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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 17, 2024 3:40am-4:16am MSK

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to this day, i often see that there is some kind of lack of appropriateness, that is , not everyone understands where, how to dress appropriately, the concept of dress code is often erased, so event organizers very often declare this dress code so that people understand where they are going, and even then they do not always follow it. if we are talking about stars, then in my opinion, the stars lack stylists. and if freshchart today.
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it sells a lifestyle, you need to strive for this lifestyle in order to wear this or that another pair of shoes, a bag or i don’t know jewelry, how adequately all this costs, that’s another question, no matter how fashionable the jacket is, it’s not a work of art and it’s not a painting, and we ’re not talking about couture dresses now, because it’s still a work of art, yes, but... well, well, an ordinary denim jacket
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can’t cost several thousand dollars, well, or an ordinary leather bag, in no case, can’t cost hundreds of thousands, but it’s the only one, it’s especially funny when you see a person with this bag, who proudly carries it, you understand that i don’t know why, and also in public transport you see a lot of such bags, which are just fakes and lena, and how do you feel about... in fact, against fakes, because when you put on fake shoes, take fake bags, put on fake brands, this is a story about seeming, and not being, inside a person, when he buys a fake, he still knows that this thing is not real, this feeling, you know, there is such a wonderful meme or video, who goes to... when a person looks
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out onto the street, it's raining outside, you can immediately tell who bought a fake, who bought a real bag, a real bag, the owner closes the expensive bag so that it doesn't get wet, but with a fake , on the contrary, they cover themselves from the rain, and this is really about self-awareness, about that, about self-esteem, in general, i'm against fakes, i'm against trying to pull the wool over someone's eyes, that i earn a lot, i can afford it, if you really earn a lot, okay, if... no, buy within your means, live within your means means, very cool, well why, if someone, for example, wants to somehow rise in the social elevator, and he needs, let's say, to get some prestigious job, and he wants to demonstrate that he also earned well at his previous job and could afford it, in these cases, if we buy fakes, because we are deceiving, it means either we worked poorly, we were not paid, or we spent this money somewhere, well, in general, the point is not that, if we really want to. make an impression on a person,
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who earns, this can be done either pointwise, for example, take some one small detail, for example, shoes of a good quality, expensive brand, that's all, with the help of these small shoes the whole image will be read as good enough, expensive, make the right impression, but when we put on a fake, a knowledgeable person, he always thinks, he will always see that this is - well, something is not right, well, and you yourself will feel like an impostor. of course, when we first encountered fakes, that is our shoes were so popular that they began to be produced in huge quantities and supplied to markets all over the world, they were different, there were whole large collections, even of shoes that we didn’t have in our line, but were you happy or upset, you know, at first i was very upset, i started calling my friends, lawyers, asking what to do, what to do, who to sue, they told me, well listen, are you
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going to sue the whole world, relax, calm down, take a breath, and we congratulate you, because i don’t counterfeit anything, of course, our shoes on our account by... didn't put anything up, didn't tell him anything, but showed me the most popular colors, there are a lot of inspired
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silhouettes now, and this is actually very cool, because the mass market as a whole is now built on the fact that it is inspired by fashion houses, big ones, and reworks, rethinks, releases those models that look like expensive ones, like luxury ones, but they are without this branding, without logomania, they are not fakes, they are not counterfeits, but they also help us to create a stylish cool images, i have nothing against mass market, the main thing is that they would observe all the rules of shoe construction, so that it does not spoil the foot of the person who puts it on, it's a matter of taste, if you want to do it, do it, buy it, i - i'm for the idea. if some beautiful thing appeared in the mass market and i like the idea, then i will definitely have it, i don't like logos on myself, it is not the logo that should promote your design, after all, it is the design, but as a buyer it always captivates me very much when it is not conspicuous on clothes
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eyes brand, because right now i was trying to pick out a pair of sunglasses, i wanted to somehow update my collection, and i couldn’t just find. in paris i couldn’t choose anything, because everywhere, i don’t know at what point i missed this fashion, but giant logos on both sides, by the way, i would change the legislation in this regard and oblige, for example, brands, if they release things with large logos, so that they pay the buyer for placing their advertising on his clothes, and not the buyer them, but here the question is also how a person, as if who buys it, a person who wants to be a part of it buys it. what is trending, and what has already become a classic? we sort out the shoe wardrobe together with designer alexander serodikyan and
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stylist lena chervova. if we talk about the mass market, then there is an opinion that, for example, if you want to invest in some expensive thing, then let it be this. because it is a small wardrobe item that can complement our clothes, complement our image, especially since we all live in the modern world and change quite often clothes, well, rarely does any of us wear the same thing 24/7, 30 days a month, but still , somehow, the images change, but shoes, they still change less often, well, objectively, if
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you look at your wardrobe, any woman, and even a man, there are always fewer shoes than clothes, accordingly, shoes are more specific, they should be more universal, they should... fit into many sets, so of course, if you need to choose, i recommend doing this in shoes, plus shoes are more expensive, high-quality, they are worn more, better, longer, and accordingly can help you to stay stylish, cool , fashionable for a long time, buying shoes today in the twenty -fourth year, here's what you should pay attention to, it should be, for example, a pointed toe, a blunt toe, a thick heel, a thin stiletto heel, what is better to invest in today? it is best to invest in education, i will not even argue with you about this, you know, like - said khromchenko, uh, a smart girl can always become a beauty, a beauty will not always be a smart girl, which means that shoes are an investment, 100%, but it is important to approach it wisely,
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because if we invest in some short-term super trend, which will go away in a couple of seasons, and you will look at these beautiful shoes, which are absolutely beautiful, by the way. and not always comfortable, by the way, well, i just got carried away by the trend and bought it, then here it is of course important to approach it wisely, if in general the choice is about, i want to invest now some slightly larger amount than... i usually spend on shoes, what should i buy, i would recommend starting with the base, well, these are some pumps, this is some sneakers, these are some basic boots or ankle boots, if we are talking about a colder time of the year, this is something that will not become an anti-trend and this is something that can be worn often and will be combined with many images, i would like to talk about the ugly ones, how do you feel about agli fashion, about roxy tabi, is this also considered a good investment or should you still give it up because it is fleeting? trends, i am the owner of tabi, i will defend them now, because in the most in fact, this is a very unique shoe that
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naturally attracts attention, and this is a shoe that absolutely everyone should not wear, it is important to wear it for those who are ready to attract attention to themselves, who are ready to withstand it, who generally enjoy it, and this, by the way , is not a new trend for several decades, but margello has been using it for a long time, they borrowed it from japanese brands.
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bought, when i walk around the store, i don’t see myself in it for what purpose so that a person comes, but this does not mean that it is good or bad, i don't have jeans in my wardrobe, but i like them on others, i don't feel them on myself, if you really resonate with the aesthetics of the brand, if you like how it looks on you, if you put on these shoes and enjoy... the trend is very difficult, well, because it really has been with us for more than one season, as for crocs, well , this is kind of a specific story, after all, these are primarily shoes not for the city, but for some kind of rest, and if we are talking about a country wardrobe, then why not no, it can easily be, if we are talking about urban images, then... it is quite difficult to create a very strong fashionable look with them, but i am sure that only a few
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will succeed. it also seems to me, len, that there is such a moment when shoes, such, unusual, become a kind of litmus test for a person's style, because if , for example, a girl wears feminine clothes, such a so-called coquette cor, ruffles, feminine dresses, suddenly she buys herself tabi, i see in these shoes a person with a slightly different... style, that's when such a inconsistency, when people become victims of fashion, they buy a pair of shoes or even clothes that don't quite match their style, they fit it into their wardrobe, what should you do if you really want to have this thing, is it worth revising your wardrobe, or is it not as scary as it seems to me, well, in fact, i'm generally for not being a hostage to one style, and we all, especially... women are very flighty, i would say, well, that is,
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today we have one mood, tomorrow we have another, today i'm sweet and very tender, and tomorrow i want to bang my fist on the table and declare that i'm kind of talking business here, you pack your wardrobe in the evening, wake up in the morning and think, what kind of nonsense is this, no, i 'm not ready like that, and that's normal, well, because we all have different states, different moods, and if clothes don't help with that, then we have... if we want to try something new, that's normal, it happens that our
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state, our needs change throughout life, today i want to be very like that an exemplary mother, and in a year i want to be and make an impression of a leader there, does this mean that i can’t be a mother at this time either, of course i can, it ’s important to choose your outfits for this, i’m returning to the question of the tabi and some frills, if in general it’s... off-putting to the mood, then you need to take it, and here, again, returning to my comment, it’s important not just to follow the trend, it’s important to understand why you’re taking it, what you ’re buying it for.
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and to feel it, but if this there is no feeling, this feeling of pleasure, that you go to the mirror in this very dress or in this very pair of shoes and think, damn, what a beauty, then i would remove such things from my wardrobe and change them for those that will create this feeling, i never buy a thing if i doubt that i need it, but if in the morning i woke up and realized that as if i were thinking about it again, then yes, i need it, because it happens that... like yes, oh, cool, i need it, they fit beautifully, let's have all the colors, and then these colors they they just lie in boxes and wait to go out somewhere for some kind of shoot or that is, that is, before buying it is better to take a break, you liked the thing, there is such an opportunity, then yes, it is better to take a break, if your flight is in 3 hours, of course you have to take it, these are the most impulsive purchases later
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, you think in what condition i bought them, well, you know , we have such a job that sometimes these things. oh, these crazy shoes that i bought in some kind of madness, as you say, an hour before the plane, they just happened to be today for this dress code, for this very party or event it is ideal, yes they are waiting for their time, it is absolutely definitely used in some photo shoot, will be put on some artist, it is not a fact that the shoes will end up on the feet, they can be on the shoulders, on the head, on the table, anywhere, and what were your craziest purchases? for example, i bought some kind of headdress on the island of bali, someone from the royal family of past centuries, some kind of crazy building, for some reason i decided, that i need it, you never know, i still have this strange construction for my head at home, there are no random things anyway, if i need something, then at that
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moment i enjoy it, i definitely need it, yes, for some time, then it may no longer be relevant, how do you feel about the fact that now the whole world has changed to sneakers, i remember those times when stiletto heels could be considered casual shoes, and today we often combine sneakers even with evening dresses, with evening outfits, i understand that sneakers are, not only are they comfortable, they are also very trendy, how long will this trend last i don’t know, because uggs, uggs, they were also on everyone at some point?
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with socks, the same story with shoes, you don’t wear them with socks or tights, but you need to put them on your foot, and another question, shoes, especially with heels, and this is always very difficult, we have a lot of lasts, that is, for example, they made a shoe, it went into circulation, during the circulation everything was ok, then as if, but it is not like 1/39 size is the same for everyone, yes, everyone's feet are different, somewhere for someone. something was in the case, if this somewhere for someone was there more than five, then i understand that, apparently, it is possible to refine, finish and improve, you think about how many seasons the thing will live in the buyer's wardrobe, no matter how classic a pair of shoes is, it still has a time
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stamp of when it was produced, summing up, i want to wish you to find your... the perfect pair not only in your personal life, but in your shoe wardrobe. more about fashion trends in other issues are not bastards on the site of the first. hello, the program time is on the air, in the studio eksterina andreeva, the main events of the day. activists
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kursk region, the latest data on the situation on the border from a ukrainian missile killed two people's front, who helped evacuate civilians. new technical solutions for our military in the zone of their own. meeting of vladimir putin with permanent members of the council security of russia. three liberated settlements in a week, destroyed nato equipment and group strikes on the rear of the armed forces of ukraine. summary of the ministry of defense on the progress of the special operation. a major power failure in the far east, a power outage in vladivostok, finds at the surist artem. what is the cause of the emergency? the battle of the strongest channel one volleyball cup, a unique tournament, a competition of youth experience, the teams have already been formed. the light has narrowed tales of
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vladimirskaya land, a mesmerizing show-gift to the millennium of the ancient russian city. a chance for recovery - a very complicated operation in the botkin hospital. surgeons removed a cancerous tumor and a huge tromp, which could come off at any moment. today , the russian army repelled a new terrorist attack by the kiev regime on the crimean bridge. at night, our air defense systems shot down 12 american operational-tactical missiles atakoms aimed at the crossing. and mi-8 and k-29 helicopters of the black sea fleet naval aviation destroyed five ukrainian unmanned boats that were heading in the direction of crimea. now the main news of the week about the progress. army russia is actively advancing in the donetsk republic, three villages have been liberated: sergeyevka, ivanovka and lisichnaya. there is a lot of destroyed equipment in different directions, including two
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abrams tanks, 13 bradley infantry fighting vehicles, three hymers mlrs combat vehicles, and three patriot self-propelled fire installations. an mi8 helicopter of the ukrainian air force was shot down by air defense forces. a su-27 fighter was destroyed at the base airfield. ukrainian formations have lost over 14,500 militants in 7 days. 57 surrendered . in addition, the ministry of defense reported a series of group strikes on the military rear of the ukrainian armed forces. from august 10 to 16 , the russian armed forces carried out 17 group strikes with high-precision weapons and strike drones on enterprises of the ukrainian military-industrial complex, airfield infrastructure, and assembly and storage sites for strike drones. in addition, fuel depots of the ukrainian armed forces and temporary deployment points of nationalist formations of foreign mercenaries were hit. the objective control footage
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published by the ministry of defense shows exactly defeat of ukrainian armed forces aircraft in dnipropetrovsk region. our intelligence spotted a su-24 bomber, which was being prepared for a combat sortie at the dnepr airfield. technicians were hanging stormshadow cruise missiles on the aircraft's pylons. at that moment , the iskander m complex calculation delivered a precise and destructive strike, destroying both the bomber and ammunition. terrorist attack by kiev regime militants on donetsk under attack from large-caliber drone artillery petrovsky district of the capital of the dpr. arrival, in particular, at a shopping center galaxy. there were many visitors there at the time of the shelling. the building was engulfed in flames, people were trapped in a fiery trap, the enemy continued to fire, not allowing the firefighter to work. at the moment, two people are known to have died and eleven people are wounded. in donetsk, it is working.
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it is pierced by shrapnel, the creatures are shelling the civilian population, this is not the ukrainian armed forces, these are scum, galaxy, you could say, is the heart of petrovka, perhaps the only large shopping center operating here, children, women are screaming, fighting with istyliks, because their children are there, we saved as many people as we could, pulled out, quietly, quietly, that's it, kolya, my little one,
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the ukrainian armed forces spotters didn't even let us approach the building for a long time to provide assistance, firing a few more shells with a delay. boom, all the windows, run, and then dust, screams, the girls ran to our entrance from the galaxy, this boy ran in covered in blood, there was blood, and his leg was wounded, and his arm was through and through, pierced through and through, and we laid down some food for him here, and the guard, he says, people are screaming there, ran back.
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at the time of the shelling, according to preliminary data , there could have been more than 100 people, the number victims, it is being specified. by this hour, 14 armed attacks have been carried out by the armed formations of ukraine, about 50 rounds of ammunition have been fired. unfortunately, the heroic efforts of rescuers to eliminate the consequences of ukrainian aggression are still complicated by the operational situation. in addition to the shopping center, neighboring multi-story buildings also came under attack by the armed forces of ukraine, these are not just broken windows. these are two floors of mine lying here, he
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just happened to be in that bedroom, he went out before that, the cat ran after him, then there was a bang, he was badly concussed, he comes to himself, and he sits, well, a little bit of noise in his head, of course, well, no, it's not critical, i 'll survive, i fell, everyone fell, the cat fell, it's good that the kids were taken to football, everything somehow crawled, opened the door, lying there was smoke, because the black one fell here, what could the cat took everything, didn't take anything else, no less than six apartments were seriously damaged by direct hits, as we can see, the shell pierced three floors at once, that is, three apartments were destroyed, these are the consequences, this is just one hit from today's artillery attack. based on the fact that in this section of the front the enemy was pushed back from the city by long-range guns, the investigators confirmed that the caliber was nato. at the inspection site, fragments and shrapnel from a shell were found, presumably a 155-millimeter artillery shell
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, all the shrapnel and fragments.
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now about how the armed forces of russia and the russian guard are driving the enemy out of the kursk land. here are the official data on the losses of the ukrainian armed forces per day, 220 people and 19 armored vehicles, three launchers of the zalopovogo system fire hymers, and this is not the entire list. in total, during the military actions in the kursk direction, the number of destroyed ukrainian terrorists is approaching 3. dmitry kochitkov is monitoring the situation. army aviation is working. was daily, this is a night flight of mi-28 helicopters. with guided missiles vikhr, the pilots hit military equipment, hitting the target exactly, the ministry of defense also reports on strikes on the reserves of the armed forces of ukraine. active actions of units of the group of forces north, strikes of unmanned aerial vehicles artillery fire the attack of the assault groups of the 82nd airborne assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine in the direction of russkoye porechny was repelled. operational-tactical aviation carried out strikes
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on the reserves of the armed forces of ukraine, a warehouse. sumy region. in total, during the military actions in the kursk direction, the enemy lost up to 2,860 servicemen, 41 tanks, 40 armored personnel carriers. this is how the calculation of the remote mining system for agriculture works on the reserves of the armed forces of ukraine in the sumy region. we go to the point where we work, plus or minus about five minutes, we fired, the machine aims itself, self-firing. and these objective control shots show the destruction of two expensive american haimers systems, from which the ukrainian armed forces fired at the kursk region, they were in the neighboring somsk region, in the miropolye area. and this is the crew of a su-34 fighter-bomber,
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striking a guided missile at an e-125 anti-aircraft missile system of the ukrainian armed forces in the sumy region. enemy missile launchers are a priority target, including for artillerymen, this would be a firing rate of up to six rounds per minute, a range of more than 7 km, the anti-tank gun is raping, accordingly the equipment is to destroy, suppress, hit, we conduct round-the-clock surveillance 24x7, a bird in the air, only movement, here we notice, we aim the barrel and work out, in the kursk region itself, the russian military blew up. an armored vehicle kazak, the lancet ammunition hits the target, in this video the lancet hits the enemy tank, enemy equipment can be destroyed with an ordinary canister of gasoline, this soldier succeeded, where the crew was is unknown,
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perhaps they heard that ours were approaching military, abandoned the car, hid, the fighter took advantage of the moment, all the seconds counted, get the canister, pour it on, set it on fire, that's it, no b, and the marines forced them out, many of us ran away, really many, a lot, i saw a lot of burned equipment, a large number, and well, a lot of corpses that were not removed, a bunch of people laid in, without
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any, i don't know, even a plan, in the kursk region there are not only military personnel of the ministry of defense, but also the russian guard, the fsb and other agencies, pyrotechnicians of the combined detachment of the ministry of emergency situations. they defused the downed missile, presumably american-made near the territory of the power facility. we carry out work to clear cluster munitions delivered by multiple launch rocket systems, detected, destroyed on the spot. 74 from the american-made m42 munition. it happens that the shells go deep underground, and the emergencies ministry specialists are helped by equipment. in a day, it is possible to survey about 2 hectares of territory. chetkov, nikita pakhmutov and alexander gornoostayev. channel one. more and more columns with humanitarian aid are heading to the kursk region. help for our people - common cause. more than 10 thousand people were placed in other regions. in the liberated areas , the ukrainian armed forces are restoring
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what was destroyed by the militants. security personnel, rescuers, doctors, volunteers. there is enough work for everyone now. our correspondent tatyana kozlova talked to those who lived through very difficult days. they didn't cut off this piece exactly. rocks is where our village is located, after me, our odanselchan jumped out, that is, his car was already shot, thank god they survived, they didn't let anyone out at all, at that moment no one, that is, they simply shot at the car, at all the cars, civilians, non-civilians, you see, the thing is, they shot a young girl, that is, she was from the smoking room , that is, she tried to leave, they shot her, a civilian car, it's just... people, yuri sukhorokov managed to get his family out from under the shelling before the ukrainian militants blocked the only road, when it was no longer possible to leave by car, he helped residents evacuate through the forest along paths that were not even known to every local, he gave advice on the phone.


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