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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  August 15, 2024 6:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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mriya celebrates its tenth anniversary. it received its first guests immediately after the peninsula's reunification with russia. unique location, many parks on the beach. unique hospitality industry. mriya has been repeatedly recognized as the best world resort. in 2023, sberbank officially opened its offices in crimea and sevastopol and now sets high standards not only in recreation, but also in banking. vitaly katchinko, ruslan yusupov, viktor vasin, yulia khodorova and elena shtokolova. channel one crimea. that's all for now, we are following the developments, well, right now on the first, watch the program, time will tell. we welcome viewers of the information channel on the first, we are working live, this program will tell time, studio anatoly kuzichev, olesya losva. we continue to closely monitor the situation in our border area, our fighters continue to repel the attempted invasion of the armed forces of ukraine into the territory of the russian federation, today with active actions.
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on our, on russian soil, it is hard to believe, but you see, they have a helmet with ss emblems, they are not embarrassed, moreover, they are even proud to repeat the nazis. ivan, how is life, how is life, russian ivan, i'm behind schedule, i'm here.
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here he is, a real russian, well, they don't repeat, they are the most real nazi, in the morning, when i woke up today, i saw this video, heartbreaking, well, everything was clenched, and the heart, fists, it really hurt, i imagine what many of our tv viewers are experiencing now, then i realized, they are actually trying to achieve shots in the heart, so that it hurts, so that we remember, and we remember, we will not forget, but if they really want to... repeat this behavior
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nazis, well, let's repeat everything then, finally, as it was, without any fantasies, interpretations, history loves repetitions, right, but don't ask questions later, why? no, yes, the whole country, so to speak, asks for a repeat, here, as it happens, there is a complete consensus, it seems to me, the whole country is in a single impulse, in a single understanding of that, i just want, well, it is clear that he is showing off there and showing off there and so on, everything is clear, yes, but i wanted to know. that's what i had, so to speak, a feeling, when i watched this video, someone has, well, remember the first time there, well , we tried, you know, to somehow separate these from these, and these there, and these here and so on, and it seemed to us that this was either some kind of stupid trolling, well, listen, or there was like, well, yes, of course, so to speak, not without this, so to speak, with a twist, there they have all this business, their whole fight for independence, well , where can they go on the other side and so on, guys, well... here you go
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, an illustration, here you go, this is not stupid, not petty, so to speak, trolling, this is a position, here they are trolling, yes, hey, russian ivan, and russian ivan, in fact, defeated all this nazi scum, russian ivan, well here we, yes, here we just have to do it again, old merits, unfortunately, nothing, so to speak, does not work, we will have to do everything again, and go through this whole path again, unfortunately, there is no other way, we will go through, where else can we go, and we will find this cattle, well, everything is as it should be, i am sure. we continue to follow, let's for the sake of completeness of the picture, so to speak, for its volume in the kursk region, we will call the connection of the military correspondent arti alexander yaremchuk. alexander, you are now on the line with us . alexander, hello, thank you for being with us, what is the situation, here is the general picture, what is the current situation in the kursk region? good evening, at the moment the situation is almost under complete control, it remains really difficult, because the enemy. to pull up reserves, equipment
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and manpower, but now they are pulling here quite large forces.
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but fortunately our po copes, shoots down almost all targets, or rather not even almost, all, flying targets, actually, the shelling as it was, so it continues, the intensity may have subsided a little there, but i can’t say that it’s very critical, i managed to talk to someone from among the people always, this is the most interesting, what a stupid word interesting, this is the most important thing in fact, what people say, what their mood is, how is the evacuation going, tell us about it. look, in the first, the very first days people there was, so to speak, a misunderstanding of what was happening, they did not fully believe that ukraine could invade our territory so brazenly and so stupidly, but now at
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the moment there is no longer any panic, people are being evacuated centrally by both the authorities and individual volunteers, people have come from all over the country to help, evacuate, help, accommodate, well and...
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the first task: ukraine is waging a defensive war, pushing russian artillery to the necessary distance so that it cannot be used against the civilian population. the second task is to cut off the logistics routes that allow the russians to effectively deliver reserves along the entire front line. by the way, ukraine does not set itself the goal of occupying this territory, but is waging a war within the framework of defense and destroying only military. objects, the third task is to show the failure of the russian civilian and military leadership, and the fourth goal is to transfer the war to russian territory. vladislav vladislavovich, please comment on these four tasks, which i am no longer embarrassed to discuss, you remember the first days, again, yes, no one
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said anything somehow, so to speak, they got by with some meaningful silence or hints, here you go, here are four tasks for you, a defensive war, cutting off logistics routes, failure... in other directions most of all, right now it will be pulled here and pulled, or rather pulled together, and from here it will be as if a blow will be delivered directly on the territory of ukraine, the maximum depth to which they went is 12 km, russian artillery is just medium range, it's not like there are some
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new guns, it's medium range, our artillery works at 18-20 km, with certain options, as it were, and up to 40, so this also does not stand up to, to try. let's say, to provoke the population to discontent, yes, of course, there was such a goal, but their main goal that they are pursuing, once again, is, on the one hand , propaganda, that is, they, he himself literally before this.
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capable striker brigades, which are just rushing around, as they say, in different directions and these reconnaissance strike units are depicted, this is such an elite brigade, two of which were formed last year, they are fully equipped with weapons and such a motivated staff, one of them has already been put into battle, and there are brigades that are light infantry, that is, their people were recruited , trained there, armed somehow, because there is no heavy equipment, there is enough artillery... there is no quantity, but i repeat, they have reserves for at least another such serious attack, so they are trying now
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to survive as much as possible from the point of view of propaganda, from the point of view of putting pressure on our military and political leadership, so that we would kind of break down, lose our heads and start solving things - in an accelerated manner, when you are in a hurry, as you understand, you make a lot of mistakes, understandable, thank you, well of course it is very important for them to provide. america with military assistance, including financial, for zelensky this issue is in first place, and of course, they are in constant contact with washington, the united states secretary of defense us floyd austin spoke with his ukrainian counterpart, rustem umerov, and in a telephone conversation they discussed the operations that ukraine is currently conducting, and the provision of further assistance to ukraine. had a productive conversation with the us secretary of defense. austin was informed in detail about the current situation at the front and the needs of our defense forces. i am grateful
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to mr. austin and the american people for their continuous comprehensive support. the ukrainian authorities are generally trying to insist as much as possible that all actions in the kursk region are currently taking place at the behest of the west. and here, in an interview with the british newspaper the independence, podaliak said that kiev discussed this attack by ukrainian forces on the kursk region with western partners. despite the fact that many of these partners say the exact opposite. key western allies, including the united states and great britain, claimed that they were not informed about ukraine's plans for an offensive, but discussions with partners were simply not at a public level, zelensky's adviser podaliak said. there are certain things that need to be done with an element of surprise, this needs to happen at the local level, he did not specify with whom exactly kiev discussed the attack. the united states naturally avoids direct. answers, white house press secretary karen dzhan states that america was not
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involved in planning the preparation, the sortie of ukrainian militants into the kursk region. can i ask about ukraine? i just wanted to know if the united states supports the ukrainian invasion of the kursk region. i have nothing more to share, i can only to say that we are not involved in any aspect of the planning or preparation of the operation, but we continue to support ukraine. she continues to support ukraine joseph biden, who was practically written off, karin jeanpierre understands that she will soon be a downed pilot, so she dances carefree at a meeting with bloggers in the white house, and this, by the way, caused not admiration, but such discontent among the entire american audience, they are tired of watching these dances, no, it just so happened that now in power, as it were, or... there are two women near the authorities who, in any unclear situation, either start laughing or dancing, but it's true
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, you really want to hear something, but they just start dancing. gevorg, tell me, as an internationalist to an internationalist, we are so attentive - we study, so to speak, the reaction, we catch them on the discrepancy, yeah, a discrepancy, they supported, they didn't support, but why are we so interested in this, a small distraction, and for the head of the character who mocked our pensioner, there are already 5 million rub reward from mr. svutsky, dear ukrainian non-brothers who are watching this, there is an opportunity to earn, i will interrupt for a second, i will add, his name is. vasily danylyuk. from ivanofrankovsk region, so if we are watched in ukraine, you have a chance to earn. and not bad. maybe you will escape from the country with this money. now returning to our american lambs. look, in fact, on the one hand it is really funny when podaliaka tries to smear the americans, podaliak tries to smear
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the americans, saying that he, that americans know that they consulted with the americans, the americans deny it, no, no, it wasn't us.
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it works, look, they have a split there, let's sit on the shore and wait until two of our corpses float past us, three, i beg your pardon, three three corpses of the enemy, well, that's great, but no, that doesn't work, a split, not a split, you see, they 've been working for three years as a missile danger signal, as vladislav absolutely correctly said here, not falling for ukrainian provocations, these emotional challenges, not throwing everything we have combat-ready in the kursk region, and continuing the offensive on dodbazi.
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the variety that the west uses, and they have a lot of courage, we all saw perfectly well how these bandera azov from mariupol, yes they took, one of them said that bandera is a hero, yes, i share the ideology of nazism, no, they all immediately became cooks in captivity, and here, of course, they are on courage, that's really, yes, about responsibility, yes, why is the usa so far away, ukraine is a mercenary country, it is a proxy, it is very profitable, yes, if something goes wrong, who guilty, well these, here are the banderas guilty, who gave the power of attorney, absolutely right, and if on...
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confrontation, even if they seem outdated, unnecessary, uninteresting, there is no need to refuse any resources , whether these are resources, well, in particular international law, we hear every day, yes, it's already dead, and what are you guys wasting your time on this, you don't have to treat it like that, while it's somewhere, at least somehow working, you have to use it, besides, we have professionals, we have personnel here this international legal history, it's like during military operations, how much they said, oh, they dragged in some old stuff there, there's the t-55, well
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, the t-55 worked very well, at least as a self-propelled artillery gun , so there's no need to give it up, because one way or another, step by step, drop by drop, but the consequences will accumulate, today, for example, serious, not even that... namely analysts, not observers in the west, they are in a kind of stupor, they've been used to everything for more than two years explain that the russian federation invaded the territory of independent ukraine, based on this simple fact, the entire structure was built, that is, the entire explanatory contact of their support there and so on and so forth, when it comes to the fact that the ukrainians are biting off a lot from them, they do hurt, but... we support them, nevertheless, and now suddenly stop, and ukraine entered the territory of the russian federation, all this, this is all politics, defense, all these
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are political formulas, there is an indisputable legal fact, here is a border, here is the armed forces of ukraine on the territory of another state, violating the constitution, they pony up for this in 2014 they sent an army against their own people and didn't bother, but there are italians, for example, stop, hello, according to our constitution, we should in parliament... unfortunately, not everyone has this written in their constitution, but in italy it is, that is, the ukrainians forced the italians to violate their constitution, without thinking about it, that's all that is happening now with the united nations, including their observers, don't say that they are like this observers, but they want to go there to record the fact of strikes in su on civilians, well by the way yes, although our skepticism is understandable that they will most likely be more.
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questions to employees: we have never had so much money, did you find a courier? yes, we will find out when he goes to baghdad and let you know, he does not know what he is leading, right? yes, trader, look, after the program time, you have someone, there can be nothing between us, well there is something.
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volleyball, what else do you call it?
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i saw you on tv, who do we have in our house telly, even though we can't fly with you, we 'll go to kosiopeia, is there a fog in kassiyape? and you say women don't have a soul or heart, here you go, everything is there, how sweet, she has a fog bubble and fogs soul and heart, she likes it when she's kissed, i don't know, but i like it when i kiss her, and can you help me? oh my, the best, the premiere is on saturday
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on the first, they constantly say, what two beauties are manka, what are you doing with us men? and a modest question, do you have a mother, you don't need a mother, i cook well, i wealthy, take me to your place, that's how it is with me.
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in the new season on the first, today we were auditioned for the choir gracheva, great, yura, you definitely need to sing, come on, sing, what a unique gift you have, you hit such notes, what an upstart you think you are, larka, it's you, don't you recognize me, that i, it means life is a success, you have everything that soviet women don't even dare to... read about, what does this mean, you don't take a guy just because he doesn't know notes, in order to get official choir status, you need to have at least 50 choir members, you are accepted, from today you begin a new life, if it weren't for this choir, we would never have met, i'll see you with this man again, i'll tell my father everything, you are mine, you
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are my wife, what do you want, give me back these 15 years, i thought everything was easy, i wanted fame, remember goracheva and his choir there shouldn't be a song of the year, sing so that the sun rises, choir, premiere of a multi-part film, soon on channel one, our soldiers. show incredible courage at the front, what rambo, right now you will see a real hero, a man, a colossus, our fighter defeated an enemy fpv drone with a headbutt, which was hovering right at his height, when the smoke clears, it becomes clear that our fighter is alive, he calmly goes into cover, if there was no video confirmation that he literally hit the drone with his head, then one could think that this was some kind of
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setup. no, this is what really took place, this is what it means to approach the matter with your head, listen, i, i don’t know what to say, no, this is amazing of course imagination, i at this not just i feel respect for this man and horror and delight, i do not, and why was it necessary to bang his head, well, well, i don’t know, well , if he’s like that right there, well, then it means it was possible to bend over or not or not explode with his back, well, right.
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victory will be ours, the successes of our army are recorded by enemy publics, they write that orlovka and zhilan are under our control. and also noticeable progress in donetsk, new york, nikolaevka, zhuravka and krasnogorovka. meanwhile, the ukrovayaki write about the disastrous situation in the pokrovsk direction, here one of them complains that the armed forces, well, simply do not give them a minute of peace. in the pokrovsk direction from our country there are exhausted units, which are terrorized for days by aviation, and then stormed by infantry 10 to one. in addition, there are really trained fighting there. meanwhile, the authorities of pokrovsk under the control of the dpr part of ukraine are calling on residents to evacuate. the ukrainian authorities admitted that our armed forces
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came almost close to the city and called on residents would rather leave this city. and another ukrainian military man is quoted by the publication of the politician, he complains about the worsening situation in the donetsk direction after. ivan sikach told the politician that the armed forces of ukraine are surrendering donbass, but although the successes of the unexpected kurdish operation have raised kiev's morale, russian troops are striking back, capturing more and more territory around the donetsk region, we are receiving even less ammunition.
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yes, colleagues, hello, in fact, the main or one of the main hopes of ukraine was that the attack on the kursk region will force us to remove troops from the front line of the donbass front and transfer them there.
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the transfer of reserves took place and what can be said at the moment is the fact that the offensive of the russian army here in donbass, it not only has not slowed down. in full, one of the main directions is gorlovka, in gorlovka there are two settlements, these are new york and toretsk, it has added intensity, but continues in where our troops are advancing, if we are talking about toretsk, then here our fighters are taking in the so-called pincer, the enemy forces essentially create such a small cauldron, cutting it off from the main part of the group, are forced. ukrainian nazis retreat into the depths of the defense to occupy already there in residential buildings, to a large extent this is a tactic that has been tested by him since the beginning of the special military operation, well, and we, on
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our part, with the support of primarily heavy artillery, knock out positions, then infantry units enter there, if we talk about the donbass front in general, then from the new york side there is also serious. movement, in the future the expectation on our part, in any case, is that these two groups will unite with each other, already from a much larger bridgehead they will develop an offensive with a wide front line, therefore, in general, ukraine's idea to seize the initiative, to intercept it for itself, including by attacking the kursk region, it did not justify itself, in addition to this there are also ...
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along which reserves are being brought here, the rotation of the enemy is being carried out, ammunition is being delivered, in general, ukraine today is tied to these ... lines messages, strikes that are carried out on rear areas, strikes that are carried out on places of accumulation, on places of deployment, personnel, weapons, equipment, pokrovsk plays the role of, to put it simply, a bridgehead for the enemy, a bridgehead on which he once tried to make offensive actions, today, this is one of his main lines of defense.
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correspondent sergei vorobyov, he is with us on a direct line. sergei, hello, thank you, we are moving to the kherson direction, we will find out what is happening there with the military that you come out to us. what is happening in the kherson region, so to speak, in general terms. good afternoon, colleagues, good evening already. so, in the kherson region, the battles after the enemy left krynki took on a more or less positional character, that is, mainly clashes. occur during attempts at such harassing landings on one or two boats there,
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often all this is simply reflected at the moment of approach, the main so to speak battles occur on the islands, that is, these are battles the enemy is trying to occupy some islands, we are knocking him out of there, not letting him gain a foothold, in general it has a more or less positional character, that is , as far as upstream is concerned, everything is more or less calm there in terms of military actions, leg.
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that, that we, that we, so to speak, will weaken a little, so to speak, thin out our forces there, our line there, sending part to the kursk direction, then this will be the best time and the best opportunity for a strike, do i understand this logic correctly, yes, that is absolutely right, they expect to use the configuration of the front, that we have it horseshoe shape, in general, yes, we have to transfer troops in a wide arc, they expected that since they had recently left the krynok, we would relax, so, yes and... we will take some of the troops from here, in an emergency manner, we will transfer them to kursk, this
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is not entirely true, that is, if no one weakened anything, moreover, according to my information now in tylusky, such a large land, new units with a heavier weapons staff are being prepared, to the point that companies are starting to appear in military police units, that is, even like this, this yes, thank you very much, sergey, sergey vorobyov was with us on a direct line, a war correspondent from kherson on... control he told us about him, we are returning to the studio, sergey, thank you very much. well , recently more and more footage has appeared, western equipment destroyed in different directions of the front, here are some footages of the british tank challenger 2. it was destroyed in the kursk region with the help of the lancet. challenger 2 is in service with the ukrainian eighty-second airborne assault brigade, the last time they were destroyed during the counteroffensive of the ukrainian armed forces in the zaporizhia region, i mean. challenge 2 tanks. well, by the way,
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the british ministry of defense has officially decided not to recognize the presence of its tanks on our soil, that is, in the kursk region. and only today the british scannews somehow hesitantly, so, noted that the challenger was supposedly used on the territory of russia. but then great britain is trying to convince its allies to allow ukraine to fire stormshed missiles at russian territory. about the times reports this. according to journalists, british partners did not want to give kiev such permission due to the risk of escalation.
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a number of the ammunition requested by kiev are no longer produced in the united states, there is not enough of it to ensure such, even medium-term goals of the ukrainian armed forces. and the ammunition deprives the ukrainian armed forces of the ability to conduct large-scale offensives for at least six months. the united states will provide ukraine with new aid packages in the coming days. and what are you asking for forgiveness, you commented on something, but not loudly.
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we like lamonche, of course, in this context, the only thing that confuses me is the continent in isolation, which is a sign of british arrogance, an old saying, over broken fog, a continent in isolation, a continent in isolation , but it is clear, that's the only thing that confuses me, as if everything is logical in fact
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all this is fair, everything about which well, the truth confuses me, that we all we we understand their insidious plans, we understand that the englishwoman by tradition, you know what she does and so on, but stromshadow-then they will fly in our direction, we know, like, how smart we are, we, we are their plan, it's just like cracking nuts, and the outside will fly, no, they will fly, the plans are also not like nuts, there, of course, is the degradation of both the political and military elites of the west, obviously, simply screaming, i would say, but there are still smart educated military men, especially fewer politicians, when i was talking, something in my... a picture arose, in principle, like a big, such a big beast, well, a tiger, let's say, yes, here, here to this european wolf, the americans the spine has already been bitten off, yes, and as if having had enough once again they went about
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their business, all this is lying around here, here comes britain, well yes, absolutely, absolutely. in this sense, of course, they want to devour the economy of europe, break the political will of europe, otherwise, well, they have nothing, and here i wanted to add, very often, when we evaluate one way or another the political viability of western countries, we are told: oh, well, but at least they are on our borders, and not we on their borders. let me remind you again strategic classics of isis: know your enemy, this is not, this is a prerequisite for winning, the second is know yourself, we have problems with both, but still we are in a better position than our opponents, they do not understand us at all, that is, not at all, by the way, and
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kiev has become infected, now they do not understand us either, they know themselves poorly, they evaluate themselves as if this was happening 100 years ago, they themselves today.
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370 km for use by f-16 fighters, they say that the modernized version capable of hitting targets at a range of up to 1.00 km. vlad, what missiles are we talking about? well , in fact, it is not a missile, to put it correctly, but a guided weapon, let's say, well, these are, in principle, long-range missiles, but in this case they still need to understand that this is not air to air, air to ground, that is, in fact, this is some kind of american, well, not an analogue. the same principle as the same storm shadow, that is, missiles that are launched from an airplane, fly at a long range, hit with high accuracy, well
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1.00 kemets they will not give them now, because they themselves have only just started to produce them, it was clear that they would give these missiles at the time when the decision was made on the f16, because the f16, well, without these missiles, without long-range air-to-air missiles, they are simply meaningless, that is, they go in such a close connection only with these missiles, they are simply meaningless without them. we just now kind of discussed a topic that basically fits into what we talk about here regularly: the story with the boiling out frogs, step-by-step, any thing is bred by them, accordingly, here the ukrainians entered the territory of russia, then it is still possible, it is possible to force, it is possible to give, it is possible to give even more, because they do not see the reaction, accordingly it is possible on you, well, you say this with notes of condemnation, or well, so to speak, okay, which one let's do it this way? what would be the optimal strategy of the frog in your opinion, well, in this situation, at the current moment, to give the houthis anti-ship missiles, i wanted to say that the best
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strategy of the frog is to give the houthis anti-ship missiles, we need to respond where they can't, firstly, do anything, secondly, from a diplomatic and any legal point of view, they are generally powerless, we have the northern streams, they have a huge number of their own streams, they have a huge number of their own. like fiber optic cables, on which their entire economy generally depends, again there are the houthis, who are ready to sink them anywhere, britain and the us have a lot of enemies, the europeans are ready to kill them anywhere, our the task in this case is simply to understand that these enemies are now our allies, according to the old ancient roman law, which they themselves taught us, and accordingly in this case to start with this, after, if there is no reaction to this for them, that is. to assume, and we usually, well, not
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that we assume, we then state that this is how it is, which means that if they have already transferred the f-16 to ukraine, it does not matter that from the netherlands, the main thing is that they transferred, that these missiles for the f-16 are already there, because that they first transmit, and then say, we will think about the transmission, in fact , everything is already there, well, usually we see all the latest options were exactly like that, so to speak, evening. announces the transmission, that night the missiles are already flying, sometimes everything happens even exactly the opposite, when they first used atacoms to achieve maximum surprise, the next morning they said: well, we transmitted atacoms to the ukrainians, so you have to understand that here the technology is like this, yes, sasha, well , actually, you see how we came to the fact that to the fact that we need to understand, i don’t know, come up with, realize, formulate a frog strategy. this image about a frog, then
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there was talk about helmets, and then, well, and so on, i won’t even bore you there , then javelina, then that, then everything, now we ’ve reached f16, like oleg said about these damn missiles, almost yes, 158 jssm, what should frogs do, sasha, well, for starters. let’s not forget that almost 40% of the world economy is fighting against us, yes, the role of britain, britain’s weight in these 40%, it small, it has already rolled down, they have big problems with their economy, but they know how to ignite all these 40% so that the war does not die down, why do they do this, that is, in essence, britain and the usa are maritime powers, they have no enemies on land, well, there is not a single country in the usa or britain that could cross by land, well, there could be some kind of threat for them, they are maritime powers, that is, what could they do to protect themselves, just strengthen their... is the following: lock them in ports, in
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effect for hundreds of years, their strategy seas of all their competitors, i will remind you.
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to speak with the sword in its sheath, if you speak with the sword in its sheath, you can, of course, i wanted to say, advertising, advertising, advertising on channel one and we will return to talk, in short, i want to fire andrey, before it starts, what has not started, a scandal about corruption and in the editorial staff, yes, lyudmila sergeevna, now you are really great, you are reprimanded, for what? alexey ivanovich, you are so ignorant of people, fortune teller, new series, today on channel one. cognac, old barrel, product steller group. bourbon stirsman, a product of stellar group. whiskey mancacher, a product
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of steller group. gin сnop, a product of stellar group, cognac montechoc, a product of stellor group. famous favorite artists gathered at our table, who will tell funny stories and curiosities that happened to them. forgive me, i accidentally broke this new vase, don't worry, it's not that big, it 's new, it's only 200 years old. "i invite you to the program, i need to play the queen, i think, but it will be some piece dedicated to honey, i come, so the next day in the remains, on all make-up costume, one of the women brings me such a big velvet circle, it has two things hanging from the sides, she died, how
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was this cry made, german, bending over"? tiger. on saturday, on the first. in the new season, on the first. there are already rumors in the city about this crime. wherever you go, they say everywhere, women are lured into a taxi, shot in the back. i wanted to ask you about your find. this knot seemed very massive,
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although it was easy enough to pick up. great honor of moles, honor and trust of the reich, remember this, after the war i was looking for my son's comrades-in-arms, i was interested in what was happening there at the end of the war. and anything could have happened there , if you don't have a photo? it's strange, where are they, were they here, oh my god, how similar he is to my son, you are the only real witness, the only person to whom he came openly, well, major, the hunt has begun, confrontation, the premiere of the legendary book, julian semenov,
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i have to, give me back these 15 years, i thought everything was easy, i wanted fame, remember gorachev and his choir, there shouldn't be a song of the year, sing so that
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the sun has risen, for, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first, now... to gradually squeeze it out, using, in fact, the enemy's remaining time, in fact, the armed forces of ukraine have connected their media resource,
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tied to the west. now the main task of the collective west is to humiliate russia's reputation as much as possible. i wrote about this on my telegram channel the day before yesterday or yesterday, i think, that we are forgetting one important point, now what is happening in the kursk region. in central asia, in other countries they come up and say: look, russia weak, come to us, come to the strong, therefore what is happening now on the battlefield must be very closely linked to events, in fact , in the diplomatic arena, while we are liberating sudzhi, repelling attacks, grinding... at the moment, the enemy is making colossal efforts to occupy the second administrative center, this is koreneva and is trying to bypass it from the east, then from the south, but our guys are repelling the attacks. at the same time, in the belgorod
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region, attempts to roll on the point continue the kolotilovka pass, which was once again liberated from enemy raid groups, but we see from the plan that the enemy's task is to occupy as many significant places as possible, expand the zone of control and... create the maximum media effect to promote the geopolitical goals of their customers. does this mean that they will somehow transfer their reserves there, but they need to hold out there as long as possible, it turns out, according to the geopolitical tasks that you just mentioned, and they already for example, they transferred the ninety-fifth separate airborne assault brigade, if before that any brigade and any unit had the task of standing to the end on their own participation, then the ninety-fifth...
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there was a task, i think, in march it was decided in the general staff, the so-called ukraine, that by the end of the summer it was necessary to form one marine corps and five more mechanized brigades. here we have august, the middle, accordingly, all this with mobilized cannon fodder, equipped, is now being sent to the front line and rotation is being carried out, but there is an important point, it was not by chance that i specifically mentioned the marine corps, which is now somewhere preparing to be deployed, and we are talking most likely about the kherson direction, because the armed forces of ukraine always, both last year and the year before, carried out two attacks, and... one in
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one direction, the other in another, and no one refuses the cherished goal of the anglo-saxons and the british, and this is the kherson region, conducting a landing operation in crimea and so on, yeah, you know, that's a lot various information regarding the presence of foreign mercenaries directly in the kursk region, this is to talk about the fact that the human reserve is finite, what do you know about mercenaries, so there are mercenaries, there were mercenaries at the beginning. conflict, and if they were initially protected, now they are used as and not just a pr project, but as another fodder, another component for conducting military operations, that is, i think i will not reveal a secret to anyone, that a unit of the international legion of the territorial defense, the so-called ukraine, are being coordinated, are being trained together with regular units, if at first they were nothing, then in 2 s to years of the conflict, the survivors, well, became veterans. now they are also being used
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, deployed, guys on the front lines constantly hear radio interceptions, it is mistakenly perceived as a regular unit of nato troops, but this is not quite so, after all, the difference between vacationers, retirees and regular troops is significant, but at the same time amateurs arranges a safari on the russians, as they call themselves, there is quite enough of them there, mikhail, please tell me how... can you explain ukraine's intentions, yesterday they announced that they are going to curb 180 settlements from the sumy region, what is being planned there ? and everything is quite simple, this is necessary in order to exclude the disclosure of the movements of their own troops, to prevent the residents of local regions loyal to russia, who supply us with information for carrying out fire damage, from transmitting this information information, well, actually, to transform this...
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residential buildings are needed, for this it is necessary to strengthen them, for this it is necessary to deploy forward, reserve control points, all this at whose expense, for the local residents of these very villages. i see, thank you very much, mikhail zvenchuk, was with us on a direct line, the head of the analytical center rybar. we return to the studio, we return to the phrase of alexander yuryevich, on which we finished the previous part, remember, and if, and if you stick a saber into the foot.
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are we sure that this is a game in the days of the gate? and well, okay, let's give special weapons to the houthis, and let's assume that in london and washington there are idiots, they won't understand whose missiles the houthis have, let them understand, then they won't prove it, they won't prove it, it will give , that is, the ball will pass to their court, they will answer, now sasha, excuse me, now i am the only one who understands that yes, i understand what we are talking about, and, of course, this can be untied.
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in our view, in the view of our opponents, yes, what is happening now on the territory of the former ukraine is local conflict, moreover, in order for it not to be internationalized, interested. not only we, but our strategic opponents, in particular washington, they have always been against it spilling over the borders, they themselves propagandize them, that they are there within the framework of this local conflict, if we strike them, through our proxies, in
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another area, within the framework of another local conflict, we give the opportunity in the third, in the third area to strike us, here the question is, do we have any? weak places, i'm not talking about our border, but beyond, far beyond our border, of course, there are, and is this a subject, i know that i'm not saying popular things, is this a subject of agreements and bargaining, and you think why transnistria hasn't been attacked yet, yes, i get it, i get it, history is very complicated, we need to arrest, rob warehouses, i understand, there are still more than two. and africa, and many other points where we have our own interests, and cuba, and nicaragua, this is true , everything, once again, let's go through britain now, through seidons, through the strait of name stalin, washington, and they will sit and
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wait for what else we will do with them, well of course they will not, that's what i call, a pain in the ass to think, it is always better to think and count, in our general staff, let me remind you, in the operations room hangs a map not of ukraine, but of the globe, yeah, i understand, but - here, well, i think, colleagues themselves with their arguments suggest looking for this, although with me and how? although excuse me, there is a formula, that's true, that it is so humorous, well, as if in our performance it will be, but as soon as they tell us: hello, what is that dagger the houthis have there, well , what do they have there? and we say, listen, that's not our missile, that's a houthi missile, because at that moment, we'll quote the germans, when we handed over those missiles to the houthis, they became.
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everything else is worth it, that they are not ready for that and will never do that, but they just
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launched the first of these very mechanisms of boiling the frog and are doing great on it, understanding that we are not trying to disrupt them on another track, we are not trying in this case, really, the question is not about use tactical nuclear weapons, yes, they dream that we use tactical nuclear weapons, because it will allow us to be branded forever, even after the end of the war, to be preserved forever. and i'm talking about strategic nuclear weapons, you understand, about the fact that in this case we say that we will not strike poland or ukraine, we have nothing to do there, that is, not to exchange, they, that is, the ukrainians , are going to use a british missile on russian territory, without waiting, we will fire at washington, no, we say very simply, as soon as your missile arrives, we destroy it, friends, listen, well, look, to me, well, really, this is the most important topic, very interesting. well , really, so what, what should we do, this is not an idle question, not just, you know, like we here, we political scientists, practice in some,
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this is real, this is a real question of how we should live on and what should we do, this is not an idle question, not the northern streams, you know, who blew them up, otherwise we don’t know, let’s talk about it, we’ll talk, really, everything it's equally interesting, of course it's interesting, let's talk, but i want to say that, well, i also have a small opinion, the only thing that works, it seems to me, it works in the case of the fight, i once gave this example with... the fight against drug addiction, not drug addiction itself, with the aim of not allowing a child, so to speak, to try for the first time, that in such international relations, fear, yes, nothing else works, then it's just a very simple logical, not even a construction, there are simply two logical steps, from where fear will come from statements or from actions, the answer is obvious from the actions, from what actions will fear come, see above about...
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according to us officials, the cia warned zelensky's office to stop the operation, then zelensky ordered zaluzhny to stop it, but then he ignored the order and his team changed the original plan, but now general zaluzhny, now the ukrainian ambassador... great britain stated in correspondence that he knows nothing about any such operation and that any suggestion to
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the contrary is a simple provocation. in the ssu, he added, were not authorized to carry out foreign missions and therefore would not participate in them. the german investigation is now focusing on zaluzhny and his aides, people familiar with the investigation say, although they do not yet have evidence that could be presented in court. the findings could upend relations between kiev and berlin, which has provided ukraine with the most funding and military equipment, second only to the united states. it is important to note that zaluzhny immediately said that he has nothing to do with it, he is not guilty. and of course, kiev did not stand aside, they began to deny everything, zelensky's adviser said that ukraine had nothing to do with the blowing up of the northern streams, and that russia was to blame for everything. russia arranged everything, russia stirred up everything, blew it up. and what should they say? it was inexpensive, here - alexander, please listen, but
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i don't even, i'm not asking you who blew up the northern streams, because i know the answer, i won't give it, but it's a waste of time, and why did they all suddenly start talking about it , why did they all start rushing around like a written-off bag, well, 2 years had passed, actually, and as if the germans were slowly following the trail , sitting under the lamps in round glasses, writing something there, reading something there, well, it went on and on, if only it had gone on for another 100 years, suddenly everyone started rushing around with it, what happened? well, the thing is that the investigation was underway and there is such a thing as public opinion, yes, that is, if there was an investigation, then it should end with something, and well, if you don’t find the culprit, then who are you, essentially, yes, that’s for this is what ukraine is needed for, this proxy country, which, on which there will be, yes, all the responsibility, zelensky, deserved, yes, what difference does it make who will ask them, that far away, if they are appointed scapegoats, yes, this is the same thing that we said before, here are the answers to everything else, that is , the war is not about ukraine here, yes, here, as was correctly said, the whole globe. that is , in essence, the war is being waged for what the west is, since the nineties, as there was still the big seven
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and more than half of the world's economy, now everything has changed, now there is already brics, and almost half of the world economy, that's why we want the west.
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and there are no former ones, he generally believes that this operation couldn't have happened so easily, the ukrainians should have had some kind of support from the land, this support was provided by the poles, that is, he directly says this august khanin that there was a conspiracy between zelensky and duda, that is, there are also the poles here, that's why in poland, in fact, the traces of this vladimir z, who was initially accused by the germans, have disappeared, in general
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history, you know, with i don't know such a continuation, i think, here, well, three dots won't do. i think that we are dealing with gestalts, in the us there is preparation for a change in a typical operation called the closure of power, a famous american journalist, who sort of laid out the documents, who told who blew up, actually , in the stream, he sort of said his word, now the administration's task is to jump out. by the end of its, so to speak, reign from under all possible accusations, the story with zaluzhny, i remind you, it was generally heard six months after the explosion, they were already trying to pin it on him, and he then diligently spoke, realizing that they were shifting the blame onto him, that he had nothing to do with it, and for the americans it is very important now, again, and again, mind you, it was done according to the classic secret service practice,
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a specific hohol is to blame, who actually disappeared, no one knows where he is. the order for the explosion could only come from the us, because it is a strategic issue, the ukrainians at that time were not yet independent enough to solve it without the participation of americans, the poles would not have risked moving at all without the americans' decision, but we must understand that it will be necessary to somehow build relations with the allies after the end of the war, the germans will definitely raise the issue of the explosion of the nord streams, if
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they do not raise it, we will, because we are not going to get off this topic, understand, well, that's good, no one cares who anymore?
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eider, watch after the vremya program, you have someone, there can be nothing between us, but there is something.
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volleyball, as you haven't seen it yet? channel one cup, live broadcasts on the weekend on channel one, i saw you on tv, who do we have on tv in our house, even though we can't fly with you, we'll go. i sing in the spit, in the spit there are nebulae, a bubble nebula and soul and heart nebulae, and you say women don't have a soul and heart, here you go, everything
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is there, how sweet, she likes it when she 's kissed, i don't know, but i like it when i kiss her, and can you kiss me? oh my, the best, the premiere is on saturday on channel one, this city is called the gateway to the north, a special, unique way of life has been preserved here, which is dictated by difficult climatic conditions, many people come to this city to see the famous polar lights, we are in arkhangelsk, friends, for the pomors, so that it was practical, what kind of wood is preferable for building a hut, the kind of wood that grows, why did they add salt, in principle, our region was a salt industry, so they added it
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everywhere, my grandmother adds salt to regular coffee, even to soluble salt, he says that it's tastier this way and our way, we wash the smelt, sprinkle it with a little salt, chop the onion and add it too, let's take some bread and dip it, dip it, and how tasty will it be with help? delicious, delicious, friends, very delicious, the life of our own, the premiere is on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, come on, come on, can i ask you, hot, of course, it's time to tie up with this choir, he's a soloist, finally, daddy, daddy,
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that i love her, i've loved her for a long time since school, for everyone mommy is an ideal couple, i don't want to be a thief, you know, yes, but it seems to me that you myself, but my wife asked me, she left for another, you don't go after her, don't fight, you won't get her back, i went out of my way for him, do you even know how much they cost, you weren't asked, properly, just touch the guy, bastard, choir, premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first. look, right straight into the sub-plot, as they say, so john kirby
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watched, watched, so he ran, scribbled a post on the topic of the day, based on the results, so to speak, under the impression of the program, time will tell. the us does not know how to respond to russia's attack the ukrainian armed forces to the kursk region, said white house coordinator for strategic communications john kirby, i repeat, this is directly in continuation of our conversation, we don’t know yet. the devil knows, i don’t understand, i don’t know, yes, that’s true, but at the same time it gives very rich food for thought, if you remember what we talked about there 5:7-10 minutes ago in this studio, thank you all for your attention, we’ll talk more in this studio, see you,
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yes, yes, the housekeeper found corpses in the morning, the poor thing is now in the kitchen giving testimony, apparently, they attacked the sleeping ones, his killed first, she later, probably within an hour, she wasn't so lucky, right? the poor thing was tortured long and hard before she died, how could she have angered someone, her husband, volodya, is a very good man, he works a lot, he doted on her, natasha was that kind of woman.


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