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tv   Slovo pastirya  1TV  August 17, 2024 9:45am-10:00am MSK

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channel one. our saturday morning broadcast is ending, irina murmontseva was with you, i wish you a good, warm summer weekend. soak up the pleasure of the sun, the august rain, if it suddenly falls, the greenery from the garden, the singing of birds, the laughter of children, friendly communication and a great mood, everything that gives us strength. stay with us, stay on channel one, for now. let us pray to the lord. triune father of god, the almighty, the only begotten son, the savior of the world and the souls of the saints, enlighten and sanctify the tribes and peoples, and the ruler of the russian land, prince vladimir, to the light of the truth of faith. and thus
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enlightened our entire country with baptism and adorned our church with a host of saints like the brightest stars of heaven to shine and granted to us, accept our prayers and labors for the increase of love among all the people of this world. protect our land with the power of wisdom, console all, pacify your church , grow, preserve your property, men and women and enlighten infants with grace. strengthen all your people in orthodoxy and piety with prayers , your most pure mother, by the power of the honorable and life-giving christ of all the saints in the land. ours who shone forth, and in one faith and love, we glorify you, father and son of the holy spirit forever and ever,
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i thank you for your kind words, for your labors here in the northern capital, together with the clergy, with whom i am, of course, connected not only by the bonds of my birth in this northern capital, but also... the beginning of my ministry,
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both priestly and archpastoral, i must say that petersburg is the capital that has gone through many trials, different, cultural, political, and it would seem that in this place little should was to survive from holy russia, from that russia which...
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as if under the influence of the atheistic ideology of power, which broke its continuity with russia, with russia, which had nothing in common with the church. but nevertheless they survived this, and before that they survived the invasion of the tribes, and charles and napoleon, and the terrible invasions during the first world war, which led to the revolution and the destruction of the russian state, and it seemed that everything, here is the end, but nothing happened. one of the inspirers of this terrible change revolution there was a gentleman by the name of trotsky, what ulyanov later picked up on lenin, it was the development of his thoughts, his ideas, the construction of a classless society, fair,
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honest, prosperous, but without god, without the church. i may have already told you that i managed to visit mexico. in trotsky's house, well, i'll tell you, i have never visited a more terrible place in my life, an estate surrounded by a fortress wall with towers, a machine gunner in each tower, i asked the caretakers: why is this? yes, you understand, we were always very afraid of stalin together, that's why we still keep these machine guns. in the middle of this estate there is a metal pole, on it there is a red rag, not our flag, no, not even the soviet flag, a red cloth, but somewhere one and a half meters from the ground, something like a mailbox with a hanging
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lock, i asked them to open this box, they opened it, there is a capsule, i say what is this, these are the remains of trotsky. but what was sown in the souls of people, the seeds of orthodoxy, after all, it came to life, even after the hardest decades of persecution of our
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church. and today, of course, with a special feeling we offer prayers, including for all those church and government figures who contributed to the revival of orthodoxy in our land. today, on the day of the celebration of the memory of the holy equal-to-the-apostles prince vladimir, we pray especially for our president vladimir vladimirovich putin, today is his name day, he is truly the first orthodox president who... does not hide his belonging to the orthodox church, who takes communion, who lives, including church life, and at the same time is one of the most outstanding political figures of our time, having enormous authority in the world, and we are glad that
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today such a ruler is at the head of the russian state, today we prayed for vladimir vladimirovich, so that the lord would strengthen his spiritual and physical strength and ... help him to continue to lead the people, as the head of state, to those goals that would further strengthen the spiritual life of our people and their material well-being, including, of course, the indispensable defense capability, because as we we pray today in prayer for holy russia, many have risen up against it. but now the question is, why have they risen up? it seems that democratic institutions exist, the head of state is elected, the parliament, the parliament passes laws, but everything is like in other places in europe, why have they risen up? and when you ask this question directly to thinking people
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in the west, who are our evil enemies, they say with downcast eyes: "you are very dangerous." because you offer the world an alternative to civilizational development. russia today offers this... delusions, into which western countries have plunged today, including on the path
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of apostasy, that is, any departure from god. we must treat our country very carefully, love it, serve it, each in his place. i believe that the president deserves nationwide support. i know that the absolute majority of our people support vladimir vladimirovich. i hope that not only certain groups of people, but our entire nation, because today he shows in his personality, independent from any foreign centers, a truly sovereign leader, a sovereign state, well, if we generalize what i said today, you and i have the happiness of living in russia. in a free country, a truly free country.
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someone in the west will smirk now, and i suggest to everyone who smirked, think about what forces and centers of power you, dear brothers and sisters, depend on, and cannot take a single step, but we live in a sovereign free country, the country itself, the people choose their path development. and of course, we want to say again, being this alternative of civilizational development, we are attractive to them, the minds and hearts of people turn to us, but others see danger, because how is it possible, it seems like they have finished with god, the church is somewhere on the sidelines there in the west, of public life, and here everything is the opposite, yes...
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to their homeland, i hope that most people are united today by love for the church, the church of the martyr, the ascetic, the confessor, who, having gone through all the temptations, suffering, remained alive and active, and our prayers today are only for one thing: that the lord protect the russian land from external and internal enemies, when i proclaimed this phrase for the first time: many have risen up against me and started asking questions: who are these
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internal enemies? i say: it is not i who should determine, but you think more carefully and see, there are such, but fortunately today these groups of people do not have any significant influence on the development of russia, and today we rejoice with... remembering the memory of the holy equal-to-the-apostles great prince vladimir, rejoice that the time has truly come to russia when the church is free, people are free, when all aspects of the life of our people and our state are developing. may god grant that we all be able to support this development, participate in it, and most importantly, maintain faith in the lord the savior. never give up this faith, this is the guarantee of the true
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sovereignty of russia and the true well-being of our people. amen. god bless you all. hello, channel one, news broadcast in the studio is maksim sherfuddinov and briefly about the main thing. at the critical point. the kiev regime is preparing a nuclear provocation. kursk and zaporizhzhya npp. the most dangerous military scam to blame russia.


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