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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 16, 2024 3:40am-4:15am MSK

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family, because you already have a family, you and mikhail, and no matter how much you tell now that - you are separate, that he is independent, of course, he is not independent, of course, he is under you, your viko firm hand is really needed, you will come, put everything in place, and i have a very correct approach, we need these points of contact, and you are talking about being a little more cunning, wiser, friendship, just a little bit, and the bride, how do you, well, your son says, if you like it, i will do this there, right? you will be able to establish relations with her, i will be able to, why not, the bride will come and go because of her mother, well, because he is a little son, tell me, and your mother-in-law?
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the ex is alive, died, yes, she mocked you, a lot, but there was no one to stand up for you, no one, your husband did not stand up for you, no, you suffered for a long time, 16 years, he was russian, no, yes, russian, but, probably, already so, assimilated, yes, into karachay, circassian, karachay, well, that is, he still accepted those, like, laws and attitude towards women towards mother-in-law, but they did not offer to move, to go anywhere... they did not want to, mom won't leave you alone, yeah, you were forced to, of course, then you went to work to give him a future, did you divorce him or did he die, he's alive, he's still alive, i have a stamp in my passport that you're not divorced yet, yeah, and why is that, i don't know, and what about the inheritance, if anything, everything is his. through you, not through me, through
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grandma, who died, the kingdom of heaven, she thinks that her son is hers, yes, this is her pride, her banner, her everything, here i am alone, this is my son, i don't need him for anyone, this is her pride, of course, that she raised her son alone, but she and he doesn't give it back, you see, he's afraid to give it back, well, look, he'll have an inheritance, he'll get it from his grandmother, from his father, from everything, personal happiness. he won't have it for one simple reason, well, today, just like you didn't want to live with your mother-in-law, today's girls don't want to either because a mother-in-law is not me, it seems that way to you, you admit, for example, that girls can feel awkward, even in a club with you there and party, well, so that they would say, well, they're different, well, a different generation, young people should hang out with young, then somehow you probably have girlfriends or i’m just being kind, what do i have? i have a son, he’s 30 years old, they’re the same age, but
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i’ve been away for a long time, well, in general , his mother and i even have similar hair, so we’ll go to clubs in krasnodar, and let him look for us or make toys for us, you know, i once tested my children, i said, what would you do if you suddenly won , say, 10 million dollars, well, they were fantasizing, and i wasn’t in these fantasies, but they were in fantasies.
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everything, and i convinced myself to be happy in this, and i am happy now, but i am just very far from them, very, let's see a surprise, gold tea rose, like a glass of wine, between us 200 klyam. i, between us there is silence, we touch with our lips, on days only on glass, we try to collect for you, but i feel a flow, i do not understand why he is being changed all evening today, i can not understand, will they leave the groom alone today?
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and this is you in the image of masha the dissolute masha, well look, she is not really modest, she is such a fine fellow, well and she can break away, not so much quiet, and he look, he was really rocking it with her too, yeah, they were rocking it together, applause, applause, friends, yeah, fun, fun. well done, well done, good evening, good, wig, take it off, yeah, and how do you like it, ksenia, oh, fun, wow, that was just our finest hour, he really was kirkorov, damn, i think we rocked it
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, it was just great, i'm glad, but we still have one more bride, let's meet. hi, my name is victoria, and i'm sure i'll be the hottest girl in your life, i have a gift for you, i made it with my own hands with my hands, i knitted you a hat, 2 days, three nights, and it is nourished with my love, my tenderness, and most importantly my scent. i would be glad if you put it on. this is for you, thank you very much, it suits you very well, he gave her a rose, did she give him a hat, she knitted the hat herself, yes, and she is a knitter, you can’t say that, yes, well , no, it’s cold in moscow right now, let’s go,
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victoria, 22 years old, manager at a modeling agency, lives in krasnodar, writes a biographical book, collects mosaic paintings and knits... for sale, is proud of the fact, that she is an enviable bride, dreams of getting a rat, creating her own clothing brand, warns that she will not live with her mother-in-law. victoria believed for a long time that her beloved works as a special agent, but it turned out that he only borrowed the talent of seduction from james bond, hopes that mikhail is an earthly man. hello, girls, hello, hello, oh, he just knits, knitting, they have a lot in common, he is just a needleman. that is, it seems to me, they will sit at home and embroider, knit, it would be interesting it was to find out what kind of krasnodar -made bonds were, what they looked like, that's how he conquered them, a beautiful life, the same attributes, cool cars, expensive ones, restaurants, gifts, no, he was a musician, wrote rap,
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dreamed of a beautiful life, in general, unemployed, as in the classics, of course, who likes good boys, with likes bad ones? she wanted a bad boy for herself, because she was a good girl, in appearance, just imagine next to her, listen, well no, wait, her and misha they don't look good together at all, her, but she looks very good with his mom, look, they even have more or less the same hairstyle, well, the very initial first situation, how we started a relationship, i really liked him, and i just couldn’t catch him, so to speak, because he was here and there, then she flies to moscow. and tells me that vika, like , come to me, and i think, what to do, right away, in short, i start thinking where to get money, i was a hair stylist, in general, i saved up money, and i call him, tell him about this, that i can fly, he tells me, send me a certain amount there, i'll find us
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a place to live, i send him a sum, in general, i'm already getting ready to fly, it was my first time flying anywhere on a plane, especially alone, i was 17 years old then. in general, i arrive in moscow, sheremetyevo, i remember as if it were yesterday that i called him, he didn't pick up the phone, in general, as it turned out later, the money that i sent him so that he could rent a place to live, i don't know where and how he spent it, but in the end, when he was on his way to me, he met me, he fell asleep on the metro, in anyway, well in the end we met anyway, of course i forgave him, where did he take you, we went and rented a room on pokrovka with my money. she has a tattoo on her arm, i wonder if the teacher would approve of it? for example, i am generally against tattoos, i don't have a single tattoo, but about the prostitute with whom he was undercover, he was forced to, so to speak, yes, there was a situation, as if he
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needed to bring one girl to clean water, that there is a secret agent, right, undercover, yes, roughly speaking, yes, he returns home after this task, so to speak, i have inside. a feeling that i just need to beat him up, well, i just feel that for some reason i hate him, i really ask him why, explain to me, why i feel this now, in general, he doesn’t say anything to me. i didn’t tell anyone, we go to bed, here i don’t know how, honestly i don’t remember anymore, but somehow i mystically go to this girl’s account, i see their stories with kaliana, where they kiss each other hand and so on. mendelson, please tell me, why cheating men always choose the image of a special agent, because in the rental of suits the cheapest is a tuxedo, it is clear, how he looked at you, how he looked at ... our previous bride and now how he looks at her, it is completely different, but it is clear that he is interested, and when do you
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want children? children, when um, will everything be for this, well comfortable, comfortable conditions for the birth of children, for here with us, and you, by the way, when do you want and do you want, i want, and can i ask such an immodest question, in order to raise children, you need a lot of money. yes, i have it's just that my husband is also your age, and i have a rough idea of ​​how much it all costs, a man should first of all provide for the family, and if victoria gets pregnant and can't work for 60,000 rubles a month, can you imagine, well, how to provide for the family, well, that is, then she should already be connected with her mother, yes, maybe then her mother needs to provide, but then the three of us need to live with victoria, she doesn't want this, why should i live, i told you, while i provide for myself, earn money, and i earn normal money a month and he i help if something is nowhere, he lived, and
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what about you, when you are going to get married, look in your pocket, in your pocket, but how, where, here she is, of course, together in no way, yes, and victoria too, it seems to me, this is an incorrect question, a friend should not ask such a thing at all, even if the bride herself is not interested, and here the friend herself asks, what, what business do you have at all, is he ready, if anything, to somehow develop to increase his income? if you are ready and want to develop, you have a talent for this, well, develop together, you 22, mikhail 29, your life has just begun, yes, that's why i'm asking how much money is needed, victoria, just give him motivation below, that is, from what to what limit he should earn at least, now 60, how much more is needed, for a full family, or just for your family, that 's specific for you. i think he needs to earn, well, somewhere from 200, from 200 thousand,
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i think that it's not difficult at all, and how much do you earn, i earn about 100 now, about 100 thousand, this is a manager in modeling agency, well i also sell things, show a surprise, yes, yes, the best surprise, she's such a punchy girl, she'll go, if she gets to the capital, she'll just dance a zebra here. in some other lifetime, i? i, i playing all right now, daddy? ir free, stroling down my ... what kind of dance is this, it's like she got lost in her face, it's not clear whether it
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's her tail that's dancing there or she go show me class we need music and what kind of music do you want , i can't dance to this one, i can't dance to this one, a pole is asking for it, go ahead, i suggest. come in, please, come in, go, when else will you have such a chance, and can you just, oh, mom, yes, op, here, let's go,
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well, honestly, even i couldn't do it, because no, on camera without preparation, mom, mom is great, well done, let's do it together, support, support, come on, i'm like... so, wait, wait, don't go, let's sit down, but let's spin around, let me show you, i can do you too, look, hand in hand, now she's hers , let's go, bravo, delicious, well done.
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what a wonderful ending! look how proud you are, misha! vikus, well, honestly say, it was just a breakup, you're so smart, i'm just in shock. victoria, in my opinion, chose the wrong friends at all, a normal, ordinary girl, what are you pretending to be here at all, it's completely unclear, what money, yes, any mother would not like this, any son sat down and started. there, earning money, they dangled their legs like this, and on their necks, any mother would say for any son, moscow wasn't built together in a day, little by little, little by little, yes, if, of course, she is with such friends, then this is not on our path, that's for sure, i was pleased that
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she came out, supported me after all, i didn’t expect this, gennadyevna, tell me please, did... did any of our brides have this toad-eye? no, there was no toad-eye, they also sometimes have this motivation, that while there is no stamp in the passport, so soft, fluffy, as if they put a stamp, you returned the fur coat, here is this girlfriend, yes, she has already laid out how much is due, that is, this is how the toad -eye looks, yes, of course, that is why many men excommunicate their wives from girlfriends, from the influence of girlfriends. because everyone looks, that someone else’s the husband earns more, and the girlfriends set fire to him because they want to anger him, and they want to anger him and make him jealous, well of course, there is no male core there at all, it seems to me, i am downright upset, please tell me what kind of toad eye syndrome is this, well, in general, such a syndrome is directly
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unknown to science, but in general, girls with such an eye structure, well, at least.
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have very high chances of finding her a husband, yes, here about mikhail there is just a small scientific observation: according to the theory of probability, any, even the most incredible phenomenon can one day happen, so one day mikhail will definitely have that one, but it is unlikely today, of course, i still take a closer look at victoria, and why not, in any case, whoever you go to, we will support you, come in. the main thing is to get together, especially since you are alone, of course, you are our scarlet flower, of course, i do not want to give into the hands of such a stranger with 60,000 rubles a month, well, what can you do, you can try, i invite everyone to come out and support mikhail.
4:00 am
it is a pity, but we do not have a couple today. hello, the vremya program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main events of the day. to get the civilians of bolca out from under the ukrainian attacks. the veterans who liberated ovdeevka are now in the kursk region. the ministry of defense is squeezing the enemy out of our territory, about the situation in the border areas, and what do the captured
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ukrainian soldiers say? success in the donetsk direction of the special operation, the village of ivanovka has been liberated, and information about the situation in other areas of the front. they are increasing the number of drones in the tula region by 2,000 per day production of everything that is needed on the front line, which the president discussed with the acting governor of the region in novoogorovo. support for large families, it projects and the tourism industry. the main topic of the meeting is the government. the aviation legend did not become galina brokbeltsova, the woman of the navigator, who smashed the fascists during the great patriotic war. the battle of political strategists, how the harris team is trying to make an unpopular vice president a national favorite and what consultants advise trump.
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and first the kursk region. the legendary brigade of veterans of the volunteer corps is now beating the enemy in the border area. and also saving civilians. the same fighters who were the first to enter ovdeevka and carried out a number of other brilliant daring operations. i personally noted their merits. we are moving towards the enemy, now military driving, of course, surveillance cameras on the roads of the kursk region are working, but as the fighters joke, it is better to get a fine for
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speeding than a shell, burnt cars along the roads, we pass, here already pividon worked, but here the pie worked, artillery also shoots here, here is grad, grad shoots their mlrs, and indiscriminately, militants hit civilian cars, however, no one is surprised by this here. yes, not a brave guy, a good car, i'll press, i'll burn, our servicemen are also evacuating local residents, let's take people, civilians, peaceful, yes, let's, they saved, and for nothing, this is our job, some refuse to leave. this ends badly, there lived a grandmother, her name was baba lyuba, i immediately suggested, that there is a possibility of evacuating you to safe areas, but granny said directly
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i don't want to go anywhere yet and i won't go, in the evening of the same day, the enemy launched an artillery barrage there from a mortar, one of the mines flew into the house where granny lived.
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roughly speaking, crossed our border, they really understand, they will not leave here alive, but they still attack, run into heavy fire, six units of equipment, let's go there five, then recovery and another five, as he assumed that the column is coming, yes, yes, the column is advancing, they are rolling, now we will repel, there is something to meet with, yes , of course, we are already meeting them and meet them before that, now we will meet normally, everything will be fine, mechanic five went, work, work, the crew of the multiple launch rocket system . the fighters fire off the entire package, 40 shells, go to reload again to fire. along the way, large-caliber
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barrel artillery hits. works quite well, just a beauty, i will say only one thing, it is better not to get hit by such, if you get hit, then for sure there will be no survivors, we hit precisely, precisely, like they say, the whites of the eye, this is the commander talking about his msta self-propelled gun, he says, 120 caliber mortars echo it, a shot, work is in full swing at all the command observation posts, now it's being expanded. i was talking yesterday, this whole riverbed, it's dry, they don't even need roads, they jump out onto the fields, in places where the enemy might appear, the guys put up additional firepower, this road needs to be occupied, the second gs, we need to put it somewhere here, the kgs, probably, should be planted with a spike, let him adjust to close this moving, veterans brigade assault in defense to sit out the fighters are not going to, rush
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there chap, liberate everything, that's it. noted the exploits of the fighters, and recently for the guys signed a portrait with the words "victory mother of russia", it was placed next to the brigade banner, on which the president is also depicted. very great pride, very great responsibility, therefore not a step back, only forward, we will stand firm, what we have occupied, not a centimeter has been given away yet, amer iuspov, roman serebrennikov, sergey naumov, dmitry matyushin, maxim khulifeev, channel one.
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the main topic of the meeting of defense minister andrei belousov was the stop in the kursk, bryansk and belgorod regions . the result was the creation of a coordination council on military security issues in border areas. meanwhile, the operation to destroy kiev formations in the kursk direction continues. over the past day, the ssu lost 340 people, 19 armored vehicles, including five american bradley infantry fighting vehicles. social networks are discussing footage of objective control, in which our lancet burns enemy tank podsuzhy, reports.
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russian security forces daily destroy and squeeze the enemy out of the kursk region, now enemy mobile groups are mostly hiding in forest plantations, our intelligence can detect and destroy the enemy beyond the border, a missile and a scanner destroyed the positions of the american mlrs hymers in the sumy region
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under. our lancets also score heavy equipment. here is a british challenger tank burning. the machine is hit with a detonation of ammunition. enemy equipment is also destroyed by artillerymen. here is the work howitzer akatsiya crews. they have equipped firing positions. they work in conjunction with supercam drones. the coordinates are sent directly to the battery commanders and the artillery uses 152 mm high-explosive fragmentation ammunition. and this is footage of our helicopter pilots striking the enemy. the k-52 crew destroyed a cluster of enemy columns. today, we received a task to destroy a cluster of enemy manpower in the border zone of the kursk region, we flew out on combat missions, and fired nars8kom missiles at the enemy, as well as guided missiles of the whirlwind. successfully hit
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the enemy manpower concentration and returned it without incident. to the airfield, how much enemy equipment was destroyed in a day, the defense ministry reported. over the past day, the ssu losses amounted to 340 servicemen and 19 armored vehicles , including five bradley infantry fighting vehicles and 14 armored combat vehicles, as well as eight cars, five field artillery guns, a multiple launch rocket system and two electronic warfare stations, enclave and bukovel. today, the head of the defense department andrey belousov held a meeting on issues of ensuring the safety of the population of the kursk, bryansk and belgorod regions. as part of this meeting, today we will focus on the belgorod region. it is planned to hear. a plan of specific actions, which was prepared by the general staff on additional measures. this is primarily about increasing the efficiency of the troop command and control system in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies
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and the administration of the belgorod region, about determining responsible officials, about allocation of additional forces and resources that will be directed to perform the main tasks: implementation. grouping of forces with the required weapons, military and special equipment, means of destruction and material and technical resources, identifying and eliminating bottlenecks in this matter. second, ensuring the coordination
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of actions and effective interdepartmental interaction during the build-up of forces, in the event of an increase or implementation of the threat of a breakthrough of the state border. third - ensuring the engineering development of the territory of the region. fourth - military medical support, fifth - assistance to civil authorities in evacuating the population, establishing timely information and ensuring protection within the framework of these processes. sixth: additional measures to ensure the protection of the civilian population and infrastructure from attacks by enemy drones and shelling from enemy territory. we will resolve issues quickly without failure.
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the entire country is helping in a difficult situation, humanitarian aid is being collected in different regions, people who were forced to leave their homes, how work with families with children is organized in the kursk region today was checked on site by the presidential commissioner for children's rights maria lvova belova, in the moscow region today a family from sudzha was reunited. touching footage in the report by tatyana kozlova.
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a great, great thing, you did for me, and these are sisters anastasia and natalia, both have large families, and sudzha left in two cars, on the way to kursk they came under fire more than once. it was scary to drive, of course, cars on the side of the road, battered, each one burning, all the asphalt is in pieces, i told the little children to at least cover their faces so that their faces at least wouldn't get in, of course, i cried and crossed myself the whole way, today the commissioner for children's rights under the president of the russian federation maria lvova belova came to the korvskaya region. 600 people are here now, well, about, yes, about 600, that is, about, how many of them are families with children, that means, families with children - well, about 300, 320, in one of the temporary accommodation points.


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