, mandatory evacuation has been declared in the entire glushkovsky district, it borders on the sumy region of ukraine. a powerful explosion in odessa, the blow hit the port area, a fire started there. eyewitnesses are posting footage of a huge column of smoke online. according to some reports , foreign anti-ship missiles were stored there production launchers. several more explosions thundered in kyiv-controlled kherson, as well as in the cherkasy and sumy regions. our military is dislodging the enemy from its position in the orekhov direction in the svo zone. artillery of the dnepr group of troops
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destroyed a large temporary deployment point in the armed forces of ukraine. they introduced geocin from howitzers from a distance of about 30 km, liquidated militants, destroyed their weapons and equipment, including several nato m-777 guns. the enemy lost another stronghold in the south donetsk sector, this is the result of the successful work of the uragan mlrs. the crew completed the task in a matter of minutes. more than a dozen similar targets have to be hit per day. counter-battery warfare and various moving targets. self-propelled guns
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. more about the courage and dedication of our soldiers, guard private ruslan vagizov and his artillery crew came under enemy fire, but quickly got his bearings, took our combat vehicle to cover, then calculated the enemy's coordinates and struck back, the enemy... was destroyed. guard junior sergeant dmitry ganev was able to deliver ammunition to the front line intact. under fire from militants, he skillfully maneuvered the truck and provided our fighters on the contact line with everything they needed in time. a scandal is flaring up in the czech republic over the supply of ammunition to the kiev regime; it has emerged that the government of the republic is purchasing it at inflated prices, which is why the volumes of the batch are being reduced. this is reported by the czech press, citing a statement by one of the senators who heads the parliamentary oversight committee. according to him, according to the data, the overpayment has already amounted to almost 1.5 billion crowns, which is more than 60 million dollars, in fact , 20,000 fewer shells were purchased than planned. the next batch of ammunition, it has not yet been paid for, the overspending may amount to more than half a billion crowns.
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the ruling party of georgia is trying to make the person of former president mikheil saakashvili toxic. deputies from that strasbourg called the former head of state a criminal , a disgrace to the country, and to be his supporter, the parliamentarian continued, means to support crime, betrayal, immorality and lies. the deputy recalled that the court recognized the legality of saakashvili's criminal prosecution in his homeland, after the georgian dream, local media report, which in the united states began to consider him a source of disinformation and speculation. and the other day , the georgian dream party accused saakashvili of being the one who, on orders from outside, unleashed the war in 2008. russian schoolchildren won the first international olympiad in artificial intelligence. it was held in bulgaria. our team showed the best the result in the scientific round of the competition won gold medals, and also received silver in the practical stage, becoming the first in the total amount of points. the guys had no equal in using programming skills,
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knowledge of computer language libraries , understanding the basics of machine learning. in addition to the russian team , schoolchildren from 39 countries participated in the final. and the last russian researchers took unique shots that have great scientific value. for the first time , a complete family of amur tigers was recorded. this video was made by a camera trap in the national leopard land park in primorsky krai. the tigress and four cubs are accompanied by their father, although usually in the wild a tigress raises her children without the participation of a male. in this family, daddy tigor ... due attention to his offspring. that's all for now, stay with us. good morning to everyone who meets this day with channel one. today is august 15 - archaeologist day. archaeologists introduce themselves to me as time travelers. just think, it's
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an absolutely amazing thing, in the literal sense of the word, to take, like this, and touch with your hands to past centuries. and even to millennia, and all archaeologists, in my opinion, are a bit of detectives, because they can recreate a picture of bygone days from shards, fragments, coins. this season. in veliky novgorod, at the troitsky excavation site, 34 fragments of birch bark letters have already been found. it must be urgently put in a bag, because it is delaminating. scientists have already deciphered many of the letters. these are ordinary letters, like we now write letters to each other, there are notes or text messages, in the same way the path of archeology allows us to penetrate into the everyday life of people past. behind me is the novgorodskaya street pavement, the 19th century pavement to the north.
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we will study these annual rings under a microscope, then analyze them in a special program, this will ultimately allow us to determine the age of this particular pillar, and of course, those finds that are associated with this building as a whole. restoring the historical truth is one of the goals of archaeologists. an archaeologist, as a forensic scientist , deals with the remains left by a person, and we create some historical pictures based on the material remains. references to the khazar koganate in the volga river delta have been known for a long time, but its capital could not be found. and then 5 years ago, near the village of bareny bugor in the ostrakhan region, they came across a settlement. apparently, this is the largest khazar agglomeration, which is generally known in eastern europe. modern archaeologists have modern methods. the goal of the expedition is not only to excavate, but to create a 3d model of the ancient capital of the khazars, large-scale excavations in chersanes taurica, over the past 3 years here, in the territory of the southern suburbs, have been found over 6 million items, one of them is a fragment
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of a marble statue of the good shepherd. this is one of the first symbolic images of jesus christ. scientists assume that the statues date back to the 4th century ad, but there are older finds, such as a voting sign. so far in the collection. years, which once again confirms that these places are not just ancient, but have the most ancient roots. and we are waiting for news from tva, where archaeologists
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have been studying the tunuk burial mound for the fourth season, and they promise to reveal the secrets of the scythians soon. pavel ditc, victoria edinovo channel one. on the calendar august 15 is the holiday season for many, but by the way, mid-august, ladies and gentlemen, is a great time to look for a job, so say the experts. what vacancies are currently on top, where to look for them? this is not only about right now. august is the best time to look for a job before the season of vacancies becomes more, here the competition is still very little. very few, in the summer period candidates on the market. now everyone is resting, the holiday season, and accordingly from september, somewhere from october already more candidates appear, and it does not matter how many candidate years, so-called ageism, age discrimination. then fades into the background. employers have been considering applicants over forty-five for several years now. there is a shortage
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of personnel in the market now, companies are changing their recruitment strategy, people of this age have changed a lot over the past 10-15 years. they have many hobbies, they are engaged in self-development. and there is even less likelihood of employees going on maternity leave. the children are adults, which means he ... people, on the street all day, candidates over 45 win in high positions, where experience is needed, accountants,
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department heads, so it is better not to hide age in the resume, and this is an advantage, 30 percent of candidates hide age in the resume, for example, right now we are actively searching for the position of logistics director, where more than 8 years of experience in a managerial position is required. if you count, look at the length of service, an employee gets such experience by about forty. but for lower positions of hr manager, on the contrary, they take candidates 45 plus not.
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meets this day with the first channel on calendar thursday, august 15. the harvest season continues, gardeners and vegetable growers continue to share their achievements and records, it must be said, sometimes such miracles grow in the beds that even experienced people are surprised and smile. there is already a whole sea of ​​memes about zucchini on the internet . internet stars grow up in the gardeners' beds. in august, september, not only zucchini, memes. a little gray wolf will come and give you a zucchini, who gives you zucchini, your daughter-in-law, but why not take it for free, but they still take them, and my mother-in-law trainer, and she says: here we take the bags into the car, and sometimes you open the trunk, and they are already standing there, this one responds, we grow, and friends grow, and relatives grow, you exchange, we exchange, in a month one zucchini can change up to five owners, the magic spell does not work very well,
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well, what can you do if the crop is productive from one seed to 30 pieces? the root system of the zucchini reaches a meter 80 in depth, the larger the root system, the greater the amount of harvest, besides, it is very tenacious, if you leave it in the compost heap and it overwinters, the winter was, let's say, not severe, and from there it begins to grow, there are cases when people do not even plant it, but ... it simply revived from the compost heap, so they put it out in boxes near the house, they ask their own not to put it under, at interviews for the position of manager at the end of the summer a new test task - not to sell a pen, but to sell a zucchini, everyone who passed the quest sighs with relief, i now feel much more cheerful, now this is a problem for those who succumbed to temptation, took such a forbidden fruit, oh, what
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to do, i don't know, and it would be fine if it came with caviar, but no, when stews, pancakes and casseroles are already boring, creativity begins, but for some they just disappear, i wanted to ask, larisa, you haven't forgotten me, and why in season zucchini takes over not only our gardens, refrigerators, but also social networks. and 100% will gain big views, because they evoke in viewers. emotion life, that is , just lifelike, they want to write a comment: yes, it's me, yes, i have such a situation, i immediately want to forward and come up with new ones. memes, some cool ones, which also fly in, this is copying. you took the template and simply adapted it to your task, zucchini, take what has already flown in, combine, basically it's always, well , it will work. according to this scheme, the team of mimologists created new ones before our eyes, this charismatic groom, from let's get married, you
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probably more than once. "i've come back to you again and my fate is in your hands. well, the season of real virtual zucchini is open, let's share. alena astrakhantseva, dmitry vlasov, yulia kuvabina, channel one. along the black sea, a route of stunning beauty, 845 km, such a distance from the federal territory of sirius to the village of opolznevoe, which is on the southern coast of crimea. russian paralympian yaroslav svyatoslavsky has decided to overcome this route. we are rooting for him. 3:00 am, the black sea coast, preparing for the start of the impulse ultratriathlon. russian paralympic team athlete yaroslav svyatoslavsky intends to travel from the federal territory of sirius to crimea. more than 800 km, this is a solo marathon. anyone can join along the way. this is the first time in the history of russia that a paraathlete will overcome such a long distance in such difficult conditions. and
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my immediate task is to support yaroslav. the first stage of the triathlon is swimming in the sea, in the dark, almost 2 hours in the water. at dawn on the shore, measuring temperature, pressure, saturation, snack. a short break and then back on the road. already on an adaptive bike. yaroslav is not in this triathlon for records, he has another goal - to unite efforts to help people with spinal cord injuries. i decided to create a fund that will support existing scientific, research. organization triathlon is not called impulse for nothing. yaroslav injured his back at the age of 16, he was performing an element of sports acrobatics and fell from a height of 12 m. the brain stopped receiving. impulses that set the legs in motion, there are more than 200,000 such people in the country. the goal of ultratriathlon is to help those same scientists who will renew the impulse in the spinal cord, and the person will start walking.
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yaroslav prepared for the triathlon carefully, at home on the balcony in thirty-degree heat he pedaled on the machine for 8-10 hours, in a week he rode so 500-600 km, it's not easy, but now he is completely ready for such a distance. they encourage me, honk on the highway, shout: well done, let's go, let's move, russia, uh, and, of course, it charges me, this is the best support. yaroslav has already traveled the distance from sochi to chersanez taurica, here, according to legend, prince vladimir was baptized. now there is a grandiose museum and temple complex new chersanez, 24 hectares, a real byzantine city. i want to see the surroundings of chersanez. yes, because i have never been here, at this moment yaroslav should already be heading towards yalta, other athletes have promised to support him the finish is already this evening. marina sidorova, channel one. this weekend, channel one will host
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the channel one volleyball cup, a unique team tournament with the participation of all the stars of russian volleyball and legendary coaches. this is a spectacle you can't miss. for more details, ask our channel one sports journalist, viktor gusev. a beautiful and dynamic game, where the ball is always in the air, every touch is worth its weight in gold, fateful decisions are taken in a split second, and spectacular plays follow one after another, of course, we are talking about volleyball, one of the most popular and mass sports in our country. in the national sports history, it occupies a special place, eight gold medals at the olympic games, 13 at...
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he has many titles to his credit, including two olympic gold medals, well, karpole's calling card, of course, is his expressive attitudes in time-outs, how many matches were won thanks to such shock therapy sessions, it is simply impossible to count. no less an interesting coaching confrontation awaits viewers in the men's part of the channel one cup, the head coach of the russian national team konstantin bryansky will meet vladimir alekna, the winner of the 2012 olympic games in london, who
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is returning to the coaching bridge after a sabbatical. izyumenko of the upcoming tournament, the draft procedure, during which the teams will be formed. the coaches will take turns choosing the strongest players in the country, we are in for a bright event that simply cannot be missed, watch the broadcasts of the cup channel one volleyball on saturday and sunday. channel one continues our common project with you all the world, it is designed to unite all caring people, so that there are more good deeds, we can help charities and their wards, who really need this help . it is easy to do: send any amount you can afford in numbers to the short number 7375, or send two words to the same number 7375 all the world, then a fixed amount of 75 rubles will be debited from your account. the main thing
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is to confirm the transfer with response messages, all details about the project to the whole world, you can find out on its page, on the website of the first channel, now our help is very... the tumor was already in the chest, in the lymph nodes. breast cancer - stage three, everything is like in the worst nightmare. the planning horizon is 3 months, that is, in 3 months new examinations, as if you understand that everything can change. you understand that tomorrow you will not be here. operations to remove
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the tumor, six chemotherapies, 25 sessions of radiation therapy, another 14 targeted. all this time ekaterina worked, she is an architect. now she has to undergo the last course of treatment, such an important and exciting step towards long-awaited remission. in difficult moments, ekaterina was supported by the charitable foundation further. i really want to live, and i just can’t take it all out, i need help. you just call here... the foundation further has been supporting women with such a difficult diagnosis for 13 years. they recently opened a hotline here , here is its number 8 800 707 44 03. there is also a digital platform. our team, which includes oncologists and nutritionists and lymphologists and rehabilitation specialists, endocrinologists, medical lawyer, psychologist, helps to solve all those same problems. so that the fund could continue
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to help in the very first minutes throughout the entire journey, it is enough to send an sms to the short number 7375 with any amount, numbers or phrase, the whole world, then 75 rubles will be written off from your account. the main thing is to confirm the transfer. another option is to scan the qr code that you see on the screen with your smartphone camera, go to the campaign page and leave a donation. life ekaterina gonchar also divided. into before and after, diagnosis of breast cancer she diagnosed 6 years ago. ekaterina is a gynecologist herself, what awaits her, what kind of struggle lies ahead, she understood right away. i was worried that i would become a burden to my loved ones, well, because i am used to the fact that i always help, my daughter, my mother, i really did not want to become a burden. now ekaterina is in remission, during her illness she completed training in mobile photography, fell in love with yoga and even became bigger.
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rubles, but it is not included in the compulsory medical insurance policy, we can help you with just one sms with any amount, numbers or phrase, the whole world, to the short number 7375, then 75 will be written off from the account rub. or you can use your smartphone camera to scan the qr code from the tv screen and leave any donation on the campaign page to help the foundation's beneficiaries, despite everything, to believe in the best and continue to live on. let me remind you that in order to help the beneficiaries of the charity foundation further. send an sms to the short number 7375, it can be any amount in numbers, or
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send two words to the same number 7375 to the whole world, then a fixed amount of 75 rubles will be debited from your account. the main thing is to confirm the transfer with response messages, all details about our project with you and the whole world can be found on its page, on the website of the first channel. on the first channel the multi-part spy drama trader continues. oleg nesterov is getting closer and closer to his.
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the main character trait of oleg is a heightened sense of justice, integrity, pirogov himself is not like that, oleg treats him with prejudice, but the contract in iraq is being handled together, this was facilitated by pirogov's beloved, the head of the middle east department of the svr irina markevich, at such a level with other measures, enters oleg nesterov's hotel room.
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