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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  August 16, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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and your bag, i don't know what it's called today, but it's actually a berry bag, there's provisions, cartridges, gunpowder, everything as it should be, you're just a hunter, i don't know why you hunt or for whom, but you are a hunter, evelina, what do you say about the third image and the work of the stylists? the bag is called a hoba with fringe, and about the image, i want to tell you an important thing, if, for example, people will create the first impression of you, and then this first impression will open doors for you, you understand, you can remain silent, your clothes will speak for you, well and naturally, perhaps, this image, it is for the podium, it is equipped with a hat, you will lighten it a little, and of course, this outfit will make an impression, but again they may not go to see you off, you know why, because they will not let you go, thank you, great, friends, sister... hug, congratulate,
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come up, rejoice with me, anna, we applaud your new image and the work of our stylists, we give you all three sets of clothes from the program fashion sentence, wear them with pleasure, anna. and if you, like our heroine anna, if you want to take part in the program, then fill out the form on the website.
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this bouquet of flowers from the flowers that you love, listen, this moment, a trifle, but so nice, this is that yes, this is her attention, everything is just great, great, i love you, you are just, i don’t know, you haven’t been in another life, i don’t know, butterflies, it was a dream, it was a dream, no, you continue to love them, yes, to your health, this is such a miracle, it’s great that you like all this, and let your soul fly and sing in these images. this is how to build a wardrobe, continue to build a wardrobe in this style, you have a style, you are very good, channel one presents, food safety, statistics:
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claims that the main cause of severe food poisoning is in ourselves, how to properly store food, about this and much more in the program live healthy, get your body back, dear friends, this is the name of our favorite project, we are losing weight together with the whole country together with the whole country. we are experiencing revolutionary changes in the treatment of obesity, here they are, people who cut off the excess from their obese bodies. every time looking at this gorgeous man.
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"i want there to be a slender woman, but i couldn't make such a woman who would cut off pieces from her body so harshly, meanwhile, it is women who struggle with excess weight many times more often than men, and unfortunately, they often fail, every time new people come to our project, and today i invited a person special to me, we have been friends on social networks for many years, and literally."
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have there been attempts to lose weight? well , i can't count these attempts on my fingers, because there have been so many. i've tried so many diets, kremlin and protein. without sugar and without sugar and with sugar with sugar, yes, everything that is possible and what is not, but in the end the weight comes back, yes, it goes away for a while, but then it comes back with even greater intensity, why does the weight come back, where, what turns on in my head, i'm exactly the same person, you don't think that i'm any different, i've been last year i take the drugs that made. stomach without any, i am also the same person, i am also the same person who is losing weight gaining weight, losing weight gaining weight, many do not notice this, because i dress absolutely correctly, you understand, but nevertheless, here is where we switch,
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why is it so difficult for us to hold back, how do you explain this to yourself? well, this is life, that is , it is impossible to constantly eat, well, something, something that you do not really like to constantly go to... appetite is stronger than willpower, that's how it is you could say that appetite is stronger than willpower, i want to say it again, this is not some individual problem, since in general the new weight loss projects that we called, get your body back, they wrote on your t-shirts, i will get my body back, no matter what, this new project, it became possible only because new revolutionary drugs have appeared, and the most important thing is that these drugs are now produced in russia, i talk about this every time, because it is very important that our patients are not deprived now, because you remember that for many years we lost weight with azempic,
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then it disappeared, so now, roughly speaking, there is also russian azempic, so russian medicines have appeared, this is the most important thing, but i will repeat once again, this is also... these are injections, before starting treatment you must definitely be examined, we have a wonderful doctor in the project, this doctor participated in all clinical studies of this new class of revolutionary medicines, foreign, ours, i love such people, because when new drugs come to the market, only those who have been in clinical studies are not...
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now we are going to test the rabbits on us, no, before a drug comes to market, it is studied, what tests are required, what organs and systems are studied, yuli yurina, we must definitely look. at the work of the thyroid gland, examine the level of calcitonin in the blood, examine the function, that is, the hormones of the thyroid gland and the hormones that affect its function, the thyroid gland once, albina will help me, hold on further, it will be necessary to evaluate the work of the cardiovascular system,
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electrocardiogram, if necessary, ultrasound of the heart, lipidogram, cholesterol and so on, what else is the condition of the liver, liver. yeah, the condition of the stomach, glue, pancreas, so, the condition of the intestines, i don't have enough stickers, all this needs to be examined, the kidneys are a must, and the kidneys are a must, the creatinine level, so this is a big, serious study that everyone should undergo, and i invited albina from kazan, i said, albina, our doctor will be. tell me, i just know very well how
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you are, before telling about some if i hadn't seen that you were researching it down to the atoms about it or another drug, i just want to emphasize that i'm not talking about a specific drug now, well, yes. we always talk about the fact that there are international non-proprietary names . russia's happiness is that not one drug has appeared here, here's one that has appeared. they said that what is indicated for these drugs? first, they treat
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diabetes, right? yes, second, these drugs are prescribed if there is not obesity itself, but if there is, let's say, excess weight, that is body mass index is more than 27 kg per m2, but there are already certain risk factors, that is, if you do not have obesity, but are overweight and there are risk factors such as arterial hypertension, smoking, cholesterol disorders. that is, lipid profile, this drug is already indicated for you to prevent more severe and serious complications, but now i want to show something else, i want to say that the first thing that has been proven is that these drugs treat diabetes and treat obesity, once again this is liroglutite and semiglutite, these are international non-proprietary names, i i always interrupt, i'll show you, so you can understand what international means, it means the brand is written in large letters, and in small letters, here. yes, the name of the medicine is written in small letters, this is
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liroglutide, or, for example, or, for example, the name is written in large letters, and in small letters, semaglutide, or here is the same thing, the name is written in large letters, amelko semoglutide, and so there are two drugs, liroglutide and semoglutide, so i really, really want to repeat once again that these drugs are copies of the molecule that controls our... these are agonists of a glucagon-like peptide, that the molecule itself, which controls obesity,
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for them it is shown not only that they reduce appetite, that they reduce weight, treat diabetes, a huge number of other positive effects, the first, the most important for me, it turned out that this group of drugs reduces the risk of colorectal cancer, this is super, this is just super, then these drugs by 20%
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. friends, we will give you back your body, like this, we will cut off all the unnecessary, we will take a short break, and then continue, dangers in your refrigerator, egg storage is made in the door, it is convenient for designers, it is no has nothing to do with ours. rules for storing food so as not to get poisoned, diseases with
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a male character, bladder cancer, they did an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and found out, while i have a formation in the bladder area , why are smokers at great risk night vigils, what happens if you do not sleep at night, but work? sleeping at 6 pm is equivalent to drinking three bottles of beer, this is how cognitive abilities decrease. and how to stay healthy with such a life schedule?
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volleyball, as you have not seen it before? channel one cup, live broadcasts on weekends on the first. magamaev, it's me, what's wrong, you can handle it, they don't believe it's me, when an artist comes out on stage and the audience just doesn't breathe, when... without doing anything, just sings the check, not everyone can do that, believe me, muslim never used foul language in his life, but he was brought up differently, a musician, the most intelligent family, he took me by the hands, by the shoulders, he's shaking like that, i beg you, never, never
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in your life make a remark to me through the microphone. we heard each other, i thank him every morning, every evening, every day, every minute, every second, for giving me all this, for muslim's birthday than as two people, because they were before magamaev on sunday on the first, in the new season. on the first, rumors about this crime are already circulating in the city, wherever you go, they say everywhere, women are lured into a taxi, shot in the back, i wanted to ask you about your find, this knot seemed very massive, although it was pried up quite easily, you are honored with great mole honor and trust,
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remember this, i am after. the only real witness, the only person he came to openly, well, major, the hunt has begun, confrontation, premiere of the legendary... this program is great to live, friends, and pay attention, doctor prodeus does not put eggs in the refrigerator door, but inside, and i, together with andrey petrovich , put all dairy
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products on the top shelf like this, food safety, summer is scary. it is clear, for a long time we had one of the first places in the world for intestinal infections in children. finally, during the covid times, when everyone was just washing their hands, i repeat, from elbow to shoulder and were ready to douse themselves from head to toe and wipe themselves with alcohol gels,
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the situation has finally changed, covid has passed and we are living our carefree lives again. which is called the fecal-oral route of infection from the butt to the mouth, this is what it is called in medicine, because, excuse me, there is no other route of infection, so today we will have four rules for food safety. so, food products are the number one scourge in the modern world, as the cause of intestinal infection. who is to blame? we are to blame, no one else. therefore , the first rule, as it sounds. wash everything, period, why is it important if we do not wash, then what threatens us with vomiting diarrhea, vomiting diarrhea leads to dehydration, dehydration
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is most dangerous for two categories of citizens - these are small and old, this is true, young children, having lost only 10% of their body weight, and imagine if a child weighs 10 kg, 10. jokes aside, then wash everything, hands, food, everything in the world, dishes, tables, everything in the world, period, just wash, no need for alcohol, just wash, that's enough, that's the first rule, the second rule, do not allow cross-contamination, we gave the floor to dr. gandelmanov, let's announce... that rule, cross-contamination, is when you cut raw meat on one board, then cut bread right there, and so on. in
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ancient times in ancient judaism , rules were introduced that were called kosher, kosher rules, of course, all this was colored with religious meanings, but in fact it is strict hygiene of products, what does this mean separation dairy? and meat, so that there is no and there is one dish for dairy, there is one dish for meat, there is a place where you can, wash boards or forks, spoons after meat, in another place, after milk, so, so, the separation of boards, those boards on which you cut or cook meat and dairy products should be.
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minimum 80 °. any infectious disease specialist will tell you that boiling is a way to destroy everything, really, andrey, absolutely, because no
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protein will survive anything normally, and life is the existence of protein bodies, be it viruses or bacteria. it is clear, therefore this rule takes on special meaning in the summer, especially when you rush to drink the damned spring water, of course, it needs to be boiled at least, of course. rospotrebnadzor, on which it is written checked, you can rospotrebnadzor, you see, let's go to the refrigerator, because the fourth rule is to freeze and store correctly, let's. let's say on the screen how products are stored in the refrigerator and let's start with eggs, andrei petrovich, why didn't you and i put them in the door, because the doors are the most
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a warm place in the refrigerator, there the temperature is usually about +10°, all eggs are supposed to be stored at a temperature of +4 and below, in this case, such an infection as salmonella will not grow, and the fact that the egg storage is made? in the door it is convenient for designers, it has nothing to do with our health, this is the warmest place, absolutely right, german shevich, you get raw meat, if you defrost meat, which shelf to put it on, on the very bottom, excuse me, i will pass, because it leaks, it can contaminate all the products below you, that is, if you put raw meat or... raw on top, it began to defrost, we have a term for it, seeding, you will seed everything down to the bottom with these microbes, therefore. only at the bottom
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and nowhere else, and moreover, the lower shelves are always colder than the upper ones, because the warmer air will be the temperature of about 4-8 °, but at the bottom there is actually 4 °, which is guaranteed to us by manufacturers, milk and dairy products, which shelf? and they are located on the very top shelf, most often they still packed, closed, they are not dangerous from the point of view of such seeding. leakage, special attention, i want to draw to ready-made food, we all live in real life, mikhail yegorovich, most women cook food for a week, i remember my mother did it for a week, she made 36 cutlets, but i studied in the same group, oh, excuse me, with german shaich, we had a break, we were traveling from one building to another, in kemerovo, our apartment was on the way, everyone came to us
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ate exactly 36 cutlets. we were never scolded, never, but it doesn't matter, my mother cooked a huge pot of soup, she cooked cutlets for the whole week, which is important to understand, in principle , ready-made products are stored for a day, even in the refrigerator, but my mother is a pediatric infectious disease specialist, you can store them longer if each time before use, you boil this soup, stew the cutlets, yeah, everything should reach 100 °, i understand, so if you want to store, store, but only like this, there is another very important addition to defrosting, freezing, the fundamental thing is that you should not defrost on - outside the refrigerator, why? because, unfortunately, defrosting meat is uneven, and where it has already defrosted, bacteria will grow, so it is better to defrost at +4°. in this case, you
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will not infect your meat. these are the four steps, i hope you remembered them, we have specially written you down for them. this is all about food, it is time for us to talk about medicine, a whole cycle is in our program, which we called diseases with a male character, every time outstanding doctors from the moscow urological center come to visit us. today, moscow. moscow, botkin hospital, moscow urological center, it was opened in december of the twenty-third year and became the largest urological center in the world. today
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, it is home to the best urologists of our country, the head of the center is the chief urologist of russia, a doctor with a world-famous name, academician pushkar. pushkar's team has the greatest achievements in the field of urology, the most extensive experience in conducting robot-assisted operations on the prostate gland. the most extensive experience in reconstructive operations for bladder cancer, the most extensive experience in non-invasive treatment of adenoma and cancer prostate. in the largest, the largest, the most, the most. all this is about the moscow urological center. so, diseases with a male character. today our topic is bladder cancer , one of the most experienced, of the most famous doctors of the moscow urological center, professor and doctor of medical sciences, evgeny batovich veliev works on our medical site. and here our patient
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is lying here, and i. i want to ask you to stop the ultrasound examination now, give us a piece of paper, we will close everything, we will invite you to us, okay, okay, you, you had this diagnosis of bladder cancer, right, marina petrov, right, get dressed slowly, with evgeny ibadovich we will go to our model of the bladder, while our guest gets dressed, i want to look at this bladder, and i want you to say one very important thing, evgenia babchek. tell me, please, one of the number one causes of bladder cancer, we call it a disease with a male character, only for this reason, obviously, smoking, one of the main reasons for smoking, you you can't imagine how many times i went to urologists with women i knew, they were diagnosed with bladder cancer , and the first thing the doctor said was, you probably smoke, it turned out,
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an incision on the patient's body, the cancerous tumor is removed with a special instrument, it is inserted through the urethra, goes through the entire canal, gets into the bladder. everything that happens in the bladder, dr. veliev sees on the screen. his main instrument is a special loop
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with an electric discharge, which cuts off the cancerous tissue. and you see how little by little this formation is cut off, with very gentle movements, here. this is actually cut off, and you see this happens almost bloodlessly, to make sure that all the cancer cells are removed, a special device is turned on, it changes the color of the image and makes the cancer cells visible. this color change allows you to see much more carefully not only the surface, but also the vascular pattern, as such, which in a tumor is somewhat different than in normal tissue.
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another thing is that, when talking about this disease, you should remember that the frequency relapses are very, very high, it
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is no less than 40%, even with superficial forms of this disease, so you need to be monitored all the time, right, yes, all the time, this is many years, how often do you come now? doctors, and he does a cystoscopy for you, and if something appears, i understand that you avoid it, avoid it, yes, repeatedly and again, again, sometimes you have to do it several times. so i do a cystoscopy and accordingly, if something appears, a small piece, the doctor will hit me i'm going to the doctor again, well what is life, you live, you have a family, it's normal, you have a life, cancer today is not death, it's life with a chronic disease, so i wish you to live your life, next to such a wonderful doctor, i repeat once again, blood in the urine. until it is proven that it is cancer, this is the main sign
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of cancer. do not sit at home. a huge thank you to the professor, all the best to you, we'll take a short break and then continue. night vigils. what happens if you don't sleep at night, but work? not sleeping for 18 hours, the equivalent of drinking three bottles of beer, so cognitive abilities are reduced. and how to stay healthy with such a life schedule? trader. watch the time after the program. famous favorite artists have gathered at our table, who will tell funny stories and curiosities that happened to them. forgive me, i accidentally broke this new vase. don't worry, it's not like that, it's already. only 200 years old, i invite you to the program, i need
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to play the queen, i think, but it will be some piece dedicated to honey, i come, then the next day in the remains, for all the makeup costume, one of the women brings me such a big velvet circle with two things hanging from the sides, these are the ovaries, she died, as this scream... was produced by herman, bending over, with a fork in his hands, comes up to nina ruslanova at that very moment and sticks this fork into her ass, she does and it sounds stop, filmed, ruslanova only rubbing, says, i didn't know that directors work with actors like that, and as zapashny told me, a long time ago in the soviet circus, a tiger grabbed a father, he quietly tells them: and skolt, take it now stick and with all his might on the head, and now
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tigra. tomorrow after the program time. this city is called the gateway to the north. it has preserved a special, unique way of life, which is dictated by difficult climatic conditions. many come to this city to see the famous polar lights. we are in arkhangelsk, friends. the most important thing for a pomor is that it is practical. what kind of wood is preferable for building a boat? the kind of wood that grows, why did they add salt? in principle, our region was engaged in salt production, that's why they added it everywhere, my grandmother added salt to regular coffee, she even added it to instant coffee, she said it tastes better that way, and in our way, we wash the smelt , sprinkle it with a little salt, chop the onion and add it too , let's take some bread and dip it, dip it, and how delicious it will be in the pomor style, delicious, delicious, friends, very delicious, delicious, the life of our own, the premiere is on sunday on the first in the new
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season on the first come on come on can i ask you it's time to tie up with this choir, he's a soloist, finally, daddy, daddy, hi, natushka, what's taking you so long to come, where? remembered, i met a woman, it happened that, that i love her, i've loved her for a long time, since school, your hair on the back of your head is wet from the heart, there's lipstick on your collar, for everyone my ideal couple, i don't want to be a thief, you know, yes, but it seems to me that you yourself, yes my wife asked me, left in a different way, why are you...
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this program is great to live, friends, what will happen if you don't sleep, it's written in our studio, and in the middle is ideal.
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about the human brain at night, it really is washed and flushed, with cerebrospinal fluid, from these products that accumulate during the day, this is the first, the second, during sleep our brain arranges
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all the information that it received during the day in files, on shelves, that is, it transfers our short memory. into long memory, arranging this information where it is needed, let's use a computer term, right in folders by file, this only happens at night, so when you say there, i had a prophetic dream, this is complete nonsense, the brain does not prophesy, it analyzes information for the last 24 hours, and it analyzes only what happened with you, when you say, i had a dream, it means that relatives will come there. complete nonsense, the dream is about you, analyzes your events, the main character is you, everything is laid out in a file so that it is convenient to extract later , this is the second, then the third, during sleep the growth hormone is produced, and the growth hormone is very important, well, firstly, it is important for
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us to grow, especially children, because the cells that provide the growth of our bones and tissues are stimulated for... at night, and another important role of sleep is immunity, a very important function is stimulation of our immunity, the fact is that during sleep immune cells are produced, they leave the bone marrow, into the vascular network, into the lymphatic vessels, their number
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increases, even studies were conducted after vaccination, people who slept very well, the immune response was, in fact , leads to very terrible consequences and there are special organs in our body that suffer the most, let's start with the brain, because not sleeping for 18 hours has been shown, this is approximately the equivalent of drinking three bottles beer. this is how cognitive ability decreases 18 equals three bottles of beer drinking a day without sleep is like drinking five bottles of beer and feeling very, very, i would say insecure this by the way, sorry, you need to keep in mind for those who get behind the wheel this
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will be what is engaged in precision work concentration surgeons all go to bed on time right mihala. in order to be in the morning, the following are target organs - this is the cardiovascular system, the risks of stroke, heart attack increase by 20% the next day, after one sleepless night, blood pressure increases by 7%, which again leads to the risk of stroke and heart attack, and of course my beloved immunity suffers, the whole day after a sleepless night, our cells, monocytes, macrophages, which... the chance of developing obesity is 44% higher compared to people who sleep at night, that
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's not all, that's not all, the risk, rhythm disturbance, like flickering in the rhythm increases by 22%, so our heart here is unfair the risk of cardiovascular disasters by 35%. the risk of diabetes increases by 30%, which means that to do, in short, he worked the night shift, everything is very simple, what we recommend, first, after the night shift you need to get a good night's sleep, you should regularly exercise and you should eat a hearty meal before the night shift starts, and after 22...
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hello, the information channel on the first.
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said how a soft toy saved the life of her ten-year-old daughter. the drone flew into the open hatch of the car where the girl and her brother were, who were being evacuated by their uncle and aunt. ekaterina, the girl's mother, said that the drone was filled with metal balls similar to shot. thanks to the life-size loaf of a cat, the girl's knee was injured . three fragments were pulled out of it. the boy's injury is more serious, a skull injury. the fragments flew around inside. in kursk, doctors stabilized the child's condition and sent him to moscow. in this war, ukrainian militants are relying
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on drones, but they are not hitting military targets with drones, but civilians. we now have maryana naumova on the line, who managed to talk to residents of the house, where did such a drone end up? maryana, hello, you have the floor, tell us about what people told you? yes, hello, viewers, hello, studio, indeed.


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