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tv   Zhizn svoikh  1TV  August 18, 2024 10:15am-11:06am MSK

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many played in our team in uralochka, they know each other well, and we will fit in, i think, great, so yes, we feel each other, the opponent is serious, all the girls there are tall, so we will fight, and you have fewer tall ones, well , a little less, this is a problem, well, no, fast volleyball, zoran terzic led the serbian volleyball team to silver at the olympics in rio deneiro. in 2016 , he said he found a common language with the russian volleyball players easily, during training his charges show a polished and aggressive game. this all the players that i know very well played many times against them they are from my team, russian it is they are very similar sickles yes, so yes we have so connection as good yes? bright, beautiful volleyball at
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the channel one cup, you will see everything live. petr dzheryagin, yulia zagranichnogo, boris leonov, alexey kozlov, channel one. so, the channel one cup women. today at 15:45 we watch and root together. well, right now on channel one the life of their own. olympic champion maria losetsk could not interrupt maria kachanova's winning streak at the russian track and field championships in yekaterinburg. lositsana cleared 1 m 91 cm, which was only enough for silver. but her rival, who has not lost in the season, repeated her personal best of 1.97. runner polina tkalich showed the best result of her career in yekaterinburg.
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european championship medalist timur morgunov. in javelin throwing , boris bezdolny has had no equal at the russian championships for the third year in a row. the twenty-seven-year-old athlete was the only one who managed to throw the javelin for 80 m. in the long jump, the experienced ekaterina levitskaya became the national champion for the first time. her
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result was 6 m 47 cm. the playoff matches have started in the russian rugby championship. in the first game of the quarterfinals, the vva podmoskovie club hosted the twelve-time national champion krasnoyarsk yenisei at its stadium in monina. the opponents were unable to open the score for more than half an hour. only in the thirty-fourth minute did the guests take the lead. however, the ending.
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rotor and baltika met in the match of the sixth round of the russian football first league on volgograd arena. in the 39th minute, the 34-year-old captain of the hosts, defender aleksey shumskikh , struck the
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goalkeeper. the russian championship hosted their rivals from dynamo at the rzhd arena. the scoring in the capital derby was opened in the 13th minute. nigerian emmanuel fayvar. put lokomotiv ahead with a beautiful shot into the top corner. towards the end of the first half, elena chubrilo strengthened the hosts' advantage. she also scored a double in the 78th minute, finally removing any questions about the outcome of the meeting. it should be noted that in four games for lokomotiv, elena has already scored five goals. dynamo managed to score at the end goal of prestige, scored by maria galay. the result is a victory for the red-greens, who returned to third place in the table. canaanist zakhar petrov won another victory at the goodwill cup, an international rowing competition held in moscow. the twenty-two-year-old russian
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athlete showed the best result in the single race at a distance of 500 m. he also won the mixed team competition.
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this city is called the gateway to the north, because many expeditions to the arctic begin from here, and it was here that the first russian icebreaker fleet and opened the first maritime school and public cinema in the country, well of course the best pictures here are shown by nature, many come to this city to see the famous polar lights, we are in arkhangelsk, friends, my name is evgeny krivtsov and this is the life of their own. if i were born in arkhangelsk, i could build the famous arkhangelsk karbos, after 3 hours of rowing comes complete nirvana and thoughtlessness, and also like a real pomor i would speak a special dialect, and how
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it will be delicious in pomor style, delicious, delicious, friends, very delicious, i could become a diver, this profession is in great demand here, super, i could extract salt, which has no analogues in the world, you can’t call this salt white death, rather white gold of the north, and it’s also simply delicious, i wish i knew what kind of doll should be given as a wedding present? this doll is called lovebirds, here you go, they have one hand, yes, they do everything together. if i lived in the arkhangelsk region, i would use transport, which is practically nowhere left in russia. listen, it turns out to be faster than a train, but whoever i was, a taxi driver, a doctor, a musician, a machinist,
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a submarine builder, a scribe, i would live in one of the largest northern regions of russia. for a long time, arkhangelsk was the main seaport, in the 20th century, the entire dvina was full of pomor schooners with dark red sails. by the way, it was in this gazebo, when he was looking at these ships, that alexander grin got the idea to write the story aleyporus. and to this day, they meet on the dvina wooden ships, because. they are built in arkhangelsk, and using old technologies. the pomors were famous for their ability to build strong and reliable ships, but over the years
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the technology was lost. the most important thing for a pomor is that it is practical. mikhail krupenin, an engineer, builds new karboses using old technologies. the nerve of the seals, and almost every pomur had such a workhorse, the boat was built without drawings, the technology was passed down from father to son, it could take a couple of weeks to build a six-meter karbys, here is one that served boat, as much as 15 years, boats used to be sewn, they took a... barn branch, thin, twisted it, got a rope,
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flexible, that's what sewing is, am i right, like this, they just sewed it on specifically with stitches, this connection swells when it gets into the water, it turns out to be an even stronger connection, the parts are even more tightly bonded, what kind of wood is preferable for building a boat, preferably the kind of tree that grows nearby. mikhail promised to launch the karpas he built, so we haven't yet we say goodbye to him. there is a small people in the arkhangelsk region - the pomors. they are also called russian vikings. they came to the white sea from veliky novgorod in search of freedom and lived by the sea with everything that the big water gives. they caught fish and sea animals, mined pearls and ... dol, this is a ryuzha for fishing with a wag in the unskaya bay, here
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it goes into the throat, and it can’t get out of this ryuzha. marina mashkova, the head of the pomor village una. marina nikolaevna, as i understand it, this is actually a pomor costume, typical, in which the pomor went out to fish, it consists of a sweater, a pomur sweater, which is called. it is knitted from threads of three colors in a circle and necessarily with a drawing for good luck, for example, marina nikolaevna worked as a teacher all her life, when the school closed, she created a museum of pomor culture, when the man left, not the man said, but the big one in a large pomor family went to fish, the head of this family remained the wife-big one, she herself had to catch fish, put a ryuzha on the lip and catch on ...
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it's already a little rotten, we wash the smelt , put it on a frying pan, add some unsk salt on top , let it rot a little, now we chop the onion and add a little of it there too, yeah, pour in some water, oh, so that this fish hides, let's put it on the stove. there are a lot of enzymes in such salted fish, the pomors ate it to avoid getting scurvy. and
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now, let's take some bread, break off a piece of it, and dip, dip and what's the louse, why because it got wet, very tasty, of course, tasty, tasty, friends, very tasty. to the conquerors of rivers and it is customary to wish for a fair wind, that is, a fort wind, but in fact for sailing on a carbos under sail these are not the best conditions, much more comfortable, the wind is cross, it is called a backstay, so let's ask nature for a backstay, well, and 7 feet under the keel for us, friends, if i do not show this dexterity, we at least ... will laugh, it is not deep here, are there any rules on how to dream better, the oar should not
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be immersed too deeply in the water, dream not with your hands, you need to row with your whole body, after 3 hours of rowing comes complete nirvana and thoughtlessness, dynamic meditation, 3 hours to nirvana, time has gone, friends, why don't people fly like fish, yes, yes, mikhail brought his new karbos to the dvina, he, like pomora, once took his wife on a trip. dash, how do you feel about gender exploitation by your husband, your powers and abilities here on the boat, i love this business, very much, when your husband exploits you, or to manage a boat, i love to manage a boat, my love began in childhood, my dad went to sea for the feeling of freedom, for the opportunity to choose this to go
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your own way, and the need to take into account - and wind, with clear meanings from under the wadi of the veshva, with sparks of truth you boldly shimmer, wanderers of light, wanderers of light. the pomor theme is everywhere in arkhangelsk, and even the famous family duet kakora uses part of karbos in its name. kakora is a dialect word of the russian north, which means such timber, where the trunk turns into a root. a symbolic image, where
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there is a visible part, a trunk and an invisible root, and also human creativity. it seems to grow from the invisible world into the visible, eternal summer, eternal summer, in a belt of light, here, and not somewhere else, the main features of arkhangelsk are, of course , the white nights. the sunset lasts about 3 hours, the sun literally rolls along the horizon, it is incredibly beautiful, this is one of those few places where if you are seen in the summer at night in dark glasses, then no one will look at you askance.
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it is interesting to walk around summer arkhangelsk around the clock, after all. it is during the white nights that various festivals and fairs are held here. a lot of people who do amazing things, based largely on history culture of the russian north. absolutely presented in a modern form, these are elements of clothing, these are some interior elements, these are comics, books, there are already 180 participants, and objectively we still have a fairly large number of caring people who would like to take part,
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i learned a lot of interesting things about the local cuisine, and even tried coffee, not with sugar, but as the pomors like with salt, why add salt? in principle, our region was also engaged in salt production and sold a lot of salt, so they added it everywhere, my grandmother, and she will even add salt to my regular coffee, she says that it tastes better and is our way, teach me some sea words, we have portato basco, portato basco, it is very beautiful, what else is there, well, we have ashkui, and ice-cold glyzy, this is oshkue, oshkue, this is everything that is in the arctic, here you can also have coffee. it is possible for it to be completely, as you said, tabasco, basca, paratabasco, it is me, what is it that they do not believe that it is me, when an artist comes on stage and the audience simply does not breathe, when a person does nothing, just sings,
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then, but not for everyone,
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volleyball, as you haven't seen it yet? channel one cup, live broadcast, today on channel one. well, dear friends, how many times should i jump to lower my blood pressure, but i can't do it. tomorrow on channel one, in the new season on channel one,
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you have a good collective farm, and you will try to make it rich, a millionaire, and you have hardly aged, it will be hard, probably with the unfamiliarity of the village, it's okay, we'll get used to it, but in our village your hanky-panky can end badly. dim partork, are you sure, he is the same womanizer, my varinka and i almost broke up just before the wedding, because of him, and if i fall in love with you again, it's yours, do with it as you wish, throw it away if you want, wear it if you want, hide it if you want, he pestered you again yesterday, don't disgrace the family, kirill, i want to give you some advice, as an experienced womanizer, don't pester a woman if she doesn't want it herself, you're ruining your life and hers, what will happen to you now, what will they do to you, these are not just words, i'll kill you, i would n't throw around such words, you'll kick, i'll put you in jail, for what? we'll always find an article, i won't survive if you cheat on me, i can't live without
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you, the premiere, soon, on the first, i can't live without you, i'll wait, coffee-drinking among pomor housewives would be... a whole ritual with its own rules, when all the conversations were over, the guest would turn the cup over like this and put it on the saucers. it was a sign that he was fed up and ready to say goodbye. nastya, thank you for the treat. no, you're welcome, good fellow. salt has always had a special attitude in pomorie, because it was only here that they mined it before its unique appearance, key. in the 15th century , the village of una was called unskoye usolye, which means a village. at the salt. i think it is not difficult to guess what the locals did here. they mined the white gold of the russian north. initially, una was a village
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of solevarov, but under peter i, all production was transferred to the monasteries. and gradually this industry in una came to naught. friends, i never suspected that there are wells not with drinking water, but with salt water. it was from such sources of places. and this mineral was mined. scientists claim that right under i have a huge salt lake. can you tell me in more detail how this source was discovered and at the same time turn off the phone, because this is also relevant now. the source is ancient and somehow miraculously survived today. and in the north , two types of salt were evaporated here, this is from the water of the white sea, yes, we called it maryanka, the so-called mineral
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underground springs keys, in the north it appeared such a name klyuchovka, and which of them is considered better, klyuchovka is always considered better, precisely due to the fact that the water passes through, well, through the earth, yes, through the earth's layers. it is saturated with many elements, macroelements. alexander popov, today it is he who is reviving the ancient industry in una. how do you extract salt? in buckets? with ordinary submersible pumps. it then goes directly to the salivarniya, where we pour it into containers. for settling, the technology is as follows: a portion of brine is poured in, it evaporates, this is done exclusively on firewood until the concentration of brine is obtained, and we
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determine the brine in the old-fashioned way, we have such a special stick, when we dip it directly into the brine, yeah, yeah, if we form crystals on the stick, accordingly we understand that the brine is strong, thick, in the end we get some kind of white canvas, yeah, we start collecting this salt, and at night this process does not stop, how do your loved ones react to your absence from home, well, and they say that you are a weirdo. once alexander worked as a financier and knew nothing about how to extract salt, he studied the archives, bought land in una and developed ancient technology, salt, gentlemen, drying, oops, alexander, wet, let's do it this way, oh, it flowed, let it flow,
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how much more expensive, huh? salt produced by this authentic method, well, if we take a kilogram, we deliver it to our customers as a credit. alexander needs a week for the water to turn into a spring, a large air salt. salt mined in the pomor region was popular not only in russia, all of europe bought it, all because it contains a huge amount of copper, iron, iodine, potassium. in fact, i can go on for a very long time, because... scientists have counted as many as 66 macro and microelements, so this salt is definitely not white death, rather the white gold of the north, and it is also simply delicious. on the map of russia, arkhangelsk appeared in 1584, without exaggeration, this city had a great influence on the history of our country. according to
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this office is part of the simulation center, and this is a procedure room, as i understand it, there is a complete imitation of the human body, because here it is all quite soft and even veins can be felt. thanks
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to the national health project, now the college has 16 zones where you can practice on special simulators, for example, help a mother and her baby, the birds are sleeping, the teeth are sleeping, the children are sleeping too, although satish, what hurts, why are you being capricious, now we will help you, this robotic mannequin is also a simulator, on it students learn to practice the heimlich maneuver, that is, remove a foreign body from the respiratory tract if a child is choking, that is, he turns blue, this means that the child is suffocating, then you need to lay him on your right hand and make this movement, our child started crying, that is, the foreign body is exhausted, amazed, the dummy is alive, congratulations dad, thank you, that means
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right... on the right hand, yes, you need to lay the child carefully down, down, down and, i believe that practical classes are very important for students and for future filchers, nurses, for all health workers, since this helps a lot in the practice itself. mikhail lomonosov called medicine the most important science of the human race asked count shuvalov to support doctors in every possible way. i think the famous native of arkhangelsk did not even dream of such training classes, but i am sure that if he had seen them, he would have approved. arkhangelsk has changed a lot since lomonosov's time, now it is both a river and a sea port, and where there is a lot of water, the profession of a diver is in great demand. anna grigorash, the only
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female diver in the north of the country. yes, i had very long dreadlocks until the twentieth year, it would have been very it's hard to stuff them into a suit, but... the desire to get this profession was higher, this profession is very heavy, the equipment alone weighs 90 kg, and it doesn't control an underwater drone that helps it find the desired object, we lower, well, essentially an underwater camera, this is a remote-controlled unmanned underwater vehicle tnpa, simply a drone, that's it. the capabilities of this device, i suggest i suggest testing your skills using my glasses for this, we throw them
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somewhere there in the water, we shouldn't do this see, ask, what are you nodding, take it in your hand, on like that, we shouldn't peek. and usually before the dive anya surveys the bottom with a drone, i will perform this function now and thus test the underwater drone. anya will try to find my glasses manually. turn! we lie down on the bottom, op, and dirt, it just
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raises silt, anya was under water for about 11 minutes, well, how is it, okay? super, cool, yes, the world has definitely become better, it was great, this place is the heart of arkhangelsk, because it was here that the fortress was laid, which laid the beginning of the first seaport in the country, only local merchants were allowed to trade with foreigners, they went to their business meetings on boats, laid the northern sea route, restrictions on entry were lifted, now it is very easy to get there, only half an hour by bus, but we preferred
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a taxi. alexey bessonov is a popular driver in arkhangelsk, they call him a singing taxi driver, you can earn more in a taxi, not that much more in a taxi. just in a taxi, oddly enough, i combined my hobby and work, people smile, people's mood rises, it's really cool, once i was picking up girls from a club, and the girls were so cheerful, well , a little drunk, oh, let's play some music, we want to go further, hu-hu-hu, i say, well, what can i do with you, well, let's turn on the backing track there, and he kisses you, says that he loves you and at night... hugs you, presses your heart, then like, on your place the girl turns, what are you singing, i say, yes, yes, well, here, that can't be, from that moment i started singing the passenger, and how do people react when they sit down and suddenly see three microphones, this
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here is the whole setup, now it's pretty good, and earlier, when i was just starting out, there was a case, i was picking up a girl from the airport, and i started singing, she started yelling, slow down, that's it, stop, i'll go on foot from here, i say, what happened? "yes, how can you drive a car in a drunken stupor, girl, i'm sorry, of course, i'll upset you, i'm absolutely sober, that means, you idiot, that was the first reaction, and now, and now people are the opposite, even sometimes i 'm stunned by the impudence, they get into the car, eh, singing, come on, sing, how long has this setup been going on costs, expensive, and tips, there is such a thing as tips, yes, of course, tips, yes, really good, the biggest tips of all time, to me..."
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so with the wind and music we got to the place we needed. the raven is circling, ho. for a long time, severodvinsk was not even on the map of the country, because in 1936 the main base of russian nuclear shipbuilding was founded here, but today submarines are not
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only born here, but also find a second life. in severodvinsk there are two huge enterprises, where a large some of the city's residents, some build submarines, others repair them. a nuclear submarine not only resembles a sea predator on the outside. like a killer whale or a shark, it also has its own circulatory system. the entire body of the submarine is penetrated by pipelines, they come in different purposes, lengths and diameters, and they are made in this workshop. do your professional skills help you in everyday life? you know, yes, a pipe at home started leaking, it started leaking, but i have arms, legs, yes, i 'll go and do it now, in short, my wife is happy, the pipes are all intact, there are no leaks, i hope so. oleg grigortsevich is one of those who
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repair submarines. actually, we turn on the heating, it smokes. oleg followed in his father's footsteps at the plant and has been working here for 20 years. in this case, i have a task to bend this pipe at 90°. when it is already close, so to speak, to completion, here. i will take a square, bend it using a square, how long does it take to make one part? i think 5-2, not less, if the pipe is damaged, what to do with it and what are the sanctions for the one who screwed up? and i won't say, it's a provocative question.
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of all the russian seas, the white sea is one of the smallest, it has very low salinity, but it has an extremely diverse fauna: there are sea urchins, stars, corals and mollusks with very beautiful shells. the white sea is my favorite, i call it little sea. and i come in the morning and say hello, and when i leave, i say goodbye to it. lyudmila khabarova, it was the white sea that inspired her creativity. actually, you know, i started out just making hearts, and then i thought, let's try to make something else, and the sun, birds, penguins, etc. cockerels, and flamingos, i really like it, i made a dolphin. cats, dogs, bears,
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then i think, i made a tree, but flowers are also the most important thing i do, flowers, sometimes i post a heart, yes, someone takes a picture, then they post it, and all my friends write to me, yours, yours? lyudmila works as a watchman, and in the evenings she collects shells on the shore of the white sea and gives free rein to her imagination. this is how it happened historically in these places: husbands went to sea to fish, and women sewed.
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there could have been some beautiful embroidery of the headscarves , too, and this doll has generally a million pins, what are they for, this is generally a poroskeeva friday doll - this is a female assistant, a female assistant, so you see, a doll on a cross, yes, what the woman wanted to do with some kind of needlework, she tried to give it to roske, that is , please, buttons, colored threads,
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scissors, an iron, pins, the northern trepidny dolls were not embroidered with a face, so that the toy would not appear ...
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two stars, fathers and sons, watch after
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the evening news, today we have a special edition of cameron 70. anatoly sogolevich, the man who inspired james cameron. the name of the film titanic we built the world's leading manned vehicles, as one american told me when i saw the pentagon walking on the ceiling, maria shteiman, he was filming a love story embedded in a tragedy, jim, while we are alive and well, let's decide, today or never, the next day the phone rang, either this jim and he tells me in russian, let's go, the hero of the film is not rose, this is not jack, this is the titanic itself.
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or our guests on the way to a dream, i was still working instructor at the district committee of the komsomol, and since there was no such rate, in my work book it is written cleaner yakubo, my pain, i worked for 3 years in the library, i really didn't like it, but we have a story, how you returned to your native library, oh, tatyana, can i take a selfie with you, all my professions, be it a student, a cook, a loader, they were selected taking into account that there would be as much time as possible to do what you love, i worked on ...
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on saturday on the first, in the new season on the first, today we are in hort gracheva auditioned, great, yura, you definitely need to sing, come on, sing, what a unique gift you have, you hit such notes, what an upstart, you imagined yourself to be, varka, it 's you, don't you recognize me, or what, it 's me, andryukha. so life is a success, you have everything that soviet women don't even dare to dream of, so what, you don't take a guy just because he doesn't know notes in order to get... choir status, you need life, if it weren't for this choir, you and i would have at least 50 choristers, you're accepted, with
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today you have a new one and haven't met, i'll see you with this person again, i'll tell my father everything, you're mine, you're my wife, what do you want, give me back these 15 years, i thought everything was easy, i wanted fame, remember gorachev and his choir. there shouldn't be a year for songs, sing so that the sun rises, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first, we are now heading to the village of beloye ozero, and the road there is considered one of the most picturesque in the world, although it is quite difficult to get there, so this one is used the duty train... moves along the narrow-gauge railway, so, well, let's take our seats, according to the tickets we bought, how did
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the settlement of beloye ozero come into being, it was once, it was a subdivision of the camp, and there, that means, the prisoners, they were sick forest, in general, the whole of severodvinsk, the whole of severodvinsk is built from timber that was mined... on beloye ozero, and it's generally expensive to live here, what a tricky question, very much, i'm still working, i'll tell you to ask me about work, the kudimskaya narrow-gauge railway is 35 km of travel through the taiga, and the only road, which you can use to get to the village of beloye ozero. the north is unique in that it is a very large territory, each, almost each district has its own, as we say, saying.
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both closed and open, so for almost an hour and a half i enjoyed the beauty of the north, i would say that this is the best simulator for surfers, because no balance board will teach you to keep your balance better than this composition. beloye ozero is the final station of the narrow. about 200 people live in this village. our road, of course, a unique, and one might say, road of life, there was such a case, for example, and i was driving
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a pregnant woman, so instead of 20 minutes, we drove for an hour and 10, i say to the men, the engineer and the compiler, please get off the locomotive, that's it, we're not going any further, we're going to give birth, february 29 -30° frost, i took off my husband's quilted jacket, he went outside undressed, put it on the floor and stood up. have you ever had a desire to leave here and move somewhere else, i
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like it here, why do you like this place?


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