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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 16, 2024 3:05am-3:40am MSK

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obstetrics department, existence still dreams me, not having left non-existence, a year of war, naked, frank, life death, looking point-blank, implying a frank, sentence passed by them. the enemy stands from the volga to the english channel, and the father's road is far, than the mother, debutante, war correspondent, quickly gutka, and evacuation thrown to the urals, pregnant with tanks, i am the light. i am premature, a laughing stock to the germans, damn them, i am the light, nameless, overshadowed by a mortal blizzard, not particularly desired in general, but kept by a secret hand, in the city, where everything is unfamiliar to me, where the hotel is filled with ballet dancers, named after the people's commissar, like an anti-tank cocktail, at the edge of an untouched life, i survive with other children, i am a muscovite conceived and born under bombs in the city of perm, where it is blissful...
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and my mother, pregnant with me, not expecting help from europe, dug steep trenches full of profiles near moscow on weekends. well, these are the verses, well, here is another emanation.
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i left you without sorrow, in oblivion, not remembering evil, but my weak soul was held, my father and mother by two wings, they clung as best they could, without understanding what, why, and thus the soul was held in the body, more, it seems, by nothing, even if without looking back she went there, then the trace of this... death grip, would never be erased from her
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, well, these are such early poems, and how are you now, well, it’s curious how the poet perceives all this after half a century, early, i want to say that i would not refuse a single line, even what was published in october, in my youth in the new world, i would not refuse a single line, here they are sincere, i don’t know, there are good ones, bad ones, but i wrote them, as i felt then, you... kind colleagues told me that you and magamayev had an affair in baku, we work together, see each other several times a week, and you want me to forget everything that happened between us over 6 years, no real affair between us muslimam played out, she doesn't want anything from you.
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podcast, let them not talk, let them read, i am dmitry bak, today i have a wonderful poet as my guest, my friend, igor volgin, then a completely different era came, it was this era that led to the fact that... that
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you know something else about volgin, after the history department there was an excursion into the history of literature, into science, a long excursion, a long excursion, here i have a book in my hands, one of... very many books, the book is called mutual responsibility, but here it is written from five books, the life and death of dostoevsky, yes, this is from five books, from five books, well then they often ask me why suddenly it happened works, including in translating into french, into arabic, they ask why it happened, well it is difficult to explain, because well maybe i felt at some point that i could express myself more fully. realize myself as i don't know, as a person, as i don't know, as who? well , it's strange, because none of the poets, i stopped, yes, i haven't written for almost 30 years, and i'll tell you, poetry doesn't forgive betrayals, even with dostoevsky, in general, it doesn't forgive
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betrayals, but the thing is that i was carried away by it in some way, i saw some plots completely unknown in dostoevsky, even, say, the situation of his death, i reviewed the writer's diary. and then, of course, what is the life of a writer, it is a script, at the end the secret we of the script is triggered, because if you take the deaths of tolstoy, dostoevsky, pushkin, there is an ironclad pattern, it is difficult to imagine their ending differently, therefore death in the last year... attracted me very much, i began to write a book in the last year, which had been stalled for many years, but it was published only in 1986 only because dmitry sergeevich likhachev wrote a preface to it, wrote a preface, anatanna delman wrote a very good review, she with great it was published with difficulty in the soviet writer, it was
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my first big book about dostoevsky, well then followed books about the petroshevtsy procession, well here out of five books, and the lost conspiracy. about childhood, about youth, the last year to be born in russia, by the way, i had, if we take the titles of books, they are quotations, to be born in russia, guessed me, the devil guessed me, to be born in russia, by fortune and talent, pushkin said, or let's say, i have called the lost conspiracy, dostoevsky, when he read a western book, and in fact, he said, the whole conspiracy disappeared, right now a seven-volume edition is coming out, it has already come out in six volumes, five of which are dedicated to dostoevsky, this volume that i showed is poems about poems, and there should be another volume, i hope, the ekaterinovsky channel, you have been present in a different capacity all these years, well, so to speak, in the arena, yes, you have not published poems, i don’t know if you wrote either, tell me about this, but there is the luch studio, 55, i think, 55 years old, yes, we are the oldest in the world, the oldest, i hope,
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it seems to me that there is no older one, which was born in what year, vom, sixty eighth, then an excursion into literary studies, into the history of literature, a visit to the five volumes. dostoevsky did not mean that the studio stopped working, no, the studio worked all these years, this is moscow state university, this is moscow state university, yes, this is the studio of the best moscow state university, and i thought when i kind of started it, well, i'll work there for a year, they asked me there was no studio for 55 years, and of course several generations of wonderful poets came out, i just can't mention them all, here are those who are not there, yes, wonderful, my elders, by the way, the first one is sasha soprovsky, this is... alyosha tsvetkov, the late, this is the late, wonderful poet, translator, evgeny vitkovsky, the first headman, yeah, studio, i would also like to especially emphasize, alexey tsvetkov is also wonderful, alexey tsvetkov, but i would like to especially highlight the name of
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alexander saprovsky, a two-volume work was recently published, alexander saprovsky through o, a thinker, who died by accident, so tragically he was hit by a car, young. yes, but he, in my opinion, was a person who was not just outstanding, close to genius, and also to poetry, not all are close and tsvetkov and vitkovsky, and soprovsky, that was such a friendship, well, now it's over, how many years, 30, what, you haven't written at all, practically, well, oddly enough, i wrote only in moments of emotional upheaval, for example, when i had a divorce, then i had two or three, but in principle i didn't write all the time, i didn't write and... it was very difficult to break away from this context, these are different ways of thinking, poetically, although, although maybe, i'm now thinking that the poetic way of thinking is to some extent present in mine, please forgiveness to prose, it seems to me that this beginning was present there not as a method, of course, but as
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some kind of latent, some kind of factor, latent, because thinking, scientific poetic thinking is in many ways different, but when they with... in general, somehow they were like that, well, friendly, and in recent years they got along very well, well, he, he
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generally performed my poems better, better than i, friends, the poems of this man were read by yevgeny yevtushenko, for a minute, yes, that's the kind of thing, and of course, and so the poems caused some kind of, well, as they say, public resonance, i got a lot of reviews, books appeared, books were hidden, now i still, as they say, and it is unknown, because it can stop. at any moment, we do not know when vinakurov, it was wonderful, how he sits down, i do not remember by heart, and he draws there a poet, draws little devils in the fields, suddenly nothing, suddenly this is the last, he, no one knows anything, well, nabokov has a novel gift, where he is a bastard on chardyntsev, reads his poems and also feels this sacred horror, this unpredictable can disappear, but you have, and let's bring the curtain down today, in a format, let's give the floor to our guest once again, well, here's from a new book, well, here's such and such,
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father has not gotten up for 3 years, relatives, as usual, have disappeared, and mother , dragging herself along, as if she had screwed up, he had to change his diapers with effort, they were 90, three wars, god forbade them to sit in prison, a ticket to crimea, fire from the country, the delirium of perestroika, a dacha in the kotuars, and mother...
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it was 40 days since the day of his death in moscow, snow fell, it was in may, i read two more, one and one more: we, of course, in this and not guilty, just in may on a certain date, exactly on your fortieth day, the whole capital was covered with snow, like an unauthorized guest, angels running from the huts, flakes swirled over the churchyard to receive another of the... souls, maybe the blessed will enter paradise, the archangels will sound the retreat, only the white snows keep falling, as you said, forever closing your eyelids, over the country the unknowing no one, the late snows are falling, like the first, the purest snow, well lastly, i want to read recent poems completely, the thing is that i am a late father, i still have daughters, well here now it's only 6 years old, she was born, when i would already be in such we love zhenechka, we know, yes, zhenechka, here are dedicated to her, then, such a poem, here
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it was recently published in the new world, my daughter, now she cries, now she laughs, this worked out, now it didn't work out, how sad it is, you and i will have to, settle in the coming turn, my grave will be overgrown with grass, but in the incense of censers, i will know, you haven't forgiven me, that i gave birth to you so late, i leave your questions unanswered, knowing at the same time that i won't be able to read you my beloved poets destined, but maybe, as if for fun, i feel your palm in my hand, i will have time to take you to compulsory school, i will have one retribution left, on the other shore to pray that you could at least enter moscow state university without money and connections, and in the morning, son of lullabies, don’t chase my shadow away, it’s just a pity that i won’t see my long-awaited grandchildren like my own ears, well , here about the connection of times, about how everything
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of our conversation today, because the speech strangely converges, i am very glad that today we had igor volgin as our guest, igor, thank you very much, and i am sure that we will meet more than once, including with... here in our podcast, to you, dear interlocutors, as always i speak with emphasis, with an accent, with passion, read with pleasure, dear friends, here you are such a good boy from a good family, this is makey, and this is fobitor, these are the gods of sleep, i have a large collection of cat figurines, don't bring dirt home, here make such wonderful things, how much is your salary, about sixty, sixty, and
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how much did you leave for this handicraft in in the store, well, when five, when 6 thousand, well , that's it.
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that's rubbish, and if someone killed him, oh my darling, come on, sit down, little raccoon, come on, such a lula, tell me, please, was the man in first place or are there raccoons, i have a lot of people at home, and cats, dogs, all sorts of larger animals , farm houses, cows, piglets, chicken, gu, well, not right in the house, how can i say, in the province, here is the presence of my mother, 33 days, right? it's a little annoying, it seems to me that at the age of closer to 30 years you already somehow need to separate from your parents, let's see the surprise, and in order to understand whether we can get along or not, i want to check how you behave in the skin, whether i can leave my wards with you, this is the groom in a suit,
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this is the groom, this is the groom, oh my god, well, let's begin? first we will have a fire scarf, you need to jump over it, come on, hurry up, don't be shy, forward, forward, come on, hello op, well done, you're doing great, here's your reward, so on, let's crawl through the tunnel, forward, come on, from this side, i i'll help you, i'm a fat raccoon, all raccoons are like that, don't be shy about it, come on, good job, you 're doing great, go ahead, go ahead, and it seems to me that mom is happy, like that, he's taken in by everything she tells him, in general, he does everything she tells him, come on, crawl, crawl, the behavior of a real raccoon, crawl out, come on, come on, come on, mish, crawl out, she's holding on, yes
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i am, come on, good job, at his age to be so passive well that's already like well not ok you still have children like you don't rinse you dragged her away and in the basin in the basin there's water well great okay everything you well done, take your award, and now the final moment, you need to go in a zigzag, go forward, oh my god, come on, come on, and again, well done, it's working out great, one more time, to him, well done, now on the handle, like your young man, that's it, you did great, with
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humor, this is the medal of the best. russia and i award you with it, bravo, thank you, girls, you amused me, raised my spirits, thank you, go to your room, he thinks, oh my god, where did i even end up, how about you, angelina, lacking wisdom, honestly, because you're young, and what should wisdom consist of? what wisdom do you need, well here it is, mother, truth forward with a song, mom is not needed, get off, how to say, unnecessary. yes, mom is not needed, i understand, get off, bad, life, come on good, yes, i think that he will not choose her and there is even nothing to talk about, well , because if, as they say, a man
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chooses a woman for himself in the likeness of his mother, then of course she is generally, well, the complete opposite, and you think that on planet earth there is at least one, but only if a scared person or someone who from a pure heart from a pure soul says, i i want to live with my mother, no, there are none, believe me, we have been sitting here for 15 years. we have a daily program, no, there are none, there are, for example, for the sake of something she will gnash her teeth and wait, it is clear, what to wait, well, of course, my mother looked down on me, well, in principle, she looked at me from the very beginning, when she heard that you did not want her to live with you, she immediately rejected you, when you were a young girl, you needed a stranger, a stranger. a stranger - with whom you did not grow up for a single day, so that she would be present so closely in your life, she and was present and how much she got on your nerves, maybe she did divorce you, she
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did divorce you, i left myself, here you are - having such an experience, yes, that your life was ruined, your ex -mother-in -law, well, why do you need it, i am not ruining his life, well, it seems that way to you from the outside, i am absolutely benevolent, you just need to well... retreat and somehow find yourself another retreat larisa does not mean to withdraw, i mean withdraw, no, no, not withdraw, take care of your own life, your own, larisa, she can take care of her own life, she can take up a hobby, anything, but this does not mean that she has no right to come to the price, why in doses and not for 33 days in a one-room apartment, no, i agree with you, 33 days in a year is -
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hello, mikhail, my name is ksenia, i already have one man, this is my cat, and you can become the second, this is for you, thank you, ksenia, 28 years old, a specialist at a goods distribution point, lives in sochi, roller skates, runs a cat blog and makes parodies of celebrities, is proud that she makes dumplings herself, admits that she is unfaithful, strict guidance of the beloved.
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i have a wonderful code, i - with it i shoot a cat blog in general, that is, i am interested in all this, yes, i shoot videos, and as if i am not familiar with raccoons at all, so well, i like cats ko, you should not, well , she also, you see, is such a homebody, like me, she does not like to hang out, i do not think that she will appreciate going somewhere with her mother to the club, well, look, look, they already have a common interest, and we, by the way, have a video, let's see, many ask, what do you do with your cat like a child, wait a minute... this cat, he's not just a cat, he's my child, you see, he's my son, i literally gave birth to him,
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and you know why you're so angry, because... you don't have a cat, you're living in vain without a cat, with this cat we've always been kints, what could be better than cats, it seems to me that she's one of those girls who at 30, 40, 50 years old will basically get by with cats, and will simply add them to their collection, everything will be cool, look, i know. stories, when work has swindled people, well, so that management forbade bringing their wives to corporate parties, no, that's a man's thing
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striptease or what where the club is not, that there is management just here he always told me that you can't take your wives with you, that is, just like i go alone, and you kind of sit at home waiting for me, that is, in this sense, he doesn't take her anywhere with him, you sit at home, you know, well yes, this is also very suspicious, it's just strange that she sat, was silent, i think you wouldn't be silent, you would most likely ask, well, like, why, and you didn't ask yourself the question, why, i asked myself, of course, i what is this kind of club of interests? from the employees, that when there were only boys there, huhoneshki hu-ho, no, of course i was always asking for it with him, i was constantly, so i had to become invisible, i had to penetrate, how did curiosity not tear you apart, my curiosity was tearing me apart, of course i wanted all the listening devices, a hidden camera, how well, how, well ksenia, it's generally unbelievable what happened to me when he went somewhere, yes, in fact i am very worried and i am
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always. i was afraid of making some kind of scandals there, because i understand that it is for him it is necessary, as if he goes, and i sit at home and worry, where is he there, what is he there, with whom is he there, with whom is he there, i don’t know how you can sit like this and wait while your man goes to corporate parties, and i think that in such cases you need to build a crowd of admirers, so as not to feel like an extra, a third wheel, and then he suddenly became thoughtful and says, she’s good in bed and in everything. well, how am i not worthy of you, ksenia, let’s get a divorce, i’m so jealous of the guy who will make you happy, how did we break up, we broke up, because i was going to a family, i waited for this proposal for 7 years, he never made me one, i wanted a family, i already want children, and you endured, you kept saying, i won’t quarrel anymore, go wherever you want, i was afraid to say a word to him, because i loved him very much, i thought that we would still come
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to marriage. i mean, i will come to marriage, i waited, and why would he, look, take you as a wife, here he poured into your ears, yes, that you can’t with wives, and what will you endure, don’t quarrel, i’m just such a trusting person, he told me this all the time, and i believed that he did not provide for you, what was good about him, well, he provided yes, but i can't say that he was directly good at this, this is very good for a man, yes, indeed, he gave me everything, 2-3 months of a relationship, then marriage right away, well, or just leave. they have some similarity with the previous heroines. medelson, tell me please, when a man says: you are so wonderful sex with you, but i am missing something, what is missing? well, it seems that he, of course, needed all this, just separately and from different women, i'm reading a book right now, it 's called "it's not about you, it's about me."
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you can't go to a corporate party with me, we only go as men and other fairy tales of the peoples of the world, it's clear, in fact, that's what he always told me, that it's not about you, it's about me, that is, you're great, you're so thrifty, you have everything, that is, as if he told me so, i was even afraid to say it, because i think, well, what does a person have a conscience and it's not for nothing that he's with me, she's so fragile, it seems to me that her mother is just like that, just on half and half, how do you like the story? i understood it, it is present in life, that is, how , but it is a little unclear to me that mom always, i would mom chooses a wife for him, most likely, that is, she is constantly with him, comments, yes, that is, mom gives there some kind of such and such a word, so to speak, the last one for mom, that he is still not married, what did you get?
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if mom came with me and mom told me something, i can tell her that mom, i want to do it this way, and she will agree, these are different things, look how mom got loaded, look, mom just has a smile on her face, flew off, she just immediately in front of her eyes, when she looks at her, she is completely made up. probably, i don’t know, but i have a good tan, you can tell right away that she lives in the south. ksenia, i can tell right away, i’ve lived to see it, i read, and now, whoever knows how to make pelmeni, now they are proud of it, and you in general, do you sculpt or just know how? i love, really, i can do it myself, i love, my mother taught me, and i love pelmeni myself, yes, i freeze them, then i have my own pride in the freezer, in our time everyone
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could do it, oh, especially rozaty. no, i may be i don't make dumplings in such quantities as you do, but write, i do it calmly, i don't think that making dumplings is a matter of pride, it is a matter of pride. it is very difficult, to make the thinnest dough, it is of course very difficult, and the fact that you are proud of it, you are great, making dumplings in our time is already an achievement, because when i was a child i made a lot of dumplings at home with my grandmother, while you make the dough, while you make, i think that this family, i think that you will not surprise this family with this, you have prepared a surprise, but show it, mikhail, i will need it your help, i want to make a star out of you, let's go with... together, well, one with a nice figure, thin, how do you like it - yulia gennadyevna, that's potentially, i would like to ask her a question, what kind of, that's why they all
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think that he's a mama's boy, they're all wrong, that's why i would like to ask her and him a question, she has a mother too, and if her mother is left alone, will she take her? to herself or not, that is, your own mother is always closer, good, by the way, a good question, if suddenly - and how will he act on this, there's even a joke that they come, knock, yes, he looks, your parents have come, we won't let them in, her parents call next, she stands and says, well, this is my mom, dad and all that, this is most likely even a toast, they open the door, here her father says: the one was born who will always open the door for me, exactly the same, because i am alone, i have no one except him, well, let them send me to an old home, her mother will drive her out of
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the family and they will never be able to create anything, that is, a strong woman is needed here, who has her own opinion, who will come and say, it will be like this, like this, like this, well you don't want him to be lonely, right, well, you still have to be old, while you... gave birth for his happiness, that's it, when a woman, i'm done, i didn't get married, i didn't do it, because i need to put up a monument to you now, well, you're not the only one , well, listen, live, find , i don't know, get married, he told me, mom,
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well, you probably won't get married at 50, these are his words, that is, he doesn't want me to get married, well, why does he need some uncle, it's completely unclear him. teach, and also go, if mom has an inheritance that will go to him, and so you will have to share with dad, how to say, with your stepfather, well, you don’t necessarily have to formalize it officially, well, marriage, i love myself, either this way or not, that is, either there is no one, or officially, this also does not want mom, mom has some husband, because ...
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you will have to accept, well, do you like her or not, if suddenly he likes her, well, he lived, he didn’t ask me, well, where is that daughter-in-law, neither one nor the other. you came together yourself, well then , you know, when i ask, you will be able to fix things with her relationships, i can, why not, brides will come and go.


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