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tv   Povara na kolesakh  1TV  August 18, 2024 11:05am-12:01pm MSK

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he came out into the street undressed, put him on the floor and began to deliver the baby, a boy was born, then he was my daughter's classmate, another 2 hours to the water. an ambulance came, the doctor said: and what kind of child is this, like a child, we gave birth, are you crazy? here back, as they say, if you want to try it yourself, sergey and valentina kopach came to beloye ozero in the late seventies on assignment, he worked on the railroad, she worked as a felcher. have you ever had a desire to leave here and move somewhere there? i like it here, why
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do you like this place? it's quiet here, it's quiet here, so no one bothers us in the north yet, and we don't bother anyone, today there is not a single production left in the white lake, now only those who love peace and quiet live here, and the little comrades eat, yes, he himself will die if he bites you, that's a fact, but he doesn't know about it, and it 's unpleasant for me, well... we, as usual, like real tv people, were late everywhere, we worked too long filming, so the train didn't wait for us, but we have a trolley, now we'll get to the city on it, well, let's go, listen, it's faster than some, it turns out, almost the same, why was it necessary, actually, to start trolleys here, can you, whenever you want, go to the city? on the white one itself is more convenient,
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how much does such a miracle machine cost? well , somewhere at least 50 rubles. thousand. and are there not cases when two tires, for example , go on top of each other and if this happens, what to do? well now we now give a damn about the internet, we communicate, write, sign in, who is going where. before, of course, carefully we had to go, if we met, then one friend, who was lighter, she was relieved of stress, she drove there loaded, we got back on the register and drove on. while talking, i didn't even notice how we returned back to the city. severodvinsk is famous for its shipbuilders, that's what they call it, the city of shipbuilders. but not only talented engineers live here, there are also properties in severodvinsk. hello, come in! nikolay
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sevayev, many musicians of the world play his violins. i don't have anything like that, ... something else. nikolai nikolaevich only at the age of 35, when his daughter began to learn to play the violin, learned that he had a rare gift for creating musical instruments. he needed an instrument that could only be purchased directly in moscow, when i had a salary of 80 rubles, as an artist, we paid 500 rubles for that instrument, but when i looked at how the carpentry was made, accordingly, my level was already much higher, without having a musical education, nikolai nikolaevich asked to be an apprentice to a violin maker, and now he can make any tree sing himself. what
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does it mean to hear a tree? different sounds, right? but the thickness is the same. what do you like more? the sound of the violin you play or the sound of the tree? if you start dividing, you won't get an instrument, because you have to love everything here. and how much does a violin from your hand cost today? well, from 300 thousand. now nikolai sevaev's violins are played not only by his daughter, son, granddaughter and great-granddaughter. many talented performers from all over the world prefer to play his instruments. if an artist or, therefore, the master said that he had already achieved everything, he died as a master. the arkhangelsk region has always been famous for its talented people.
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the scientist mikhail lomanosov, the writer valentin pikul, the storyteller stepan pesakhov lived here. and to this day , the talent, depth and thoroughness of the inhabitants of the russian north are the main pride of this region, fundamental and most importantly, deep in part and their feelings and perception of the surrounding world, always in a difficult moment they will not pass by, but will extend a hand, frozen, probably, yes, no, not too emotional, but if it unfreezes and look inside, you can see all the beauty of our northern soul, they are real people, they are calm, reasonable, people here do not lie, they do not take bribes. they may not smile right away, but if they smile at you, it is worth a lot, they may be so unsociable in appearance, but if you become one of their own, they will be friends for your whole life. it is not for nothing that arkhangelsk is called
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the heart of the russian north, a special, unique way of life has been preserved here, which is dictated by difficult climatic conditions, cold winters and ... a short summer defined the character of the locals, they are considered to be taciturn and stern, but their kindness, courage and ability to keep their word are admirable, you watched the life of your own, my name is evgeny krivtsov, see you as always on the first.
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evgeny kozubov, very high cuisine. i, evgeny kozubov, chef of the restaurant satatern, as well as concept chef, tratorium 540, welcome to krasnaya polyana. started in kaliningrad, but then decided that the black sea is better than the baltic from 2020 permanently lives in sochi. there is a lot in my cuisine french classic recipes in my performance, for example, eclair, where instead of sweet cream we use duck pate with
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the addition of black currant and compressed cucumber. evgeny is one of the five best chefs in the south of russia according to the national restaurant award wear eat. 2021 laureate of the award breakfast chef of the twenty-first and twenty-second years, it is generally accepted that the most delicious food is prepared in a good mood, and we are always in a good mood, because our restaurant is located in an amazing place, on 960 above sea level, mountains, air, speaker of prestigious gastronomic events gastritis and feast. evgeny kozubov, the best. among the best, i am going on this voyage with my friend and super chef andrey gryazev, nalchik cherkessk, we are leaving, andrey gryazev, culinary star
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of sochi, i am andrey gryazev, brand chef of the restaurant in fituchini and baranropan, and today i will introduce you to modern black sea cuisine. andrey is a native of the krasnodar region, he knows local products well, is proud that he understands the mentality of southerners better than anyone else. modern black sea cuisine is a mixture of traditions, cultures, peoples who live in sochi, so we use the local product and their specialties to the maximum. andrey is an annual speaker at the chef chefs forum, chef's breakfast. his project baran rapan was recognized as the best regional restaurant. russia in 2016 in 2022, and in the all-russian rating it occupies the thirtieth line. now i will prepare our signature dish, these are lamb tongues in a sweet tomato glaze with the addition of mint, baked eggplants with utskhosuneli and sumak, we decorate all this with
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cilantro, aromatic smoked suluguni. with such recipes in 2022, gryazev entered the shortlist of the best chefs of the south of russia. according to the where eat award. my secret is simple, in order to competently mix a dish of the peoples of the caucasus, you need to know their cuisine well. gryazev willingly shares his knowledge of black sea products. with participants of prestigious culinary forums visitors to his restaurant. chef gryazev, the poseidon of black sea cuisine. zhenya has been waiting for me, and i am sure that this will be an unforgettable gastronomic experience adventure. forward. andryukh, have you ever been to cherkessk? no, zhenya, i have never been to cherkessk, although we live here very close, yes close, in principle, i think, you know what needs to be done, definitely. we will definitely visit the market with you, i
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think, since this is the caucasus, there should be dombai here, walk through the alpine meadows and there will be a lot of meat, a large selection, a lot of cheeses and some fermented milk products, you know what else, my godmother lives in cherkessk, whom i have not seen for 15 years, we will definitely invite her to our futrak, she will be surprised and happy about this, cherkessk , we are coming, meet us! karachay-cherkessia is one of the smallest subjects of the russian federation. its population is approximately the same as in the city of tula. however, this republic is small, but remote. it has so many natural beauties that tourists from all over the country come here at any time of the year. getting to know the republic should begin with the capital, the city of cherkessk. our chefs are already here. we finally got to cherkessk, it's hot outside. andryukh, we chose a great place for our foot, i it seems that this is the very center, well
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, you can tell from the buildings right away, look, the philharmonic, but it seems to me that there is something to see and listen to here, olga is already waiting for us, let's go to her, let's go, let's go, cherkessk is on the kuban river, this is the very north of the republic, the foothills of the caucasus, and although most tourists go further into the mountains, the capital of karachay- cherkessia deserves to get to know it better, especially accompanied by... and a local guide. cherkessky is a cultural, administrative, industrial city of our karachay-cherkessia republic, but in general it was was founded a long time ago, in 1825, as the cossack village of batalpashinskaya. batolpasha is a turkish siraskil who came to conquer these lands in 1790. he lost the battle. he was imprisoned for 9 years, this is a case when a populated area is named not after the winner, but after the loser. ol, when we drove up to the main street,
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we noticed a beautiful building of the philharmonic, can you tell us more, maybe someone lived there? these buildings that you noticed belonged to rich people. in the philharmonic, it was a cinema, which belonged to engelgart, and films were shown there, there were also banks there, there were various clubs and so on, this is that. historical part of the city, which remained to us from the village of batalpashinskaya. and now, friends, we are with you on the territory of the church of st. nicholas the wonderworker, this is a recreated church, which was opened in 2012, the real nikolsky church was about twice as big as this one. after the revolution , an order came from moscow to destroy this church as a religious building. the first order was not carried out, but the second order came and they said, that if the temple is not demolished, then
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even the families of the leading workers will be shot, so they began to demolish the temple , the people stood and cried, moreover, many people stole the icons, when they rebuilt this temple, the icons were brought, and here, i think, two icons are kept from that temple. and now we are on the territory of the green island park of culture and recreation. behind us, you probably noticed, there is a stele called friendship of nations. ol, and what is depicted on this stele, on the ring? there are seven bas-reliefs on it, which reflect important milestones history of our peoples karachay cherkessia. and karachay cherkessia, the city of cherkessk is very multinational. and i have the most important question: what cuisine is more prevalent in cherkessk, what should i try? i would advise you on...
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national dishes. so, what are we going to treat ourselves to today? we will start with the first dish, which is called shorpa, a traditional, hot dish, there are some from ours. i will refuse shurpa, i just don’t eat baralnu, but i will try the sauce, and what kind of sauce do you serve, it is brine, it is a sauce that is drowned with meat, that is, boiled meat needs to be dipped in brine to try, zhenya, you
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don’t even know what you’re giving up, it doesn’t even smell like lamb, zhenya. i’ll believe you, just try it, and from this day on you’ll love varenyna, i tried it, i can’t say anything yet, a very tasty soup, the lamb is tender, soft, it melts in your mouth, well, you liked it, i really liked it, okay, the next dish, fatty butter, you look, you can’t spoil porridge with butter, that’s right, yes, that’s the case, it’s mashed potatoes with homemade cheese, look, look, look, look, homemade cheese, i absolutely liked everything about this dish, it's delicious, the butter here didn't spoil this dish at all, i really liked the dish, you can sit and play with it like a child, now i want to offer you nogai tea, this is
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a green tea tile, yeah, which is brewed, seasoned with cream, a little salt and a little black pepper, it needs to be... eaten with lakums, these are empty donuts, it is eaten with homemade sour cream and honey, and here is the traditional holiva, when i was a child my grandmother i made pies, gave them sour cream and honey, that 's it, in short, it took me back to my childhood, it was very tasty, no, i was touched, it was just like i was taken back to my childhood, imagine, my mother didn't bake such donuts, you know, they cut them like this, wrap them up, like... yeah, yeah, here's one, just - like a kind of brushwood, only the dough is soft, yeah, such a fluffy dough, yeah, that's it, i calmed down, thank you very much, you fed me to the brim, just, well, there's another reason to come to us, because as you understand, this is a tenth of our kitchen,
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you are not prepared for such a simple volume of food, get ready, come, we will be glad. 100 km from cherkessk is the most famous place of the republic, this is the ski and mountaineering center dambay, many hotels and cable cars have been built here. the village of dombay itself is located at an altitude of 1,600 m. but the chefs conquered 3,000 on the ski lift. shamil, good afternoon, salam aleikum, guys, welcome, glad to meet you in dombay. dombay is the calling card of korochayev cherkesiya, but all the best awaits us ahead. we by the time we got here, we fainted three times,
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the beauty is simply indescribable. is this your first time at such a height? it is here on the territory of the teberda national park that they breed the bison, where they are so freely accessible , the szychny ob gorge, when we climbed up here, we saw a lot of mountain rivers, how many in total? here, in the north caucasus, 172 large and small rivers originate here, as far as i know, the largest river in the krasnodar territory originates from here, and the kuban river, you know, when you drive into the krasnodar territory, i tell the guys, when children drink milk from the breast of the same mother, they are milk brothers, and you and i drink water from the same river,
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so we are also kindred spirits, guys, of course kuban unites us, dombay is associated with a ski resort, and in the summer what are the most popular routes for tourists? firstly, there are hiking routes, there are horse routes, we organize jeeping, on quad bikes, on paragliders, there are such combined routes, we climb the pass on horses, and then the horses are taken out, and we go down on foot in another completely different gorge and thus we can say that here... if we look directly, yes, there is such a transverse mountain, it is called the sleeping beauty sulahad, if we imagine that a girl lay down there, yes, she threw her hair
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back, folded her arms on her chest, yes , she folded her arms, yes, and next to it on the left side is the alebek glacier, this is the largest glacier in western europe, and thus we have a picture of the main caucasian ridge. ends with the peak of dombai olgen, its height is 4.48 m, so the guys, having arrived here at any height, you can stand for hours, tell, yes, we will not waste time with you, we will go to another location, there is reason to believe that a new provocation is being prepared, colleagues, please, a minute of attention, i would like to introduce you to dr. eugene willowstone from boston, what else do we know about this man? he is from the central intelligence agency, by the end of the month we will have irrefutable evidence that iraq is developing chemical weapons, now you are a real friend to them, a hero, they
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will not refuse you anything, you must use moment, marry me, iraq needs weapons, arrange for the delivery of at least ten anti-aircraft machine guns and no one will say a word against your wedding, you are dating me solely for the sake of your career, are you? baranasa, your target, swiss general henri guzon, hitler is ready for war, it is about to start, there are strangers in our village, two men
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in a black mercedes, i think they are interested in you, you will come with us, most likely you will be sent to the gulag, duels, the illegal life of colonel rybkina on saturday on the first, when i started writing, it was as if i was resurrected, i worked under my maiden name voskresenskaya, all my books were for children, i did not write a single line about foreign intelligence, which gave 25 years of life, in the new season on the first, well, tell me, is it possible to do business in my city without me, you komolov, oleg viktorovich,
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and so everything looked convincing.
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circassia and is located on the slopes of the main caucasian ridge. these are not only mountains and glaciers, these are also forests, meadows and a huge number of rivers and waterfalls. in the reserve you can take a jeep tour, the chefs did so. both! they drove to the murudzhu river in a jeep, which is famous for its crystal clear water. but even by car you won't see all the beauty of the reserve in one day, because it occupies. more than 100,000 hectares, so you'll have to change transport.
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wow, so our journey begins, oh my, i have no words at all. of course, i'm completely shocked by the beauty of dombay , 2400, speed 140 right now there are shabaydak lakes and now we'll go higher from that side then you can come with tents , yes, of course, we'll come, that's all , tourist routes, roads, everything is going up yes maybe only by helicopter.
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argey, it was super, it was cool, brace yourself, now it will be brutal again , no, please, this is such hysterical laughter, just yu, it was not scary, don't think
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that i was scared, these are tears from this, these are generally tears of happiness, very cool, there are simply no words, cold! there are 157 lakes in the teberda nature reserve, most of them appeared in the secret of glaciers and are located at an altitude of over 2 thousand meters. the water is cold, but so transparent that it is difficult to resist and not swim. no, come on, i i can just do it, come on, come on, 1, 2, 3, i
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'll remember this for you, oh, great water, you shouldn't have refused, yeah, okay, you bathed for me, well done, cool, the natural beauty distracted our chefs from their main mission, but seeing the slope... they remembered that they came to the republic to study the products. a local farmer happily talks about the specialties of karachay-cherkessia. khurman, what is the name of this breed of sheep? karachay fat-tailed breed. and how does this breed differ from ordinary sheep? fat-tailedness, endurance. she is unpretentious. and how many do you have here ? what is the herd size? how many people
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does it take to manage such a quantity of sheep, well, in the winter my son and i, my son oslan, keep them together, and in the spring we hire people, there are 34 people, 34 people are quite on time, does it happen that you go to the post-sheep farm for the summer, you have 2,000 heads, come back there, for example, one will be missing, well, or two, no, it happens, sometimes 20 heads, and the beast leaves and... look, look what it is , and i don’t know why it has four horns, allah creates them like that, well, he very cool now often in karashal breed such are born let's not
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torture the animal? let him go, no, that's it , run, kurman, thank you very much for showing this breed, in the summer we will definitely come, we will go with you to herd sheep, you are always happy, thank you to us, for a week or at least for three months we will go. right away, yes, yes, even more local products can be seen at the city market, early in the morning, the chefs begin their direct duties. zhenya, well, finally we are at the market, have you thought of what you will cook? yes, i have an idea, i, i'll probably make tongues and lamb and khachin, that's bold, and what will you make? i... i'll probably make a dessert, well, an unusual dessert with cucumber and herbs, and since karochayeva cherkessia is the birthplace of kefir, i'll add fermented milk products to it, i think we should also make lemonade, i think that would be really great, well, then let's go, yeah, let's go, come on, hello, tell me, do
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you have sour cream that's really fatty, so fatty that a spoon can stand up, no, please, try it... i'll probably need to, a kilogram of this sour cream, please, good trade to you, now i need kefir or ayran, as you know, yes to our ayran, let's try, mm, how sour, that's what we need, i'll probably take a bottle from you, thank you, no change, have a good day, hello, and do you have tongues, yes , please, from our karochenskaya breed of lamb with yakenyayu. takes first place in the world, excellent, can you tell me how best to cook, well, to really surprise the residents, their boiling water from the first bed, i remove this skin, onion, salt, pepper, seasoning for shashlik, okay, well give me 5 kg, okay,
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leave 600, leave it, let it be three, thank you, thank you very much, hello, i saw you had a big line here, so everything here is very tasty, right? and can i try, of course, what i need, yes, one and a half kilograms, yes, yes, of course, what are you going to do with them, i'll make cucumber ice cream, i've never heard of that , haven't heard of it, haven't tried it, no, by any chance do you have mint, of course not, yes, it's an excellent aroma, i'll take a bunch, and what am i weighing, i want in a gift to you to give, that's it, have a nice day, we also have testicles. there are blue ones for the first time, you see, these are the kind of hens we have in karachay-cherkessia they call dominants like ordinary testicles, these are young hens that have laid eggs, these are the kind we have , i've been working as a chauffeur for a long time, but this is the first time
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i've seen such testicles, i'll definitely take them , please tell me how to choose a watermelon correctly, in general, you need a girl, what you 're holding is a boy, it's a boy, and our girl will be bigger, yes, and how do you... understand, chooses a boy, who understands, chooses a girl, thank you very much, ways, boys, if everyone wants girls, someone is not a pussy, well, that's it, i'm taking you home, and this is love, oh, dzhenka, oh, andryukha, great, look at this, i hope this is not for the lousy ones, no, no, no, this is purely i am touched here. gives. the chefs were convinced that you can buy excellent products at the cherkessk market. but what dishes do the residents of karachay cherkessia make from them? to answer this question, the chefs go to the richy family restaurant on parkovaya. i want
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to introduce you to our cheeses from our own cheese factory, soft cheese, semi-hard cheeses, cottage cheese. try it, help yourself. chef, why did you start making cheese yourself? cheese is a product in our region, very popular. and we kind of decided that producing it is much more profitable and interesting, very cool, zhan, try this cheese, very tasty, yeah, very cool when a restaurant has its own cheese production, wow, you guys are great, really great, i tried semi-hard cheeses, yes, this is a very cool analogue to imported cheeses, like, well, i think that in terms of quality we are not inferior, guys, now i want to introduce you to the soup, zhenya, your soup is called shorpa, it is prepared from black karachai lamb , your soup is called dzhirna soup with cereals, two types of beans, corn, dried meat, and why is it so white, with milk, cream, i don’t like lamb at all, but here
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in cherkeska i definitely like it, you just get an a from me for preparing lamb, specifically black, it is a very interesting soup, it has a very interesting texture. i see white corn added to soup for the first time, a peculiar specific taste, but in fact it is very interesting, yes, surprised, very tasty, thank you, uh... two types of pies, we call it khachin, yeah, with meat, this is fried, and this is baked, and these are lamb tongues from the same lamb, well, i'm ready for black lamb, i fell in love with this animal, zhen, it seems to me that now you will swallow your tongue, yes indeed, i will swallow my tongue, i didn't understand something about lamb, or it was cooked incorrectly for me, i have never tried such tender tongues anywhere, this is very
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cool, so, well, let's get down to khochins, i immediately have a question, what are karachay khochins different from others, karachaevskie khochins are a fluffy dough, eh, lots of filling, for example, balkarian khochens, this is a thin dough, it is like pancakes in thickness, very tasty, thank you very much, khamit, we ate our fill and would like to ask you for one favor, could we... use your kitchen to prepare our preparations, of course, with pleasure, thank you very much, jack, well, we are in our element, let's start cooking, my hands are already itching to make something, i have lamb tongues, i will make with khochen, i finally decided make a dessert, sarbet with light cream, with refreshing granite. this will be the top, i will start
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making khochens, i will take flour, we will sift it, to saturate the flour with oxygen, then add, andryu, look, homemade eggs, i will put four, and for khachans i took an iron, we take warm water, a little sugar, mix it all, let the yeast disperse a little, pour everything, i will start kneading the dough, i will now put the ayran to drain, to separate the whey, our mass has become a little thicker, this mass will go to us sorbet, we'll cover it all up and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, and while our ayran is draining, i'll squeeze out some juice for our sherbet, i squeezed out some cucumber juice, i'll make some granite, granite is frozen colot and fruit ice, i'll pick some leaves off our mint and... torhuna, we'll start making the broth, we'll take the onion,
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carrot, and throw it in boiling water and take the spices, we're doing an experiment, cilantro , melisuneli, allspice, dogwood, barberry, the water has boiled, we throw in our tongues, the secret spice is mountain thyme, after the water boils, we set the timer for 3 hours so that our tongues... turn out soft, tender and tasty, my leaves are ready, now i'll squeeze out some lemon juice, mix our base for granite, my juice is ready, i need exactly half a liter, add some sugar here, water , our leaves, and what an aroma, that's it, all i have left to do is punch it, strain it, put it in the freezer, freeze, zheka, zheka, yes, andryukh, i need you to hold the sieve, and i... well, how are things with you guys here, can i
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help with something? can i ask your guys to clean it hazelnuts? sure. and now i'll break our homemade eggs and we'll boil the yolks with sugar and add our sour cream. and we'll get a simply amazing cream. it's been 2 hours since our tongues have been boiling, i'll start throwing tomatoes in there. after the tongues are boiled, we'll boil our broth down by half, we'll beat it to one. we'll put it in the freezer, and tomorrow we 'll beat it in a special ice cream maker, in principle the tongues have literally an hour left to boil, my dough has risen and... i'll distribute it into portions, the greens are ready, in principle i've managed to do everything, i
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absolutely free, andryukh, we still have a little time left, and since we are in karachay-cherkasia, i suggest you ride the karachay horses, what do you think, with pleasure, with pleasure, with pleasure, let's go, magamayev is me, what is it, you can handle it, that they don't believe that it's me, when the artist goes on stage for...
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because first of all they heard each other, i thank him every morning, every evening, every day, every minute, every second for giving me all this, for muslim magamayev's birthday, today on first, in the new season on the first, we were auditioned for the grachev choir today, great, yura , you. you definitely need to sing, come on, don't sing, what a unique gift you have, you hit such notes, what an upstart you think you are, varka, it's you, don't you recognize me or something, it's me, andryukha, that means your life is a success, you have everything that soviet women don't even dare to dream about, what does that mean,
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you don't take a guy just because he doesn't know notes, in order to get official choir status, you need to have at least 50. kharistov, you are accepted, from today you begin a new life, i have this choir, we would never have met, i will see you with this person again, i will tell my father everything, you are mine, you are my wife, what do you need, give me back these 15 years, i thought everything was easy, i wanted fame, remember, gorachev and his choir should not be on the song of the year. sing so that the sun rises. choir. premiere of the multi-part film. soon, on the first. karachay-cherkessia and love for horses - these are, one might say, synonyms. traditions of horse breeding on these lands originated before our era. at the beginning of the 19th
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century, there were 26 stud farms here. unfortunately, such diversity is already in the past, but also... now tourists can ride the legendary circassian horses, have you ever ridden horses, yes i have, but i'm generally afraid of them, wow, cool, i want to do the same, i think you can do it, hi, guy, very nice, very nice, nice, guys, we wanted to introduce you to our stallions and geldings of the karachay breed. osman, and tell me, please, what are they different from other horses? they have a large croup, a large head and relatively short legs. yes, i noticed that they are much, well , lower than other horses. yes, this allows them to climb high into the mountains, where climbers get ranks, we ride these stallions imilino. also, their hooves,
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the hoof rock is slightly different than other horses, it is harder, they are like a cup. yes, that is, so that it is more comfortable. and here is the respiratory system. they are different horses, where trees do not grow 30 this more, they are already there is not enough oxygen, our horses are calm, and even climbed to the highest point of europe in 1998-99 korochalskaya breed of horses climbed elbrus, oh andrey evgeniy, look, legs forward, heels down, throw your back back, relax tas and go , hit the bugs, from here you hit the sides and back. everyone let's go, let's go, come on, come on, come on, let's go, oh, where did i go, where did i go, come on, come on, tu-tu-tu, come on, well done, andrey, i'm overtaking you, this is my first time, imagine, class, and so, beautiful,
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let's go, andrey, look, our horses. all-terrain vehicles 4x4 on rocks, on mountains, on rivers, let's ride along the river, come on, come on, come on, well done, opa, opa, andrey, evgeny, you are real zhigits, i wanted to give you gifts, you don't have enough papakhas, thank you, thank you very much, so now andrey with a popaha, be sure to get up to the prey, more, like this, one more time, come on, handsome, you've accepted the dzhegitas. if a chef has been accepted as a zhigit, then
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he must demonstrate super skill at the culinary battle, the next morning our chefs head to the food truck. let's fry some flatbreads on a hot frying pan, after that i will start making lemonade, and you will also help me with the greens. okay. look how i will do it, well, delicious, andryukha, very delicious, the guests have already gathered, andrey, let's go greet them quickly, let's go to... hello serka, hello, today i will prepare for you
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a dish of khochiny with lamb tongues, i called it tongues you will swallow, i really liked your mountains, your alpine meadows, your natural dairy products, and i have prepared for you an unusual dessert, it will be cream from homemade sour cream, frozen ayran with cucumber and granite of mint and tarragon, called it all the summer mountains of dombai, dear guests, i am doubly pleased to be in your city, because my godmother lives here, whom i have not seen for a long time, i hope that you are hungry enough, we have everything ready, andrey, let's run to the futra, let's run , let's run. guys, come on, dear guests, we are ready, shamil, hello, hello, hello,
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okay, thank you very much for the tour, we are still in shock from dombai, we really liked it, try it quickly, until it has cooled down and it didn't melt faster, good afternoon, guys, cooks on wheels, i am also a restaurateur of the city of cherkeska, it is doubly pleasant. to see here to try your food, thank you very much , here you go, help yourself, my godmother is coming, now i am ready to surprise her, hello, hello, hello, try how you cook, because probably only mom told you, that's right, tongues melt in the mouth, this is his talent, it seems to me, to cook, not everyone can do it, and at home i definitely don't cook like that, here is some ice cream, such an interesting combination cucumber, here are some sprinkles, like on cakes, it's very tasty. i liked khychin the most because its crusts are very crunchy, it's very pleasant to give birth to them in the mouth,
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our horsemen are coming, guys, hi, guys, how are you, our horsemen, everything is fine, delighted, delighted, here you go, enjoy your meal , thank you, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, we are very happy about your arrival, how happy we are to see you, we constantly watch yours. thank you very much, ol, here you go, try it, enjoy your meal! i really liked khychin, it's airy, i'm not a fan of tongues, but they are actually very tender. the sauce turned out to give such a specific bright taste, i would like to highlight the ice cream separately, because this unusual taste of frozen
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ayran, i can’t even say that this is ice cream, such a full-fledged dessert that can be safely served, i think our establishments should take note of this, if i were a child, i would give my vote to you, it was tarragon that gave this freshness, the idea with cucumber ice cream, you are of course crazy, very tasty, andryukha, handsome, i almost tongued didn't swallow, zhenya, that's the most important thing, the tongues are very tender, the spices give their own original note, which we haven't tried here, and thus, i think that the tongues will take first place, come on, i think there will be friendship, now we'll go and see, i really liked the hot one, godson, you surprised me,
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the house is a cake, where there will be ayran and so on , everything is on ayran, i honestly laughed a little to myself, i tried it, i admit, i was wrong, it's very cool, they wanted to surprise everyone, you kept your word, thank you, you surprised us, well, friends, let's go vote for our dish, i'll probably
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vote for khychin, it was very, thank you very much. ayran was great, well, i tried tongues for the first time, thank you, guys, everything was delicious, wonderful, i couldn't decide for a long time who to vote for, but zheka, sorry, andrey, come on! let's go, let's count our votes, let's go, i have 20 votes, and i have 19, i lacked exactly one vote for a tie, friends, i don't care about winning, your warm smiles, your hospitality are enough for me, i fell in love with your region,
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thank you very much, thank you, thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you very much, but it's time for us to move on, we're going to nalchik, so, today the program featured two main attractions of karachay-cherkessia: the dombai mountains and the khichin flatbreads, evgeny's flatbreads won, andrey, well, how about... your cherkessk, zhenya, i'm delighted, the republic is great, the people are just hospitable, they fed us, we rode helicopters, remember, it was absolutely incredible, and the horses, you just can't imagine what emotions i had, and the most important thing is that we tried a lot of interesting dishes fed our guests, class, that's it, let's go to nalchik, let's go.
12:00 pm
hello, on channel one there's a news release, in the studio is maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. how the challenger is burning - another british tank was hit from the air on the border of the kursk region, and for the militants of the armed forces of ukraine, salvation is the shaky volga, because if they retreat like hail on...


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