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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 18, 2024 1:00am-1:46am MSK

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well, first my mother said, then i went to a concert, everything was like everyone else, first i played the violin, a beautiful, good instrument, but i didn't really like it, although i also played hockey at the same time, the violin and case were an excellent gateway when i went to music school, but it was dangerous before the violin, no, well, it was dangerous, well, in general it was normal, then i realized that it was a good instrument, by the way, the violin is a very good musical instrument in the sense that it develops hearing well, you know, in our time these same boys are such hooligans at school, who were such school authorities, oddly enough, it turned out that all these boys played in a brass band, all this in saratov, yes, who played in a brass band, as they say now, it was cool, due to the fact that, in general, i was a slob and they didn’t give me a musical instrument there, well, it wasn’t that difficult to master, that is , you understand, like... that’s important yes, that is
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, the violin is so difficult that yes, after the violin it seemed to me, well, it seems to me, it was easier for me than it might be for others, and i began play in the school orchestra, i liked it, in general, it was beautiful, wait, and the rock band, i had a rock band, you and i are about the same age, no, then there was a vocal instrumental ensemble, well , of course, we played, of course, we played guitars, it wasn't so prestigious, or what? instrumental ensemble, i was a drummer in informal concerts, vocal school ensemble, so he compared official events where brass players played, in general it was interesting, then i liked a musical instrument, the trumpet, i i went and asked the music... that they transferred
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me from the violin to the trumpet, i began to study such an interesting musical instrument, the trumpet, i was incredibly in love with it, recently i somehow heard an interesting phrase from vladimir teodorovich spevakov, he was holding one wonderful instrument in his hands, when he took it in his hands, he said: i will talk to her today in the evening with her with the violin, how is it clear, yes, so i remembered that once... i talked with my music with the trumpet, i would like to tell you please, and forgive my ignorance, violin naturally it changes simply with age, the fingers there are eighth notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, quarter notes, yes, the piano does not change, it is clear, yes, although the fingers are also small, but the wind instruments also do not change, do not change, i also have a daughter in music school, i watch her so fascinated psalfa this is a great secret so i wanted to ask you... on the one hand, these are people,
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well, so immersed in great art, refined, well, as if not of this world, on the other hand, many of them are pragmatists, that is yes, they know how to work as an athlete during training, then many musical specialties are professions in the future, well , it’s unlikely that the piano, after all , there aren’t many pianists, those who give concerts, there aren’t many who give concerts , but there are many pianists, well, teachers, pedagogues, of course, of course,
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from simply playing a musical instrument, although you have to understand that the repertoire is quite limited, there’s such a malicious joke that a wind player’s head is an upper resonator, yes, yes, well yes, but i’ll tell you, but i ’ll tell you that wind players are cool, well, that’s in orchestra not in school, but in general or not, well in general a brass player is a leader, especially a trumpeter, that's how it seems to me too, i'll just tell you, i worked in an orchestra for 16 years, when you sit at the end of the orchestra and in front of you are all the groups of instruments... then further on the maestro, conductors, the audience, yes, you see, usually it's on a stand, on stands, somewhere there is a harp, yes, you look, a little higher, it sits, orchestras, that is, well in an orchestra, i 'll tell you such a story, this is not a story, this is such a life, that when 40 string violinists sit there, 40, well some, here they are, one played, the other didn't, in general, the difference is small. but
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let my fellow musicians not be offended at me, but when you blow one note and play the wrong one, everyone hears, listen, it's always a solo, well, not a solo, but it's heard more, yes. i had only 3 years, well, in general, how did i manage to do it, i entered a music school, then a conservatory, well, and then i started doing it professionally, but in general i went from romanticism to pragmatism, more than most of
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my classmates, after all, musicians understand, that yes, yes, like in sports, like - like in such, well, it hardly happens in biology, i don't know, no, no, it doesn't happen, it seems to me, no, because it's...
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therefore, when in general i can argue on the knowledge of musical works with the most serious musicologists, because such practice, practice, yes, now something is playing on the radio, so in general because i didn't learn it from textbooks, i can press a button, i'll immediately say, yeah, i just played a lot of music, such a symphony, you're such an honor, such an honor.
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volleyball, what have you never seen before? cup channel one, live broadcast, tomorrow on channel one. today we have a special edition of cameron 70. anatoly sogolevich, the man who inspired james cameron during the filming of titanic. we built a management.
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gets confused by the terminator, and i tell him: jem, show how people swam, and of course, love should be at the center of the film, he immediately looked at me like that, oh, love storey, tomorrow, on channel one, i remind you that today in the next edition of the literary podcast, let them not talk, let them read, we talk with general director of the russian national museum of music mikhail arkadyevich bryzgalov, well, 16 years in the orchestra, that's serious, and maybe we 'll look at trumpeter bryzgalov, let's go.
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grigory, secretary of the unesco commission, i know him, grigory, yes. now we're fooling around, there were no rehearsals, it's just complete improvisation absolutely. well, now it's the night of the museum,
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but here it's jazz, yes, it's already classical, of course, in a sense, here it's a synthesis, here there is everything, this is improvisation, real contemporary music. how is it, how is it it's wonderful, in general, in a word, a boy passionate about music, then a pragmatist, then many years in the orchestra, and not yet a boy, but a man, thinking in detail, carefully about how different arts relate to each other, i also thought about this, and you also know that in the middle of our releases, our podcast there is always an author's column, here it is now: it's just coming, so i brought several old books from my library, these are books by marcil
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proust, a classic of french literature, this book is from 27, published by the academy, very well known, this book is from 1934, lovingly restored by someone, of course it didn't look like that in the original, well and this is already a book from 1973, but what's the point, i thought, in order to read something that would describe the synthesis of literature and music, i thought, maybe...
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a huge epic, simply, which is called in search of lost time, or in search of lost time, as they said in the twenties, had a slightly different grammar, in this multi-part epic there is a hero swann, who falls in love with a woman, her name is dressed.
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as soon as the young pianist struck a few chords and extended
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one high note for two bars, swann suddenly saw, his name was swann, and he saw how, from behind a long sound, extended like a sound curtain to hide the secret of her birth, a secret, rumbling, articulate phrase appeared, swann recognized this airy, fragrant phrase that captivated him, it was...
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how, from behind a long sound, extended like a sounding curtain hiding the secret of birth, a treasured one flutters out and moves towards him, a rustling, isolated musical phrase, and he recognized this airy and fragrant favorite of his at the same moment, it was so unusual, full of such a unique, such a special charm, that for the svan it was like a meeting in a hotel with friends with a woman who once charmed him on the street, whom he did not expect to meet again, these are the fragrant masterpieces of the non-existent composer vinteuil, the great french romance writer proust and two remarkable translators, this is music that can be understood, because music cannot be recounted, yes, no, no, you can't, it doesn't mean anything,
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i'll hear this quote now, uh... which you just read so wonderfully, you can say, in general, there are a lot of meanings embedded here, a lot of meanings, because music is often always pictorial, you always listen to music, close your eyes, you can definitely instantly draw any picture for yourself, yes, any or not, i think any, any, because the music itself will lead you, try it, remember how we once met in ryazan on some business trip and something.
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this happened, right? well, by that time i was the director of the philharmonic and i thought that you were still an economist and a candidate of economic sciences, i found a dissertation topic: the development of an institutional form of economic relations, dear friends, this is not the venteil sanata, not an embouchure, a non -existent sanata, and not breathing in the middle of pushkin's line, but how it happened,
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yes, everything somehow came together, i was the director of the philharmonic, the philharmonic was my home. at that moment i had worked for so many years, by the way, when i came to the philharmonic, i got there through a competition, as a musician to chop up, in general life was difficult, there was little money, besides the fact that i played in the orchestra, in general i was also happy to be a stage worker there, some kind of, well , some other part-time jobs were right there in one place, because in general it helped to live, the philharmonic is such a multi-profile organization, and classical music concerts and...
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we made such programs that would be interesting for young people, children about how to listen to classical music, that in general it's good to listen to, just like reading good books, you definitely need to listen to good music, and i really liked this job, i really liked the opportunity to be creative, to create something, some programs every day, in general it was, but you didn't go out regularly no, you didn't go out yes, there was no time, because you had to do a lot of administrative work? well , now less, but in general for some time, for some time, i can't say that it was a very long time ago, in general at night i dreamed that what to play, or there is a lesson that has not been learned.
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national museum of music, here in my hands is a book, i love it very much, here are many instruments that are stored in the museum of music, here are kusli, then there is a saratov harmonica, this is not it, this is an accordion, here is a saratov harmonica, which is different in that there are bells, yes, which you can ring, i have it there is such a button, but this instrument, a synthesizer - this is one of the first. from soviet synthesizers is deciphered as alexander nikolaevich scriabin, master evgeny murzin, and if we remember again the film
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the diamond arm, andrey torkovsky's solaris, then this musical is playing there, there are no computers yet , so this, these are physicists, there are keys, like in old tape recorders, this, this was assembled by a physicist from those same oscellographs and other physical devices. if he lived in the world of the golden calf, he would definitely be a billionaire, and you know how it works, it is a large metal plate on which an image is squeezed out, a drawing, squeezed out, that is, there is a graphic equivalent equivalent of music, inserted into special slots, well, like a music box, only much more complicated, and it moves , this drawing sounds, by the way, we did several experiments, we took it this way, it works, it even.
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insisted that music always sounds, music is in the mathematics of the orbits of the planets, of course, yes, if we were silent, then they would hear music, we do not hear it, music is not what we think, it is not just blah-blah-blah, yes, it is not a sound, but it is something more, including an image, of course, of course, it's wonderful, and it's not by chance that scriabin is, this is the very synthesis of art, which scriabin is precisely this light music, this is also a synthesis. well, just from a random
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infection, that's what his last sketches of scores were aimed at, well , creating such music that would move the luminary, yes, like orpheus, if arpheus took the harp, then everything came to movement, in general , this is what scriabin was doing. was aimed at this, and you see, what serious ambitious ideas he had, this city is called the gates of the north, here is preserved a special unique way of life, which is dictated by difficult climatic conditions, many people come to this city to see the famous polar lights, we are in arkhangelsk, friends, the most important thing for a pomor is to be practical, what kind of wood is preferable for building a boat, the kind of wood that grows? why did they add salt? in principle, our region was engaged in salt production, that's why they added it everywhere, my grandmother will add it to regular coffee, even to soluble salt, she says that it tastes better this way, yes in our way, we wash the smelt,
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we sprinkle it with salt a little, we chop the onion and add it there too , let's take some bread and dip it, dip it, and how delicious it will be in the mozha style, delicious, delicious, friends, very delicious, delicious, the life of our own, the premiere. tomorrow on the first in the new season on the first, so tell me, is it possible to do business in my city without me. you komololov, oleg viktorovich, here is the resolution on your arrest, last night a museum was robbed, what does my dad have to do with it, so, well, tell me, the local director, from leningrad, came with his wife and daughter, the daughter is grown up, to be an actress is going to, that's how, the museum was robbed at night, the area is quiet, the only people awake are in houses where they sell wine and more often. what's going on here? maybe we can come to some kind of agreement, and 500, how good, and how are you, hell, so clever, you fell for a simple scam, and that's all,
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talent in one very interesting and risky business. ninel - the premiere of a multi-part film, soon, on the first. and do you know that i have a patron, an adult has appeared, thanks to whom i am here, and not in a cell, and what is it worth, do you know? i remind you that today in the next issue of the literary
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podcast, let it not... 8 years wait 8 years for 365 - how many episodes is that? well, well, there are some breaks in the summer, but how many minutes does it go on? it goes on for 4, 5, 6 minutes yes, it is very difficult, it is such a targeted concentrated story, a short story that has a beginning, development, end, well, in general , yes, due to the fact that you and i do not have much time, and you know,
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i don’t want to quit at all, because because for the museum, it is important, because, because people, even if you have not been to the museum, listen, once, twice, three, well, maybe there will be a desire to come, to see, to learn something more, or at home, later, or when you get off the wheel, to see something interesting, there is so much, so much interesting, i remember, by the way, there was an exhibition about sound reconnaissance during the war, for example, here someone could have thought. aleksandrovitsyn headed the sound reconnaissance unit, which calculated trajectories, shootings by sound - this is an unexpected thing, and if you remember the blockade of leningrad, then people were sitting, in general, with limited, as in vision, they were sitting on devices, which was called listened to the sky, they sat and listened to the sky, planes or planes on their ears, they recognized the sound by the k'.
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in order to kind of loop this whole plot, we are talking about the fact that let them not talk, let them read, we are talking, of course, as always, we are talking about the fact that we should not chat, but read, perceive art, and we will return to this problem of communication, literature and music, here is a modern person who listens...
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a modern person listens to any music, well, sometimes i manage to listen, i listen to basta, no, no, no, of course, but in general i listen to the singer zivvert, yes, well i, i listen, yes, i listen, it doesn’t mean that i’m uh a fan, but you understand that there is something there, it seems to me, we should understand, since we
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are professionally engaged... this topic, the topic of music, the topic of heritage, because after some time, whether it will become or not, it will be lit up. we need to understand, because just like you, just like the state literary museum, they weren’t given it, and the russian national museum of music, we are engaged not only in the fact that if someone thinks that well, we preserve and we keep, well, what was put and kept, no, we are still collecting today's history, which tomorrow will already become, yes, therefore, what is happening today, this is the most modern, how nice to hear, in literature for you, after all, there is something and...
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the whole conversation, i am infinitely grateful to my guest today, our guest with you, the general director of the russian national museum of music mikhail arkadyevich bryzgalov, thank you very much, thank you for the pleasant conversation, for
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the pleasure of being here with you today, i i am sure that we will meet again and not just once, to you, our respected interlocutors, i always with an accent, with such edification at the same time easily, simply. i say, read with pleasure, like mikhail bryzgalov. i am alone for an eternity, an artist in the era of machines, i confessed to god that i decided so myself,
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to twist at least half of what came. i go through, i would ask how i could not go crazy, never trust words, passion vows tears will make you more, who promised to love stronger, the heart is easy to deceive, here you go, it is ... yours, everything is sewn in verses, crookedly, as he could, wanted, beautifully, if souls teach in heaven that love is one forever, why
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are we so unhappy, why do we agree to suffer, read, you will see for yourself, popis, a play or a novel, letters, on the pages of books for love they deprive of life until the morning half an hour , lonely hearts. stones have healed wounds met, but too early again night spring, lonely hearts found ways by the stars met, but too late.
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give, in the morning, half an hour, lonely hearts, there have not healed wounds met, but too early. again night and spring, lonely hearts, found on the way by the stars met, but too late.
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hello everyone, friends, this is not a format, my name is anton lavrentiev, with me in the studio karina cross, valya karnaval, and behind me is the gypsy band group, this is roman, anton, arkady and alexey. and today we have as our guest, an actor, director, musician, artist, winner of all sorts of music awards, and of course, a hollywood smile, alexey vorobyov is our guest, hey! lady is damn nice, so many girls cried to her songs every day that she had to write a song: not revy, owner of millions of views, amazing, expressive, incredible anetsay, guys, do you even know each other's work, we met last night, that's not true, no, you sound like my ex, do you even know that i'm married, papar.
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everything is free, well when i saw you, it stopped being free at all, quick story, so, i - as a child i adored the cartoon johnny bravo, who doesn't know, this is like an awesome day, not as awesome as me, and there is this guy with such hairstyle, i was really his fan, and there was a brilliant bark, she goes up to a girl, like, maybe we'll have dinner, she's like, i have a boyfriend, you look like a girl who could have two, i know that annette has already prepared a cover of alexey varobyov's song. nobody knows, but that's true, there is such a thing, there is such a thing, she's crazy, but
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she's mine, she dances until the morning, sings shalala, crazy, but she's mine, she dances until the morning sings, that's where i need to help her. close, smiles at her and she
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likes it. about this my friends, please give me a promise that after our broadcast you will collaborate and...
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but you really wanted to get there, when i started, i was actually a former street musician, all i knew how to do was write songs, sing , play instruments, i collected like this with a guitar, even in winter i just stood on the streets of moscow, sang, people came up, threw money there, i remember, these were my first money from music, i know that once you
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met timati in a movie theater and ran after him and said, take me to blackstar, you you're missing out on a lot, that's how it was, that's how it was, that's how it was, i remember. i was even standing at the gate in black star, standing at the gate with a guitar, that's the kind of girl i was waiting for someone to come out, to listen to me somehow, i was sending out messages to everyone, sending messages, participating in a bunch of different competitions, they wouldn't take me anywhere, they just told me, this isn't your thing, move on, a lot, in short, there were a lot of rejections, and the only thing at that time that i saw that could help me was the label, and of course, the first thing that came to mind was black star, of course, i didn't succeed with the gates. and it happened through a competition, okay, then we follow the following question: if you wanted to get there so much, then what was the reason for the move, when a person grows up, we are all from small towns, right, someone is from a village, i am also from a village , i lived in a village, we live in our small villages, cities, it doesn't matter,
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it just becomes cramped for us, we as such have such a feeling that we have grown up, as if we have grown up, and you feel that now is the time well, move, something. changes in your life, like you did, for example, like i did, here, probably, it ’s like the girl grew up, she graduated from college or school, it doesn’t matter, it’s time for her to move on, that’s the feeling, i’m saving, saying goodbye like this, dad, thank you for everything, wow, we, we’ve really done a lot for each other, it’s time for me to move on, you’ve outgrown this relationship, yes, that famous phrase, i’m now. in fact, alexey, we have a lot of questions for you, but we have limited time, so i suggest, and you and i have a whole life ahead of us, don’t say that i suggest doing a blitz, so i’ll ask you questions, your task is to answer yes or no, come on, sat on dating sites, yes, lied about your income, no?


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