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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  August 16, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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rely on drones, but they are not hitting military targets with drones, but civilians, we have maryana naumova on the line right now, who managed to talk to residents of the house where such a drone hit. maryana, hello, you have the floor, tell us what people told you? yes, hello viewers, hello, studio, indeed , attacks by ukrainian uavs on apartment buildings, and private and civilian cars have become more frequent, i myself am such a na...
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now this story is repeating itself, unfortunately, ordinary civilians are suffering, here these people have emergency suitcases right at the exit from their homes, they have essential items , medicines, power banks, documents and even carriers for animals, in fact, the story with animals is a very acute, complex topic, because people are now trying to leave dangerous areas, and some leave their pets to be brought, after all, if you decide to leave the house, be sure to...
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an air signal, i also carry a drone detector with me, which shows me within a radius of 500 m, if a drone is circling above me, well and of course it is even better to get a reb, just in case to leave such territories that are within the reach of fpv and kamika drones, now i am in kursk, in its very center, this is a humanitarian aid center, these guys, heroes in orange and yellow vests, have been working for the ninth day in a row, work... here does not stop
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for a second, these are people, ordinary local residents of the city of kurst, who left their jobs, left their families and come here every day, from morning to evening, giving aid to those, who really needs it, residents of border areas who were evacuated for a while due to activity and shelling from ukraine, during all this time they have given out more than 15,000 humanitarian kits, aid continues to come, three dashes there are six coming here every day. yeah, the whole country is helping now, yes, maryan, we talk about this every day and will never get tired of telling it, but we know that you have prepared some special story for us, yes, let's see.
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shibekin's morning began with alarming news: ukrainian drones attacked an apartment building, the first one knocked out the windows, the second one flew inside and there was an explosion, now the building is in a state of emergency, and the residents were left homeless here. it was your apartment that was damaged, right? yes, we were at home, the first drone flew to the fourth floor, knocked out the window, my husband and i jumped up, hid in the hallway, heard the second drone, went to the bathroom, when the second drone arrived, there was an explosion and the slabs collapsed, that is, if we had continued to sit in the hallway, then well... i wouldn't be standing here, we wouldn't
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we wanted to leave here, we love our city, we absolutely did not want to leave here, we want to live here, but the only thing is that we grabbed this cat. and the cat carrier was in the hallway, documents, that's how we left everything, i saw when he was flying this drone, first there were birds, then the birds flew away and i see the drone, i close, i was on the balcony, i close the balcony, close the door, the child was sleeping right at that. in the hall and i grab the child in the bathroom, i just run into the bathroom, everything is already a blow, the wave shook the house and then, well, i gathered the child, went out on the street, now they have already started helping, rescuing, here you are with your child, and there with your wife, what are the next steps now, where to go, your wife needs to be sent somewhere
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far away from here, at least 30 kilometers away, so that it would be calm, that people could take out the microneedle, the cars are already full. the village of novaya tovalzhanka is literally a kilometer from the ukrainian border, drones fly here just like a swarm of bees, here is one of the recent arrivals , a drone flew into the window again, you were with us,
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we showed you our entrance, well here again here, well done, the drones are getting to us. two are flying, one is flying, it breaks the window, it hits the window, the second one flies into this hole and explodes inside, a fire starts, the house is burning, the apartment is burning, like bees, you go out on a bench, sit down, it flies and think, whose is it, ours or our brothers, and we have no water, there is no electricity, no water pump, that's why. we are sitting, we have been sitting without water for a week, here the head brings us a barrel, there between the houses, here we go, we take it
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, for example, i believe my president, i believe him, i believe in our guys, those who are over there, here they are standing, right there, i don't believe in those jumping on tv, i don't believe this and it's disgusting to all of us, we all condemn, all the men are so healthy, take a gun, it's time to sing a song, get up, the country is huge, this is the situation in the border area of ​​the belgorod region, people... live, work, hope and believe in the best, and we are returning to kursk. in the house of good deeds and a group of people who until now were engaged in helping the homeless, but when trouble came here, they reformatted their
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work and now this is a place of attraction humanitarian aid and people, look, there's a line, these are people from border areas who need humanitarian aid now, a loading zone has been organized here. not for myself, when i arrived here, my grandparents stayed there, but they didn't want to leave, i called, i cried, i asked, i said, well, go ahead, well, ask for
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everything, everything there is, the house, everything, well, somehow i got it, it's very difficult for us, but we, as a family, we just believe in our guys, that they will fight back.
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based on what we have, i have never i thought that something like this could happen and that our house of good deeds would be able to accept so many refugees around the clock, how much sleep i managed i didn’t manage, probably even, no, i managed, well, probably an hour and a half today, and tomorrow is my youngest son’s birthday, i understand that i won’t see him.
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dpr, the cargo came, from everywhere, the children arrive very sad, this is fright, the task of psychologists with them, you need to encourage them, somewhere to joke, somewhere to hug someone, somewhere to kiss, say, you are family and friends, we have all become family and friends now. in fact in fact, we didn't understand how people would but.
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it's not like we were refused help somewhere, we turned to suppliers, said that we are standing here making coffee, they gave us a discount on milk, they gave us a discount on donut mix, it turns out there are so many people who are ready to help among businesses, among ordinary people, suppliers, landlords , that is, everyone united, everyone understands that we are doing this one common cause, tell me where you are from, rylsk district, they dropped everything, they were almost ready for school, they bought everything, they dropped everything, and now here, where we settled in with friends. thank you very much to everyone who helps, people are all very nice, they treat, i don’t know, well
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, just so humanely, that you rarely meet this, in general, all our people, yes, yes, exactly, all ours, and in general we hope that we will soon go home, i think everyone hopes for this, we also hope for this, i will distract you. literally for a minute, i heard that you are a lawyer, yes, an attorney, an attorney, how is work now, if you are children, everything is still in such a suspended state, so for now as there is no work, here we help, distract ourselves from bad thoughts, to be honest, i can’t believe everything that is happening, so we hope, of course, for our military, that they will do everything possible and well, it’s hard , to be honest. i feel very, very sorry for us, guys, and sorry for the people, because well
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, we absolutely understand that people left for us empty-handed and with bare feet, so everything that we can do, we bring from home, we go ourselves, we buy, we bring here, the city has pulled together and is trying to do the best it can, thank you to the people, very well done everyone.
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trader trader watch after the program time. i saw you on tv, who? we have tv in our house, even though we can't fly with you, we'll go, to the ape spit, to the ape spit, there are nebulae, a bubble nebula and soul and heart nebulae, and you say women don't have a soul and heart, here you go, everything is there. how sweet, does she like it when she's kissed? i don't know, but i like it when i kiss her, and can you help me, oh my, the best of all,
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the premiere, tomorrow on the first.
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volleyball, what have you never seen before? cup channel one, live broadcasts on weekends on channel one. this city is called the gateway to the north. a special, unique way of life has been preserved here, which is dictated by difficult climatic conditions. many people come to this city to see the famous polar lights. we. in arkhangelsk, friends, the most important thing for a pomor is to be practical, what kind of wood is preferable for building a boat, the kind of wood that grows, why did they add salt, in principle, our region was engaged in salt production, that's why they added it everywhere, my grandma adds salt to regular coffee, even to rosvorima, she says that it tastes better, yes, in our way, we wash the smelt, sprinkle it with a little salt, chop the onion,
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and add it there too, let's take some bread and dip it, dip it, and how - it will be delicious in pomor style, delicious, delicious, friends, very delicious, the life of their own, the premiere is on sunday on the first, constantly saying that happiness loves, what two semolina, beauties, what are you doing with us and men, don't go to meet him, a sparkling question, do you have a mother, you don't need a mother, i cook well, i prosperous, and got started, how got started, of all the desks, with your grandmother the most difficult of all, with her modulations, thank you, it is impossible not to love to forget where you come from, and what your roots are, remember childhood, what colors we will fill the lives of our children, such will be
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the future, two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on the first. in the new season on the first, rumors are already circulating in the city about this crime, wherever you go, they say everywhere, women are lured into a taxi and shot in the back, i wanted to ask you about your find, this knot seemed very massive, although it was tangled up quite easily, you have been awarded a great honor, moles, honor and trust of the reich. "remember this, after the war i was looking for my son's comrades, i was interested in what was happening there at the end of the war, and anything could have happened there, you don't have any photos of kolya? it's strange, where are they, were they here? lord, how similar he looks to my son, you are the only real witness, the only
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person he came to openly. well, major, the hunt has begun, the confrontation. premiere of the legendary book by julian semenova. we continue our broadcast, yesterday on our broadcast, in this studio we showed you a video , a harsh, heartbreaking video, in which ukrainian upiri with ss symbols, outright nazis, mock an elderly man in the kursk region. the official representative of the un, farhan haq, after watching this footage , got off with these words. he said that he is against nazi symbols. rhetoric of the russian kind, he did not say anything else about this, he is against, but somehow very, very quietly, they have already forgotten
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the honoring of the nazi gunko in canada parliament, and in general, you know, they don’t notice nazism, because those who notice nazis nazism, they should be, according to western principles, destroyed, then there really won’t be those who see this nazism, there won’t be those who fight it. and you know, stories repeat themselves day after day, now we’ll show you another video, and also a very heartbreaking video after watching these shots, i think that no one should have any questions, against whom, for whom, for what are we fighting now? volchansk, kharkov region, our intelligence officers, at while inspecting the area with a drone, they notice two men, one of them is wounded, there is a dog with them, our guys from the copter throw them a bottle of water, a first aid kit, a note, the note says, follow the drone, we will take you out now, a man in white t-shirts, so that
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no one has any doubts that they are peaceful , they are heading after our drone, at this time a drone of the ukrainians notices them and deliberately drops mines on these men, the men die, the dogs... in bewilderment, heartbreaking footage, for me this is generally such, you know, and another small death, tears are simply rolling down our eyes, we are holding back, because we should not give in to what they want to achieve, and in general, you know, this is not an isolated incident, this is not collateral damage, as they say in the west, this is not an isolated case of bullying, this is a massacre, this is mass murder, this is genocide under the cover of the west and under the cover of receiving...
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it is possible, in order to drive enemy units out of our territory as quickly as possible, a video of our guys destroying prague equipment on the highway in kursk region. moreover, the russian military destroyed a launcher in the sumy region with an iskander strike, an american hymers launcher, which was shelling our kursk region, and the western media themselves criticize the ukrainians for excessive adventurism, they call it that, the editor of the german publication spiegel told by name how their ill-considered operation could end. in the worst-case scenario
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, ukraine will remain in kursk and will defend these territories, but against russian superiority it will spend a lot resources, these resources will not be enough in the east, in donbass the exhausted soldiers will no longer be able to hold the front, and this will lead to collapse, russia will seize the whole of donbass, in response, the west will strengthen. well, in their opinion, it will definitely result in the capitulation of ukraine, but it would also be good if germany capitulated. this is what the bilt publication writes. in the worst case, the ukrainian troops
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will suffer a crushing defeat in...
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destruction, we are dealing with nazis, so this is tactic number one, the main reason, the second reason is the british, so the so-called general strategy of a thousand cuts, when each wound is not fatal, but it leads to massive bleeding and...
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weakening of the body, they will strike at various points along the border, they will, as i have repeatedly said, carry out mass terrorist attacks, including with the help of intelligent drones, murders, in order to cause maximum social upheaval within our society, doubts in society that the government is behaving correctly, and the general narrative will be that the government cannot protect us, but the question is that neither one government, no country in the world can protect a person who is attacked with an axe or a knife on the street, on this matter it is clear on... killers, maybe not everyone knows, now they are testing nato technologies, where a drone, without the participation of an operator , independently decides when to use and, according to an algorithm, determines whether you are an enemy or not and whether it is worth killing you or not, they tested this equipment, so to speak, in pakistan, in particular in afghanistan, more than a hundred dekhans died then, as a result, such a robot can even
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define a chevron on a sleeve. yellow-blue or tricolor by biometrics define a face 3 g of explosive class switch blade fits in the palm of your hand hits the base of the skull, kills a specific person, so autonomy for an hour and a half with naturally electric electric power plant, therefore and i will say, the british are behind this, their strategy to gather the west has never changed, i will briefly summarize, i will add one more: in my opinion, there i am about the west, the direction west, there is no one at all, except ... nazis. kurt waltheim, secretary general of the un secretary general. you just quoted me, you showed us my personality. kurt waltheim was a nazi, moreover, he took part in a number of data in the mass murder of people, including in ukraine, personally, he killed people himself, and then he became the general secretary. here it should be noted that nazism itself, well, took its origins from what you could even call british colonialism, and therefore you were absolutely right when you said that now in the west everyone has these
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nazi... ideas, but at the same time, at all this, western countries in every possible way are trying to absolve themselves of responsibility for what is happening in the korb region, they say with a straight face that everything was supposedly planned without them, they betrayed, by the way, the west, the ukrainians themselves, yesterday zelensky's subordinate mykhailo podalyak said that ukraine, it turns out, coordinated all its actions with the west, and such sorties, of course, were coordinated from the outside, we have no doubts. not exactly, russian presidential aide nikolai patrushev says that the attack in the ssu was planned with the participation of nato western intelligence services. it was the west that put the criminal junta at the head of ukraine. nato countries pumped kiev with weapons, military instructors, constantly supply intelligence data and monitor the actions of neo-nazis. the operation in the kursk region was also planned with the participation of nato members of western intelligence services. this criminal action was caused
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by a premonition of the approaching inevitable.
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russia declared that we are ready on the conditions firmly set by the president, this had to be disrupted at all costs, and for this purpose the kurdish adventure, after which it closed.
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with an unknown result, well, a dubious campaign, for them a sharp aggravation with they look through the prism of the electoral history, therefore we see such a reaction of the western press, if this company had been
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approved at the level of the white house, the kursk adventure, the entire western press would have entered with delight, now it expresses vague doubts, nevertheless, this is the case when the tail has thoroughly wagged the dog, and... britain reminded that in this bundle the united states of america and britain are such a small but smart ringleader and next to him there is a big hulk, to whom he says: come on, give it to this one, come on, hit this one, who's after vasya and me? this vasya is the united states of america, this ringleader is great britain. it is worth noting here that on this front , the biden administration is considering sending long-range missiles to ukraine for... here 's what is known about this: the biden administration is open to sending long -range cruise missiles to ukraine, which would give kiev f-16 fighters a big force. the final decision on sending missiles has not yet been made, but
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now the administration is working out the complex details, the possibility of transferring secret technologies is being discussed, as well as the possibility of ukrainian aircraft launching a missile weighing more than a thousand kilograms. the americans apparently decided that everything would go swimmingly for them. we need to add fuel to the fire, in the meantime, the ssu is testing, it must be admitted, big problems, the pentagon is directly saying that their wards will not be able to carry out a counteroffensive. half a year. the ukrainian army still does not have enough weapons and ammunition. a severe shortage of artillery, air defense and long-range weapons does not allow the ukrainian armed forces to overcome russia's advantage in the air and ground space. as of june , us ammunition began to arrive at the front line, but this assistance will almost certainly be insufficient compared to the 10,000 shells per day that russia spends. ukraine is probably capable of continuing to defend. operations, but not to conduct large-scale counteroffensives, at least
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at least for the next 6 months. the pentagon made this publication a week after the start of the so-called kurdish operation of kiev, but then the saddened representative of the white house john kirby, he confirms that indeed for six months, probably, the ukrainian military will not be able to attack, he says: you are nothing, be patient, wait, we will definitely supply you with something. and yesterday sinn came out with very interesting news. today it was reported that the white house is still against the use of atakms missiles the territory of the kursk and belgorod regions, but then experts from cnn and other western publications note why, they go, or rather even cnn itself says that the reason is not that they are against it, because there are very few of these missiles, so it is better to use them for other purposes. nikita, this is a kind of coming out, he says, if we had a lot of these missiles, then for god's sake use them. but since we have few of them, then we will determine the targets for you, in the kursk
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belgorod region there are not priorities goals, there with a hint that crimea and the crimean bridge are more important. but in fact , the americans act very prudently and cynically, they understand perfectly well that all military operations carried out by ukraine are very closely connected with the image of the american administration, the military-industrial complex, well, in general, the officer corps. everyone understands perfectly well that, of course, any major military operation, especially such as an invasion of the skuyu region, cannot be carried out without space reconnaissance, without technical personnel, let's take an elementary story with the hymers, which we all understand perfectly well, are served by the americans, the americans are aware, however, before the broadcast i specifically looked at the reaction of public politicians and mass media to last year's ukrainian counteroffensive, everything was the other way around, there was no counteroffensive yet, but the politicians themselves said that ukraine would go on the counteroffensive. it would definitely win, these waves were dispersed
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by the mass media, newspapers, magazines, politicians, retired generals and so on, in the end it was not just a pfft, but another word, i won't use it of course, roughly speaking, a huge failure, of course, which hit the image of the west very hard, as a hegemon, as the one who can defeat the russians, that is , if they had conditionally reached the kursk nuclear power plant, then they would also have praised and said that everything was fine. precisely because they were not sure at the very beginning, of course, they gave the go-ahead for this operation, of course they supplied both information and of course technical means, but they did not want to step on last year's rake, that is why i wholeheartedly for a week we heard official silence from the pentagon, for a whole week the western press talked very little about how ukraine invaded the kursk region, imagine, a year ago this would have been a huge sensation,
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i think they will confirm, of course, this is a local
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success, which can be very quickly packaged in information, to say: look, we entered, but from the point of view of not even long-term consequences, but one or two months, they tell the ukrainians something like this: what have you done, you couldn’t really make a sensation here, but you have a front there too collapse, they are afraid of it, so they want to disown it in advance, like ukraine is doing it itself, they couldn't find a single military expert who would confirm that this is a success? in terms of media, of course, they are promoting it very strongly, a short advertisement, and we will return, fantastic, today on the first. famous favorite artists have gathered at our table, who will tell funny stories and curiosities that happened to them. i'm sorry, i accidentally broke this new vase, don't worry, it's not like that, it's already new, it only 200 years. i invite you to the program,
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i think you need to play the queen, but it will be some piece dedicated to honey. so i come, the next day to the remains, all the makeup costume, one of the women brings out. such a large, velvet circle, it has two such things hanging from the sides, these are the ovaries, she died, as this cry was produced, herman, bending over, with a fork in his hands, comes up to nina ruslanova at that very moment in her ass so sticks this fork, she does and sounds stop, filmed, he only rubs, says, i do not i knew that directors work with actors like that, and as zapashny told me, a long time ago , a soviet circus, a tiger grabbed a father, he quietly tells them, skolt, take a stick now and hit him on the head with all your might, and now the tiger,
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tomorrow after the program time. volleyball, what have you seen yet? haven't you seen it, channel one cup, live broadcasts on weekends on channel one, magamaev - that's me, yes, muslim, what's the matter, you can handle it, that they don't believe that it's me, when an artist goes on stage and the audience
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just doesn't breathe, when i do nothing, but just a person sings, not everyone can do that, believe me.
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that i love her, i've loved her for a long time. your hair on the back of your head is wet from the heart, there's lipstick on your collar, for everyone we are the perfect couple, i don't want to be a thief, you understand, yes, but it seems to me that you yourself, and my wife, my profile, left for another, why don't you go after her, don't fight, don't
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bring her back, i went out of my way for him, do you even know how much they cost, you weren't asked, that, as it should be, just fuck off, guy, bastard, choir, premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first, we have military analyst alexander sharkovsky on the line, alexander borisovich, hello, how is the situation in... hello, the situation remains difficult, but as they say, stable, right now. it is observed that in the area of ​​​​snagosti the enemy has been completely repulsed,
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lgov, unfortunately, is being evacuated, the day before it was shelled by the enemy with rockets, here is olginka, spalnaya, koreneva, sudzha, in fact, there are there, we will move a little to the side, here are the rest of the populated areas... completely repulsed, there are battles in sudzha, there is basically part of the city controlled by the russians, part of the city is under enemy control, well again german tanks, naturally, on the territory of ukraine, the day before, i think you already know this news, the english tank challenger 2 was shot down, and there is such information, now our aviation is actively working and... our missilemen in the rear of the enemy, therefore the rear supply is going badly for the ukrainians, they
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are forced to abandon their armored vehicles, because they are running out of fuel and retreat on foot, it becomes good prey for our soldiers, many of the enemy are destroyed we can say that we have solved the issue mainly with the supply of ammunition and fuel from sumy. in fact, it has not been completely stopped, but the enemy has serious problems with this supply, that is , they clearly do not have enough ammunition for combat operations and clearly do not have enough gsn. what about the donetsk direction? donetsk direction, the situation here is radically different, with the beginning of the kurdish battles in the donetsk direction.
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is developing completely negatively for the armed forces of ukraine, it seems that in the near future our troops will be able to reach pokrovsk. zaporizhzhya i am also interested in the direction, i will explain why, because a lot of contradictory information comes in this direction, what is the situation there now? now near orekhovo , activity of ukrainian troops is observed, columns of armored vehicles, columns of fuel tankers are visible there. dmitry ragozin also noted this activity, he believes that some kind of attack is being prepared in
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the direction of energodar, here, but at the same time there is information that the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine is removing some troops from here and transferring them to the kursk direction, perhaps there is part of the disinformation, but most likely the following is happening, from here zaporozhye is being deactivated. the shelled units are being thrown to the kursk direction, and here come the unshelled newly created units, and thus the command of the armed forces of ukraine here maintains the required number, well, just in case, that maybe here either a diversionary strike will be made, or they will really undertake some kind of offensive action in the southern direction, but you assume that the probability of a strike towards energodar is relatively small now, well, you know? it's hard to predict anything here, since the enemy is trying
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to repeat the scenario of the fall of 2022, when the enemy simply tried to pull apart russian troops on diametrically opposite flanks, here it is possible that the same strategy will be repeated , but judging by what is happening, the enemy does not have enough forces and means this time . i will ask you to pay attention to the zaporozhye direction as well, next time we will also be told what changes are happening there. thank you very much, military analyst alexander borisovich sharkovsky was on the line with us. andrey konstantinovich, it is clear that the british and americans will try to survive the situation as much as possible now due to the invasion of the ukrainian armed forces into the kursk region. what geopolitical points do they want to get? well, it is absolutely obvious for the british, they are interested in the straits, they are interested in the black sea, the restoration of their dominance, for the sake of this... they are ready to sacrifice anything, they left the european union and will calmly watch, if they do not support the collapse of the european union
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creating their own bloc, which, as they assume, will include... ukraine, poland, the baltics. as for the americans, in this case their main stake is an endless protracted war between ukraine and russia. against the backdrop of this war, they are developing their military-industrial complex. against the backdrop of this war, they are trying to unite the western world around themselves, and for them the kursk adventure is, well, one of the episodes of this endless battle. and what do you think worries all our viewers? it is not ukraine that should answer, here is britain, the usa. i am convinced that there will be a response, that it will be not only a political response, but also a military-technical one, against great britain and the usa. i think that yes, the president has already indicated this, when he spoke about what our opponents might play, he said, in particular, there are forces in the world that treat the anglo-saxons with deep hatred, and if you
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supply weapons that strike already at... the recognized territories of the russian federation and at the same time say: well, we supplied these weapons, they are no longer ours, they now it's ukrainian, then we can also supply weapons to your fierce enemies, they will strike at you, and we will tell you the same, and this is not our weapon now, this is the weapon of these x, who bought it from us, we must approach it not with a hot heart, but with a sober mind, with a sober mind, this is an operation, so the answer must be tough, and therefore well thought out sudden. nikita, do you agree with this position, what weapons and to which enemies can we transfer them? i agree, the only thing is, it seems to me that ukraine must first respond more harshly, and after the occupiers who came to kurdish land will be driven out of there, and the operation will continue and not only in the context of creating a sanitary zone, but so that it doesn’t seem like a little, and yes , maybe i’m speaking emotionally now,
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alesya, you said it right, you need to keep a cool head, but in my opinion, including... the light not only for ukraine, but for all of them will be, of course, the destruction of decision-making centers and symbols, when western diplomats, freely, senators come to the bank, they are met there, this should not happen, this there will also be a signal and it will be read, a short commercial and we'll be back, trader watch after the program time, summer is wandering under the alleys.
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volleyball, what have you never seen before? channel one cup, live broadcasts on the weekend on channel one, i saw you on tv. who do we have
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in our house on the phone, even if we fly with you, we don't know how, we'll go to kosiapeya, in kosiape there are nebulae, a bubble nebula and soul and heart nebulae, and you say women don't have a soul and heart, here you go, everything is there, how nice, she likes it when her kiss, i don't know, but... i like it when i kiss her, and you can help me, oh my, better than anyone, premiere, tomorrow on the first, this
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city is called the gateway to the north, a special unique one has been preserved here. practical, what kind of wood is preferable for building a boat, the kind of wood that grows , why did they add salt, in principle, our region was a salt industry, that's why they added it everywhere, my grandmother adds salt to regular coffee, even to instant coffee, she says that it tastes better and in our style, my smelt, with a little salt we'll shake, cut the onion and add it there too, let's take some bread and dip, dip, and how delicious will it be in a sea style, delicious? delicious, friends, very delicious, the life of one's own, the premiere is on sunday on the first, constantly talking, such two semolina, beauties, what are you doing
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with us men, don't go to meet him, and a modest question, do you have a mother, you don't need a mother, i cook well, i'm well-off, take me to your place, that's how it is with me, it's impossible not to love forget where you come from and what your roots are, remember in childhood long ago, what colors we fill the lives of our children with, such will be the future, two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on the first, in the new season, on the first. there are already rumors in the city about this crime, wherever you go, they say everywhere, women are lured into a taxi and shot in the back, i wanted to ask you about your find, this knot seemed very
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massive, although it was quite easy to pick up, you are worthy of great honor, moles, honor and trust, remember this, after the war i was looking for a s. the only real witness, the only the person to whom he came openly. well, major, the hunt has begun, confrontation, premiere of the legendary book. yuliana semenova. unfortunately, history
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teaches nothing not only to ukrainian politicians, but also to some other politicians in the post-soviet space who are striving for european integration. we have the example of moldova, where everyone also wants very much to be in europe, in fact, they may want to join romania. to join or become part of it through this, and now a new political cycle is beginning there, a big important for us, because pridnestrovie is not a foreign territory for us, here ekaterina strizhenova interviewed the former president of the republic, chairman of the socialist party igor dadon, who spoke about the new values ​​of modern politicians. watch today on our channel very soon, now the news. hello, it's news time on the first one, we'll tell you about the most important events.


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